Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 15, 1904, Image 5

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    More Local.
Ni'ls Run If.v u- ; in toVn the
first of the week.
Alex Burr , of Pullman , is om-
ol tinjjcr.i in attendance m court.
.Mrs. Chas Sherman ha1 * been
ill with In jjii pc ami lon-iliiis t.u
paweek. ! .
J. C. Webb retuitied a feu dajs
ago from St. Louis wjierc he han
been doctoring.
Attend the sale of the Methodist
ladies at Mrs. Elmore's store ,
Friday , December 23.
Mr. Heath , Jr. , of Cody , was in
town Monday as a juror but got
excused and returned.
C. P. Wiltsc , of the Newport
Republican , was in town last Sat
urday on a contest case.
Mrs. A. T. Carpenter has boon
quite ill for the past few weeks ,
but is some better at present.
S. L. Ellis , the Simeon mer
chant was up last week after a load
of merchandise for his store.
The Methodist ladies gotten per
cent of the sales at Mrs. Elmores
store on Friday , December 23.
P. II. Young , of Simoon , was in
town yesterday and took out a new
low iron wheel wagon for use on
his ranch.
TV. II. Wilkinson and wife , of
Kennedy , were in town Monday
attending a contest case and visit
ing friends.
W. AY. Wood , of llnshviilo ;
Judge Crites and A. Gr. Filler , of
Chadron , were in attendance at
court this week.
F. M. Sagescr was up from
Chambers , Kebr. , last week look
ing for a house to move into but
failed to find one.
Notice the advertisement of the
E. McDonald store in this issue in
which your attention is called to a
new stock of goods throughout.
Dr. Barnes , the eye specialist of
Omaha , was here last Thursday.
Through some mistake THE DEMO
CRAT office failed to receive notice
of his coming.
Miss Myrtle llolcomb returned
last week from a several weeks
. / stay with relatives in Iowa where
she was called on account of the
illness and death of a sister.
In a new ad this week , in this
paper the Red Front Mercantile
Co. tells you about some of the
nice things they have for Xmas
gifts. Better call ar.d sec them.
Our press broke last Thursday
while printing our paper and caused
us to be a day late. Blacksmith
Charbonnoau repaired the broken
lever for us and made it as good
as new.
When looking for Christmas
goods you should go into Frank
Fischer's store and examine his
furniture. Many useful presents
could be selected for the home
from his stock that will not only
beautify your home but be an ev
ery day comfort.
The Ladies Aid of the Presby
terian church will be in charge of
Mrs. El more 's millinery business
on Wednesday , December 21st ,
she having offered them a certain
per cent of all sales made by them
on that day. The ladies solicit
your patronage and hope all will
buy liberally.
The window decorations for
"Christmas are beauties. We would
especially call your attention to
the beautiful and attractive dis
plays of the Red Front Mercantile
Co. , Davenport & Thacherandthe
Home Baker.Go . inside their
stores and look at the goods fresh
from the casrcs and at prices you
can afford to buy.
The annual election of officers
of the Modern Woodmen occurred
Wednesday evening of last week ,
a larger number than usual being
present. The following are the
elect : li. S. Savago , vcn coun
sel ; A. A. Ander on , worthy ad
visor : M. V. Nicholson , worthy
banker ; Geo. Elliott , clerk ; P. F.
Simons , escort ; Perry Ycach ,
watchman ; Perry Wagner , sentry ;
Jofcu JrJU Tucker ,
Bcrnif Tinkham writes us Iron
Beatrice. Xebr , where he went tr
loctnr hi- c.that . he i- * g < itin < :
, along ptet\ well hut. the ducioi
ih "o v-uys h will lo se the sightir
hilefif.e. . . Mi. Ti.'iUr.m , i' "
, bo rnmembored , had the misfort-
' une about three weekngo trun
a n.iii inio hileft eye while tear
ing down n building < n Marsh lake.
The J. J. Both well that Cherry
county thought she was rid of when
he was sentenced to the pen for
life three years ago , was adjudged
insane by the insanity board and
he will be sent to the insane asylum
now until he is pronounced sane ,
when he will come back for anoth
er trial for his crime. Lawyers
and the supreme court sometimes
go too faiIs _ it to be wondered
that lynch law is resorted to so
frequently ?
