JUDGE < PARKER'S LETTER and Virile. Former Representative and former Governor Benton McMillin , of Tennes see It is an able , dignified and A'irile document. Judge Parker meets the is sues in a square , straightforward man ner that cannot help appealing to the American people. Stronfir , aiauly. Dignified. Representative Gooch , of Kentucky There can be but one opinion con cerning Judge Parker's letter of ac ceptance. It is a strong , manly , dig nified statement , free from persona ! Jibuse , explicit on every issue before the people and dodging none. It ought to Aviu the party thousands of A'otes , and in my opinion it will. It should only be necessary to put intotthe hands of the non-partisan A'oter a copy of Roosevelt's vainglorious letter and then that of Judge Parker. I can liardly see IIOAV any American citizen c-ould prefer the bragging , boasting Theodore Roosevelt to Alton B. Par ker. 1VI11 Appeal 'to tho Independent Voters William F. Harrity ( Philadelphia ) , ox-National Democratic Chairman- Judge Parker , in. his letter of accept- since , clearly stated and defined the issues iiiA'olved in the present cam paign. I do not believe that any Dem ocrat will dissent from the vieAVS therein expressed. His more pro nounced stand upon the tariff question ought to meet AA'ith unqualified ap proval of all Democrats. I feel confi dent , too , that Judge Parker's letter iAVill appeal to independent A'oters throughout the country , especially in the close and doubtful States. Masterly Presentation. Charles P. Donnelly ( Philadelphia ) , Democratic City Chairman Judge Parker's letter of acceptance is a strong and masterly presentation of the issues of the present campaign I'rom a Democratic vicAVpoint , and the favorable impression produced by his "gold standard" telegram has been greatly strengthened by the tenor of his letter. Issues Clearly and Ably Defined. Patrick McCarren. ( Brooklyn ) All the issues before the country have been very clearly and ably defined by Judge Parker , lie has taken no equiv ocal ground anyAvhere. His letter has brought out more clearly than ever the importance of a change in our GOAT- crnment. Ilis letter Avas a splendid definition of the issues on .which .we\ go to the country. ; f ? Superb. Thomas Taggart , Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Judge Parker's letter is superb. The instant effect it has upon the country is ? hoAvn by the large number of tele grams I have received to-day congrat ulating the country and the party up on such splendid letter. These tele grams come from Wisconsin , Indiana , Illinois. New Jersey , DehiAvare and many other States. I expect that the campaign will go foi-Avard Avith greater enthusiasm as soon as the letter is generally read. 9 * * Kobiike to Samuel Untermyer ( NCAA * York ) The letter is a calm , masculine , judicial presentation of the issues that A\ill ap peal to the intelligent and conserA-ative of the country. The polite rebuke ad ministered to our bluffing President on the laAVS of trusts Avill meet AA'ith general approval. What a pity that Judge Parker's sense of dignity Avould not permit him to properly character ize the performance. * * & Stroiip : mid Conviiicinjj : . J. Edward SAvanstrom ( New York ) JI Judge Parker's eloquent letter of ac ceptance fittingly opens the Democratic- campaign. It is a patriotic and states manlike document , particularly strong and convincing1 in the statement of the issues from a Democratic standpoint. and is sure to bring inspiration and en couragement to the Democratic cause. Letter oT a Statesman. Mayor Collins ( Boston ) It is the let ter of a statesman , grounded in the fundamental principles upon which our institutions rest. All the expres sion is "safe and sane" and worthy of the hour. I hope it Avill be read and pondered by every voter , and I feel .sure it Avill make a profound impres sion upon every thinking and patriotic man. Vim , Force aud 1'ositlvcness. "Judge Parker's letter , " said Sena tor Stone , of Missouri , "AA'ill put neAV life into our campaign. It was the Aery thing needed. It will give the people something to think about. It lias A'iin and force and sufficient posi- tiveness to satisfy those critics Avho nave said that Judge Parker Avas too mild and gentle to contest Avith a man like Roosevelt. This document