Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 17, 1904, Image 5

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    I I
At my ranch in German Settlement , five
miles south of
G Tfb T"i I
\ r\ I
at ! o'clock A. M. , I will sell to
the hest responsible t r
TEEMS OE SALE : Twelve months time will be given on ap
proved notes bearing 10 per cent interest or 5 per cent off for
Fjr * < * * H i r 5" NOON
H y i i bnim Li l
G E , TEACEWELL , Auctioneer.
More Local.
Jos. Langer was over from Xor-
den last week.
Nels Rowley , of Kennedy , was
in the city Tuesday.
t D. M. Sears , of Kennedy , was
up yesterday on business.
Frank Grooms , John Owens and
Harvey Johnston , of Sparks , went
.down to Omaha today and may # o
to the World's Fair.
Carl Lurz and Herman "Welke
were in town on business yester
day. Mr. Lurz renewed his sub
scription to THE DEMOCRAT.
Tom Hornby returned Monday
moaning from a few "weeks visit
in St. Louis. Mrs. Hornby re
mained for a short visit with
Archie P U.\crexv is about tin *
same n < * last. week and seems to be
very weak. lie is unable t < > ns-
giii'ilate food and gains very little
C. D. Bcoer , of Battle Creek ,
came up Monday togodo\\\n outh
of Brownlee to look at ranclrprop-
erty. lie rode nut with James
Shanleyestorclstjr. .
It's up to Roo > evell now lo do
something against the trusts. We
want the republicans to call our at
tention to the first thing he does ,
if he ever does anything.
Geo. W. Miller , Wm. Kinkaid ,
Hep Shocktey , Frank Budi , Rob
ert Davis and Geo. Carpenter
brought up a train load of cattle
for O'Connor's last week and
shipped from here.
The Presbyterian ladies will
have their annual supper and ba
zaar Tuesday evening , Dec. 6,190i-
Many u > eful and fancy articles
will be for sale. Supper will be
served from five to eight o'clock.
Tribune , Humphrey , Mo : Mr.
Landon is a gentleman of high
rank , and it's hard to find his
equal as a humorist.
News , Otego , N. Y : Sidney
Landon is an artist of rare ability.
I > , churchy
Robert Long , of Loup , was' '
making final proof yesterday at
the land office. Enoch Anders
and Glen Long were with him.
Mr. Anders called to see us and
we went up to inspect the new
aparalus at the U. S. Weather
Bureau , which Mr. McClean took
an interest in showing us. !
Tom Hudson said the othvr day
that when old Missouri went re- !
publican that he wanted be trans- '
ported to a better world. O. W.
Ilahn says "don't talk to me. "
Even some Nebraska republicans
are feeling sore and would be will
ing to heIp put old Missouri back
into the democratic fold.
The 20 round sparring match
between Hamp Ireland and Ed
McDonald , Collin's sparring part
ner of Denver , resulted in the j
latter being counted out , in the Gth
round. The round preliminary
between Lundagrin and
was very fast and good and re
sulted in a draw.
ChriM , Dittmer was in town yes
terday and called to renew his
subscription to Tin : DEMOCRAT.
lie tells UN that he lo.-t four head
of catlle in the corn stalks last
week , lie has aUo lo t three with
the blackleg. Others in the coun
try have lost more though , and
Mr Dittmcr thinks that he is not
the most unfortunate.
C. M. Parker , Manager of Park
er Concert Company : The Peter
son sisters have given several con
certs' where 1 have had the p leasure
of being one of the audience.
They play with brilliancy and un
derstanding their future seems
an assured success. They are la
dies of sterling qualities and worthy
the confidence of all.
S. E. McAlevy , L. N. Layport ,
Ed Clark , W. A. Kimbell , J. A.
llooton , AM. . Charbonneau , Dr.
Lewis , Jas Hudson , Jas. Ashburn ,
Geo. Hershey , Harve Shepard and
\Vm. Gillaspie have been in Aber
deen , S. D. the past wsek'attend-
ing the trial of Gaver and Cook , ;
the former for the murder ofY' .
J. Kainbolt and the latter for tak
ing whiskey oat/o thu reservation *
GQNCiRr Qfll
Assisted by Sidney Landon ,
Entertainer ,
To present the Peterson Sisters ,
of New York state , for the first
time in the we t is a great pleasure
to LH , and to hear them will please
our patrons also Added to nat
ural ability and wonderful variety
is the splendid training they have
received at the hands of C. M.
