The Valentine Demoeral VALENTINE , NEB. I. M. RICE , Publfshei 12 PEOPLE DEOWNEI TOWN OF WATROUS , N. M. , DE- STROYED BY FLOOD. Property Lioss Herious Floods in the Rio Grande Valley , Above and Below Albuquerque , Made Sev eral Hundred Families Homeless The town of Watrous , X.fM. , was de stroyed by the flood , and at least twelv < persons were droAvncd. Among thcs < \vere the three children of J. E. Stevens Felix Villirael , his Avife , two sisters ant several children and O. F. Porter. J. E Stevens and Avife escaped and have beer taken to Las Vogas. They are in a crit ical condition. Many persons wore rescued from tree ; and house tops. The greatest damage "vvas around the junction of Mora am : Sapollo Creeks. The rock crusher , tlu groat iron bridge and much track ai Watrous were washed aAvay. The Gallinas River formed a now chan nel at Las Vegas. In the Gallinas tin. dams of the Aqua Pura Company broke , bringing a terrific flood upon the city. The Montezuma , Hot Springs track went out in many places. Half a dozen bridges were destroyed and the Montezuma batL house Avas practically cleared aAvay. For two blocks on Bridge Street every Imsiness house was flooded. The big II- field brick store AA-as ruined and the biy bridge nmlcrmiiied. Gallinas Park is un 'der water , and tho trolley line cannot be repaired for tAvo Avooks. The race meet next Aveek has been de clared off. One hundred thousand dollars Avill not cover the loss to the town , and the rail- road loss is equal to that of recent floods in Arizona. From Santa Rosa comes a report of the loss of the great iron bridge of the 'Rock ' Island , and much track. Reports from floods in the Rio Grande valley above and beloAA' Albuquerque art ; coming in. The towns of Valencia and Los Leutes Avere practically Avashed away , and several hundred families are homeless. The river swung to the east , cut a DCAV channel , and poured a torrent through the two towns. No lives were lost. Ignacio Gutierrez , a commissioner of Sandoval County , telephoned that thy damage at Los Cordales and Alamoda above the city Avill amount to several hundred thousand dollars. There is one passenger train from southern California nt Gallup and another from San Fran cisco at WinslOAA % while the othcv trains from California are held at Albu querque. The officials cannot say Avhon tho trains Avill arrive or depart , and the traf fic situation is serious. Many foot of track is reported gone at Artiz. Cerril- los , rvaiuo. Thornton and Bernalillo , and above and beloAV Albuquerque at Rincon , Amarillo and Islcta. MANY TRAMPLED UPON. .Floor Collapses at Cornerstone Lay- itic : at Adams , Mass. While Rev. Thomas D. Beaven , Ro man Catholic bishop of Springfield , Avas laying the corner stone of St. Stanislus church at Adams , Mass. , Sunday after I Ii i I > ! noon a floor collapsed precipitating 150 persons into the basement. Thirty-soA-- pu people were so injured as to require medical treatment. Of this number the injuries of sixteen are serious and one case may proAe fatal. The others sus tained minor cuts and bruises. Bishop BoaA-on and several of the priests assist ing him were slightly hurt. Some 7,000 persons attended tho cere mony , and about 200 Avoro soatcd or standing on the floor AA'hieh covered the newly made basement. Just as the high- op was about to lay the stone a section of the flooring about fortyfeet square col lapsed , dropping twelve feet and carry ing Avitti it the bishop , the clergy and about 140 others. In the confusion that followed many were trampled upon and half suffocated. STREET CAR ACCIDENT. One Killed , One Fatally and Thir teen Severely Injured. A San Francisco dispatch says : Fred- prick Fcndsen. a bartender , Avas killed ; .Sergeant Barry Curron. of tho Thirteenth United States infantry , fatally injured and thirteen other persons scAercly in jured in a street car accident in the Kich- mond district Sunday. A big electric car of the Eddy Street line was coming in from the park and chutes , croAvded to its utmost capacity , many standing on the platforms. In coining down a grade the brakes of the car refused to work and the car acquired fearful momentum. .Fust as a curve was reached the motor- man succeeded in throAving on all tho brakes , and the car came to a stop with ! such suddenness that a large number of ' C persons Avere thrown off. Sioux City Stock Market. Saturday's quotations on the Sioux City stock market follOAv : Stockers and r , feeders , ? 