Morp ! ocaJ. ( le J. C ( / . Cor.-et , the. best , et made , at Mrs. Ehnore's. " ' / Wm. Walters is sick at George wel 's place in thevest purt K town. Jay Morey has been he Judge Towne in copying records in his office the past week. j Al Thacher has been very sick the past few days. We hope to re- ? port him getting along better next \veek. Geo. Gaskili and his father , Bud Gaakill were in town today. The latter is complaining some of rheumatism. Ed Clark and R. GEasley have formed a partnership for the prac tice of law and have their office over the Red Front. The county commissioners are in session this week attending to county affairs. Yesterday they went down to inspect the Berry bridge. A. H. SteeB and Leonard Piercy , of Kennedy , were in town a couple of days this week. Mr. Piercy sold a bunch of calves and a Pole Angus hull to J , E. Pettycrew this week. . Archie PeUycrew isjiow up an 1 \valking around nnd mending 43 fast as any sick man ever cJUti. iie fias a ravenous appetite nnd will soon be as eil as before he was fakea'slck which was in September. Bernard McGreevy , the bank defaulter of O'Neill , was brought back from Phoenix , Ariz. , 'whore he was found by Sheriff Hall of Holt county. He was placed in the Holt county jail to await trial. McGreevy assumed the. name of Bryan in Arizona. We are in receipt of a card from Judge Westover , announcing the terms of court for the ensuing year and the dates for each coun ty that court will be in session. The spring term of court for Cher ry county will be in session March 20 ; jury ( failed for 21st , and will , be presided over by Judge Har- The fall term will be "Nov. 20 ; jury called for the 21st with Judge Westover , presiding. The U. S. Weather Bureau re port for the week ending Jan. i , i 1905 , shows the highest and lowest temperature to have been 72 ° and 16 ° respectively , giving a range of 56 ° and a mean for the entire week of 38.6 ° . Very light snow Dec. 28 , giving a trace only. The maximum velocity of the wind was 32 miles from the north west Jan. 1. The weather has been more like a week in spring than in mid-winter. The new catalogue of the Grand Island Business & Normal College at Grand Island , Xeb. , is now be ing sent out and should be read by every ambitious young man and woman. One remarkable feature of this school is the plan it has of giving students who wish it , time on expenses , and allowing them to pay after they graduate and have been placed in positions. Several from this county have arranged to enter soon. It is said to be one of the greatest Business Colleges in the United Slates and its catalogue is sent for the aski'ng. Last Saturday evening twelve young men gave a reception in Thachcr's hall , in honor of the visiting students who are home spendjng their Xin-is vacation. The evening wi > spent in playing games and music. The Valentine band placed j-everal choice selec tions which were enjoyed by all. The hall was tastefully decorated with evergreen , holly and mistle toe , there being a large bunch of > the latter aaranged in the center of the hall over the punch bowl , which was presided over , by Miss Wilson. Clo.\d Quigle.v acted as master of ceremonies and Miss Nellie Easley gave the toast to the students. Refreshments , consist ing of fruit salad , assorted cake and wafers , were daintily served by Mrs. Jackson and assistants. About 60 were present to enjoy the hospitality of the boys , all jing the evening a success. " ' ' Ul. Mrs. J-ich Kief came home from Oouiha s..ine fime ago and her lieaiih is much improved and she is looking well. MrsAnna Schromm , of Arabia has beeu gone on a visit at Ne zel since < Juristm is. A E. L. Hall , our popular hotel keeper of the Chicago hotel , who has but recently come to our city to engage in the hotel business , being favorably impressed with our city and business conditions , has decided to