Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 20, 1904, Image 6

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The Valentine Democrat
I. M. RICE , Pobllab r
TRoRSDAY , OCT. 20 , 1904.
Republicans are claiming all the
credit for the rural free delivery sys-
1em. The lirst step taken for the es
tablishment of the system was by
Democrats in the House of Represen
tatives. The Republicans deserve
chiefly discredit , for when the system
was fairly started they used it as a
means of filching from the people.
< = *
The only instance yet furnished in
which the Administration has yet
shown itself reluctant to spend the peo
ple's money is out of the fund of ? r 00-
000 appropriated by Congress for the
prosecution of the trusts. There is still
$4.10,000 of the sum unexpended and
One of President Roosevelt's attempt
ed justifications of the pension order
is its popularity , as he supposes. No
doubt , indeed , it is popular among its
beneficiaries who control a great many
votes , but is it the part of a statesman
to attempt to justify a questionable act
by the measure of its popularity ? His
defiance of the opposition on that
ground is a reflection upon the integ
rity of the whole American people.
- > *
The New York Tribune says "there
was no need for Mr. Roosevelt to write
anything" on "the notorious denial of
the rights of negroes and nullification
of the Constitution in the Southern
States , " because "his position is well
known. " Yes , his position is well
known , so notoriously well known and
so utterly indefensible that even he
was ballled for words to , * > ouare him-
"What has the Administration done
to the trusts ? " asks the Memphis Com- ; I
mercial. "Address your communica- ;
tion to Mr. ( J. C. Cortelyoti , care Re
publican National Committee , ' ' replies i
the Washington Post.
Hon. Charles .7. Faulkner , former
United States Senator from West Vir
ginia : "There is no question in my
mind that We.-t Virginia will cast her
electoral vote for Judge Alton B. Par
ker and Henry G. Davis. The cam
paign is a hot one on both sides , but all
the indications point to Democratic
success at the polls next month. 1 be
lieve our majority will be from ll'.UOO j
to 20,000. " '
- * * : *
Ere the earth had covered the form
of the martyred President whom he
succeeded Mr. Roosevelt said that he
would wish only to serve out the un ex
pired term. Now he not only wants
election , but it is unmistakable that.
if he wins in NIovember. he will
want re-election. The signs are lumin
ous that the trusts have bought him
this time , but , O trusts , will he stay
bought ?
o *
The New York Evening Sun pokes
fun at your Uncle Henry ( Jassaway.
Dnvis for using large ? words. As
though the Sun were the. only earthly
mental entity familiar with the use of
polysyllable ? .
It is common talk , a common joke , in
Wall Street , how complete has been
Ihe surrender of the Administration to
the corporations and the trusts. The
late Secretary of Commerce and Labor ,
with its bureau of corporations to se- (
cure "publicity in the interest of the ;
public , " has been busy delivering the j
it * *
Cortelyou used to be a "trust ou.-ler. " j
Now he is a trust trusler.
"We intend in the future to carry on
the Government in the same way that
we have carried it on in the pastays
President Roosevelt in his acceptance i
letter. It is the same kind of defiance [
that is uttered by the footpad , armed j
with a bludgeon or "big stick. " as he j
taiuls over lii.s prostrate victim whom j
he nas robbed. ]
_ * * *
Chairman Cortelyon , when Secretary
of Commerce , had a bureau of public
liMl ity under him. It was there that , com
Ml ing into contact with the great corpor
ations , he seemed to be impressed with
the value of secrecy. He is using it in
this campaign in his fat frying pro
* * *
Contrressman William R. Hearst.
