Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 13, 1904, Image 1
* * . THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XIX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , OCTOBER 13 , 1904. NUMBER 39 Guns * ? 1 * ? * ? < ? As the hunting season is now at hand we wish to ? call your attention to our line ofsporting goods , including guns , hunting coats , caps , etc. We car- ry a complete line of ! guns , some of which are the ft * C. Smith , Stevens , Ithica , Hopkins , 4 ? t Allen , Forehand and Winchester makes , 49 all standard guns ; also , rifles and revolvers various 49 kinds , including Luger and Colt's automatic re 49 volvers , and the 22cal. Winchester automatic rifle. 49 49 49 49 We also carry the largest and most complete 49 49 49 49 49 Winchester and TJ. M. C. 49 49 Ammunition of all kinds. 49 49 ft 49 ftft ftft ft ftft MAKE US A GALL BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE & ft < j 43 | RED FRONT MERC. CO. jf S SEE THOSE Ladies' Suits and the best Dress Skirt on earth for $1.50. r A SixvPage Noiseless Slate given with each pair of Shoes. : b AND.CLOTHIEfi. 1 S ' f N S QrO lLf F rriownc. . Hardware , Furniture and Coal. 1 svw J3u2Zi FURNITURE , bed room suits , dressers , chiffoniers , ward robes , Iron beds strong and clean , spring couches and mattres ses , parlor stands and center tables , combination book cases and writing desks. Latest Designs and Lowest Prices. Guns , Ammunition and Hunters' Supplies. A full line of hardware , cutlery and stoves of best makes. A lot of useful articles that make house-keeping a pleasure. Come and Sec Xlieni Ibv Yonr-sell * Frank Fischer. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) PAID LN nl Banking b C. H. COBNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NTOTOLRON. fin shier. GET AT THIS YOUF Ceo Satiifv Yeu ta QitaUrv Pric * od V < wkconhip TALK OF THE TOWN John Adamsdn was in town yes terday. Ernest JBowden hauled in a load of oats yesterday. A. H. Stees and Wm. Erickson were in town the past week. Nels Rowley was in town on business the first of the week. The Donoher hotel has been treated to a fresh coat of paint. Geo. C. Bakewell was up from "VYoodlake yesterday on a contest case. case.Jake Jake and Aetna Brechbill. of ' Sparks , were in town yesterday with grain. J. W. Stetter returned from his trip to Wisconsin with horses Saturday night. Dr. Furay was down from Cody Sunday to attend the funeral of W. J. Rainbolt. John West enjoyed a few days outiog and hunting near Wood Lake the past week. Hon. Otto Mutz , editor of the Western Rancher , was in our city yesterday on business. O. C. Tread way , of the Chi3si Cattle company , was in town a couple of days this week. Wash Honey , Joe Pogue and several others were up from Wood Lake yesterday on a contest case. Mrs. Wm. Palmer called last Thursday while in town and paid a year in advance for THE DEMO CRAT. CRAT.Wm. Wm. Gulick and1 Andrew Ben son were in yesterday as witnesses r Mrs. Tryon in making final proof. Dr. A. N. Compton has gone down to his home at Honey Grove , Texas , to visit with his folks for a month. The cattle shipped "last week wrought good prices compared to the generally low prices for stock this year. Mrs.T. C. Hornby has returned : rom Chadron where she had been on account of the serious illness of ler brother. Mr and Mrs. Tom Hornby leave Sunday morning for a two week's stay in St. Louis to take in the sights at the fair. L. P. Priesman was in town yesterday selling his famous cigars and taking orders for Thomas D. Murphy's calendars. S. G. Campbell and wife made a trip out to Brownlee and were gone a couple of weeks but are back at home again in town. Archie Petty crew was getting better and was thought to be near ly able to be up last week. Later typhoid fever developed and he is dangerously ill. Martin Becker raised 500 bush els of wheat and 1000 bushels of oats this year. He hauled a load of wheat in yesterday which he sold at 90 cents. A. M. Morrissey went up to Deadwood Monday night to de fend C. V. Cook in his preliminary hearing at that place for the mur der of W. J. Rainbolt. Chas. F. Coffee , of Chadron , candidate for state senator of the 14th senatorial district , was in the city last Saturday shading hands ( with friends. Mr. Coffee is close- ' ! ly identified with business inter ests of tbis district and if elected : will keep a watchful eye on the interests of the stockmen of the northwest. He ought to