Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 15, 1904, Image 2

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    The Valentine Democn
L M. RIOE , Pobltst
Thej' Have Only One Hegre
Would Have Liked a Final Pig ]
at Lisast The. Situation at P <
Arthur General War News.
A St. Petersburg dispatch says : > 1
.Russian authorities evidently are not ;
satisfie/1 as 1 the truth of the report
the destruction of the remainder of 1
Port Arthur .squadron , as the censor 1
not yet permitted the publication of 1
eign reports to that effect. Xeverthele
these reports arc in the hands of thp !
niiralty , where iliey are icgarded
Hounding the knell of the Port Artli
11 ecu
The only regret expressed is that th
did not get out for a final fight or si
in deep water , where they would be 1
yond hope of salvation.
A Japanese legation dispatch receiv
nf London from Tokio says : "The mn
staff at Port Arthur reports Thursd
evening that the Pallada was set on fi
and heeled to port , with stern sunk. Elc
shots hits the Gallak ( gunboat ) . , T
Uayan took fire at 11:30 p. m. . and w
still ablaze at 4:15 o'clock Friday moi
ing. The Amur ( transport ) was hit foi
teen times and sank. Many shots gro :
ly damaged the warehouses and oth
buildings near Peiyou Mountain and t
arsenal. "
Advices from the headquarters of t :
Third Japanese Army before Port A
thur , via Fusan , state that on the nig
of Nov. 2G the Japanese established 5
fantry trenches inside the parapets
two of the Ruliling and North Kcekw :
forts , but on the following day tin
were compelled to retire beyond tl
moats. Since then there has been pra
tically no fighting done along the inclii
of the eastern ridge of forts , the ma
strength of the Japanese troops havii
been concentrated to effect the captu
of 20 : ; Mel or Hill.
The battleship Pobieda has heeled ov
in the harbor and is now burning. T !
battleship Relxivan and the turret sh
Poltiva have been sunk. The armorc
cruiser Bayan has been beached. Tl
other vessels arc making no effort to e
The Woman Must Answer in Lorai
County , Ohio.
Tiie grand jury at Elyria , O. , adjouri
ed after voting t indict Mrs. Chadwir
on the charge of having obtaine
money under false pretenses in Lorai
County , for Oberlin is in Lorain Counti
The verdict of the jury will not be o
licially rendered until later.
Prosecutor Stroup advised such a prc
cedure. The jury is also looking int
the rumors of a wholesale scheme to di
fraud. The connection of a New Yor
lawyer and five other men with the Chad
wick case in that county is being invest !
Stock Market Rallies Some , bu
Selling Orders Predominate.
The New York stock market opene <
weak and lower , the opening quotation :
showing declines .of ' { t < j JThe niarkci
jsoon steadied and in some sjv.rcs ! then
'were goad rallies. The feeling is r thei
jnprq phecrful , although the uiisettfrci
pjidilipns indicated in the early quota
tions tended to check anything like ag
gressive buying for a rise. Representa
tives of certain commission houses were
reported to be buying moderately of the
active list , while others seemed to have
Ti preponderance of selling orders. Then-
'are no indications of forced liquidation.
Signed by Andrew Carnegie.
Judge Francis W. Downs , a prominent
attorney of Binghamton , N. Y. , said : "I
have been informed on what I believe to
be good authority that the u'otes offered
jfOy Mrs. Chadwick and purporting to be
signed by Andrew Carnegie were genu
ine , and were signed by an Andrew Car
negie , not the great steel magnate , but
by a relative of his of that name. "
Coal Miners' Narrow Escape.
A coal mine at South Bartonville , 111. ,
one mile south of Peoria , was discov
ered on fire at 8:30 o'clock Friday morn
ing. There were 100 men at work in
the mine , but all were taken to a second
shaft , half a mile distant , and made
their escape , although some of them were
overcome by smoke and gas. The origin
of the fire is a mystery
Shipbuilding Company Fails.
The Ncafie & Levy Shipbuilding Com
pany at Philadelphia , Pa. , one of the old
est concerns of the kind in the country ,
assigned Friday. The company com
pleted the Denver for the government
and is now constructing the protected
cruiser St. Louis.
Sioux City Stock Market.
Friday's quotations on the Sioux City
stock market follow : Butcher steers.
§ 3.85@4.35. Hogs , $4.2Q@L35.
Overdraft Ends All Salaries.
