Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 27, 1904, Image 2

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    The Valenttee Democrat
L M. RICE , Pabifefcex
Two Other Officers and One Fugi
tive liatlly Wounded Detectives
Tried to Arrest Men Suspected of
ttelcijj Implicated in Robbery.
Tvro St. Louia detectives are dead and
Another is not expected to live , while one
-train robber suspect is at the morgue and
two others are iu the city hospital at St.
Louis , one probably fatally wounded and
the other badly beaten up , as the result
i f : t desperate battle Friday between five
officers aud three men whom they tried to
-arrest. Hurry Adams , who escaped at
the lime of the shooting , was apprehend
ed later by Detective Lee Killian , who
liml twice in making the arrest.
The dead are John J , Shea , detective ;
Thomas Dwyer , detective , uid Al Rose ,
The wounded are James McCIusky , de-
tecfive , shot through the stomach ; crit
ical : C , C. Blair , fugitive , shot four times
through the body ; Harry H. Vaughn , fu-
gifivc , badly beaten about the head by
defectives when lie songht to aid his
friends in the battle.
The fight occurred in the front room of
a house on Pine Street , and tho men
ivhom the detectives sought to arrest are
suspected of being implicated in a train
robbery at Ccntrulhi , I1L , a few weeks
-ago. The house had been under police
surveillance for several days , but Friday
was the first time that any of tho sus-
pcclfi were seen to enter or leave ,
A few minutes before tho fight occur
red Vaughn left the house and started
to walk down Pine Street. The detect
ives closed iu on him , and after ho had
gone some distance from the house he
was arrested. Accompanied by their
prisoner the detectives returned and en
tered the house. Shea , McCIusky and
Dwycr were leading and Boyle and
James were behind with the prisoner.
Hardly had the detectives entered the
room in which Rose and Blair wero seat
ed when they were met with a volley of
shots from a heavy caliber revolver.
Shea sank to the floor on the first shot ,
and Dwyer followed almost instantly ,
By that time the detectives had drawn
their revolvers and there was a deafeu-
xiing explosion of shots for several sec
onds , each man pulling the trigger of his
weapon as rapidly as possible.
During the excitement Vaughn at
tempted to escape from his captors and
assist Rose and Blair. Boyle and James ,
iiowcver , clubbed their revolvers and
bent their prisoner over the head until he
was unconscious and then they went to
the aid of Shea. Dwyer and McCIusky ,
the latter having in the meantime sank
to the floor with a critical wound in the
One of the xmwounded detectives sum
moned an ambulance and the wounded
officers and suspects were taken to the
city hospital.
Illinois Scandal Results in a Sensa
tional Tragedy.
Mrs. Nellie Thomason , wife of a former
prominent real estate dealer of Peoria.
111. , died at Lacou Thursday night as the
result of injuries received in a sensational
encounter with Richard and Jennie Hig-
gius , children of John G. Higgins , a
member of the board of supervisors of
Peoria County and prominent in politics.
The Higgins cnndren intercepted a let
ter written to Higgins , Sr. , who is in
St. Louis , by Mrs. Thomason , in which
she asked him to meet her at the Rock
Island depot in Peoria. When Mrs.
Thomason arrived she was confronted by
young Higgins , his sister and uncle.
What took place is a mystery. Sonu
time later the ticket agent assisted the
woman to the train and found the floor
of the waiting room covered with blood.
The woman lingered in great agony at
her home in Lacon until she died. Hig
gins was arrested on the charge of mur-
The Penalty Steve Whittoonr Must
Pay for Crime.
Steve Whittecar has been foui , l guilty
at Dakota City , Neb. , of outraging his
lo-ycar-old daughter , Georgia Whittecar.
on May 21 , the jury returning a verdict
at 10 o'clock Friday morning. Whittecar
did not manifest the least concern. The
minimum sentence for such a crime is
penitentiary for life. The sentence will
be pronounced within a day or two.
