Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 29, 1904, Image 7

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    Japanese Dwarf Trees.
There lias been
a good
many rumors j
nnd theories as to bow tbe Japanese
dwarf trees are prepared in tbe first in
stance , but tins is a secret wbicb the
Japanese keep carefully to themselves ,
and even then it
is only known among
a limited number of families , who hand
it do.wn from generation to generation.
One account states that a little soil is
placed in half an orange from which
the inside has been removed. In this
soil is placed the seed which it is de
sired to grow. As the roots burst
through the skin of
the orange they are
cut with a sharp knife. The process
is repeated until the roots evince no
further desire to penetrate. The out
side of the orange is then varnished
with a secret varnish , and the young
tree planted in an ornamental pot.
Deafness Cannot He Cared
by1 local applications , as tliey cannot reach the
diseased portion of the car. There Is only one
way to euro Deafness , and that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness Is caused byanlu-
lUuned condition of the mucous HninK of tho
* ustachlan Tubp. When this tube gets inflamed
jou Davo a rumbling .sound or Imperfect hear-
, and ivhen It Is entirely closed Deafness Is
result , and unless the Inflammation can bo
taken out and this tube restored to Its normal
condition , liearinc ; will bo destroyed forever ;
nine cases out or ten are caused by Catarrh ,
which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of
tho mucous surfaces.
We will Kive One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that cannot
bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for ch >
culars , free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Bold by DrucKLst . 75c.
Hall's Family nils are the best.
Incontestable Proof.
Insurance Agent What are the proofs
of your husband's death , madam ?
The Widow Well , he has been home
for the last three nights. Smart Set.
TfK we f u rn lah the
l < Jhl hoat tfrnde
hand cream aeparator made. A big
separator with a capacity of 300
pounds or HO quarts per hour , ampla
for any dairy of ten cowa or lest.
Larger sizes of 400 or 600 pounds per
hour capacity , for largo dairies , only
ellghtly liltchrrln price. Guaranteed
the closest skimmer , easiest run
ning , BtronRCht , mojt convenient ,
easiest cleaned , preatcst capacity
and least liable to get out of or
der of any cream separator made.
separator la covered by our SO.
rear written binding guarantee ,
TESTS , conceded by experts and
dairy authorities everywhere , and
declared by thousands of users to bo
In every way superior to nny other
separator made. Guaranteed to acvo
the 25 per cent to 30 percentcrenm
that you now loss In tho skimmed
milk by tho old style of skimming
from tho pan and besides you have
tho swcciGklmmed milk for your calves ; saves all the
cream , all the sweet milk ; mrkeg moro aud better butter.
With this BeporalofyaVi will pet tlO.Od to 620.00 per year
moro from every cow , you will pet more Incomo from
* even cows ths.n you aro now petting from ten. and all
with one-half tho labor. Our 543.75 Separator is needed
by ovary farmer , whether you milk two cow ; or ten. You
will save tho cost of tho oeparator In a few months.
A BOY CAN HANDLE IT. Soalmplothat anyone can
operate It. no experienre Is necessary ; If you have never
seen a separator , no mctter. nny 16-jear old boy can han
dle and run It , tho Ideal machine for boy. girl , woman or
man to run , none of tho complicated , hard to handle parts
found In Other machines. Combines all tho good qualities
of all other hisrh tirade separators with tho defects of none.
TO ANY ADDRESS on 30 dry * ' trial , to convince you
Cut this ad out and send to us and we will send you , Frco
by return mail , postpaid , our Free Separator Catcloguo
with largo Illustrations ( pictures ) , of all our separators ,
parts , etc. , full description , special Inside price. "Wo
will send yon Our 30 Days' Free Trial Offer. Wo will ex
plain our Guarantee , our Quality Challenge. We will ex
plain why - > ur machine Is the beat. You will get our latest
end most marvelousliberal ! Cream Separator Offer , an
offer and prices never before known. Don't buy a separa
tor of any make , at any price , on time , on Installment or
for cosh until you cut this ad ant and send to us and get
nil wo will send you by return mall , POSTPAID , FREE.
