Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 20, 1904, Image 8

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    Future Great 3Icn.
The replies of Mr. Root to the news
paper inc-ii who interviewed him while
'lie was Secretary of War were often
tsharn and witty. One day , says the
Kew York Times , a number of them ,
entering his oliice , found him .signing
"What are you doJng , Mr. Set-ro
ta r.yV" they asked.
"Appointing lieutenant generals , "
v/a.s the instant replyl As he was sign-
Jug the commissions of West Point
graduates , it is safe to say tbat none of
tbosu commissioned would have doubt
ed that he spoke the truth.
Could Get No Rest.
Freeborn. Minn. , Oct. 17. ( Special. )
Mr. R. E. Goward , a well-known
n-an here , is rejoicing in the relief
from suffering he has obtained through
Using Dodd's Kidney Pills. His expe
rience is well worth repeating , as it
KhouUl point the road to health to
many another in a similar condition.
" 1 had an aggravating case of Kid
ney Trouble , " says Mr. Goward , "that
jiave me no rest day or night , but us- j
inir a few boxes of Dodd's Kidney
Pills put new life iu me and 1 feel
like a new man.
"I am happy to state I have receiv
ed irreat and wonderful benefit from i
Dodd's Kidney Pills. I would heartily
recommend all sufferers from Kidney
Trouble to give Dodd's Kidney Pills a
fair trial , as I have every reason to
believe it would never be regretted. "
Dodd's Kidney Pills make you feel
like a new man or woman because
they cure the kidneys. Cured kidneys
mean pure blood and pure blood means
bound'ng health and energy in every
part of the body.
Illustrations Needed.
Hackwriter How would you like an
iiuicic on Solomon ?
Magazine Editor First rate , if you
cui only furnish a complete set of por
traits of his wives. Somerville Journal.
How's This ?
Wo oflor One Hundred Dollars KexvanI for
any SI < ; K of Catarrh that caiiuot bo cured by
1 lull's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Pro s. . Toledo. O.
\\V. the undersigned , have known ! ' . , I. Cheney
for the last 15 years , and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obligations made by
their linn.
"tt'c t & Truax. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O.
WaldiiiR. Kinnan & Marvin.Vholesalo Drug
gist.Toledo. . Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
thestem. . Price 7no. per'bottle. Sold byalj
Druggists. Testimonials free.
IJail's Family 1'ills are the best.
Bully as u Coward.
A Senator from one of the Western
States , " who is noted for his intense
seriousness and for the positiveuess
of his opinions , made this dogmatic
declaration in the course of a speech
on imperialism :
"There was never a bully who was
not a coward. "
Senator Woloott politely interrupt
ed and said : "If the Senator will per
mit me to correct him , I think hi.s
statement is too sweeping. Has lie
forirotten that greatest of all bullies ,
1-ienvenuto Cellini ? "
The Senator replied gravely : "I
liaven't the honor of the gentleman's
acquaintance" : and lie does not un
derstand td this day that the Senate's
ill-suppressed mirth was not at the
expense of Senator Wolcott.
The Jlu.sriiuii State Church.
The chief procurator of Russia , in a
J.-ite report to the Czar on the state of
Ifuasht's ivligion , brings out the fact
that the power and weafth of the
( Irpek Church are immense. There are
. ' ; . SO of tlic.sLchuixhes in the empire.
ir-irjg : the last year S'i. new places of
v -i-ship were consecrated. In connec-
t . i with these churches there are 10-
< ' . . " . . - ; monks and 30,140 nuns. There are
2 : 50 head priests and13,743 ordinary
priests. These , together with 58.15315
deacons and under deacons , make a
grand total , along with seven other
divisions , the figures of which are not
given exactly , of 170,000 persons in
official positions. A sum .of nearly $30-
000,000 was paid by the Russian people
last year for the support of this vast
How can the young ever know how the
old Jove them ? And the old are too
jirouu to tell. .Tames Lane Alleu in "Tho
of the Pasture. "
Iti An3 Kind of Trouble Is Grape-Nut3
Food to rebuild the strength and
( that is predigested must be selected
when one is convalescent. At this
lime there is nothing so valuable as
< Jrape-Nuts for the reason that this
food is all nourishment and is also all
digestible nourishment. A woman who
used it says :
"Some time ago I was very ill with
typhoid fever , so ill every one thought
J would die , even myself. It left me
so weak I could not properly digest
food of any kind and I also had much
bowel trouble , which left me a weak , I
helpless wreck.