The jury received its instructions from 11
the judge at 4:30 o'clock Thursday night , I
and retired at once to the jury room. A T
heated discussion was carried on by the V
jury almost up to the time it arrived at tl
a verdict. The verdict was reached at S ;
f ) o'clock Friday morning , but owing to tl
the absence of the judge was not given
until .court opened at 10 o'clock. '
Sioux Uity Mock Murk . L
Friday's quotations on the Sioux City c <
stock market follow : Butcher steers. n :
? 5.25. Top hogs , $ r .20. E (
Three Trainmen Killed.
Two freight trains on the Pennsyl
vania division of the New York Central EC
Jvailroad collided at Geneva. N. Y. . Fri in
day. Three trainmen , C. D. Rogers , in
Charles Ilickey and Engineer Rouse , m
were killed. of
Overdue Steamer Safe.
The New York agent of tho steamei
Buenos Ayres received a telegram Fri br
day announcing the arrival of the vessel on
at Havana. She was two days overdue B\
some anxiety was felt for her. Bm ;
Bit Robert linn Decorated by th
Pelnn advices state that in the rcco ?
nition of the services rendered b
Sir Robert Hart , inspector get
oral of Chinese imperial customs , an <
by his staff in connection with the con :
mercial treaty between China and Japar
which was signed Oct. 8 last , Sir Rober
Hart Thursday received from the empei
or of Japan the order of the Rising Sui
of the first class.
The trade marks registration act whicl
will come into operation on Oct. 23 , i
regarded as unsatisfactory by the com
mercial communities of Shanghai am
Tientsin. There is no objection to th
principle of the act , for objection in thi
connection has never really arisen , but i
is considered that the act in its prosen
shape if not practicable. In tho firs
place the scale of fees is looked upon a :
being elaborate , and the fees themselvs :
too heavy. In the second place it is con
sidered that it will be impossible for tin
Chinese government to carry out th <
scheme , owing to the absence of an ade
quate and properly trained bureau.
If the act goes into operation on tin
23d inst. , as contemplated , it is expectei
that it will "givo rise to much confusioi
and dissatisfaction. The governments 01
Great Britain and the United States ap
proved the draft of the measure , whicl
will be largely of Japanese constructor
without , it is alleged , adequately consult
ing tho mercantile communities whicl :
would be affected by it.
With the view of preventing the en
forcement of an immature and defective
scheme the German minister , though cor
dially welcoming the general principle.
of the act endeavored to obtain a post
ponement of its operation , so that oppor
tunity might be given for its reconstruc
tion. Up to this date the saction foi
such postponement has note been ob
tained , but the correspondent of ths ;
Associated Press learned Thursday that
the British minister has been instructed
to endeavor to have the operation of the
act deferred.
There is a possibility , therefore , that
the act will be reconstructed. It is con
sidered on all sides that it would be
much better to recast the act on Hues
which would be acceptable generally
than to precipitately enforce an unsatis
factory measure , especially as there is no
pressing urgency for such enforcement.
Woman Trips and Falls Five Stories
to Death.
Tripping on a stair lauding by tho
French heel of her slipper , Mrs. Emma
La Lassa fell over a fifth story balus-
: rade in East Fifty-fourth Street , New
ork , and was instantly killed. Mrs. La ,
Lassa and Mrs. Gauvey were walking in
: he hall , and when the former fell she
carried her companion with her. Mrs.
Sauvey suffered a fractured skull , shoul-
ler and other injuries , and it is believed
; he will die.
The husband of the dead woman was
irrested , but the police say they believe
ie is no way to blame for the accident.
3xile From Germany Who Had T ost
Son is Inconsolable.
Inconsolable over the loss of his favor-
te son , and an exile from the fatherland
tecause he had shot and waunded a Ger-
lau army officer who he believed intcn-
ionally caused his son's death , Adam
higelhart , a veteran of the Franco-
'russian war. Thursday shot himself
ead in a tenement house in New York ,
rhere he lived.
