. . . [ ' A prominent Southern lady , Mrs. _ _ _ Blanchard , of Nashville , Term. , tells how she was cured of backache , dizziness , pain ful and irregular periods by the use of Lydia H Piatham's Vegetable Compound "DEAR MRS. PINKILUI : Gratitude compels me to acknowledge the great merit of 3'cur Vegetable Compound. 1 have suffered for four years with irregular and painful menstruation , also dizziness , pains in the back and lower limbs , and fitful sleep. I dreaded the time to come which would only mean suffering to me. " Better health is all I wanted , and cure if possible. Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vcg-etablo Compound brought me health and happiness in a few short months. I feel like another person now. 3Jy aches and pains have leit me. T > e seems new and sweet to me , and every thing seems pleasant and ea y. " Six bottles brought me health , and was worth more than months under the doctors care , wliiela really did not benefit me at alL I am sat isfied there is no medicine so good for sick women as your Vegetable Compound , and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of medical help. " MRS. B. A. BIAXOHAED , 422 Broad St. , Nashville , Tenn. When wonien are troubled with irregular , suppressed or painful menstrua tion weakness , leucorrhoea , displacement or ulceration of the womb , that bearmff-down feelinginflammation of the ovaries , backache , bloating ( or flatulence ) , general debility , indigestion , and nervous prostration , or are beset \yith such symptoms as dizziness , faintness , las situde , excitability , irritability , nervousness , sleeplessness , melancholy , "all-gone" and "want-to-be-left-alone" blues feelings , and $ troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine , foi " you need the best. A Severe Case of "Womb Trouble Cured in Philadelphia. "BEAU MRS. PIXKHAM : I have been cured of severe female troubles by the use of ILydia E. Piokham's / Vegetable Compound. I was npnrlv rpnrlv In P-IVA TTT K -Mbought six pore bottles , and am no\v feeiirig lilia a ne\r\vc2nan. I shall ! rnever bo Trithout it. I hope ihafc my testimonial v.111 convince Tromen Eernembcr. every Trcmon is cordially invited to write to Plnliliarsi if there is aujlliins' about her Gvniptoins elie does not understand , i < ? r address is Lynn , Biass. , licr advice is fss > Q OBtS cis.eerfiillvVets to evervaiiinirYonnii trlio apcn forH - "All Signs Fail in a Dry Time" THE SIGN CIT THE FISH 2II FArLS IN A TTET TIME Ta onlcrinsTowe ys Bliclicrs , a customer vfritei . tfl know tltcy ac-iif tie nil r' it if they have iJic 'Flh ' on tlion. " Tills confidence Is the out- Srrmvtii of sixty-nino years of careful jnaiiuficturinjj- A. J. TOTVT.lt to-u , u. s. A. Tower Canadian Co. Limited Toronto , Canada Makers of Warrant sd IVet Weaiher Clothing SS7 W Thirty Thon wvn'l Dry Goods Stores. In the United States there are about thirty thousand shops that sell dry goods. Twelve thousand of these may be ranked as good stores , and about five thousand are establshments of a size which makes them important fac tors in the commercial and domestic life of their communities. The own ers of almost all of these shojxs , the largest as well as the smallest , began obscurely. The majority of the most prosperous have nttnimvl their present success and magnitude during recent years , in which unsuccessful mer chants have bin wont to complain that the competition has been ruinous. Success. New York and Philadelphia Cannot be more pleasantly or conveii k rntly reached than by the Grand Trunk * ' hellish Valley Kuitte. Solid throujrl Yruins , magninVont scenery , all trains run via Niagara Falls. Descriptive literature sent free 'on ap plication to Advertising Department. Grand Trunk Railway System , 135 Adams street , Chicago. Geo. W. Vaux , A. G. P. & T \J _ A. machine for counting and packing postal cards has been invented. Jn ten hours it counts , wraps and ties 500,000 cards , arranging the same in packages of twenty-five. Mr * . WtealoWt BOOTMTW * T try for thine ; oftem th gcmi , n.duoe lafiaia , ! & pain , curw wind eolio. tit ou bottl * . Mra , John Nicholas Urown is building | $400,000 residence at Newport for her Startlinjr Area , ol' Coal