erect a three story brick hotel consisting of 50 rooms. The building is to be up to date and modern in construction in ev- particular. There is to be two wings to the building , making ev ery room an outside room with a hall-way throughout the building. Work will begin in the early spring and be completed at an early a date as possible. TJeso'ntions. * Valentine , Dec. 23 , 190 tr ) Valentine LV0 Xo.6.S&OCof P. ) ' Whereas : It "has pleased the All-WjjitfJH&k-r of the Universe to T * 'oove froin our lodge.our beloved sister , Christina VanBuskirk , and by her death our lodge has lost a worthy member , the husband a loving wife and her children a de voted mother , therefore be it RKSOLVED ; That , as a lodge , we mourn the death of our sister , and that we extend our fraternal sym pathy to the bereaved family , and be it further RESOLVED ; That as a token of respect , our charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days ; that a copy of these resolu tions by sent to her husband , and that that they be placed on the records of onr lodge ; also , that they be sent to the local papers for publication. MAKGARETT DAVENPORT. JKNXIK LKWIS. JENNIE PKTTLIOIIN. Britt Items School began Monday with 20 pupils enrolled. Arthar Graeff is visiting his relatives in Iowa. Mrs. Britt's brother is visiting at her home this week. Mr. Johnson hauled a couple of loads of grain to Britt this week. Mr. Novak hauled a load of corn to the half-way-house Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sanner's child , Lizzie , has been very sick lately. T. P. Spratt moved his house over on his homestead this week. Arthur Broad and wife spent New Years day with Henry Fowl er and wife. Miss Edythe Broad is home now , after having finished a term of school near Woodlake. Don Kellogg bought some hor ses of E. Anderson and has also taken other horses to winter. One xlay this week a straw stack near Mr. Halm's caught fire and burned. Nfo one knows how the fire started. SLEEPY EYES. A ' Via the Norfh-\vestern Line , will be sold at reduced ra es Jan 14 to 19 , inclusive , limited to return until Jan. 25 , inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-western R'y513 C * ? - * K\i i tit th Via the Northwestern Line , will be in effect on the first and third Tues days in January , February , March and April , 1905 , to Kentucky , Ala bama Georgia , North. Carolina , Florida and other southern states. For full information , tickets , etc. , inquire of agents Chicago & North western R'y. All kinds of fancv bead wok at E. McDonald' store. Port Arthur. Port Arthur will be my tomb , " wrote General Stoessell about five months ago. The world is glad to know that the heroic commander of the Russians lived to make hon orable te/ms of sur-emW of the great stronghold whih has just . .jus.8d into the hands of the irreprcssi ) le Japanese. * fcThe fall of Port Arthur will I end the war , " was the statement of many at the outset of the con flict , and the capitulation of that fortress was anticipated 10 months ago and was even expected a few days after the overwhelming de feat of the Eussian fleet in its wat ers. Not one , not even the czar himself , perhaps not even Stoes sell , and certainly not Oysima or Nogi , or Togo suspected that the Russian fortifications could resist the fierce Japanese assaults until the year 1905. The fall of Port Arthur seems far from ending the war ; in fact it is merely an inci dent long deferred and which had -been.