He left a large family and a prosperous
u&incss in Germany when he fled to this
ind Who Accidentally Wounds
Companion Becomes Terrified.
A special to the Detroit Free Press
om Loomis , Michigan , says : A IG-year-
d newsboy has been arrested in conuec-
on with the death of Arthur Burwash ,
jed 8 years. One of his two compan-
ns had shot him accidentally , it is al-
ged. and , becoming terrified , had car
ed the wounded boy to a swamp , and ,
'ter covering him with leaves , abandon-
l him to his fate. The boy who is alleg-
l to have done the shooting denied all
lowledge of the missing lad's where-
> outs until the party reached the spot
here the groans of the dying lad could
Saves Sweetheart , but is Killed.
James Curley , aged 21 years , a
aughtsman at the East Pittsburg , Pa. ,
> rks of the Westinghousc Electric Com-
ny , lost his life in saving his sweet-
art. Miss Waiters , from an approach-
: Baltimore and Ohio switch engine ,
'ter seizing and throwing her bodily
ar of the track , Curley lost his bal-
ce and the engine cut him to pieces.
Verdict in School Horror.
Coroner Weaver rendered his verdict
the disaster Sept. 23 at the Pleasant
[ Ige school building near Cincinnati , by
lich nine children lost their lives. The
-diet censures the school authorities for
ir negligence in failing to make neces-
y repairs to the outbuilding in which
children were suffocated.
Virginia Lake is Safe.
L St. Johns N. F. , special says : The
brador mail steamer Virginia Lake ,
teeming which there has been much
: icty. is safe. She was detained b } * a
ere hurricane.
To Get Kill of Negro Laborers.
raco , Tex. , advices state that reprc-
tativc Mississippi planter are employ-
whole families of Mexicans for work
that state. There is a general move-
it in Mississippi , it is said to get rid
he negro laborers as far as possible.
Swings Clnbs 43 Hours ,
om Burrows , the English athlete ,
ke his own world's record for continu-
club swinging of forty-two hours by o :
aging them forty-three hours and six
tit es.
Ten Day * ' Straggle Wears Used
Out A Practical Russian Defeat.
There has been and end , for the tiriu
being , of the fighting on a large scah
which began on October 9 , when Gen
Kuropatkin announced to his army thai
the time had arrived for an advance
against the Japanese. Heavy rains ant
consequent bad roads have made military
operations on either side extremely difli
cult , if not impossisble. The interrup
tion , according to advices received at St ,
Petersburg , is being utilized by both the
Russian and Japanese commanders in
making new dispositions of forces and ne\v
objective points are likely to develop
when active operations arc resumed.
A Tokio dispatch states that the Jap
anese government well seek to make rep
resentations to St. Petersburg through tho
American embassy against the alleged
use of Chinese uniforms by Russian
troops , in violation of the usages of war.
Russia is hastening the organization of
the Second Manchurian army.
Veiled hints continue to arrive that the
Russians have recovered from the blow
inflicted last week by Field Marshal
Oyama and that Gen. Kuropatkin is pre
paring to renew the struggle as soon as
the roads become dry. Two Associated
Press dispatches from Mukden Wednes
day night mention reports that the Jap
anese already are preparing to retire , and
the war oflice admits that ivuropatkin's
left has again moved slightly forward ,
but there is no light upon the movement
of the Japanese. There is , indeed , an
utter lack of late news from Tokio , and
an enemy so resourceful may really bo
preparing a surprise movement instead
of a retreat , relieving the pressure on
the front with a view to accomplishing
something on the flank.
Three Killed and Fifteen Wounded
in Battle in Mexico.
