Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 22, 1904, Image 5

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    : :
. _ .
voro Local ,
Send in your order for printed
stationery to THE DIIOCIAT office
and get the best.
J. R. Hunter , of Sioux county ,
was a pleasant caller at this office
while in town yesterday.
The ladies of the Prcsb.y > erian
church will hold their annual
bazaar the first week in December.
The exact date will be announced
When you are hungry and want
a square meal : when you are tired
and desire a comfortable bed and
room. < r0 to the Valentine House.
Kates § 1.50 per day.
Members of the Christian Ed-
deavor will give a supper in tteth-
el hall , Wednesday evening. Oc
tober oth. Supper will be served
from 5:30 : to 7:00 : o'clock.
Wm. F. Brown , of Crookston ,
is going to have a sale of his per
sonal property Tuesday , the 27th.
We printed his sale bill in last
week's DEMOCRAT. Look it up
and go.
A number of Valentine people
Wont down to the post yostorday
to witness a gatue of ball between
the 25th Infantry boys and the
Dead wood team. Score 12 to S
in favor of Dead wood.
J. J. McLean , of Washington ,
D. C. , is here to take charge of
the weather bureau station at this
place. Mr. Barwick , the present
observer , will leave for Philadel
phia the first of the month.
The weather bureau report for
the week ending September 21st
show the highest and lowest tem
po rn lure to have been 81 ° on the
iSlh and 27 ° on tho 14th. There
has boon no rainfall during the
week which has boon to
tho ht.nuskers. ; . . We are now hav
ing Mo ; .Nuii wost Nebraska cli-
miio wiih oool night' ; : ind frosty
no rjiii j > buL the l'ro > tha.s not boon
injurious lo any vegetation that is
produced in this vicinity.
: J. S. > avigo iirtvnm' purchased
tli - Star Livory Barn of C. E.
Sliei man , has formed a partner
ship with Hammond & Bullistobe
known as the Star Livery Co. The
Star livery barn will be u ed ex
clusively for the livery business ,
and the Hammond & Bullis barn
will be used for a feed and sale
stable and will be known as the
Club Feed and Sale Stable. We
wish to thank the pubUc for past
favors and solicit your patronage
in the future , believing that with
our > plondui equipment we can
plou-i- . \ou and givo betterervice
than heretofore. Yours for bu i-
ne- > - , \V. B. H AMMOXD.
C. 11. BULLIS.
The marriage of Miss Clara Bell
Watson to the Rev. Chas. Wayne
Kay occurred yesterday ( Sept. 14) )
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. llanna ,
244U Y Direct , in East Lincoln.
The house was bpautifully deco
rated with white roses and carna
tions and smilax. The wedding
party entered the room , the bride
dressed in white , carrying white
roses , while Miss Lillian May
Beach played the march. The im-
pro.ssive ceremony was performed
by the Rev. J. A. Scamahorn , a
presiding elder of the Northwest
conference. There were only a
> few guests present , among them
boing < evoral members of the
"Wo. loyuM university faculty. The
bride ua a student in the e'ocu- '
tic-n dopartmont of the Wesley an
1-iM yo-ir and was popular at Uni
versity Place. She has occtipiod
prominent business positions , be-
juir ; ; bank clerk at Valentine be
fore coming to University Place.
Tho . * room is pa-dor of-lhe Mcfcho-
disl oiiiir-cii at Alliance and one of !
the trustees of the Wesloyan uni
versity. Those in attendance say
it was one of the prettiest wed
dings they had ever attended. The
happy pair started at 5 o'clock last
night uporrtheir wedding tour to
Denver and other points of inter
est after which they will bo at
horno to their friends in Alliances
Nebr. State Journal.
At $1.50 per day the best tabk
( board and sleeping acvomodations
in the c.ty can be had at the Val
cntinc House.
