v ts I ma Siva ne Thousand Dollars fp Hay Person lie Si Prsve That Oiia Lisis of That Mieio is Not Stristiy True. " -cor. . s. KAC.OX , r i sired , : * . r. WAS LEEUTENANT = COLQNEL ROOSEVEL A GOOD SOLDIER , OR DID ME HAVE S | A GOOD PAJESS AGENT ? The RepubH'-an f'amj'ai'gn Committoo has issued n pamphlet called "Roose velt's .Military Ite.-ord. " v. iikh has been circulated by the million , sind si mem ber of the Uough Ilid 'r < , acting fur the ( Campaign Committee , is sending it to -nil Spanish Wsir veterans , v. ith si .state ment thsit tho President "is IIOAV being vi'Hiiod sind abused in outragcou.s terms for political reasons , " ' and states : " 1 resent the bilier campaign Jsii.sehoods which sire being uttered about him. " This pamphlet wsis probably isvjjpd ; js u reply to my article in tiie August number of the Alt.MY AM ) XAVY CKITH' . It is needle a to say that it is not iin sinswer to any charge contsiined in that article. . In I'JiiO 1 iss-tiin } : l iirochuro on "Thf Soventv-Jirst Regiment at rin * : Juan , " -vvnercin most of th > chsirge.vere set lorth. NO OXE OF Tlli.AE HAS EVER JiEEX AXS\A EUKR 'ilie August Critic has been issued for nearly throe mouths sind nperson hsis attempted to sin.swer ii. I will give one thousand 'lollar.s to any ] > oi-soi ! wliu v. ill pro\e thsit one line ol" thsit article i.s not strictly true. J repeat tho < hargo : 1The block house on San Juan was captured at about 1:30 : p. rn. , on July 1 , 1SSS , by the Infantry , not by the Cavalry. 2. Colonc : ! Rcoccvelt did not sec a Spaniard on July 1st , and was r.ot in 3 position v/hero he could see ont. 3. Colonel Rocscveit's account of bis heroic charge on horseback up San Ju n Hil ! is absolutely false. 4. Kettle Hill , a srrsail rice cf ground about SCO yards in front of tliC | 5an Juan bills , never contained a Spanish soldier or Spanish entrenchment. 5. The Infantry had lain in advance of Kettle Mill for hours before 1:30 : p. rn. They did r.o'c take possession of Kettle Hill , for no reason fttsept that thc-y had no use for an old kettle. 6. Errlicr in the day , the Rough Riders had gone to the right or the road , to Santiago , Foi haif a mile , and lav for hours in the InI ! grass , neck hich , fcchin : ) Keltic Hill. 7 AFTER the infantry had left the sunken rear ! between Kettle h'ill -jinrJ San Juan , and had caoturcd the blccl ; iioise : , Colonel Roosevelt and his Rough Riders came out of the tall grass and went up Kettle Hill. ? . There vve.'e no enirsnchments OP. the San Juan hills , except about 100 feet around the block house. Colonel Roosevelt's statements in hisRough Riders. " ' written mcr.ths after the v/ar , do r.ot correspond with official reports , even his own , nncl are absolutely untruthful. THE OFFICIAL REPORT. Coionel RoD.sevelt's ofiicisil report , found .ic pages 1:2 anil 1 ! of .Major < 'enc-sil . .MilesSupplemonlsiry Report , J3SS > 3. contsiin.s tho follOAVing : "Accordingly AVO chsirged the biock- jiouse ind entrenchment on tlie hill lo our I'iyh : si.uain.st si heavy lire. It nvsib i.ikoiiv in Jiond style , iho men of regiment liuisbeiiiy the first to any fortified position sind to break through the Spsinlsh lino1 * . ' ' < Eveiy word ot that stsilement is abso ' lutely'false. . ) * J- - "After captur ing Ib.s hill , AVO first of sill diroeted a JiosiA'fire upon the San .lu.in hill to our li fi. Avhich Av.is at the lime boiii'4 ris : > ie ! i by tho regular infantry and cavalry , .supported , by Captain L'ark- or'.s titling gun . 3'.y the time Sau . .Iiisuias isikon : \ l.irire force hsid sis- semblctl on tho hill Ae nad 1'REVl- OrSfA"captured. . " A ghinre sit the msip shoAVS that tho liill oc.