is an inspiration to Democracy. " * * * ' Wins Approbation and Admiration. Congressman John II. Keliher ( Bos ton ) Like every Avord he has uttered and every line Avriltcn upon the politi- ' cal issues of the day. Judge Parker's letter at once commands approbation and AA'ins admiration. It is a clear , concise , comprehensive statement. Contrastedwith the self-satisfied , 1- bumptious declaration of President Roosevelt , it further emphasizes , if such a thing is possible , the marked difference in the make-up of the can didates. Courageous and Convincing. De Lancey Nicoll ( NeAV York ) The letter presents the issues in so forcible a AAay that no one can fail to under stand them. It is clear , courageous and convincing. It reAvals its author to the country as a thoroughly equipped candidate for the Presiden tial otlice , conversant AA'ith all public questions , and as a man AA'ho makes no sacrifice of principle for votes , but who , believing1 that he is right , will iremaiu. steadfast to the end , HIT A SORE SPOT. Discrimination Against Home Buyers and Favoring Foreigners. The Democratic charge that the American people are paying higher prices for articles of domestic manu facture than are paid by foreigners for identical articles exported from the United States has hit the G. O. P. in a sore spot. This subject is gone into very thoroughly in the Democratic Campaign book , Avhere it is shown that Americans are compelled to pay from ten to thirty per cent , more for articles made in this country by "protected" manufacturers , than is paid by Euro peans and Asiatics for identically the same articles made here and shipped abroad. Many instances of such dis crimination against our home people are cited , particularly in the lines of agricultural implements and builders' hardAAare. To break the force of this charge the State Department prints a string of statements made by American Con suls in European countries , in which it is alleged that manufacturers in England and Germany also sell manu factured articles abroad cheaper than they do at home. It is plain that these statements were put forth under orders from the Administration , and that little care AA-as taken to have them accurate. But even if it be true that European manufacturers selltheir "surplus odds and ends" abroad at reduced prices , as one Consul says they do , of Avhat interest is that to the average Ameri can Avho is held up by our "protect ed" manufacturers and compelled to pay , not for "odds and ends. " but for his farming tools and implements , his engines and machinery , and scores of other articles , from ten to thirty per cent , more than his European brother has to pay to the same manufacturer for like articles ? The Americanpeople are not com plaining because manufacturers ship their "odds and ends" to foreign coun tries and sell them at IOAV prices. Their complaint is that they are discriminat ed against in faA-or of the foreigner : that they arc being robbed right and left by manufacturers Avho shlplrt themselves behind the Dingley tariff. MARRYING IN THE ARHY. Class Distinction 1o Co Fostered Corbm's rr General Corbin's idea that army lire should be governed as a social and ar istocratic organism Avas probably im bibed in Germany , Avhere the General appeared on drees parade a year or so ago as a guest of the Kaiser. That his idea has the cordial approbation of President Roosevelt , there can be little doubt. For it is at least a minor step in the President's grand march toward full-fledged "imperialism. " In brief. .General Corbin proposes that no officer in tho army shall marry Avitliout the authority of the Secretary oi War , and not then unless ho can prove to tho satisfaction of tho Secre tary. that his income Avill be sufficient to support himself and liis family. Such a rule prevails in Germany. Avith the result that a lot of rich , and in many cases , silly girls , have been brought in to army circles ; class distinction has been fostered and army officers there haAe become indolent , insolent and profligate. The best army officers in tho world have been bred in this country and Avithont interference by the Govern ment in their priA-ate domestic affaiis. The great American generals Avoro. as a rule , married men , having families dependent upon them , and although their