Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 05, 1905, Image 8

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    f > 5 AtLHTM 0MOCR'f
I. v : .RISE EDiva
Mutual companies pay JOH JCS hi ju.i ,
ft * Afecptmt - I. M. KICK , Agent.
Absolutely Pure
Notice to Creditors.
L STATK or NKHKAHKA i In the County
lutbo matter of the estate of Christopher C.
iiranhan , deceased :
To ( be creditors of said estate :
You ar hereby notified. That I will sit at the
County Ceurt Room In Valentine in said county
w the Utb-day of.January , 1 05 at 10 o'clock a
ft. to receive arid examine all claims against
9&IQ citate , with a view to their adjustment and
fcllmvaoce. TJie time limiterl for ttie presenta-
on of claims against said estate is the 14 dav of
JfcBiiary A. I ) . 1905 and the time limited for pay-
KOt ot debts is one year from said ICth day of
June 1904.
1904.Witness my hand an < i the seal of sn
SEAL Countyourt tnis2lntday of December
v 1804 , - - W. R TOWNK ,
4 * 4 " County Judge ,
In the Dirtrjpt.Court of Cherry Coun-
. ty , Nebraska.
Tn the matter of the adoption of Joseph Mon
roe Hudson , a minor child.
All personintersted wl'l take notice that or
hf 22ud da > of Iedeuilief.l904 JaiiesVT.Hudson
rd wie tiled th'eir iMitin i r th adoption of
Hid Joseph Monroe Hud o > > and that matter
will De heard byhe County Court at the 'otmty
Court Room ia said county .n the 23th day of
January l'J05 at 10 o'clock a m. . at which time
and place objections to said proposed .tdopiion
will be heard. It is further ordered tlut servi j
f this notice be had by publication of tho same
ac.h week for four successive weeks In the
Valentino Democrat , a newspaper printed iu
Mid county
Witness my hard and official seal this 5th day
* of January , 1905.
> 514 County Judge.
rder of H earing and'otire on Petit-
i n for'ttutt lenient i t'Account.
In the County Court of Cherry County Neb
To the heirs and to all persons interested in
the Mtaienf Mary A. Mcuermott , deceased :
O * readingthe petition of Francis Mci'ermott
praying a tinal settlement and allowance of hi
account tilt d in this court on the 33th day of
December 1904.
It IP hereby ordered that you , and all per-
Mns i t rcsted in siid matter , may , and do. ap
pear tbeiUonuty Court to be held in and for
aid county pn the 14th day of January. A D.1905
t 19 'clock a. m. , to show cause , if any there
b&.v.hy tire prayerof the petitioner should not
be trranted , and that notice of the pendency of
aid petition and that the hearing thereof be
nK--n to all persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copj * ot this Order iu the Valentine
Democrata weekly newspaper printed in said
county for three successive weeks prior to said
y of hearing ,
50 3 County Judge.
Notice ttf , on-Resident Defendants.
X ) Stella's : Billiard. S. A Ramplin , Mrs. S. A.
Xkinpliu and S. J. Gaynorc ( ti'sr. and real names
unknown ) non-resident , defendants :
You. and each of you. will take notice that on
th ? 19th day of December , 1904. Adell S. Curtis ,
p'aintiff ' herein , filed her petition in the district
uourt of Cherry county , Nebraska , against Stella
B. Kutlard. S. V. Rampiin. Mrs. S A. Ramplin.
8 J. Gaynore , ( first and real names unknoun ) ,
Svull Bros , ami William stull. trustee lor Loufo
Stull. defendants , the object and prayer
r i"which. . arft to foreclose a certain mort-
fcr.fxecutfd bj Stephen L. James
ar. l Vlrgintar .lumcs uponot Four and the
Southeast quarter oj the S-mtuwest quarter of
Srctton Nineteen and lot One and the Morth-
east quarter-'of the'Xorthwe-.t quarter of Section
Thlitr. all Twmty-five. north , of
Range Thirty-two west of the 6lu P. M. iu Cher
ry county. Nebraska , which in > rtiragc wis given
t secure the payment of a cirtalu proml-sory
in tc dated Viycmher first. 188i > for the sum of
$300. andduc ndpajablo to L nis Stull or order
* n .lADuaryfir-t , 1895. whi--h note and mortgage
w w du y. a > > sigiied by the ld Louis Sinn in
Dec -mb.-r.1889t Ward & Cobb and by them
n signed and transferred to Triscilla Brown
nnd therenfter was bv her tninsferred to the
pl-iititilt herein , who is now thf sole owner if
raid indehtedness and the mortgage securing
the Bain"Chat In order to protect the said
mortgage lien the owuer of said note ai d mort
gage didpay the taxes levieu and as-eased
against saiu premiseJor the yenr18DO. . 1891 ,
1X32 , l&tt aUd 1894 , and that ny virtu of said HS-
Ignment lit suid uote and mo'tgfige the said
plaintiff oecaniethe o\v uer of all nghta obtained
bj rirtue of the pa meot of snid taxes , and
which taxfs are also secured by said mortgage.