2.55@3.00. Hogs , $5G2 % © O I * J Fire at Chilliuotlic , III. The town of Chillicothc , tAA'enty-tAA-o miles north of Peoria , Avas partially de stroyed by fire Sunday night. At mid night the fire was still raging , and it was feared the entire business portion of the place would be Avipcd out. Four Miners Drowned. While crossing tho Monongahela River in a skiff at Monongahela , Pa. , four Ital ian miners were ran down by the steamer Beauty pushing empty barges and were drowiiod , All thebodjes _ werp recovered. SERIOUS FLOOD AT TRINIDAC Loss Will Reach tho Million Dollai Point. A terrific flood struck the city of Triui dad , Colo. , and the whole A'alley alon ; the Las Animas River , devastating { Avide section and causing a money Ios : AA-hich at present is estimated at $1,000 , 000. So far as knoAvn there was no Ios : of life , but scA'cral are reported missing and there AAere many narroAV escapes. Every bridge about Trinidad is out the Santa Fe station is demolished ; al the railroads are tied up , and telephone and telegraphic services are completed suspended. More than thirty city blocks in the residence and business portions arc from tAvo to four feet under Avater alonj the river. The flood Avas caused by the heavy rain which had been falling for tAA-o days. Thursday night the storm assumed a cloudburst proportions , and at 2 o'clocli Friday morning the Las Animas RiA'ei AA-eut over its banks. At 3:30 o'clock it was impossible to get within a block of the river bed at any point , and Commer cial Street Avas flooded for three blocks in the heart of the business district. Meantime the electric and gas plants had been flooded and the city was in complete darkness. Hundreds of citi zens thronged the streets on the edge of the submerged district , carrying lanterns and doing their best to provide those driven from their homes with shelter. Warning of the flood was given when the river left its banks by revolver shots and the ringing of the fire alarm , follow ed by the blowing of all the locomotive and shop whistles in toAvn. Citizens up on rafts made of sections of sidewalks paddled through the streets rescuing fam ilies which Avere in danger. The NCAV Bacca Hotel , a two-story structure just Hearing completion at a cost of $20,000 , oil the river bank , was destroyed. The water then ate its Avay through fifty foot 3f ground to the Santa Fe depot , Avhich was carried aAvay. The Cardinas Hotel , adjoining , barely escaped a similar fato , an acre of ground being washed aAvay near it. FIRE CHIEF NEAR DEATH. Falls Through Floor Which Had Been Weakened by Flames. Nearly a quarter of a million dollars loss Avas caused by a fire in moat pack ing houses and refrigerating plants in Tenth Avenue , New York , Avhich burned steadily throughout the night before it was brought under control. The heaviest losers are the Cudahy Packing Company , the T. A. Wheeler Company , Conron Bros. , and the Ham mond Company. Fire Chief Crokor same near meeting death by falling through a floor Avoak- enod by flames into a cellar under the building. His baud Avas badly cut. MASSACRE IN MOROCCO. .w r * Governor of Arzilu and Many Towns people Are Murdered. Tangier , Morocco , advices state : The governor of Arzila , AVIO Avas the father- in-law of former War Minister Elnien- bhi , has boon murdered at Arzila by the people of the surrounding tribes. The murder AA-as committed out of re- ronge for the action of the gOA-ornor in imprisoning members of the tribes. The murderers released the prisoners at Ar zila and killed many townspeople. Great alarm prevails at Arzila. The authorities haAe appealed to the repre sentative of the sultan at Tangier to send assistance. HANGING IN CHICAGO. Prank Lewandowski , Who Murdered His Wife , is Executed. Frank LewandoAA-ski Avas hanged in the tail yard at Chicago Friday. LewandoAv- $ ki