salaries AA'oro small in compari son Avith those paid to officers of like rank IIOAV , they contrived to get along and usually do something better than make both ends meet. Yankee soldiers haAo been accustomed io go into battle to tho time of "The Girl T Loft Be hind Me , " and this custom is likely to be kept up long after General Corbin shall have ceased to ape the customs so dear to the heart of tho Kaisor and his Avould-be rival , President Roose velt. T " " " " " " " * ' * ' * "r"i/\iTr"f"r" " " ITT * * TIT / " * * / > IT RGUSEb SlbPICiON. Everlasting1 Habit of Republicans of Grasping Credit For All Good. Claiming all virtues for the Repub lican party , and telling Avhat "AVO" have done does not stop criticism , but , rather , tends to arouse suspicion that the charges made against Republican policies aud practice cannot be dis proved. That tho tariff-fostered trusts are plundering the people by greatly increasing the cost of living is too pat ent for a bold denial to count Avith a A'oter , Avho is paying from thirty to forty per cent , more for necessaries of living than in 1S97. Claiming that Avages have been ad vanced at the same ratio as the cost of liA'ing AA'ill not convince the Avork- inan that has had his Avages reduced that prosperity is rampant , although Roosevelt may boast and Fairbanks smilingly may say so. Standing pat may suit the trusts , but claiming that everything is so fa vorable under Republican policies that no change is needed is poor consolation for those who find themselves being plundered by the trusts , Avith their in come standing still so that their abil ity to pay has decreased one-third. It is easy to claim , but difficult to ex plain Avhen the facts are against you. German Citizens Rallying. The Republican neAvspapers of Chi cago are using columns of valuable space in hysterical efforts to prove that Carl Schurz is a "has been , " and utterly without influence among Ger man-Americans. MeaiiAvhile tUp com ing of Mr. Schurz is aAvaited Avith the interest German-Ameri greatest by - cans Avho are daily enrolling by hun dreds in the German-American Parker leagues. Parker Stock Is Up- One of the mos triking instances of the appreciation of Judge Parker's letter of acceptance was its reception in Wall Street. Brokers Avho had been betting on the outcome of the election , offering long odds in faA'or of Roose velt , after reading the letter prepared by Judge Parker , 'reduced the odds they had been giA-ing and Parker stock up materially. WHY ROOSEVELT MADE A BUREAU OF CORPORATIONS. George B. Cortelyou Tapping Corpora * lions For Campaign Funds a Grave Question. Your record in your own words , Mr. President , SIOAA-S that you began your crusade for the regulation of the great corporations AA'ith an insistent appeal for "Publicity in the interests of the public. " You seemed determiied to vindicate thti people's right to 'inspect and examine the Avorkings of the great corporations engaged in interstate com merce. " even if it Avere necessary to amend the Constitution of the United States , believing , Avith many corpora tion lawyers o" your OAVII party and of the Democratic party , for that mat ter that the Sherman hnA' Avas uncon stitutional. You demanded this Pub licity "as a right from all corporations affected by the law , " and "not as a fa- A'or from some corporations. " Your persistence in a good cause finally triumphed. Congress , under the pressure of the public opinion that you had so skilfully f.irected , enacted the legislation you asked for. It created a Department of Commerce , Avith a Bu reau of Corporations. It extended the scope of the Interstate Commerce l to forbid the giving cr receiving of re bates. It passed an act providing for the special advancement in the United States courts of cases arising under the anti-trust huvs. It gave you the extraordinary , the unprecedented ap propriation of § 500,000 to enforce stat utes prohibiting combinations and con spiracies in restraint of trade. ' . * * " " * * ! * & ? The first thing to Co. as you said in your speech at Wheeling. AVJIS to "find out the facts. " Your initial step Avas to appoint as your Secretary of Com merce your private secretary , Geor , B. Cortelyou. The Bureau of Corpora tions AA'as organized February 2J ( , 1'JO. more than nineteen months , more than ' eighty Aveeks exactly 5S3 days ago yes , exactly Five Hundred and Eighty-three Days ago. Will you kindly tell the country : 1. After these .ISC days cf supposed activity and official duty , hoAA' much more does the public ICIIOAV about the conduct and management of these great corporations than it kneAV. be fore ? - 2. After the e"S3 days of supposed activity and official duty , Avhat single Avitness has been subpoenaed ? o. After these oS3 days of supposed activity and official duty , AA'hat single Avitness has been compelled to testify ? 