A Terre Haute , Ind. , special says : The
county treasurer of Vigo County has re-
jfused to honor warrants until an over
draft of nearly $200,000 , secretly piled
up by the county commissioners , is dis
posed of.
Japanese Casualty List.
Imperial army headquarters at Tokio
publishes a list of thirty-six officers killed
| and fifty-eight wounded. No mention is
'made wheie these casualties occurred ,
jbut presumably it was at Port Arthur-
Panel is Completed for the N
Patterson Trial.
After John D. Benedict had been
moved from the jury box by Justice I
vis in the criminal branch of the supre
court at New York , tiie two jurors nee
sary to complete the panel in the trial
"Nan" Patterson for the murder of C
sar Young were chosen Thursday aft
noon , and Assistant District At ton
Rand at once began his opening sta
incut. Mrs. Patterson was the only \
man in the court room when the prosci
tor opened.
Mr. Rand practically repeated 1
charges he made at the former tri
which was brought to a sudden 'end
the illness of a juror.
In closing , Mr. Rand said in part :
"I cannot promise you that the mer
shall call will swear to all they know ,
think you will say that two of them , t
cabman , Michaels , and the pawubrok
Stern , are not telling all they know ,
agree with me that they are very igi
rant men. But there is one witness
cannot call and he is the tall , smoo
faced man of athletic build and havi
red hair. He is J. .Morgan Smith. A
I cannot call his wife , the sister of t
defendant , because they have run awaj
"Smith is a most important witness 1
cause he is a man who bought the wer
on , and , because he is not here , I propc
to show you where he ran to , who help
him to get away , and who are helpi
him to keep away from the detectiv
still hunting for him. I will not attem
to produce an eye witness to the sho <
ing. Such of the witnesses as I will pi
ducc I want you to size up , because th
are a queer lot. And after I have pi
sented all the facts I hope you will reai
the truth , and if you then have ai
doubt , which by even a stretch of the i ;
agination might be called reasonable ,
say give it to this defendant. ' '
After Mr. Levy , representing Miss P :
terson , had objected to certain statemcii
made by Mr. Rand , adjournment w ;
taken until noon.
Preacher Accused ol' Former
at Paris , Tex.
A. A. Arthur , aged 71 years , AVIO hi
made his home at Hiawatha. Kan. , sim
last September , representing himself as
retired preacher and eA'angclist , has bee
irrestcd by a St. Louis detective on
charge of forging a check for § 10,000 :
Paris , Tex. Later Arthur admitted h
; uilt and agreed to return to Texas wit !
nit a requisition.
Under the name of U. II. Boyd , Arthv
onducted revival meetings at Paris la ;
mmmer. In August he deposited a drai
or § 10,000 in a Paris bank. The drai
vas regularly made out to II. II. Roy <
ind was signed by M. M. Stevensoi
lashier of the Georgia National Bank , r
Athens , Ga. Arthurdrewout § 2,500 of th
uoney and disappeared , after which i
vas discovered that the draft had bee
inndit Battles with Victim Ami <
Smoke and Flame.
Locked in a life and death struggle
'hristopher Tripp and a masked bandi
aught in a burning building at Murray
ix miles south ofSalt Lake City , Utah
Neither man relaxed his grip until thei
lothing was afire ; then both crawlcc
irough the dense smoke to the onto :
The highwayman , armed with a re
alver , tried to hold up Christopher am'
amuel Tripp in their brother's store
[ e fired at Christopher , when the lattei
sisted him. In the struggle that fol-
wed the stove was overturned and the
sultant fire consumed the store.
The bandit escaped.
leven Men are Dead and Four
Still in the Mine.
As the result of an explosion in the
jrnett coal mufti at Burnett , Wash. ,
'edncsday , which it is believed was
used by fircdampj eleven miners arc
ad , two badly injured , and it is known
at at least four others are still in the
The SGai-ck for : the laltei4 Wag abaiidon-
at midnight , as it was deemed unsafe
continue the work of rescue. Elcv-
bodies , badly burned and mangled ,
ve been recovered from the shaft.
Most of the employes were Poles or
iliaus. The married victims of the
tastrophc leave large families.
Grand Larceny Charged.
It Buffalo , N. Y. , warrants 'charging
and larceny in the second degree have
en granted against former President
nery , Cashier Paul Werner and Assist-
t Cashier William Pluedeke , of the
srman bank , which was closed by the
tte banking department several days
Robber Gang Wrecks Safe.