Elder Julian held quarterly
meeting at the M. E. church la-t
Sunday. The weather was bad
and the attendance was not as
hrge ns usual but the Elder preach
ed t wo good sermons and those
who attended were well paid for
going out in the cold. Elder Jul
ian is a man of rare ability and ex-
piM'ienro , always able to benefit
his audience with his words of
wisdom an-1 correct thoughts on
how to live and rejoice that con
ditions are no worse.
The ra e of the state vs Pete
Lade MIX. charged with stealing
hoiM'from J. R. Ayers , was tried
Tuesday , the jury findingLadeaux
jrnilty in the evening A strong
effort 'AM.made by his attorneys
to clear him but the evidence was
too strong against him. lie de
serves a long sentence which he no
doubt will get as he is said to be a
tough character , being engaged m
hor-e stealing for some time and
it is believed ho has stolen a num
ber of horses before this.
Court opened Monday with Judge
Westover on the bench and J. D.
Scott a ? reporter. Judge Harring
ton was expected here this week but
was holding court at Ainsworth ,
consequently he was relieved by
Judge Westover. The Judge is
looking as well as ever. There is
no time lost in disposal of cases
and only one case remains to be
heard today as we go to press and
that is a civil case in which the
county has no expense. Court
expenses have been unusually light
the past few years in Cherry Co.
Court adjourned today , Thurs
day evening. Pete Ladeaux was
sentenced to five years for horse
stealing. The Indinn who stole
Ben Hohson's horse plead gnilty
and was given one year. The
nvirro who plead guilty to stabbing
with intent to kill was given ono
year. Three other cases wore dis
missed without coming to trial.
Stale vs Fiend ricks and the state
vs FremontV. . Tate , shooting at
with attempt to kill , wore carried
over to the next term of court.
The case of the South Omaha Na
tional Bank vs Stuart and Wood
for recovery of money on mort
gage given by Stuart was the last
case tried. The court instructed
the jury to find for the defendants
and court adjourned.
"Roy rloober , a genial traveling
salesman , found himself without
an overcoat today noon when he
was ready to make a round of the
town. In place of his coat was
left a brand new overcoat that no
one claimed and Roy good natnred
ly put it on. Judge W. W. Wood
was absent minded at noon and
wore Roy's coat up to the court
house because it resembled a coat
he was in the habit of wearing but
whpn court adjourned the Judge
was fully at himself and couldn't
find his new coat , so thinking he
jhad boon so much wrapped up in
his case that he had forgotten his
coat , he sauntered down to the ho
tel as light hearted as a school boy
without : 'n overcoat. Rov was on
the lookout as the men filed in
fro'm court and spying Judge Wood
without an overcoat resolved that
he had found his man. Explana
tions soon followed , but as neither
Wood nor Hoobor drink or smoke ,
truato were uofc
Wood lake comes to the front
\ \ ilh a sensational ca-e in their city
ehofil 'he past week which is the
\\orst and most disgraceful crime
\vt pprpoleatnd by school children
that we have heard. Threi b"\s .
got some Spanish . ihV < d
Lnkp drug store and put some of
n into the water pail at school last
Thursday. Some of thp children
drink of the water and bpr-amc
very sick from the effects of it.
Others were warned by some who
knew that the water had been
"fixed , " not to drink of it. The
names given to us of the boys who
perpetrated this deed were Syl
vester Hagen , young Ammon , the
school teacher's boy , and young
Wagner , son of Win. Wagner.
The daughters of Edward Lewis ,
John Whillans and Mr. Young ,
each drank of the water and be
came sick. A girl by the name-of
Parks saw the boys put the stuff
into the water and young Rberhart
was asked by these boys to pur
chase Spanish Fly for them , but
refused and told his sister not to
drink the water at school nor to
take any of the boys' candy. The
VVhillans girl took a piece of the
candy but it didn't look jrood an-1
she threw it away. It is stated
that the boys have had the Spanish
Fly several weeks. Wp are in
formed that two of these boys put
in ten cents each and the other
purchased it at the drugstore.
