Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 20, 1904, Image 1

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    Historical Society
Are you going to want a Heating
Stove this winter ? If you are , you to
want the best the best in appear
ance the best in quality and the
best in results. If you want one
that will give you the best results
for all kinds of fuel , you want one
of the following lines :
Cole's Original Hot Blast ,
Peninsular Parlor Heater
and Double Heating
Base Burners ,
The XXth Century Laurel ,
The Retort Jewel.
We have the exclusive agency
of the above lines , which include
the best stoves made. Make us a
I * call before buying elsewhere and we will gladly explain to you
$ * ' all the special features of the different stoves. AVe guarantee
every stove mentioned to be perfectly satisfactory in every svay ? f
or we will exchange it or refund money paid us. to
3 ? We carry the largest and most complete line of stoves of
. /so all kinds found in Northwest Nebraska.
Call and Inspect these stoves. J
43 &
Ladies' Suits
fV \ and the best
Dress Skirt
on earth for $1.50.
jtr jV j A Six Page TCoiselcss Sliito given willi each pair of Shoes.
b'k " > ! TAILOR
b'T. ,
* > T. . . AND CLOTHIER. 9 8
" * ' * * s - ? v * " 5sTw > * oW * * ? ? \ * y
i r& r\ i > s r\ i i o vin t-
9 Hardware , Furniture and Coal.i
FURNITURE , bed room suits , dressers , chiffoniers , ward
robes. Iron beds strong and clean , soring couches and mattres-
st1 : ? , parlor stands and center tables , combination bookcases and
writing desks. Latest Designs and Lowest Prices.
Guns , Ammunition and Hunters' Supplies.
A full line of hardware , cutlery and stoves of best makes.
A lot of useful articles that make house-keeping a pleasure.
Come mid See ITlieni Ibi * 1
Frank Fischer.
$ * F
* > . tii
i/.J * *
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank
Jun 1 , 1834. August 12. 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
I ; PA IP Lf
§ 85.000.
G. EL CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
\T V.
! J&
John Shelbourn was in town
Monday from the table northeast
of town.
D. D. Kellogg , the Britt mer
chant , was in town last Saturday
on business.
F. K. Bivens and wife came
down from the agency and visited
a few days the past week.
A. T. Bracket was down from
Kilgore last Saturday. He handed
us a dollar on subscription.
Mrs. Hyde and children left
Saturday for South Dakota where
they expect to make their future
Rev. Clark has returned from
Grand Island , where he has been
attending the Nebraska Presbyter
ian ynorl.
Mrs. Moon , who has been quite
sick for the past two weeks , is
much improved and able to be
about again.
J. F. Prentiss , representing the
New York Life Insurance com
pany , has boon in town two or
three weeks.
Mrs. Callen has returned from a
months visit with her daughter ,
Mrs. Thorn , who is a teacher on
the reservation.
James Hudson came up from
Sparks last Saturday to get build
ing material. We suppose he
nec s more granaries to hold his
U. 0'Bryan , of the reservation ,
was in town Monday. He says he
is burning fire guards as fast as
the weather permits to secure his
We forgot to mention last week
that Burgess Hartigan returned
the previous Saturday from a two
weeks visit with his parents at
Tomorrow evening , Friday , Oct.
21 , the Eagles will have another
ball in the McDonald building.
They promise good music and ex
pect a good crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shepard re
turned Tuesday morning of last
week from Tnman , Nebr. , where
bhp.v had attended a re-union of
Latter-day Saints.
Mr. Porath informs us that a
tudent , Mr. Hoffman , of the Ger
man Lutheran church , is toaching
school , both German and English ,
n the Riege settlement.
James L. Ashburn was in the
; ity from his homestead northeast
of town tho first of the week and
lianded the Editor a dollar for
subscription to THE DEMOCRAT.
Miss Ruby Hall , who has been
mployed in thp capacity of trim
mer in Miss Martin's millinpry
tore for the past season , left
Monday for her home in Gordon
Sam Hudson was in town Mon
day to get supplies for his ranch
and says he is getting ready for
winter. Hub Daniels and Mr.
Kirk wood are working for him at
iiis ranch near Simeon.
O. F. Lawrence , of Stearns , S.
D. , was in our city last Saturday
and bought one of S. Moon's cele
brated 'Perkins wind mills and a
tower which he hauled out togpth-
er with a load of provisions.
A. W. Scattergood , an attorney ,
of Ainsworth , well known to many
of our ppoplp , was in thp city last
Monday on business. Tip is kept
pretty busy nowadays with con
tests and real estate business.
