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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1904)
historical Society -en rii A VOLUME XIX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 8 , 1904 NTTMBEE 47 Are you going to want a Heating : Stove this winter ? If you are , you want the best the best in appear ance. the best in quality and the bot in results. If you want ono tliat Vvil1 i\\i \ > y..u the best results for aii kind * * of fuel , you want one 01 t.lie following linos : Cole's Original riot Blast , Peninsular Parlor Heater > ' and Double Mealing Burners , -v The XXth Century Laurel , The Retort Jewel- W h'ive ih - exclusive ; ; ? agoney of ihe. above lines , which include the beMme ! * in-de. Mnk us a call before buying elsewhere and we will gladly explain to you all the special features of the different stoves. We guarantee every tove mentioned to be perfectly satisfactory in every tfay or we will exrharige it or .refund uwuey paid us. 4' . We carry the largest and most complete line of stoves of r kinds found in Northwest Nebraska. Call and Inspect these stoves. > & 65- m/3 / JJ i- T Overcoats rni ne vj Sho asid Stsits Fur oas for Ladles nd Qentlemeo. TAILORING tin all Branches. & , vv t' l o ? J O r r sOon - r * S3 * * * * * * * " - * "j ! f Hardware , Miniiture and Guns , Ammunition and Hunters' Supplies. ifl ? A full line of hardware , cutlery and tove of best make * . S A lot of useful articles that make liou-e-keepin < i a plua-ure. uziil f eo ri3ii'iii i < > 3- < > iii- . < -lt" aw ? Frank Fischer K'fjl Jtf d fc-'ationul Bunk d a a aa H - .run 1. 1 < \i.ausi 12 1002. ie. Nebraska O f HA ID I f t - ! ! . G. H. Coi NELL , President. J. T. MAI' , Vice-President. "Vf. V. MTmni.HO'u.riofihi AT iHIS < > - OFFICEv S&f 0s I TALK OF ' Mr. Bullis , of Britt , and John Britt were in town yesterday. W. E. Wilson , from southwest of Georgia , was in our city last Friday. Mrs. Frank Fischer returned last week from a three month's visit in Iowa and eastern NVbr. Mr and Mrs. Huntington , of 11-iy Springs visited the Dotson's southwest of t/uvn Uie pu > t xvcek. Mrs. McNichold cuno u } > J'joni O'Neill the first of the week anil drove out to her claim with her son-in-law , W. E. Flaley. Mr. and Mr ; . Smith came down fiom Dead wood yesterday inoni- in to spend the holidays with their ! daughter , Mr. . J. C Xorthrop. H Gieen was down from Mer- rnvm l < t Saturday , transacting 1)1 ine - "tVe p.upved | > l 'i-ant. v > i \\5iii him during a few PJJIC ni > 'M nN 1 ? , 'rs L ( ? Sparks reluried ; Sun- , da.v morning from a few spek"s stav in Michigan , where they were ' call-'d ! > . \ a telegnm to the bedside of Mr Sparks1 father. } Mr Ea ley and two children re turned Sunday morning from a two wpp.k's visit in New Albany , Ind. , with Mr Easle.y's father and mother. He also visited relatives in Orleans , Iowa Ge. . K. Sawyer came to town last. Stiurday evening and wt-nt back to the ranch Sunday morn ing. He tells us that they have purchased Robert Quisenbery's ranch to join the Sawyer Bro.'s ranch. Nathaniel Stevenson , of Ruse- bud , and Miss Elizabeth Lowe , of Piunkinior , S. D. were married by the Rev Clark at his home on Nov 20 , 190-i Mr ev.n on is b - . - --trmer at Klackpipe nt { .e r ej'vtion * Goo J. G' kill extended his la l 5J.iturd-iy while in town. Mr. ! Moon , the windmill man , .also handed \ \ < a dollar. We are ijlad VIM. l < ! fhev \\rr- \ \ to ( e M-i worerr - if or mine of " ' ! ) ' ! ! .i v v\'p m. .n. i 1 The annual ba/a-ir of the Ladies AM vSucifl.v of the Ptesbyterin ch'it.rh took place at Bethel \ \ - \ \ \ Tin'-iln.x niyrht A'"ti ' < ; ltj- \verp SoM in dilierenr booths ; nd aup - pr was served from 5 to S o'clock. Over § ! 00 was t ken in and : in en- jo ' time VMh id ball .Mortimer L. Tow Veile anil Miss Grace M. Hunt , both of Firlh , , Neb. were married yesterday by ! Rev. HoUcla-v at the home of Al- la-i 'illiams near Thaeher jlr. iTowX'cilc i a dniiTii'ist at F'rtli - IiHunt has been teaching se tool , near Thndier for the past t \o months Dr. .1. \Vortman. . of Loner Pine , 'fttni.ed la t week I'rom a I Severn 1 months trip to the Pacific Co-iM and t' pi > ed in Valentine htst , Fiida.N and Saturday before fioinjr to Lon pine. The Doctor has decided to go back in the spring to look after some mines for hibroth in Ala-k-i The U. S. Weather Bureau re port for the week ending Dec. T. showthr highest and lo vest terni per it ure to have been 50 ° on thei 7th and 3 ° on the 1th. There was a torm on the 2nd and 3rd with snow flurries which measured only .01 of an inch melted. The snow was very fine and dry. The highest velocity of wind