Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 29, 1904, Image 1

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Historical Society
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ntutt mi1 HHI mi \ ij"nn IMIM MIK ni" i n nri' ' ' miimmiai mt * m m i mnifMH > ' i"iirM ril i ifWlliif ri I'H' ' ITfinray xrswi n'ICWTtvr * ' ;
* J
P As Christmas time is drawing near we wish to call yourat-
tention to some of the nice things we have for you.
Pocket Knives , Fancy Scissors and
Shears , Skates and Silver Ware ,
4iV > carry tho most com-
plrte line of cutlery shown
in the town , including
Q , Simmon * * ' " [ Coon Ivuttor"
Pocket Knives and the
' "Clauss" brand Shears.
$1 Both lines are fully guar-
.mnntcod to be the best , and
$ ( if not found sati factoj-.x
< - . in every way , are ex-
changt able. "NVc also carry a complete Mmof "Klipper Klub n
Skates , all sizes and prices ,
Skate Sharpeners , Skate
Straps , Skate Bags , etc. , etc.
Call and inspect our line of Rochester's famous Nickle
< V Plated Copper Ware , including Tea Pots , Tea Kettles , Cuspi- i >
S'dors , Trays , Baking Dishes , Chafiing Dishes , etc. Also our
H line of Silver ware. Be
< sure to make us a call be-
t ? fore purchasing your holi-
day gifts.
Remember. 2C Come to the
Warm Lined |
Shoes and Suits j
for Ladies I
and Gentlemen'a
1 In all Branches.
Frank Fischer.
Hardware , Furniture and Coal.
i . . !
i FURNITURE , bed room suits , dressers , chiffoniers , ward- ;
robes , Iron beds strongand clean , spring couches and mattres-
| ses , parlor stands and center tables , combination bookcases and
writing desks. Latest Designs and Lowest Prices.
i *
\ A full line of hardware , cutlery and stoves of best makes.
| A lot of useful articles that make house-keeping a pleasure.
; ' Oome an < l See Tliein IOTToiwself"
Frank Fischer.
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank
rt 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska ,
( S 11 ( < ( } ! - > ! to )
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V. NTnnoy.RON. Cashier.
[ e Caa Srtitf ? Y u Is Fficc And Voclfmanihip
i \Vm Ball.-ird spent a day or two
in town last week.
Geo. Miller was visiting in town
the first of the week.
Tom Spratt of North Table was
in the city Saturday on business.
Robert Quisenbery , of Oasis ,
was a Valentine visitor ast week.
Joseph Langer was up from
Norden the latter part of last week.
R. F. Gillaspie was in town sev
eral day la t week from his ranch
near C'ip-tirfield ' * ? | j
C. C. Thompson , from out on
th : iv < ir , wis doing some trading
in i.iwn Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Kline departed last
Tiuirsda.v morning for an cxtend-
e 1 visit in the East.
I ( ' Su > ttcame down from
Cotlv l.'ist wc ek and spent several
days visiting in town.
Felix Xollette , of near Sparks ,
was enjoying himself , greeting
friends in town Saturday.
Paul Charbonneau and wife are
the happy possessors of bright
baby girl , born Dec. 15 , 190i.
E. E. Grieshammer , engineer
at the Fort , was in town last Sat
urday and called at this office on
Henry Becker and wife of North
Table spent Christmas day at the
home of Mrs. Peterson in the east
part of town.
John Haeber has been carrying
the mail for M. Dunham the past ,
week while the latter enjoys a
weeks vacation.
J. G. Stetter came down from
Hot Springs , S. D. , last Thursday
morning to spend the holidays in
Valentine with his family.
W. W. Young , a prominent af >
torney of Stanton , Xebr , wsi < ? in
the pity Monday in the interest of
a clif-nt in n al estate matter.
j R. B. Tucker has resigned his
position with Davenport & Thach
j er and last Friday morning de
. 'parted for his home at Lincoln.
s Watkins has ncfpptcd a
position nnight clerk at tho Chi
cago hotel. lie cnmo down from
White river about a month ago.
Wash Honey came up from
Wood lake last Friday on business
and attendpd the preliminary hoar-
ing of the three Woodlake boys.
Mrs. Elmer Ayers returned
'home from Hot Springs , S. D. ,
last Thursday morning , where she
has been for the past four months
Worth Holsclaw and family
came down from thoir ranch on
the reservation last wpek to spend
Christmas and visit relatives in
Miss Ada Stinard went down to
Lincoln Monday morning to at
tend the the State Teachers asso
ciation which was held there Dec !
27 , 28 and 29th.
The postofiice and banks were
closed Monday , it being their leg
al Xmas holiday. The stores also
closed at noon and gavp their
1 clerks a half holiday.
Mrs. I. V. Merriss , daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hahn , ar-
riwrl Friday morning from Iowa
i Falls , Iowa , to visit several wppks
with her parents on North Table.
