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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
ttistorical Society VALENTINE CRAT. VOLUME XIX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , SEPTEMBER 29. 1904. NUMBER 37 Guns * 49 an 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 As the hunting season is now at hand we wish to 49 call your attention to our line of sporting goods , 49 including guns , hunting coatSj caps , etc. We car 49 ry a complete line of guns , some of which are the 49 . C. Smith , Stevens , Ithica , Hopkins , * Allen , Forehand and Winchester makes , H e ? all standard guns ; also , rifles and revolvers various r & * kinds , including Luger and Colt's automatic re- &fr volvers , and the 22-cal. Winchester automatic riile. JJ We also carry the largest and most complete line oi 49 39 49 19 Winchester and U , M. C. § 9 9 Ammunition of all kinds. 4 * 49 ft 49 ftft 43 9MAKE US A GALL BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE 4 ? ft 49 fc * | RED CFRONT MERC. CO.f * * . . * a-cf o a Q-r a- a- SEE THOSE , E Ladies' Suits and the best I Dress Skirt , on earth for $1.50.f \f \ A Six Page Noiseless Slate given with each pair of Shoes. § I TAILOR sin & { CLOTHIER. ' : ' r lor L ! ! ! < / ; IAN1' | 3 Hardware , Furniture and Coal.81 &a KH JN . , C : f ZU I " ' * M3 * 5 * " * * © * $ FURNITURE , bed room suits , dressers , chiffoniers , ward- | | ! probes , Iron beds strong and clean , spring conches and mattres-bd P M'S , parlor stands and center tables , combination book cases and 111 W& writing desks. Latest Designs and Lowest Prices. 5 Gims , Ammunition and Hunters' Supplies , if A full line of hardware , cutlery and stoves of best makes. | 3g ItzS - l ° t > ° useful articles that make house-keeping a pleasure. f | | Come ami Sec Tliem JToi Frank Fischer. Chartered as a StatD Bank Chartered as a National Bank Jun 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , FIRST IATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) of -XPITAL PAID ZN A General Banking | $35,000 , Exchange and j ! Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON. Cashier. GET ATTHIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE TALK OF THE TOWN M. Jelly was up from Sparks last Saturday. W. A. Bonser was down from Kosebud Monday. "Wm. Barker was down from Rosebud Tuesday. Dave Hanna was up from his ranch last Saturday. Peter DeCory spent several days in the city this week. Clarence Sageser is out on his 6-iO acre claim this week. Hugh Boyer was up from Steene precinct Tuesday on business. Ed Richards , of Kennedy , spent a couple of days in town this week- Yank O'Bryan sold a nice bunch of horses to J. W.Stetter last week. Robert Quisenbery hauled in a load of hogs Monday from his ranch. I Burgess Hartigan departed Mon day for a visit with his folks at Hastings. Theo. Tillson , of Penbrook , was in town the latter part of last week on business. John Hittle was up from Pen- brook last Saturday trading with our merchants. D. M. Sears and McKee broth ers were in town from Kennedy the 16th and 17th. Miss Sarah Simpson has accept ed a position as stenographer in the First National bank. * D. R. Piercy and wife , of Ken nedy , came in Tuesday and go to Omaha for a few days visit. Geo. W. McFarland and wife were in town from their ranch down the river last Saturday. Mrs. Claude Jones and baby are spending a few days visiting her uncle , W. F. Brown , this week. Dave George has been out in the ountry putting up hay for several weeks but is back to town now. Ed Pike and A. E. Green hauled in a couple of loads of wheat for the Minnechaduza mill Monday. ; ' " t W. E. Efner has had a cement walk laid around his residence. which is a great improvement to bis property. Miss Cunningham , a professionj al nurse from South Dakota , is caring for Archie Pettycrew dur ing his illness. t Jesse West and family came up from "Woodlake last Saturday and stsi.ved over Sunday in town visitr ing v. ith relatives and friends. t Ilarve Shepard purchased H. i Buttinghaus' dwelling house in the ] west part of town last week and i Monday of this week moved into it. ( Mrs. J. W. Pike who has been' out here visiting her sons near K Crookston , departed Tuesday of last week for her home at Milner- ] ville , la. J. A. Handy and family came from StXirgis , S. D. , last Saturday morning to visit Mr. Handy's brothers , Dan and Levi and fami lies , in this city. M. E. church services begin at 7:30 : p. m. instead of 8:00 : o'clock as during the summer months. Epworth League begins a half hour earlier also. ] i John A. Gee came up fromLin- coin , where he and his daughter arc living now , and went out to his ranch with Dan Sears to see about