Jletliodist Ministers Assigned
Chadron district , D.J.Clarke , P.E
Alliance C. W. Ray
Alliance Circut A. W. Hardy
| Brownlee J. T. Ilajdesty.
Chadron E. E. Hunt.
Cody Supplied by B. Hunt.
Crawford Geo. D. Egner.
Esther A. C. Barton.
Cordon S. C. Stanhope.
Harrison To be supplied.
Hay Springs Win. Graham.
Hemingford C. H. Burleigh.
Lakeside Leroy Lyons.
Merriman To be supplied
R ph\ie ! ! J. A. Neill
Whitney . . . .Sup. by A.rf.Jenkin-
Longpine dist. , JulianP.E.
Ainsworth C. E. Connell.
Atkinson J. W. Deweese.
Basset C. C Luc -
Brocksburg , Sup. by F. Bacheld < -
Buttc L. W. I lo rton
Crookhton J. E Pai on -
Fountain Valley Sup. by Ai
Washburn , P. O. Newport.
Johnstown E. M. Kella
Longpine A L. Faint *
Isewport F. D. Addu
l\Torden T. E. Basseti
Simeon A. F. Cumbou
Springview H. Rohriy.
Stuart V. C. Daniel-
Valentine A. T. Carpenter.
S. A. Beck , missionary in Korea.
Matt C. Roberts , missionary in
Black Hills Mission.
A first class Table d hote break
fast , " dinner or supper for 50 cents
at the Chicago House.
that writes
use printed stationery. Ask to
our fine envelopes and papi r.
time is money.
don't occur so frenquently
and it is a guarantee to the
public that .you' re a busy man. r
Valentine , = Nebr. I
Haying is nearly a thing1 of thi
past for this season.
D. M. Sears made a busines
trip to Valentine last week
McKee Bros , spent several da\ -
in Valentine last week on busines- .
Dill Tripe was seen following
the mail carrier last Monday , bui
we don't know for what purpose.
Um. Stead man is driving
freight wayon and carryin r his ! '
and jjrub b ? > x alony the e ha
R. M. Faddis , of Valentin- ,
spent several days out to the rand
last week , lie reports every thin :
Mrs. Wilkinson was playin * .
cow boy last Sunday hunting en
tie. I guess.she found them all
If any short inquire of Ed Ric1--
ards as he was herding too.
Haying is all through , except
few who generally hay until nea
b Christmas , and everybody seem
tn have a good supply but no bu.\
or * around will make plenty
feed in this county this winter.
One of the Oasis high school
graduates bid good-day to tin
teacher and the rest of the scho
last Monday and when la t son
was going wost , we presume (
grow up to be a would be tough.
A stranger stopped at Ed-Rich
ards' hay camp a few days ago ,
looking for work. Ed sized him
up and offered him 50c per day.
If it hadn't been for Bill Tripe and
.John Peabody I guess Ed would
be running yet.
Complete Exhibition of island People and
Industries Covers Forty-seven Acres
and Is Independent of Larger SLow.
Not even In tho heart of Manila city
could there be found forty-seven acres
of Philippine territory as interesting as
that amount of space covered by the
Islands' display at the World's Fair.
Here is an expositionvithiu an ex
position , a little wheel that revolves
independently of the larger one encom
passing it.
Scores of buildings are filled with ex
hibits , native life is depicted by as
many different villages as there are
tribes on the islands , military drills are
given by Philippine troops , and con
certs are rendered by native bands.
For its amusement features the Philip
pine exposition has the humorous Igor-
rote , who dines on dog meat , and
visitors are entertained by Visayau
actors and actresses. Nothing is lack
ing to make the show complete.
The Administration building is a rep :
lica of the government olflces in Ma
nila , while the Art and Education
building reproduces in miniature the
cathedral within the walled city , even
the mellowed tints of age being faith
fully rendered. A section of the an- '
cient but still serviceable town wall
has been reconstructed to serve the dou
ble purpose of a gateway to the show
and a museum of arms and war relics.