-iiicd ] b.v t ! ( siAsilry AVSIS far in iho resir of the San .lusiu hills , sind Iho reports of the engineer otiicors sind iho of'Seial ' IUSIIK sire unummou * thsit jt coma ins aio cnlreucliiuents what ever , .ind there is no record of its ever Jiaviug oceii occupied by tho Spaniard . A gi.inoo sit the map Avill sliow IIOAV prr-posierou * is Colonel Roosevelt's .claim. < 'ol' : : el Uoo-ovolt sjalotl in an ad- 'ilre-s 10 tho Xsition.-il ( Jusird As ocia- iv'of \ the State of New York. on Fob- riisiry IS. 3HM ! > ( pp. "iG. 37 , Oflicial Re port. N. G. . X. Y. ) : "As for the Ssin .Juan light , it would "we sin oxaiigorsition to say it was a < ' 0lonoi".s iight. It v.-si.s a .sqiisid load- or's 'ight. Xo humsiii boirg in tho eol- .11 inn l.POAv what he Avasto do Avhen tho -roluiiin stsirted.Ve moved forwsird -igsiiu. crossed the ri\er sind had to Jisilt AVithin rsinge of the Spanish bat teries on the hills unti1 wo got the or der to charge. More by a consensus ot" opinion than any thing else AVC Avcnt 71J. snd took the hill. " This- i , tho oliicial report of Ihis speech lo the Xsilional (5uird. : but in ihe siciuai speech ho admitted that ho 1U1 not see si Spaniard ; thsir they did ii"t know that there hsid been a battle jiiil it AVSIS over. Tlio position of the First Volunteer Cavalry , half a mile to the right of 1hf ro.jil io Santiago and behind Ket- -llo Hill , is indicated b.v the reports of "Looi.irdVood. . colonel. First I' . S. Yohin-eer Csivsilry , sind T. A. I'aldwin , Lenteiunt-colonel. Tenth Cavalry ( see Haao:2f. : : and : ; 4l. of Ccueral Miles' roporlt. Tii'-so reports are vor- the fcsihie. One plsigarixes fioin Jhe other. A.s ( 'oneral Wood wsis snmo- o/Iiere : n thvi rear , h" - > \ .it > probably the offender : "After proceeding about half Avay lo tiio San Juan Tin ffrom El Poso ) tho leading rcgimonl ( Rough Riders ) - s directed to ( "HAX l-rTIIE DI- IIKC-TJOX TO THE UK JUT. and by inoving up to tl.v creel ; io effect juuc- riou with Genor.il L.iwton'.s divis-ijn. \vhich Avas then on .igO'l at Caney. ibout a mile sind a hsiif to\vanl th ° richt. but AV.-I .supoed ] to bo working toward our rigist 11nk. After procoou- ing in ihis direction AP.OUT HALF A MILE , this ofi'oit to cniuiect Avith ( ien. A\SIS given . .i.snul . liie First nsul Tenth cavstlvv AVI-I' " foriue : ! lor attack on tho EAST HILL , with Ihe ; Volunteer Csivalryis supio\ . " Colonel Wood ssiys in his report of c ( p. ol'Ji : "Our first objective the hill with si small iv.I-roofeu -.0 on it. " Hvoldo Hill. ) After tho ocf.ipsilion of tiiSn .I isi : : 2iills by the iufsintiy. it bec.uuo ioc- sssiry to crest if ontn-iieluiionts tn bo captured and Spaniards io be killed l > y the politie.-.l < ilniH. s'TUl tho O'JJ.A % vay to do thisvsis to msike a bristling fortHication out of sin old kettle thai liad been loft bohind by iho inl'anlry Jjours before. Colonel Eirber ! . Ki'\th Infaiiirv. says iu his olHcistl r-'port. p. -s . ' { ' .j- . " : " 'lijc San .Tusin Iliii fortirnsill'jn.being iu jilsiin view , SI'DOIiOi ! ; ) ysirdsd'sisinJ , while to our right and IX 1'IIOI.OX- GATIOX OF TIIE ROAD OX WliH'II WE STOOD AVSIS another hillurmounte.l by a Isiriro jiaintect Itouse This is 'the hill SL'USE- ijrKXTLY csiptured by tinciiry : division ami opposite to Avhich their liiics extondeti. though they Avore not in sight from the road. = " * * "This was tho iirst opi'.ortunity of- < "ored to eriiciently cairy out ( Jenersil HsiAvkins"order to ei'lilado the Ssin Jr.sin Hill , upon Avhich my regiment sind tho detachment of the Sixteenth how opened si hot lire , to which the trenches rosnomied. sind this