Parker , the famous concert con
ductor , who endorses them un
qualifiedly. Although sisters , this
excellent combination is both a
lad.quartette and ; m orchestra ,
playing instruments as well as
singing. In addition to all this
we have added Sidney Landon , the
entci tainer , who has made thous
and laugh at his dialect stories
and who sings tenor , and who
mijiht also play an instrument if
not wntchecl. We heartily recom
mend this company arid believe
they will delight the west as few
other companies have ever done.
In Valentine Saturday night ,
Nov. 20 , in M E. church.
CooVentio.i Jit
Via the North-western Line , will he
.sold at , i educed rates Nov. 24 , 35
iind 26 , limited to return until Nov.
28 , inclusive. Apply to agents Chi-
cagNorth -western R'y. 442-
Thc U. S. Weatheu Bureau re
port for the week ending Nov. 10
show.s the highest and lowest tem
perature to have been Go0 on the
15th and 6 ° on the llth. There
was no precipitation and the winds
were light to fresh and variable ,
the highest velocity being 28 miles
per hour from the NE on the 10.
The Indian summer weather stdl
con tines with u during the days ,
though the nights and mornings
sru cool *
Penbrook Quills.
Mrs. Gordon was taken to the
Post hospital Tuesday for treat
Chester Grooms , who has been
very sick for some time , is im
proving at this writing.
The school board of district No.
5 dismissed their teacher last week
for some cause. Porcupine did
not inquire for particulars.
Porcupino has lost his mule and
1m thinks it is a sin for a mule to
go astray , because everybody will
think that his mule was the mule
of sin. We expect to hear him
bray from some other locality.
Mrs. Jack Kief has gone clown
to Omaha on account of her health.
She has been sick but is getting
butt"r and will be back soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Den Garvy , of
Arabia , are happy over a baby
girl , Nov. 6.
Otto Krash and wife are happy
over the arrival of a baby girl ,
November 14.
Born , to B. Beer and wife , of
Simeon , a girl.
Juliu.s Schromm bought a large
fine house of Frank Krampert , IS
miles south of Woodlaice. "lie
will move it onto his homestead
on Clear lake. PetErson has the
contract of moving it.
g Day Rate. * * .
Via the Northwestern Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold at low
rates between all local points with
in 200 miles of selling station , on
i November 23 and 24 , good return
ing until November 28 , inclusive.
Apply lo agents Chicago & North
western E'y. 442
Business Notices
N iti ittS under this hesullnjc 5 cents per line
aoli insertion. Amon routing m U r , lOcnnis
t > i r Mne eacb insertion.
Everyone is satisfied with meals
at the Chicago House.
Enuresis ( led wetting ) can be
, cured m nine out of every ten
drugs. Results guaranteed
or money refunded. See Dr.Pemgo
at Uunoher hotel , Dec. 1st.
Look out for the dates of Dr.
Byrne's , eye specialist , next visit.
; 36
A first ch s Table d hote break-
| fast , dinner or supper for 50 cents
at the Chicago House.
H ghest quality milk and crenm
delivered daily in any quantity.
Give us a trial !
Drug treatment for headache and
nervous troubles is dangerous. Dr.
Perrigo removes cause Nature
cures. Dimobcr hotel , Dec. 1st.
For a I kinds of well material
such as pipe frtings , pump heads ,
etc. , go the Red Front Merc. Co.
\ \ e.are also agents for the Aerniotor
windmill. 40
Let Chef Stark prepare you a
dinner at the Chicago House.
Buy a 21 meal ticket for § 5.Of
' at the Chicago House.
Cross eyes straightened without
operation Results guaranteed.
See Dr. Pern go at Donoher Hotel ,
December 1st. 442
The corn husking time is now
and as usual ihe Ren Front Merc.
Co. arp up to date , offering the lat
est and best , that is made in corn
hu-kers , husking hooks , gloves , mit-
tei.s , cotton gloves and mittens , etc ,
Try a dinner at the Chicago
Don't forget that Thanksgiving
time will soon he here and that an
elegant hue of Carvers , which are
ven necessary at that time , may
he found at the Red Front Merc.
The Chicago House ,
A. A. ADAMS , Propr.
( Successor to E. Breuklander. )
General Blacksmitliing and Wood Work.
Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
Weather Bureau
The following data , covering a per
iod of 15 years , have been compiled
from the Weather Tureau ? records at
j Valentine Nebr Thfy are i ued to
j show the conditionthat have prr-
; vailed , durinjr the month in 'question
fur the above period of years , but
must not be construed as a forecast
for the weather conditions lor the
coming month.