President of the National Association
of Democratic Clubs , has come back
from the West and taken a firm grasp
upon the helm of the organization , lie
has issued a stirring address to mem
bers urging them to "special activity
and untiring energy from now until the
closing of the polls. "
* * *
Where was Henry Cabot Lodge Avhen
the Massachusetts Bureau of Labor is
sued its recent report of the result of
certain investigations ? Among the re
plies to Questions sent out seventy-
Seven merchants agreed that the trusts
had raised prices , and the unsatisfac
tory condition of living was due wholly
or in part to "the existing tariff. "
f * *
It has been more than a year and a
half since the creation of the Depart
ment of Commerce and Labor , with its
bureau of corporal ions , was estab
lished to open the books of the trusts
"in th1 interest of the public. " Chair
man Cortelyou was in charge more
than a year , but the books have never
been opened. The public has not seen
a page not a line of them.
SO * \
Robert II. Stevenson , of New Jersey ,
says : "During the past three weeks
I have traveled over the States of
Illinois and Indiana , and it is my hon
est judgment that the electoral votes
of both States will be cast for Judge
Parker and Mr. Davis. I met hun
dreds of independents and Republicans
who announced their intention of v t-
ing the Democratic ticket. I am an
independent in politics myself. I
Toted for McKinley in 189G and 1900 ,
but this time I shall vote for the ticket
which stands for constitutional
erimicut Parker and Davis. "
HO'lffEfi \ JOAN'S
Man She Had Deemed a Glorious Hero
She Now With Deep Disappointment
Confesses is a Menace to Every
Homein the Land.
Some years ago Mr. Theodore Roose
velt seemed to me one of those young
men to whom mothers could point mid
say to their growing sons : There is a
man , a man for you to take as your
model. I confess I did so. He seemed
to me to be the incarnation of a chival
rous knightly gentleman , with an am
bition to serve his country and by his
example and his inlluence to promote
in his fellow countrymen a love for all
that is great and noble. Many of his
acts as Police Commissioner which
were quixotic I ascribed not so much to
his lack of judgment as to his zealous-
ness. "When lie resigned his post as
Assistant Secretary of the Navy to en
ter active service 1113 * own nature was
thrilled with love for my country and I
applauded his act. It seemed to me
then that the call to arms had acted
upon him as it had upon me , that he
wanted to give the country the best he
had , his life , if need be ; I , the best I
had my son. I felt that I understood
him. I believed that the almost clerkly
routine of his work as Assistant Secre
tary of the Xavy had become madden
ing when the drum and the bugle fired
the patriotic soul. But 1 was not al
lowed to dream long that my Roose
velt was of the .stuff from which heroes
are made.
It soon appeared that a new rolo on
a stage set with war had been seized
upon by my ideal. The character of a
dashing cavalry officer in the Buffalo
Bill trappings of Western prairies had
appealed to him as the best method of
emerging from the comparative obscur
ity of a Washington department into
the full glare of national publicity.
Again he had become a character , a
combination of Phil. Sheridan. Buffalo
Bill and Don Quixote. His adventures
on foot as described by himself or
chronicled by eye witnesses or criti
cised by military expertcertainly will
not pass into song and story.
Watching him these many years and
experiencing in myself a transition of
emotions from perfect admiration for
his seeming nobleness of character to
calm contemplation of his masterful
ness as a spectacular politician , I now
venture to say , , that in my opinion
President Roosevelt is the most dan
gerous personage who ever held the
oftice of President.
Theodore Roosevelt has one passion
ambition. Since he became President
he has one thought election. Senators
and political leaders for three years
have been made to feel their master
was in the White House , lie held pa
tronage over them as a whip. When
Senator Ilair.ia passed away all that
there was to the Republicanism of Mc-
Kinley and Hauna passed with them.
Roosevelt has managed the party as
IIK fears and his hopes of nomination
stirred him. If elected he will want
the pages of history to record his ad
ministration with an event. God help
the mother * , the wives and sisters
when Roosevelt sets out with "a
mailed list" to make history.
President Roosevelt has been called j
"strenuous. " ' and then our law abiding ,
peaceful , home loving husbands and
sons , who are called "cravens , " "weak
lings. " "coward * . " There is a fren/y
about this that alarms. Like Napoleon
he applauded larne families. Is it be
cause they will yield soldiers to his re
public-empire ?