COXTIX- TEI ) FOR AN IIOTJIJ. It AAill be ob- spi'\oil that except foi- CaptainVhit - sill'.s < k tachmont of the Sixteenth THE SIXTH AVAS XOW EXTIRELY Ai.OXE IX its siitack on the Sau Juan Hill. - * - "Here the Sixlh remained , conteud- ing AvitJi the hill FOR VBOUT AX HOUR , bur sis AVC Avere ] ) arlicularly hidden by the hedge sind protected by si I'osul trench ( sunken rostd ) our ca.s- ualli s Avero not Iiesivy. At the same tno : I AVSIS not satislkd Avith our po sition on the road , Avhich. being ob lique to ihe hill , gsive only an oblique sind comparatively not effective lire. I therefore concluded to advance the regiment into the lielil of high giv s suul Aveeds lying between our present position smd the Sau Juan blockhouse. - - ' As they drew n-jarer AVO dis tinguished the tall nguro of General Hawkins , with hi.-3 aid , Lieutenant vOrd. Sixth Iniantry. charging at the head of the .skirmishers sind Avaving their hats. ' ' ' As soon as this could be .stopped by si signal the min gled troops of the Sixth. Sixteenth , Thirteenth and Twenty-fourth swept up sind over the hill sind it AVSIS AVOII , Captain Charles Byrne's Company F. and Captain Kennoii's Company 3-J , of the Sixth , being among the foremost , if not actually the very first , on the summit. * ' Captain AVhitall. of the Sixteenth In fantry , say.in his report , page So : "Dining the entire action , from tho time General IIsiAvkins ordered my company forward , I never received si tor.ims'iul from any ono until after my eoiupay.y had carried the colors to the ilcicluu-e , where it was the lirsi llsig on th San Juan Hill. At the time of my .irrivsil sit the blockhouse on the crest ol" the hill I could see no other mo'i there but iho.se of my company sind si foAV men from other coinpsinies of the regiment. ' ' Lieutenant Stedmnn , ot the Six teenth Infantry. MI.V.S. in his oflicisil rcM.vt ( p-ge : 2S2 ; : "I here ascertained i ha. the other conin.inips of my battal ion Avere to my loft. IX THIS SUNK- EX ROAD. 1 nifixvd my company to the lft and Avenl through sin opening in si A" , ire fence , Y/hSch had been cut by si Cub in. who AVSIS very prominent in tlie liisr charge. Thi > AVSIS about thiriv ps-.ee ; from the crossing of the errok. Thi.s put me on the right of the fr.siit Sine thar starred to make the cl.s'rgo.cross this open space , tho . > ; i' ; > sh's : consisting of A , D , E. C. . . ' . .d ( j. Sixteenth Infsintry. "I IK ! r.iy eonipany across tins open ps ; co some UO'J yariis , sind the chsirgo \\sis inulo directly in front of THE trench occupied by tho enemy. That w.-'s . : little to tho left of the block- > ' " . fr-'il'irr ' . and the > u ( .ir ; ciiy - u > on civ.of tho liilL THE ONLY FORTI- FHD ; FIELD WORKS no.-ir tins Yt-iiu ] L. V. ' . V. Konnon. of the Siuh Ini'anlr.A. s-iys in his ollitdsil re port ip.-ige 12SS"Our : artillery lire hav- Irg ct/seJ. Company E went up the hi ! ! , ai d Avas tlio lir.t organisation of our s.riuy to roach ihe .sr.mnnt sind tho : I'o. I. A nuusl'cr of enli icd men ot cjnipa.iies : Joiiiovl in Iho suivsince s" : ( ! ivsel > ed theresi with us. At this J'li.e there Avoro si few Sninianls in the ] > 1 K-l.hoii , o and in ; lo li"iclies to tho ! ! : ; ! > . but the greater psirl Avore in the ! rcsir of the tort , rolresiting to a position in r a" . " f'onoral ircnl says in his ofiicial re- ort ( ya.rj lu ; ) : "Gcnersil HsiAvkins , sojir li-vn after I reached tho crest , reported tit ! the Sixth anil Sixteenth Ii't'.ur.ry 1-ad esiptureil UILhill , which 1 i\v con ski IT incorrect. Credit is : il i'ot equally due the Sixth , Ninth. Thirteenth , Sixteenth and Twcnty- i'onrih regiments of infantry. ' ' General Mil.