That there is now due upon said note and
jnorlg.ige Aod for taxes the. .sum of Eight hun-
dn-d twelve and thiiteen-hundreth dollars , for
which sum.-with in ereet from December 15th.
J > 04 the plaintiff pntv.s f > r A decree that de
fendants be rcqu-rje * to pny the sanin ; the
interesr. or lien > f each and all of said defend
ants be lound to be jtiinor and inferior to that
otthe plaiditli , th. t the proceedings upon which
the satd Stella S. Buliard claims title to said
premises 6e declared to be void in so far as the
aame mav'alTect the riuhts of said plaintiff ; and
tlut if the ( merest or lien of said - > tella a. Bui.
lard be found to be superior to Uiatof plaintiff ;
tbnt this pkiinti/T / be permitted to redeem tho
same. antHn case-Uie amun-ir totuid to be due
thy plaintiff with interest anJ costs is not paid
j t H time 4o be lixtid by the court that said
promises fie sold 'to satisfy the amount " found
to be due. < "
You. and'eacli of 'on. are required to answer
raid pi'tlttpu on or before the ao h day of . ) anu-
8'-- . li or . ;
j ati-d Dtcember 10th , 1904.
f i'latnUff ,
49i Her Attorney.
IH'P-A-N'S Tabulcs
' - Doctors find
Agood prescription
For mankind
The 5-ccntJckage s enough for usual occas
t'.siis. Thn family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a
c tpply for year. All druegints sell them.
. /
Eairny Notice.
Takt'ti npl'vMie nndi-is'gnd ' at my
tiie INi.ibrra Rlv r , about uhiM mi Hss
of Valentino. Nebraska one d rk red . t < ier , f
} cars o'd past bratide * ' on riglit side , blotched
Dated at Valentine this 22nd d y of nK-om-
b r. 10M. 4P 5 .JOHN 8KD ACI'K
Stock ommii'Mioi
TO SHJ PI S. \v - v..ll ie P'HI ' ; ed t-
i > enu with uiir c"ni.liinents | our market re
port or the Joutnal-Stockman to all parties
who contemplate shipping stock this season.
Write to us and we will be glad to keey you
posted on the market. By good sales and
courteous treatmen our customers have be
come our best solicitors Shipment * to us
receive most careful attention. Give us a
trial and become convinced.
Signed : KALMTOX & FO.\I > A ,
( Incorporated. )
OnlyDouble Track
iH'.twrvit JlittMum-i
ami C'lilvai/o.
Direct tine to St Panl-31initenp-
Direct line to It lack Hills.
t ° nearrut agent for rate *
and time cards.
Weather Bureau
The following data , covering a per
iodoflo years , have been compiled
from the Weather Bureau records at
Valentine. Nebr. They are issued to
show the conditions that have pre
vailed , during the month in question
for the above period of years , but
must not be construed as a forecast
for the weather conditions tor the
coming month.
Mean or normal temperature 17 °
The warmest month was that of
1900 with an average of 31 °
The coldest month was that of 1890
with an Average of 11 °
The highest temperature was 68 °
on the 30 , 1892.
The lowest temperature was 38 °
on the 24 , 1894
The earliest date on which first kill
ing frost occurred in autum , Sept. 12.
Average date on which first killing
frost occurred in antum , Sep 18.
Average date on which last killing
frost occurred in spring , May 9
The latest date on which last killing
frost occurred in spring , June 21.
PRECIPITATION ( rain or melted snow )
Average for the month 0 57 inches
Average number of days with .01 of
an jnch or more , 8.
The greatest monthly precipitation
was 1 27 inches in 1889.
The least monthly precipitation
was 0.00 inches in 19"0.
The greatest amount of precipita
tion recorded in any 24 consecutive
hrs.wat 0 37 inches on the 31,1894.
The greatest amount of snowfall
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours
( record extending to winter of 1884-85
only ) was 37 inches on the 15-16 , 1901.
Average number of clear days , 15 ;
partly cloudy , 8 ; cloudy , 8.
The prevailing winds have been
from the NW.
The average hourly velocity of the
wind is 10 miles.
The highest velocity of the wind
was 60 miles from the NW on the 7 ,
Official in charge Weather Bureau.