If you own two or more COWB , write us at once. Address ,
Removes Tan , rimples.FreckJes ,
Moth Patches , Hash , and Skin
disc&scs , and every blemish
Lon beauty , and
lefles detection. It
i as stood the test
'of ' 66 year * , and is
BO harmless wo
taste It to be sura
Accept no counter
feit of similar
name. Dr. L. A.
Sayre said to a
lady of the bant ,
i ton ( a patient ) :
'As you ladles
will use them , I
'Gouraud's Cream'
as the least harmful of all the ekin preparations. "
For sale by all Prncgists and Fancy Gooda Dealera
In the U. S. , Canadas. and Europe.
FERD. T. HOPKIK3 , Prap'r , 37 Great Jones St. , K. Y , tl
Mrs.llrooks Became So "Weak She Thinks
Sho AVoultl Have Died But For
I > r. Williams' Pink Pills.
Mrs. Sarah L. Brooks , of No. 45 Lin
coln Park , Chicago , Illinois , gives the
following account of ner cure from dis
tressing spells of vomiting :
"For five years off aud on I was
treated in vaiu by different doctors for
relief from a stomach trouble which
showed itself in frequent and trying
spells of vomiting. Part of the time I
was able to work and again I would bo
confined to bed for three or four days in
"My stomach was at times so delicate
that it would not retain even plain water.
The spells would sometimes occur at in
tervals of half an hour , and would leave
me so weak that I would be compelled
to lie down between them. I would
have several of them during the night
following a day of such attacks. Finally
I became so weakened that I had to give
up working altogether. I weighed only
ninety-four pounds.
" Last January I read about Dr. "Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People in one
of the Chicago daily papers and bought
a box and began to use them. After I
had used half a box I found that I could
keep on my stomach the food I ate. I
was encouraged by this and kept on
using the pills for four months. At the
end of that time the vomiting spells had
ceased altogether and niy weightveiit
up to 142 pounds and is still growing.
" I think I surely would have died if
it had not beeu for Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for I sometimes vomited clear
blood , and for three or four days at a
time I could not eat a bite of anything.
One doctor said I had chronic inflamma-
fion of the stomach , and another said
my difficulty was a cancer , but none of
their medicines did me any good at all.
finally I concluded that I did not have
.blood enough to digest my food and I
began the treatment that has cured me.
I can eat anything now , and have
strength for all kinds of work. I always
keep Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills on hand ,
and I recommend them to my friends
because I know they cm-ed me. "
Dr. Williams'Pink Pills agree with the
most delicate stomachs and strengthen
the digestive organs until they do their
work perfectly. They are so'ld by all
druggists *
Punishing Crime in Korea.
Korea must be a nice place to live
in. Here is a list of penalties for va
rious crimes , according to Korean law :
Treason , man Decapitated , together
with male relatives to the fifth decree.
Mother , wife and daughter poisoned
or reduced to slavery.
Treason , woman Poisoned.
Murder , . man Decapitated. Wife
Murder , woman Strangled or poi
Arson , man Strangled or poisoned.
Wife poisoned.
Arson , woman Poisoned.
Theft , man Strangled , decapitated ,
or banished. Wife reduced to slavery ;
confiscation of all property.
Desecration of graves Decapitated ,
together with'male ' relatives to the
fifth degree. Mother , wife and daugh
ter poisoned.
Counterfeiting Strangulation or de
capitation. Wife poisoned. Liverpool
Blessed Be Business.
The ladies of the club were closely
grouped about the speaker of the aft
ernoon , a remarkably successful worn- ,
an , in whom commercial and literary
ability were admirably balanced.
