Historical VOLUME XIX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER 24. 1 04 \ . "TIMBER 45 Are you going to want a Heating Stove this winter ? If you are , you want the best the best in appear ance the best in quality and the i bect in results. If you want one that wil1 ive you the. heM result for all kinds of fuelou . \\ant one of the following lines : Cole's Orginal Hot B3ast , Peninsular Parlor Heate " and Double Heating Base Burners , The XXth Century Laurel , The Retort Jewel \ e hvc ; the exclusive agency . -1 'In- : I' ' MV < - lines , which include s , the best stoves undo. Make us a * < J > call before btijv ing elseuheje and we \\ill l-idly explain to you \ all the special features of the diftvient stoves. \Ve guanmtep < * every stove mentioned to he perfectly satisfactory in everyvay ; > or we will exchange it or refund m me.paid us. T i We carry the largest and most complete line of stoves of r all kinds found in Northwest Nebraska. 3 * Call and Inspect these stoves. & / 1T ? F T&/B . o RSEE THOSE f Ladies' Suits and the bet O j jrJ * 0-jj- Srj r Kifi on earth for 4) ] & ' \ A Six Page Xoi > eless Slate givenith t-ach pair o T v 5 i f & * A 1 I .1 I JA \ k ' U. AM ) CLOTHIKH * " " " 4 ' 'Hardware , Furniture and CoaLf | , . . _ _ f wl j. Tjy > v * " T- * " i - " " - * mMI i * * * * rrjTj FU iNiTURE , bedntoui suits , dn eis. chitloniers , uani-jg pa M belion bids strong ami clean , spring rouc'ieand ' mat ! res-i * * .si\s , p.-uloi - landsUK ! n-nter tables , eo ubinaiion book c-iscs and \ \ ritinj ! dsk.s. . Palest Designs and Lo est Prices. Guns , Ammunition and Hunters' Supplies. A full line ol ha'dwjii * . cutler.and . stoves of best makep | * S A lot of i.setul aitieles th : j n.aKe . hi-u-i-Ueppinji a plua ure. gf Frank Fischer. . ! r jcl ub a btte Haul : iv-d as H National Haul , Jun 1. 1884. Aucust 12. 1002. Ti * ll' E ? \ "ll- < < i5,000. * | * * * | | fj * f * C. H. CORNELL , President. .J. T. MAV , Vicjp-F XI V NIi GET YOUP We Can Satisfy Ymt to Ouaiito Pficeino f : I TALK OF THE TOWN 1 3 Henry Sanner and John Britt , of Britt , were doing some trading here Monday. John Ilaeber , of Kennedyas a business visitor in Valentine the first of the week. The Valentine Concert Band will give a dance tins' evening in the McDonald building. John Sedlacek and wife were in town last Saturday from their ranch , 8 miles southue-t of toun. L W Parker , of Burge. Xebr. , trail-acting : business- town a couple of days the first of the week L - ip * d h ivrred he > ol aii-1 ' ' ! ! f'l i 'I ! , > viied by J nn [ Sl U < . . ' , " ni-il the same Mon- di\ ; oi ihi - week. .1. \ \ Marrall and uil'e are hap py over the arrival "f a bouncing bab.iirl . , bom Thursday night , iXoven.hcr . 17 , 1904 K. L. HiHchins-on and wife were i i in town from Pen brook Tuesday , the Utter having some dental work done by lr Dailey. ; li. ( J. Etlc.and : . two smaller cliiidien departed Tuesday morn ing for his parental home in In diana to spend ThanKsgiving. M. N. Allen and wife were upj from Norden Tuesday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bishop. Mr. Allen was ( purchasing hons.es and mules. j J. O Beatty departed Tuesday morning forVeir City , Kan. , in response to a telegram from there announcing that his fat.lier was- d.ing. . T M Rice and wife went down to MrRice's claim on Marsh 'Lake ' l-tst Thur-day and started K biiil-l ' h"ii-e rein Mnlid i\ . Mr nnd MrAd m-and daugh ter MrGenevieve Hewitt have rented the rooms over T C. Horn by's --tore and will star ! aconserv- ati-r.N of music. \V A PaiUei , theVnod L Ke nn-iclrint. u"a < transacting 'MI-- ' ne-- in \ " lentine l * st , Saturday. ' He in..de thiollice a pli-a-ant cill while in town. I lane hepirdind wife re- tu ne I - KVM iy ! ' - ' m ' . ! , , . 1)v M.- ! . . \ e - ( - \v > c-e i.i- ai < ! had gne na witness hi the Cool.-Gavor murder ea < p ! ' i" \ " I'-n * ne 'i't _ - ! ) c'.i ' > o ! f n { ball team and a le-iin from O'Neill w'rll piny here this afternoon. The lion e team has been practicing fiitI full.x and will no doubt acquit th m- -l\e- very c'editably in the garni- loda.