"I needed nourishment as badly as
any one could , but none of the tonics J
helped me until I finally tried Grape-
Nuts food morning mid evening. This
not only supplied food that I thought
delicious as could be , but it also made
me perfectly well and strong again , so
1 cull do all 1113' housework , sleep well , C
can eat anything without any trace of
bowel trouble and for that reason alone A
Grape-Nuts food is worth its weight I
in gold. " Name given by Postum Co. ,
Rattle Creek , "Mich. J
Typhoid fever like some other dis D
eases attacks the bowels and frequent Dt
ly sets up bleeding and makes them t
for months incapable of digesting the I
starches and therefore predigested
( Jrapc-NuLs is invaluable for thevell - 1 reason that in Grape-Nuts all ic
the starches have been transformed c
into grape sugar. This means that the 1
first stage of digestion has been me 1
chanically accomplished in Grape-Nuts t
food at Lhe factories , and therefore
any one , no matter how weak tuc stom C
ach , can handle it and grow strong , t
for all the nourishment is still there. t
There's a sound reason and tea daya * e
trial proves.
L <
Still a Nation of Farmers. .
HE recently published census report on "gain
ful pursuits" in the United States has evoked
i discussion of the possible social and political
effects of u continued drift of the people away
from agriculture. Have we ceased to be a
'nation of farmers , " and are the cities to keep
on growing at the expense of the rural districts ?
We do not need the poet to tell us that God made the
country , and that man made the town. The larger cities
furnish us daily with evidences that they arc man-made
in situations , and that in the making of most of them man
! did a very bungling job. That the wealth of the country
comes 'from the soil , and that our national prosperity rests
I upon agriculture are propositions so self-evident as to re-
! quire no demonstration by expert economists. The truth
of these propositions will be generally recognized , no mat
ter what the census figures may say.
The census report ou occupations would Indicate to the
superficial thinker that agriculture has ceased to be the
leading industry of our people. The table showing the pro
portion engaged in the five principal classes of occupation
in 1SSO and 1900 is as follows :
1SSO. 3000.
Agricultural pursuits 45.29 33.79
Professional 3.46 4.30
Domestic and personal 20.00 19.20
Trade and transportation 10.08 1G.30
Manufacturing 21.17 24.41
The table indicates a decline in the relative importance
of agriculture among the gainful pursuits. It shows a de
crease of 9.50 per cent in the proportion of persons en
gaged in agriculture since 1880 and an increase of 9.4G in
the proportion engaged in commerce and manufacturing.
But those who are inclined to grow pessimistic over the
threatened "extinction" of agriculture will need to go deeper
into the figures. It is found that the number of persons ac
tually engaged in agriculture increased between 18SO and
1900 from 7,714,000 to 10.3S2.000. It is to be remembered
also that this number is likely to keep on increasing for
many years , not only through the opening of irrigable pub
lic lands to homesteaders , but because of the drift toward
smaller farms and more intensive farming. The scientific
agriculturist of the future will get more out of a fifty-acre
tract than the old-time "farmer" got out of a quarter sec
tion. Springfield Republican.
Success In Life. %
UCCESS in life is relative. To no two minds
does it mean the samp. To no two conditions
does can it be alike applicable. The success
of the farmer , for instance , who adds to his
lands , rears his family in righteousness and
passes his days in peace and content , far from
the turmoil and triumphs of more swiftly mov
ing life , would not seem to the lawyer , the politician or the
city merchant to be a success at all.
The crossroads storekeeper may be a success in life in
his own estimation ami that of his neighborhood , though
his brother of the ciry , AVIIO thinks in millions , cannot help
looking down upon him with scorn.