get ev- < cry stockman's vote and he ought J to be elected. If the people will do their duty by themselves and , their families Mr. Coffee will be ] elected. The Ludwig Lumber yard sold 8000 cedar fence posts last Satur day to Messers. Sears and Thode , which will be used in fencing a pasture on the reservation. E. W. Ferguson , Jr. , and J.W. Ferguson , of Hartington , Nebr. , jcame up yesterday and filed on two sections of land south of Longpine. They called on the Editor to get acquainted. S. E. McAlevy was taken along to Deadwood with the prisoners as a witness.Several other persons arc subpoened as witnesses to go ! to Oacoma , S. D. , next month where the trial will be held. % James H. Quigley and W. S. Barker are having cement side- 'walks put down in front of their business houses to keep in touch with the onward march of im provements on Main street. Who's next ? Mrs. Geo. Hornby and Mrs. Foster left Monday morning for Lincoln where they will attend the state W.C.T.U. convention which is in session there this week. Mrs. Hornby will also visit her son who is attending Wesleyan university. Martin Becker called last week and paid a dollar in advance to THE DEMOCRAT and Jake Martin handed us a dollar for a year in advance last Friday. Lots of good men in the country but there aie none better than those who pay in advance. " Mr. Newman , a young man from O'Neill , was in town a few days ago to see about getting a house for his father and mother to live in , in town. He has taken a home stead west of town 15 or 20 miles and says his father and mother are coming to Valentine to make their * * future home. The weather bureau report for the week ending Oct. 12 , shows highest and lowest temperature to have been 82 ° on the7thand 37 ° on the 8th and llth. Precipitation on the 9th amounting to .11 of an inch. Winds of 25 miles and ov er occurred on the 6 , 7 , 8 and 9th. The average temperatures have ranged slightly higher as com pared with the normal. Catholic Church Announce ment. On Sunday next , an early mass will be said at seven o'clock a. m. Solemn high mass at 10:30 : a. m. Catechism class at 3 and evening devotions at 7:30 : p. m. Bailey Bill Dunbar is at the GS ranch. Tim Dye was at the Sellers' place last Sunday. Bad colds are with several per sons in this vicinity. Lester Goodin was home on a visit from South Dakota. Jesse West and Gus Gunderson were at the OS ranch Sunday. Geo. Seager went to Omaha last week with a car load of horses. The Diamond Bar received their steers this week from the A ranch. Geo. Heyne , Goodin Bros , and Jesse < West were branding recently. Ira Goodin , Geo. Weed and Chas. i Sellers worked the Snake country last week. J. W. Burtley and Frank Beed rounded up horses recently to brand and to wean. School commenced in Barley district Monday , Oct. lst } with Miss Marie Nelson at the helm. Metzger Bros. , Churn , Saults and Bishop & Young were on a roundup several days last week. WHO I AM. 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? I * 4) I * 43 fc 49 fcat 4 ? 49 49 49 49 49 49 Chase & Sanborn Coffees 49 I * 49 I * 49 15,20,25 and 40c per pound I * 49 49 49 49 49 49 ft * 49 ft 19 ftftfr 49 ft * * 9 49 49 49 4 ° Davenport & Thacher Large stock of Hamilton = = Brown Shoes. Just arrived. All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. MAX E. VIERTEL CROOESTOJS NEBRASKA [ Groceries ! The BEST for table use and at popular prices. Our Stock is Always Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens 3 Hay , Grain and Feed | W.A. PETTYCREW , ' GENERAL MDSE. < ? rrrrrrevriw rrrrrrrr It&AXl ! \ ? * K n wpl 4 < k * -l XXX FRESH FRUIT AND GAME } IN .THEIR SEASON. I I000I First clasj line of Sreaks , Roasts ? Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hreakfast Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. FRED WHITTRMORE. President. CHAKLES SPARKS , Cashier. J , W STETTEU , Vice President. ORAII L. BaiTTON , Asst. Cashier Interest paid on time deposits , Valentine State Bank , f Capital , S&5.OOO Valentine , Nebraska. Surplus , 81OOO Persons seeking a place of safety for their Office Hours money , will profit by investigating the 9 A. M. to 4 P. ai. methods employed in our business. . - . . - . - * - - - * * * . * jVfi rLftjYrkrtJVrfWW1 * * - - S CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. anned Goods Lunch Counter. Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. LunchCounter / Home Bakery Read the Advertisements.