VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M. HIOE EDITOR Mutual companies priv'o ' r in 'till ' , No discount I. M. RICE , A MATTER OF HEALTH Absolutely Pure HAS HO SUBSTITUTE NOTICES. r < l * r r Ht'iiriiitr nwl Xoliocoii 1'etit- iui for JScItlvmeiit f Acr.ount. In the Comity Court of Cherry County Neb raska. STATKOF NEIHASICI < , „ CliKHUVft rWUXTVOK CliKHUV | To the heirs and to all persons interested In the estate of Tr > phena ( ' Sayre , deceased : ON reading the petiuon ot Lewis s. Sayre. pr.iymg a tlnnl settlement and aUowatuv of his H'-count tiled in this court en tho Uth dav of November 1D04. It. is hereby ordered that you , and all per sons intr-r sted in snid matter , may. and do. ap- jvxrat tne uomity Court to be held in and t r naid county on the UCth day of November A.D 1904 at la o'clock a. in. , to show cause , it any there bovliy tnupiayer'if the petitioner should not be granted , and that notice of the pendency oJ said petition and that the hearing thereof be gi\en to all person * interested in snid matter by pub ishiria a copy of this Older in the Valentine Democrat , a weeKly newspaper printed in said county , for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing , W.R.TOWNK. 43 3 County Judge. In the County Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. XOTIl'KTO NOX-KKSIDKNT DiSFEXPKT. . G. W. w. Kirkman , first snd real nani-1 un known , will take notice that on tlieifltn day of Stspt mber. 19 ! . Hon. W. II. T-ivvn. C'-unty Judge Within kud for Cherry Conntj' . Nebraska , i.HHiifu an order of attachment for the sum o [ Saw 00. in an action pending oefore him , wliere- Jw tiobert McGeer is nlamtilf , and G.V. . W. Kirkman , lirat and real name unknown , de- fenuaut. that propeity ot the acfendant. con sisting of Inuian ba- keiana trnkets , two vas > e < < . seven chairs , one b ir rug , seven rugs , one'jjitch ' of boots. ti hl taiuN , ciifhteen pic tures ami frames , dialing msh and silvervare b d st art and be l clothes onu screen , wearing app.m 1 , on j ait of ru 'hi . boots and several shoes , fli-M jilfi'Wt s. bath iobe , two decanters , howl jinrt pitcher , fi-h PD'CS and ii < nin lack'e ' , scr en , bedHtad and .springs , covers and four pillows one hx.Kini : glass , guitar , lamp , pi'cher aiul clockurnis , looking glass , skates , cur tains , nmp , linen , carving set , dishes , hammock , jng.s ai.d dishes , .speers hammock and settee. . , trunk and dishes , has been attached cinder naid order. Said cause was continued io the iud day of December. 1904. at 10 o'c'ock ' a m. Vulenti.-e > cbr. Oct.Srd , lK)4. : ) 433 JtOBEnTMcGKER , rlaintiff. THE LINE Only Double Track Klvvr Direct Hit f to St l'aitl-Jlinntnp- tli * . line to lilacli Hills. to nearcNt. agent for r inn in nntl time carttn. TIME TAKLK ixfcut Xorthern at O'neill , Xcbr. Goincr East , Going West , leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrives 9:50 p. in. Passenger , daily except Sunday. Connections with Elkhorn trains east and west-bound from all points west of O'Neill. Sl'orfc-st route to Sioux City and beyond. Through connections for Sioux Falls , Minne apolis , St. Paul and all points worth and west. ' . ' . - Jrc3l H'kets to O'Neill. VRRD ROOKRS , G , P , A. Sioux City .Tows SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c , Anfonn pending n sketch and doicrintlnn niny quickly : i cortiln our opinion free whether an Miyciitton Is probably pntcntiiblc. Comniur.ira- ttonnntrictlycoritldcntlnl. Handbook on I'at nt3 mint frco. Olclt'rt apcncy for securing patent * . Patents tukcn throtmh Munn . " 2 Co. receive tprclal notice * vrUTiont chnrgc. In tbe Scientific JfatericaH , KlN A linndpr ncJy IHnrtTntM wriy. . T irro."t cir N rulutiors i > f any nrlentitlc jotiriml. IIT' . * . > ' r yonr : f.iir niontlw , f 1. SoJdbyuil Tf sOi-w'o'-s. Hew YCJ 01 Vnuch Oflir-o. ; rpF Hi > Vi-h\ijt > - ' ri ft' on Octoljer G , from