ff The Valentine Democrat VALENTINE , NEB. L BI. RICE , Publtaber WEliCK IN MISSOURI REAR-END COLLISION ON THE MISSOURI PACIFIC. Three Dor.d nnd : i Score Hurt Train from St. loom's to Kan.s.uK City Was Made Up ol'Two Sections and the Second Section Kan Into the Kirsl Three persons were killed and twenty- three injured iu a rear-end collision be tween M'ction No. 2 and section No. 1 , of train No. . * { , Missouri Pacific World's- Pair special , at Tint on , Mo. , early Sun day. Train No. o , un account of the heavy World's Pair travel , was made up in tw fret ions , the first leaving St , Louis foi Kansas City Saturday night at 10:10 p. in. The second section left n few min utes later and when it reached Tipton .M-ction No. 1 was taking on passengers. According to Engineer Ramsay , of sec tion No. 2 , a headlight in the yards blinded him and he was unable to see section No. L He also says that his ordris were "clear ahead. " Section No. 2 was running about twen ty-five miles an hour when the collision occurred. The end sleeper of section No. 1 was entirely demolished and the .second sleeper was overturned. Those of the passengers whose injuries Avere slight continued their journey , while the more seriously hurt were taken to the rompany hospital in St. Louis , The engine of the second section struck the Pullman car Topaz squarely , splitting it for two-thirds of its length , nnd all of the fourteen passengers in the car were < 'ither killed or injured. There were twenty-two persons in the day coach ahead , and although all were badly shak en np by the collision and received a few scratches , only n few were injured seri ously. The blame , according to Superintend ent W. .L McKee , who went to the scene of the wreck , rests with the engineer and conductor of the second section. They were running twenty-five miles an hour , when , the superintendent said , they should have had their train under con- t rol. rol.A A Sedalia , Mo. , special says : The cor oner of this county held an inquest here inquiring into the cause of the wreck on the Missouri Pacific Railroad at Tip- ton , Mo. , in which three persons were killed and twenty-three injured early Sunday , and the following verdict was rendered : i "The collision was caused by ! neglect of flagman of first No. * > in not properly Nagging second No. 3 , and also by en gineer of second' No. . ' 5 for coining into station in a careless manner , in not hav ing his engine under control. " ' PASSENGER TRAIN WRECKED Accident on the Nashville , Chatta nooga and St. Louis Road , At Murfreesboro , Tenn. , thirty miles -outh of Nashville , n Nashville , Chatta nooga and SL Louis passenger train was wrecked at 5:4.1 o'clock Sunday after noon. Engineer James Grino was badly -raldwl and bruised and Assistant Ex press Messenger Prye received painful jruises. No passengers were injured. An open switch caused the engine to rave the main track , colliding with freight cars on a sSdinsr. The engine was iverturnc'd and rolled into Littyle Creek. The smoker and day coach were derailcsl jnd traffic delayed several hours. SAYS HE DID IT HIMSELF. Mrs. White Arrested for Shooting Banker Ituchnrian. S. IT. Buchanan , a banker of .1 ones- Mi ro. Ga. , was shot in Danville. Va. . Sat urday night and is in a critical condi tion. tion.He He was iu the room of Mrs. W. T. White at the hitter's home at the time , jnd she has been arrested charged with 'he crime. She declares , however , that it was a case of attempted suicide. Buchanan is said to have a wife living n ( Georgia. Mrs. "White says she knew Buchanan in Georgia before coming tc Virginia. Three Laborers Suffocated. Three Italian laborers were .suffocated neneath fifteen feet of earth at the Ma ple Street crossing of the Boston and Maine Railroad Company at Hudson , Mass. The men , with a number of oth- M-S , were excavating a trench preliminary to tunneling under the railroad tracks when the earth caved in. burying four workmen. Secretary Arias' Resignation. A Panama dispatch says : The resig nation Saturday of Tomas Arias , secreta ry of state of the republic of Panama , apparently ends the division of political parties there. It is reported that San tiago Gurdia , minister to Costa Rica. \\511 replace Arias. Sioux City Slock Market. Saturday's quotations on the Sioux City stock market follow : Stockers and feeders , $3.20. Top hogs , $ .1.00. Attempt to "Wreck Trains. Philadelphia detectives are searching for the persons who Saturday night made two attempts to wreck passenger trains on the New York division of the Pennsyl vania by fastening cross tics to the rails. Italian