Fields. It is estimated by experts that the area of American coal iid'ls. at present open to mining , is more than five times as great as that of the "oal fields of England , France , Germany anil Bel gium ; the great coal producing coun tries of Europe. While practically all the available coal areas of those coun tries have been opened to mining , ours have scarcely been estimated. When we take into consideration the fact that coal is one of the great motive powers in the manufacturing world , it is evident that this immense wealth of coal will be of such an advantage to the United States as to be beyond any man's calculation. S 5100 Keu-artS , 15100. The readers of this paper will lio pleased to oain that there is at lease one tlrendod disease that bcience has been able to cure In all its stains , and that 1 > Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tne only positive cure now known to the ineil- Ical fraternity. Catarrh being a ( . ou-titutinnul di ease , requirea constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally , acting diiuctly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system , thereby destroying the foundation of the disease , and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature m doing Its worli. The proprietors lia\o so much faith in its curative powers that tlioj offer One Hundred Dollars for any ca-o tiiat It falls to cure. Send for list of Te-tunom.ils. Address , F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O , Sold bv DrngirNts. 7. > e. llall'a Family Tills are the best. JV1 ! In the Family. Smartleigh ( to father-in-law ) Your daughter's extravagance is too much for my purse , and yet I don't want to have any hard words with her so soon after our mairlage. Don't you think you could speak to her about it ? Gay Old Father I could , but it wouldn't do any good. She's smart enough to know that she inhorlts all of her bad qualities from me. Detroit Free Pre1 I find Piso's Cure for Consumption the best medicine for croupy children. Mrs. F. Callahan , 114 Hall street , Parkers- bure , W. Va. , April 1(5 ( , 1901. Trade. Clerk A lady in the front of the store tt-ants some elephant tusk jelly. What on earth shall I do ? Fashionable Grocer Tell her we jnst "old the last lot to a hoarding house keeper , but we'll get another hogshead in soon. She'll chnncrf her mind then. The number thirteen is deemed so un lucky in Paris and Berne that In those two cities none of the houses bear that numeral. Instead of , the number twclrt and a half js used. tSKXSSSBtKKt. vn rprjrr ' $ % \ty''yv-y > 2- BI Sn ® SML fer223i , ' ' = = 37ti ; : = r ! ' ! r = r--x Jja' ' 3 r felfl tnJIjy ? " * " " " * y r5/ > -F--J- T'Cyi - vL'fy - ' > ' "u ? * j { U J- Handy Wire Stretcher. On most farms there is more or less wire to be handled either in the way of putting up dividing fences or trel lises for grape vines. A poorly stretch ed wire is always making trouble , but there is no need of having this annoy ance when the tool illustrated may be easily made with the help of a black smith , and at small cost. The handle is two feet long of one and one-half inch stuff , but hard wood must be used. On the heavy end of the handle , which should be formed as shown , fas ten a piece of strap iron with screws to prevent the wire from cutting into the wood. The short strip shown just above the detail drawing of the handle end in the cut , is a piece of iron soven inches long , one-half inch thick and seven-eighths of an inch wide ; one end Is bent over seven-eighths of an Inch and a hole is bored in the flat side one inch from the bend. This piece of iron is then bolted on to the handle as GOOD WIRE STRETCHER. shown so that it will swing easily and the tool Is complete. It Is readily made and works to perfection. In dianapolis News. Select Your Seetl Corn. The farmer who has a uniformly good corn crop is generally the man who looks after his seed himself. He does not buy from any dealer whose circular happens to fall into his hands and plant the seed without testing. The careful farmer picks out his seed from the best of his own corn or that of his neighbor , sees that it is properly dried and cared for during the winter and tests it before