Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 15, 1904, Image 8
VALENTINE OEMOOKA ? I.i \ RISE EDI TOP Mutual compaTjles pay lor Rediscount I. M. RICE. Ag POWDER Afesoiutely Pure AI5 HO SUBSTITUTE NOTICES. * f Hearing ; on Potltioii for Ap- palntmcnt of Administrator. In th County Court of Cherry County , Neb- * NEIIRASKA I tXTjxrv or UHKKUV. f T tfeo beirR and to all perEons interested In fb oc at of Wi liam J. Kii : bolt. deceased : OB nwdlng the petition of A. M. MorrKsey , that the administration of .said estate to William S. Gillaspie us udminir > - It Is hereby o dered that jou and .vll w oas interested in said matter , ma ) , and In. appear ut the Count } Court to be held in and tor saul county , o the 17th day of Dec.-mber A. I ) . 1904 at 10 o'clock a m . to show cause. If M > there be , why the prayer ol the petitioner abrtulti not bo gran'ed , a d that notice of the f omleiicy of said petition and that ; the hearing thereof bfl civcn to all persons intcr-sted inlaid Ucr by publlshiiiKa copy of this order in the lentiue Democrat A weekly newspaper print txl IB nald county , for three successive weeks jnor o said day of hearing. Wifue sinv hand , and seal of said conn , this 23th aay of November A. ! > . 1W ) . S AL \V. II. TOWNE , -v 403 County Judge. Order to Show Caue Why License Should Not Be Granted to Sell Real Property. In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne- In the matter of the potiUon of ardner H. rollout , administrator of the estate of Charlotte Folsom. for Itemise to sell estate NOW , on this 5th day of December. 1901. this cause came on for hearins upon the petition mider oath of Gardner If. F 'Is mi. administra tor of the esUtc ot Charlotte Fuls-om. deceased. I > r jin < for license to .sell the following describ ed real estate of the said rharlotte Folsom , to- * it : HHNKH and N SK , section G.TP.SJ , E. 87 , for the payment ot'ilebts allo ved against wild estate and allowances and cost of SHU ! ad ministration lor the reason that there is not a ufflcient amount of personal pmpeity in thr- post slon of the said Gardner H Folsom. ad- wiulMr.itbelonging to said estate to p < iy said lUbtit. Rtlowances and costs and lor tbe further reason that Itulllbefor the b st interests of aald oslut-G to convert said real estate to cash. .It U therefore ordered that all persons in terested In said estnte appear before me at chambers in the city of O'Neill in the lo'h Ju dicial IMstnct on thf 2nd day of January. 1005 , at ttic fcour of ten o'cl-x-ka m , and show cause , if. any thtre be , why license should not be granta ! to wild Gardner H , Folsom , adminis trator. to sell the above described real estate of said dewlent to pay said debts and expenses It IB further ordered that a copy of this order h served upon all persons interest"d in s.ii- rtatn by causing the same to be published once ch week for four successive weeks in the Vul- entnc .Democrat , a newspaper printed and published m said countv of Cherry. J.J. HARRINGTON' . 474 Judge Difctrict Court. THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE Only Double Track Railroad bcttceeti Jlimtottri Hirer Hf CHicayo. IHrect line to St Ptn lim. Direct line to Itlack A&&IU to ncarrttt ftycnt for rate * tnapu and time rariltt. TIME TABLE Great Northern Line at O'neill , Nebr. z Kast , Going West. Leve.s-10:10 a. m. Arrives 9:50 p. m. Passenger , daily except Sunday. Connections with Elkhoru trains east and rtrt-bonnd from all points west of O'Neill. Mb rt38t route to Sioux City and beyond. Through connections for Sioux Falls , Minne apolis , St , Paul and all points inorth and west. T r local tTkets to O'Neill. FBED KOOKRS , G , P , A. RiniiT City .Towa on October G , from E. A. Marrall's pasture near the railroad bridge , 1 brown tliree yraj old saddle horse with rope marks behind ears , brand- on left shoulder , weight ibout 850 pounds. 