- ' ? ' official report contains Ihe reports of scores ot officers on ihc battle oi San .hum. noi one of which hears out Colonel Roosevelt's absolute ly fs'.iso report of the battle contained in his "Rough RidersThere "s not any of'ieial report of the battle Irom any onrce corroborating Colonel Roose velt's oJlichil report of the battle. I therefore repeat the charge that Colonel Roosevelt has obtained promo tion to the Presidency of the United States by a report of his own alleged heroic acts at San Juan Hill , which re ports were knowingly false. I repeat there was but one blockhouse , and one entrenchment on the San Juan Hills. Th < sp wore captured by the infantry. This infantry had lain lor hours in and around the sunken road in advance of Kettle Hill , and AFTER the infan try had captured San Juan , lioosevelt and his Rough Riders came out of the tall gras , Avhere they had been con cealed for hours , and went iip Kettle Hill , which had never had upon it an entrenchment or a Spanish soldier. Colonel Roosevelt had had no mili tary experience. He left a position in the navy , where he might have been of some service , in order to take a spectacular position in the army , where he "was the laughing stock of regulars and volunteers alike. All the world honors a brave soldier , but all the world despises false pretences. "Roosevelt's Military Record , " pub lished by the Republic.ni Campaign Committee , Ls a mere collection of phttitudcs , and the recommendations of Roosevelt for brevet and a medal of honor met with no serious consid eration. They were rejected. The let ters of recommendation are verv guard- Glmi FBI a Kcgiiar ! = Ti8y ! Go Ahead anil Do Their Business Without Any or Featliers = B t I'm Sorry That We Will Hot Get Aiy : Crc ill i:0i : * Our V/ork = Tliey Say Our Charge Will Make Eosssveii Presidni Soin3 Day and That is What We Went to War For. ' * LETTER XO. 1. At Foot of San Juan Hill. July 1. IfcDS. This iias heen a daj of terror and yei. till : ; cveninir linds me .singularly cool and calm. v ' - Thtfiirhtiny started about daybreas ; Avith an artil lery duel , in Avhich our artillery se m5 ? thave got the wort of it. I hear that ( . 'rimes has been shelh d out of his po rtion on El l'o/.o and that Caproifs artillery was wor.-e than tiselesYou see. our artillery Avas usinji black JOAV- der , Avliilo the Spanisli used smokeles- ; po\vder. So , Avhile AVC Avere a perfect mark for them. Ave could not locate their batteries at all. The casualties have been pretty heavy. I hear to- niiiht that our division has lo > i about o.lO killed ami 11(500 ( A\ounded. Our regiment lost somelhinir over 100 killed and Avounded , but 1 don't ICUOAV just how many. I thought we Avould be tlie whole thing on account of hav ing taken this hill , but the adjutant ( Avho is IIOAV Lieutenant Koehler ) says the Kough IJider.s Avili j et all the credit because they have their press agents along. And. Avhat do you think , they wore not even iu the light. They lei't the main advance column early in the morning , and going off to the riirht got lo.st somewhere in the chaparral and did not get out again until to night. I .ju t got back from a walk { loug the line and find the army strung out like thii : ( Letter contains a map not thought necessary to reproduce. ] Ed. Ed.It It is a pretty thin line , but I guess we Avill bo able to hold our position. The remil.tr5 ? are simply Avonderful as lighters. They go at it just as if it AA'as s-port instead ot tragedy , and the fact that men aiv killed and Avounded con tinually don't seem lo bother them at all. They take it as a matter of course. - I'm glad