planting in the spring. The careless farmer docs not do these things and then kicks because his crop is a failure. He ought to hare a man to apply some good lusty kicks to his person. The seedmen are not alwaj's to blame. Some of them are honest. The farmer should test seed for himself , and if it be good . c the seedmau his due ; if on the other hand , it be bad , let him dispose of it the best he can. A failing that growers have is to delay securing their seed until too little time is left to ob tain an adequate knowledge of Its real value. I cannot too strongly urge corn to it that well-ma growers to see now - tured ears of a desirable type and the product of a variety noted for suc cessive large yields be secured for next year's seeding ) Clinton M. Sehultz. Good Pis Pen and Trough. We like the two compartments in a pig pen , one for sleeping and one for feeding , says a writer in Ohio Farmer. Place the trough across the end of PIG TEN AXE TROUGH. 1 . feed room , next to feed alley , with a swinging partition , so you can push It back to put swill in or clean out , and the pigs cannot interfere. A cement floor is all right. We prefer a solid wood trough , V-shaped , and secured so that pigs cannot loosen it by their rooting. A few years ago we gave the following Illustrations of an Improved hog trough. Fig. 1 shows the swing ing partition or gate pushed back , leaving the trough outside , for putting in feed. Fig. 2 shows the latch and lever to be attached to swinging gate or partition , by bolt , B. The rods R , II , run through staples , S. A Is a guard in which the lever L slides. Push lever to lef * and the door swings 0. -fl- -79- LEVEB FOB MOVING THE GATE. back , leaving trough where it can be cleaned and feed placed In It ; then awing the door back by pulling lever to the right How to Get Rid of Stumps. In the autumn , boro a hole one or two Inches in diameter , according to the girth of the stump , vertically in the center of the latter and about eighteen jlnches deep. Put * nto It one or two ounces of saltpeter ; fill the hole with water and plug up close. In the ensu ing spring tuko out plug and pour In about one-half gallon of kerosene oil and ignite it. The stump will smolder away to the very extremities of the roots , leaving nothing but ashes. Sci entific American. Shorthorns in America. The number of Whorthorns in this country is estimated to be 2 "JO,000. but 1 think there are not more than 100- 000 , all told. People fail to take ac count of such periods as 1SSO-1S9G , when the pure-bred cattle business was at low ebb. Hundreds of breed ers , finding the business of breeding unprofitable , sold their stock as grade cattle , and let them go for beef pur poses. Whole herds in Kansas , Mis souri , Iowa and Illinois were disposed of in that manner , and all efforts to keep accounts of pedigrees was aban doned. Thus many were lost to record altogether. Another thing to be taken into consideration In regard to the sup ply of Shorthorn cattle In this country is the fact that the life of an active , pure-bred Shorthorn bull , when allow ed to run with grade herds , is very short , usually not over four years. Af ter that time he generally goes to mar ket fat , and his career as a produces ends then and there. It is merely a guess , and a mighty vague one at that , to estimate the number of Shorthorm in this country. W. A. Harris. Best Feed None Too Good. When cows are tested for records they are not fed on straw and fodder or with the view of saving in the food , but on the contrary , the best foods that can be obtained are not consid ered too good or costly. Grain , clover , pasturage , linseed meal and roots as sist , each to afford a variety or change , to promote the appetite and to induce the cow to eat as much as she can digest , hence such cows have great di gestive capacity , and can utilize large quantities of food. The fact that they are well bred is simply an evidence that they are from families that have been noted for good records. It is the food that makes the milk and butter , but an ordinary cow does not possess the capacity of consuming and con verting large quantities of food into milk and butter compared with one that is pure