"Tell us , in a few words , how to be
successful , " said one of the ladies , in
"To be successful , " said the success-
ful one , "all we women have to do is
to make as much of a business of our
own business as we do of the things
that are none of our business. "
Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Con-
snimption cured me of a terrible cough.
Fred Hermann , 209 Box avenue , Buffalo.
N. Y. , Sept. 24 , 1001.
Utilizing a Dunce.
"He doesn't know enough about , the
law to be a successful lawyer. "
"Well , let's make him a judge. " Chi
cago Post.
BTrs. WtaBloTT'a Boorzmra STBUP for
teething ; softens tha snms , r dneM inflaamatioa , si
laj-s pain , cure * wind colic. 25 onu a bottle.
To make pleasures pleasant shorten
them. Charles Burton.
We ,11 p y $85,500.00 In prizes to thoso who can estimate nearest to the total paid attendance at tho Great St. Louis
World's Fair. Tlus Fair opened April 30,1901 , and will close December 1,1K01. The paid attendance on opening day \ \ as c
125,714 people , during May the paid attondance vrns 512,028 , during Juno 1,2S2W3 ; , during July 1,511,753. Can you estimate tha
number of people who will pay admission during tho entire Fair ? s
FIRST PRIZE $25,000.00 SECOND PRIZE $10,000,00 THIRD PRIZE $5,000.00 3I 3I
Ocr prizes are the largest e > er offered in any contest , and arc divided as follows : I
Tc the nwrst estimate To the next 20 nearest estimates , J100 each 2.000.00
To the second nearest estimate. . 10,000.00 To the next 50 nearest estimates f.Veach 2.500.00 t
To the third nearest estimate 6,000.00 To tho next H > 0 nearest estimates , * 25 each 2,500.00 t
Tothe fourth nearest estimate To tho nextSOO nearest estimates , $10 e.ich 2000.00
To the fifth estimate To the nextSOO nearest estimates , tOeacli 2,500.00 f
Tothesixth nearest estimate = - . , To the next 1,000 nearest estimates , ii each l.WIO.OO
To the next 10 nearest estimates , $200 each 2,000.00 Supplementary prizes 26,000.00 c
ToUl S5,500.00 i
SEND IX YOUIt ESTIMATES AT OXCE. Jfot an estimate will be considered that is received in our offlca
ftrOctob rl5,1904. For each estimate e tend you a separate engraved and numbered certificate ith your estimate thereon. s
The corre.pondinc coupons of these certificates are deposited at tho time your estimates are made , and can be handled only by sd
the Committee en Awards , after the contest closes. sP
1 Certificate will cost 25 cent . P
> 6 Certificates II1 cost $ 1.00
' ' 12 Certificates will cost 2.00 I
U ) Certificates will cost 3.00
40 Certificates will cost 6.00 B
100 Certificates will cost 12.60
1000 Certificates will cost 125.00 f
Each certificate entitles you to an estimate. You can estimate as often as you wish.
SEND IX YOL'Jt ESTI3IATES WITH YOUK KEMITTAXCES. As soon u received w will ImmtdlaUlf
mala out your certificates and send them to j ou to bo reUined by you until the Fair is over. !
Rememl > er you are to estimate the number of people who
will pay admission to the grounds during the entire Fair. This !
MISSOURI TRUST COMPANY * ; does not include any free passes whatever. In order to rlp d
you estimate , we will state that the total paid attendance at
ClTITlIi 93.000,000. 8t. LcnU. Ho. . Hay 20.1S03. Chic , co World's Fair was 21,480,141 , at the Pan-American Ex
I' ) Tbli eertlflei th t The World' * F § > Ir Conleit Com- position 5,308,619 , and at the Omaha Exposition 1,773,250.