There can be no material standard of success , for the
reason that the outlook , the aspiration and the attainment
of any man arc his alone. No two can occupy the same
viewpoint. No two can regard success from the same mind
and heart
The school-teacher , who ever gives , may cut a sorry
figure in a biographical dictionary beside the millionaire ,
who ever gets. But in the real building up of the intellect
and morality and happiness of the world it is she who is
the giant aud he the pigmy.
The poor underpaid preacher whose congregation is
small becatise he preaches religion uudefiicd may iu Jhe
common estimate be a failure. But who can foretell the
harvest : to come from the seed thus sown in good
ground ? Another generation may see a mighty church
arise , that some rich man puts a gorgeous window in and
calls his monument.
Which is the more successful life the one that builds
a great window or the one that stimulates the spirit which
makes a church ?
Possibly nine-tenths of us have no other serious pur- "
s >
Long before the Western express
had come within whistling distance of
the Summerville station Uncle Charles
declared he could hear the bells of
grandmother's clocks. "Ilaveu't heard
'em since I was a boy , " he said , "but
1 know how they'll sound all going
together 1 and every one of 'em right
I 1 tell you , Lettie , you ought to have
mother's sense of time. You can't even
keep 1 our mantel clock straight. Why ,
mother 1 has a hall clock seven feet
high 1 and over a century old. Then
there's the 'banjo' clock in the dining-
room , and the 'sun' in the kitchen we
call In the 'sun' because of a round
hole in the door-picture lo see the pen
dulum through. There are three or
four others besides , and the way
mother keeps them straight is a mar
vel. \ It must be the old wooden wheels.
Nothing like them made nowadays ! "
Half an hour later grandmother
greeted her home-coming fiock at the
door of the neat white farmhouse , and
sent them to their rooms to prepare
for a waiting dinner.
"Hello ! " said Uncle Charles , as ha
followed Aunt Lottie rnto the east
chamber. "There's Uncle Hiram
Doty's old 'bullfrog' clock. Has a
voice like a frog when it's getting
ready to strike. "
Mechanically he pulled out his watch
and ] consulted it , then glanced again
at the clock. He hesitated , then with
out comment stepped forward and set
the clock half an hour ahead. Aunt
Lettie smiled , but said nothing.
"A little later , entering 111" ktfhpi. !
he ; beheld the "sun" ticking merrily m
its accustomed place. Uncle Charles
compared it with his watch. Grand
mother ! was out of tho room. Stealthily
he opened the clock door and moved
Lhe hands back twenty minutes.
Dinner had hardly bfgun when from
cast chamber and kitchen came simul
taneous wheezing and banging of
bells. The "sun" counted six and
stopped. The "bullfrog" did better
md made it thirteen. Grandmother
pose In life than to get the best living we can. We are
absorbed in our own little affairs our wants and our en
joyments , ailments and ease , jealousies and envies , and
hatreds and loves. The greater the degree to which we sat
isfy our wants and triumphs over our enemies the greater
our success we think.
But to gratify our wants is only to create now ones
Human longing is like a sea the more we pour into it
the more it spreads. The millionaire longs for more as
eagerly as does the poor man. Content does not lie in the
direction of acquisition or indulgence.
Success in life consists in fitting one's self to one's en
vironment , and one tiling more elevating the environ
ment Chicago Journal.
Barbarous Waste in War.
OME international pact should be achieved that
will compel respect for ships and goods as ob
jects of economic value in the whole world's
rating , whether subject 'to seizure as contra
band of war or otherwise. The Russians are
warranted in arresting those trading steamers
that are carrying supplies to their enemies ,
but neither they nor any other people are justified in de
stroying what the world needs as food , as fuel , as clothing ,
as medicine , and especially as ships. To empty a ship of
its freight and then send her to the bottom , or , worse still ,
to send her down with her cargo , is barbarous. The coal
supply is growing short. Not a ton of it should be wasted.
If it is necessary to prevent its falling into the hands of
the Japanese , let it be landed and sold to the highestbid-
der of a neutral nation , provided that circumstances pre
vent the captors 'from using it to their oAvn advantage.
