STATE FINANCES. CHERRY COUNTY. - - . have been made duiIng the last eh ht years for the purpose of state maintenance as follows : 'kanraanagemeilt ' 1001-11)04 ) § 0,615.570.21 management 1807-1'jOO 4.327.217 00 Republican extravagance increase § 1.088.35321 ' , , < 'eJaPproPriilio-s-"tote taxes were levied against ihe taxpayers in the arlu s counties and ' Cherry county's bhaie was : State taxes republican years 1001-1901 S50.8S5.47 fu310" " 1837-1100 44.10539 Cherry county's suare of republican extravagance 0,750.03 r-i'Si11 11 ' ' " 'lufryls for what iurpose did tlie republioan state ofllcials require SI- rea . . ( .88 , .1 dunnK tinloin years of tln-lr administration ; is comj ared with tlie four vears preceding under fusion administration and was tlio means of causing Cherry county to pay Hie enormous sum ot S450.SV 47 for slate purposes , an increase of $0.75008 over tlie previous four years. Here is tlie answer and cause : For What Appropriated. Fusion Manage Kepublicnn Mannge- ment. 1M)7 ) to l ! oo. tnent , lyOlt legislative expenses . * 2W.OWM . § 246.00000 btate olllcers and employees . o.nooo ! . 32 . 5500 Supreme and district court.s . fiWooson . 627 6 MOO Male boards and commishioiih . r > 7S7 < t 14 . " 45-/8:533 : btate Institutions . ii.it3ii.6tfd 05. . . " " " . ; ; "l'r > r > ' " 6 Expositions and special relief . H7,7ir K- 45 ic'J Mlbcciidlleous . " . . 4lil 226 % . r..ll.lCl 13 § l , : 2r 217.00 $13,013,570.21 Tt will be seen from the foregoing table that the increase is largely composed of the following items. Suit" oincers ami employees . .3 20.54300 " hoards .ind conunf-.sio.i5j . . . . 104KR16 , . , " Institution . 1.381.44521 How longill the tax payers cnntmuo to cauuten > t ( > this e\tr vaganceand foot ihe hi Is in the form o < taxes' * Inquire ol j i r < it > iiiiiclerk an-t see liow much your taxes . .inc mip.ired with hisi year's taxs and see h > \ \ mucii it is ostuiiyou individually. Douglas , AH. , Oct. 6 , 190-i. Hon. W. B. McNeel , North Platte , Nebr. Dear Friend : I see by the papers that the peoples independent candi date for congress in the sixth dis trict has withdrawn from the race. This should give you the populist vote. IMon who are opposed to tax ation without representation , who are opposed to paying the taxes while the railroads do the represent ing , who are opposed to the King George theory of government of colonies , who are opposed to the' deporation of freemen without law or criminal charge , and men who have sense enough to know that the exercise of such undemocratic conduct , with the sanction of the administration must lead to a com plete destruction of the liberties of the people , cannot vote the re pub- lican ticket. WM. NEVILLE. Elmer F , Vifqnain , This gentleman was nominated by the fusion forces for represen tative from the 52nd district. Mr. Vifquain is the son of the late Colonel Vifquain and has been a resident of Paha county for twenty-one years and has nev er held a county oflice. He is a well educated man , a stock raiser and is a successful farmer , with a strong feeling for thc people of his class. He is 40 years of age , and no farmer or citizen of this district could so far forget his own interests as to vote against this man. We need a legislature this winter that will have our interests and the interests of Nebraska at heart and it makes but little dif ference to us which railroad elects the U. S. Senator. Mr. Vifquain carries about 150 head of cattle and is deeply inter ested in the welfare of the cattle business. McNeel and Kinkaid , The certificate of nomination of Walter B. McNeel for congress was filed with the secretary of state Monday , and the fight for congress is now on between Mr. McNeel and Mr. Kinkaid. Mr. McNeel is not a silver tongued orator , neither is he a lawyer. He is a farmer and ranchman residing in Lincoln county. lie has been a mechanic and a successful one. He is a man of excellent intelligence and has lived upon the soil of Nebraska long enough to fully know what the people of the Sixth district want. He is a man of high edu