in a drunken rage cut his Avife's hroat and then his own because she vould not compel her son ( his stepson ) ! o Avork. The slayer hovered betAveen j , ife and death for weeks. Too poor to i lire a hiAvyor , he had one appointed by he court. Gov. Yatos twice reprieved lim Telegrapher Remains at "Work "Our trouble Avith the telegraphers has 'oen ' settled , " said General Manager Yard , of the Groat Northern Raihvay , t Spokane , Wash. "The road , aftor sov- ral conferences Avith the committee , has of used to grant any domand.s made by lie men , and all the men have kept on forking , making no further complaint. " Bride Killed by Fall. Married to the secretary of the first ice president of the Philadelphia Rail- 3ad three Aveeks ago , with their honcy- 10011 trip just ended , Mrs. Mary Landis let death by falling from tho third story C hor home at Philadelphia. She Avas ar- inging a lace curtain and lost her bal- nce. Did Not Sell Military Secrets. Herr Barkmeyer , chief of the confiden- al bureau of the Germania shipbuilding f orks at Kiel , has been arrested for ir- igularities in accounts. The directors S jsitively affirm Barkmeyer's arrest Av I. ) t made as a result of charges that he 0 ! id sold military secrets. isn Packers and Teamsters Agree. Differences between the packing house amsters and the packing firms at Chi- go , which refused to reinstate some of e drivers who went on strike in sym- ithy with the butcher workmen , Avere h : ljusted to the satisfaction of the coni- oi ittee representing the teamsters' union. in in opulation of British South Africa Capetown advices say that the census British South Africa , including Cape lony , the 'jransvaal , Natal , Rhodesia , SK gania , Basutoland and Bechuaualaud , CO res tlae Avhite population at 1,135,010 hsP d the colored at 5,198,175. P < th Forest Fires Destroying Timber. Reports from the Bitter Root ( Mont. ) est reserve say that fire is ravaging timber of the reserve , with great de- RJ uctiveness , despite the fact of the re- do it rajnfalL _ NoJves have been lost. SENATOR HOAR DEAD. Passing < ot Massachusetts' Gram Old Man. George Frisbie Hoar , senior Unite States senator from Massachusetts , dio at his home in Worcester , Mass. , at U o'clock Friday morning. The end folloAved a period of UHCOI : sciousncss that had continued since earl Tuesday , and came so gently that onl , the attending physicians Avere aAvare o the exact moment of dissolution. The attending physicians despaired o the senator's life six weeks ago , but sue ! was the vitality exhibited by the distiu guishcd patient that CA'en they were sin prised and the public Avas at times led ti cherish a faith in an ultimate recovery On Sunday last , howeA-er , all hope Ava abandoned after a last unsuccessful at tempt to administer medicine and nour ishnient. Brief lucid intervals Avere fol loAvcd by longer durations of unconscious ness until Tuesday morning , Avhen thi venerable senator sank into a state of co ma from Avhich all efforts to rouse bin proved futile. George Frisbie Hoar , senior senate : from Massachusetts , had long occupio ( a peculiar place in public estimation fo : his unique personality , his menta strength , ripe culture , Avit and incisive ness of speech ; for his subtlety and Avis dom and at times childish disingenuous ness ; for his slighting estimation of tin methods of politicians ; and for his su preme courage in attacking wrongs ant his stahvart pertinacity in his defense ol what to him appeared to be the right. FCAV members of the United States sen ate have sat so firmly in the seat of per sonal convictions of the right , even Avhon ovenvhelmed by the majority , for it nev er troubled him to stand against the en tire body , in himself a minority of one , in folloAving out the line of set principle. For nearly thirty years he played con spicuous parts in great events , chiefly as a masterly debater , an erudite scholai and a learned jurist , and through thorn all he kept himself unsoilod by partisan politics , and rounded out his actiA-enoss as innocent of certain debasing influ ences Avhich too often govern party lead- ers as though his entire years had