And the same with the captured ship. This is a work
of skill and value , and is needed in facilitating the com
merce of all countries. If it has made itself liable to seiz
ure by trading in forbidden supplies , there is no reason
why it should therefore be destroyed. It carries no fight
ing machinery , it is not a danger to the war fleet of tha
nation that makes the arrest. It may be carrying merely
a few tons of contraband articles , aud a deckful of sup
plies intended for neutrals or for people engaged in peace
ful pursuits , and in such a case it is a wanton waste to
sink it , if , indeed , it is not a defiance of international law.
Powder and arms might be used by the captors , or might
even 'be thrown overboard if there were no time to take
them or room to stow them ; but not the textiles , fruit ,
meat and manufactured products that nations exchange
with one another. Warships are fair prey. They are to ba
sunk by the enemy whenever possible , or converted to the
uses of the winning side , but to scuttle a million-dollar
ship because of the accident of her trade is to commit a
crime against all humanity , whose needs that ship is ca
pable of serving. Brooklyn Eagle.
The Marrying Age.
HE dictum of Gov. Warfield that girls should
not marry until they are twenty-six has nat
i urally caused considerable discussion among
those most interested the girls themselves ,
their parents , and the young men who do not
want lo wait for a bride until she is verging on
old-maidhocd. The first question of interest is
a matter of fact : Are our girls generally marrying at too
early an age ? Some light is thrown on this matter by City
Registrar McGlenan. of Boston , in the Globe of that city.
He shows that in the year 1902 out of G.172 brides , only
120 , or a little more than 2 per cent , were less than eighteen.
While more than half the total number were under twenty-
five , "yet 4,180 , more than two-thirds of the whole num
ber of brides , were married between the ages of twenty and
twenty-nine. " >
These figures , the Registrar thinks , "do not indicate that
all girls are marrying at an abnormally early age. " Other
writers on the subject testify that niarrir.ce is entered into
by both sexes at a later average age than in former gen
erations in this country. There are many reasons for this
The growing independence of women , the more extensive
fields for their emploj'ment , the importance given to edu
cation , operate to defer marriage , as the increased cost of
the wedded state deters many young men until they can
"afford it. " New York World.
looked up in alarm and gazed at the
"banjo-clock" before her. It was , so
Uncle Charles discovered , an hour
and a half fast. That alarmed her
still more.
"Charles , " said grandmother , se
verely , "have you been settin' my
clocks ? "
"Why , yes , mother. I fixed the
'sun' and the 'bullfrog. ' They seemed
a little off. "
"Well , mercy sokes ! How ever
shall I tell the time now ? "
"By them , of course. They're right
now. "
"Yes , but they won't be to-morrow.
You see , Lettie" ( tills apologetically to
her daughter-in-law ) , "they're all
clocks that just won't go right. I
know about how much each gains or
loses in a day , so when I hear one
strike I can tell about what time it
is. For instance , this morning when
the big hall clock struck three , I knew
the hand said quarter to eight The
'banjo' Is an hour slower , so It said
quarter to seven , and would strike ten
in fifteen minutes. When that struck
ten the 'sun' would say ten minutes
lo six , and would be almost ready to
strike twelve. The 'sun' is fifty min
utes ahead of the 'bullfrog , ' which
said quarter to fiveand In twenty
minutes would strike three , and that
ia twenty-five minutes behind Sarah
Pettit's alarm-clock with the brass
works that she set by the town clock
last week , and isn't more than five
minutes out ; so it was about quartor
after five and time to get up. "
She looked at Uncle Charles re
proachfully. "I do declare , Charles. "
she said , "you've gone and mixed me
up so now I d'now's I ever shall get
It figured out again. " Youth's Com
They Were Made in Many Cases to
Suit Fancies of Users.
In the days when a snuff box was
considered a necessary attribute to the
perquisites of a beau or a belle , for
tbat matter much ingenuity was
brought to bear upon the manufacture
of these dainty trifles.
The results were often very novel.
and cvon tlie most captious and exactt '
Ing snuff laker found something suited
to iiis wants. Those with a taste for
the morbid could buy boxes made from
the wood of scaffolds , chairs that ruur-
derers had satupon or parts of their
houses. Sporting men could find pleas
ure In the little miniatures depicting
scenes in the chase. Sailors had their
boxes made from the timbers of some
historical ship the Jiull of the Royal ,
George was turned to this purpose .
more than once. I
Soldiers bad battle scenes in minia-
ture upon their boxes , and thesewere
often executed with tiie lines't workd
manship and great attention was given n
to detail.
