Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 29, 1904, Image 5

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    More Local.
Lari , 5 ctMitper yard at
E ! im mi's. 50
J. H. Garn-tt. fonnerl.v wiili
Sparks Bros , at C'od.x , is tin * nt-vv
clerk in Davenport & Thacher's.
J. C. McXnrp fallod at thi : of-
fiic : , \ . . \ \ \ \ \ r'loiu
Arabia nnd paid his subscription
Ed Cowden , a brother-in-law of
Dave Peters , came out las't week
from Dewey , Kan. , to visit with
Dave and family and to look at
the country. If Mr. Cowden can
find a suitable location he will
probably locate in Cherry county.
Tho preliminary hearing of the
Wood lake boys , charged with using
Spanish Fly with criminal intent ,
was held before Judge Towne last
Friday. The charge could not
be proven against the boys and
the case was dismissed. About 20
woodlake school children were up
as witnesses , as well as several
older people.
The Christmas tree given by
Miss O'Shaughnessy last Friday
evening was a grand success. It
was witnessed b.v a large and well
pleased audience. After an ex
cellent program Santa Clans treat
ed the crowd. The ' 'school-ma'am"
showed her ability on this occasion
and we hope she will soon call us
together again.
Mrs. Catherine McDonald has
h.'r general merchandise store op
en now and ready for business.
She has a complete line of new
goods throughout which were
bought for cash at a low figure and
which she will sell at bedrock
prices. She will be glad to have
all old customers , as well as many
new ones , call and inspect these
goods. Mrs. McDonald tells you
of some of the good things she has
to sell in a big ad elsewhere in
this paper.
Many students are home for
their vacation. It seems as if
there is no place like home. Al
fred Lewis , Misses Leta Stotter ,
Allie Cyphers and Margaret "Rob
inson returned home from Lincoln
Friday morning ; Robert Webb and
Leonard Sparks are home from
the Michigan Military Academy ,
and James C. Quigley and Bert
Jeffers returned Sunday morning
from Omaha. This list shows that
there is an attendance of higher
schools from Valentine that we all
might be proud of.
The U. S. Weather Bureau re
port for the week ending Dec. 2S ,
shows a more interesting and sea
sonal exhibition of temperature
ranges , the highest being Gi ° on
the 22nd and the lowest 20 ° be
low zero on the 27th , a total range
of 6i ° . giving a m an of li 4 ° .
Unusually high winds accompan
ied these extreme temperatures
nearly all the weeK up to the 2Sth
when the wind and the tempera
ture assumed more normal con
ditions. The highest velocity was
38 miles per hour on the 27th and
coincided nearly with the lowest
temperature. The precipitation
was very light dry snow , measur
ing about .06 of an inch. Two
cold wave warnings were issued
during the week and both verified.
Ideal winter weather begins again
on the 2Sth.
Flce'iing Age.
The days o by ,
The riiomonis llv ,
As'if on fleeting win s.
The months glide past.
The year at last ,
Brings naujjht but "fleetingthings. .
Oh ! Tarry Time !
List to the chitne ,
Of mirth , and jo' , , and sontf.
Why do you speed
With goaded greed
Through all the age along ?
And thus ; we toe ,
What very few
Of others acts do know.
We likewise speed
With selfish greed
No thought for other's woe.
Do pause : to make ,
One simple break
In this time of "endless end. "
If but to know
What seeds we sow
What loads make others bend
Jeffers- efcb.
AI tinhome > f Mr. auJ Mrs.
1) . M. d < fiWs , who reside about a
mile and a half west of this city ,
a be.tuiii'ul wielding occurred : t
eijiht o'clock Sunday ( Christina- )
night. , between their > econd daugh
ter , Miss Maud , and Mr. AHxnt
\ \ I'Ui. Imlli of | ) - C't.V , thi' < < < -
nion.being solemni/eil by Ke\ .
S. U" . lluljjclaw , grandfather of
the bride.
The bride was dressed in a
beautiful gown of white silk and
carried a boquet of white roses.
The groom was attired in the con
ventional suit of black.
Miss Elsie Sherman played the
wedding march while the bride
and groom , attended by Miss Inez
Pettycrew and Mr. Bertrand Jef-
fers , marched into the parlor where
the ceremony was performed in
the presence of a few ralatives and
friends , many of the invited guests
being unable to attend because of
the stormy night.
A bountiful luncheon was then
served , the Misses Ethel Sherman ,
Bessie Gnskill , Lillian Holsclaw
and Ennis Boyer acting as waiters.
Many beautiful and useful pres
ent * betokened the esteem of their
relatives and friends.
The brido grew to womanhood
in our midst and her beautiful
character has won for her the
esteem of all.