A Mexico City dispatch says : Three
killed and fifteen more or less seriously
wounded is the result of a tragedy and
subsequent encounter with soldiery by
three desperate brigands in this federal
district. The dead are Lauriauo Frias ,
Santa Julia ; Nestor Flores , bandit ; sol
dier name unknown. The wounded in
clude two bandits and eleven soldiers.
Crazed by drink , the three desperadoes.
Flores , Rodrigo Saledo and Pedro Her-
rera , went to the residence of Vicento
Godinez at Santa Julia , a suburb of that
city , and called for Godinez. When he
issued from the house , accompanied by
Lauriano Frias , a servant , the bandits
opened fire upon them. Frias was in
stantly killed and Godinez badly wound
Accused Murderess Will b Tried
Next Month.
Mrs. Nan Patterson , the young woman
who has been .11 the Tombs prison at
New York for several months , charged
with the murder of Caesar Young , a
bookmaker and turf man , will not be re
leased on bail. District Attorney Jerome ,
however , has promised to call the case
for trial during .November.
J. B. Paterson , the prisoner's father ,
L-alled on the district attorney and told
.vlr. Jerome that after trying two mouths
lie was convinced that he would not be
ible to furnish the $20,000 bail for his
laughter's release. He pleaded that the
_ * ase be brought to trial at the earliest
possible moment. "I'll try the case for
, "ou in the coining month , * ' the district
ittorney told him.
C\vo .Little Ones Perish in Illinois
The Middleswork children's home was
lestroycd by fire at Shelbyville , Ind. ,
iVednesday. Although the flames were
iiscovered while the children were asleep ,
11 but two were rescued.
The dead arc Alfred Peterson and
Charles Peterson.
There were thirty-one children sleeping
i the upper rooms of the home , which
ras a three-story frame and brick build-
It is believed the two children burned
ere overcome by smoke in their beds ,
s they had evidently made no effort to
Burns is Found Guilty.
At Waterloo , la. , Charles Burns was
) und guilty of murder in the second de-
ree by the jury at 6 o'clock Friday
lorning. The jury had deliberated since
:30 : o'clock Thursday night. Burns shot
is father-in-law , Bartlett Stone , on the
orning of Feb. 29. His plea was self-
? fense.
Taft to go to Panama.
A Washington special says : The presi-
> nt has instructed Secretary of War
aft to proceed at an early date to Fau
na to confer with the president of that
public with the view of settling the dif-
renccs that have arisen between the
"o countries.
Senator Vest's Will.
The will of the late Senator George G.
2st , which was probated at Marshall ,
o. , bequeaths all of his estate , valued
$150,000 , to his relatives.
No Fears for Slavonia.
: it the London offices of the Cunard
eamsnip Company , the rumor publish-
in America that the steamer Slavonia
d sunk iu a storm off the Spanish coast
entirely discredited. The Slavonia
ssed Gibraltar Oct. 11 and is due at
w York the 22d.
Big Coal Order for Itussia.
U Cardiff , Wales , it is stated on good
thority that upwards of 500,000 tons
Welsh coal will be shipped for Rus-
n accounts to points on the Mediter-
lean and Red Seas and Atlantic ocean
ring October , November and Decem-
Snowstorm in Kansas.
Snow and hail fell Wednesday in west-
Kansas , driven by a strong north
id. The tempera lure-fell to 41 degrees
> ve zero.
Investigation Getting Warm Some
Personalities Mark the Hearing
at the Winncbago Agency Gen
eral Denials by Homer Merchants
General denials arc being entered by
the Homer merchants to charges prefer
red before the special inspector at the
Wiunebago agency by Father Schell re-
.gardiug frauds on the Indians. Thesi1
denials were spiced by personal attacks-
on the priest. These presonalities In
spector Wright protested against and re
fused to permit them to be incorporated
in the evidence. Inspector Wright cau
tioned the witnesses and Father Schcll
to avoid personalites. This was the first
time that the priest has shown down
right anger during the inquiry.