Cracksmen wrecked the safe of the
.nk of Metamora , Mich. , early Wed-
> day moruiug and in getting away
im aroused villagers a thug started a
ining pistol battle. The mcu finally
iched the railroad tracks and escaped
a passing freight train.
Complications Avoided.
i. Constantinople dispatch says the
* te has yielded to the Austrian de-
nd regarding the detention of Austrian
51s , and the incident may be regarded
closed and the threatened complica-
ns avoided.
Killed in a Sand Pit.
Lt Missouri Valley , la. , Samuel Cassi-
aged 22 years , was instantly killed
iduesday afternoon while working in
and pit near that city. Tr" big sand
ik coved in without a moment's warn-
IVhole Family Murdered.
.n entire white family , named Hughes ,
ng near Trenton , S. C. , has been mur
ed. Meager details received resem-
the killing of the Hodges family at
_ tesboro , Ga _ . , jast August.
Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwick Plnctt
The climax in the affairs of Mrs. (
sie L. Chadwick came at New Y
Wednesday night when she wis pi :
under arrest in her apartments at
Hotel Breslin , charged with aiding
abetting a bank oflicer in cmbexr.
$12,500. The arrest was made aftc
lengthy conference between Un :
States Commissioner Shields , Assist
United States District Attorney E.
Baldwin , Secret Service Agent W.
Flynrand United States Marshal "N
iam Henkel.
Commissioner Shields issued the v
rant , which charges a violation of i
tion 5520 , United States federal la
relating to conspiracy.
There was a scene in the worn ?
room when the officials announced
Mrs. Chadwk-k that she was under
rest. Her son stood by and witnes
with a blank face the scene which
lowed , lie stepped to his mother's s
us she burst into tears , but said nothi
Marshal llenkel , who with his depul
ind United States Secret Service Ag
W. J. Flynn grouped in the door of
Chadwick's apartment , had entered wi
3ut knocking , and found her in bed.
He said : "Madame , I have an
Peasant duty to perform. I am obli ;
o serve a warrant for your arrest , issi
- > .v United States Commissioner Sine
it the instance of the authorities
Dhio. "
"I'm very nervous and ill , " repl
Mrs. Chadwick. "What shall I do ?
certainly am unable to get up. "
"In that case , " said the marshal ,
shall be obliged to remain here and k <
on under surveillance. You will real
hat , unpleasant as this is for both
is , you are a prisoner , and I have
ight to leave you here alone. I will
'verything 1 can to relieve you of :
loyance , however. ' '
While the conference was in progros :
nan , believed to be Mr. Powers , one
'Irs. ' Chadwick's counsel , entered t
oom and began to advise her. He :
ised her to stay in bed and under
ireumstanccs to leave the room.
Marshal llenkel took exceptions to t
dvice. and said :
"If Mrs. Chadwick needs any advi
s a prisoner I'll give it to her. No ;
einpt will be made to move her frr
ere tonight , but she must go befc
'ommisbioner Shields in tiie morninj.
The secret service men engaged a roc
djoining Mrs. Chadwick's suite , a
= : tablished themselves there for t
ight , while oneof the marshal's m
-as posted in Mrs. Chadwick's bedrooi
no outside her door and another in t !
'enaJty of Increased Freight Kat <
L/ivtnjj Costs More.
It was positively stated at Chit-as
rednesday before the interstate cor.
erce commission that if in ordc'r to s
ire common law liability service i
lipping freight 20 per cent addition
ist is required of shippers , the price <
oceries will rise and the burden of ti
creased freight rates will fall upon tl
Another important development wj
c introduction of several letters froi
ilroads , including the Illinois Centra
selling that some transportation con
mies absolutely refuse to use the pr <
sed new uniform bill of lading.
ain of Water Tank Cars Run Jnt <
Construction Train.
1 train of water tank cars on th
It Lake Railroad broke loose at th
> of a heavy grade a hundred mile
ilh of Daggett , Cal. . rushed down hi !
a tremendous speed and crashed hit
construction train.
3rakemau John Bryan was killed. En
icer Henderson and Fireman Mille :
re seriously injured , and several othei
inLerS of the construction crew suf
ed minor injuries.