cation and a native of Virginia. The farmers and agricultural class es of the Sixth district have never been represented in Congress by ono. of their own members , and if they ever get any relief it must come through those who belong to their own class , and Mr. McNoel represents them fully upon every question that interests them. Mr. McNeel will begin his campaign at once and push it as vigorously as possible in his own way , which in tin- p-i t liaalways proven suc- c * .ssful in all things political which he lias undertaken. He is a hard worker and convincing in his man ner of meeting the agricultural Dr. Compton returned Sunday from a visit in Honey Grove , Texas. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our heart felt thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kind assistance in the burial of our son and broth er , and , we are thankful for tin * living respect shown our dead in many ways. Mn. AND Mns. HKTII AND FAMILY. Xationu ! Liv * Stock Assocla- j ' "We have received the following letter from the National Live Stock Association which reached us too. late for publication last week : Denver , Colo.Oct. 17,190 . To the members of the National Live Stock Association : Chai-le > F. ; Martin , secretary of this associa | tion , almost since its organization , died suddenly at Greelcy , Colo.on September 21 , 190i , as a result of hemorrhage of the lungs. At the time of his death , Mr. Martin was enroute from Denver to Casper , Wyo. , on association business. At a meeting of the board of control held in Denver to consider the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Martin , it was decided that no appointment would be made until the convening of the next annual convention which is to be held in Denver the week of Janu ary 9 , 1905. The affairs of the * association were placed under the active direction of a committee , consisting of Fred P. Johnson , George W. Ballantine and George L. Goulcling , of Denver , with H. E. Kennedy as clerk in charge of the secretary's office. Communi cations may be addressed to H. E. Kennedy , Clerk Nat'I. Live Stock Ass'n. , Denver , Colorado. The board of control is of the op pinion that at the coming annu al convention , steps should be a taken looking to a partial re-or ganization of the association upon lines that will permit of more ex tensive and practical work than has heretofore been accomplished. The demand for an organization representing all of the various branches of the live stock industry has become so strong , that at the coming convention , an effort will be made to so amend the constitu tion and by-laws , as to make of a this org/mization the strongest in dustrial association in the country. The officers of the association have received assurances from prominent stockmen and others , of both moral and financial support , providing such action is taken at our coming convention as will put the association upon a broader and more conservative basis than has heretofore obtained. To secure this result , it will be necessary to- thoroughly revise our constitution * 1 and by-laws so as to better equal- , ize the representation and pro- vide a basis of active co-operation 3 between the many allied interest that are connected with the in- dustr.v. The local committee in charge < f headquarters will ad dress you later and more in detail , upon these plans. By order of the board of control. c F. J. HAGENBARTII , Pres. v > Clerk. : Meals : Lunches : Short Orders THE KANGAROO I & -'Z3 " C ± .T r- > RESXA.URA.1VT First class meals at all hours , day and night. Oysters in season. Pies , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. E. D. Cohota , Prop. J. L. ASHBURN , Con tractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Work. Valentine , - Nebr. Moiie Bros , are rounding up their cattle. Miss Lillian Nelson was staying on her homestead last week. G. H. Seagr went to Cody this week for his ranch supplies. Sellers and sons rounded up theii cattle last week to wean calves. \V. H. and Miss Lulu Selln-s were at the Mone ranch last week. Gus Gundersoii is improving his house and barn in Cody this week. Miss Mollie Gunderson was vis iting at Crookston and Eosebu i last week. B. Hunt preached at the Barley school house last Sunday. The house was crowded. There will be preaching again in three weeks. GUESS NHO I Am. Lulu "pain acted as horse rangier last week. Mrs. S. Q. Spain is said to be im proving. Piobu Qmsenbery will give a dance Oct. . . 