laborers are suspected. Father of Nineteen Killed. In a runaway accident at Marengo , 111. , William B. Sullivan , a prominent farmer , was killed. He was the father of nineteen children , seventeen of whom arc Jiving. AWFUL MIME DISASTER. Terrific Explosion Occurs at Terio , in Southern Colorado. A terrific explosion occurred at mine Xo. o of the Rocky Mountain Puel and Iron Company , at Terio , forty miles du" west of Trinicl * * ] , Colo. , at 1 : 'i ( ) o'clock Priday afternoon , and the number of .lead is variously placed between thirty nnd sixty men. The number reported as having gone into the mine in the morning ivas seventeen miners and four company men. Priday afternoon many more min- prs are known to have gone into the mine , and the exact number of dead may never be known , as the mine is burning nnd in all likelihood the bodies will be. : -remated. A large number of mine officials left. Trinidad as soon as word of the accident was received. Company doctors were picked up all along the line , as well as all Dfher available physicians. United States Government Stock-In spector P. J. Poreman was at Terio when .he explosion occurred. He gives the fol- , owing account of the affair. "I was standing not more than 'JOO raids from the mouth of the tunnel when the explosion occurred. The explosion ivas preceded by a low , rumbling sound resembling an earthquake , which made the earth tremble and startled the whole lamp. "I looked toward the mine , and out of ; he mouth of the tunnel and the two air shafts came a great volume of .smoke and lust , which continued for nearly a min ute. Out of the two air shafts , each of which is seven feet in diameter , tim- : ers that were fully from two to three feet in diameter were shot into the air ind broken to splinters. Rocks were thrown over the camp for a distance of a quarter of a mile. In fact , it rained rock , broken timbers and all kinds of de bris for fully a minute , and many people were injured by being struck with these missiles. Immediately after the explo sion , which was for all the world like a volcanic eruption , there was the wildest excitement. "Women and children rushed tt > the mouth of the tunnel , and women whose husbands were in the mines had to be brought away by miners to keep them from being killed by the deadly fumes coming from the mouth of the tunnel. "The works employ eighty men , and it is believed that sixty men were iu the mine at the time. " It will be impossible to secure names if the dead and injured. Nearly all the miners employed are Slavs. The mine was opened only a year ago and extend ed 2.000 feet into the hill. The explosion is supposed to have been : aused by dust. But one body has been recovered. OHIO OFFICIAL INDICTED. County Treasurer Charged with .Embezzlement and Kraud. After investigating for n month tho crand jury at Pomcroy , O..indicted Coun ty Treasurer Thomas .L Chase , charging the embezzlement of $14. . > 00 from the founty treasury on Sept. ! ) . when he claimed that the treasury was looted by masked robbers and himself locked up in the vault. When Chase was brought from the county treasury into the court his bonds were fixed at $10,000. As he was unable to furnish bail , ho was re manded to jail. The arrest of Chase caused no surprise .n Meiggs County , but there is inuc'u ? xcitement over the fact that there are indictments against other persons. Chase i-laims that two unknown masked men Altered his office and robbed the safe , locked him in the vault and made their escape iu daylight without being seen by any one about the court house or the : own. Chase was found locked up by his laughter , who rushed to a local bank and thence to the fair grounds for some- jne who could open the vault. It was shown to the jury that at least a half lozen men Avcre sitting in front of the jourt house all forenoon of Sept. ! ) and ? aw no strangers. A SHOCKING CRIME. fo\van Fatally Wounds His Wife and Then Ends Own Life. William Pcddicord , a farmer living ibout eight miles southwest of Perry , la. , ittacked his wife with a club Priday , in- licting injuries from which the woman rill die and then went into a cornfield icarby and killed himself. > IVddicord is thought to have been tem- > orarily insane. The man and wife arose early Priday norning and went into the barn yard to lo the milking , leaving their three chil- Iren. v/ho range from 1H to 20 years , in he house. Becoming alarmed at the long absence the parents one of the children went o the barn and found the mother pros- rate on the ground unconscious from lorrible wounds and bruises. A later search revealed