The other main edifices are types of
Filipino homes , being built of undress
ed timber , bamboo and rattan , with
thatched roofs and broad verandas.
Then there are the tribal villages
nestling under the trees , some of the
houses perched high up among the
boughs , others on piles above the wa
ters of the Arrowhead lake , all of them
actual dwellings fashioned of native
materials by native workmanship and
illustrating the manners , customs and
pursuits of their occupants. Here are
women weaving a coarse cloth on a
rude hand loom , others making bas
kets , others tending irrigated fields of
rice. One group of men are in village
council , trying an offender according
to their tribal laws ; others are slowly
moving in a circular dance to the thump
of tomtoms and the clang of brass
gongs ; others , again , are smelting iron
by the aid of a primitive but most in
genious bellows , the constituent parts
of which arc a bamboo tube and an air
tight mop of feathers working therein
like the piston of a syringe. And these
are but a few of an almost endless va
riety of life pictures.
The ethnological problem is a some
what complicated one ; but , although
there are no fewer than sixteen races
represented among the village dwellers ,
the scouts and the constabulary , each
race speaking its own dialect and fol
lowing its own customs , all may be
roughly classified into four groups
the true aboriginals or non-Malays , the
pagan Malays , the Christian Malays
and the Mohammedan Malays.
The first are the dwarf Negritos , with
dark skins and woolly heads , wearers
of scanty raiment , proficient in the use
of the bow and poisoned arrow , a race
of nomads and forest dwellers , pagans
pure and simple. They live in their
own stockaded village.
Next to them are the Igorrotes ,
whose origin is traced back to the first
wave of Malay invasion. Here , again ,
we have scanty clothing , amounting
almost to nudity , but copper colored
skins , long wavy tresses , pleasant fea
tured faces and fine physiques , even
though the stature be small. Among
these pagan Malays are the head hunt
ers and the dog caters. They are sav-
nges , yet have their code of laws and a
knowledge of several primitive indus-
The Christian Malays , produced by
.he second wave of invasion , are rep
resented by the Visayaus. a tall and
jandsouio race , dressing well , living in
) retty homes , skilled in weaving , dye-
ng. basket making , hat making , wood
carving and other handicrafts , musi
cians of no mean merit , the one group
of natives who came early and thor
oughly under the influence of the early
Spanish settlers.
Very different are the Moros , who
swept into the islands from the Malay
peninsula last of all , bringing with
them their Mohammedan religion , also
a knowledge of gunpowder acquired
with the Koran from the Arabs fana
tics like their teachers , pirates , blood-
UUrsty , treaclieroua and vindictive
lows , ever atvar among themselves
and with the wljoU * outside world. De
spite their ferocity they are a clever j
race , dress handsomely , have their sul- ;
tans and their slaves and are expert
seamen , while long continued pillage
on the high seas has surrounded them
with many of the luxuries and conven
iences of western civilization.
The buildings of Agriculture. Forest
ry and Fisheries show all the varied (
natural products , also the extremely
primitive processes as yet in vogue ,
while in the Women's building we are
introduced to a number of native man
ufactures , including the beautiful fab
rics from the jusi , banana and pine
apple fibers. This information is collat
ed in the Building of Commerce , where
a unique and most effective method , of
exhibiting is followed. In one hall are
samples of all the articles produced for
export , among which manila liber , of
course , holds the chief place of prom
inence , while in a second hall are all
the manufactures from every country
that are imported and find a ready
market among the populace. Thus ihe
business man gets a dual lesson. lie
secy what he : an profitably tiie from
the islands , and also what he may
profitably send to them. When it is
added that a large number of represent
ative Filipinos have been brought over
to visit the Exposition and study Ainer-
can business methods and manufac
tures , it will be recognized that great
benefit both to the islands and to the
world at large must result from this
work of mutual enlightenment.
Prizes Aggregating $30,000 to Bs Dis
tributed at the World's Fair.