28 near Oasis. J. H. Bachelor shipped a bunch of fine cattle last week. S. Q. Spain made a business trip to Valentine last week. | Mrs. D. Sears is over visitin * her sister Mrs.V. . Shelbourn. Chas. Pote and wife went to Val entine and Norden last week. Arthur Thompson and cousin , Henry Kings ! y , were duck hunting last ' week , Mr. Gokey has quite driving the mail and is going to work for the Enckson Cattle company. Paul Copsy was visiting relatives and friends this week at Kennedy. V He has been working for Quigley & Bathelor and returned there. K Jas Sieadtnan of Kennedy has m moved to Valentine to send h children to school. Tins is all as the wind has blown tl all the news away. SMILES. Dow i lit * liiv r. VVm. Brosius spent Sunday at Mr. Beckers. Messers. Taylor and Shelbourn ' went to town Friday. U Mrs. Hides and children pent Sunday a. Mr. ltamers. Martin Becker has been hauiling wheat to town this week. Jacob Sauerwein is making prep arations to build a new stone ad dition to his house. I Jas. Aashburn and aon Robert have been doing some mason work for Jay. Hudson. al The little baby of A. W. Grooms hss been quite sick the past week but is improved at this writing. Doc > Grooms and Jas. Hutchison returned to Sparks Friday. They si have been working for Mr. Neiss. ; Mis. Brosius and daughter , Miss > * r * I Viola , spent one day at Mr. Beckerso o , recently. i MISS Viola took some kodak pictures. School opened in district 33 Oct. * 3rd in charge of Mis * * Cavanaugh. Nine pupiU were enrolled and sev- eral others will start soon. That was quite a prairie fire the n oilier day on the reservation. Nu damage done in this part of the P country but , there must have been considerable damage done farther n < northwest. I I I will sell to the highest bidder at my place , miles northeast of Crookston and 9 miles north west of Valentine , Nebr. , 4,1904 . , , the following described property , to-wit : HEA F CATTLE 85 All young stock mostly , consisting of 40 head of cows , bringing calf between now and Christmas , all of my milch cows 10 or 15. about 30 spring calves , 2 bulls , one short horn Durham 4 years old the other Red Poll Angus 3 years old. Four or five young horses , sows and pigs , farming implements , one wagon. TERMS OF SALE : All sums of 810 and under cash , On sums over § 10 a credit of 12 months time will be given on notes with approved security bearing 10 per cent interest , or 5 per cent discount for cash , James Smith. G. E. TKACEWELL , Auct. W E HALEY , Cik. ISI BEGINNERS 9N MUSiC Learning to Play a Piano or Organ Made Easy by the use of PROF. WINTER'S TRANSPOSI TION MUSIC ! CHART. _ _ Any one can t . _ . , . 'T' T positively and * So simple a child can Icarn to , ] Ujckiy Iearn play" Chorus by Music Teachers t { , pajfa ] pjano or organ without the aid of a teacher or any pre vious knowledge of music with this chart. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO-Is to place it on the key board of the instrument and the colored pointers on the movable slides iliow v.hat keys to strike to play anv chord or piece. c Simple , so Easy , yot Scientific. Endorsed and used by Music Teachers in all parts of tlio U. S. It is a perfect dictionary and key to music , ar ranged so anyone can understand it. We can not enumerate its many points of merit here , so write us for full Information , and don't delay. Agents wanted everywhere. Address t THE NATIONAL MUSIC CO. , Sola Mfnrs. and Distributers , i Dept.A. ST. LOUIS , U. S. A. ' msmess Notices. Lot 14 of block 14just south of ho Catholic church in thc cit.y of Valentine , is for sale. For terras if sale apply to the editor I. M. lice or Kev. Ferdinand Lechleit- ler , St. Libory , Howard county , N'ebrahka. Everyone is satisfied with meals it l he Chicago Mouse. Look out for the dates of Dr. Same's , eye specialist , next visit. 