Mean or normal temperature . ' 54 °
The warmest monthva.s that of
1S99 with an average of 41 °
The coldest month was that of 1890
with r n average of 19 °
The hiirhest temperature was 78 =
on the 14 , 1S94.
The lowest temperature was 18 =
on the 29. 189U "
The earliest date on which Qrst kill
ing frost occurred in autum , Sept. 12.
Average date on which first killing1
iro-n occurred in antum. Sep IS
Average ( i.ite on which last killing
frost occurred in spring , May ! )
The latest date on which last killing
frost occurred in spring , June 21.
PKEC'IPITATION ( nun or meltert snow )
Averaire for the month 0 02 inches
Average number of days with 01 of
an inch or more , 4
The greatest monthly precipitation
was 2 57 inches in 1890.
The least monthly precipitation
was 0.04 inches in 1903
The greatest amount of precipita
tion recorded in any 21 consecutive ,
hrs. was 1 65 inches on the ' 0 , 1896
The greatest amnu-it of snowfall
recorded in anv 24 consecutive hours
( record exten 'ing to winter of 18S4- * . >
only ) was 15 50 inch on the 25 26. 189R
Average number of clear days. 13 ;
partly c'oudy ' , 8 ; cloudy , 9
The prevailing winds have been
from the N W.
The average hourly velocity of the
wind is 10 miles
The highest velocity of the wind
was 52"miles from the NW on the 11 ,
ORicial in charge Weather Bureau.
' 222 South Peoria St. ,
CHICAGO , ILL. , Oct. 7,1902.
Eight months ago Iwas BO ill
that I "was compelled to lie or sit
down nearly all the time. My
stomach vas so rcak and upset
that I could keep nothing on it
and I vomited frequently. I
could not urinate ithout great
pain and I coughed BO much that
my throat and lungswere ravr
and sore. The doctors pro
nounced it Bright's disease and
others said it yras consumption.
It mattered little to mowhat
they called it and I had no de
sire to live. A sister visited me
from St. Louis and asked mo if
I had ever tried Vv'ine of Cardui.
I told her I had not and sho
bought a bottle. I believe that
it saved iny life. I believe many
women could save much suffer
ing if they but kne\7 of its value.
Don't you want freedom from
pain ? Take "Wine of Cardui
and make one supreme effort to
be well. You do not need to be
a weak , helpless sufferer. You
can have a woman's health and
do a woman's work in life. Why
not secure a bottle of "Wine of
Cardui from your druggist to
day ?
High grade Galloway Bulls , 2
to 5 years old , for sale. Also two
Thoroughbred's. For further in-
formatfon inquire at this office. 13
Professional Cards.
The Loup Valley Hereford Hunch.
llroxvnle * * , Nebr ,
Trince Hoalxiel
anil Curly
Coat IlS tiJ HI head
of licnl Tlic blood
of I'owlcr. Anxiety.
( Jlailstone predomi
nates ID my herd.
I can till orders foi build of nil ax * ' * at anv
time. Uaneh lour miles north-west ol lirowiT-
lee , Nebr
' < rjin , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton
f-orts hulk . . . .85 per cwt. $16.00 too
70c ' $13.00 "
'hop Feed 1.05 $20.00
Corn i 95 1 $18.00 "
Chop corn 1.00 $19.00 "
O * is 1.20 ' $23.00 "
Physician and Surgeon
Office nt Qnigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The Don-
oher residence , Cherry Street.
Robert G. Easley ,
j g"Office over Red Front
Vuleiitine , I
G. H. Hall , M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
All calls promptly attended to day
or night. Drugs and Phar
maceuticals furnished.
Wood Lake. - Nebraska.
Kiege , Xebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
OStce over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1,1904.
City Deliyeryman.
Minks , valises and packages hauled to aud
from the depot and all parts of the City.
Kirst-class Shop in Every Respect
" ' fie Quinine Hair Tonic. Golden Star Balr
Conic. Flf rpicide and Holer's Dandruff Oure ,
1 ry Pompeian Face Massage Cream
Meals : Lunches : Short Orders
Kirst class meals at all hours ,
day and night. Oysters in
eason. Pies , cakes , dough
nuts always on hand.
1 ill.D. Cohota , Prop. ]
Uontractor ano Bnild-
er m Brick or Stoie
Valentinej - Nebr.