President Roosevelt is dangerous be
cause if elected he Avill be more than
ever the master of Senateand Ilou e ;
more than ever the director of the for
eign policy of the nation : more than
ever the commander-in-chief of army
and navy. His feet will trample the
Constitution. He is strenuous enough
to be the law. having proven his abil
ity totep outside constiiutiona ! limi
If We who saw our fever-stricken
sons come back pale and wasted , some
prematurely aged and others incapaci
tated from bread winning , could cast
our votes : if we who are told that gen
tle woman's chief function in life is
to be "strenuous" in maternity , could
cast our votes ; if'we who believe that
the peaceful , restful home , ihe love of
husbands and sons and the companion
ship of kindly neighbors is man's hap
piest lot on earth , could cast our-votes ,
how many would be for Roosevelt ? lie
is a menace to the home. He casts the
red glow of war on the hearth ; the
sombre shadow of the grave on the cra
dle. He is a man of lire , of blood , of
dangerous ambition.
"When we take up the great ques
tion of the tariff , we are at once con
fronted by the doubt as to whether
our opponents do not mean what they
say. "
Against that profound observation
of President Roosevelt may be placed
the declaration in the Democratic plat
form and that of-John Sharp Wi'.liams ' ,
Hie leader of the Democrats in the
House , on the subject about which Mr.
Roosevelt arrogates supreme authority.
Williams thus defined the Democratic
idea on ihe tariff , which Judge Parker
approved :
"The Democratic tariff idea , like ev
erything else Democratic , is founded
: i nearly as possible upon the princi
ple of 'equality of opportunities and
equality of burdensThis same prin
ciple extended to other matters of an
ticipated legislation will give you what
Democracy means , or ought fo mean ,
with regard to them. It stands for
equality of charges by railroads and
transportation companies , with destruc
tion of the power of secret rebate or
open discrimination , whether against
corporations or localities. Neither
Government nor Government created
corporations ought to be permitted to
encourage or continue in a course of
favoritism to any individual , any in
terest or any locality/ '
fe\kU L _
His Perversion of People's Money
t Very Like Republican Practice at
In his attempts to make satisfactory
answer to the charges of perversion
of the public moneys , made by the
Democratic Attorney-General of New
York , Governor-Chairman Odell not
only handicaps the man whom he has
put up to be his successor , but con
victs himself.
The New York Sun is not the only
Republican newspaper to bear out this
statement. The Pittsburg Dispatch ,
not a New York journal , it is true , but
one of the most powerful of the Re
publican organs of Pennsylvania , is
amazed at the weakness and shame-
facedness of the Governor-Chairman's
"The controversy. " says the Dispatch ,
"has resulted in betraying the Gov
ernor himself into the highest official
endorsement of irregular methods in
dealing with public funds ever made.
It also includes the peculiar political
quality of an astute political manager
committing an action which identifies
his leading State candidate with the
flagrant irregularity endorsed by the
"The Governor-Chairman , in his re
ply to Mr. Cunneen's charge that the
Canal Board , acting under the Gover
nor-Chairman's direction , had pervert
ed § 10,000 of the people's money , by
allowing the payment of that sum to
favored contractors for work falsely
alleged to have been done by them ,
makes no denial of the payment , but
says :
" 'That certain money was due for
losses which had occurred by reason
of the failure of the State to permit
the contractor to continue his work.
This is often done in business matters ,
and it certainly was not improper for
the Canal Board to view it from this
' "l
Such a confession as that has shocked
even a Pennsylvania Republican or
gan. "The feature of this avowal , "
says the Dispatch , "that will impress
itself most forcibly on thoughtful
minds , is the remarkable principle as
serted by an eminent public man con
cerning the transaction of public busi
ness. On account of indefinite , un
specified and unproved claims on the
part of a contractor it is proper for a
public board to vote him money on a
separate claim proved to be fictitious
and fraudulent ! And the public man
declaring this method to be 'not im
proper' is the Governor of the most
populous and wealthiest Slate of the
Union1 !