Kills Two and Ends Life.
uoad and one seriously woundei
Ike tesult of crimes of Wilson Burns
id 50 , at Rochester , Ind. , who shol
I killed his wife and Joe Gripe , ai
ose home his wife was employed. Af
the killing Burns walked two mile.
the home of his sister ; here he blev
the top of his own head. Mrs. Bra-
n , who also lived at the home ol
pe , was struck by scattering shol
m the charges that killed the othei
mbers of the household and is in a
ions condition.
Water Wagons are Busy.
'he drought in central Illinois is grow-
more acute daily. Numerous watei
gons are in service in Bloomington ,
rking day and night to all cisterns
ich have gone dry. All over McLean
mty there was a water famine , and
ckmen arc finding difficulty in sup-
ing their stock with water.
Violent Slump in Stocks.
'here was a violent slump in .stocks
New York Wednesday afternoon , with
vy unloading in all directions. The
eral list of active stocks showed
; cs of 2 to 7 points throughout ,
algamated Copper leading the decline.
Kohber'a Shot Proves Fatal.
Frssenger Evan Roberts , who w.i--
! by a train robber on th * S.inta IV
r Needles , Monday , is dead at Los
; eles , Cal.
Murdered and Robbed.
he body of Charles Goldstein , a
ilthy mine owner of DaAvson , City ,
ska , formerly of Dallas , Tex. , was
nd at Dallas in the Santa Fe freight
3s. The head was badly crushed. It
urmiscd that robbery was the motive
: he murder.
Cartoonist is Dead.
lie death of Charles Nelaii , the car-
list , at Cave Spriugs , Ga. , is an-
nccd in a dispatch received from
o Wednesday.
Father Schcll Encouraged Rctur
from Washington Strengthened
Conference with President Rons
yelt Says the Grafters Must Go
"We are better than ever prepared
ay to the grafters , "You must go ,
said Father .loseph Schell at Omaha ,
'ais return from Washington , where
had consulted with President Roosev
on the crime and corruption existing
the Wimiebago Indian reservation , J
the annihilation of which he has so p
sistently fought.
" 1 had a most satisfactory intervii
with the president. * ' continued Fatl
Schell , "and left Washington much m <
encouraged than I had any idea of h <
ing for before I went there. I laid t
whole matter before the president , <
posing to him the system of fraud a
vice which these grafters have p rat-tic
for years , upon the poor Indians , a
Avhile it is not my par now to go ii
details , 1 can tell the people of Xebras
that in a general way the outlook 1
the extermination of this base inqiui
is most bright.
"I came back to Nebraska infus
with new life in this fight and prepar
to repeat to these grafters what we ha
told them. 'You must cease your i
farious business and get out. ' The gra
ers are doomed ; that's all there is to it.
"When I left Nebraska certain prt
reports were conveying the informati-
that the president would not see me. (
the contrary , I wish to say the preside
gave me a most cordial greeting and
was flattered beyond description that n
cause received such generous consider
tion at the hands of this man a nu
in every sense of the word , big of min
body and heart.
"Did 1 see Secretary Hitchcock ? N
My conference with the president w ;
sufficient. Resides meeting the pre :
dent 1 met and talked with Mr. Leup
the new commissioner of Indian affaii
and am greatly pleased at his view of tl
leather Schell left Monday afternoc
for Sioux City , whence he will go
Important Decision Handed Dow
by Supreme Court.
Thomas Dennison. whom the supren
ourt has decided must be turned ov <
.o the Iowa authorities for trial in coi
lection with the Pollock diamond rol
> ery. was Wednesday night placed ui
ler arrest by Puked States Deputy Ma
hal Christian , of Des Moincs. and tun
'd over to Sheriff Power , of Doughi
Dennison's attorney filed notice of si\ \
> oal to the United States supreme cour
ind the pri.Mjner gave bonds to the low
Liirhorities in the sum of Jjtf.OOO for hi
appearance in Iowa in case of an unf :
orable decision by the higher coun
Jennison is nominally in custody o
Sheriff Power , who gives bond for hi
afe keeping. The appeal to the Unite' '
States supremo court acts as a sta ,
gainst the mandate of the suprem
ourt until the hearing of the appeal.
This action of Dennison's attorney
rill probably result in the accused re
mining in Nebraska for several months
< it is not likely tfiat the cjve can bt
card in the United States supreim
ourt in less than a year.
I'omeii and Children Crushed and
Bruised Following1 Cry of Fire.