I . A. Marrall's pasture near llio railroad bridge , 1 flireis ybalold &iddla horsfe ffp& niarlis Miind earsy kraHcl- erl ffnffi on left slioulder , weight 850 pounds. Live Stork CciiiiniHMioii .IBcic-hautH. UNION STOCK YARDS , SO. OMAHA , NEB. TO SHIPPERS- will be pleased to 'end with our compliments our market re- l--irt or the Journal-SJopkman to all jarties v.'ho contemplate shipping stock this season. Write to us and wo will i e glad to keej you posted on ttie market. By good salts and courteous treatmcn our customers have be come our best solicitors. Shipment. * to us recehe most careful attention. Give us : i trial and become convinced , Signed : JCALSTCKV & FOXiJA , ( Incorporated. ) TAKKUP at my place , two miles cast of Crookston. oo Oct. 20,1W)1 , one brown horse about 12 years old branded | J on Itft thigh , weight about 1100 founds. PD PIKE. Dated this 3th day of November 1901. Potatoes and .Potato Culture. The Chicago & North-western R'y has issued a bulletin on the culture of potatoes in northern and western Nebraska. It tells you how to pre pare the ground , select the seed and cultivate the crop so as to obtain best results. Send to J. A. Kuhn , Assistant G. F. and P. A. , Omaha , Nebraska for free copies or apply to nearest ticket agent of the Chicago & North-western R'y for panic.134 Special Kutcst o Chicago ami to St. Ijonis via Chicago , Via the North-western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold daily un til Nov. 30th , inclusive , with favor able return limits. Apply to agents Chicago & North-western E'y. 897 Hates to International tock ISxnosit'n , Chicago Via the North-western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold Nov. 2G , 27 , 2Sjand 21) ) limited to return until Dec. 5 , inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-western R'y. 397 Diversified Crops. Write J. A. Kuhn , Assistant G.F. and P. A. , Chicago & North-western li'y.j Omaha , Nebraska , or apply to nearest ticket agent of the Chicago & North-western R'y. for free cop ies of agricultural bulletins on the value of alfalfa , Macaroni wheat and potatoes to farmers in western and northern Nebraska. These bulletins are sent postpaid free of charge to anyone interested , on ap plication. _ 43-1 Worses For Sale. Some good work horses , saddle horses and some good young mares Terms to suit purshaser. Inquire at Bishop's livery barn. 23 W. T. BISIIOP. 1M-P-A-N-S Tabtiles Doctors find A good prescription For mankind Theccnt package senough lor usual occas sious. The family bottle ( < ! O cents ) contains a I supplv for a year. All drutrgists sell them. [ ALQNZO HEATH Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On Icit side. llor- . ses left shoulder. Range north o Cutcomb Lake H A BUCK Postoftlce addre Ilyannis , Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannls A T DAVIS PostofBce address llyannls. Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle on right side Range 18 north of H\anni l A'len ' & Sons NIobraru Hrand roistere s'o ftTO ' Horses branded left hip Range , Nionrara i- iver 12 milen " Sawyer Bro3. Postoffice address. OttEis , Nehr. G K SHwycr hiA ojtarge of three ? nt- tie Horses ! * ; on el t.shoulder - ( sto. H ft thigh Rangeou Sn i1v < M I MIL/-M HKOM Mernmau. Nebr iattleand hor- > -eK urauded on lett smeor sboul aerBrand nd 1001 Range HiHithwest of Merriman on the NTiobrara river. A. T3enson Address Arabia Nebrahka. Range North of Niobram river. J. W. Stetter , Valentine , Xebr. Other brands : < X + Hordes branded : I , - < or + on lett. shoulder ; O left thlnh. Range on Boardman , Gordon. Snake and Sand Creek. P. II. Younj ; . Simeon. Xebr. Cattle branded as cut on lefc side Some QY011 side. " " "on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Creek north of Himenn , Sandy Williams. M rriman , Nebr. Mostly on left side. Some on right side. Horses same on left , shoulder. Range Lake Creek , S , D. D. A. Hancock Marshall , Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on leftside as o.icut ; also 16 on left side witli ZZ on left hip of some cattle ; also StG on right side. brand , rake and 16 on lett shoulder or hip. Vt on left jaw Hornranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east 01 Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska St. Francis Mission Postoffice address : Crookston. Nebr , or Hosebud , S. D. Cattle branded as in cut , Some cattle in S 1) branded only on leit hip. R nge : North of the Mmnecha- du/.a , 8 milesfgt ot Crookston , and 'on ' Brill Creek. ny information regarding cattle branded as above will be thankfully received by Wm. Skelly. Crookstou , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Rose bud. S. D. J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut bnck of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara F. Jersig Valentine. Nebr Cattle branded as shown [ in cut on left side , loin or hip. R"nge between the ( Jordon and Snake south of the Niobrara river J R Wallingford Kennedy.Neb. Cattle branded same as cut ; also some branded y | on leftlup. D. Bray Rosboud S D Cattle branded on left thigh or bii- WUIJP as cii' Florae lirun ! MIIH on fi > "f G.M. Seauc-r. 'attlebrand'-.d as on ut on left side , hip id shoulder : liorsp iange. Snake Creels 81 or ra \ J. , T. Peck. , Cody , Nebr. Ofl both sides. on loft thigh. Range Head Pass Creek. S. t ) Parmelee flattie Oo ' Rnsfhuri.S. I ) Cattle liraiidfii as cut "ii Ipftsid.- with fti'p" I'tiler ml Horses branded left thigh. Range on Soldier creek. Garner BroUiers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat- tie. Horse" on left shoulder. RangeNorth Eli. P. T. Bracketfc Riege , Nebr. Brand Registered 0 1490 Brand right side Drhip Horses same OP right shoulder Range , Niobraras\ 6 miles south of I ? Kilgore Seth Hary Merriman , Nebr. On both side and hip. Herd mark , dewlap. Horses same on left , shoulder. Range Lake Creek and Little White Uivcr. r. Bennett Simeon Neb Stock branded with 7 on letl hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrar , . river FranK T. Lee. Browulee , Neb , Cattle on left fide ; hoi cs same on left shoulder Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee. D. M. Se-irs. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. florses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. bi Psi Cattle Co. Hdvvard 1 ewis. foreman. \Vcod Lake. Nebr. Cattle b amlcd as in cut MI ntiht sul.- li.-iitge ; f' mileseist : of Simeon oiu'ronin ran ch. Hoan Mrothurs Woodlake Neb John 'Roan's piivtae mark , slit in left ear W. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharp-- Ranch and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgore C. II Little. ( Merriman , Ne'.t On either sidr Iforses same on hip Also Q > - Range Lake Creek SD * WILLIAM REAMER Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left si.te. Horses branded on left shoulder , Uange > mi south of Irwin JULIUS PETERSON Poctottlne address Gregory. Neb Branded < ts on cut Range two mile- oortb ofUrcirorv F. C. & M. O. Metzger. Meiriman Nebraska. Cattle branded on loft side : flors s urunded on loft - siP. . . Snake 35 miles so itti ot Merriman. Others ancrnS milfs n rtlnvvstof ft Charles Richards. OCR lurries < TCinrttBllow. Cody. ( 'filth * I- . i * fr.idt - dorses J3 oa left jaw. Ranse Between the Niobrara and Medicine Lake , N. S. Rowley * Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left side and hip , and on left shoulder of hor ses. Also on Mt bide and hp. : V - fon left side J on left side and on Ipft hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses , 111r r * on left hip of horses. R M Faddis& Co. Postofllce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some brnmjpd nVJSjoii left thigh Horses m left shouldergS or thigh nil It-It Ider thigh. Sorn ( > on right thigh or shoulder , J