President's Charge Against Wilson
Tarift Act Proved Unfounded and
William J. Bryan , in the Commoner ,
quotes from Mr. Roosevelt's letter of
acceptance as follows :
"It is but ten years since the last at
tempt was made by means of lowering
the tariff to prevent some people from
prospering too much. The attempt
was entirely successful. The tariff of
that year (1S91) ( ) was among the causes
which in that year and for some time
afterwards effectually prevented any
body from prospering too much and
labor from prospering at all. "
This statement is in line with the
declaration in the Republican National
platform for 1)04 ! ) that "a Democratic
tariff has always been followed by
business adversity : a Republican tariff
by business prosperity. "
Mr. Bryan then proceeds to show
that neither the statement of Mr.
Roosevelt , nor the declaration in the
Republican platform is justified by
history. "As a matter of fact , " says
Mr. Bryan , " every panic during the
last thirty years originated under Re
publican rule and developed under Re
publican legislation.
"The gold panics which gave history
'black Friday' occurred during the
month of September , 1SGO , when the
Republican party was in power.
"The great panic marked by the fail
ure of Jay Cook & Co. occurred in Sep
tember , 1S73. Then the Republican
party was in power and eleven mouths
prior to the time of that panic the
Republican party had been re-elected to
"It is true the Wilson bill was passed
ten years ago. That was in 1S94. But
that panic did not originate in 1S94 ;
it did not originate in 1S93 ; it began
long prior to the Presidential election
of 1892. That panic originated and
reached its worst under that famous
tariff law known as the McKinley
bill.- . ;
How fllr. I'oosevelt Has Stopped Op-
position to the Delaware Boodler.
Thomas AY. Lawson , who has always
been regarded as a shining light of
Republicanism and a liberal contrib
utor to the boodle funds of his party ,
continues his story entitled "Frenzied
Finance * ' in the October number of
Everybody's Magazine.
Much of this installment is devoted
to a scathing arraignment of Roose
velt's friend and trusted adviser. J.
Edward Addicks. of Delaware. The
incidents leading to Addicks' entrance
into the Boston gas field are fully nar
rated. The "gas man's" ' alleged finan
cial crookedness and his known polit
ical rascality are shown up in a light
that must bring joy and peace to the
soul of Theodore Roosevelt in a horn.
An entire chapter is given to a nar
ration of the story of Addicks' "cap
ture" of the Bay State Gas Company
and the alleged corrupt methods by
which he profited to the extent of $7-
This man Addicks is one of the most
notorious political corruptioiiists in
the country.
Roosevelt , while Civil Service Com
missioner. Assistant Secretary of the
Navy and Governor of New York ,
went out of his way to condemn him
and expressed contempt for any one
who would have political relations
with him.
During the first two years of his in
cumbency of the Presidential of lice
Roosevelt continued his opposition to
Addicks and Addicksism. and used his
influence to bring about his overthrow ,
lie joined hands with the honest and
decent Republicans of Delaware and
helped them to "down" Addicks and
save the honor of their State and
But how is it now ? Does Roosevelt
still support the reputable wing of his
party in Delaware ? Not at all. He is
hand in glove with the corrupt Ad
dicks , has turned over to him and his
henchmen the Delaware patronage and
is apparently proud of Addicks as a
political lieutenant and confidential ad
viser. In the opinion of the best men
in the Republican ranks in Delaware.
Roosevelt , in the hope of getting the
electoral votes here , has sold his soul
to the devil.
If Peacemakers Shall See God , AVhat
Is to Become of WanaakersV
In a speech made in Boston Octo
ber 4th , introducing Secretary Hay to
the International Peace Congress.