4. After these 5S3 days of supposed activity and official duty. Avhat docu mentary evidence has been produced ? o. After these "IS , ' ) days of supposed activity and official duty , AA'hat corpor ation magnate has been compelled to testify under oath as to secret rebates on freight charges or other acts of con spiracy in restraint of trade ? a. After these HS'j days of supposed activity and official duty , Avhat does tho public knoAV about the Avorl : of this bureau of publicity ? Is there a corporation in tho United States. Mr. President , Avhose affairs are administered in greater secrecy than are the affairs of your Bureau of Cor porations. Avhich Avas created to afford "Publicity in the interest of the pub lic ? " Does the public know any loss about the internal Avorkings of the Standard Oil Company , for example , than it does about the internal Avorkings of this Bureau of Corporations ? Yet in your letter of acceptance you have may I call it the magnificent au dacity ? to declare of inc act creating this bureau and of the related acts : The Congress that created the Bu reau of Corporations. Avhich. you say. has been administered "Avilh entire efficiency , " gave you tho unique , the extraordinary appropriation of $500.- 000 to enforce existing laAVs against corporations. What is your record in tho expendi ture of this money ? About $20,000 of it has been'spent for the purpose to Avhich it AA-as appropriated. The rest has boon lying idle in the Treasury for 583 days. 9 -I * * * Do you moan to say that you are in possession of all the "data" as to the "organization , conduct and manage ment" of the business of those corpora- tions ? It AA-as to collect such data that tho bureau was created. Do you mean to say that this infor mation , or so much thereof as you have required , has been "made publicas the laAV says it "shall be ? " It was to insure such publicity that you asked for this legislation. On the contrary , Mr. President , is it not true that not one Avord. not one syl lable , not one letter has ever appeared of that proper publicity about Avhich you talk so glibly ? But Avhen your Presidential cam paign began and Mr. Cortelyou had learned all he needed to knoAV of the secret business affairs of the great corporations , you made this Grand In quisitor of Corporations Chairman of your National Committee. And Avhy ? AYas Mr. Cortelyou a member of the National Committee ? Xo. Was he a member of any commit tee. State or local ? Xo. Had he any reputation or experience as a campaign manager ? Xo. Did the veteran politi cians of your party desire his appoint ment ? Xo. Was there could there be any reason for his appointment ex cept that he knows from "diligent in vestigation" the business secrets of these great corporations upon Avhich you depend for your campaign fund ? * * * * You will pardon a delicate question , Mr. President , but when the most in telligent Mr. Cortelyou goes out to col lect money for your campaign fund , af ter spending the night in your hospit able home , is it conceivable that these corporations do not assume that he rep resents in a peculiarly personal man ner the President of the United States ? Convincing1. Herman Ridder ( XeAV York ) I con sider Judge Parker's letter strong and couA-iucing. THE FARMER'S DOLLAR , What Providence Gave and What Congress is Taking Away. The people cannot be fooled all the time. Facts arc stubborn. Whip them aTmmd as you will , mask them , dis guise them ; they will , nevertheless , come out to bear witness to the truth. The Republican party seeks to I'ool the people. It has sought to mask facts , to disguise them. The Democratic party seeks to re place the facts before the people that they may bear witness to the truth. The people want the truth. V * * The Republican party claims that the so-called "era of prosperity" is due to the Avisdom of party policy in en acting tariff and other legislation. President Roosevelt has endeavored to portray "prosperity'7 by stating in his letter of acceptance that Avages have been increased during the last few years in greater proportion than the cost of living. NOAV , the faces refute ihe President's , statement. These facts are derived from statistics from records. They show that the increase in wages is twelve per cent. , the increase in the eost : of UA'ing is thirty-seven per cent. Therefore , before the "era of prosper ity" the man Avho earned $1.50 a day could buy goods as then valued to the amount of $1.30 ; during the "era of prosperity" the same man received for the same labor $1.G3 , but the same goods Avould cost him $2.33 ; or , putting it in another Avay , Avhere one dollar's Avorth of labor Avas worth one dollar's Avorth of merchandise before the era , during "the last few years , " President Roosevelt's years of prosperity , one dollar's Avorth of labor Avasworth seventy-one and a half cents' Avorth of merchandise. * a * The farmer , the hired man , the miner , the day laborer , the mechanic in every department of industry , the bookkeeper , clerk and shop girl to-day finds that "everything is dearer. " The rule admits of no exceptions. Labor receives its Avages in money. At the counter the A'aluc of the dollar Avhen it is to be exchanged for merchandise has shrunk in its purchasing power to sev enty-one and one-half cents , o * * It is a fact that conditions favorable to this Nation became apparent in 3S07 ; conditions Avliich to-day should have blessed farmer , manufacturer and merchant , laborer , clerk and me chanic. Even a Republican Congress and a Republican Executive could not Avholly mar the bounty of Providence. It is a fact that in 181)7 , by reason of the failures of the Avheat crop in the Argentines and Southern Russia , the harbors of NOAV York and IJoston Avere filled with vessels seeking Avheat for Great Britain and Europe. Wheat leaped to $1 per bushel. Millions in gold , the purchase money , floAved in to the country. The farmers bought mer chandise of all kinds. This started "the boom. " Factories and mills be came busy , railroads Avere choked Avith freight , and the labor markets were emptied of the unemployed. This Avas due to Providence that gave the coun try abundant crops Avhen all the earth , elsewhere , failed to supply breadstuff's. But the farmer working in his fields to produce this Avealth little thought that if Providence had come to his assistance by providing him high prices for his Avheat that his fellow man Avould exact higher prices from him for the merchandise he required. Yet this is what a Republican Congress did. By its protective tariff it shut the gates of the Nation to foreign compe tition , by its patronage of manufac turers it enabled them to combine , and so prices for manufactured goodswere advanced and imposed on the farmer. Thus by the tariff and trusts was trib ute Avrung from the farmer. * * Every farmer's Avifo knoAvs what ? he paid oight years ago and she knows what she is forced to pay to-day. Ev ery farmer knoAvs Avliat he then paid and AA-hat he now pays. If to-day the farmer sells his wheat , corn and rye. liis steer , sheep and hogs at a good price , it is no reason for his being compelled to pay higher prices for his merchandise. There is no reason , save that of the tariff and the trusts , that he should find his dollar is only exchange able for seventy-one and a half cents of the protected manufactured goods. Of course , a high tariff fills the Treas ury. ury.Of Of course , it takes much money to rebuild and refurnish the White House mid to rebuild and refurnish the Presi dent's yacht Mayflower but it comes n'etty hard on the American farmer : o reduce his dollar to seventy-one uul a half cents. ShoAvs the Fraud of It. How the tariff operates and the : rusts give our oAvn people the worst of it can hardly be better illustrated than in the case of steel rails sold in Can ada and the United States. There is a railway Avhich runs along the border betAveen the two countries , sometimes in its course being on this side and sometimes across the border. It is re markable that rails for use on the