I'm a regular. They go ahead and Oo their business Avithout any fuss or featherBut I'm sorry that Ave will noi get any credit foV our work. They say our charge Avill make lioosevelt President some day. and that that is the only thing ho Avcnt into the Avar for just politics. AYell. I suppose I shouldn't kick , sis I am looking for a laurel A\reath myself. The adjutant says I'll never be heard ot unless I should chance to get killed , Avhen T Avill occupy one line in the papers in tiie list of dead and Avounded. * * AYhen I was over on the right Hank about an hour ago the Rough Riders were just getting up to the line in the position assigned them. Whore they had been all day 1 don't IIUOAV. but the tsilk is that they Avere having sport on a hiil somewhere in the rear. I Avill proba bly know more about this to-morrow or next day. It is rumored that AVC Avill advance again to-morrow and drive the Spanish into the harbor. They retired in pretty good order to-day , as they only left eight dead on the Jiili and no Avoundei:1. : . o fsir as I know. - = * Just IIOAV many are in the op posing army I do not knoAV. but it is PARTING OF THE WAYS. I'lio People Must Decide "Whether the Nation Shall Co a Republic or an Kiupirc. - " \Ve sire IIOAV sit tho parting of ihe way. one ( .Democracy ) carries u.s for- \vsird in the jynmd sivenuo traced out for us by tiie founders of our nation , i path dignity , honor , peaceful , hap py sulvancemcnt. which msirks us sis the hope of mankind in sill thsit makes for Avisdom and good government ; kvhile tho other ( Republicsun road takes us into tho great arena Avhere ancient > eoples. : full of ambitious , civil hat reds , religious feuds , feudal miseries , trailing their slime across the centur ies , are fsicing esich other , burdened with armor , to light out questions of od sind no one of them Avas written 13any man AVIO SSIAV the alleged he roic ehsirge sigaiiiht the San Juan ket tle. Itoosevelt says , in his "Rough Riders. " page 1 : > . " > , that he tried to lind General Sumnor sind General Wood sind could not. Colonel Mills AVSIS Avounded sind out of su-tion long be fore the chsirge. Rocoiiimendsitions. in general terms , by subordinates amount to nothing. Such unoliicial recommendations may be hsid for the asking. The chargescontained in tho bro chure , published in V.fJH remain unan swered : the chsirges of tho August Army sind Xavy Critic remain unsin- SAV red. And I repesit. sind defy any man AVitli knowledge to refute thorn. / General MacArthur obtained his pro motion sis Msijor-Genersil by making si report about hi.s maneuATOs in the capture of the city of Manila , which AVO now knoAV to have been a sham battle , and Admiral Dewey swore be fore si committee of Congress that the city had practically surrendered to him a Aveok before sind it Avas sirrangcd that the Spaniards Avere not to lire back. Colonel Funston obtsi'nod hi * promo tion as brigsidior-genersil upon his OAVII report of his OAVII heroic deeds in the capture of Aguinsildo. Avhich AVO IIOAV know to have boon put up by Aguin sildo himself , who says , in Everybody's MagSK'/me ot" Auuusl. 