The Scotch , always great snuff tak
ers , were very fond of manufacturing
their snuff boxes from a crumpled fc
horn. The end of the liorn was hol
lowed out to .hold the snuff and a little
mallet was attached by which to tap f
the snuff from the sid-es if it adhered. , l
Sometimes a brush was added to flick P
away particles from the nose. The { B
ordinary Scotchman bad a plain mull
snuff box , but those belonging to the t
lairds were often embossed with silver nsi
mountings and precious stones , making , . ,
them valuable as well as picturesque. E
One of the most ES
popular and well- S
known snuff boxes was that given to w
Napoleon by Pope Pius VI. When Na a'
poleon died he left the box as a kc-cp- tin
sake to Lady Holland , who Jiad been n
very kind to Mm during Ms imprison mai
ment on St. Helena. Lord Carlisle , who aist
urged the lady to reject the gift , sug stP
gested that every time the box was on
opened horror and murder would leap m
out. The box la
was bequeathed by Lady
Holland at her death to the museum.
London Daily Mail.
No Increase : ii rhe Ijaumlry Bill.
Housekeeper Half the things you ai
wash are torn to pieces.
Washerwoman Yes , mum ; but te
when a tiling is torn in two or mor <
pieces , mum , I count them as only OIH 3f
piece , mum. New York Weekly.
Was there ever a boy who didn't av
have to carry somebody's dinner dotvi : pi
town ? In
Populist Candidate in Letter of Accept
ance Is Vitriolic.
Thomas E. Watson's letter formally
accepting the Populist n mination for
President , has been made public. TJio
letter , which is addressed to Samuel W.
Wilb'ams , chairman of the committee on
notification , is about 12,500 words long.
It denounces fiercely the Democratic
party and its candidate , declares the gold
standard "unscientific and wrong , " as
serts that those who produce wealth in
the United States are robbed of the
fruits of thej labor aud charges "com
bined capital" with a plot to crushn
individual liberty by downing the latxj >
The only hope for the "middle and low
er classes , " as Mr. Watson terms them ,
he sees is the rise and growth to success
of a third party , not subject to corpora--
tioa domination. Constructively , ho pr < r
poses a national board of arbitration to
pass upon disputes between capital and
labor , the adoption of the initiative and
referendum for the making of federal
laws and the ownership of public utili
The letter opens with a lament by Mr.
Watson over the tendency of humanity
to submit to the domination of a few ,
vho use their power for oppression. Pass
ing fromhistorical examples to the con
dition of tilings now in the United States ,
he finds "symptoms which always have j
characterized the diseased nation when
afflicted by class legislation. " The cor-1
porntions , according to the Populist oan-
didate , now rule the land and the people. ,
"A blacker chapter than that which re- ' J
cords how both the old political parties
united to despoil the common people of
the land , " says Mr. Watson , "is not to be
found in the annals of class legislation. "
Attacking the gold standard , the can
didate says :
The gold standard IB not "irrevocably
fixed , " because it Is unscientific and wrong , i
Nothing Is more certain than that the poof f
pie of this country will continue their strug- '
gle until they hnve ft natioital currency
which the money po-.ver cannot control , and
which answers the purpose of perfecting
exchanges without becoming nn nrmory
from which the buccaneers of modern fi
nance draw the Irresistible weapons with
which they attack values and raid tha mart
In what Mr. Watson terms "the farm- '
Ing out to the national banks-of the pow-
er , privilege and profit of supplying the
country with paper currency , " he finds a
system whereby the "privileged fatten
upon usury at the expense of the un-
privileged , " and hold "despotic power. "
Both the Republican and Democratic
parties are "irrevocably fixed , " Mr. Wat-
son says , in their support of the national
In discussing telegraph , telephone , ex
press and railroad management , the let
ter says :
No other people among civilized nations
are so cursed with corporate tyranny as
ourselves. Half n dozen corporate kings
can meet In the office of J. P. Morgan aud
can tax the life out of any city Or 'ton n in
the United States. By a stroke of the pen
they can add hundreds of millions of dol
lars to tho burdens of tho prople. They
onable the trust to slay Its rivals by grantJ J
irig rebates , or special rates , which make
competition Impossible. They debauch pub-
He morals by their methods of gaining what
they want from governors. legislators , .
judges , editors , politicians aud members of
Congress. s
Passing to a denunciation of the "dead- i
ly principle" of compound interest , Mr.