C. J. O'Connormerchant and banker
of Homer , introduced account books tes
tifying that the Indians were dealt with
on the same basis as whites and that
their accounts were accurately kept. lie
denied that notes once paid were ever
paid a second time or presented for pay
ment. He said that where it was taking
a big risk to trust any particular Indian
the charges were made a little higher
th n the others. The inspector said that
this was done everywhere.
The statement sent to a Sioux City
newspaper that the old Indians sit
around under the trees bemoaning the is
suance of the new order because they
can draw only $10 a month is amusing.
When it comes to telling what those old
bucks are jabbering about here and there
the reporter shows more than Anna Eva
Fay powers , but the statement that it
would take an Indian with $3,000 due
him twenty-five years to collect it is
ridiculous. The new order plainly states
that the Indians may not draw amounts
' 'exceeding $10 per month or in sums
exceeding $10 unless approved by the
agent. " If the agent is advised what
the money is wanted for and knows it to
be for rightful purposes he can give au
thority for the Indian to draw his check
for the entire $3,000 or all he had in the
United States depository.
Tne investigation will soon get down
to actual instances and the inspector will
then have something to work on of a
definite nature.
The investigation when it gets through
with the matter of liquor sales , usurious
notes and the snapping up and forgery of
pay checks , will deal with men in other
towns regarding the leasing of Indian
lands , and it is hinted that some officials
of the state and government may have
to face some charges.
Paul Kennicott , Wood Lake. Fenred
to Have Been Murdered.
Paul Kennicott , 28 years old. a ranch
man from Wood Lake , has been missing
in Chicago since Oct. 10 , and relatives
reported the case to the police of the
stock yards station and requested that a
search be made for the young man.
Kenuicott is believed to have had a
large sum of money when he disappeared , j
the proceeds of the sale of several car- |
loads of cattle at the stock yards , and
the theory is advanced by relatives and
waymen , who in their eagerness to get
wayiuen , who in their eargeruess to get
the money may have committed murder.
Strange Suicide of Joachim Moeller
Near Uticn.
At an early hour Thursday morning
Joachim Moeller , living with his son ,
ibout six miles north of Utica , and about
)0 years old , came out of his room and ;
uquired of his sou , who was building a
ire , where the ramrod to his shotgun was.
.t was found and given to him. He re-
urned to his room and a few minutes '
ater on an explosion was heard. An in- I
'estigation proved that he had blown off j
he whole side of his face and head. j
No cause is given for the act. He j
I'aves a family and five grown children.
> smond Man Alleged to Have As
saulted 14-Year-Old Girl.
Mrs. Adelaide Blackwell , who resides
ear Osmond , swore out a complaint be-
rare a justice of the peace , charging one
'aul Klawitter with committing rape on I
lie person of her 14-year-old daughter , j
At the preliminary examination the de- ,
? udant was bound over to the district !
ourt in the sum of $1,000 , in default of j
'hich he was taken to the county jail , j i
lawitter is a widower 30 years of age. i
Nebraska Launched. ,
At Seattle , Wash. , in the presence of ' (
multitude of onlookers , christened by
[ iss Mary M. Mickey , daughter of the
avernor of the state for which she was
timed , Uncle Sam's latest and largest
attleship , the Nebraska , was launched
: 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. Gov.
[ ickey , and party participated in the
sremonie.s. The occasion was made a
ilf holiday throughout the city.
Dance Ends in Fight. „
A dance at the opera house at Albion I o
iturday night and lasting until the wee J v
tiall hours was broken up on Sunday t
orning by a bloody fight between Paul t :
:5rt : and Merl Grover , brought on by
me trivial matter and a good quantity L
bad whisky to back it up. Seirt is re- I
irted to be suffering with a badly : l
uised head.
The Dennison Case. .