99 N. S. ROWLEY , Kennedy , Neb. Hiffb grade Galloway Bulls , 2 < to 5 years old , for sale. Also two Thoroughbred's. For further in formation inquire at this office. 13 Mor e * For Sale. Son good work IIOTSDB , saddle IjorreB and eome good young mares Terms to rait parehaser. Inquire at BieSop'B livery ton A 23 OI P RATKI > . ) UNION SIOPK Y.AKDS. SO. OMAII V , NEB. TO SFIIITEItSWo will he pleased to < i-Ti' vltb'uir winnlinii'iits nur maiketre- ; > o-t or the .Tomr-il-St < v in < n to U whorontt nipiiip-ilpiln. ! | stnr-j , 'hN * 'f 'tc lo tii an.V \v < l- gla-f to IM < Cyou { . ( UK'd i.n tinnrirtit'D f i.go'hl i.s ati i roijrt'Jo.i3 troaimt-n otu cii rdrm-rs ! ia\v be come our best ao.'n'itors. Ship'i.i- to us receive most ci-i > ful ; 'tf iitioi ! Give use. trial and Uvnnie mnvfiioc d , jlJJWd : KA4.S.TU-V Jt F l \ 1 > A , ( In' < rpnrali'd. ) TAKXX UP at my place , two miles cast of Crookston , on Oct. 20 , l)0J ! , one brown horse about 12 years old branded j J on left lbirh , weight about 1100 a. KD 1'IICK d thisSthdayof'-ovcm'ie'1901 ' 433 1M-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good preno.riprioi ) For mankind t The 0-cent package- enough lor usual occas slsus. The family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a supply for a vfiar. All lrnecl r i pll thorn M > BI V BVMM M B M M < B * M B " l II. S , DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE , Weather Bureau The following data , covering a per iod of 15 years , have been compiled froin the Weather Bureau records at Valentine. Nebr. They are issued to show the conditions that have pre vailed , during the month in question for the above period of years , but must not be construed as a forecast for the weather conditions for the cominsr month. DECEMBER. TEMPERATURE. Mean or normal temperature 27 ° The warmest month was that of 1889 with an average of 33 ° The coldest month was that of 1902 with r.n average of 17 ° The highest temperature was GS ° on the 18 , 1S90. The lowest temperature was 34 ° on the G , 1901. The earliest date on which Grst kill ing frost occurred in autum , Sept. 12. Average date on which first killing- frost occurred in antum , Sep 18 Average date on which last killing frost occurred in spring , May 9 The latest date on which last killing frost occurred in spring , June 21. PRECIPITATION ( rain ur melted snow ) Average for the month 0 62 inches Average number of days with .01 of an inch or more , G. The greatest monthly precipitation was 1 28 inches in 1902. The least monthly precipitation was 0.05 inches in 1894 The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 24 consecutive hrs.was 0.76 inches on the 25-29 , 1889. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive hours ( record extending to winter of 1884-85 only ) was 46 inch eson the NXx OOl. CLOUDS AND WEATELER Average number of clear days , 12 ; partly cloudy , 10 ; cloudy , 9. WIND. The prevailing winds have been froui the W. The average hourly velocity of the wind is 10 miles. The highest velocity of the wind was 52 miles from the NW on the l"i. ( 1890. J. J. MCLEAN , Official in charge Weather Bureau. A LONZO HEATH address Cody , Nebraska On left aide. IIor- | Ms lelt shoulder. Range north Cutcomb Lake O A BUCK I'ostotnce addre Hyunms , Neb Branded on lelt side Raiifie eighteen miles north of Hvanuls A T DAVIS PostofUce address liyannls. Neb Oa right side horses on left shoulder also cattle on right side Kan e 18 mile. * north of H\anni < * A'len ' & Sous Kt Niobrara. Brand retail-ro No-370 Horses branded on left hip KauRe , Niobrara Mver 12 miles east of Valentine Sawyer Bros. Postofflce address. Oasis , Nebr G K Sawyer has charjjo of these catr tie Horses l > s on eft shoulder Some stoci K l left side bain e A1IM. IMl-s lert SHIP or nerBnind Bnind -d l/Ji rhweM ol VTf-Tiriiaii on "r rnn , nvr Address Abia vet > r ! ; , No'-Mi of Iiobrar.i ruer. J. VV. ritetter , Valentine , Nebr. OWier brands : 3X X + - Horses branded : X , < orf on leit shoulder ; Q