Binr. Incorporated. b s thU < JsT dcpoiited with thii
con/pary $75OOO.OO In cold * tor ( be payment MOHEr NOW DEPOSITED
ot tb nwardf in iti contest1 r
on tbe total paid attend
ance at tbe I/onisiana Por- We can notonch this prize money. It Is held by the a
cbate Expoiltlon. 1604 , and .Missouri Trust Co. for no other purpose than to pay these prizes
as soon as the committee on awards declare the successful
that laid deposit If held la con h
treat bf tbla company to bo testants. This committee has no interest whatever in the con
paid by it to iuch incceecful test , and Is made up of prominent business men who havo *
contestant ! at tbe committee Mlnonrl Tract Co. agreed to award the prizes , and your estimates are turned over I '
on awardi mar direct. of St. Leuli. to this committee before the Fair closes , insuring absolute fair * *
net. toetcry one interested.
OCTOBER 1BTH positively LAST I > A V. Not * penny will be accepted or an estimate counted after that date tin
ONLY A FEW DAYS REMAIN. Don't ubj ct yourself to a life-long rejret by falling to enter this remarkable tic
contest. Only m small amount Inve.Ud in our estimating certificate , may mtan that an Independent fortune Is yours. Writ *
( Today. Jlemlt by express order , postal note or re jittered letter. Don't send personal checks. , c
JHE WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST CO. , Debar and Adelaidt lies. , ST. LOUIS , MO. I *
i 0CT9BEK 1KTH LAJIT OAT. Pw't forget that j m ut enter the contest Ufor * that date or Dot at ] * . h
Dispersement of White House Treasures
Many people believe that the White
House has been irretrievably ruined
by the modern and garish way it has
been remodeled by President Roose
velt. The beautiful white marble man
tel over the fireplace of the East room ,
at which many of the fathers of the
'Republic had warmed and meditated ,
or chatted with visitors and statesmen ,
was torn out and sold by auction for
two dollars and a quarter. It was
rescued from a junk shop in Alexan
dria by a patriotic gentleman Colonel
J. E. Sickels , who owns a fine colonial
iflome near Washington , and it now
, 'adoras his dining room. Nearly all the
( fine old furniture that was so appro
priate to the old White House was sac
rificed at the same sale. A beautiful
sideboard that had graced the state
dining room and had held the dishes
and glassware from which diplomats ,
statesmen and their wives and sweet
hearts had eaten and drunk , which
was presented to the first President
Harrison , was sold to a saloon-keeper
for a trifle , and now does duty in a 7th
street dive. The beautiful chandeliers ,
with their thousands of cut glass pen
dants , which were imported from
France at enormous expense to the
government , were torn out and re
placed by the tawdry selection of a
modern gasman.
Many ladles when visiting tho White
( flouse to view these historic and price
less relics have shed tears when told
[ > y the attendants that President
Roosevelt had ordered them removed ,
Und they did not know where they had
been removed to.
President Roosevelt Is an iconoclast ;
he wants novelty and loves excite
ment. The memories of former great-
ness nnd the reminders of the great
men of the Republic are to him as
nothing. All these priceless treasures
of former days that other Presidents
have cherished and cared for have
been dispersed never to be gathered
Ship Subsidy Resuscitated.
The whole Roosevelt administration
seems saturated withe idea that a
ship subsidy bill must be forced
through Congress. The latest high offi
cial to attempt to coerce Congress is
Robert B. Armstrong , Assistant Secre ,1
tary of the Treasury. While Secretary
Bhaw and others of the cabinet have
veiled their desire for this robbery of
the people for the ship trust , they are
quite as strongly for a ship subsidy
Dr thcdr under strappers would not be
fleclaring for it. The occasion taken
by Mr. Armstrong to inoculate others
with this Republican policy of subsidy
was the national convention of the
American Institute of bank clerks ,
held at St. Louis Aug. 25. He de
clared that the upbuilding of the mer
chant marine was wormy of the best
thought and activity of nis hearers ,
and further said :
"Just why some of the American
people objected to government assist
ance in supplying American rolling
stock for a highway of commerce that
has been in existence since creation , I
am unable to understand.