The groom is a well known and
popular 'yonng man , and is the
owner of the bottling works of
thicity. .
This worthy young couple go to
housekeeping in the dwelling rec
ently vacated by E. M. Jeffers and
wife and will be at home to their
friends after January tenth.
With their host of friends THE !
DEMOORAJ extends congratulations
and best wishes.
Or < ler of Ili-nrlin ; ami Xotioeon Petit
ion for Settlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cherry County Neb-
To the uelrs and to all person * interested in
the estate of Marv A. Mc ermort , deceased-
ON reading the netPion of Francis Mc-'ermott
prtyiiiK a : il .settlement and allowxnc * of his
account 111 d n thicourt on theSSth day of
l/ceember 1904.
It i ? hereby ordered that you. and all per-
-mis interested in s-iid matter , may. and do ap-
arattlieuMn < y Court to be hdd in and for
said county n the 14Chday of January. A D 190'j
at 10 o'clock a. m , . to sh-\v cause , if any there
bn. why thepiaver- the petitioner should not
be granted , and tliaC notic * of the pendency of
said petition hiid that the liearhiR thereof be
Kiven to n'l ' persons intt-rsstef ! iuss.ii ! matter by
publishing a copy o : " this Order in tinValentine
Democrat , a wt Kly newspaper printed i j said
county for three successive weeks prior to said
day ot bearing ,
50 3 County Judge.
Ft x < icibrara Visited
By Destructive Fire
K Company's Quarters Ut/
terly Destroyed by Fire
Sunday Night.
F-re Started in Kitchen , Prolv
ably From Defective Flue ,
No Lives Lost ,
During the severe cold wave
which was accompanied by a high
wind , last Snnday night , fire broke
out in K company's quarters at
Fort Niobrara and completely de
stroyed them , leaving only the
adobe walls standing.
The fire which started in the
kitchen had gained considerble
headway before it was discovered ,
which was about 12 o'clock. The
alarm was immediately sounded
and the Post fire company soon
had the hose cart run to the scene
of the firo , hut owing to the intonso
cold and the lire plug being froz
en it was some time before water
could he thrown onto the flames.
K company's quarters were in '
about the middle of the row , and ;
tinwind being from the north |
probably saved the other quarters
Q& < t of it. From what wo can
learn the fire had almost envelop
ed the building before it was dis
covered and the men had no chance
to save anything but themselves
and what few clothes they could
pick up as they ran pell moll from
the burning building. Many lost
all their clothes and bedding.
No cause for the fire has been
ascertained but the general opin
ion is the that it was caused by a
defective flue.
The men of K company have
been assigned to the several differ
ent companies at the Fort , and
owing to the crowded condition
existing there now , will probably
be transferred to some other fort
while the demolished quarters are
being rebuilt.
Now is the time to get your in
surance on your buildings and
Btock. Storms have already begun
md if you are without insurance
i will be your neglect. It costs but
i trifle to insure against fire , light- ' .
ring and tornadoes in the best state
jompanies. They are represented
jy I. M. Rice , Valentine , Nebr.
J. R. Ninnes , Sr. , spent Thurs
day \ralentine. .
Mr. Claybaugh will soon have
his new five room house completed.
Max E. Viertel , ou'r genial post
master , was a Valentine visitor on
The postoffice at Riege will be
discontinued soon. A rural route
will take its place.
Mrs. John Melshaw went to
Valentine Friday morning on the
passenger , returning on the freight
the same day.
Miss Julia Fletcher , our teach
er , left for her home at Beaver
City , Nebr. , Friday morning to
spend the holidays.
The Misses Viertel came home
from school Friday morning to
spend the holidays with their par
ents and many friends.
The pupils of our school , assist
ed by Mrs. J. E. Parsons and Paul
Viertel , gave a program at the
hall Thursday evening. It con
sisted of a number of recitations ,
among them being , iThe Train to
Mauro , " "A Lawsuit , " 'The
Only Young Man in Town" and
"Artemus Ward's Wax Figures. "
All who took part did credit to
themselves and the school. It
was a decided success in every par
ticular , but owing to the stormy
weather the attendance was not
as good as was expected.
I iit item *
A Happy New Year to all.
R. F. Pettycrew built a chimney
for Wm. Bullis last Thursday.
Arthur Brown was transacting
business in Valentine last week.
Frank Randall has purchased a
team of horses from Dave Dunn.
Elmer Ilandall went to Wood'
Lake to spend Xmas with his
Mrs. DOQ Kellogg visited her
sister , Mrs. Cramer , a few days
last week.
Miss Jennie Bennett , our teach
er , is going to her home at Merri-
man to spend the holidays.