thiu'h. * * Rang" i m Boar < lman. Cordon. Snakf and Sand Creek P U. Young. Simeon Nebr Cattle branded as eut on left side Some QV ° n 'uff ' Bide. on left jaw of V horses. Hangf on Gordoa Ore Ic nor'h of Sime ii. Sandy Williams Mcrninan. Nebr. Mo ? ly 01. left hide , yump on ri ht side Horses same on left shoulder Lake , R. D. 0 A Hancock Marshall , Mo. or Simeon , Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as oa cut ; also 16 on left side with n. on left hip of some Battle ; also S16 on riKht side Hor e brand , rake and It on left jhoiilo'fv : hip Z on left jaw Home ranch ou Uewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east o : Port Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska St. Francis Mission Postiifilceaddress : Crookston. Nebr , or Rosebud , S. D. Cattle branded as in cut. Some cattle in S I ) branded onlj on lett hip. R-UJje : North 3 of the Minnecha- duza , 8 miles west , ot Cr-iokstoH , and ! on Bull Creek. Any information n ardint : cattle branded : _ ahovpwillbethankfullj received by Wpa Skelly Crooketon , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Hose budS. D. J. B. Lord Stock braiider same as cut back n\ \ right shoulder am on right hip Range on th * Niobrara F.V J-rsig Valentine. Nebr Cattle branded as shown tin cut on left side , loin or hip. R-uige Derwe n the Gordon nnd Snake < outh of the Niobrara river J K Wallingford Kennedy , Neb. Cattle branded s < une as cut ; also some branded on Icftlnp. G. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut : also r.J BK f.J on rip-lit Itip. Uanjje on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock aearinprany of these brands. G.H. Seager. addrepp Codv , Ncnniska 'attle brandvd as on ut on left side , hip lud shoulder ; Morses lame < anRe , Snake Creek J. J. Peck. Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses CC on lefttiugn. Range Head Pass Creek. S. D Cattle Co Rrw. hiu ! . S J > as cut n left * fd - wuhtnji dpr n.turS ? * Ffv-iA ± = ft * - _ S js f as , tiHOHSff9l Horses ou left shoulder. Ran'eNorth Elf. T Bnick"tr Rteye. Nebr. Brand Registered jjo 1400 Brand right side Drhip Fforseh same OP ritckt shoulder Range , Ninbruru 6 miles south of Kilgore On both aid'and hip. Ik-rd mark dewlap. Hoi so. * same > Mt shoulder KangeLake Creek and LitlV _ _ ra > .y " , -w , 2'/ < s/pv- _ \Vhir < - River. f S i& SGS ' . W. Simeon N'el ) Stork branded tf witb Ton loti hi ) * ilso same as cut Range between. Gordon and Snake ' reeks and on tl i Niobrtira river FrauK T Le . Brownlee , JNeb. Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder Range Foui miles northfast "t D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr Tattle branded -15. on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder , Range Square Lake. Chi Psi dattln Co. J'dward Lewis , foreman. \Vood Lake , Citt'f b'andod a ? j in eut < 'n ritrht s ' ' J of riiini'on onf'rnnin Wi ZT" W _ ranch' an Vsoodlake Neb John Komi' * } ivtae rnarlt slu in lett ( "AT W E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registereu No 200 Range in Sharp- Kiuch and ( Jerreai precinet * ' fi mUe1- south of Klgoie 0. BT Little. Merriman , Ne-r ? OP either side Horsed same on hiu. Also J > Range Lake Creek 3D WILLIAM BEAMER Gordor , Net-i. Cattle bn > nde < * same s cut on lefl side. Horses .Sli branded r > f ou left i % I shoulder. Kiassfc Range 6 mile-- south of Invin. JTJLITTS PETFRSON * i Poatofflce address . ' 'Gregory , " .Vb Branded us on en * Range two miles tiorl'j ' of Gregory F. C. & M. O. Metzger. Mecrimau Nebraska. ( 'attle branded on leftside ; Ilorses branded on left 'high , some are branded Some cattle ca ou on si ie. Range onH 30 Snake STi miles so itb of Rierriman , Others br aniroS miles n rthwestof Morifman ( Charles Bichards. Merriman. N ? Jld" if" ! l" | > , Hljd OJl rW ; * Pr- . oy , Mi ' .n' 'd-T Of ' 101 g& / - 9 Se.s. Alboiflgg&S ou < & vat < l md * * . Ff on left side on 'eft ' 5i'de and AI o ift