The habeas corpus case wherein Tom
innison , the Omaha policy king , seeks
escape 'extradition to Iowa , where he
wantid for alleged complicity in the
orcliffe diamond robbery , was argued
length Wednesday before the Nebras- Itu
supreme court. Briefs will be filed Ithi
fore a decision is rendered. hi
Girl Injured in Accident.
Miss Martha Shears , living a few
les southwest of McCook , was thrown
mi a horse , severely fracturing her leg c
, weon the hip and knee. , She was til
iggiug herself home in the darkness ,
en found by .1 member of the family.
Runaway Girl Caught.
liss May Estabrook , the runaway Te-
nseh lass , was taken home from Peru
her father. Young Hoadley , her br
tner in the escapade , has left foi on
ls unknown. If found he will answer by
the eharce of kidnapping. to
SteTO Whittecar Testifies in Hif
Own B'half.
The second day of the Whittecar trial
at Dakota City commenced Wednesday
morning by District Judge Graves notify
ing the bailiffs to clear the court room
of all minors not subpoenaed in the case ,
The cross-examination of the complain
ant , Georgia Whittecar , was conducted
by Attorney Sullivan , who failed tc
have her contradict herself on her pre
vious testimony. The girl swore that
hrr grandfather. .Tosiah S. Whittecar ,
had attempted to assault her several
years ago while she was living with him
in Iowa , and denied she had accused her
uncle. John Watson , of attempting to as
sault her while she lived with them
prior t oher going to the home of her pa
rents at South Sioux City.
' "The state rested its case at 3 o'clock
and the defense put the defendant , Steve
Whittecar , upon the stand. Whittecar de
nied the allegations of the daughter and
claimed he was not out of bed during hh
wife's absence.
One Child D ad and Two Others
Are F.-itaMy Burned.
About 1 o'clock Tuesday F. W. Barn-
haidt's residence at Hartington Avas
burned and his youngest daughter. Doris ,
- years old , was burned to death. An
oliler daughter. Hazel. was also fa
tally burntd and Miss Bertha Felber ,
who was assisting in the household du
ties , was burned beyond recognition and
lived but a few hours. Hazel died later.
It is thought that the kerosene can
caught fire and exploded as Miss Felber
was attempting to start the fire in the
kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Barnhart were
at the postoflice when the alarm was giv
en and they rushed to the house , several
blocks distant , in time to remove both
of the burning children. Miss Felber is
a young woman highly esteemed in this
community , having recently been a teach
er in the count } ' . Her parents reside
eight miles south of Hartington.
The damage to the residence and fur
nishings will exceed $1.000.
Father Supposed to be Back of the
Aff : ir.
The second sensation of the week was
the kidnapping of little John MacKee ,
son of Mrs. Spaulding. -prietress of
the North York Hotel , at York , who was
divorced from Mr. MacKee and is said
to have been given the custody of their
7-year-old son. Johnnie was on his vay
to seJiool and his playmates noticed a
learn stop and a man get out and forci
bly carry Johnnie to the buggy , when
he whipped up the horses and drove
Immediately the officers were notified
: ind descriptions were sent out and in
the evening Sheriff Brott received word
> f the capture of the two kidnapers hav
ing the boy in their possession. War-
rants have been sworn out for their ar-
-est. The father lives near Hebron and
: he tjWo men are supposed to have been
'inploypd by him.
[ Tnknown Man Attacks Young So
ciety Woman of York.
There is great excitement at York , as
he result of an attack on Thilla Sedge-
lick , daughter of Postmaster Sedgewick.
Mfss Sedgewick left her home about S
' 'clock in the evening on an errand to a
leighbor's. three or four blocks away ,
.s she was passing an alley a man sud-
lenly sprang out and threw a haudker-
hief over her face , which she succeeded
ii tearing off. Her assailant made a sec-
nd attempt and then struck her over the
ead. Several hours later the young wo-
lan was found lying unconscious in the
lie edge of a yard near where the attack
. "as made. She is prominent in society ,
nd is critically ill as a result of the as-
'nivieldy Form to he Used in Dong-
las County.