31W1 , that the la dies had come over tho day before from Csis-igursin to I'silinau to hsiAe si dance , thus traversing tho Aory road over which Funston passed in his hor rible privsitions- . Colonel Roosevelt hasobtained pro motions by si false report in his "Rough Riderof his. OAVII heroic deedsin an imairinary charge on stu imairinary horse up an imaginary hill against un- auinarv Spanisinb : . ALEXANDER S. P.ACOX. 07 Libertv street , XOAV York City. said thai there is between 20.000 find oiHK ( ) . We have only 17.00U men on the island , of Avhicii1COO or .1000 are volunteers , so you see Avhsit kind of { tuff we are made of. t LETTER XO. 2. San Juan Hill. .July ] O. 1SOS. Xo olwngo since my List letter ' - * There ssro. rumors that no Avill sitlsu-k ( he Sp.ini-h in tho morning. Seems likojy that wo Avill. as AVO havo received orders to psick rolls sind haver-su-I- -1 si. in. to-iiiorroAv. This afternoon I Avont silong the entire Hue of our army. Hsid nothing else to do , and I Avsintod to see just how AVO Avere lo- csitod. This isthe wsiy AVO sire sit- uated : ( Letter furnishes map not dci mod necessary to publish. | Ed. You Avill notice si little hill in tho ITar Avhich I have marked ' 'II. R" Thsit iswhere tho Rou-rh Riders did all tlinir terrible lighting on tiie first day of tho light. I don't know , but ho.ir-s-lly believe they never ssiw a Si..iuiird : over there. 1 hoar that it is in all the XOAV York papers that Roosevelt and his Rough Riders took San .Tuau Hill. Thsit is a lie. Ho didn't take Ssin Juan Hill. He didn't even see the hill , sind he has never been near it yet. We took the hili. sind Ave've boon on top of it over since. Tho actions of thsit man are the laugh ing stock of the army. Ho is contiilu- ally bloAving his horn , and seemsto think he is tho biggest man doAvn hero. If ho were not Roosevelt I believe he would be drummed out of camp. It is quite .sickening to see the airs he puts , on. I suppose before tho Avar is over he AA-ill be commanding' th" army , and that Avill mean si through ticket to the Presidential chair. It's all politics. Tho men who did tlie lighting the regulars hsive very little to say. They don't seem to bo in it for glory. They simply do it a * a matter of business. Hut Roosevelt isout for glory alone , and ho seems to be taking all he can get. - ' ' * * XOAV he wants to get back to the Jnited Stsitos ( probably to pull some Avires ) . lie hsis done nothing but kick. kick , kick for the last three or four dsiys. sind ho hasmade himself very obnoxious every whore. He kicks becsiuso he csin't havo toast and eggs every morning for breakfast. He kicks becsiuso ho has to sleen on tho ground instead of a hair mattress. lie kicks becsiuso his men sire homesick sind Avsint to see their best girlsPm homesick myself , but I'm not kicking , sind I havenc hesird si kick from any one in the regiment yet not oven from one fellow Avhom I helped into si trans port wagon to MO taken back to the hos pital , lie had both eyes shot out. Avounds through the neck , chest , ab domen , legs and sinusbut the only thing ho ssiid AVSIS : "Who's uot a pipe handy : " 1 gave him mine. I didn't thins iio'd live more than an hour or two. although ho had lain in the grass I three days Avithout attention , but they I got him into the hospital alive. I fsunily. or of. territorial and commer cial greed. P.y the latter path AVO abandon hu manity , and with drum and trumpet andwarship , hurl ourselves into the Avretched wrangle which has been go ing on in the old Avorld since the dsnvn of history , and liie now world then j coaxes to exist. This is the track huo | Avhich. tentatively b\u surely , onr GOA-- j eminent has been trying to pu h , \AII accelerated pace , during tLe l.-ist throe | years , and IIOAV the people of tho Unit- ed States are about to be called upon to say if it be their Avi.sh to continue the march. If they ay yes. let them marshal their heaviest battalions , change their form of government to a dictatorship , and prepare their purses for si drain in comparison to which that of our Civil War AVJIS light. The Republic is , indeed , at the parting of the ways. ! fj KQnoii'o Houio'si nf T > IT [ H"ITO r-'t \ tV \ i ? ? 