Mayor Collins , of the Hub , said "that
if he were to paraphrase a Bible text
to suit the occasion it would be this :
'Blessed are the peacemakers , for they
shall see God ; damned be the war-
makers , for they shall see the devil. ' "
This utterance from Mayor Collins
in the presence of the Secretary of
State , while not directed at President
Roosevelt , is at least : 'n excoriation of
the President when considered in con
nection Avith a speech he made before
the Republican Club of New York.
February 13th , 1S91) ) . when he said :
"If we ever grow to regard peace
as a permanent condition , and feel
that we can afford to let the keen ,
fearless , virile qualities of heart and
mind and body sink into disuse , we.
will prepare the way for inevitable
and shameful disaster in the future.
. . . The peace Avhich breeds timid- ,
ity and. sloth is a curse and not a
blessing. "
Judge Parker's Public Charactcv
KloquenMy JSxtoIlcd by the New
Ycrlc Tribune.
Judge Alton B. Parker's refusal to
stand for the Presidency on a plat
form which ignores the money ques
tion and leaves in binding force as
Democratic doctrine the free silver ;
coinage planks of 1S9G and 1900 does
signal credit to the firmness and cour
age of his public character.
'judge Parker is widely
this State for the conspicuous ability
he has shown in politics and on the
bench , and for the purity and integrity
of his private life. :
Every man who knows him esteems
[ ll33.
ll33.The Republicans of New York have
nothing but jrood words to say about
liiin in his private capacity and in his
judicial activities. New York Tribune ,
July. 10 , 1904 ,
Trusts , Combined , Defeat the Very j
Object of the Protection .Theory. I
"The sole economic argument for a i
protective tariff. " said Colonel A. II. j
Bacon , of Brooklyn , in his recent
.speech to the Travelers' Club , "is the
ultimate benefit to the consumer by
means of lower prices through domes
tic competition. The gigantic trusts
have combined domestic plantso as to
defeat the very object of the tariff
under which they thrive. Prices are
increased until a shipbuilder on the
Clyde can. buy American steel plate
> 1U a ton cheaper than a shipbuilder
on the Kennebec , Avho now asks the
general Government for a subsidy
equal to Slu a ton to make up the dif
" 'Butsays a Republican President ,
'a reduction of the tariff would de
stroy the small manufacturers who
are still infants and who bask in the
shadow of the giant trusts. ' This ar
gument is too simple for children even.
The tariff is to protect against the
foreign competitor , but the foreign
competitor must lirst destroy the larg
est domestic manufacturer before he
can get at the infants. The battle
must be waged between the giants ,
for the foreign giant could not occupy
the home field without first defeating
the domestic giant ; and , under this re
cent argument , any man by investing
a thousand dollars in a steel plant ,
lit'iy years from now could defeat the
reduction of the tariff , even though the ]
American Steel Trust was furnishing
its product at every capital of the i
world. No , the moment one domestic (
firm becomes a giant , its very life do- '
pends upon its lighting every foreign
foe. and it thus protects every infant *
that coddles under its shelter.
" "But , " again say the oraior > : 'Amer-
ican laborers must not be reduced to c
the level of the pauper labor of '
Europe. ' We are reminded of the }
traveler and his dog lost in the des-
ert. Starvation stared them in the }
face. The traveler cut off the dog's
tail , roasted it. ate the meat and
threw back the bone to the dog. This
represents the share of labor in the
tariff problem. " !
Former Diplomat ami Republican .
Jjeacler Against a War Policy.
John W. Foster , an eminent Repub
lican and accomplished diplomat , in an j
address before the American Bar Assoj j
ciation a few days ago said : ;
"It has been reported in the press
that the Secretary of the Navy has an
nounced himself in favor of a navy
equal to the greatest in the world. I \v
trust he has been misquoted. Our h
Uovernnieut should be ready to enter j 1
into an engagement for international
disarmament , and not one looking to P
ftfther increase of the navy. This t (
country should hold itself to other and tl
far more peaceful pursuits in the set tlo
tlement of strife than to the making o
of implements of destruction and b
death. " cl
This is rank heresy : in fact , it is ri
treason to Roo-evelt. It is likewise
evidence that Mr. Foster is not looking sr
to the Administration for any more tl
job < as arbitrator of international dif
ferences or negotiator of treaties bei i a !
tween thib and other countries.