A Lincoln dispatch says : The ballot
i Douglas County must conform exactly
> the directions of the statute. So de-
ares the attorney general of Nebraska ,
must be a single column six inches
ide and must be the size prescribed by
ie last legislature. This will make it
x feet long.
The county attorney of Douglas Conn-
had asked for advice , protesting
rains-1 the um\iedly ! form of the ballot.
ntelope Stale Gains Many Medals
at St. Louis World's Fair. I '
Nebraska has so far been awarded
lie grand prizes , fifty-five gold medals , -
nety-five silver medals and 110 bronze :
L'dals by the juries that determined tho '
L'rit of the exhibits made in the agri- ,
Itural. educational and mining depart-
. 'iits at the Louisiana Purchase exposi-
in. Awards in the live stock and horti- ,
Itural departments are yet to be an-j
imccd. the exposition authorities not
ing ready to give them out.
Kun Down by Train.
"ritz Birkner , an old tailor of Red c
> ud. was struck by the eastbound pas- 1
iger and instantly killed Sunday after- r
an. He was walking along the track l
? -half mile from town. The engineer
listled and expected him to leave the °
ck until it was impossible to stop the a
Done by Wind at Osmond C
hiring the high wind of Wednesday t !
ernoon. the brick walls of the Tupper S
ck at Osmond , were blown to the 0
mild , entailing a los ? of about $1,500. t !
. Tupper will rebuild and repair the a
nages. o
Light 'Frost , at Fremont.
here was a light fror-t Wednesday
lit at Fu'niont. the first of the season ,
will benefit corn. The bottom lands
sovet as to seriously interfere with
kiiig and plowing.
Arrested I'.ir Cruelty toYifJ
unstable stani Aaron arrested George b <
I : , a farmer living near Green wood , sa
rginir him with cruelty. It seems
t for several mouths Mick has been w
iking too much UI
liquor and when tin-
the influence of it ill-treated his r
Hoy is Incorrigible.
, oren Folden. a ] . " 5-year-old boy , was ' of
ight before Judge Bourne at Beatric * hi
tie charge of incorrigibility. preferred H
his parentsHe was ordered sent th
he reform school. j
Examiner Wiggins , who has been in
vestigating the books in the otHce of the *
adjutant general for several months past ,
has formally filed the report of his find
ings with Gov. Mickey. The report cov
ers a period extending from April IT.
ISO , " ) , to Feb. 20 , l'JO. { , during the terms
of office of Adjutant Generals Killiaiu
Barry and Colby. The report shows that
Gen. Killian was short in his account.-
$54.11 , which he has paid. Gen. Barry's
accounts showed a discrepancy of $7f > .
but this account has not been closed : i
yet. The difference was found between
the amount of money received from the
jrovernmeiit and the amount checked out
to the soldiers. Gen. Barry was shown the
report ami stated that at this time he
could not explain the difference , but
would look into the matter. Gen. < 'ul-
by's accounts were found shy10S.7i > .
not counting what he had already paid
to the go-.ernwr. He has informed Mr
Wiggins thxt he would make good tin
amount at once.
* * *
Ex-Gov. Furnas came Thursday to at
tend a meeting 01 the state fair board
and expressed himself as being well
pleased with the last state fair. "In
my opinion , " he said , "the fair was the
best that we have ever held , and I nit
certainly gratified at the attendance anc
the receipts. j.he state fair now is on r
business basis , and will be conducted
that way. We should pay cash for oui
advertising , make regular contracts , anc
do everything on a business basis. It
years gone by it was right to give passes
to help advertise the fair , and to thos
who had done work for it , but we are ii
a position now to conduct the fair as f
business just like any other business
and that is the way it should be conduct
"d. "
* *
The state board of purchase and sup
plies has again gone on record and spl'r
up over a contract. The lineup wn
Treasurer Mortensen and Land Commis
sioner Follmer on the one side , and Go
Mickey , Attorney General Front am
Secretary of State Marsh 011 the other
The contract was for supplies for th
commissary department at the state pen
itentiary , and was let the first of thi
mouth to Raymond Bros. & Clark. Short
ly after it was let , however , it waa di ?