-'robbed of its terror at St. i * " * ' " Petersburg jby frequently express- eLfexvs'"many months ago that its capture was imminent. It has cost" the Japanese dearly , with an estimated death and dis ability of the immense number of 75,000 men. No accurate figures are obtainable and perhaps the price of Port Arthur in Japanese lives will never be known. It was the most stubbornly resisted and most fiercely prosecuted siege in all history. The Japs have Port Arthur. The Russian ships in the harbor , which had long been out of com mission save as defenders of the port , are blown to flinters. There is no threatening force in that vic inity which can further occupy the vigilant Togo and no possible re inforcement of the Rojestvensky fleet from the erstwhile formidable squadron of ironclads cooped up in the harbor. The fact is the Japs seem to have accomplished the fall of Port Arthur barel.v in time to disappoint the Bal tic fleet , which fs still many thousand miles fr m its destination. Russia can apparently hope for nothing on the sea in many years of war to come , but Russia had long ago foregone that hope and it now re mains to be sec whether the im mense armies which can be turned into Manchuria from the great empire will accomplish the terri ble reckoning with Japan which the Russians have many times promised. The moral effect of the fall of Port Arthur upon the Russians cannot in any way be disastrous , and to the Japs it is a cause of great relief rather than great re joicing. Japan is the undisputed mistress of the oriental seas and it remains to be seen whether the Baltic ships can wrest those honors from her in spite of awful handi caps. One thing is certain : When Japan captured Port Arthur in the Chinese war , it was the merry work of a few hours , an easy vic- | tory , and as easily the powers per suaded the Japs to give up Port Arthur ; but in the present instance Port Arthur was won after the most terrible sacrifice of life and money , and the Japs will never give that stronghold back to the powers without a struggle. \ \VorKl- ! I rald I have buyer for Nebraska farms. If you want lo sell , list with me or write for particulars. 47 HORACE GRANT , Heist tildg. Kansas City , Mo. ; A United * t ife * Wall 3I p. , well adapted for use m office , li- | brary or school , substantially mounted , edges bound in cloth , printed in full colors , showing the United States , Alaska , Cuba and our island possessions. The orig inal thirteen states , the Louisiana Purchase , the Oregon Territory , etc , are shown in outline , with dates when territory was acquired , and other valuable information. Sent to any address on receipt of fifteen cents to coter postage , by ' W. B. Kniskern , P.T. M. , C. & N. W. R'y. , Chicago. 512 Dave Archer andJohn Owens fonjjht a fight last Saturday , leaving scars on each that will remain. They met at the Cop'land dance some time previous and begen ifc there but were separated and ar ranged to { j ni on or near th" Ow en's place , ( wo or three miles south east of Sparks , last Saturday and as a resul' of which Archer had his hand badly hurt and a thumb chew ed. Several persons on each side witnessed the fight. The trouble arose over Owen's testimony against Archer selling beer at the old set Sparks la-r , fab. TVOTIOF3S In the District. ' ' "iirt o fie Piftenth JudicUl District , in and f > r Cher ry-County , Nebraska In the matter of the ) psinte of Ti 16 J V Order to Show Cause Taylor decease'I. This ca'isp caiuf on for l-earing upon the pe tition of Mcnry Tnvlo- . ailmmis'rar-r of Uie estHi j f Titus' . Ta lor < tue is" l. praying f T a lice'isi-to > fl ! the So'irn "i-t ouqii -r t-r of St-di in 2 ' l"i | : ; { Ui'ijicar xv.or siifllrifiit amnut th ' ' ' < " > t' to hn i the sum of .S15u o-i for the jiaym-nt of lie e t ; : il'owv < l jui-mst said estate Hint the c wN of a < lmi > istrat'o i , tliernot heiufr siitll ii'ii p rs-Hinl property to pay said d btxa ill expens h. It is tlit-r tore ordered that ill persons iut r- ested in aid estai * appear b-fore me at vi If. -hrasUa'i o-i ln > day of February , 191.0 at It'll oVi'.c a m losliow cause why n li ens should 11 te ir anted to said sidmnsN- trat'T 1o sulo imii'li of the a"ove describe ! real estate of said n-cvased , as shal1 l e reces- sarto pay said ins-uiu1 exnensethat ; a < : opy of tins ( > rd r he publish' d f flour weeks in th - V'di ntitie Democrat , f newspaper o gen eral circu anon , i'i ( lierry Couutx. N < bru-ka IX tfd this 1th day Jauur \ . l'J. > 5. \ \ H UKSl'O Kll , Jllilgf "I t e Dlblr.L't ' iirt. K. l > Clarke , a tome , . 