The citizens of Wood lake are very
much incensed over the affair and
are anxious to have the offenders
punished to guard against future
outrages and to provide for the
afety of their children at school.
It is the duties of our officers to
:0ok : into this matter and to prose-
: ute the guilty ones.
By TJie
Mrs. Edith Ward is visiting and
attending court in this city.
Miss Bessie Miller is visiting
friends in town a couple of days.
Ramsey Watkins is down f/om
iis ranch on White river on busi
F. PI. Miller came in from his
farm south of town and is attend
ing court as a juryman.
Miss Jessie Allen has come down
Tom Merriman to visit her cousin
Miss Blanche Bishop and will re
turn to her home after the holi
Mrs. W. D. Clarkson left here
ast Saturday morning for Sioux
nit.y on account of her sister's ill
ness. She will visit a few weeks
with her mother. Mrs. Clarkson
was Accompanied by her youngest
laughter , Irene.
\Ve aro goin < j to grive our road-
crs or their boys or girls a chance
to make a dollar i'or Christmas
time. Our gasoline engine makes
it possible for us to run a bigger
subscription list and to get it we
are going to divide the profits with
those who help to make our list
larger. Here's our offer : Anyone
can work at it.
New Subscribers To
The Valentine Democrat
to Jan , lf 1906 for Sl.OO ;
To the party sending in the
name of any hew subscriber to
Jan. 1 , 1900 they may retain oOc
as their commission on each new
subscriber sent to this office. That
is , send us 50c for each new sub
scriber to Jan. 1 , 190G and keep
the other half dollar as your com-
mis ion. This offer holds good
, only to Jan. 1 , 1905. Get to work
' and help to swell our list 500
names. It is easy money for you.
j Send money order or any way for
us to get the money. Tf you send
stamps they must be2c stamps and
send on 5 extra for each subscrip
tion. We want a boy or girl in
every home in Cherry or Key a
Pahi : counties to earn some money
on this proposition.
Send in your orders as soon as
you can get them to
T. M. RICE ,
Business Notices.
VotM'i" . wrW this lnwllnjj i > ccnn ; ier line
: ti'l ) finrtl - \.mont n-mjme nmttor ,
picJ insenlon
All kins of famebead wojk nb
K. MoDoiiMljP- ro. 48
Headquarters for Christinas goods
at Mrs. Elm ore's.
If you wish to make your friend
a present of a nice rocker , Morris
chair lounge , hook case or anything
in the line of furniture call on the
Eed Front Merc. Co. 48
11 head of cows and heifers and 3
calves. They can he seen at the
mill pasture. E. A. McQu.vDE.
Valentine , Neb.
I All kinds of china for Christmas
and many other things too numer
ous to mention at Mrs. Elmore's.
10 ci-iit ribbon , a 1 silk , at Mrs.
Now is the time to buy that heat
ing fcove. Keep your home warm
and cheerful while winter's cold
winds go whistling araund the cor
ners. We have just what is requir
ed to withstand these winds and
protect the health of your family ,
namely ; a "JRetort Jewel , " the best
soft coal ' urner made , far superior
to anj other retort stove made , or
one of Coles' Original Hot Blast
stoves. Cal ! and inspect our line
of stoves ; we can save you money ,
beside giving you a better stove.
48 Eed Front Merc. Co.
I have nt my place , 7 miles west
\Vooillake , a six year old Mam-
niot h Jack , weight 900 pounds , to
ti-.ide for § 350 worth of cattle or
47 Wood Lake , Nebr.
We publish a Ilomcsceker's
Guide in the interest of those de
siring good homes. Write today
and receive a co ) .v free.
J. A. JONES & CO. ,
( Successors to Bailey & Jones )
Real Estate Brokers.
454Salisbury , Md.
I have buyer for Nebraska farms.
If you want to sell , list with ineor
write for particulars. 47
HOKACE Giu r ,
Heist Bldg. Kansas City , Mo.
Via the North-western Line Ex-
cnr ion tickets will he sold on Dec. '
26. 27 and 23 , limited to re'urn un
til Jan. 2 , 1905. inclusive. Apply
to agents Chicago & North-western
E'y. 482 \
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold at low
rates on presentation of proper cer
tificates issnsd by the educational
institution. For full particulars as
10 dates of sale , limits , etc. , apply
to agents Chicago & North-western
E'v. 473
Who's Afraid !