his stock the 17th. \ W. P. Conley returned Monday from Washta , la. , whither he had been called September 21st on ac count of the serious illness of his father who was quite old. He ar rived too late to see bis father alive * J Major Anderson has returned to Valentine , after an absence of over a year , during which time he has been with his family in Wash ington , D. C. , J. F. Geyer , from down the river , was in town last Thursday and called at our office to leave a fine sample of some onions that he raised this year. A. J. Wallingford was in town last Saturday , proving up on his homestead on the Snake river. Wm. Shelbourn and Robt. Quiscn- bery were his witnesses. Frank Grooms of Sparks was a caller at this office last Friday. He brought up several loads of wheat which he disposed of at the mill for 90 cents per bushel. Archie Pettycrew was taken ser iously ill last Thursday , the doctor pronouncing the case appendicitis. Dr. Brown , the attending physi cian states his condition is improv ing. ing.A. A. B. McAlevy and Mr. Piercy's son , of Kennedy , drove in 85 head of steers Tuesday which they ship ped from here yesterday to Oma ha , Mr. McAlevy and D.R.Piercy accompanying the shipment. M. Carr and son Thomas came t in Monday from Simeon to bring the former's daughter , Mrs. C. J. Underkoiler , and little boy , to the train for their home at Baraboo , Wis. , after a three weeks visit here. 1.N. . Garner , formerly of Mer- riman , came back last week from eastern par of the state * having sold his farm down there , and af ter a few days visit in town went back to Merriman Monday to see his sons and a daughter. A stock train was delayed Mon day ( all day about five miles west of town on account of the hind trucks f of the tender jumping the track 1 and getting crossways , but whether on account of defective wheels or track we did not learn. Walter Todd came in from the Hancock ] ranch to doctor his leg and rest up. He had the misfort une a couple of weeks ago while hitching } a team to a mower of be ing thrown back onto the mower by the team starting suddenly. He walks with a cane now. Mrs.V. \ . X. Bliss and two daugh ters went to see the former's mother at Belle CenterVis. . , rec ently. It had been 18 years since Mrs. Bliss had seen her mother. They enjoyed a delightful visit of -three wecta and returned in time for the children to begin school. Mr. Bliss has moved in from his farm near Crookston to school his children. A merry time was enjoyed at Sheriff Layport's last Friday night visiting and dancing. Mrs. Lay- port's brother , Mr. Ladely and dayghter and two nephews from Holt county were up on a visit last week. Two daughters of John Kime arc stay ing at Mr. Layport's attending school and Mr. Kcllcy's family came down to spend the evening so they throwcd out a few chairs and had a hop. Two weeks ago Monday , Ben Hobson missed a horse and it be ing right after a hard wind storm which drifted the sand in the road covering up old tracks , Mr. Hob- son tracked the thief up to H. Jay- cox's place and learned from Mr. Jaycox who had camped near there. He notified the sheriff who soon secured the horse and Geo. Thin Elk who is supposed to be the thief. The horse was brought to town last Saturday where Mr. Hobson iden tified it , and Mr. Thin Elk was in jail to await a hearing , 49 49 ft * 49 49 4 ? I * 49 49 49 49 49 49 4 ? ft * 49 Chase & Sanborn Coffees 4 ? 49 49 15,20,25 and 40c per pound 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 19 & 49 & * ft 49 49 49 4 ° & Thacher 49 Davenport & 49 Large stock of Hamilton = = Brown Shoes Just arrived. All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. MAX E. VIERTBL CROOKSTCXN NEBRASKA * * SltAAJAAtJl ! AAAJt j $ JLftAA Groceries ! The BEST for table use and at popular prices. Our Stock is Always Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. r3 ? CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP \ . FRESH FRUIT AND CAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roaste Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. FICED WHTITEMOUR. Tresident. CHAELES SPAKKS , Cashier. R J. W STETTKK , Vice President. OKAH L. BIUTTOX , Asat. Cashli'r , * { Interest paid on time deposits. Capital , S2. , OOO j : | Surplus , ! S1OOO Office Hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Valentine State Bank , Valentine , Nebraska. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. < T j > * 5C-c xy3 : ix * 2S553l ! ' 55SQ * CONFECTIONERY 3 Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Are now at their best and we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter. All you want to eat at our Lunch Counter Home Bakery _ _ ISSi . Read the Advertisements.