Canadian part of the railway are sold for $21 a ton , Avhile those for use on the American side cost the same road $28 a ton. This : - . the case of one road. The NCAV York Central is an other raihvay Avhich has' to undergo the same experience illustrative of the inequalities of the protective tariff system , and IIOAV it operates against the very people it proposes to protect. "Telegram" Not Fooled. The NOAV York Evening Telegram declines to be fooled by the absurd boastings of , the inspired organs of the G. 0. P. Not only does this enterpris- ing'and AA'ide-aAvake independent neAvs- paper refuse to credit these improb able yarns , but it actually prints a map showing the political situation as it appears to be to-day to impartial observers. The only absolutely certain Roosevelt territory , according to the Telegram , is New England and a part of the Middle West. Perhaps the Tel egram errs in not giving the Republi cans a better show on the Pacific Coast , but Avith this exception , its prog nostications may not be sn far out of the .way. ATTEMPT TO JUSTIFY President Koosevelt's Pension Order by Commissioner Ware. Commissioner of Pensions E. F. Ware undertakes to justify President Roosevelt's action in the matter of the age limit pension order , which is declared to haA-e been unconstitutional by the Parker Constitutional Club of New York and in contravention of Sec tion ! ) of Article I. , Avhich reads as follOAA's : "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury , but in consequence of appro priations made by laAV. " In the course of his argument in de fense of the President's action , Mr. Ware says : "The passage of the appropriation bill recognizing the validity of the order and A-oting the money to carry it out ended the consideration of the rem edies proposed. " That settles it , according to the reasoning of Mr. Ware , but the fact remains that it Avas an action Avhich he should not have presumed to take un der the power of making regulations for carrying into effect the statute of Congress. Congress had a right to en act that the attainment of a certain . vge created a presumption of inability. It Avas besought to do it and it refused. It has been Iresought to do it at every session since the disabilitact Avas passed , and it has not done it. The proper discretion of the Executive in making regulations was limited to car rying out the laAV as enacted , and did not include a regulation relieving the applicant from the operation of the law Avliich required that actual disability should be established by proof. Ac cording to The new regulation , disabil ity needs not to be proved , but must be assumed on an age basis , precisely what Congress has never sanctioned. BRYAN'S ATTITUDE , To Hasten Time For the Triumph ol Democratic Principles by Sup port ol" Parker. Persistent reports are being circu lated both Fast and West that Colonel William J. Bryan Avill not .support the Democratic nominees in the coming Presidential election. The latest of these reports is attributed to Chan cellor E. Benjamin AndreAVS , of Ne braska University. "At the present time , " Chancellor Andrews is quoted as saying , "there is every chance that Roosevelt Avill secure the electoral vote of Nebraska , that tho Republican State ticket will be elected , and that the Fusion element Avill dominate the Legislature and elect W. J. Bryan next Senator from that State. " In complete refutation of the sugges tion quoted above , one has only to read Colonel Bryan's attitude to the Na tional ticket as set forth in a ringing speech delivered by him in Missouri in the early part of the campaign , in Avhich he urged all Democrats to sup port the ticket faithfully. In the course of this speech , Colonel Bryan said : | 'I believe in the triumph of every righteous principle and I have such faith in the rightness of our cause that I ran not afraid that any policy in which AVC have confidence can be de feated by the election of a Democratic President , even though he may not agree Avitii us on all questions. If he will help us romoA-o the issues which noAV distract attention and prevent a consideration of economic questions. AA-O can await tho time Avhen the people- can again giA-e their attention to the industrial situation. You can hasten the coming of this time by your sup port of