Watfson attacks the Standard Oil Com.
pany , J. P. Morgan. Andrew Carnegio ,
August Belmont , Arthur P. Gorman ana
Charles M" . Schwab for financial opera- a
tiona which he have " a
, says , caused "t
rising tide of angry discontent" all over
( he country. These evils all would b
cured by the application of Popnlistic g1
ideas , according to Mr. Watson. G
.Long : Island the Competing Ground oi
Four Nations. I * "
Amateur and professional aucomob-il- .
ists , including some of the most expert \
racing men in the world , rnec in H re- '
markable competition over a 30-mile
course on Long Island. The event was m
the first contest far the W. K. Vander-
bilf,7r. , . , automobile cup. It was inter
national in character , and although the \
trophy was only offered last June eigh
teen cars entered , representing four na
tions the United States , Germany , jn
France and Italy. The 30-mile course [
was traversed ten times , making a trifle
rfver 300 miles for the route , and the
club whose member won the race
hold the trophy for the coming year.
This is the first time in America that
anything on so extensive a scale in au
tomobile racing hag ever been attempted.
I : was practically the Gordon Bennett
race transported to this country. Tl
.vtance and the conditions were practi
cally the sa-me , while the fact that three
of the cars were competitors in the IxsJ
Gordon Bennett race in Germany and
that five cars took part in the famous Ar
dennes race in France imparted an interDi
national flavor to the event that has
never been seen in automobile circles her ?
before. is
was no limit to the speed that sla
the : cars might go. The first one in was " , °
the winner. The 30-mile circuit gave an
admirable test ot all sorts of road cond
tions , in some places being smooth enough oei
for speed greater than the best railroad
locomotive canattain , while in other
places it was necessary for safety to
slow down a bit.
OU >
To appreciate the remarkabh speed at no
tained ! by the leading contestants in the
race one has only to make a few compari me
sons. The winner , Heath , covered the y
300 { miles of the course in 5 hours 26
minutes and 45 seconds , or at an average
speed ] of about fifty-five miles an hour ,
which is considerably faster than the
average speed maintained by passengei
trains in a twenty-hour run over the 90G
miles ? from Chicago to New York. H
made this time on a public road and iu
addition to guarding against chance ob pu
stacles on the way had to slacken hi *
pace : to admit of tlirae fairly sharp turns
: each of his ten trips around the 30- *
mile triangle of the course. He was de
layed , also , by a broken tire.
This country was represented by five
care. One of these is an Italian ma-
hiue of 90 horse power , which covered
230 miles in Italy at a rate of 00 miles Bo
hoar. Another machine , the Florida
owned by William K. Vanderbilt , made a "
mile in 39 seconds in Florida last win
The Long Island race , now a subject ie
discussion among tntomobilists in all
parts of the world , is hailed as anoth i "
proof of the great possibilities of thx "
lutomobite. Meantime , the autOTaobilists
pay the penalty of their reckless daring T
-holding these contests. 887
A. Keren t Instance Proves Thntn Woman' *
Happiness is Largely Impendent ou tl o
State of Her iiood.
"When tho blood is disordered every
organ of the body is affected unfavorably
and fails to discharge its functions
properly. In tho case of every woman ,
nature lias made special provision for a
periodical purification of tho blood and
BO long ns this occurs her health and
spirits unfailingly reveal tho beneficial
results. So slight a cause ns a cold or a
nervous shock may produce a suppres
sion of this vital function and until it is
restored she is doomed to misery. Tho
remedy that has proved most prompt
and effective in all disorders peculiar to
the female sex , is that which brought
Euch great relief to Miss Mnttie Griggs ,
of No. 807 Indiana street , Lawrence ,
Kansas , concerning which she speaks as
follows :
"In the winter of 1902 , from some
nnknown cause , there was a cessation
of functions peculiar to my sex for a pe
riod of four months. I became very
weak and could not get up stairs with-4
out ' help. I had nausea and pain and a
constant i headache. I was under the
care < of a physician for threo mouths ,
but 1 lo did not succeed in curing me.