514 Order to Show Cause Whv License Should Not Be Grante-d to Sell Real Property. In t P District fout ; of Cherry County. Ne. ttraska. In the matter of the petition of Joseph Nollette for licence to dl real estate. Vow , on this SOth < laof Decemi' 1904 this canst * rani"n tr hean'iiu upon t > > e petifoii uuderoi'h of JO-HP \ Xol ete iulwini > -Htor of.lulantia N'pnzel decea-cd pravi < u for li cense to -i 11 the fo'0\viiij I'psil estate of the . ; iidHi'ia Anna V-nx.el , to-wit : N\\H ot Sec 21 T . 31. K S3 l-einc 161 acres more or less , and all t the N''t of til" NI > "f e 1" . 1'P 81 U 2. in Cherry county. Neuraska except the tuusiteenzel Hud the riL'ht-'i-w > ot he. F. uniont KU horn & Missouri Vali-y H.iihv iv. me iimc tiemir ten acres , mote or less , lor the paxmeut of < lt > l > t- ! - lowed ajsiius' ' said estate and al mvanes au < l cost"t admi i tra-ion fort e reason that here is not. a s niicleiit amount of personal property in possession of sai.l Joseph N'ollette. . an-fints- trator hHonniny to said es atp to pay said cle'ts , allow uices and e.ists and for further reason r.hat. sat-l aloye des'-nbed n-a ettt > is not pr-xlii'-tiv. ' > < am i icne raid estate ! t is Hi-n-o.e or IK . d tint'a per > . "S liter- Cited in sai " > taie elore me at eham- lier-in tii" city "f tin hvde etira ka on the 16th day ot Kebrirv , I9si. at the Hour of ten i'cloc a. m. tos'nm a y therhe.wliy i licen e sh ( > il t not b rautwl o.lesopn ol- letre. admuiistraiMr. to sei above described real estate ot said decedent Jt is further ordered that acopy oi tliis order oe Curved upon all persons interested in sai l estat b > causing the same t.i'.e p'lbii. hed on < 'f each w-eu lor four successive weeks in the Vteniiiie Democrat , a newspaper p ii.ied < nd pu ili tied in sai i coun ty of Uierrj W. H WFSTOVEU. 514 Judge of the District Court Business Notices. Notices undtr tb'.s bending 5 cents per line aeh insertion. Ainotm rendnifi matter , lOcents , r line PHPh insertion Lace , 5 cents per yard at Mrs. Elmore's. 50 IIore * > For S il . Some good work horses , saddle horses and some good young mares Terms to suit pnrshaser. Inquire at Bishop's livery barn. 23 W. T. BISHOP. ' . * < to Via the North-wes'ern ' Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold on" Jan. 1G , IT and 18 , limited to return un til Jan. 20 , 1905 , inclusive. Apply to agents Ghic-igo & North-western R'y. 512 Vow 5s the time to get your in- iurance on your buildings and stock. Storms have already begun and if you are without insurance it will be you r neglect. It costs but a trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. They are represented by 1. M. liice , Valentine , Nebr. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone pending n Pltcloh and deocrintlon may quickly jiaccrtnin our opinion freu w Iietlier an invention is probably patentable. Cumniunirn lions BtrictlyconikleuUal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest ntrency forsecuriiiR patents. Patents taken throuuh Munn & Co. recelvt tpecial notice , wIMiotit cbnrge. in the n ficatt _ Sll i B i5ic A handaomely illiiPtrated weekly. T.nrtrest c'r- culation of any scientific Journal. Terms , § . ' . p year : four months , $1. Sold by all newadeakjs. & CQ > 3eiDrcsdvV3Vf TTiVh grade C M.-vay T3-i'-- ' . , ? i voars old. for ? ? \ < * . W ( riorughbred'iFor ! further - i ( rmation inquire at this office. 