"They had not objected seriously or *
successfully against government aid to
the transcontinental railroads , and he
asked why they should protest when
it is suggested that the government
help place upon the bosom of the sea
ships that fly the American flag. "
So we may expect if Mr. Roosevelt
and a Republican Congress is elected ,
to see strong pressure brought to boar
upon Congress to load up the people
with an enormous tax for Morgan and
his steamship trust.
Mikado Has Job for Roosevelt.
The Mikado of Japan evidently has
taken the measure of President Roose
velt and knows that It is not as a
statesman but as a warrior that he is
valuable. According to a special cable
from France to the St. Louis Post-Dis
patch a Paris newspaper says : a
"We have it from a trustworthy
source that the Mikado will ask Presi
dent Roosevelt , in the event of his de
feat in the coining election , to become
commander-ln-chief of the Japanese
armies in the field. "
The advisers of the Mikado have
doubtless come to the conclusion that
Mr. Roosevelt is to be defeated for it
President , or the offer would not have
been made , and that the President has
the offer under consideration is proba
ble , but will await developments
fore deciding. With Roosevelt in Man
churia there would be "something do
ing" : all the time , and if the Japs could
stand the pressure they would either fi
drive the Russians out of the East or
perish in the attempt. With Colonel
Roosevelt in command we should get s
some news of what was transpiring , , - ,
for It would be an insignificant news
paper that would not have a corre Icei
spondent on the spot , for the lid would
\ \
be off and no censorship to bedevil the
f <
Ship Subsidy to Be Revived. is
Of course Secretary Shaw directly Ic
represents the President in his public tl
announcements and speeches. When tlhi
he spoke at the banquet given by the hi
New York Chamber of Commerce last hia
November at Delmonico's , he was en a <
thusiastic for the ship-subsidy steal , If n :
no other way could be devised of in tl
creasing'the merchant marine. As the tlp ;
Junketing committee of Congress , a
headed by Senator Gallinger , has been 01
holding metings all over the country
on purpose to gather evidence in favor
of the ship-subsidy bill , there is no
doubt' that such a message will be
forced through Congress if money and
influence will do it. President Roose
velt has virtually indorsed the pro
gram that Secretary Shaw spoke of
with so much favor , and the only
means left to stop the steal is for the
people to defeat those who voted for it
Nearly every Republican member of
the United States'Senate is on record
as voting in its favor , and several of
them are candidates this year for re
election. The bill was not voted upon
In the House of Representatives. The
Republican majority there feared the
people , but it is claimed that a ma
jority are pledged to do so when it
comes up at the next session. Every
candidate for Congress should be made
to pledge himself to vote against a
subsidy bill in whatever form it may
be presented , and also that members
of the Legislature will not vote to re-
elect Senators who favored it. It is
bad enough to be plundered by the
trusts through the protective tariff ,
which is an indirect form of subsidy ,
but to rob the people directly by grant
ing an enormous subsidy to the Mor
gan steamship trust would be a crown
ing infamy that the voters should
\ird against.
"Where Part of the Republican Cam
paign Fund Comes From.
The attempt to throw dust into the
voters' eyes by the pretense that the
Republican National Committee is
short of cash , is hardly-consistent with
the report that the head lobbyist of
the Panama Canal steal has paid to
Mr. Cortelyou ? 400,000 that he prom
ised Senator Hanna if the treaty was
ratified. There was considerable con
sternation when Hanna died amongst
the principal Republican leaders as to
whether that promise to Hanna would
be kept , but the chief Panama con
spirator kept his word and came up to
the captain's office and settled like a
little man. It was also reported that
a large sum , said to be $200,000 , has
been forthcoming from J. Pierpont
Morgan as part of the bargain that
gave his firm the control of the Pan
ama payment to the French company.