Edwin L. Petti John , a captain
in thp late civil war of an Ohio
regiment , is in the city visiting
his. nephew , J. C. Petlijohn , and
Capt. A. GShaw , who was a sol
dier 115 his regiment during thp
Jonathan Vincent , of Zion , Ore
gon , a brother to Mrs. Jas. Shep
ard , arrived here Friday , Oct. T ,
for a few weeks visit and expects
to go down to Cambridge from
here to visit a brother and sister
and from there to Logan , Iowa ,
where he has another sister.
W. A. Smith and Berne Tinkam
drove up from the hay flats east of
Woodlake Monday and spent sev
eral hours in town. Mr. Smith
was elected precinct chairman of
the democratic party for Woodlake
precinct at a meeting held recent
ly to nominate precinct officers.
George L. Coleman , of Ncligh ,
was in town last Saturday putting
up tombstones. Mr. Coleman
formprly lived south of Cody on a
ranch but sold out to the Federal
Cattle company a couple of years
ago and went to Xeligh where he
engaged in the marble business.
R. B. Tucker is the new clerk
at Davenport & Thacher's the past
few weeks. It was an oversight
upon our part not to have men
tioned this item before. Mr.
Tucker has taken a homestead in
Cherry county and having ex
perience in the mercantile busi
ness in Lincoln he is found to be a
valuable assistant.
Grandpa Morey and wife are
back from Dead wood where they I
spent several weeks visiting their -
son Sol and wife. Mrs. Morey's
liealth is very much improved and
Mr. Morey says they will live here j
with his son 0. W. Morey in the !
bouse formerly occupied by them '
ind which he sold to his son be
fore going to Dead wood.
A. W. Peterson , of Arabia , has
purchased a hay baler and bales
liis hay that he hauls to market
for which he receives § 6 per ton
and finds ready sale for all he
hauls t town. He thinks the
saving to him in hauling larger
A and being easier to handle
pays him to bale his hay before
[ miling to market.
Herman Zickrick and three of
liis neighbors of Westover , S. D. ,
wore down the latter part of last
wpok getting loads of provisions ,
vegetables and potatoes which they i
are taking home for their winter j
supply. Cherry county can raise j
potatoes , vegetables , corn , wheat ,
oats , hay , beef and pork sufficient
to supply her own citizens and feed
the western half of South Dakota.
Valentine is the central trading !
point for Rosebud reservation and
Chorry county.
D. D. Dunn is prospering since
his return to Cherry county and
has bought two quarter sections of
land with the profits of a couple of
years work , farming Cherry coun
ty land , on which he raises corn , !
oatwheat and potatoes for sale ,
and all the garden truck that he
could raise on an eastern farm.
Cherry county land is all right and
will produce something besides
grass and stoers when a man farms
as eastern farmers do. There is
a splendid opportunity for dairy
ing in Cherry county. Alfalfa
grows where-ever it has been tried.
J. F. Porath , of Riege , was in j
town last Saturday and informed '
us that he has just lately put down
a well 307 feet deep forVii. . Riege
which secures an ever-lasting sup
ply of water of the best quality ,
ako put down a well 196 feet
p for HenryVeisflog and i
now at wo k for Felix Nollettc
putting in a i hree inch casing foi j
him. The above demonstrates the <
ability of Mr. Porath to put down
( hep wells ; ; nd that he is kept busy
: ilI thp time. A letter will reach
him at Rie e if anyone is contem
plating gctt'-ng a good well from 2
jractical well man *
f * * * * * * * * * * *
o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 0-0-0
Chase & San born Coffees
15 , 20 , 25 and 40c per pound ftfr
Davenport & Thacher
Large stock of
HamiIton = = Brown Shoes
Just arrived.
All other shoes in stock sold at greatly
reduced prices for next CO days. Come
-and see us. We sell everything , and
at prices which are right.
* : fc.
* rocer ies !
The BEST for table use and at popular prices.
Our Stock is Always Fresh
Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens
ft. Hay , Grain and Feed
it Iff I VW17T/C \ it / LU t ril - ijrwjinm j Tr itz
First clasline of Speaks.
Dry Salt Meats Smoked
Breakfast [ J
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
J.V STETTEK. Vice President. OKAII L BHITTON , A33t. Cashier
. . . . . *
[ Jlutcrcst paid on tiint
deposits. Valentine State Bank , | 1
Capital , S23.OOO
Valentine , Nebraska. !
Surplus , Sl,0&0
Persons seeking a place of safety for their
Office Hours moneyi iprofit \ \ by investigating tho j
. . . .
9 A. M. to 4 I' M ,
methodoin in business
- oin ployed our j
SSS2S 2Jt2Jt2 2sfa 3S r51SS
Suited to t\ ! > ar taste.
Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
c \
Are now at their best and | All you want to eat at oar : -
g we handle the best srrado. ( I . . . .Lunch Counter , /
k\ Home Bakery
J g
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