bred. Care of Farm Machinery. The man who leaves his farm ma chinery out In the wet is looked upon as being shiftless these days. It hurts his credit with the merchants and the banker. Too many farmers neglect to oil the polished parts of plows , spades , sickles , etc. , and when he again wants to use them he flnds , to his annoyance and cost , that they do not work well , are sometimes out of order , and need slight repairs. Valuable time must then be spent to put the machinery in proper working condition. A few hours spent on rainy autumn days , or when ever outside work cannot be carried on , might have saved him time which , in the busy season , means money. Poultry Pickings , New blood should be introduced fre quently. Crowding Is a foe to thrift and pro ductiveness. Injurious effects are often produced by inbreeding. A hen , to be profitable , should lay a dollar's worth of eggs in a jear. A little salt given in the soft food of fowls is very acceptable to them. Grow a patch of sunflowers , espe cially to feed to the fowls after moult ing. Supplying lime , charcoal , gravel and crushed bone will assist in feather- making. In supplying water to little chickens arrange so that they cannot get their feet wet. It is quite an item" In handling a flock of poultry to have them as gentle as possible. As a rule , it is not profitable to keep MIS over two years old , unless they .ire valuable stock. While in arranging the poultry house warmth is an essential there , fresh all- is equally important. Raw corn meal Is not a good feed for little chickens from the fact that It heats and sAvells after eating. Top and side ventilation , arranged so as not to blow directly on the roosts , is just the thing for summer. Generally the safest rule Is to kill a lion caught at feather pulling , as all others will soon acquire the habit One of the best ways of renovating a foul poultry yard is to spade or plow up thoroughly and expose to the sun. It is pretty hard to give a growing cockerel or pullet enough corn to.make It lay on fat , especially when running out , as so much of the food goes to the production of bone , feathers and mus cle. Never select a cock with a drooping or "ewe neck , " and also avoid one that fails to have a good , strong , wide- spreading tail. Many a case of indigestion may be traced to a heavy feed in the morning , nnd the next meal taken from the leav ings of breakfast after being trampled over. Points in Sheep Raising. Overstocking is usually Injurious to the sheep and ruinous to the farmer. Dryuesa is one of the requirements In the production of the finest grades of wool. With sheep , rather more than with any other class of stock , care must be taken not to overfeed. No sheep should be allowed to die of old age , but all should be fattened and sent to market before their vitality has been impaired. I UILaHfiyxi ! r & IPO ' UsesPe-ru-na , n ms amily For Coids and Finds it an 51 The Magnificent State Capitol Building at Salem , Oregon. PRAISE FROM THE EX-GOVERNOR OF OREGON' . is known from the Atlantic PERTJXA . Letters of congratu lation and commendation testifying to the merits of Pernna as a catarrh remedy are pouring in from every State of the Union. Dr. ElartmaiAis receiving hundred * ? of such letters daily. All classes write these letters , from the highest to the lowest. The outdoor laborer , the indoor arti san , the clerk , the editor , the statesman , the preacher all agree that Peruna is the catarrh remedy of the ago. The stage and rostrum , recognizing catarrh as their greatest enemy , are es pecially enthusiastic in their praise and testimony. Any man who wishes perfect health must he entirely free from catarrh. Ca tarrh is well-nigh universal ; almost omnipresent. Ponma is the only absolute safeguard known. A cold is the beginning of ca- , tarrh. To prevent colds , to cure colds , is to cheat catarrh of its victims. Perunh not only cures catarrh , but prevents itEvery household should be supplied with this great remedy for coughs , colds and so forth. The Ex-Governor of Oregon is an mlent admirer of Peruna. He keeps it continually in the house. In a letter to The Peruiia Medicin * Co. he says : STATH OF OREGON . ( EXECUTIVE DEPART MI.NT , \ Flic Peruna Medicine Co. . Columbus. O. Dear SirsI have had occasion to use your Peruna medicine in my fam ily for colds , and it proved to be an ex cellent remedy. I have not had oc casion to use it for other ailments. Yours very truly , W. M. Lord. It will bo noticed that the Ex-Gov- } rnor says lit lias not had occasion to .ise Peruna for other ailments. The eason for this is , most other ailments jcgiu with a cold. Ucing Peruna to promptly cure colds , lie protects his family against other lilmeuts. This is exactly what every other fam ily in the Unitod States should do keep Peruna in the house. l"-sc It for L-oiighs. cnidsla grippe and other climatic affections of winter , and thcro will be no other ailments in the house. Such families should provide them selves with a copy of Dr. Hartman's fre book , entitled , "Chronic Catarrh. " Address Dr. S. B. Ilartmau , President Df The Uartman Sanitarium , Colum bus , Ohio.11 correspondence held strictly confidential. Made in lc.v , medium and high styles. Most comfortable shoe ever worn. Fits like a glove ; does not pinch orsquce/e. Elastic at sidc3 permits shoe to cx- pand and contract with the natural motion of the foot. Easily put on , easily taken off ; requires no breaking ' Made of extra high grade , special ly tanned and finished Vici Kid , with Comfort Shoe patent leather trimmings and tough , flexible soles. YOGI dealer has or can get Msycr "Martha Washington" hocs for yoa. Send us his name and receive descrip tive Booklet No. lo. We also make "Western Lady" shoes. Our trade-nark is staeapei oa every cole. F. MAYER BOOT & SHOE CO. Milwaukee , Wis. y fjjt iE 0- - Hijjli Chimney of Steel. W. W. Christie , in the Engineering News , reports the following as among the high steel chimneys in the United States : Nichols Chemical Company , Brooklyn , X. Y. , 310 feet high , 33 feet in diameter at base , 12 feet at top ; Pennsylvania Salt Company , Ntarona , Pa , , 225 feet high , 10 feet Hue diam eter ; Maryland Steel Company , Spar row's Point , Md. , two chimneys , each 225 feet high and 13 feet inside diam eter. It is noteworthy that all these are at metallurgical plants. Also , the highest two brick chimneys are at metallurgical plants , the old Grant smelter at Denver , Colo. , and the works of the Orford Copper Company at Constable Hook , New York harbor , each of these being about 350 feet in height The banani s ii l the potato are almost Identical in chrmical composition. \TaohlnKton , O. Successfully Prosecutes Claims. L .t Prlnol&ttl 2uAsilnBT O 6 Penntou Burnao. MEXICAN cures Cuts , Uurns , Bruises. MEVT'ON THIS PAI'EIl WHKWRITIIO TO S. O. N. U. - - No. < t8 BEGGS' CHERRY GUUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. CURES WHERE AtL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold L. Dnuglss ma/rcs and sells morn men's G3.53 oftce than any other rxaxufnGtisrci' la ha voril. The reason W. L. Doudas S3.IO shoes are the rr' " > 'cst "pliers in therorW is their excel lent Etylecisy IHtiiiK and Ripcrior we irmc < i i 1 u . If I c ' "Id " < li < > w y < u t f - l crwM the shoee made In my factory and thr-se of other .il.os and the hi > rli-prnle le itlif r < * uc < 'a.you would umler- pt uid why W. J , . Dougl-is fs.50 shoes cost more to r > ike. wliv thf ? lio'il tlif fr sh pc. t t bct'er. wear longer , and arc of sro < tcr intrinsic value tnnn any other S3.0 shoo on the market to-day , and why the sales for the year ending .July 1 , KOI. were $ ' ' , ( ; ' ! . ( ' - O.W > . w . L. Doiml.is gu.ii ntees their value b > Etniniilnt : his name and price on the bottom. Look for It- take no substitute. Sold by shoe dealers everywhere. SUPERIOR M FIT , GQEffFQRT WEAR. "I hare worn rr. I. . Douilai $350 shnrs ftr the last wars with absolute at'ffucttn'i. Jfitii them superior in fit , d mfrrt ami tre"r t > cjrrc / t'myirnn f5M to 11.00. " ' < . S. JfcCf LDrpl. . rvL. . S. Int. L venue.V in'oiffa. \ . TV" . T. . . T > onriis mes Corona Colt kin in hi * . S".5O lio < > ; . C rona Colt is conceded to bo tlie finest 1'atoiit .Leather ma do. Fa.t Color Kyi-lets u ; e < l e\ilusi\ ! } . bV. L. DQUGLAS , Bracttfcn. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE HEDICiHE CATHARTIC BEST BOWELS