Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 01, 1904, Image 1

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    * * ;
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Arc you going to want a Heating j
Stove this winter ? If you are , you
want the best the best in appear
ance the host in quality and the
best in results. If you want one
that wil1 give you the best results V >
for all kinds of fuo.l , you want one
of the foliouing linos : f
Cole's Original Mot Blast ,
Peninsular Parlor Heater
and Double Keating-
Base Burners ,
The XXth Century Laurel ,
The Retort Jewel.
ihe above lines , which include
the best stoves imde. Mako us a
Jj call before buying elsewhere and we will gladly explain to you
R all the special features of the diiiVrent stoves. We guarantee
jg' ' every stove mentioned to be perfectly satisfactory in every vay
2 or we will exchange it or refund rmmey paid us.
"We carry the largest and most complete line of stoves of
- all kinds found in Northwest Nebraska.
Call and Inspect these stoves. &
Warm Lined
Shoes and Suits ]
( Fur Coats
and Gentlemen. * !
fe ' / ;
O-l 'f'PllFIPJ '
hn all Branch * ' * ; < > ' "QV - ' < h/ * , " ' - * > v , * > % P $ '
tfx KSi
IM tt lK r > v | . - irl ,
\urt \ I . * - . § 5 Vv * $
Hardware , 'Funiimre and CoaLg
FU NiTURE , Ix'd room suits , drc crs , cliifFoniers , winl-gS : |
robc < . iron beds stronjr and clean , sprinji couclics and mattres-jg |
si-s , parlor stands : tnd center tables , combination book cases and
writing desks. Latest Designs and Lo.-.est Prices.
Guns , Ammunition and Hunters' Supplies.
A full line of hardware , cutlery and stoves of best makes.
A lot of ufcei'ul articles that make hou-e-Keepinu ; a pleasure.
Come and ? f < - TIi < 3 f'ov "
Frank Fischer.
. as a National Bank
' St te Hank
c'.tiitrtr-recl aa a
Jun 1. 1384. August 12. 1002 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
A.h'l'T'AJPAID I ( it1 1 t-i l
C. H. CORNKLL , Fr 8ideiit. J. T. MAY , Vice-PreHident.
M. V Mimni Hnc.
Cft ) Y xi ifi Oualit Price euo
.trriinoirH Tin if f
i&FZ ? ! &sttZ5& * ! snzz&
Mr. Tinker , a nephew of the
Bristol brothers , is clerking for
Geo. Hornby.
Max E. Viertel and Wm.Searb.v
and wife were down from Crooks-
ton Monday.
Aaron Grooms , 'from down the.
river , called at this office while in
town last Saturday.
Joe Jennett returned from Cas
per , Wyo. , Sunday and will go
out to Hob Gillaspie's for a few
da .s visit.
A large number of teachers con
gregated last Friday and Saturday
to attend the teacher's meeting
here nisd .heard Prof CrabtiveV
lectuiiand the Peterson Sisters'
Geo. Hornby received a letter
yesterday morning from J. O.
Beatt.stating the hitter's fath r
died Monday at Weir City , Kan.
All the family were present at , his
death. Mr. Ieatt.\'s ? frit-n ls here
anu i isewlu-re sympathize ith
him in his sorrow.
Several subscriptions have been
received the past week. Note our
offer to those sending in name * of
new subscribers. The . \ < > ung
folks can earn some money lor
Christmas by sending in nexv sub
scribers until the 1st of January.
The offer only good to Jan. 1 , 1905.
Dave George was arrested by
night marshal .John Simpson last
Thursday evening for attempting
to use a gun , on MaWoodson and
made some resistance , causing the
marshal considerable trouble to
take him to jail. John filed a com
plaint against him and Dave plead
guilty to the charge before Judge
Towne , Satin day , and was fined
§ 50 and costs.
i Di. Lewi.s recehed a telegra-n
Tutv-'lay from G < > \ " . MicUe.latmy
that he had issued a proclamation
which he was sending by mail , of
fering $2 < )0 ) reward for th appre-
hcn-ion of I IKperson or persons
who did the shooting at Stratton
& Kline's dance hall on Saturday ,
Oct 129 , 190-i , which resulted in the
murdei of Liilu .Inhn-iMi " "I
wouii'iingof Ka.inoiul . Smith .uid
Arthur i'urnbull and the killing
of a horse belonging to Sheparcl
Mrs. Catherine McDonald has
sold her CronL-ton store to M. W.
Litility of Neligh for § 10,000 , giv
ing possession last Saturday. Mr * .
McDonald will open nja fir-tclas 1
newlock of general merchandise '
in her building , formerly occupied
by Frank Fi-clier's hardware store ,
in a few da.Frank . Sageser has
been engaged to clerk for her and '
she expects to sell ver.che . p for
cish. Mr.s. McDonald will be glad
to have all old customers , as well
as . ones , call and inspect
her new stock.
