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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1904)
Historic * ! S VOLUME 2IX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER 17 , 1904. NUMBER 44 ftiy ftiy y ftiJ y * J U U fciM s * x & ' # Cbnnn-siK ilto ft * & & Are you going to want a Heating Stove this winter ? If you are , you want the best the best in appear , ? ance the best in quality and the best in results. If you want one that wil1 give you the best results for all kinds of fuel , you want one of the following lines : Cole's Original Hot Blast , w Peninsular Parlor Heate" and Double Heating Base Burners , 1 The XXth Century Laurel , The Retort Jewel. if We have the exclusive agency of the above lines , which include the best stoves made. Make us a T6 * , before buying elsewhere and we will gladly explain to you J * VI all the special features of the diilVrcnt stove ? . We guarantee every stove mentioned to be perfectly satisfactory in every vay or we will exchange it or refund numoy paid us. li We carry the largest and most complete line of stoves of .trail kinds found in Xorthwest Nebraska. Call and Inspect these stoves. is * I'KED FRONT M THOSE Ladies9 Suits and the best 8 on earth for 3 A Six Page Noiseless Slate given with each pair of Shoes. Pfl ' TAILOR ill ) , AND CLOTHIER. ; f252 * \ 2S S&2&-1S2&S22S2ffi& . & 2att * S Hardware , Furniture and Coal. II FURNITURE , bed room suits , dressers , chiffoniers , wurd-g robes , Iron beds strong and clean , spring couches and mattres-ggj ses , parlor stands and center tables , combination bookcases and | m. writing desks. Latest Designs and Lo.vest Prices. Guns , Ammunition and Hunters' Supplies. A full line of hardwaro. cutlery and stovps of bost make. . . | * * & | A lot of useful articles that make house-keeping a pleasure. p Gome tmci See ITlieiti ioi * Frank Fischer. 1 Stito Bank Ohartored as a National Bank Chartered as a Jun. 1. 1881. August 12. 1002 , Valentine , Nebraska. ( Surr.pj M r to ) PAID mid 0. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NirnnT-RON. rinBhip.r GET n-nTRTT'T TO AT THIS PRINTING OFFICE- YOUR - We Cafl SaUrt * YAU Ih j 3' ? > gs2 ! < > w TALK OF THE TOWN 1 ? ! Z Z $ < Dave Hancock was on our streets Tuesdey. C. J. O'Connor ancl son were in town last week. James Shanley , of Brownlec , was in town yesterday. J. H. Goodfellow , of Ashland , was in/ur city Tuesday. L. Peiper spent several days in town the past week among the stockmen. Several farmers of the North Table sold'potatoes at the Fort this week. , < Henry Harding is now occupy- ing "Windy V building with his ' meat market. A J. Short and his daughter were down from Irwin last week llin f > n hind. s. Elliott and Fran eke wore hiiyinjr horses the past week , o hip ( oVi con < * in. J. S. P ) .st departed Sunday norning for Chicago where he will remain until after the holi days. ' | Miss Viola Brosius returned last' ' Saturday from a three week's visit at ihc Cochran ranch with her brother. Capt. Shaw tells us that ho has an increase from § S to $12 per month in his pension , taking eil'ect July 7 , 190i. Frank Fischer moved his scales this week from the front of the the McDonald property to the front of his new store. Mrs. Norman , of Gordon , came down last week for a few days vis it in Valentine with friends and is the guest of Mrs. Elmore. Mike Clynes , having resigned his position as night clerk at the. Donohe.r , is now assisting in Quig ley and Clripurm's drug store. Mrs. Dean Efner and baby re turned to Chadron Saturday morn ing , after a few days visit with parents and friends in Valentine- Will Clark on got back from Washington. D. C. , several days airo after having a splendid trip | an l stopped to sec the Fair at St. Louis. John H. Stnitton has rented the city hotel and is fitting it up , re pairing , painting and cleaning it and will reopen it as a hotel for colored people. Le\vi Taylor has purchased the GP ( Y-ibb place on Vorth TiM" : from . .hidgoVilr tt for 82000 It was only a * hort time ago that , this land sold for § 1000. J. D lowing , of Ashland , Xeb. , spent several days in the city the past week and purchased a car load of horses and mules while here , which he shipped Tuesday to Ashland. This week the boiler formerly used for heating the Watson build ing , now occupied by Miss Wren Donoher , was taken out of the. basement and sold to Mr. Hunter at the pump station. Holt county has wisely decided to keep down expenses by keeping their county intact instead of di viding into several smaller coun ties , which the majority of the people seemed to oppose. Valentine and Long Pine played foot , ball here last Saturday after noon , resulting in a score