P'vrtoffice address
Cody , Nebraska
On left
side. Hor
ses left
Range north
Cutcomb Lake
I'ostotttce atidre
Hyanms , Neb
lirauded on lelt side
Range eighteen miles
north of Ovannis
Postofflce address
hyannls , Neh
On right side
on loft
also cattle
on right side
Range 18 miles
north of H anni
A'len & Sons
Ft Nlobrara.
Brand registered
No 870
Horses branded
on left , hip
Range , Nlobrara
river 12 miles ea tj
of Valentine
-tint and tiur
-H nrcnded on
' i mtir or qh-ml
< \r <
rKrnuc register
"ii KKU
Kailgt * 12111'le-
> JlWMt of
VI. rrln-ai on t -
V "liraH river.
Kaime Nortli ui
Niotmint river.
J. W. Stetter ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Florse.s branded :
X , - < or + on
lett shoulder ; O lot't thitrh. Range on
Hoantman , Oordon. Snake and Sand Creek.
P TI. Young
Simeon. Xebr
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
Some Qyon left
on left Jaw of
V horses.
Rang on Gordo > Cre--k north of Simeon ,
Sandy Williams.
Merrlmau. Nehr
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side
Horses same on
left shoulder
runge Lake
YPflk. 8. D.
D. A. Hancock
Marshall , Mo. or
Simeon. Nebraska
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut ;
itlso 16 on left side
with . on left hip of
some cattle ; also S4f
on right side Horse
brand , rake < tvd 16
on left shnulde'-
hip Z on left jaw
Hornranch uu
Oewey Lake. Range on Nlobrara River , east oi
Fort NiobFara : all in Cherry County. Nebraska
St. Francis Mission
Postoffice address : Crookston. Nebr , or
Rosebud , S. D.
Cattle branded
as in cut ,
some cattle in
S M b ram led onl )
on lett hip.
R..nge : North
if the Minnecha-
duza , 8 miles west
lot Crookston , and
'on ' Bull Creek.
Any information regarding cattle branded as
above will be thankfull } re eivwl by Wm Skelly.
rrookeUra , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Rose
bud , S. D ,
J. H. Lord
Mmeon Net
Stock brandeii
- anilas cut back Mf
right shoulder and
on right hip
Range OB 'the
F.V JiTsig
Valentine. .Nehr
Cattle branded as
shown ; in cut on
left side , loin or
oetweeu the "Cordon and Snake
south of the Niobrara river
Catr e brandeii
same as cut ; also
sonic branded
\ Jlefthip \
O P Jordan
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
tame aa cut : also
OJ HH fI on rtjrnt
liaiiire on Oak and
Rutte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands
G.K. S
I'ostofflce address
( 'odv ,
rattle branded as on
uutonleft side , hiji
and shoulder ;
Kange , Snake Cree.k
J. J. Peck.
Cody , Nebr.
On both ides.
Horses on
left thigh.
Range Head Pass
Creek. S. D
Parmelee Battle Co
as cut < m teftMde
withtr'i . d-r
I. ft | , , ,
Range ou Soldier creek
Horse * ou ieit
P I UrackeM
Riege , Nebr.
Brand Registered
Brand right side
ir hip
Horses same on
rmht shoulder
Range , Niobrura
B miles south of
'Jar ' * .
Merriman. Nebr
On lioth side and
hip. Herd mark
i ft shoulder
Range Lake
Creek and Little
\Vhite River.
Simeon Net )
Stock branded
with 7 tin left lii |
ilso same as cut
Range between
Gordon and Snake
creeks and on thn
Viobrara rivtjr
Krownlee. Neb
Cattle on left
side : horses same
in left Hhouidflr
Range Four
miles northeast of
D. M. Sears
Kennedy. Nebr
Cattle branded
43 on cutleft side
on left hip
Horses same on
eft shoulder.
Range Square
Chi Psi Cattle Co.
Edward Lewis , foreman.
Wood Lake , Nebr.
Cattle branded as
in cut on riuht side.
Rimjre : "miles east
of Simeon on f'ronin
Woodlake Neb
John Kuan's
p ivtae mark slit
ti > left HH
V\ h. Jialey
Brand registereti
No 200
Range in ssharp.i
Rauch and Gorman
precincts 6 mPf'
of Kilgoro
H Littlo.
Mernmaxi , Ne
On either side
Horses same on
hip Also
Range Lake Creek
Gordon , Nebi.
Cattle bnnderi
name as cut on
left sitfe.
Horses „ _
branded jj5
on left { , '
, 6 mile"
south of
Poctofflce address
Branded as on cut
Rango two
north of Gregory
P. C. & M. O. Metzger.
Mer riman Nebniska.