been spent closeted Avith his beloA-ed books , tc which he has doA-otcd much of his time IMMENSE LAND FRAUDS. Conditions in Indian Territory Hun Statehood Fight. William M. Stewart , United States senator from Nevada , is at Kansas City. Senator Stewart is chairman of the sen- ite committee on Indian affairs , and in : hat capacity has been iiiA'cstigating thf and allotments question in the Indian Territory. In speaking of Avhat he had earned Senator SteAvart said that land 'rands in that territory had groAvn tc ; uch proportions that they Avould haAX i bad effect in the fight for statehood. "The Indian Territory , " he said , "is in i lamentable condition. There is no op- lortunity there for actual settlers. Spoc- ilators or laud grabbers occupy tho en- ire field. The Avealthy half-breeds and he intermarried Avhites co-operate Avith he schemers from the outside Avho Avould ppropriate. everything in sight Avith a ieAV of so complicating matters that hoy can prevent the restoration of any art of the territory cither to the honest ndians or to the Avhite settlers. " GIVES OVER A MILLION. tenerous Public Bequest ia Will of Mrs. Sarah Potter. i Public bequests aggregating OA'or $1- ! ' 00,000 , the largest being a gift of $250- 00 to the city of NCAV Bedford , Mass. , \ re contained in tho Avill of the late Mrs. arah Potter , of Boston , Mass. , Avhich us boon filed for probate. Mrs. Potter died last Friday at her inimor home at Beverly. To the Bos- in Medical library is bequeathed $150- )0 ) ; to the kindergarten for the blind at imaica Plains , $100,000 , and $50,000 to icli of the folloAving ; Harvard Universi- , Boston Home for Incurables , hos- ! tal cottages for children at Baldwin- ! lie , Mass. ; , free hospital for Avomeii S Brookline and the Massachusetts Col- ? t of Pharmacy. There arc numerous other public bc- icsts in the document. BOODLERS IN NET. dictments aro Ileturned by Buffa lo Grand Jury. A.S the result of District Attorney latsAvorth's investigation of the charges alleged "grafting" on the part of Buf- lo , N. Y' . , city officials , Alderman , T. lomas Harp , Henry Moost and Orrin Pierce and former Alderman EdAvard Boizor , Louis G. Roedel , Henry G. hnoidor and John C. Buson haA'o boon lictod by the grand jury. All pleaded t guilty Thursday and Avere released bail. iworful Torpedo 3Ienace to Ships CAVO torpedoes , according to San Fran co dispatches were lost last Friday > m the United States submarine boat * e , which has been experimenting in u Pablo Bay under the direction of ; ut. MacArthur. One has boon recov- d by Italian fishermen. The other ! still at large and may be exploded by passing vessel. Cigar Stamp Problem. i-fter a number of consultations Avith president , Acting Secretary of the asury Taylor , at Washington , D. C. , reached a conclusion in tho matter the customs stamp on boxes coutain- irnported cigars. No definite infor- tion is obtainable. For Commercial Congress. he official call for the fifteenth sos- i of the trans-Mississippi commerciaf gross , to meet in St. Louis Oct. 25-29 , been issued by Tom Richardson , of tlaud , Ore. , chairman of the execu- committee. Car Shops Close Down. lie Chicago , Rock Island and Pacific [ road Company has ir practically closed irF n its car and locomotive shops at Chi- irP . One hundred and P > fifty men were id outof work. STATE OP NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM. Charge Divorce to Busy bod ies Mai anil "Wife at Fremont Seek t Have Court's Decree Set Aside- / Interesting News Items. William Schultz and Johanna Sennits who were once husband and wife , file their petition in the district court at Frt mont Saturday asking to have the dt cree by which Johanna was divorce from William set aside. The petition rJ loses that they want to live togetbc again and Johanna says she would no have begun suit against William if it hai not been for the meddlesome acts o neighbors. William says it was the interference o bis neighbors which caused him to be come intoxicated and treat bis wife in i way which was not quite right and prop er. Mrs. Schultz began her first sui about a year ago. Summons was 'servei and a decree