the Democratic ticket. " AGREES WITH PARKER ; Justice Brewer's Attitude in Accord With That of the Democratic Candidate. Mr. Justice BroAver. of tho Supreme : Court. Avill get into trouble if he keeps on talking as he did yesterday at St. Louis about the Constitution A\S. the Republican policy inthe Philippines. Why. he apparently taks the same view as Judge Parker ! This is in flat violation of the only common hnv that the President kno\vs the hnv. name ly , that good Republicans must swal low their convictions and support all that ho does. Judge BrcAA-or should remember that he Avas a Republican before he Avas a jurist. lie Avas not put on the bench to furnish aid and comfort to the Democrats. Imagine a Republican Senate ever confirming his appointment to the Supreme Court if it had imagined that he would balk at finding the LIAV for AA-hatevor the party Avanted to do ! The Justice. AVO dare say. Avould draAv himself up if any suggestion Avore made to him that he ought to be a partisan on the bench , and Avould ruffle in Lord Coke's style about doing "as bocometh a1 judge ; " ' but-he sho'ild understand that Aveare changing all that in those high-flying days Avhon a President announces that ho Avill pay no attention to any Consti tutional provision Avhich. in his opin ion , would reduce him to "impotence. " NeAV York Evening Post. TRADE JOURNALS PLEASED. Journal of Canicrce and Neiv York Commercial Gratified by Parlicr-s ' Letter. There are tAvo important daily UQAVS- papcrs published in NCAV York that are , distinctly devoted to the interests of trade aud commerce , and both'express , hearty approA-al "of Judge Park er's vioAvs on political questions , as'ex pressed in his letter of acceptance. Those papers are the Journal of Com merce and the NOAV York Commercial. " The former is independent in politics , but of Democratic leanings , so that what is has to say of the letter may nnt be as significant as are the utterances of the Commercial. Avhich "alsois nn independent journal , but Avith inclin ations toward Republicauisni. The Commercial expresses its appreciation of the letter , as a Avhole. calling it "dignified , temperate and conserva tive , and calculated to Avin recruits for the cause Judge Parker repre sents. " Referring to the candidate's hand ling of the" tariff and-reciprocity ques tions , the Commercial declares that "the Judge has dealt a stinging blow' at the Republican party. " - . : HOLDUP 60E , Fig res of Prices on Gjods Exporlei I iposs Kepubiicasi Protetioa Policy. 1'or a Republican paper the NPTT York Sun take a sensible view of tho recent large increase in the export of. American manufactured goods , for it declares that while the showing is en couraging , there is no occasion as yet to "point with pride" to the record. Great as tho increases are in certain cases , the Sun observes that in ione is the increase greater than tho sales of one good-sized concern. But the Sun omits to state Hint in some of the instances of Avhlcli it makes mention , the increase AV.IS lu& very largely to the fact that the g 1 < ? wore sold to tho foroiirn c. > nsum < r at much lower prices than our u ' < " at home have to pafor identical i'rti- cios. For instance , the Sun shows tli.it our export of agricultural implen-it3 has increased from $ . . ( ! fM.0i ( ) to Sll- 000.000. This seems at first tho'js'it a ? most extraordinary gain , but it is r.ot so Avhen we consider thafairricuitural implements made in this country are sold in Europe at from ton to twe'-ty- thrpp per cent , less than the can : " im plements can be bought for her. A ! churn , either cylinder or t'lormoir" ( r , is sold abroad twenty-three per 'lib cheaper than at homo ; a corn-shrl'or ' is sold abroad twenty per cent. i'hrf.p- othan at home ; grain mills ihor. e ) eleven per cent , cheaper : cultivators ( harrow ) ) twenty-three per cent.ap ! - er : cultivators ( handi. seventeen per cr'iit. cheaper. What is true of riri'i- cuitura ! implements is likewise 1'Mie of hardware , our exports of which. haA'o increased in A'alue by several mil lion dollars. American-mailo hardware of every description is sold to the peo ple of Europe at prices far below Avhat our o\vn people are obliged to nay. For example , snirit levels can be- ] bought in Europe thirty p r cent. ch"aprr than they