the body of. Vddicord in a field near the barn , with : fe extinct. One Perishes in Chicago Fire. Pire in the saloon and rooming house of L S. Power , 145 West Madison Street , Ihicago , Priday , resulted in the death of ) ennis Hogan and tho serious burning f Norris Burns , both of whom were em- loyed about the place. i Car Leaps Into Hi ver. An El Paso , Tex. , special says : An ectric car jumped the track Thursday ith 75 passengers and ran into the Rio ramie River. Several passengers were ijured. Hravely Meets Death. Loafs Harmon , one of the trio of rob- rs who murdered George Grier. a fann- near Alton , O. , more than a year ago , as electrocuted in the annex of the Ohio jnitentiary caily Priday morning. The ectric shock was administered at 12:03 I id Harmon was pronounced dead at JOS. lie met death bravely. Ex-Gov. Nash Drops Dead. Pormer Gov. George Kilbon Nash opped dead in his bath room at Colum- IF , 0. , Priday. DO NOT BELIEVE IT. British Pnlilic Scouts Rrjcstven sky's Story. According to London advices , Admiral Rojcstvcnsky's explanation of the attar of his .squadron on British trawleis while it is received with incredulity b\ the people and pre s of Great Britain , has probably turned the current of diplo matic negotiations into a new channel. The British foreign office is in courtesy obliged to accord an investigation into circumstances narrated by the Ilussi : " : admiral , reinforced , as it is by the te.-is inony of subordinate officers of tL squadron and by the report that , vesse'- were known to have been chartered in Hull and in Sweden by the Japanese fo/ the purpose of attacking the Baltic sqjuadron during its passage of the North Sea and the English channel. There are on theone side stories of Russian ships firing upon vessels of several neutral na tions , mid on the other incidents tend ing to establish Admiral Rojestvcnsky's report that there were armed hostile ves sels in the vicinity at least of tin ; Hull fishing fleet Pending developments in diplomatic exchanges , the British ad miralty is showing the utmost activity in bringing fleets within the cours ; : of th. Russian squadron. The Russian ships at Vigo. Spain , it is promised , will de part as soon as necessary icpaiis ae com pleted. Prance and Germany may be regarded as throwing the weight of their influ ence in the scale for a peaceful conclusion of the controversy. While up to the present the government has maintained an attitude of almost complete silence with regard to the pro gress of the a'ffair , it is regardcu as al most certain that Premier Balfour will , after a conference with the entire cabi net , be in a position to make pome definite announcement. Public sentiment , which hithei-to has been kept under remarkable control , will hardly stand the passage of another day unless some satisfactory ex planation is made. SPECIAL TRAIN WRECKED. James Speyer. New York Bnker , Has a Narrow Escape. Word has just readied Laredo , Tex. , that the special which just left over the Mexican National Railroad , bearing Jas. Speyer , of the banking firm of Speyei fc Co. , of New York , while going at a high rate of speed was ditched between Sanchez and La .Tarita , about twenty- Jive miles south of Laredo. A special train later reached Laredo , bearing the members of the party who started out with ? Ir. Speyer early in the evening. Mr. Speyer is uninjured. One of tho party , J. Davis , of New York , received painful cuts about the face , but otherwise is uninjured. The wreck , it is stated , was the result of the condition of the roadbed and the speed seventy-five miles an hour the train was going at the time , it having been the intention of the railroad officials to endeavor to establish a new record be tween Laredo and Mexico City. " * FORGED RAILWAY PASSEa Clerk in Cincinnati Railroad Office Must Face Trial. A requisition from Gov. Ilerrick , of Ohio , was honored Thursday by Gov. Mickey , of Nebraska , for the return to L'incinnati of George Wr. Bacon , under irrest at Omaha. Bacon is accused of forging railroad passes over the Cincin nati , New Orleans and Pacific Railway , n which he was employed as a clerk. George W. Bacon , who was arrested at Dmaha , was a clerk in Cincinnati in the lassenger department of the Queen and Crescent offices. It is charged that while > retending to be working nights he se- Mired $2,000 worth of tickets and es- raped. GREAT SUBWAY IS OPENED. few York'8 Famous Railway Ready for Business. New York's great underground railroad vas formally declared open and ready for itisiness Thursday. The ceremonies con- icctcd with the opening , which