36 A first class Table d hote break- 'asl , dinner or supper for 50 cents t the Chicago Mouse. II gliest quality milk and lelivered daily in any quantity. Tive us a trial. 39 RED GATE DAIRY. Let Chef Stark prepare you a inner at the Chicago House. Buy a 21 meal ticket for § 5.Of .t the Chicago Mouse. H. S. Savage having purchased h Star Livery Barn of C. E. jherman. has formed a partner- hip with Hammond & Bullistobe nown as the Star Livery Co. The tar livery barn will be used ex- lusively for the livery business , nd ihe Hammond & Bullis barn nl' ' > c used for a feed and sale tal h and \ \ 11 be known as the 3lb. ) Feed ai1 1 Sale Suble. Wo viji to than , the public for past avors and s.licit your patronage the future believing that with mi i = plendi ( equipment we can le.sryou auJ give better service ha i hereto ! * re. Tours for busi- ie ? . W. B. I-LUDIOXD , 0. H. BULLIS , j H. S. SAVAGE. I i The corn husking time is now smrl as usual the Red Front Aferc. Co. arp up to date , offering the lat est and best that is made in corn buskers , husking hooks , gloves , mit tens , cotton gloves and mittens , etc. Try a dinner at the Chicago House. For all kinds of well material ; such as pipe fittings , pump heads , etc. , go the Red Front Merc. Co. We.are also agents for the Aerrnotor windmill. 40 STOAYEU on October G , from R. A. Mai-rail's pasture near the railroad bridge , 1 brown three year old saddle horse with rope marks behind ears , brand- e < ! Kftflj on leffc shoulder , weight [ Hy5lOOUt & > 0 pounds. 39 N. S. ROWLEY , Kennedy , Don'fc forget that Thanksgiving time will soon be here and that an elegant line of Carvers , which are very necessary at that time , may he found at the Red Front Merc. Co. . 40 "I don't thint re could fceop botiBe without Thedford's Black- Dnuight. We have used it in tho family for over two years with the best of rraulta. I have not had s. c > ctor in the house for that length of time. It is a doctor ia itself and 1"I ready to make a person well and happy.1 JAMES HALL , Jack- Bonville , III. I Because this great medicina 1 relieves stomach pains , frees the constipated bovrcls and invigor ates tEp torpid liver and vreali- eued kidneys is necessary in the home Thedford's Black-Draught ia kept. Families living in the country , miles from any physi cian , have been kept in nealth for years with this medicine 33 their only doctor. Thedford's Black-Draught cures bilious ness , dyspepsia , colds , chills and fever , bad blood , headaches , diarrhoea , constipation , colic and almost every other ailment because the stomach , bowels liver raid kHr.eya f o nearly con trol the heakh. . Professional Cards. 1 The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Brownlee.Nebr , Prince BoaMel 131693 and Curly Coit 112U01 at head of herd The blood of Fowler. Anxiety. Lord Wilton and 31r Gladstone predomi nates ic my herd. I can ( HI orders foi hulls of all ages at any time. launch four miles north-west of Brown- lee , ebr C. II. FAUI.HAHEK , MILL PRICES FOR FEED , , bulk 75 per cwt 114.00 ton - -t-sbulk 85 per cwt $16.00 ton > rT.-.QingS 70C " $13.00 " ' r FVfld . . .1.05 " 20.00 " > ' 95 " $18.00" ' on- 1 .00 " $19.00 . .1.20 $23.00 ' A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Offir.c at Quigley & Chapman's ! > rug Store. Nights The Don- er residence , Cherry Street. Robert G. Easley , ATTOKNKY AT ] LAW. "Office over Red Front GENERAL LAW PRACTICE Valentine , G. H. Hall , M. D. i'hysician and Snrgeon. All calls promptly attended to day or night. Drugs and Phar maceuticals furnished. Wood Lake , - Nebraska. JOBN F. POKATlF Ricge , Xebr. Tubular wells and windmills. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. i , 190i. . M'CKAMliK , Deliverymari a 1- > " > m the dt-pot and .tl parts of nbe " M. SAGESEE Barber -t-cluBs Shop in Every 'Ji.iuiin * Hair Tnutc -nl . HHrpip.Idand rok" ' rj.uflr"tr s'l - ompeian Face Massage