The Peterson Sifters' concert ,
a- > sited by Sidney Landon as an
entertainer , was well recch ed by
250 to 300 people last Saturday
( night. The quartets were fine and
the p'aying ' perfect. We enjoyed
"Annie Laurie , " sung by the trio ,
very much , and nlo the vocnl
quaitet Applause for the nmitlo-
lin quartet .showed that m my en
joyed that part of the program as
well as any , though every part of
the program was well received. '
Sidney Landon rnado all laugh and '
he showed himself to be an im-
pcrsonator of no mean ability.
His make up on the stage of the
old man was nrirvplnns , as also tho
dutchman of Now York who want- 1
ed to talk politics , and the Swede
who was home sick and in love. ,
" By . \ iminy I vish I heir de m
Geo. W. Sislejof Crookston ,
was in the city Monday.
We don't know anything about
foot ball , as some of our readers
perhaps know by last week's write
up of the foot ball game between
Valentine and O'Xeill at this place
on Thanksgiving day. In one
place we stated that , "Wallace
McDonald made several good foul
tackles. " where we meant that he
stopped the runner carrying the
fool ball. Our description was
based partly on terms used by
foot ball players and thought
stopping a runner of the opposing
side was "fouling him' ' in his pur
pose to extend the ball toward the
goal. Xow if we have made an
other blunder in making thi cor
rection , it is b ? cati-e of our lack
of knowledge of foot ball terms.
W. H. Carter , of Cody , came
down Tuc.sday of last week-to have
his wrist lanced and doctored.
Severil week's ago he was loading
heav.timber . - and the following
day felt a severe pain in his left
wrist which had gradually grown
worse until last week when he
came down to get Dr Lewis lance
it for him and found that pus had
formed next to the bone which was
taken ut and we hope he will be
gin at once to improve. Fie has
lost several pounds in weight since
suffering from this sprained wrist
and two of his finders and his ,
thumb have no feeling but they
may recover , now that the seat of
trouble has been reached. Mr ,
Carter called on us last Saturday.
Prof. Crabtrec , president of the
Peiu Xorrnal school , delivered a ,
lecture on ihe best schools and
teachers la b Friday evening at
the M E. church. The Professor
enlav < rd < upon his title , including
the influence- associates and the
gener-.I intere-t of communities in
education. The lecture was well
worth hearing and we are sorry
that thereere not more people
to hear him Prof. Watson , in
introducing Prof. Crabtree , stated
that it was worth four years of
anyone.- ' time to know such a man
a i In- - - of the Pern nor
mal ciio ! > l for the influence it
u on Id have over one knowing him.
W < are permitted to give the first
part of the Professor's lecture al-
uio-t veibatim ami make a brief
coiii'iM-nt or report of the remain
der which does not do justice to
the real lecture , but is more than'
th'ordinary newspaper report
H'id * uiieh we are plea-eel to place
before our ruaders. Mrs. W. S.
Jack-on favored the audience with
a solo , accompanied by Mrs. Gene-
vie ve lie wet t. both before and af-
tei the leehnehich was well re
ceived b.ever.xone . . The lec
ture , in p-irt , appears on another
pasie of tliis paper.
" Patsy" or "Little. Patsy , " a
woman who had lived at the Ilar-
sporting hou-e for about two
years , was found dead Tuesday
morning on East Railroad street ,
a couple hundred yards east of
town. The woman was accustom
ed t' > nsjriir morphine and cocaine.
atn I ; > box of eachHS found in
her stocking. She had perhaps ;
taken an over dose and died from '
heart failure or exposure. Wit- :
. who had her the
ne.-ses seen eve
ning previous stated that she ap
peared to be as usual and left the
Harris place about S:30 : p. m. to
come up town. She was seen up
town near 9 o'clock b.v several
persons but no one took any par
ticular notice of her. At a coron
er's inquest tho jury arrived at a
verdict that the woman came to
her ttaatfo fry
j >
I Fancy i
1 Groceries !
enow enow
j *
Davenport & Thacher
Large stock of
Hamilton = = i rown Shoes
Just arrived.
All other shoes in stock sold at greatly
reduced prices for next 80 days. Come
and see us.Ve sell everything , and
at prices which are right.
rocer ies !
The I-JKST for table use and at popular prices.
Our Stock is Always Fresh
Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens
V * D f Hay , Grain and Feed
I *
- t *
. [ [ jliJIiLi [ Sli'I'ili'iniijiS ' ?
Fir > t i-las line of S oaks.
irSalr Me its S.uokei
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
Ipposits Valentine State Bank , t , <
Capita' ' . S33OOO Valentine , Nebraska. ;
. . -
Silt plus. SI.000 Persons seeking a ] ) lacc of safety fpr. tjieir , . . -
money , will profit by iny stj tiijgr.tlie . . . . - ,
Olflce Hours *
' ) \ \l.to4 P. methods employed , in\onr , .btisine . ) s. * S
HART.KP v\n L BPJTTOX , Asa't C nn
Suited to y .or taste. ' * . (
' ' ? : ' > -
Canned Goods Lunch Counter. 1 fj'
Are now at their best and j All you want to eat at our % j
1 we handle the best grade , j Lunch .Counter. , \ j. A -
Home Bakery
. , . .
i\ - : ' " : ? rJ' r v.t
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