took place n the afternoon , were very simple. Using a silver key , Mayor McClellan urned the electric current into the motors n the first train in the subway at 2 'clock in the afternoon. At 7 o'clock Thursday night the road as thrown open to the general public. : IREMAN BURNED TO DEATH Jurlington Passenger Train Collides with an Oil AVajjon. A Phillips , Neb. , special says : A Bur- ngtou passenger train struck an oil agon which was crossing a street here 'hursday. Oil was thrown over the en- ine and the cars , and caught fire. Pire- lan C. L. Lazear. of Grand Island , was urned to death , and Engineer Parkinson iirely escaped. Some of the cars were damaged , but the nines were soon extinguished. The reman was roasted alive in the cab. STEAMER GOES DOWN. lie Mainlandcr Collides with a TIIJJ Near Seattle. The steamer Mainlandcr. of the Pacific oast Steamship Company's fleet , lies at ic bottom of Puget sound four miles > rth of Seattle , as the result of a colli- on in a dense fog with the powerful tug . a Lion Thursday. No lives were lost , despite tho fact at the Mainlander had sixteen passen- TS and a crew of thirty. The Main- nder was valued at $100,000. Aged Couple Killed. Mathew Alden and his aged wife met ath together on a railway crossing at ittle Creek , Mich. , Wednesday. Alden is SO and his wife 7. ) years old. Both d been Methodist workers for half a ntury , the former filling pulpits occa- mally. Farmer Killed by Hull. lohn R. Ramsey , a farmer , was found ad Tuesday evening in a lot on his rm near Miuonk , III. He had been Jed by a vicious bull. STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON- DENSED FORM. YVinnebnco is the Worst Condition. tit Indian Agency Shock Inspuctoi Innnoraliry Ilnns Riot There Worse Than Other Reservations. A Homer .special says : ' 'Ton time * worse tliun tlio.se at any other Indiai reservation in the diked States , " isvhal A. O. Wright , government Indian in spector , said about conditions at tin Winnebago reservation , after spending the day listening to testimony regarding the mornls of the Indians. "I never heard anything like it , " .said Mr. Wright. " 1 could tell you thing * that would raise your hair , hut I don't suppose you would want to print them. I am convinced there is not another In dian reservation in the United State * where the conditions would compare for rottenness with those I have found to ex ist on the Winnehago reservation. A system of organized free love seems to have prevailed over there , and not very well organized at that. " "What are you going to do about it ? " "You toll me. " Because of the character of the testi mony Mr. Wright said lie would not mako public the names of the white wit nesses. ' Four different cases of rape on young Indian girls were reported by one wit ness , " said the inspector , "lie testified that he saw Indian boys make attacks on the Indian girls in the open highway. " Dr. E. S. Hart , physician at the agency , testified as to the deplorable condition of the Winnebagoes as to venereal dis eases. He said he had had experience nmong three tribes , the Sioux , the Chip- pewa and the Winnebagoes. The Sioux were the cleanest-of the three , the Win nebagoes by far the worst. Mr. Wright said the evidence had disclosed that about one-half the Indians were afflict ed. "The Indians of this reservation have had almost no regard for the marriage relation , " declared the inspector. "Con ditions are nothing short of frightful. Pew couples take the trouble to go through the marriage ceremony , and the men and women change about from one to another as it suit them. I have been around the reservations a good deal , but this beats me. I would not brand all the men and women on the reservation as unchaste. 1 am speaking of general con ditions. " The evidence which was offered at the investigation Monday only served to make Mr. Wright the more determined to recommend radical measures in the case of the Indian on the Winnebago reserva tion. TIM CARR CONVICTED. Must Serve Time Tor Killing Charles Best at Surpy Mills Park After being out for over twenty-four hours the jury in the case of Tim C'arr. L'harged with the murder of Charles Rest it Surpy Mills Park , on July 4. brought ni a verdict at a late hour Wednesday night of manslaughter. Canwas in the jourt room when the jury came in and Deemed to pay little or no attention to the lecisiori of the jury. Much interest was Manifested throughout the entire trial ind murder in the second degree was the j inticipated verdict of the jury. After the > nding of the trial the popular sentiment s that the verdict was a just