George Miller came up from
Valentine last week and visited his
sister , Mrs. Don Kellogg.
School closed la t Friday ; the :
ending of the first four months ,
with a small entertainment.
Harmony's social was a grand
success , over § 30.00 being receiv
ed. The proceeds were given to
the minister.
First Class JOB WORK on Short Notice
\Ve are going to give our read
er ? * r their hoys or girls a chance
to .nuke a ' . - tor ( 'Ini-invi.-
tin. . Our a-oline njiin- ninkes
it possible l r us to run a bigger
subscription li--t arid to get itvi >
are goiriir to divide the profile with
tho-ti utio In Ip io inuUe our li > t
larger. Here's our offer : Anyone
can-work at it.
New Subscribers To
The Valentine Democrat
to Jan , i , 1906 for $1,00 ;
To the party sending in the
name of any new subscriber to
Jan. 1 , 1900 they may retain 50c
as their coinmi ion on each new
subscriber .sent to this office. Tint
Ls , send us 50c for each new .sub
scriber to Jan. 1 , 1906 and keep
the other half dollar as your com
mission. This offer holds good
only to Jan. 1 , 1905. Get to work
and help to swell our list 500
names. It is easy mone.for.iou. . .
Send money order or any way for
us to get the money. If you send
stamps they must be 2c stamps and
send one extra for each subscrip
tion.Ve want a boy or girl in
every home in Cherry or Key a
Paha counties to earn some money
on thi * proposition.
Send in your orders as soon as
you can get them to
I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , Xebr.
Ho ! id y f
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold at low
rates on presentation of proper cer
tificates issusd by the educational
institution. For full particulars as
to dates of sale , limits , etc. , apply
to agents Chicago & , Northwestern
R'y. 473
Excursion Slate * i'i r tin * Eloli-
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold at , re
duced rates December 24 , 25,2G , 31 ,
January 1 and 2 , good returning
until and including January 4.1905 ,
to points on the North-western
Line , including C. & St. P. M & 0.
R' > . , to points Unioii Pacific. E. E.
sast of and including Cheyenne and
Denver , points on Denver & Rio
jrande , E.E. and Colorado & South-
3rn E'y. , Orin Jet. to Cheyenne and
Denver to Trinidad , incluaiv" . also
io points on I ) . S. S & A. E'yfind
Mineral Range U'yApply to ag-
mts ChiCiigo& North-western E'y.
I have buyer for Nebraska farms ,
if you want to sell , list with me or
.vrite . for particulars. 47
Heist Hldg. KiinsaCiry , Mo.
Rit * .s to
1 * rl 1 ,
the North-western Line , will be
n effect from all stations Junuary
i. 8 and 0 , 1905 , with favorable re-
; urn limits , ou account of Annunl
inventions , Natioua1 Live Stock
md Wool Growers' Associations.
Pvvo fasttrains through to Oolora-
lo daily , only one night. For full
information apply to agents Chica
go & Northwestem E'y. 474
AMVDfinV ' " > u w .irms sn-i ii
ANYbUUY u h t e " TAT. ir
Ijis ti.c assuntme tl at 1-is thrice cinnit le iivix'r
i.tnn. Tlerc is als > lun'n ucosx frv a. t t
sTl.\ A ; " t. < / Ion i ri t '
mii o i-i i t , r. 1 ii r i. . ! r [ .uti itr : i
. . . . . . , . .
j'ositi.c.y uiiwcic i \vnL.crt I..C2 t. .t
have been adoj tea in i reicrcnwCloail others t. e * crl i
oiouna ! j
are snicl hv d'1 s's = r. I Inr 'wire
Ast..e ! i f r r - - t r i - uj- \ > \
' . "
. " '
pat . i E . . . . . . .
Me- * - i. U I t '
Iouvul Lr r. 1. -
eoJ twcsc. starts f r Ctorcis
P. O. Bon 4092
whicopce Fulls , Mass. , U. C.
Insertion Aiming r - > t < liiii ! innttcr , 10 cent *
Mm * wh Insenlnn
Ifou wish io make your friend
a present of a nice rocker , Morris
chair lounge , book case or anything
in tho line of fnrnituro call on the
Red Fiont Merc. Co. 48
All kinds of fancy bead woak at
E. McDonald's store. 48
Now is the time to buy that heat
ing fctove. Keep your home warm
and cheerful while winter's cold
winds go whistling araund the cor
ners. We have just what is requir
ed to withstand these winds and
piotect the health of your family ,
nameh ; H "Ueiort Jewel , " the best
soft coal I urner made , far superior
to any other retort stove made , or
one of Coles' Original Eot Blast
stoves. Call and inspect our line
of stoves ; we caa save you money ,
beside giving you a better stove.