Of course Mr. Foster is wll aware e
that the Secretary of the Navy has not b <
been nii.squoted. He is on record as j I" . ;
saying that he favors the construction h ;
of a battleship of LJO.OOO tons displace-
ment. one that will "knock the spots f.-i
off" anything1 in this Hue yet launched ch
ubroad. The Secretary of the Navy is in
the President's "Me. Too. " so it is > afe IT
lo predict that tl e gentleman with ihr- fo
"Dig Stick" will not bo satisfied with ta
the size and destructive capacity of the 01
battleship Cosnwtieut just launched ro
it the Brooklyn Navy Yard. He wants ui
i ship one-fifth larger than the Con
necticut. It is doubtful if he will be a
ontented with the navy until he has a pc
imttleship as large a * the bigtre > t Brit te
ish and the biggest German battleship
ombined. A battleship powerful
Miough. without assistance from oth r
-hips , to make any South American re
public "behave itself with decency/ ' oc
'be orderly" and "be prosperous. " er ;
Colored and White Republicans Row a
"Apathy" has been dispollc.l in Tl
ji-aut County. Indiana , and there the on
irst blood of the campaign has been
pilled. The trouble grew out of rival- sil
y between white and colored Repub- ca
icans at Landesville and ended in a I
lot. One man had his collar bone sil
iroken and another was badly 1
iruised about the legs and arms. Sev- ca :
arrests were made for rioting thj
.nd. assault witli intent to kill.
Imoerialisin is Struck Ihe Hardest Biovf
h liver Ra.ceive'J' RepabiicaE Job- -
fcerv Will Bred a I'auk.
Charles M. Crown , a cif.zen oT Fort
Worth. Texasends , to the Firt Worth
! Record the following eloiru .tf c m-
| merit upon Judge Parker's letr r ft'ac -
j ceptance :
"I am Hearing the half century * ! ie.
therefore have been reading letterC
: acceptance from Pre.MdenMal candi
dates for many years.
" 1 am frank to admit that onlyv *
documents ever given to our public
outrivals the letter of ac.epr.inover
the slirnalure of Judge Alton i' . I'ar-
ker. thosetwo being the npc-iar.iti w o
Indeiiendence and the : . : : of ;
the rnited States. 1 might add ibat
there nevMuas a documentvriites : ill
this couniry by any man. dead . -
ing , so nearly conforming to our " m-
nitmlon as the one under dicus-.i ; . .
" of iid ' 'id-
"It is ; i m-w declaration ! 'p
ein-e made by a wise , honest , whole-
souled statesman for the parly of the
people , it is firm , outspoken : i'l to
the point , arraigning the. Republican
machine before the public bar t : > its
true colorshowing its standard bear
er as usurping his lofty position by as
suming prerogatives not allowed by ,
our Constitution.
"It is not a lengthy document , but no
word is supertluous ; each one counts
with telling effect. There are no sub
terfuges , no sophistry , but straight out-
shoulder blows for the people' < rights
under our Constitution.
"Imperialism Is struck the hardest
blow it ever received ii this cuinitry.
and if th" \--erican poopl.- : ; : ot
awaken to the note of warnintromitt
ed by our Presidential candi.t ! ase.l
continues the Republicans in p v er it
will only be a matter of time int"l wo
shall have a one-man governmen : un
der our people's Constitution. He will
beaIl" l President of the railed
Slates , but in reality will by 'ill-- .11t-
arch of ail h surveys/
"The question now before th- j.c- pli >
of this country is , whether wehail
have a Jeffersonian or a lI.iinHl.M'ian. '
form of government , for the Uepr.hli-
can parry is fast centralizing the m v-
ernmental power in one man or ai ! v\v-
in , ; its leader to be the supreme til'-ta-
lor. regardless of the people's riirhi- .