was 19 miles per hour on the fith , and the average velocity was not above S miles per hour. The mean tem perature for the week was 23.7 ° . THE TOWN A silver medal speaking contest will be given in the M. E. church , Tuesday night , Dec. 13 , 1904. Six- contestants will speak. Good music will be furnished for this occasion by the church choir di rected by Prof. Beatty. A solo bv Mrs Bivenduet by Mrs Biv- ens Jinil Mi s EaMey and a song by the pupils of Miss Mutchmore's ro' < m. A recitation will be given by Miss Laura Petti John while the judges are out Admission l ° - < " ' each Even 'hotly come and hea ' 'a ' becter piogram than you will hear for 50c ordinarily. Archie Peltycrew has been gain ing strength t he past week and on Sunday was able to dress and sit up awhile awl again on Monday was able ro be up and walked out into the dining room to the table. Dr. Brown thought he was able to m-ike the trip to Omaha and Ar- c'lie ' bi inti anxiou to have the op eration performed , he was taken to Omsdia Tuesday where he will he dpi'iaied upon for appendicitis as soon as ho is able to undergo the operation. Dr. Brown accomj j panied Archie to the Emanuelhos- . pital and will slay with him a few days. Csirlson V iiceirt Miss Emma Carlson and Mr. Fred Vincent were married Wed nesday evening at S:30 : o'clock at thsgjiome of the bride in this city , the Rev. A. T. Carpenter of the Mr. * E. church officiating. A num ber of guests were present to wit ness the event and a bountiful supper was participated in after the ceremony. Miss Carlson is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson and Mr. Vin cent is the eldest son of Mr. and I Mrs. Ja.s. Vincent , all well known . arid high ! . \ respected citizens of' ' our community . Theoung coup le h < i\e grown up from their in- iVmcy in our city and arc graduates of our city school. Miss Carlson has been a successful teacher since graduating and has held positions of honor and trust in our city. Mr. Vincent learned telegraphy and has iieltl Mi'veisil po > iti.injuth ( ) . & .X. \ \ . ami at pnen' ' is operator at Fr. Niobrara. They will go to 'iOu e-Kcepmg inY A. Potty- ctew's home on south Cnerr.v St. 'I in : DK.MOCUAT extends congr-itu- i Norfolk , VebTov , SOL A. r\ iKi.ii , ednor C' i ! : < - Spr5nuvie\v Herald , ha-won his lawsuit against W. X. Skinner , president of the CitizenN'sttionil bmk at that pi-ice and former pub'isher ' of the Herald The jury after being out for t\\eni.\ hour..traigiit , fo'ind a verdict against t\e ! banker. He had. it > < en > , agreed when he sold the p-tper to Wil-on. not to re- enter the newspaper bu-iness in [ ve1 a Pa'.ia ' co'inty within ten . \ear.s and had , a year ago , estab lished the Key a Paha County \ews , undei1 the name of his wife , Pearl Skinner. He had agreed to forfeit 82,000 in case he did re-engage in the busine-s and the jurv .1 jud uieuL for thai amount and the costs , which amounted to 8300. State Journal. iN-rm ; < : IIVN SOLO St. Louis , Mo , Dec. 3. The In side Inn , the hotel located within the World's fair grounds , was sold today to a St. Louis company for § 90,000. The purchase price in- , eludes the furnishings. The hotel cost 8 50,000. The work of de- moli-hing the building began to- , day. World-Herald. ? 49 fcfr * - S * Fancy ti ? Groceries I * PICKLES CHOW CHOW J * i CHUTNEY ii ii i i 2 * OLIVES DEVILED SC11RIMP IMPORTED SARDINES INDIA RELISH * r ft * CAVEAR * t Davenport & Thacher Large stock of Hamiton ! = = Brown Shoes Just arrived. All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which aro right. MAX E. VIERTEL CROOKSTOJi NEBRASKA Groceries ! > c * The HKST for table use and at popular prices. C- < Our Stock is Always Fresh * " a 1 Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens < Hay , Grain and Feed * 6IK' C * W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE , IK' * * * ' [ r v i r n-'vV : jTit yftfy ? o p r ? .TIT ? il An d A ad .1 & J- Ltt A * t d il 1-j S" ! FRUIT AND GAMK IN THEIR EASON. Kiivt elasline of cnk ? , Ror-ts : , DrSair , Me tts Smoke 1 Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. 1 FRED * HITTEM RE , , j. w STETTER. V ce rcrcst paid on ippnsiN Valentine State Bank , i' . J925.OIMI Valentine , Nebraska. Surplus. s l.O IO Person ? .seeking a plsce of safety * for their OHlcc Ilnurs money , will pofit by investigating the \ M. to 4 P. M method employed in our business , IIARLESPARKS. * . Cashier L BRITTON , Aas'c Cr.shier CONFECTIONERY Suited to .j'our taste. . Canned Goods Lunch Counter. . Are now at their best and All you want to .eat at our we handle the best grade. . . . .Lunch Counter VI Home Bakery * Read the