48 Red Front Merc. Co.
I have nt my place , 7 miles west
of Woodlake , a six year old Mam-
mo' h Jack , weight 900 pounds , to
tinde for § 350 worth of cattle or
horses. JULIUS Scnnoanr ,
47 Wood Lake , Nebr.
The J. C. C. Corset , the best
corset made , at Mrs. Elmore's.
High grade Galloway Bulls , 2
to 5 years old , for sale. Also two
Thoroughbred's. For further in
formation inquire at this office. 13
* For Stilt * .
Some good work horses , saddle
horses and some good young mares
Terms to suit pnrshaser. Inquire
at Bishop's livery barn.
23 W. T. BISHOP.
Don't forget to buy Willie that
pair of skates , or that sled , or that
pocket knife he saw at the Red
Front Merc. Co. 48
Who's Afraid !
This is the title of a beautiful
steel engraving , issued by the Chi
cago A North-western Railway , that
will please the little folks and be an
adornment to the nursery. It is ,
6x9 inche * in size , prin ted on heavy
card with wide margins , suitable for
framing. Sent to any address on
receipt of four cents in postage by
W. B. Kniskern , passenger traffic
manager , Chicago. 478
Anyone sending a sleet oh nnd description may
quickly ascertain our opinion freewhether an
invention is probably pitentihle. Communica
tions strictly ooiitldenUal. Handbook on Patents
sent froe. ( . ( Meat ntrenry for securing patents.
I'.itenra taken thrnuch Muim & Co. receive
otice , without charge , in the
Scientific American.
A. hanrtsomoly lllnstrntpd weokly. I/irecst clr-
culatiou of any scier.tltic Journal. Tcrnsa , | 3 e
year : four months , fL Sold by all newsdealers.
Vnncli Offl n ' " - V
that writes
use pi intfd stationery. Ask to
our fine envelopes and paper.
time is money.
don't occur so frequently
and it is a guarantee to the
public that you're a busy man.
Valentine , - Nebr.
( wilt Xorilicrii Line
at O'neill , Xebr.
RoinRast , GolHR West.
Leaves 10:10 a. in Arrives 9:50 : p. m.
PassPiiL'er. dully exoept Sunday ,
s tuiwrums it > > Flkhnrii trains east and
-v - * ! liiniij front .til points wv st of O'N'pill.
Miort * - t nmt to Sioux City and bryoud.
Through connections tor Sioux Falls , Mlnne-
i -oll8. St. Paul and all pointsinorth and west ,
v 'o.-j\l f uets to O'NHl ! |
K KI > UOUKRS , G. P , A.
Professional Cards.
Lonp Vallev Hereford Ranch.v
Prince HoaTtdel
1310)3 And Curly .
Coat nzxi &c bear " *
of lierd. The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety.
l \VJltonan4 Mr %
( Gladstone predomi
nates ic 107 lierd.
I can 1111 orders fot bulls of all age * at maj
time. Ilanch ff ir miles north-west ol Erowu-
lee , Nebr
PerCwt. Per TOD.
Bran , sacked. . . . § S5 $1600 ;
Shorts , sacked 95 IS 00
Screenings * sacked CO 1100
Chop Feed , sacked 90 17 00
Corn , sacked SO 15 00
Chop Corn , sacked 85 16 00
Oats , sacked 1 00 19 00
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The Don-
oher residence , Cherry Street.
Robert G. Easley ,
l Offlce over Red Front >
"Vulentiiic ,
G. H. Hall , M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
All calls promptly attended to day
or night. Drugs and Phar
maceuticals furnished.
Wood Lake. - Nebraska.
Riege , Nohr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1,1904.
City Deliveryman ,
Trunks , valises and packages Laulod to and
from HIP depot and tl' ' parts of the City.
First-class Shop in Every Uespect
Knu de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Batr
Tonfo. n > rplcide and Coko's Dandruff Cure *
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
: Meals : Lunches : Short Orders
I o-tS-T. C - r
First class meals at all hours >
day and night. Oysters in
season. Pies , cakes , dough
nuts always on hand.
E. D. Cohota , Prop.
SO City Deliver ]
To and from all parts of the city.
Trunks , valises , packages , coal
and heavy draying done on
short notice. : : : : : :
Phone 13i. Valentine , Xeb.
Contractor and Build
er in Brick or Stone
Valentine , - Nebr.
on October C , from E. A. Marrall's
pasture near the railroad bridge , 1
brown three y < at old saddle horse
ffith rope marks behind ears , brand- .
ed BB on left shoulder , weigfet
! bont 850 pounds.