13 -Jitsisvr * A Laundry Agent. B i ket leaves Tiifda8:00 : p n > Re turns ri.tturflav P0 rr.inj : Workc.ill- rrj for and deliv * red at your Pour VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. FRANK RANDALL'S 'Pi ' Oity Delivery To and from all parts of the city. Trunks , valises , packages , coal and heavy draying done on short notice. : : : : : : A. F. RANDALL , Phone 13tL Valentine , Neb. L. ASHBURN . . , Contractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Work. Valentine , - Nebr. Everybody that writes Can use printed stationery. Ask to our fine envelopes and paper. Your time is money. . Mistakes don't occur so frequently and it is a guarantee to the public that you're a busy man. THE DEMOCRAT , Valentine , ° Nebr. Th ( > nccTiiT.rynn < lrrs > . 'lify of "Ffpvrns" Rifle-Hind Miot ; nas have % v i for tacr-i r.'i rnriaUo repitation taj Mor. 1 ov r. r > _ _ l F1 l uur i.o.p * booxon hrearmsFree j it cor.Uir.1 1 otoP . . ; ] ( Vccrt ; > r i nf "fitovclis" 4 ( iimsl > r.t\al sUo" nnoaljntitinK.thonrdiKT $ -lro , ' , f " " " ' * . i " f . < i . - 'ut 4 . ni avirniinit on. etc. l cu Kliculd Live . . cad two 2-ccat slamis to cu.-t.-r postage. OUR 'r c7i Shot , " t " -1 I-Uflf I'-nnCRC - - LcADERS : Tori < < ' > . V.'ritcl , . . . ' . riun.ic % rl.lfJ.ii L'/M.l i saiu J. DTZVZN3 AliZlL & TOOL CO. , I1. " . TosiOCJ cu.c rnu 1-M.L.t , JIASS. . u.r.A. IT * Ft Galls. Louj ) Valley Hereford Ranch. 1C * . Prlncf * 131693 and Carir , r < iat MKttla ba4 of herd Thr Mood or Fowler Anxtaj. Lord Ullton and f nates to my b rd. I can nil orders r i bulls of all HKCS at time. ILincb l .r miles north-west of Brown- lee , Nenr. C. H. FAUI.HAIIKU. MILL PRICES FOR FEED. j PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked. . . . * 85 § 1600 : Shorts , sacked 95 18 00 j Screenings , sacked CO 11 00 I Chop Feed , sacked 90 17 00 j Corn , sacked SO 15 00 j Chop Corn , sacked So 16 00 Oats , sacked 1 00 19 OO A. N. COMPTON Physician ana Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapmtn'i Drug Store. Nights The Don- oher residence , Cherry Street. Kobert G. Easley , ATTORNEY AT over Red Front GENERAL LAVT Valentine , G. H. Hall , M. rhysician and. Surgeon. All calls promptly attended/to or night. Drugs andjE maceuticals furnishc. Wood JOHN F. POKATH Riege , Xebr. Tubular wells and windmills. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery depajrraent of T. C. Hornby's store. Will bft in Kosebud agency Jujy 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , H.M. CRAMER , City tteliveryman , Irunks , Valises and packages hauled to from the depot and all parts of the City , 0 * M , SAGESER Barber First-class Shop in Every Kespact Eiu de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star $ * ir Tonic , Herpiclde and Coko's Dandruff C x * . Try Pompeian Face Massage CrefHi TIME TABLE Great Northern Une at O'neill , Nebr. Going East , Going West. Leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrives 9:80 p. m. Passenger , daily except Sunday. Connections with Elkhorn trains east gnd west-bound from all points west of O'Neill. Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond. Through connections fcr Sioux Falls , Min e apolis , St , Paul and all points north and v ftt , * ny local tickets to O'Neill. " FBED BooEns , G , P , A. Sioux City .Iowa The Commoner Mr , Bryan's Paper Now is the time to secure Mr. Bryan's paper. All democrats need the paper and Mr. Bryan needs the sup port and co-operation of all true friendi of reform. The Commoner has commenced to organize the democratic hosts for 190S. Mr. Bryan's advocacy through The Com moner of public ownership of railroad and telegraph sys tems , the election of U. S. judges and U. S. senators by popular vote , direct legislation , the overthrow of private monopolies , tariff reform and other issues , injures inter esting and instructive reading as well as new life to the party. Subscriptions received at this office at SLOO a year * Come , wake up , and hand us your dollar , First Class JOB WORK on Short Notice EMOCRAT OFFICE. t-