one. Carr's Barents and a host of friends were con- ; tantly in attendance at the trial and did verything possible for the prisoner , who s only a boy. Sentence has not yet been mmounced. DESPERATE MAN'S DEEDS. Charles Steinberg , of Oakdalo , Un der Arrest. Having brutally beaten his wife last < > iday and imprisoned her , Charles steinberg , angered at her escape , at- empted to kill himself and two visitors , 'ohn Bossard and Charles Stout , in his tome near Oakdale. P.ossard was shot 11 the shoulder. Armed with a rifle. Steinberg tried to kill Sheriff Frisbie. fho arrested l-'ni. ' Mrs. Steinberg is in serious condition. Horse Stolen from Hitching Post. Horse thieves stole a horse and bugsry : Wednesday night from John Willman ' 'hilo he and his wife were attending a j erformance at the Overland theater at J 'ebraska City. Mr. Willman had tied i ie horse on Central Avenue and did not iscover his loss until after the perform- j rice. A reward of $50 for the capture tid conviction of the thief and a reward L $25 for the return of the property has sen offered. Held for Murder of Son. A coroner's inquest was held at Ne- aska City over the remains of Joseph j ' oese , who was shot and killed by his ither , John B. Boese , on last Wednes- ' , ty evening. The jury brought in a ver- j , ct that the deceased came to his death ' < om a revolver bullet fired by his fathi i ' , and recommended that he. John B. I < oese , be held on a charge of murder in ; ] e second degree. \ , anch Foreman Commits Suicide Manager Campbell , of the large Adi i us ranch on the South Loup River , uthwest of Ansley. committed suicide ' t onday evening. The owner of the ranch \ me from Chicago Sunday for the puri i se of checking up the accounts and pert ' t nal property belonging to the ranch. ' \ Note in a Bottle. Some boys at Decatur found a bottle j the bank of the Missouri River , which J ntained a note bearing these words : ' 'his to let the world know that I am ' l ad Edd Cams the slayer of the sheriff i " Monona Co Iowa. " The "find" ha * ' v cited much curiosity. a Capt. Kirkman Arrested. } apt. Kirkman , United States army. ' .tioned at Port Niobrara , Neb. , is un- | 1 ; * arrest in Brooklyn , N. Y. , charged ! h Lh absenting himself from his post ! * ' : hout leave and with passing worthless i ' ' . cks. I n I The Donnison Case. ? he judges of the supremo court at ! icoln have not yet filed a decision in i u Dennison extradition case. The suit s argued at the last session of the i : irt , and tne decision will be handed vn in November. ct RAILROAD AGENT MURDERED Evidently Had Killed One of His Assiiilants lietorc Kvpiring. A telephone message reached Nebras ka City Tuesday that S. M. Sells. P.ur- lington agent at X.-braska City Junction , about five miles across the river , had bei n muideml. The am.nt's body ivas found by a farm er named Bob CiUNpic. who was driv ing home from the Junction store. Gil- lispie at once drove back to the station and gave the alarm. Men at the store im mediately ran up the track and found the body of the agi-nt and that of a tramp lying near each other , both dead. The agent's revolver , with two empty chambers , was lying near his body. He was shot through the temple and the tramp in | the right eye. Sells was a young man about 2. years of age and had been married about two years. TWO ARRESTS AT HOMER. August AVstt and Fred Jensen Charired with Theft. Two men. giving the names of August Witt and Fred Jensen , are in jail at Homer , charged with stealing a pocket- book from Mrs. ( Irace Lake. Mrs. Lake and her mother. Mrs. Den nis Armour , who live half way between Homer and Dakota City , were about to start for Sioux City to do some shopping. While the bnggy stood near the house Mrs. Lake's pockebook. containing $10 in gold and some jewelry , was taken from the vehicle. Two men were seen taking a purse from the buggy , and Mrs. Lake gave chase. The men dropped the purse by the roadside and she recovered it. At Homer the two men were arrested on suspicion and arraigned before Jus tice P. D. Curtis. The rase was con tinued. FATHER SHOOTS SON. Family Quarrel .Leads to an Affray IJetwecn Them. At . " > : . " 0 Wednesday evening John B. Boese. a well known German farmer liv ing one mile south of Nebraska City , shot his son Joseph , a young man about 27) years of age. The shooting occurred during a quarrel , in which the father received several se vere cuts on the head. Boese was placed under arrest ' and is now in the county jail , but refuses to tell what caused the trouble. The boy is shot through the stomach with a 'iS-calibcr revolver bullet and can not live. The father and * = on have had many quari--ls over family matters and have frequently threatened each other's lives. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. Plucky flattie Creek Boy "Walks Home , After Receiving Injury. "Willie , th14yearold son of D. C. Fender , section foreman of the North western Railway at Battle Creek , was the victim of a shooting accident. He hail been out hunting and when crossing a railroad bridge his gun , which he was carrying in the left hand , barrel up , slip ped between the ties of the bridire , the hammer striking a tie and discharging the gun , the full charge taking effect in the left hand and the left side of the chest and head. He was alone at the time of the accident and walked to town , a distance of about half a mile , after be- ing hurt. BIG GANG OF GRADERS. Work is Pushed on the Sioux City , Homer and Southern. A large gang of graders appeared at work at Dakota City Monday on tin- Sioux City. Homer and Southern inter- urban line. They are now at work grading along the track through that place , and when through will work on the extension of the track to Homer. The gasoline propelled cai. which suffered a liot box on Sa rday afternoon , is being repaired and it is hoped to have it ir i-unning oider again by Wednesday. Touched for JjJOo. A stranger cnroute to St. Louis was otiched for $ ( r in cash at Wymore by a smooth grafter. The two men boarded he train at Oxford , and before they cached Wymore they had become ac- inainted. At Wymore they left the train ind the confidence man secured a loan of < ( " " > on the pretense that he had to pay 'refoht charges upon his household goods , le said he would return , but failed to how up. Charc'd with Forging Check. Sheriff Itauman. of Prenionf. went to Spencer and anvstod Jiike Herbst , of hat town , who is charged with passing a orged check of $20 on a Fremont busi- css house. The check purported to be isrncd by Nick Quale , of Spencer. Herbst ad been taking in the Ak-Sar-Ben car- ival at the time of this transaction and vidently had not recovered from the ef- 1'CtS Of it. Fire at Harrington. Early ? Ionday afternoon lire broke out i the basement of Spork A : Spielman's ruir stoie. which for a time threaten- 1 to become a general conflagration , wins ; to kenxciie and gasoline stored i the cellar. Portunately the fire was mtrolhd and an explosion averted , bul it until considerable darnace had been ne to the store and drug stock. The * s may roach &J.OOO. I > ralieiiian Ha * Xirmw K pa > / V r.rakeman L. W. Ilansen , of Emerson , ves his life to luck. Beneath tho heels of liis freight train on the Omaha iad he was nearly ground to death hi e switching yards there. His body a j mansrlcd about the legs and feet , and was injured in the back , but will re- ver. Mscaped Prisoner Caught. Sheriff Carriir has recaptured one of e escaped horse thieves who broke jail Columbia Sunday morning. Carter i < found a few miles west of Duncan d i < asrain behind the bars. c < Itollor Mill Chsingps Hands. The roller mill at Yeblin , which has v : t hfcn in operation for many months , in been sold to Sheriff Ilinkley , of Brit- inm ; i. whoM1I set the machinery in mo- of n as soon a - arrangements can be Hie. M ca Steve Whittocar Case. t is expected the application for a new al in the case of Steve Whittecar , of ikota City , convicted of outraging his year-old daughter , will be filed at once to il that argumentwill be made when _ irt reconvenes. ? ,0 The supreme court finds void n taz saught to be imposed by the city of Oma ha against the Aachen Munich Fire Insurance Company for municipal pur poses upon the gross premiums received within the city for the preceding calen dar year under section f 8 of the new- revenue law. The tnx commissioner of Omaha was made defendant in an ic- junction euit to prevent the collection of the tar. The court holds that the levy of taxes complained of is void because the assessment was not made pursuant to any ordinance of the city of Omaha , but under the supposed direct authority- of section 58 of the new revenue law. and therefore was a violation of sections 6 aud 7 of article i ) of the constitution. Other suits , differing only hi the kin of insurance written , were decided in the same wny , the judgment of the district court being affirmed. There will be no more changes in the official ballot to be printed. The last day for filing names ended Saturday evening and as the candidates have been certified to the secretary of state so they will appear on the ballot. It was thought that au injunction would be issued against