This is the title of a beautiful
steel engraving , issued by the Chi
cago it North-western Railway , that
will please the lif.tle folks and be an
adornment to the nursery. It H
6x9 inches in size , printed on heavy
card with wide margins , suitable for
framing. Sent to any address on
receipt of four cents in postage by
W. B. Kniskern , passenger traffic
manager , Chicago. 473
* siasd SP ci > lo ,
Via the North-western Line , will be
in effect from all stations Junuary
7. 8 and 9 , 1905 , with favorable re-
turn limits , on account of Annual
Conventions , National Live Stock
and Wool Growers' Association ? .
Two fast trains through to Colora
do daily , only one night. For full
informal ion apply to agents Chica
go & Nwbli-wtftteiii R'y , 474
T9 1ft
, " i V
- > i t
If to Former Cost
The famous
Poco ,
BucR = Eye
n JR. Genuinely good in
\ AME A every detail. Film or
Plates as you choose.
Wilh Double
Plate Holder $1.60 Absolutely new models.
Our facilities enable
us to furnish cameras
of the highest grade at
g prices which cannot
be met.
Send for illustrated
catalogue telling all
about our 27 styles
and sizes. Free.
946 SL Paul St. , Rochester , Nl Y.
rj F.h 't u ,1 i o v. 'frt iri on- . . * . . , j wji-fatiua
j th.wi- < . D. ! , \ - lTron
s our i -i i Cv// \ „ _ j. i C2. m 3 rreo
O 1 I i f * C I * ( V * ( * "
' " 'r.v-nf . 1 vt..j.tliT ip-r
nro < f lir'-.irr- < s * "r'n n-rniit na.ptr.
. . ' .
> - > bta-ij j to cover
. . , " -
: / .T 7-trto / .
ut fort uril \ rt U-J.1..1 i / , Li .M
r * i v 'i * -a ; f-i * * . jo * - > v i.
JnT T , v" .o ' * yi _ > . " _ " * ( _ , r _ * ouii t
r.f osi .j
i.c ? " : , TALL. ) , : IASS. , u.r . .
ft V V V
\ Meals : Lunches : Short Orders
First class meals at all hours ,
day and night. Oysters in
season. Pics , cakes , dough
nuts always on hand.
E. D. Cohota , Prop.
' 0809 *
25 Per Cent Off.
25 Per Cent Off.
Dont forget to buy Willie that
pair of skates , or that sled , or that
pocket knife he saw at the Eed
Professional Cards.
The Loup Valley Hereford
Prince. .Bo b4fll
131603 and CurtjT
Coat 1122GI at head
of herd , Tiie W < * M.
of foTrJer.-AjLJUctr.
Lord WUttmaodc
Gladstone predomi
nate * ic lay berd , .
I cau nil orders fox bulls of all agea a * aaj
time. Kauch feur miles norUi-west ol
lee , .Nebr.
C. 1L
'iran , bulk 75 per cwt (14.00 ton
> hortsbulk 85 per cwt $ ltt.OOtOD
Screenings 70c " $1-3.00 ' * *
Ohop Feed 1.05 " $20.00
Corn 95 $18.00"
Chop corn 1.00 " $19.00"
Oats 1.20 " $23.00"
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigloy & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The Don-
oher residence , Cherry Street.
Sobert G. Easley ,
over Red Front
G. H. Hall , M. D.
iPhysician and Surgeon.
All calls promptly attended to day
or night. Drugs and Phar
maceuticals furnished.
Wcod JLnke , - Nebraska.
Kiece ,
Tubular wells and windmills.
Office over the grocery doparni&nt
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency .Tuy
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1.l i 4.
City Deliveryman ,
Trunks , valises and packages hauled & , and
from the depot and all parts ef the City.
C. M.SAGESER . . -
* *
First-class Shop in Every Eespect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star B&lr
1 Tonic. Herpiclde and Cokn's Dandrnrt Cnr * .
I Try roiopeian. Face Massage Cream