P GARDINER Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On leftside of cat tle ; horses O right arm Range , north and south of Niobrara ver.lL'-miles south west ot Cody Frank Kothlcutner Postofllce . KilgoruNeb. Cattle branded on side as on cut .same on hip. 3Some on left Ssitle. I A George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registers N'o 10-27 > tb branded or eft shoulder Karme north Hiul -nuMi of Cutcomb Uike b. Cherry Co G. W. McFarlanri Valentine , Nebr Cattle branded as in cut on left side. i "Id stock lldtigelour miles of Fort Viobrara , north -till ! SOUtll Of rry bridge rh- C. E Wright Valentine Nebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand anywhere on right side. G. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same aa cut ; also CJBE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection ot rustlers of stocl * bearing any of these brands Morey & iordon. Nebr. Brand registered 2232. On left hij ) of cattle. Horses -.ame left should er , also 94Q left side. Range South of SHake 33 miles e of Gordon Rohf-rt Pi st < Slce address ( Simeon. Nebr - tu left hi ] ) on \ cattle. ' -rhf shuiilrler Jos. Bristol Valentin . Neb/ Ka-igp on y\it- \ brara rivvr foui miles east of p ' > .ic.n attle br nd- < . i > K < 'onnf-'ted eft hip or Mtle n > - in out or Albert Whipple & Sons KoiPhud , S. D 2S Cattle nranne- SOS on ( lift .s : v OSOon riahtsiiit- S OS some cattle al.s < > have af on neck Some with A 01. . \ ( ft shoulder ami - > oine branded With tV.O "Htt- , UT' ss _ _ * % "ti t'f \ j * - * * * ' ' * ' " * * " " .oises nr ruled bOS on left bin Some cattK Rinded AW bar rnmipcti'd "n both sides hil of -it -ft t ftci ci ciR oJS U G Itrauil ! Brand AIS ieft hip Range 10 miles south of Merri man on the Nio brara John Sedlacek Valentine , Nebr. Nebr.CO CO Cattle branded j on left hip. florses same on eft shoulder. Some branded' " on left shouldor Some3 on leftside RamwO miles southwest of Valentine on north side of Niobrara m er. PIKK BROS BROSPostofflce Postofflce address Orookston , Neb Cattle branded TE on either hip or right side. Horses PU on left shoulder. Range On Minne- chaduza 5 miles cast of Crookston , SWEKNEY BROS. Foscofllce address Full man , Neb , * * ? ! asou' * Cattle branded cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed See block Range S and Slephenson Lakes and youth S300 reward will be paid to any person for in. formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with the huvt * orwml FRANK MOGLE PostolTic address Cody. Nebraska On either side cattle herdmark left ear clipped and riirht ea * splitlnrses andert E5same on left ah 01 Ider -ange on Nio ara land Medicine C nvon D. Stinard Valenune , Nebr State Brand reg- istcrctz iti'l Tattle and horsed same a < MU on l ff hip ICange 2 rust 01 Kt. Nl < - \-braskji Landand Feeding ( ' tartMt Riphanls PreWill G Conij > tork. V p Chas C lamison Sec&Treas _ Cattle branded on f - any part of animal ; „ * ' , , . : y : l o th& followng ! * braud * ' * i * . . KangtDt'tweei - iordon .iu the r.E. M \ . R H tnd > rtnniM n K.ti VI K IL t-br.iska Address BAHTI.KI * ' Kllsworth Brob. , Gregory Cherry Co Branded on left dide and thigh. Earmark , crop right ear Horses have same brand on left thigh. Range on Gor- ioa and Creeks , be Pall to any to the arrest and of any person or Dmniq , t al. G. W. REAMER. Gordon. Cattlo branded on leftside A .L cut , 6-inch bo and2H-Jnch ; ircle I L ROSEBEIIItY Pullmaneb randud on left hip -orse.s .same Herd nark-double Oew-lao Runue south fieht side and hu jn right hit > nint } T. \ . YARYAN Pullmaii "Set > ; . . , ' a'tl - .a- bntnded , \ \ VS * ] on right side . _ , j Horses branded JY ! V I on ri ht shoulder ' ' J J I 'easouable reward [ orany information to flip $1 froi/1" \ _ _ _ strayed * rHD-V J.F. Swain. Sparks , Nebr ttlp branded : side as shown , jut j J ange-South \ J $ Sparks on No- \ _ * " trn river ,