Cattle branded on
leftside ; Horses
branded on loft
tli'gb ,
some art-
left si ie.
jn Snake 35 miles so itli of ATerriman , Others
aneeSmilesn nhwestof Merriman.
Charles Eichards.
Merrttnan. N-b
\ U rt i.
I \lr , U .
HII" iii ' ' " 1 'H e'
SHl - : l . ' tlip. lint "
left nnit'd'r "f l" > i
sea. AIi > K5M on
left side
F 4 on left side.
t | > X OM 'eft fde and
- > n 1ft hip.
p ou left jaw and left shoulder of
LUQ on left hip of horses.
R M Faddish Co
Po-roflloe address Valentine or K
Some bratw * "
H'-n eft thigh
Hiistottire address
Cody , Nebraska
ft side of cat-
Range , uurth and
south of N'iobrare
verl'2-miles south
west of Cody
[ Some on left
George Heyrie
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Hanue north and
south of Cutcomb
l ake in Cherry Co
G. W. McFarland
ValenM e , Nebr
Cattle branded
as in cut on left
Old stock 2Y
Range : four
mjles east of Fort
Niobi-ara , north
and south of
C. E
Valentine Nt-or.
Sol : \
.It !
i , ittto
' ft thigh 01 lii |
lame as cu
Horse omnil
same on tbe left
Morey &
Oortlon , Nebr.
Brand registered
2292. On left hip
of cattle. Corse.1-
same left should
er , also
left side.
RangeSouth of
Snake 35 miles
HP nf ( Cordon
Robert Quisenbery
Po-stoffice address
Simeon , Nebr.
K left hip on
Y cattle.
Horses same on
right shoulder.
Rantre on Snake
Jos. Bristol
Valentin , Xebr.
Range on Nlo
brara rivnr four
miles east of Ft
riorsos and
connected -
'eft hip orul
* hown iu cut
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , s. D.
Cattle tiranded
SOS on left side
Someattl ; aiso
_ _ Some T\-as
tattle b anued < un it-it 8doand s
> n lelt side.
lor es branded SOS on loft hip. Some .v i.r
irandetl AW bar counefie I on both sid s and
of' hlri of
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr. r
rn re
o :
111IInrti3 Ik. ot |
pit - < h Mttit r 01116
Vfj sMn
- inin ! <
if CUM'
Range 10 miles r-v ,
s. MI th of Merri
man or. f he Nio
Postofflce address
" ' okston. Nb
Cattle branded PE
onIrhir hip 01
right side.
Horses PK on left
Range On Mi'ipe-
' 3 5
east 0 , Cro
1-i s * itn ! L aodrt-sa
I'm ni.tnei
aim braned a ou
' at ; h ir es braiideit
- .MnfHnttle except
Range St e ver ?
< * ud Stepheneon
' nke HIM ! South
? . eard wiiitu * paid to any person for in-
' n.i.ition inaiiini ; to the wrer and conyictinr
> fU.pel'Sul T | u r ji ' > w wT : ililll. ' , 'Httl * " witb li
Cody. Nebraska
iJ either aide cattle
hfcrimark-lelt ear
and rit'ht oa !
on left 8h"biTk'fir
on Nio ara"
D. stinard
/alentlne , Nebr
State Brand reg
istered 16i > 4.
battle and horses
Branded same as
' ut on left hip.
Kauge 2
etst of Pt. Mo-
Land and Feeding Co.
artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Troas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
Kango betv/eei
> ordon ua the FE.
% M \ . R R au
tt R in Northwestern
H \ HTl K" " RlOH * KI > g. .n
Cr >
Branded , > > . lelt
1..IH'nth't ; in
Ir -high
K 'Liu. ii Gor-
< llt'l
tfi'titt' < i tij , < 5 will be paid to any
n ror information leading to the arrest. anS
na' conviction of am person nr { v = r inna r al.
.or 'art'i m-J , < .J . . 0 > l4 ri-
Gordon , Nebr
Cattle branded
on left side a . tu
cut , 6-iiich bo ,
and 2ii-inch circle
Brand registered
br ed
iteft SllOUl-i
'der. '
inch circle , l-in
box Registered 878. Range 6 miles south of
invin on Isiobrara nver.
I'ostoffice address
Pullman , Neb
Branded on left hip ;
Dorses same Herd-
Range south
-Hht of Drush Bill
Hyanuis. Neb
nght bide and blp
Vi i >
n rijrht side and hip
on right hip
PulIniHn , N
a tl tiranded JY
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Ketsonabie reward
for any inf < rni3rion
leading to t.he re-
cuverj of cattle
strayed from my
J.F. JSwain.
Sparks , Nebr.
attle branded on
ft side as shown
Range South
f Sparks on Nio-
rara river.