i nip. f C on left jaw and left shnuidpr of LUQ on left hip of horses. R M Faddis& Co. Postofilce aridiess Valeiti for Kf.nucdy Some ' ' ft thigh " rigbt rhlub ur shoulm > r. J P O AKDfNKfJ address Cody , Nebraska On iyf side of cat tle ; hordes O right ; trrr. fianire , north and south of Niobrarn \ or , 12-miles south west ot Cody Frank KilgersNeb. Cattle branded on Mde as on cut sam - 01 , bin Some on left side. George Eeyno j' , Neb Brand registered No 1027 branded on left shoulder Uaune north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co G. W. McFarland as in cut on left side , uld stock 2V" Hi iq" : tour iniles fast of Forl X'obiara , north G. E Valentine N'eDr. Brand > u 371 Uraud > > ii rierbt siiJo" -Kb Mra\ Cattle branded oil left thigh or bip same as cut Horse brand same on the left jhoulder ' ' - ' - rr . - - 'V'sir/fr-jj'-y n st/y * Morey & Hewntfc. , Nebr. Brand registered 292. On iKt hip if cattle. Llorses tame left should- x ; also O4.O eft side. flange South of Shake 35 miles ie of Gordon. Kobert Quisenbery Pobtoffice address . Simeon , Nebr. 7 left hip ou cattle. Elorsessarneon right shouhler. : Range on Smilre Uiver. os. Bristol Valentin , Ni br Kage on Mn- ani ri\t-r fnur K -'fs ' oast of t't ; . f < . 'tit hip or > wn iu ft Albert7tiuiple & Sons CO Rosebud , 3 , D. Cattle branded S A SOS on left side OSO on richtslde AS OS Some crttle also have af on neck on shoulder and some branded with two bar icro < J ln'nd onar . Some Toxas ittle branued ? ? O on icfc aidt1 ind i left side. orses branded SOS on left hiu. Some castie anded AW bar conuocied on Both sides and t bin of Pat Peiuer Simeon Nebr. Ca efl n < of bn * * CO GO on left hip. Horses same on eft shoulder. \ _ -r / Some branded" - * a- * SVJS < > left sho-ldor la Jj H ? 6ome > .o on "fc side > Kuiijrt-y miles southwest of Valentine on north side of iobrara river. PIXJuicoa Postofilceaddress Trookston. Neb Caf tie branded PE on either hip or rlfhtside. Horse9 PK on left shoulder. Mi"ne- chirjiiia 5 miles * -a t ot address I'at'ie bran > ed as on sit , horje.s branded anieab tittle ei' reversed S. Setblock Stephensoii fs and X ) reward v/ill bf paid to any person for in. formation let < Uag to tiie arrest and conviction ) f any person orp r > < nr. twiliiicr c } lt5 with MOGLE PostofEe address Cody , Nebr.iska gjsrgpj'jnfithcr side cuttle 1 < t' 1'n-irk-left eac and nyht ea * split .horses > ancles resume on left shoulder on Nioam D. Stinurd. Valeniine. Stats Brand reg Cattle and horses branded same as eut ou left hi p. Range 2 miles east ol Ft , Nio Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. lartlett ; Ri.lmniiPre ? Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Janiiaoo Sec&Trsas Cattle branded on v.ny part of animal ; also the following brands : . tht "auie Rauge betweeu ordon on the F.E , i : M V . K R and tv. ni Jt M iu orthw"'ste J Kljstvorth Cherry Cp Branded oo l-fi 'ide mid thigh. Karitiark , squ r TOP ngtu oar 11 .rsr > . idnie brand i t't thsgh. on r.mi Creeks , A Kru-ai't ? of S'50 .vi ! ! be paid to any nrson for informtition leading to the arrest and unai conviction of any person or persons steal. G. W. BKASIER. Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded . 'ii leftside a 11. cut , { j-inch bo * , and 254-inch circle Brand registered 875. ii uh jffj M a i br ed i inch circle .l-ln ) ox. Registered 87C. Range 6 miles south ol invin oa Niobrara nvei. J Ii KOSEBEKRY f-e address Pniliuan , Neb Sranded on lefc hip ; torses same Herd- n.rk-clouble dev-lap Kange gouth astcf finish il Ml A .7 PLUMED * . * laht side and hl > . Horses on right hip e Southwestern C J. A. FAKYAN f Pullman , Nebr 'Cattle branded JY ou right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder j y Reasonable reward for any information J fading to the re covery of cattla strayed from niy range. J.3T. Swain. Sparks , N ittle branded on t side as shown cut. Range-Sonth Sparks on Nlo- ara river ,