use of Royal Baking Powder is essential to the healthfulness of the family food. Yeast ferments the food. Alum baking powders are injurious. Royal Baking Powder saves health. . . . ROVAL BAKING PO'.VOEa CO. , NEW YORK. E. E. ( RUBE ) EOGEKS. > J. B. ( BritT ) BLANCHARD \ x. E. NEWT ) BKVSOX Omaha Live Stock Commission CAPITA ! , $20,000.00. Ecoms 141-14:3 1st floor Exchange Bldg. Long distance 'phone 1219 Eeferences : Union Stock Yards National Bank. We buy and sell live stock on commission. Solicit 3'our consignments and correspondence. Let us know what you have and \vhen you expect to ship. THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE EDITOR Mutual companies pay losses in full. discount I. M. RICE , Agent. NOTICES . Notice to Xon-'Resident Defendants To fharles Dodson. Lemuel T. Burd and Mrs. Ix-mucl T. Burd , 'lirst aim real name unkinwn ) : You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of August. 100-1 , Walter L. plamtiil.ha.s liled his pelitiou in the District Court for Clier- ry county , Nebraska , against you and each or 3-011. as defendants ; the nject and prayer ot which petition is to foreclose a mortgage exe cuted on the 2'jth day of S ptember , IW.t. by the defendant. Charles Jjods n to She bhouaiu-r Mortgage Company upon rne west-half of ihe houthi'ast < | iiarter of ect ! n 15 and the north- half ot thn northeast < | iiaii : r of section twentj- U > o. Township thirrj'-toui north and in range twenty-six , west of the tith P. M m Cherry coun ' ty. Ne'liraska. to secure the payment ot a. note for S400 00 dated September 2 , 1889. bearing T per cent intereM per annum from date : which said inortgiie and note is OM owned and held D\ the plainrill. upiui whldi tlier is due * 40 < U)0 ) ami 7 per cent interest per annum Irom March 1 , 1.SJJ1 , for which sum. and cost.of suit , plaintilt prays for decree that defendants foe requirtd to pay mid in nefault of such payment that sa'd ureir.- ispn be s-lil to eatiefy the amount ioumi due with interest and costs ot suit and such further relief as may be just and equitable. You are required to answer suld petition on or before the 19th day of Septe nber , 1004. i3 t 'ALl'liRL. &ELBY. 1'iaintitf , Order of Hearing and Kotice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Cherry County , Neb raska. HTATKOK NKBUASKA. . COUNTY OK UiiKituv. t To the heirs and to all persons interested in the estate of John C. Minor , deceased : On reading the petition ot K. J. Debel p ray ing a liiuil settlement aud allowance ol his ac count liled in Hiis Court on the 21th day of August 1D04. It is hereby ordered that \v\i \ and a'l pereans interested in said matter , ma'y. and do appear at the eonntv court to be held in and for saiiJ county on the loth day of September. A 10 o'clock a , m. . to show cause , it any there be , why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grauted.aml that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by pub lishing a copy of this order in the Valentine Democrat weekly newspaper printed in > ai ! omintv. for three successive weeks prior to said day of hiring. w.WTOwsE. 32 3 County J udge. Ortlor of HenrJnjr nnU Sfofireoii BVtit- iun for Settlement of Account. la the County Court of Cherry County Neb- raska. STATKOF NEi'.itAsrea ( . , COUNTv or CHEKHV t " To the heir-and to all persons interested in the estate of William A. Winder , deceased : ON reading the jetitijm of E. J.Delieil and Charles Riter pmying a tiiml settlement aud al- loTiano of their account tilfd in this cotut on tlic 24th day t.f August 1904. Itijhereb\ ordered that jou , aud all per sons mt rest > -d in said matter , may , and do. ap- pt-arat the L-onntv Court' < > be held in and fur said county nn the 10th rtiy of September A.D.1904 at 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause , if any there be. why the pi a ) cr ( > f the jetitioner Mio'uld not be granted , and thnL notice of the pendency of .said petition and that the hearing theieof be Riven to all persons interested in said matter bv publhliin acopv of this Order'in the Valentine Uemocrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for three successive ueeks prior to said day of hearing , \V R. TOWNE. 32 3 County Judge. ' IM-L'-A-K-S-Tabulcs JDoctors find % A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent package s enough lor usual occas- 6ions. The family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a supply for a year. All drucciof s spll rii in ( INCOUI'liRATKD. ) I/lve SStiH-U 4 ; < tniiuiHHionIXri UNION STOCK YARDS , so. OMAHA. NIJIJ. TO SRIPPKRSWo will be pleased to send v.iihour comr.liment.s our market re port or the .Journal-Stockman to all parties who contemplate shipping stock this season. Write to us and we will be glad to keey you posted on the market By good Fait- and courteous treat men our customers have be come our solicitnts. Shipments to us receive most careful attention. Give us a trial aud become convinced , Signed : JCALTO3 & \ High grade Galloway Bulls , 2 to 5 years old , for sale. Also two Thoroughbred's. For further in formation inquire at this office. 