granted by default , when i appeared that the sheriff served the sum mous on the wrong William Schultz. Tin William who was notified to appear ii the action was living peaceably with ; wife whose name was not Johanna , am be paid no attention to the summons aside from telling the sheriff that he hat got the wrong man. When Johanna found out the situatioi she filed a motion to set aside the decre < which was granted , and then the sum mons was served on the right William and at the June term of court another de cree was rendered , which is the one botl parties now unite in petitioning the courl to set aside. FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE. .Thurgton County Farmers Arrested in Dakota County. Wm. Stanage and Bud Peterson , twc farmers of Thurstou County , living about ten miles south of Homer , were arrested by Deputy Sheriff John Kloster on Thursday as being fugitives from justice , on complaint of C. J. O'Connor , bank er. of Homer. When arrested Stanage and Peterson were in the act of driving thirty-five head of fat cattle onto the bridge into Sioux City to place them on the market. After spending the night in jail at Dakota City the men were taken to Emerson on Fri day by Deputy Sheriff Kloster and turn ed over to the authorities of Thurston County , where they will answer to the charge of attempting to remove mort gaged property out of the state. The cat tle were taken back to Homer in charge of O'Connor. Divide the Reward. The $100 reward offered by Acting .Mayor Brooks of Fremont , for the arrest and conviction of the assailant of Pearl Olson has been divided between Bert Shuttlesworth. E. Shaw and Ralph Chee- ney. The two former were the persons Avho kept Bailey in the operator's office at East End while Cheoney , the opera tor , notified the authorities. Shuttles- Avorth thought hp was entitled to the larger share , but Shaw and Cbeeney each considered himself entitled to a third. and it was so divided. The reward offer ed by the county Avill probably be dis tributed in the same proportions. Killed Under Load of Straw. Claude Fester , the 14-year-olfl son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Fester , living in Buckeye valley , near Kearney , was in stantly killed Friday afternoon by the JA-erturning of a load of straw which he : ind his brother , who is two years his sen ior , Avere hauling. The boys were com ing down a hill Avith the load when it dipped fonvard , frightening one of tho iorses , which began to kick and run. The oad was overturned , throwing the boys : o the ground and breaking Claude's icck. , , Newspaper Changes at Wayne. The Wayne Herald has boon sold by E. W. Iluse & Son to E. Cunningham t al. Tho Republican has been ab.sorb- d by the Herald and the Democrat , the atter getting its power press and tlio brmer the subscription list , and tho Rc- mblican Avill bo discontinued in tAvo or hree weeks. Editor Gibson Avill take tart of the plant and engage in business Isewhere. E. W. Iluse Avill retain harge of tho Herald for a few months. Found Unconscious in the Road Elbert Ireland , a prominent horseman f Hay Springs , was found south of Hay [ pings with his head crushed and right ide paralyzed. He was unconscious Avhen iscovered , and it is surmised he AA-as rh-ing and had got out of the buggy to lose a gate , when the team started , and e went after thorn attempting to get into le buggy , Avhcn the accident occurred. $1OOO for Husband's Affections In the district court at Nebraska City , ie jury in the case of Elizabeth Trudeau cainst Margaret Trudeau , gave a ver- ict of $1,000 in favor of the plaintiff , ho had sued for $5,000 damages for tho iienation of her husband's affections. he parties interested in the suit are > ry wealthy Germans Avlio reside in Ber- i precinct. Farmer Arrested for Burglary. John Edloman , a young farmer living n miles southwest of Beatrice , was ar- \ sted , charged with robbing the hard- " are store of Edwards & Bradford at His , which Avas broken into recently. e pleaded not guilty and was landed in il to await his preliminary hearing in fault of $500 bond. Farm Hand Disappears. A. farm hand , 22 years of ago , by tho ' me of B. H. Potcl , who lias 'been r > rking for Chris Zimmerman , near Pa- b llion , has disappeared and his where- o : outs are uukuoAvn. It is thought that AS is mentally deranged. A reward has S ( en offered for any information regard- C01 rr him. 01 ; . Two New Wells. "vilpatrick Bros , have just finished put- g down tAvo large wells on their ranch B st of Beatrice. One of the Avells is ci " > feet deep and flows a one and one- sr [ f-inch stream , while the other is 140 si it deep and flows a five-inch stream. cr Connor Identifies Assailant. ? he preliminary examination of Chas. ird on the charge of stabbing Police- st n Connor Avas held in police court at sh : mont Saturday morning. Ward inof ade4 uot guilty. Connor positively of ntifled him TWENTY YEARS FOR ASSAUL' Harold Bailey Pleads Guilty an < G'tH Limit of Lmw. Harold Bailey pleaded guilty in th district court at Fremont to the charg of felonious assault upon Pearl Olso and Avas sentenced by Judge Hollenbcc : to twenty years in the penitentiary. Bailey AA'as brought to Fremont fror the penitentiary , Avhere he has been kep since his arrest , Tuesday afternoon b Sheriff Bauman and driA'on at onco io th court house. Prosecuting Attorney Stin son read the complaint and Bailey an swered "Guilty. " Judge Ilollenbcck then explained t him the effect of his plea of "Guilty , ' and asked him if ho still wanted the pie : to stand. "Yes , " was his reply , "I wan to be sentenced and taken to the peniten tiary right off. I'm afraid to stay here. ' Judge Hollenbeck then sentenced bin to the full limit of the laAv. He Avas talc en.over to Lincoln Tuesday afternoon. The Olson girl is improving and ha : almost a-ecoveretl. ERRING WOMAN SUICIDES. Mrs. Krnek , of Ord , Shoots Herself at Beatrice. Early Saturday morning Mrs. Marj Krnek , a Bohemian , 58 years of ago , committed suicide by shooting herselJ through the right temple Avith a revolver , at Beatrice. The dead Avoman left her home at Hallam , Neb. , four mouths ago , in com pany with Joe Illavica , 21 years old , and Avcnt to the home of her sister , Mrs , Josie Bureyrin , at Ord. July 19 last the couple went to Beatrice , where they havii liA-ed together since that time. Saturday the Avoman's husband came to Beatrice at her request and had a controversy with IIlaA'iea. Immediate ly Mrs. Krnek left the house and shot herself. HlaA'ica has fled and has not been seen since the shooting occurred. BOUTS AND SPIKES DELAYED Drawback in Building of Sioux City , Homer and Southern. Rain is now preventing work on tho Sioux City , Homer and Southern Rail- Avay betAvcen Dakota City and South Sioux City. Rails haA'e been laid to Avithin a mile and a half of Dakota City and Avhon Aveathor permits a large gang of men is at Avork. Enough rails have boon received and unloaded to build the road five miles Avest. Five more ears of .ios are expected to arrive at any timo. rhf greatest draAvback to building of the road is in the securing of bolts and spikes , a carload of Avhich are on route. The combination gasoline baggage and passenger oar is expected to arrive from Kansas City this Aveek. NARROW ESCAPE. Child at Talmage Struck by ft comotivr , but Not Injured. The 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ritchie. AVIO reside near Taimago. Avas : .ruck by a Missouri Pa cific passenger train the other night and escaped Avithout serious injury. The child Avas playing on the track near hor homo Avhon tho engine struck her , the pilot throAving her clear off the right of Avay into a heavy growth of Aveeds. Tho en gineer saAv the cliild in time to slacken the spocd of the train. Tho train AA-as stopped and the child picked up and taken to hor home. She was conscious and Avas able to tell her name and Avherc her parents resided. Bloodhounds Liead to Neighbor. Jim Malone's bloodhounds Avere taken 0 the farm of William Jaeshke , seven niles north of Ravenna , to trail some non Avho have boon stealing and broak- ng up Jaoshko's machinery. The hounds ook the scent at onco and Avont direct to he farm of Carl Coffer , Avho , Avith his arm hand. Tony Worzok , Avas arrested tnd taken to Loup City. Each denied