of 4ri to 0 in favor of Valentine. T.he .I ne boys were coached by Mr. Julian a son of Elder Julian. He informs us that the boys had had practical ly but one training prior to their coming here. One of the Long Pine boys had the misfortune of bis feg &rfr in tfo gmtfe. Geo. W. Keller brought up the Pleasant Hill election returns last Friday and dropped in to visit with us for an hour. He thought we needed some consolation and re newed his subscription to THE DEMOCRAT. A. E. McFatridge , superinten dent of schools on the reservation , was down last Saturday , and the next day took up a payment , ac companied by the Indian police. ' , Mr. Mclfatridge's son is attending , school here but had the measles , last week. Ira Johnson , of Lavaca , came down last week with his precinct returns on election and waschosen ; as a member of the canvassing board by Co. Clerk Reece. Mr. John-oN is thinking of moving nearer to Gordon to school his children. / P. II" Young , of Simeon , called the other day and renewed his subscription and brand ad for nn- Vt.her year. Mr. Young couldn't believe that report about old Mis- ' 5ouri and thought as we did that they'd have to show us. We don't jnderstand it yet. i Miss Julia Query met with an ' icoident last week which might nive. proven serious. While cut ting buttons from a card , the scis sors slipped , causing the sharp points to cut into the eye. After i careful examination the cut was round to be above the .eyeball , and .s now healing up nicely. ' School opened in district No. il ) n the 3rd of October. Thirteen l pupils arc enrolled and eight more ! ire expected to attend later in the ; erm. Those who attended every ] ay during the past school month ivere Gordon , Alexanderia and ; Sre.orna Kief , and Joseph and Al- ' oertKounovsky. Joseph Kounov- ; sky's attendance was perfect. ! M.vur KIEF , Teacher. | Wash Honey , of Woodluke , was in town Tuesday and made ar- ' rangements for his annual Thanks giving ball which will be given at ; : he opera house in Woodlake , Thursday evening , Nov. 2i. Mr. Money mafic arrangements with oreo. Corbin and "Brown the fid- ller" to furnish music for ' .he oc casion , and invites everybody io jome to his Thanksgiving ball and eiijoy a gc-cd time. We learned from Albert vSpall a < t Saturday while he was in town Yoni the reservation that , three. ' loriesvrre stolen from Pete De- 'Vt.s1- } lac : at his reception dance ) 27. belonging to him-elf , Al fred Bordeaux and Charley Tack- Mi They at once notified Agent Mc.Che ney. who sent out the In- .lian police and overtook Ed De- Vrcy with one of the horse.s at But to Creek and Oreo. DeCitles ind Win. DeSory at Blackpipe with the other two. The boys ran i way from school and thought they [ ould make better time horseback. They were lodged in jail at Rose bud. \Ve forgot last week to mention an item that occurred the week | previous. Tod Smith , a mixed' ' blood Indian , had been down to ee his half brother who had been slot and vas returning back to Rosebud when he came to John Novak's place on the table where he wanted to stay over night and seemed persistent but Mr. Novak refused to keep him. Smith shot twice with his revolver and from hismanneri and Janguage Mr..No- . , vak thinks he was shooting at him. Wm. Novak ran out of the house with a shot gun and fired it which had the cfi'ect of scaring 'Smith' , away. Smith was arrested the' next day at Rosebud and landed iu ttur frftmtfr jaU to await trial. Fancy .J. Groceries PICKLES ! ' CHOW CHOW - CHUTNEY OLIVES DEVILED SCHRDIP IMPORTED SARDINES 0 > INDIA RELISH CAVEAR 1 I * 111 & Thacher Large stock of Hamilton = = Brown Shoes Just arrived. All cither shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which arc right. MAX E. VIEBTBL CROOKSTCXN NEBRASKA to The BEST for table use and at popular prices. < * Our Stock is Always Fresh Dry Gqods , Shoes , Mittens * * Hay , Grain and Feed . W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. i MISISM1SMJOX j < v- " ffirf' . * v v v i.i'j ' FRKSI1 FRUIT AND GAME f'5i { JN THEIR SEASON. f Fir > t ( thisline of S-eaks , Roasts lrSnlr Meats Smoke I ighsst Market Price Paid for Hogs. FRED WIIITTEMORE. Pres J , W. STETTEk , Vice Prea. paid on time ; deposits. Valentine State Bank , capital , 8 3,000 Valentine , Nebraska. Sui plus , S 1OOO Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the Office Hours ! A. M.to4 P. iM. methods employed in our business SPARKS. Cashier. OR AH L BRITTOX , Asa't Cashier- CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter./ Are now at their bes and All you want to eat. at our . we handle the best grade. . . . . .Lunch Counter. . . . * . l . . - - > - Home Bakery Read the Advertisements.