A repetition of the Iroquois theater dis-
: > ter was narrowly averted in the Nor-
ilk Auditorium during the matinee per-
rmance of "Cinderella. " played by UK
hase-Lister repertoire company. The
niic resulted from an alarm W tire
i used tjn-ough ihe blowing out of an
ectric fue in an tipper box. A iium-
ir of women and children , who formed
e great majority of the audience , were
verely bruised and trampled under foot
the excited mob , but fortunately no
ie was killed.
And , further carrying out of the sim-
irity between this and the Iroquois cir-
mstance. when the crowd reached the
it doors , they found them fastened.
There were about SOO women and chil-
en in the theater.
Drowns Herself in a Well.
Mrs. Peter Jensen , aged G2 years , who
s lived on a farm about one mile from
air , for several years , di owned her-
If in a well Saturday morning. She
d got up to prepare breakfast , and her
isband. missing her from the room ,
arched for her and found the body at
e bottom of the well. She had shown
me slight derangement of the mind for
out four weeks.
Charged with Cattle Stealing.
riie preliminary hearing of M. E. Iluff-
in , Robert Fox and .T. E. Chandler ,
argcd with stealing 'M head of cattle
> m Crist Jensen and N. J. Crawford
ar Litchfield , is set for Dec 12 in a jus-
c court at Broken Bow. J. E. Chan-
> r is out on $500 bonds , signed by
lorge Gross , an ex-convict : Robert Fox
out on J500 bonds signed by his wife
d another.
Child Drinks Acid.
Y 2-year-old child of William Baldwin ,
ing about a mile east of Fremont , got
Id of some carbolic acid and drank
ne of it. A doctor was summoned by
ephoue as soon as possible and by a
jorous n e of a stomach pump probably
Acceded in saving her life. .
Fire : if IMainvicw.
L'hf ( Xort.iiri : d ; . ( .t w : -
rued at Plainview. The building
ight lire from a defective chimney.
Conductor Crushed by Cars.
Conductor Charles S. Brawdy. 34 years
age , was run over and crushed "by a
at Pacific Junction Saturday. The un-
tunate man was taken to Plattsinouth
1 attended to by Dr. T. P. Livingston ,
; he soon passed away.
Celebrate Golden Wedding.
Ir. and Mrs. G. L. Cole celebrated
ir golden wedding anniversary at
atrice with n family reunion at their
ne. All members of the familywhich
isists of four sons , four daughters and
1 grandchild , were present.
Escape from Man Who Deto
Them , hut Li.iter Are Caught.
Sutton experienced the excitement
suiting from its first holdup Satur
evening about 0 o'clock. Carl Spieln :
a druggist , walked into his home
usual for supper. His wife had j
stepped across the street , leaving
door unlocked , with no one in the ho
but the baby , and no light in the ho
but the base burner. The robber
piling up his b'ooty in the middle of
floor. It consisted of silk dresses i
uther valuable clothing.
Spielman grabbed the robber and
the scuffle the robber pulled his revol
and shot at Spielman. just missing
head , but blinding him with sine
Spielman. being unarmed , had to let
The thief was joined by two others :
they were followed by a posse consist
[ > f Sheriff Smith. Leonard Roberts. .
Longstreth and others in a northerly
[ ection.
They had entered the school house
N'o. 1 district and had laid down fo
night's sleep , when Len Roberts jum ]
in on them with a gun and made th
'throw up" their hands. They were
Mired after a struggle and placed
Wounded Stranger Who Gives
Name Insists on Long Drive.
With a lacerated face , off of wh
md been torn hi * nose and lips :
heek. a stranger arrived in Norf
'rom P.loomfield. Neb. , long after da
lie claimed that lie had been the vicl
> f a bad runaway accident near the st :
nsaue hospital , and that he had lost
'ace in the dragging that ensued. Af
laving the wounds dressed as well
> ossible by a surgeon , the fellow insi
'd on returning , by wagon , to Bloo
ield that same night , though the temp
iture had dropped many degrees. 1
urgeon advised against the return , 1
he stranger went.
A telephone message from Pierce st
d that he arrived at that place , a d
a lice of twelve miles , in thirty- :
lours. At Pierce his wounds were dre
d again and a train he left town. T
nan was not drinking and was not
a in' . The mystery of his Avays te
D create an impression that he m
, ave been robbed and have fought ,
hat he may have attempted to rob .1
tiier and been whipped and pounded
heriiriving , ol'Stnnton County , Fc
lowed Him 1.1O Miles.
X. F. King , sheriff of Stanton Count
) ade an important capture in Km
'ounty , thirty miles northwest of Ra
olpli. Wednesday morning.