Then a lady friend told mo about the
men ] is of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which
she had used in her family and sho in
duced me to try them. It was in May
when I first , began to use them and in
Jnne I hud fully recovered my health ,
and have since remained perfectly
well. "
In all cases of delayed development oi
7oung ] girls ; in amentia or weakness duo
to impoverished blood and showing it
self in pallor , lack of ambition , despond
ency and nervousness ; also in the great
ooustitutional disturbances attending
the period known as the change of life ,
Dr. j Williams' Pink Pills arc invaluable
ibr women , whose health is always
closely dependent on tho state of tho
blood. t They are sold by all drug
gists. A booklet of valuable informa
tion , relating to the care of a woman's
.health at all important periods , and en
titled "Plain Talks to Women , " will be
sent free in a sealed envelope to any one
H'ho chooses to write ibr it to the Dr.
Williams Medicine Company , Scheuec-
tady , N. Y.
Something About Canals.
The Suez canal is usually considered
the most important example of ship
canals , though the number of vessels
passing through it annually does not
equal that passing through the canals
connecting Lake Superior with the
chain of great lakes at the south. In
length < , however , it exceeds any of the
other great ship canals , its total
length being 00 miles , of which about 1
two-thirds is through shallow lakes ,
says ; Harper's Weekly. ij
The canal connecting the Cay oC
Cronstadt with St. Petersburg is a
work of great strategic and commer
cial importance to Russia. The canal
and sailing course iu the bay are
about 1C miles long , the canal proper
being about six miles and the bay
channel about 10 miles , and they to
gether extend from Cronstadt , on the
Gulf of Finland , to St. Petersburg.
The next of the great ship canals
connecting bodies of salt water in the
order of date of construction is the * f
Corinth canal , which connects the Gulf
oi . Corinth with the Gulf of Aegina.
The canal reduces the distance from
Adriatic ports about 1T5 miles , and
from Mediterranean ports about 100
miles. Its length is about four miles.
When the Back Aches and Bladder
Troubles Set in , Get at theCaiinc.
Don't make the mistake of believ
ing backache and bladder ills to be lo-
al ailments. Get at the cause and
cure the kidneys.
Use Doan's Kid
ney Pills , which
have cured thou
Captain S. D.
Hunter , or En
gine No. 14 , Pitts-
, burg. Pa. . Fire
Department , and
residing at 272 ! )
W y l i o avenue ,
says :
"It was three years ago that I used
Doan's Kidney Pills for an attack oC
cidney trouble that was mostly back-
iclie , and they fixed me up fine * There
no mistake about that , and if I
hould ever be troubled again , I would
rot them first thing , as I know what
hey are. "
For sale by all dealers. Price HO
eats. Foster-Milburn Companv , Buf-
alo X. Y.
The Coming Heroine.
Mr. Jinks I wish you wouldn't allow
ur daughter to read those sentimental
Mrs. Jinks '
She isn't
reading a senti-
lental novel. The heroine doesn't inar-
for love. "
"Well , the modern society novel , in
rhich the heroine marries for
money , 13
ust as bad. "
"She isn't reading a society novel. "
"Then what is it ? "
"It's an advanced novel. "
What's that ? "
"The heroine marries for a political
n th Kunnr care. iaCaat
wun. curea wind colic. 25 o su a boUJt
A business Woman.
Pretty Girl Are you Miss Backbay's
Jiiting maid ?
Maid Yes'm.
"Miss Backbay is a great heiress from
ioston , isn't she ? "
"She is. "
"And very much sought after' "
Well , yes. "
"I presume so. Well , if you will give
tae addresses of her gentlemen ad-
urers , I will be very much obliged. "
"Dear me ! What for ? " "
"I am selling encyclopedias. "
Uncle Sam's annual incoma ii $553-
JLxO *