my knoAA-lodge of the theft , but several 'f the stolon articles wore located at he Coffer place. Way Locate Seminary Elsewhere The EA-angelical Lutheran synod of Ne- rnska has completed its session at Fro- lont , aftor transacting a large amount f business. The question of the reniOA'- 1 of theological school of the denomi- ation from Atohison. Kan. , to some thor point was discussed during several lootings Avithout any final action being ikon. Falls from Wagon to Death. William Koeshan , Sr. , an old resident Ajing on tho ouskirts of Albion , met 'ith a fatal accident upon the street i"ro. He had untied his team and imbed upon the hayrack on the wag- i preparatory to going home , when he st his balance and fell to tho ground , coiving injuries from which he dii-d nmediately. Burglars at DiUor. Burglars entered the hardware store J. O. Blauser at Dillor and carried vay about $40 Avorth of cutlery , includ- " g a valuable shotgun. They"also en- rod the lumber office of J. T. Briggs and e grain office of A. L. Tintsman , but ourod little of A-alue. bloodhounds were nt for to trail the thieves , Avho made oir escape. Storm Does Dama r . * A severe wind and rain storm passed er Oakland and vicinity Wednesday terncon , doing considerable damage" , ay and grain stacks were bloAvn down d the drying sheds at the brick yard M-O unroofed. A fine new barn , which d recently boon completed at a cost of .500. belonging to H. A. Preston , was v inolished. 1 : Burned in Gasoline Explosion. bu bt ilrs. Barnes , Avife of Dr. C. D. t ] t ] rnos. of Tocumsoh. was considerably mod about the hands and face by the e ilosiou of a gasoline stoA-e. Her'body s oiiA-eloped in flames and her clothing afire , but she succeeded in extiu- shing the blaze. The kitchen AVBS set b fire but the neighbors put it out. It Robbers Do Well. 'he grocery store of Emil Lan , at itrice Avas entered re by burglars , who se ed $275 , whicu had been left in the , e and cash register. The robbery is eiO posed to have been committed by h > - eiP' talent. There is no clew. P' ai Starts Fund for Silver Service. b : [ re.h'd Hostetter , of Maxwell , has dc rted a fund for equipping the battle- vs i Nebraska with the usual compll11 hi itary silver service , and the first dollar bj the several thousands deemtd an 7 is BOAT in the hands of the The county engineer law was declared unconstitutional Friday in an opinion jvritteu by Commissioner Letton , of the- supreme court. The suit originated in | Lancaster County. At a former hearing" 3f the court it Avas hold that quovir - ranto was not the proper remedy under the circumstances. At this hearing the question AA'as whether or not the law of 1003 , chapter 32 , page 280 , session laws of 1903 , by which tho county surveyor was made ex-ofi3oio engineer , is in viola tion of the constitution. The court * : iys it is clear that the act is a violation of I section 15 , article 3 , of the constitution , which prohibits the passage of local or special laws regulating county and town ship offices , and further provides that in all cases where a general law shall bo made applicable no special law shall be enacted. The act of the legislature which regulates a county oiilc * anil which by its terms limits its operation tot counties having a population of . " 0.000\ "according to the census of 1900. " the Y& court holds is local and special in its" f application , since it can never apply ta any other counties than the two which ] were in the class at the time of tho IIHSSJ age of the act. The act applied to caster and Douglas Counties only. j * * * Chief Clerk Harnley , of the oflico of the state superintendent is at Avorkj compiling the reports of the county su perintendents to be used in the biennial report to be issued from that office Nearly all of the reports for the year ending July , 1904 , have been received ! and AA-ill be ready for the printer by Nov. 1. The compilation of the report of thoj county superintendents for 1903 has ! been completed and is HOAV ready for tho ; printer. This report shows the cxpemli- tures for maintaining all Jhe public schools in the state during the year amounted to $5,3GO,130.73 , less $841- 907.17 , Avhich is still on hand. The great item of expense was $2,313.4 ( U ) . ! ! > paid to female teachers , while the male- teachers were paid $008,708.79. For buildings and sites there Avas paid out' $270,905.80 ; for text books and pupils" supplies , 193,739.03. There were act ually necessary 9.111 teachers and there Avere employed 1.490 men and 7,819 AVO- men teachers. The men received an av erage monthly salary of $52.03 and the women $40.84 or a general aA'orage of $42.G4. * * * * The report of the condition of the state banks at the close of business Aug. 23 , just compiled by Chief Clerk Dodson , of the banking board , is most gratifying. The increase of deposits OA-er the amount , reported May 14 is $2,282,130.92 and the1 increase over the report of Sept. 5 , 1903 , is nearly $1,750,000 , Banks held on the' date of the report a reserve of 37 1-5 per cent , which is 3 per cent higher than the reserve held May 13. The number of depositors has increased over the last report 5,344 , there being a total of 127- 570 depositors. Eight banks failed to , report this item. The number of banks ! reporting was 515 , the greatest number' since the organization o the banking board. * * * City Engineer Campcn , of Lincoln , aa.s been digging up a few figures for a jovemment statistician. He finds that ) n March 31 , 1904 , the city had a total" ) f 585,775 square yards of paving. Of : his there were 71,305 square yards of ) ld cedar blocks , 81,748 square yards of : isphalt , 421,329 square yards of brick1 ind 12,310 square yards of stone blocks. Since that date contracts haA-e been let 'or 36,000 square yards of paving , niost- y asphalt , and of this amount 13,000 quare yards go in Avhere old cedar locks have been taken up. * * * It is due to an oversight on the part f counsel for the Rock Island Railroad. Company at Plattsmouth that that corn- any will not be permitted to fight a udgment for $2,3G5 obtained against it or the death of Henry J. Heunings. ! uit was brought against the company y William Spoler as representative and ext of kin of the Henniags heirs and idgment for the amount stated was se ured by a decree of the district court in 'ass ' County of date Dec. 2 , 1903. d * * * Jas. Young , the colored race horse dri- sr who shot and killed Sam Winters at ie state fair at Lincoln , has been bound rer to the district court Avithout bond' i a charge of murder in the first degree , [ ax Wagner , who Avas shot at the same me , testified that Young had dis- mrged Winters and that the latter went i the stall in which Young Avas sleeping- settle up with him. When Winters ade the request for the money due him , . ragner stated Young said : "I shoot m , " and at once began to shoot. * * * Capt. Huugate , of the First regiment , ationed at Weeping Water , has made- ( plication and has been appointed to at- ud the military medical school at 'ashingtou , which begins Oct. 1. In all ere were seven applicants to take ad- ntage of the government's offer of a j ; e tuition in this school , but Capt. ungate is the only one Avho intends to ie advantage of his appointment. * * * Reports received from Kearney by the ite normal board are to the effect that > rk on the building is progressing nice- Three-fourths of all the blocks have jn made and are ready to be put in ; . Tho building has gone to that height ' tj it it is now ready for the joists for * s first floor. It is not probable , how- : r , that it will be completed this fall. * s * ? he state board of public lands and Idings has awarded the contract for Idiug the barn at the Hastings asy- i to Richey Bros , for $3,072 , they be- the lowest bidders. * * * 'he city of South Omaha secured a ersal in the case of Sarah McGavock , ' 0 sought in the lower courts to recov- taxes paid un'der protest. The South ; aha charter of 1SS9 allows taxes to be 1 before delinquency , under protest , rfves the right to recover the same k from the city if illegal. The court Ides that a person seeking to take ad- tage of this provision must bring jelf within the terms of the statutes paying the taxes before the wbola rant is delinquent , otherwise he can- recover. '