can bo bouirht hrre ; tube scrapers can be hul abroad at wices averaging ilnrty-thrc prr < 'onr. less than the prices : : sked at hnmo ; au'zur bit sticks , twenty pnr ci : it. : drilling inn chines , fifteen per contrl breast drills , thirty-three prtr p : t. ; hammers. cro\vbars and s"eiltr : . < % 'av- on per cent : butcher sa\vs. thirtv-i've per cent. : spades and shovel * , thirty-i three per cent. : eairlo hor = e p'oxvs. Iwenty-iiA-o nor cent. : M. E. chilled plows ? , seventeen nrr cent. In our export of engines and bo'iers there has also been a laH'e inert . > e , but this is due to a considera" le ex-1 tent to the fact that ihoso nnd otl'eri articles comins : under-the. hend of ma- | chinery are sold abroad at prices livs betwof-n twenty-throe and thirty-j eiirht ] ) er cent. boloAV the prices asked j at hono. A ropresontative of { ho National ronuniit e miiflo an J P' ' estimate of the A-alu ° r.f a sin I'1 about to le shipped from Xow York I to South'Africa. Thij cnr o wa - jint on board l v tho finM of Funch. Evdej .t f'o. . of NPAV Yorkan I it co < Hie buyers in South Africa ? 212.M. ( T'IP same e.-ir'.ro. had it been sold to v rs in Nov.York , would have co t . ' 0-1" ) . Tinjs no a cargo of this one ] small S'tonmor ( of only : ? S70 tonsPC'S - ter ) .1 rebate of S,3.4Sl : * Avas made in [ fnvor of foreicrners. . ' In otiio ? ' words , owi'ig lo 1h lien n hiL'h tariff taxes. Avhich permit I tlie trusts to charge lifi ii prlc s to homo' consumers Avitliout fear of for-1 oign competition , this oho smnll C.TI r-ost Aiuorican consumers S. . " 1. orl 1.1.7 per p nt. more than iho THK S are ! crlad to sell thosame .goods for in huv-j ers on the other PMJ" of the gjobe. If , [ on a cargo of one little steamer. Amer icans aiv mulcted in su h m1 ano'inr.1 it is perfectly clear lliat in ti c.i of exnorts .runninir into tlie inllllv of ] dollars , tho money practically from the pockets of home consumer-si AA'ould betremendous. . No AA-ondor some people speak rf ' " \q\ \ Dingloy tariff"as the "robber tariff. " ii , Au _ i ui. Hypocrisy of a Nciv England II ° : wi > Jican Platform. For sublime effrontery and H'iM isIi- ing falsehood , Avould be hard to bt this , declaration which appear * .n the platform of the New Hampshire Re publicans : "Thf" Republican pany. since it Avas restored to power , has fought a su'cceahiul Avar with Spain It is a matterof .history that the Mc- Kinloy Administration did everythin In its power to aA-oid a Avar Avith Sj'.rn butAvas forced to rndertake It be- cause of. the popular agitation in faAOirj of it. Avhich Avas shared alike by Dm - ocrars and Republicans in and by the press of uoth parties. In its' inception the Avar was entijroiyj just. There Avere at least as many Democrat as Republicans actively ! engaged" in.it. aud the decisive at Mnnila and Santiago AVOIV struck by Dewey and Scliley. both of AvhomJ arii Democrats. - ' . .For Ayhat lias been tione in Cuba , ! Poftp Rico an'ci' the Philippine the war was bvaught to a MIc. . s-l'ul conclusion , .the Republican pany is ! welcome to 'a'ssii'me tfie respoii-il Ility.j These include the negotiation of a.1 treatyAvith , Cuba. Avhich has lr > lped to make theCubans our enr-iu.is ruth- orman our friends : the suby. < Ion of the Filipinos , AVJIO Avero strut ; : . . : > g Le- roicaily for freedom , and who > : ere our " allies "in drivingSpain from tlio Isl- and. " , the .trampling tuider foot of tLe Declaration of Indppeirdem- . ' . .i.d the buncoing of thepeople of Pio K > o , Avho arnow in a Avorse pl'i , . in. some 'respects taan : tbey v'r > A.-Leuj underSpanish rule. And to vim itl all up. the Republican party i > eniltled to Avhatever"credit it can get from the substitution. of ' . 'imperialism" for "con- stitutionalism" andthe addition of $000.000.000 to the oppressiveburden of taxation upon the American people. Governor Aycocl'c" Speatc. Governor Charles B. Ayi-o l : . ofj North Carolina , Avill speak in s veralj of the doubtful States tho iast tAA-o > J Aveeks of the campaign' . His time hasj been divided as fo'oAvs ! : West Yir-j ginia , October 24 , 23 : Indiana , October ! 20 to 20. inclusive : Connecticut , Octo- | ber ol , November lNe-w ; Jersey , Xo- | veinber 2 and 3 ; Maryland , November ! 5. He isr one of the ablest of Southern ! " ' " speaker's , , . .