Yank O'Bryan and wife , of tho
reservation , drove down Saturday
and enjoyed Christmas with J. B.
Hull and wife of this city. On
account of the severe dold wavna
and high winds Monday and Tues-
tlay they did not return home un- .
til yesterday. !
\V. \ R'ir.-er and wife of
reservation , left Friday morning
, for Sioux City. His wife will go
on from there to Pipestone , Minn ,
for a short visit with relatives.
James C. Quigley and Alfred
Lewis are home from Bullevue
college ( his state , spending their
Christmas vacation with their par
ents and visiting friends in v this
Geo. Cyphers , boss carpenter
at Pine Ridge Agency , came down
la t Sundny morniiitr t > enjoy
Cnritma > here with hi * family.
Fie will return to Pine Ridge Sun
day night.
Leonard Sparks arrived home
from the rnilit-iry academy at , Or
chard L-ike , Mich , hist. Saturday
morninjf to spend the h. lidiys
with hrparents , Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Sparks.
Lee Siiepard and EJ Parry de
parted last Thursday morning for
Florida , taking with them two cars
of hordes which they intend to
dispose of there. They probably
will be gone a couple of weeks.
Wm. Caton came down from his
ranch near Stearns , S. D. , last Fri
day to spend rhri tmav with his
family at the home of Judge Towne
and wife. Mr. Caton called on us
Saturday and subscribed for THE
Mrs. J. C. Northrop's father
and mother and mother , who have ,
been visiting her.e for . several j
weeks'departed Tuesday.morning J
for Wayne , Xebrasi\a to visit a
daughter. From there they will
go to Chicago to visit a son.
A. B. Overman , of Crookston ,
was transacting business in Valen
tine last Friday and called at this
office to see the editor , but was' '
disappointed in seeing him , I M. '
Rice and f.unily hivimr gone down
to jTork , Xebr. , to spend the holi-
I. M. Jones and son , Ray , came
down from St. Francis Mission last
Saunlay to spend Xmas with Mr.
Jo-ies' son , Claude , and wife.
1 Mr. . [ ones and son Ivive been up
at th ' Mission inee list April ,
' working at'their trade cirpenter-
ing. They have completed a build
ing 112x48 feet , three stories high ,
and are now building a covered :
passage way between the different
buildings so that the children may
pass from building to building
without having to expose them
selves to the inclemency of the
weather. They expect tc : have \
work there all the winter. Mr.
Jones and son returned to the
Mission the first of the week.
On Monday evening , Dec. 26 ,
1904 : , Rev. A. T. Carpenter united
Miss Mabel McKane , of Dead-
wood , S. D. , and Mr. E M. Gib
son , of St. Joe , Mo , in holy mat
rimony. The beautiful and irn-
pressive ceremony took pi-ice at.
the home of the bride's uncle , 0.
W. Morey , in the midst of a large
number of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson left Tues
day morning to spend a short
honeymoon in the east and will
make their home in Chadron up
on their return.
Many Valentine people will re
member Mrs. Gib > on as a former
resident of this city. She was
well liked an 1 a nerfect lady , and
Mr. Gibson is to be congratulated
as being so lucky in finding such
a helpmate. Mi. Gibson is a
traveling man well known
and liked up and down the road *
THE DEMOCRAT congratulates
the happy couple and wishes thi
4 4 W ? ? Xmas Fancies !
We are carrying a full lino of Xmas Groceries
We want your trade. Call in and got prices , *
linisiiis in fancy clusters.
4 ? oNew "Vovlt .Apples , best quality. I *
rs'ius , Almonds , Pecans , Brazil Nuts and English Walnuts
Candies , mixed and fancy , special price given in pail lots
J *
Condiments. Chutney , Tobosco Sauce , Catsup , India-
Rplish , etc.
< 9 res We have the finest line of Preserves on
the market , including the famous Gordon
worth brands.
15 New York Buckwheat Flour , Chase & Sanborn Coffee s
Davenport & Thacher
Large stock of
Hamilton Brown Shoe 4L7 a'
Just arrived.
All other shoes in stock sold at greatly
reduced prices for next 30 days. Come
and see us. We sell everything , and
at prices which aro right.
i * t 9
roceries !
3 The BEST for table use and at popular prices. :
Our Stock is Always Fresh *
> . (
Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens
Hay , Grain and Feed
V cr fir a iiT fif
ir N r ? VQDttnD
flj-l til 51" ti .t/dJU-
U 1 CJ3 , / - . , ,
Fir.-t chislino of S'eak . R-iast ,
lrSalr , Melts Smoke !
' 'reakfast I3aeon.
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
Suited to your taste.
Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our
we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter
Home Bakery
: ggS v ! 5KS S : S : ! grS r Ea
Read the Advertiser""nts.