3 lUj , yaoi/iib ncViDfl L1 ! uiJ L5 .iij u ! JJ , ) / , jOsiy "erifls OspiHfe of cO SlfliJsign y FGI : ! ! MtgaJe ! ] liili ; Isgpary Slangier. ROOSEVELT AT SAN .JUAN OUT F GLORY , MAYING BEFORE ailS fcYES I TOE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION. We now come to the most humiliat ing fiaud in recent history the cele brated battle of San Juan , in the Span ish War oi 3S1K ? . which has given j scores of brevets lor every dca 1 Span iard. The lir < t act i'i the drama was to re move every West Pointer from heads of departments ( excepting the engi neers and ordnance , which contsiin graduates only ; , because West Point ers and contractors are natural born enemies. The next act was to put in command oi. tho army of invasion an oilicer who was wholly incompetent to serve in a tropical climate , weigh ing 'i'JO pounds and having permanent physical disabilities The facts of the battle are briefly as follows : General Shatter's plan ot" bat tle seenia to Inn e been all right , but was not carried oiu. ( General Lav/ton was expected to capture Kl Caney by 7 o'clock iu th" morning : then turn to his left and form the right wing of the sittsuk on the San Juan hills : the cen tre to be occupied by Wheeler and his cavalry ; the left by Kent rnd the in- I fan try. El Caney was not captured until 'i..0 in the afternoon. In the meantime the Wheeler and Kent divis ions simply drifted toward San Juan , through a dense jungle , of which there , hail hi en no roconnois-ance. and the ] r'lunlsh skirmish line on Sun Juan ex- i eivised itself at t.n-got prsicuco from 1 0 o'clock in the morning until l.'JO in the afternoon , simply shooting at the roads and tr.iils where the Auierican troops were helpless , in colum.i. Is it not high tim that some of tho misis surrounding the battle of San Juai were raided ? The War Depart ment , when asked how many Span iards Avere MI Santiago when it sur rendered , and how many Spaniards were killed and wounded at San Juan ami El Caney. states in a letter that they have no records that throw any Mirht on the subject. Prominent of ficers , wiio have knowledge , give eva sive replies. Lieutenant Jose Mullor y Tejeiro. second in command of naj j w.isreinforced by anojhrv c . "i ' The artillery on San Juan i ( r.-.sted of two eld pieces liiat looktd as it" they. were a hundred years old. mounted out rick .ty old i saris ; : res. Tlu-y vtore .eft , behii.d. This fcln-lon of San .In. in uas , sulstcked by 7."iM > Americans- . .tli light batteries : t.ul a Catling Kittrxthif * ty to on' ' . The American lus , .it Sai ; Juan , in k'iletl andvouin5vl , \\.is mortj than a th. > .i : > nd by tli ! oi : - llg .11 TIKSp.iiu h ios.s usis MilMintiiH nothing. Every Spaniard KH ' d 01' wounded four Americans The por-j criuage of Amencaii lo > s.it S-i Jn.iU was twice that of the Ili'ti.-i .U the "bloody" bsitlle.s of Tugci.i ICtAer. Tin Spanish loss is unknown , b-ti usi prsictii silly nothing. i One of the regulaollieoi * . v ID Avas' ' one of the lir t to ast-end ti. S.tn Juai hill and occupy the blot-Liiou- * . \\luil asked , before the Sevnr. nit Regii ment Court of Imiuiry.Ii.U did yoti st > e on arriving at ti.u top , f the IiiMVJ replied "Nothing. " ( j. " . " i > iliiig at ailV" A. - \ > iling but s.icr \ * < > ! "Xo Siiariardsr * A. "Will. .1 few migh ! b.v seen in the disumre utirinc to their irenchoTlie fa t is that a soon a.the Americans foni.m .inc olv battlf : : : ! ! pruLee.lcd up U.e I til al'out l.oO p. in. , tliSpanish ri liu" retired to their Ire.st\\-tk- r'auliag" , which were never < : 'piureil bin wrre surrendercil \ \ ii i iL < - cit 01 July 17. ] About St > ) yaids in front of il.e Sai. Jr.r.n hillss v.ms a SUM ! ! s'rciM ' Purg.