Never were musical events in Ameri
ca planned upon such an elaborate scale
as those of the World's Fair. A series
of concertsvil ] be jjiven by competing
bands in contest for prizes offered , by
the World's Fair. These contests will
take place in Festival Hall. Sept. 12
to 17.
Nine cash prizes , aggregating $30.000 ,
are offered for the successful bands.
The prizes arc divided so as lo give to
the organization scoring the highest
number of points $ u.2.jU ; $2oOO will be
given to the band scoring the second
highest number of points and $ l.oOO to
the one getting the third highest num
The above division is made for bauds !
in Class A , which consist of twenty
members. In the B class 910,000 will
be given in prizes first.1,300 ; second ,
$3,500 ; third. $2,000. '
Class C , which includes bands of thir
ty-five members , will enjoy the division
of $12,7oO. For the organization scor
ing the highest number of points a
prize of $0,000 iias been named. The
second prize is $4,000 and the third $2-
Bands employed by the Exposition
are not permitted to contest. All play
ers must be boua fide members , and
each musician must have been enrolled
ut least throe months prior to the date
of the contest. Each band must send
to the burcyu the name of its members
and a nominal entrance fee.
Festival Hall concerts by massed
bands will be given at 7:30 : each day
during the contest , in which all contest
ing bands will take part under the ill
rection of a distinguished conductor.
All bands entering must agree to play
one concert in addition to the compet
ing concert and massed concerts.
A separate programme has been pre
pared by the Bureau of Music for each
class , and each band will play through
the full programme of its class. Tho
numbers in all three programmes are
by eminent composers and are chosen
with the view of bringing out the qual
ities of the bands performing them. The
list of composers includes Wagner. Gou
nod , Offenbach , Verdi. Saint-Saens , Bi
zet , Strauss and Leoncavallo ,
TUKKS. Wnui,7l'S FAIR.
Unique California Map.
A unique exhibit at the World's Fail-
was prepared by the agricultural de
partment of the University of Califor
nia. It is a large map. so colored as to
show the character of the various soils
of the state. It gives a clear idea of the
situation and the extent of the arable
and untillable sections. In the locali
ties that cannot be cultivated arc
shown the Sierras , the lava beds and
the desert. The map indicates the lo
cation of the cultivable portions of the
mountains and Mohave plateau and
shows the nature of the foothills and
valleys of that wonderful state.
Look out for the dates of Dr.
Rome's , eye specialist , next visit. ,
First cla table board and fii t
class service for $5.00 per week ai
tho Valentine Bouse.
Bring your job work here.
If you want to sell your
i f * anch ,
List it with us.
3E3.oskl Sold.
Rock Co. State Bank ,
Peoples Bank of Naper OFFICE : One Door North
and Bank of Naper. of First National Bank.
222 South Peoria St. ,
CHICAGO , ILL. , Oct. 7 , 1902.
Eight months ago I was BO ill
that 1 was compelled to lie or sit
down nearly all tho time. My
r.tomach was so weak and upset
that I could keep nothing on it
and I vomited frequently. I
could not urinate without great
pain and I coughed so much that
my throat ana lungswere ravr
and sore. The doctors pro
nounced it Bright's disease and
others said it yraa consumption.
It mattered little to mevhafc
they called it and I had no dc-
siro to live. A sister visited me
from St. Louis and inked mo if
I Lad ever tried "Wino of Cardui.
I told her I bad not and sho
bought a bottle. I believethat
it saved my life. I believe many
Avornen could save much Buffer
ing if they but knew of its value.
s &pv
Don't you vrant freedom from
pain ? Tako Wine of Cardui
and make one cupreme effort to
be well. You do not need to bo
a weak , helpless sufferer. You
can Lave a woman's health and
do a woman's Trork in 1 ife. Why
not secure a bottle of Wine of
Cardui from your druggist to
day ?
Business Notices.