"There never was a time in the his
tory of our country when this dictator
ship has M > openly shown its cloven ,
foot. The bid by Roosevelt for the ( I.
A. R/s vote by his famous pension or
der proves this assertion.
"As there can be no change In our
financial condition. Judge Park , r bi-Ing
irrevocably a gold standard m.-'n. it is
high time the Democrats were m uov-
prnmental harness , turning the calcium
light of truth on the last four ycr.r - oC
tte'publican otlice-holding rotterin"-- .
"I emphatically say that th - in.ii'-a-
tions are that the Governine : : : ' ? r.-a--
11 ry is being daily looted by corrupc
u'actices. and another four 3 earof.
ill JJ
Republican jobl-ery will Ihr'iv. tbu
? ountiy into the greatest p'iever
mown in its history.
"It is apparent that every U.'juiUH-
an in the country uho is hiilti.'ouiui is
.wallowing Roosevelt , bag anI bag
gage.Ve must rely on th" in.t'-p'-ud-
nr vote to sweep us into victory.
"Our living expenses , under ii ! < ex-
reme high tariff , are daily ? ufr'r'iig. .
L'he trusts are combining to r.ii-e ihe
> rice on our necessities and there i - no
: ope to remedy this great evil under ;
he sophistical promises of thy party in
"My countrymen , I tell you that iiH
s the year the people of the rnitfd
States should repudiate dictator-hip ,
ligh tariff , looting the public trea-ry.
ml machine politics , and I hoirly
iclieve a Democratic tidal wtvc will
weep over the land next Novi
iiat will engulf the. Republican
-bury it out of sight. "
'air and Definite Are the Democrats ;
Absurdly Va ue tlie Kepublicanc.
Colonel Alexander S. Bacon , the
'ell-known Brooklyn lawyer , in clo--in r
is excellent speech to Coainunvial
'travelers' Club , said in conclusion :
"The Democratic party says : 'We
romise. now. to resolutionimihtr
> that which granted independence to
le Cubans , who have thrived so much
etter under their own than under :
nr military government. We do tins-
ecause it is admitted that the better-
lass of Filipinos , who would do the ;
Jling. are far superior to the Cubans/
"The Republicans say : 'We do HOW.
) lemnly promise that at some time in
le future wo will meditate seriously ,
[ ion the propriety of modi tat in
"Democracy says : 'We believe irj
qiansion. but not it : imperialism. \ \ \
: -lieve that ; h& Constitution should
llow the tiag , and that we should ,
tve no territory that we do not ex- '
ct at some Time to adopt into thn
imily of States. ' Expansion. atloptH v
lildren. Imperialism buys slaves. ReJ
iblican imperialism would ronquer !
lie and bully the world , through brut/ /
rce. Democratic expansion would
ke in only contiguous and homogeiu ]
is peoples. It would extend the Moi ?
e Doc-trine to republics everywherJ
itil all pc'opies are hoinoirfneous nl
ibicdespots ! reinemb-jred only
faint memory , anl all the world
'ace. rul'-d by love , under the pr
cting arm of the great republic. " '
Uncle Joe Cannon's Rare Humor.
"Uncle" Joe Cannon , in all of ii '
eeches in localities where sold I'
rats are numerous , reminds his
s that Judge Parker voted for BryJ
d then asks "Can
, you trust si
man to uphold the gold stamlar
iis is ri h. "Uncle" Joe's silver i
il is as follows :
in 1S7S voted to puss the Eland f
ver biil over the veto of a Repu
n President.
n 1S90 voted voted for the Shern
ver purchase law. j
Later he was one of a few Repu
as who voted against the repea
it law , which was ursed by Cl