Sunday nisrlit a 'team , lumber wag <
nd harness were stolen from the far
L' Henry Mat lies , near Stanton. Tl
orses wore valuable , the team ben
orth over $ . " 00.
Sheriff King , with Mat he * , took tl
ail as soon as notified , and follow <
ie hoise thief night and day. travelii
i'eil. . " > 0 miles. The sheriff wore 01
vo teams in doing it. but when I
line up with the fellow Wednesd ; !
oruing he felt well rewarded.
There was no difficulty in arrestin
ie thief. lie gave up at once , and
as found he was unarmed , lie is tal
out 27 years of age , well dressed , su
irned. and of good appearance. II
fuses to talk or to tell his name.
Sheriff King thinks the fellow wi
aking for Ronesteel. He started bac
Stanton with his prisoner Wednesda
> rthoast Nebraska Towns V/il
loin in a Meeting at Wayne.
fames Hurst and F. E. Strahan. o
ayne. announce that a meeting will b
Id in the opera house at Wayne at 2:31
in. . Dec. 20. for the purpose of organ
ng the northeast Nebraska short ship
ig circuit of fairs and race meetings
a circular tijey cjy they are satisfie <
it a fir t class circuit with good date ;
all can be arranged , and that thej
nk it would be of great advantagt
the cities which join the circuit.
The towns which have been asked t (
n tiie circuit are Pender , Wayne. Stan
i , Norfolk , Randolph. Madison , Batth
? ek. Albion. Neligh and Creighton , ii
biaska. and Sioux City and Missouri
Hey. in Iowa.
braska Court Orders Omaha Au
thorities to Accept No Bail.
'he siipromo court at Lincoln Thurs-
' evening issued a new mandate in the
e of Thomas Dennison of Omaha. It
ers the rearrest of Dennison and his
ention until such time as he lias por
ted an application for a rehearing in
state supreme court or has appealed
case to the United States supreme
rt. In the meantime the officers at
laha are charged not to accept bail
in Dennison until further orders from
court : and on the other hand the man-
e of Thursday is changed so that of-
rs from Iowa are barred for the pres-
from taking him to that state.
To Detect Contagious Diseases ,
v'ith a view of preventing the possible
i > ad of contagious disease , the board
education at Beatrice has instructed
. hers in the city schools to ascertain in
ry case possible the exact cause of
once of each pupil in her room. A
lution was also adopted requesting
mayor and city council to take more
> rous action in enforcing all quarau-
regulations and Jaws governing the
> rtiiig of contagious diseases.
Farmer Kills Peoria Youth.
lyue Lester. 22 years old. whose home
t Peoria. 111. , was shot and instantly
d by John Lucas on the farm of the
r near Iloldroge Tuesday. The men
411:1 rrcii d ovuwages which Lester
mi'd fur husking corn. Lucas was
> sted.
Husking About Finished.
husking is about finished around
mont , warm , pleasant weather hav-
bL-en a great help to the farmers.
general yield will be a little below
average per acre. Considerable
rin sr is being done this fall.
Fatally Hurt in a JRunaway.
eorge Fritzen. a prominent German
ner living northeast of Beatrice , sus-
ed injuries in a runaway accident
sday night while en route home
: h will probably result fatally. Doc-
express little hone for his recovery. .
Legislators coming to Lincoln the fir.-r
of the yvur will not 15ml things in tin ;
same condition they did two years atro.
all ready for the start. This is because
the last legislature authorised tin * > eere-
fary of state to spend not more than
$1.000 in getting ready for the sc-siuiu
the remainder of the purchasing to b < *
Jone by the legislators themselves. This *
$1.000 will not go very far. The bill files
for the house and senate will cost be
tween iiOO and § 800 and these have V >
i > e ordered in advance of t IIP-session be-
cause thej' have to be manufactured and
cannot be bought on .short notice. The
( lockets for the records also will lta\e
to be ordered , as they have to be manu
factured. This will take most all of the
1 ? 1,000 and there will be nothing left with
which to pay for labor in fixing up the
two chambers. A considerable quanti
ty of inkwells , pencils , et ' . , weiv left
over from the last session , but not near
enough to go around , so many of the
desks will be barren when they are iak > ii
possession of by the legislators.