\ Tn their trial before the grand jir-\ at Aberdeen , S. D , last week Gaver pleaded guilty to man- slatiijlitei and ( - ( ok was indicted for l.'ikinif whiskey onto the reS'1'-- ' vation ( ook was released on bail "f M.OnO Ji se Br < > sius , \\lio is liing on the C'ochran ranch near Wood lake , we. } in town Monday on important business. Jesse says he lost a fine f. | i iiii'l i * n'L'ht.irid th tf h 'i ' i- lo-L > e\eral head of , \ arlingcalve- the past. Bummer with the blackleg. R. L Hall , of Kentucky , ha- pmchasrd the hotel fu1 nitunf the OnC'igo llou-e ami t. ok po- se sJDn Tue-day eveninir. Mr. Hall has had considerabl exper ience in hotel keeping and will run a fir-t clas hotel. Xumerou- provements will be made 'for the accomodation of rho trade and Mr. Hall will be glad to get aoq'iuint- ed v ith ono and aM in a nle-isan ! LOOK ! We are going to give our read ers or their boys or girls a chance to make a dollar for Christmas time. Our gasoline engine makes it po-sible for us to run a bigger subscription liM and to get it we ar < goiiijr to divide the profits with thoseVIM | help to rnnke our list larger. Here's our offer : Anyone can \ < oik at it. Nevv Subscribers To The Valentin Democrat to Jan. 1 , 1906 for SJ.OOj To the party sending in the name of any ; .ew subscriber to .Ian ' . 190n l enmy retain oOc a i heir eo.nmi-sion . on each new sub-criber sj.ni to this office. That iend us f > 0c for each new sub- sc'-'b r to .Ian. 1 , 190G and keep the other half dollar as your eom- mis'-i.-n Tinoffer holds jrond onto ! . Jan 1 , 1905. Get to uork and help t swell our list nCO names Ii ie:3. y money for you. Sen ' n.oney order or any way for us to get the money. If you send stamps they must be 2c stamp1and send one extra for each subscrip tion. We want a boy or girl in every home in Cherry or Keya Paha counties to earn some money on this proposition. Send in your orders as soon as you can get them to I. M. RICE , or Tnr : VALENTIN K DEMOCRAT , Valentine , Nebr. Robert , Quisr-nber.v was visiting in t't-ui the fi-st of the week. Frank Kami-ill has. purchased one of Mac C an. , Js delivery wagons ardhis ? hired Charley BreuUander to d'-ive it for him. Mr. C a-inr : vill onlv run one wa.i MI and A ill . ! o the store deliv- prinr. Mr Rind-ill will do gen eral trans-er work , haulinir coal etc. lie \\ill di 5\e two horses in- ste-id of one as formerly. The following from Brownlee ' arrived too hte for publication ' la ? ! v. ( ! < : 'M'alier Chit" , a you MOman living in Brownlee , ilie I \ ersuddenh Sunday eve ning , \ov lo. just before star tin ir for ciiU'-ch. Il is believed that his lealh wa caused by heat'tdisease. Mr. Cluti- < \-i- 28ears old and leaver la rye circle -orrowino- - friends " He ? m Tayl-ir. of 'he finn of I i\ lo ! ' & I n\er. eon ] r ctorand builder- , iia-ju t completed a large barn for Frank Higgins and came home Sudd iy. Grant. Boyer has heen out to J. C. McXare's near -Vi-ibia-the pix't , month raising t.he latti-r's ho'sso arid making ittwo stories high. He completed the. job last , week , returning to his liom in this city I-ist Saturday. Bernie Tinkham , living about 16 miles south Of Wood lake , had the Miis''nrtijMp ' of running a rusty nail in ' .is . ( \c la-t aturd-iv morn ing while ai work tearinu down Lhe Thackrey house on Marsh Lake. The nail , an eight penny , flew out of the board he was tak ing off the - ' nfuvl t 'ijplr no'nt" first miii 11 c > nea of his left eye neai the sight , penetrating nearly i quarter ofin inch if not farther. He pulled it our and felt verv little pop at Hr-l but it maprove sor- i'iiThe fluid , thick and of a gelatine sub-t-inee ozed ( ut of his e > ( > and as soon as it waevi - lent that the nail had penetrated int > the pve ho put > i b'indagp ov- i > r it to keep from further injury nnd keep out cold until he could procure bette' * treatment. We fpe it may not c-iuse the los j of . W f 4 < ? * ? Fancy 49 * Groceries & PICKLES CHOW CHOW CHUTNEY OLIVES ' DEVILED SCHRIMP IMPORTED SARDINES W INDIA RKLLSH CAVEAR Davenport & Thacher il _ df o * o * ty * Large X. stock of Hamilton = = . rown Shoes Just arrived. All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. MA.X B. VIERTEL CROOKSTOJ NEBRASKA * roceries ! The HKST for table use and at popular prices. . . ' rjlF' VA'V.lXJrv.MIUUlUQMBnBJiHMlHMKMHHBManMMHBMMBnBHI MBaMMMB Our Stock is Always Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed A. PETTYCREW GENERAL MDSE. j FR\S 1 FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR EASON. l'ir-t i-las lini' of " esikf , Ei i'rSilr ' Me its Smoke 1 x. ' 'ri'akf'a f ! > HMII. Highest Market Trice Pain for Hogs. CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. fe ! Canned Goods Lunch Counter. . Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our \ve handle the best grade. Lunch Counter Home Bakery Read the Ad"2rtisements.