The support of President Roosevelt by
the Sun , which is largely owned by
Morgan , is doubtless part of the same
bargain. Panama has been an un
savory mess from its inception and
does not seem to have improved in
flavor since it has been transferred to
this country. That President Roose
velt should be even cognizant of the
bribery and corruption is unfortunate ,
but that he is benefiting by it person
ally is deplorable. ,
Political Potpourri.
The Republicans want "the support"
of Wall street , but they wish Mr. Mor
gan and Mr. Rockefeller would not be
so effusive about it as to attract at
tention. |
Senator Lodge wishes he had al
lowed those reciprocity treaties to
come to a vote in the Senate and the
business men of Massachusetts would
take more stock in his present pretend
ed reciprocity sentiments.
Teddy has met the terrible Turk and
vanquished him without even a smell
of powder , and if some other country
does not give our navy a job there will
be nothing for it to do but come home
and dance attendance on the Four
Hundred at Newport
Flour has gone up one dollar a bar
rel , but the price of radium has de
creased one million dollars a pound.
Carroll D. Wright , of the Labor Bu
reau , will have to get out another bul
letin and show that living expenses
are stationary , for flour and radium
will offset each other , according to his
way of figuring.
There is great rejoicing in Delaware.
Addicks has announced that he will be
candidate until he is elected or dies ,
and that every Republican , "especially
the colored brethren , should register
and be prepared to vote. There is a
rush to register , but the voting will not
proceed very lively until the cash is
The Republican campaign book
might be called an official document ;
should be entitled to free distribu
tion through the mails under frank ,
for it was prepared in a government
department. It is a wonder the Re
publican National Committee did not
have the gall to print the book at the
government printing office.
The Filipinos may be getting all the
freedom they are capable of enjoying ,
but the Americans in the Philippines
would prefer having a jury trial in
stead , of being tried by a Spanish
judge. If the Constitution had fol
lowed the flag to the Philippines , the
editors lately convicted of slander
would possibly be enjoying more com
fortable quarters.
The Republican campaign text book
out , and for the asking anyone can
learn the real truth about Teddy and
the trusts ; how to have reciprocity
without reciprocating ; how the door
has been opened in China , but we can't
get in ; how honestly and capably the
administration has run the govern
ment without fraud or guile ; and how
the Republican party has put up the
price of wheat for the farmer and re-
luced the cost , of living to the balance
f us .
Mrs. Weisslitz , ' president " of the Ger
man Womans' Club of Buffalo , N. Y. , after
doctoring for two years , ' was finally cured
of her kidney " trouble by the use of
Lyclia E , Pinldhan/s Vegetable Compound *
Of all the diseases known with which the female organism is afflicted ,
kidney disease is the most fatal. In fact , unless prompt and correct treatment
is applied , the weary patient seldom survives.
"Being fully aware of this , Mrs. Pinkham , early in her career , gave careful
study to the subject , and in producing her great remedy for woman's ills
I ydia E. Piiiklmm's Vegetable Compound made sure that it con
tained the correct combination of herbs which was certain to control that
dreaded disease , woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetable Compound acts
in harmony with the laws that govern the entire female systom , and while
there are many so called remedies for kidney troubles. Jj.ydia E. Piiik-
liam's Vegetable Compound is the only one especially prepared
for women.
women.Read What Mrs. Weisslitz Says.
"DEAR MKS. PIXKHAM : For two years my life was simply a bur
den , I suffered so "with female troubles , and pains across my back and
loins. The c7 ctor told me that I had kidney troubles and prescribed
for me. Fo three months I took his medicines , but grew steadily
worse. My Husband , then advised me to try L.yclia . E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound , and brought home a bottle. It is the greatest
blessing ever brought to our home. Within three months I was a
changed woman. My pain had disappeared , my complexion became
clear , my eyes bright , and my entire system in good shape. " MP.S. PAULA
, 176 Seneca St. , Buffalo , K Y.
Proof that Kidney Trouble can be Cured by Lydia E. FMliain's Vegetable Compound.