Notices under tills hiding 5 cents per i n
ui-b insertion. . \ HJI ! v . 'tn ; rimlcr. id.
r lint > eirb ini Ion. i
Try a dinner at the Chicago
Buy a 21 meal ticket for § 5.Ui
.fc the Chicago House.
Everyone is satisfied with meals
, t the Chicago House.
Don't forgot that the Bed Front
lerc. Co. carry a complete line of
it atingStovesEangps , Cook Stoves
tc. 35
Guitar and case for sale. In-
uire at the Chicago House.
Let Chef Stark prepare you a !
inner at the Chicago House. !
- 'or tta1.
Some good work horses , saddle ,
orses and some good young mares. ,
'erms ' to suit purshaser. Inquire.
t Bishop's livery barn.
23 W. T. BISHOP.
Way 8
to 'gYx
35 *
si ii(5
"ia ihe North-western Liae , will be !
i effect on Tuesdays , Sept. 20th , I
icfobet 4th and 18th. For ticket '
ncl full information apply to ag-
Qts Chicago & North-western R'j. j
Don'c forget that the corn htisk-
ig time will soon be at hand and
lie largest line of Corn Huskers ,
tusking Gloves and Mittens , Corn
Jiives and Hooks ; also , cotton- !
aunel Gloves and Mittens , Pine j
'arete. ' , , can be found in the hard-1
'are department of the Eed Front
lerc. Co. 35
2 ; ; < iiaaa : Ohio.
ria the Nor-lh-western Line , will be
old at very low rates on fotirTues-
uys , Sept. 13 , 20 , 27 and Oct. 11 ,
rnited to return within 30 days
mm date of sale. Forparticular
s to territory to which excursion
ickets may be sold , etc. , apply t"
< ? cuts Chicago and North-western
I'y. 354
Professional Cards.
The Loup Valle } Ilereferd Rt
Brownlee , Xebr ,
Prince Boubdel
13169:1 : and Curly
Cont 1122G1 : ir. head
of herd Tin * Mood
ol Fowler. Anxie'V.
ImlV iltoii itit'J Sir
Clnistote prctlnRU-
njift's in my herd.
I can till orders foi b'llls of all rs nr any
time. Hunch r-utr miles norlhet < > I
lee , Nebr.
C. II.
ran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton
orts bulk . . . .85 per cwf $10.00 too
.70c ' $13.00 '
Genevieve Adams Hewitt ,
Tcacliei * or Sinsriujj.
Scientifically correct method
velopment , deep breathing , articu
lation and tone poising" , correction of
defects in singing and speaking voice
Robert G. Easley ,
Office over Red Front
Valentine , ] Vel > vaslcn.
'City Deliveryman.
Trunks , valist-s and packages hauled to and
from the depot and all parts of the City.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency July
Hrd , , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 ,
Physician and Surgeon
ce at Quigley &
Drug Store Nights Tlu : Do - -
oho.r residence. Oh em l-sre < - .
County Surveyor
Valentine- VVomJ * a 8-
G. H. Hall , M. D.
Physician an < l Snrgoo .
A I calls promptly attended to.thi
or night. Drugs and Phar
maceuticals furnished.
Vt oocl Lake. -
Barber -
J rst-cvlass Shop in Every Respoot
K i de Quinine Hair Tonic , roidei : titar Tj : > ir
Tonic. H > rpcidf ? and ro' - ' < ; DaDdirfft 'Un .
i y Pompeian Face Massag'e'GreaM
Tubular wells and windmills.
From the Cronin ranch , 16'miles
west of "Wood.Lake , Nebr. , one
brown Shire gelding , ten years old ,
weight 1600 pounds ; one brown
Shire mare with btrip in for * ht > a ,
weight 1400 pounds , unbrandec ! .
Suitable reward will be given for
their return or for information
leading to their recovery.
Woodlake , .Nebr.
\VAXTED-Girl to helu wa- . ;
table for board uorii > al a : *
school year.