* * *
Bank Examiner Whittcinoro has made
his official report to the state banking
board of the condition of the Elkhorn
Valley Bank at O'Neill and this will btr
followed by an application for the ap
pointment of a receiver. The report will
not be made public at this time , for the
reason that in the opinion of Attorney
General 1'rout such publication would
hamper the work of settling up the af
fairs of the bank and the names of sonu-
individunls are used in the report that 5u
is not deemed expedient at this time to
give to the public. The official report ,
however , does not differ materially from
the reports of the condition of the bank
as already published. The ! ? 2. .0JO ! worth
of notes found by the examiner that he at
first reported as being apparently worth
less are worth something. Some of tla
notes are new ones and are not yet due.
Many of these notes , it is safe to .a.\ .
can be realized on for the benefit of the
depositors , but to what extent ib nor
known. Xo cash , other than the ten cop
per rents , has been found.
-\t a meeting of the state board of eon > -
promise at Lincoln , at which was di -
L-ussed the Bartley bondsmen case. Attor
ney General I'rout read a history of the
litigation and closed by recommending
ihat the board settle the matter. While
no formal proposition was made to the
loard , it is understood that the bonds-
nen are willing to pay the court costs of
: he suit. It has been learned by the
ioard members that W. A. Paxtoii has
.pent a large sum fighting the case. It
vas told a member of the board that Mr.
\ixton gave his wife and son each $200 -
00 and kept § 200.000 himself. Since
he suit began it is said he has spent
1200,000 in defending the suit and in
ther ways , and that a judgment would
ie valuelessIt has been reported to the
ioard that if it fails to compromise the
nit the bondsmen expect to go tin-ouch
* w *
The semi-annual report of the auditor
led with Gov. Mickey Saturday , shows
lie warrant indebtedness of the state
be ? 242,979.01. : or an increase dur-
ig the last two years of $3'i5 , < ; , O.Dtj.
> ne year ago the outstanding warrant in-
ebtedness was J2.2J3,177.21. ( The in-
rease in the warrant indebtedness was
/fastened by the warrants issued for" *
ie payment of the permanent improve-
lents as authorized by the last legi > hi-
ire and by the inadequacy of the old
venue law to bring in sufficient money
ith which to meet the state's oblig.a-
ons. At the present time the warrants-
it against the general fund amount to
! .2f > 3.40L92 and against the temporary
liversity fund $81,003.09.
* * *
Chief Clerk Haruley , of the office of
e state superintendent of public in
fliction , is compiling statistics for the
ennial report of that department and
Curing up the number of school children
the state in order to apportion out the
hool money to the various districts ,
otiglas County at this time , according
the report of the county superintemi-
t , has 42.938. At the close of the-
hool year Douglas County had exr.oud-
for school purposes for the year
. " > 0,30L10. Last year there was e-
ndod in all the districts of the > tan
,517,229.40. or there was spent in
Miglas County 10 2-3 per cent of all
money that was spent in the entire
* * *
I lev. W. K. Williams , chaplain of the
ite penitentiary , has resigned his posi-
'ii ' and the place is now vacant. The
iignation was tendered to Gov. Mickey
[ ne days ago. but was not made pub-
. It is probable that Rev. P. C. Johu-
i. of Tecumseh. will be appointed to
the vacancy. Rev. Mr. Johnson is an.
1-time preacher and stands high in
ithodist circles. He is an old soldier
tl is at present without a charge. It is
clerstood that he was formerly pastor
one of Gov. Mickey's churches.
* * *
L'en of the HIT state banks under the
isdiction of the state banking board
ve neglected to file reports of their con-
ion at the close of business Nov. 10 ,
called for by the secretary of the
ird several weeks ago , and the presen-
ion of the report of the secretary to
members of the board is delayed un-
they can be obtained. The penalty
delinquency probably will be en-
* s *
Secretary Ludden , of the State I'oul-
As ociation. is sending out to ponltr\
iciers the IKt of premiums t > bt-
awardcd at the coming poultry show
be held in Lincoln Jan. 1C for tm
s. The premiums aggregate $1GOO.
* * *
) ec. 21. 22 and 23 the South Platte-
plement Dealers' Association will hold
annual meeting at the Lindell Hotel
Lincoln , and for the occasion the rail-
ds have made a rate of one and oiie-
: d fare. The North Platte implement
n and the Western Towa Association
e been invited and it is expected ,
ing to the low rate , that a large crowd ,
1 be jn attendance. The program has ;
yet been completed , but there will
a number of good sneakers of prom-
ice in attendance.