"DEAR MRS. PIXKHAX : I feel very thankful to you for the good
your medicine has done me. I had doctored for years and was steadily
growing worse. I had trouble with my kidneys , and two doctors told
me I had Bright's disease ; also had falling of the womb , and could nofe
walk a block at a time. My back and head ached all the time , and I was
so nervous I could not sleep ; had hysteria and fainting spells , was tired
all the tune , had such a pain in my left side that I could hardly stand
at times without putting my foot on something.
"I doctored with several good doctors , but they did not help me any.
I took , in all , twelve bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound , five boxes of Liver Pills , and used three packages of Sanative
Wash , and feel like a new woman , can eat and sleep well , do all my own
work , and can walk two miles without feeling over tired. The doctors
tell me that my kidneys are all right now. I am so happy to be well ,
and I feel that I owe it all to your medicine. " MKS. OrAL STRONG ,
Dalton , Mass.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to health. Address Lynn , Mass.
FORFEIT it "wo cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures of
above testimonials , Trtiich will prove their absolute genuineness.
Lydia. E. PJnkham Mediclno Co. . tynn , Mau.
UNION Cioj KfCi fUHPfc CT < 3i FOR
MADE. * < < Wa J ' 5JJ C ? Bl xff d % & MEN.
W. L , Douglas mattes and sells moro men's
$3.5O shoes than any ether manufacturer
In tho world. The reasonV. . L. Douglas S3.CO shoes are tha
greatest sellers in the worcd is because of their excellent style. ,
, gjeasy fitting and superior wearing finalities. It I could sliovr
you the difference between the shoes made in my factory and1
those of other makes and the liiKh-grade leathers used , you
would understand why W. L. Doticlas S3JU ) shoes cot more
to makevhy they hold their shape , fit better , wear lonzer ,
and are of greater intrinsic value than any other S3.50 shoe
on the marktkt to-Uay , aud vrhy the sales lor the year endinz
Juiyl , 19 , were
TV. L. Donglas cuaranteea their value by stamping his name
and price on the bottom. Look for It take no substitute.
Sold by shoe dealers everywhere , fast Color uetts useJ
Superior in Fit , Comfort and TVear.
" I have uorn W.I Douylas J3.SO shoes for the last tuelte wars
uith absolute satitfaction. J find thrm superior injitcoriifort
and wear to others costinyfrom J5.00 to 17.00. "
B. S. JfcCUf ! , Dept. Cult. , L'.S. Int. Revenue , RichmondVa *
"W. I. . Douglas tises Corona Coltskin in his 93.5O
shoos. Corona Colt is coiiceded to be the finest
I'utcnt Leather made.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
iOc ,
sso DrtgjJstJ
w * * ' & &i < 4 $ if . : , .
The Theory.
"This health food doesn't do any
good , " asserted the irate customer.
"Perhaps you overlooked the first
rule relating to its use , " suggested the
"What's that ? "
"First got your health. You don't
reem to understand the theory of it
Youwouldn't get dog biscuit unless
you had a dog , would you ? "
"No. "
"Or birdseed unless you had a bird ? "
"No. "
"Then what are you doing with
health food before you get health ? "
"But if I had health I wouldn't need
"Well , that's your lookout. "
In 1880 the average New Yorker took
182 rides in street cars ; last yoar he took
115 ,
p * Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
I Lata Principal 2aMBtB r D.8. Paasjioa Bureau.
I 3 jra in el rll war UjtvasllcaUAK
j T71OK SAlVE Fine farm. 160 acres , price $600 ;
1 | JD casli $100. jfcilance ten years. E. F. Mur- ,
\ ] phy. Goodiiimi. Kansas.
S. O. X. U. No. 4C lOOi
, CURES catarrh of the stomach.
The bamboo sometimes grows two feet
in twenty-four hours. There are thirty
varieties of this tree ; the smallest is
onlj six inches in height , and the largest
one hundred and fifty feet.