the filing oi' the name of W. B. TcNeel as a candidate for congress in the Sixth district on the populist ticker. but the anticipated action was not tak en , and the name will go on the ticket a ? nominee of both the Democratic and Populist parties. MeNeel was put on the populist ticket by the congressional com mittee in place of A. A. Worslcy. who resigned. It was claimed that the popn- list convention had not authorized th < committee to fill vacancies. The city council of Lincoln has let the contract for the construction of a munici pal electric lighting plant flml power house for the water system for a total cost of $01.930.45. Of this amount tin- Nebraska Electric Company , of Omaha , ofwhich former City Electrician Seining is the manager , got the lion's share. Hi was awarded tho contract for the poJ < - < and wiring known as the outside work for $32,200. His bid was just SOS I loss than that of a Lincoln firm. One member of the council was against letting the con tract go out of the city when it was merely a question of n few hundred dol lars , but the majority were in favor of the lowest bidder getting the work , con = c- queutly Mr. Schurig landed. * * * Acting on the opinion of the attorney general , Insurance Deputy Pierce lias held that it is necessary for all fire insur ance companies that issue policies of re insurance on Nebraska risks t be regu larly admitted to transact business in' this state ; also that all policies of rein surance be signed by some regularly li censed agent in the state. The opinion of the attorney general was in answer to this question by Mr. Pierce : "Has a. fire insurance company which is author ized to transact business in this state au thority to reinsure Nebraska risk * ii companies not so authorized ? " * * * In the paving tax cases of Francis A. M. Eddy and others against the city of Omaha and Mattie D. Valentine against the city of Omaha the decision of the su preme court remands to the district court with directions to modify its decree so as to sustain the validity of the curbing and guttering taxes in payment in paving districts Nos. 48 and 07 , and to dismiss the action as to the Omaha Loan and Trust Company's savings bank. A < to ill other matters the judgment of the dis trict court is affirmed. * * * Parties holding wolf bounty claims against the state that were rejected b ? Auditor Weston because they had not jeeii filed in his office within two years ) f their date will notget their money. The supreme court decided this last week n the case brought up from the Lauras _ er County district court wherein the liincoln Safe and Trust Company sued. Auditor Weston for the value of claims hat he had rejected. * * * The case of the Burlington Railroad igaiust Oass County , an appeal , is af- irmcd by the supremo court. The piiu- iples involved in this case are MciUicnl rith those in the Richardson County ase passed upon at the last session and uown as the Ilulo bridge case. The dc- ision hi the latter case is followed and pproved in the Cass County case. It as sought to impose a local tax upon tho jilroad bridge of the Burlington across ie Missouri River at Plattsmouth. * * * Appeal to the insurance department of ie state by President Johanna Straw-D > restrain Royal Oak lodge No. 200. oyal Achates , of Omaha , from electing s officers semi-annually , as provided for , T a special dispensation , has been SUB- ; ined , and Mrs. Johanna Strawn tvilj ) ld on to her office. Members of the new bar commission the supreme court , appointed for a. rm of one year , are : C. .T. Garlow , of > Inmbus ; Prank H. Woodland , of- maha ; J. L. McPheeley , of Mindcu ; H. Aldrich , of David City , and Pre- ] icphcrd of Lincoln. * * * [ n answer to a request from County : torney English , of Omaha , for an iuion as to whether the official ballot ould be printed in a single column , torney General Prout answered thct s county clerk is required by law it rnish single column blloas oulv. * * * Che ballots for use in the ext lection II be mammoth affairs , being in som iDties fnlly six feet long. * * * fhe supreme court has sustained th lidity of the act giving the state baiik- board control over installment invest- n companies and has gireD judgment ouster against the Northwestern Trusti mpany of Omaha , a corporation that' ight to continue business without a' tlficate of authority from the state iking board. This company , operat- on the home co-operative plan , re ed to comply with the act passed by legislature two years ago aqd At uey General Prout began actioa to- t the corporation of ita franchise and mnul its powers and