13 Round Trip Kates to Chicago Via the North-western Nine. - . Spec ial low rates are in effect to Chicago and return daily until Sept.30 ; also to St. Louis and return via Chicago , m one direction. Stop-overs at Omaha , St. Louis and Chicago. For full particulars apply to agents Chicago i North-western E'y. 314 * ALONZO HEATH Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left side , iior-i ses left shoulder. Range north of Cutcomb Lake U. G. Criger. Merriman Neb . Brand recorded No. 1087. Brand cut on si teft hip Range 10 miles south of Merri man on the Nio brara. D. Bray Roseoud S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut norsc brand same on th Mi A T DAVIS Postoffice address Hyannis , Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle on right side Range 18 miles north of H > anni A-ien & Sons Ft Niobrara. Brand registered No 870 Horses branded on lett hip Range , Niobrara river 12 milea east of Va D. A. Hancock Marshall , Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also 16 on left side with .on left hip of some cattle ; also S4G on right side. Horse brand , rake and 16 on left shoulder or hip. Z on left jaw Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east efFort Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska. A , Benson. Address Arabia Nebraska. Range North of Niobrara. river. Sawyer Bros. 1 ostofflce address. Oasis , Nebr. G. 1C. Sawyer has cl-arge of tin-so cat tle Horses I > o- ei t shoulder , nine MILLS BROS , Merriman , Nebr. \Uattle and nor- * ea oranded on leit side or shoul der. Brand register ed 10-JJ. Range I2mile3 southwest of Merriman on the Niobrara river. H A BUCK Postofllce addre Hyannis , Neb Branded on lelt side , Range eighteen miles north of Hvannis J. W. Stetter , Valentine , Nebr. Otherbrands : . ZX -r- Horses branded : j - < or on lelt shoulderO ; left thigh. Range on Boardman , Gordon , Snake and Sand Creek. P. II. Young. Simeon. Xebr. Cattle branded as cut on lefc side Some Q.Y011 side. " on left jav.-of V horses. Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon , Sandy Williams Slerriman , Nebr. Mostly on left side. Some on right side. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Creek , S , D. J A 3ATJLT3 PostoEci ; : Gregory. Nebr. Cattle on l hiii. Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand as shown below. St. Frauds Mission Pootoffice address : Crookston. Nebr , or Kosebud , S. D. Cattle branded as in cut , Some cattle in S D branded only on left hip. Range : North of the Minneeha- duza. Smiles west ot Crookston , and on Bull Creek. Any information regarding cattle branded as abo\v will be thankfully received by Win. Skelly. Crookston , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Rose bud. S. D. J. IS. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on righUiip Range on the Niobrara F.V. . Jersig Valentine. Nebr Cattle branded as shown [ in cut on left side , loin or ' hip. R-xnge between the ( Jordon and Snake south of the Niobrara river J R Wallingford Eennedy.Neb. Cattle branded same as cut ; also some branded on lefthip. P S KOUSCHS dress Hrownlee , Neb On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut oil' ; horses branded same on left hip. Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder , or JKorTVorO'VL ' , orO or FZ. Also the-following , the first one being on side andhip G.H. SeAger. Postoflice address Codv.'Nenraska Cattle brand'.d ns on cut on left side , hip dud shoulder ; horses same Range , Snako.Creek > J. J. Feck. Cody. Nebr. On both sides. > Horses CC on AGO left thigh. Range H f ad Pass Creek. S. D. Parmelee Cattle Co. Rosebud , S.D , Cattle branded as cut on left side with stripe under tail. Horses branded left thigh. Range on Soldier creek. Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anvv , here on cat- tie. Horses on left shoulder. Range- North Eli. F. T. Br.ack.ett Riege , Nebr. Brand Registered 0 1490 " Brand right side Dr hip Horses same on right shoulder Range , Niobrara 6 miles south of Kilgore Setli Gary. Merriman , Nebr. On both side and hip. Herd mark , dewlap , Horses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Creek and Little White River. C. W. Bennett Simeba Neb Stock branded with 7 on lett hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river FranK T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb , Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Browulee. D. M. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.lef t side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Chi Psi Cattle Co. Edward Lewis , foreman. Wood Lake , Nebr. Cattle branded as in cat on right side. Range : G miles east of Simeon on Crouin ranch. Roan Brothers \Voodlake Neb John Roan's piivtae mark , slit in left ear W. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Fharps Ranch and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgore C. II. Little. Merriman , Ne > r. On either side Horses same on hip. Also Range Lake Creek SD WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on lelt side. Horses branded on lefc shoulder. Range 6 miles south of Irwiu. JULIUS PETERSON PoetofDce adrircss Gregory , Neb Branded as on cut Rauge two ir.iies north of Gregory F. C. & M. O. Metzger. Merrimau Nebraska. Cattle branded on leftside ; Horses branded on left n Snake 35 miles so.ith of M rriman , Others angp 8 miles -rthwest of Merrimau. Charles Pilchards. an. Nch James Goodfellow. Cody. Nebr. Cattle branded on left side. Horses J3 on left Jaw. Range Between the Niotrara and Medicine Lake. N. S. Eowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left > side and hip , aud on left shoulder of her ses. AlsoijES ? on left side hip. : t on right hip and JV on leit side. Q on left hit ) of horses. p on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses , UJ on left hip of horses. R M Faddis & Co. Postoffice address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded 3on left thigh Horses onr ; left shoulderjj or thigh Some on leit shou Ider oren thigh. Some on right thigh or shoulder , 'JP GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara ver,12-miles south west of Cody Frank Rothleutner Postollice address KilgoreNeb. Cuttle branded on side as on cut same on bin iSome on left side. VA George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranee north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co G. W. McFarlaad Valentine , Nebr Oi Cattle branded as in cut on left side. side.Old Old stock Q Y Ranne : four miles east of Fort Niobrara , north and south of Berry bridge the C. E. Wnght. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand anywhere on right side. C. P. Jordan. Rosebud. SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also C.IBE JJ on right bip. Range on Oak aud Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of the e brands. Morey & Hewett. Gordon , Nebr. Brand registered 2292. On left hip of cattle. Horses same loft should ' er ; also 94. lelt side. Range south of Shake 35 miles se of Gordon. Robert Quisenbery Postoffice address Simeon , Nebr. left hip on V cattle. Horses same on right shoulder. Rauge on Snake Jos. Bristol Valentin . N.-l.r JJangr0:1 Nir > - brara iiwr four nn'es east of Ft > obrara. IIores and cat tip branded on 15 connected nn it hip or side as- shown ia cut : o Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S , D. Cattle tirande < : SOS on left side OSOonrightside Some cattle also have af on neck Some-with A or left Iionldcr and some branded \mh\ two baas across hind qnar iters. lei > 5 > br-inded SOS on left hip. Some catth tranued AW bar connected OD both sides an < - ofthir > of horse * Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. Ca Caft ft i < 1 of ! on WILLIAM FERDON. ' r * - . . i Vv . * V li l ) JOT COM * convuuoa o ( anyone uiiUwfuiiy handling cittie In thestj orands. John Sedlacek Valentine , Nebr. Cattle branded i on left hip. Horses srunf on eft shoulder. Some branded- on left shoulder Some > .g on 'leftside- ' Raim y miles southwest of Valentine on north side of Niobrara ritr. . PI1LKBROS Postofflce address Crookston , Neb Cattle branded PE on either hip or right side. Horses PE on left shoulder. . Range-On Minne- ealVofcrookTton3. SWEENEY BROS. PostoClce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed Si See block w Range Steve rBJ and Stephenson Lakes and South 5)1 S300 reward will be paid to anv person for information - formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with the //I / / FRANK MOGLE Postolllc address Cody. Nebraska On either side cattle herd mark left ear ft : cltPI'ed and rUrht ear split jhsrses > andod S ! on left sb otikter Rnge on Nio ara and ftlt'tlH'inef anyon D. Stinard Valentine , State Brand registered - istered ID54. Cattle and horses branded snme as cut on left hip. Range 2 miles east of Ft. Nio- brara , Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3itrtlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded ou any part < * * " ; al o the brands : jSff ( . , , . &MV. . , it. IS. am ! iyannis on B , & M. K. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BAHTIBTT RJODAKDH , Ellsworth. Nebraska. Metzger Broa. , ; Gregory Nel # Cherry Co Branded oc- lift side and tuigL. Earmark , s iare croy nghi ear H orsc s have same brand 011 l t thigh. Range on Gor don and Creeks , . IT ! brpafrt to any nrson for information leading to the nrrest and anal conviction of any peraou or pen > on < ; HIT CJttlo tjnth nhntra h-anr G. W. EEAMER. Gordon , Nebr. Cat fie branded on leftside 'a . c-it , K-inch by Brand regi-ero < j 873. inch circle . l-in ox Registered 876. Range-C xalles ? outh of Irw.n ouojiara n\er. KOSEBSRItY Postoffice address Pnllman , Uranded on left 5ij > ; icrses same Herd- nark-doubie d w-iap Rauge south astof Bri.sUHill A J PLJIER -I Postoffice address Hyannis. Nr-fo right bide and hip Also naveitoek richt side and hip Horses on right bio nge-Southwestarn uuuty Pu''man. Nebr Cattle branded JY on right side Hordes branded .JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward lor nay information leading to the rs- every of eattle from iny J.F. Swain. Sparks , Nebr. attic branded on side as shown cut. Range South Sparks on Xi ara river.