covered that by a mistake 011 the part rr.
the steward at the penitentiary , tho fuj
estimate had not been furnished Har
? reaves Brothers , and also that their bi <
was $32.40 less than the succeeaful bid
ier , even with the full estimate not bk
* * *
At a meeting of the state fair board
icld at the Lindel Hotl Friday nigh !
Secretary Furnas reported that jrosg r-
: eipts for the fair were $48,143.50 ; ex
penditures for premiums paid , $14,043.36-
niscellaneous expenditures , ? 17,073.'i5 ,
caving a net balance of $17,026.7 .
iVhile nothing definite was doue on the
> roposition to locate the office of the sec-
etary permanently 011 the state fair
; rouuds , it wag discussed favorably. It
ras the judgment of the members also
o employ for the live stock members N -
iraska men wherever possible.
* * *
The Farmers' Co-operative Grain An
ociation of Davy has secured an alterat
ive writ of mandamus to compel the
forthwesteru Railroad company to grant
L a site on its right of way for the loea-
ion of an elevator to be erected at Davy.
? he writ is made returnable NOT. 15. The
fficers of the grain company make affi-
avit that they have repeatedly request-
il a location for their contemplated le-
ator , but the requests have been denied
n all occasions. The suit will test the
austitutionality of the Ramsey elevator
* * *
The copy for the sample ballot lis
ecu prepr ed by the secretary of state
nd is ready for the printer. The cleino-
ratic electoral ticket will come second
3 the ballot , which fact is liable to ere-
: e a storm of protest from the populist ? ,
he fusion state nominees are bracketed
J in former years. Following the elec-
iral tickets comes the preference for
nited States senator. The name of EI-
er J. Burkett is the only one which ap-
: ars on the ticket.
* * *
At Friday's session of the Xcbrasfcr.
' . C. T. U. , Grand Island was sdect.-ti
; the place for the next meeting. These
ere selected delegates to the national
invention to be held iu Philadelphia ;
rs. Sue D. Chase , of Haigler ; Mrs. J.
, Cams , of University Place ; Mrs. Hel-
Horiiby , of Valentine ; Mrs. E. M.
> rrell , of Omaha ; Mrs. L. S. Corev. of
ncoln. Mrs. Russell , of Lincoln
icted as delegate at large.
* * *
NTo longer will members of the Corumer-
il club at Lincoln and their visitors be
le to quench their thirst at the big bot-
s of the club rooms. At a meeting
the stockholders Friday night it was
ted to do away with the sideboard ar-
ageineiits and prohibit the sale of liq-
r in the rooms. There were thirty-
ree members present , and the vote was
tie , Chairman Miller voting for the
olishiug resolution. t\eh carried it.
* * *
Che report of Chief Oil Inspector
urch for September shows that during
it month he collected $1,771.30 , spent
50.29 , and paid into the treasury $891-
For August Mr. Church paid into
; treasury S915.75 , which is considered
nighty good showing , making the oil
ce one of the state's good investments.
'he state board of education held a
eting at Kearney Monday and on
csday attended the laying of the cor-
stone of the new state normal school
that place.
* * *
'he H. P. Lau Grocery Company has
un the erection of the largest whole-
! house in Lincoln. It will cost $45-
and will be three stories high , 85 feet
e and 142 feet long. The new struct-
will be erected at the corner of Eighth
Q Streets and will face on the latter
rank Fitle , a bookkeeper in the office
the land commissioner , resigned and *
place was filled by John Lyons , of
nilton County , already employed iu