-iloi'io Creekuli ilei.s ! y wood o.l banks. It iio'.ved clo-e by a sligh i-i.- ? filled Kettle II ill. which was ais < far in froiii ot" the San Juan hill' ? . A far as known. Kettle IIHI had nee conceal'-d a Spanish soldier in the hi tory of the uorh1. and its oniy fortij { ici lionon.jjvtetl of an old iron kettlij th..t g.jv v its nap1. : 1. ) the Americans' For hours the inlaniry had been JIn : 5 : > a sunk'Mi load , in advance of Keltl jj iiiii. Xone thoiiirhl of irnjng on loji of it i'ccause then' was n < thing to g'J all-M' . Hut when the infantrj left th' M A P CF SAM J'JAM HiLL' t- NEPR SA17AGO ! DE CUBA val forces of the Province of Santia go , in his history , which iir-s been translated in part by the Xa\-y Depart ment , gives only 'J-JOO effective Span- is'h soldiers in and about Santiago on July L E/cari , ) and his column did not break in until the "cl , and there Avere about 'J100 sick in hospital. Their food consisted e-rclusively of ric > and j Avsiter : their amniuii ; * : xj AA-a scarce : their artillery ronsis-ed of thirteen piecesof antique pattern- ; u of which they did not dare dls.-hargr. Santiago had not been prepare : ! for a s-iege. Tho'-e ; ijOO ( UJ < MI had 'nvr tCMi miles to cover , and Avere attacked at live different poi'.rs simull.incomly : (1) ( ) The ileot menaced .Moivo ( 'a-Vie and the Socsipa battery at ihe mouth of the bay. cJ > Five thousand Cuban- . Avho o lo- esvrre h ° avy rioi.-al xiys ( p.-l-14) ) their pcrreuta - ' , f lo > s Ava.s lif- iy P"r cent , greater tha i the Ameri can ' Avere active , ami I'arasscd the-n on tho west. ( ' { ) A < .u.ulor - ? AV.-JS men aced by a demonsii-atioii ot" iiichirri i troops just landed. < ! > Kl Caney was ! attacked by about (5 ( | Mn me : : : ami t.lt ! San Juan by abou 7. > o ; > . j According to LU'Utenant Mulier. thf * J San Juan hiiisvere oc-itpie I ! > ; - a mere skirmi-'h line ot" : ! - " > ! Spa'sinrds. Captain Xuneay . in ins hisrory. al so translated in part by the > " : : vy ( [ . 11 ? ) , "that the advance echelon L" Sai Tuau. consisting of two companler , un- iler the command of Colonel Va iiii-ro. s.tiiKc'i roau st : ; l raptured ( * io house. ( % > lojl Iloo.seveu iiml till Rough Tillers MstivLt'd Irom the nil'Iel Hold. beii : , ( ! i.s " hill : ; : id Pur Crvl- . : : .ul fi-rtiC.Hy chsirged up Kot | il1I. . : : It V.M.S attoiiupsl wiMi iroro tls : ; -r tj.in sin atts'.ck on thj | City Ilt.I ; i Xew Ytt-i : . Tiv S-r. Jusu i Itlils olretiy beyoiid it h , d no inl tron -Iii-.s. -nit Jitl a r . < .A b cl like lu.iJXo rt'cri.lr.r < . } 5Ic r it ; iT"-esv-r- \j \ t.il-Iish 1.1- r < put. * | lion by an : : cfoi' : : nf oxii.is''ii 'ilr-i ' ; tli'r.stino. ' . Thry ; - ; j.o'I ti * i-st.nfi ilniy ct ligln.'nt : tiio eii'-ny sis on o | Io sa I iijtri.Shiof .v-r and - > ugl to AVI : no glory by gloatir-r : * * * th { r A- : - : . > v.--s : : mi orulrans ti.-y A'.I'V foivcil to m.tk ; ' . ( "ny i' } l-s ; { < t'volt st ; : sj oiif sitrr.insl tl ; i : r" l Iiosijii of.ar ns th- ! solitary .vn.-'oi'jg".Tj.r- : : , tLo day ol" i"os..r TJl nov to wrlto bin down h'ix.-J5r as a si.-yor o ! . s fel 'o\v ; : : : : \ stuti lk.n. iotx , ; ; t suli d' rango JI.-- ! : : : * -inir. -1 iiu > r osul1 rbotij I' " ) . . ; * - ! * ! : in : ho S'ii Jus u en | cr- ' -ii'erit , SHU ! I.svlni : in ry slon .ho st--io-nv.D.i r's ir.ins-r.pt ol their i . - . ioi > - . I an : proj ared t > stattf ilit ( " . > " _ " 1 Ile'rsjvcli did no' . > nii sis x-p ; i Sp.-siil.ml f.n July L TV's. : uu | w-s no" In ; i i.csillon v.-hero j e sec 01:0.