Of Cherry % D Keya Paha Cos , ,
, NE
Speaking and Singing.
Base Ball Game. Boys' Foot Bace , Boys' Pony Kace and
other amusements.
Address by F. M. Walcott and others.
Talks by old settlers of their experiences in Cherry and
Keya Paha counties for past twenty-two years-
Music and Singing. *
Matched Ball Game : Harmony vs Sparks. ;
Frtie for all Foot Race , 100 yards. , . - !
Eree for all Pony Kace , 14 % hands or under , % mile dash.
Free for all Horse Eace , Jg mile dash.
( Small entrance fee and good prizes. )
For the best exhibit of Wheat , 1 sack Elkhorn flour ; of Corn
1 sack Elkhorn flour ; of Potatoes ( not 1 ss than j bushel to be
shown ) 1 sack Elkhorn flour
For the best agricultural exhibit 1 sack Elkhorn flour.
Meals on grounds for 25c. Free hay and plenty of water. :
R. G. Easley has purchased a
building lot in the Thachcr ad
. I. M. Rice went up to Merri-
man and Cody yesterday on busi
The Weather Bureau reports
for ihe week ending August 2ith ,
that the highest and lowest tem
perature was 93 ° on the 20th and
43 ° on the 22nd. The tempera
ture on the 22nd may have .pro
duced very light frosts in low and
damp places , but if so , it was too
light to do any damage to the corn
crop. The rainfall during the-
week was .87 of an inch , making
for the month of August to date
2.7-7 inches. The greatest rahfall
for any August in 15 years was
4.82 inches in 1892. There have
been considerable high winds dur
ing the week , ranging from 27 to
33 miles per 'hour from various
directions. ' x
S'j'i vut' * rJ Ruirx Am n civ.
Private Harrison of Co. T of the
25thInfantry got gay at a sport
ing house next to the river Satur
day night and with one of the army
pistols took possession of the house
- and made several threats to shoot.
The proprietor of the place seem
ed tobe the subject of his abuse
principally , but contented himself
with striking two or three persons
over the head with his sixshooter
and shooting promiscuously about
the dance hall until he had the oc
cupants coming his way , so to
spearc. Complaint was made to
Lieut.-Ma pes of Co. I , and Mon
day a search was made for the re
volver , which Harrison claimed to
have given to a woman at the
sporting house. A sergeant was
dispatched for the gun which he
secured , but in returning was way
laid in the timber near the bridge
by liarrisdn who took the gun
away from the sergeant and came
up town ; ' presumably with intention - ;
ion of getting few dollars to i
- gefcher. and deserting the army.
Somewhere he nad changed his
suit for citizens clothes and when
city raarshall , Webb Hilsinger ,
discovered him , had tried to cash
a check ma'de ' payable to his order
but as he was not known he couid
not get the money without being
identified. Upon inquiry Webb
learned from the assistant cashier
that the man claimed to be Harrison
risen , and as Webb had received a
message from Lieut.Mapes to ar
rest a negro bearing his descrip
tion , Mr. Hilsinger promptly plac
ed him under arrest , intending to
hold him until the arrivalof Lieut.
Mapes , but as Harrison began to
get unruly and madeseveral threats
as to what he would do with the
marshal if he followed him around
too closely and finally when he
started across the street without
permission and probably with the
intention of making his escapp ,
Webb caught him by the collar
and halted him. Sheriff Layport
w4s standing just across the street
and thinking that possibly then
was trouble was looking toward ? ,
them when Webb motioned for
him to come over and upon the di
rection of the marshal started to
take Harrison to jail. Harrison
refused to go and being a large
strongman , Webb threw him down
and struck him a couple of jolts ,
which seemed to be a pretty good
coaxer. Up at the water tank'
Harrison got unruly again and
made resistance when Sheriff Lay-
port downed him with a lick in the
face. Upon reaching the jail he
was put in a cell and kept until
the arrival of Lieut. Mapcs and a
couple of sergeants , one of them
being the man from whom Harrison
risen had taken the gun near the
bridge. They had some difficulty
at first in pursuading Harrison to
go with them and after getting
down the road with him a ways ,
Harrison jumped out and started
to run. Lee Shepard was driving
the team , and , turning around ,
soon overtook the fleeing desper
ado. One of the sergeants ' -was
about to shoot him , but the other
taking advantage of the opportun-
I ity , struck Harrison over the head
with a gun whild he had his hand
down to his shoe , searching for a
knife probably. They brought
him back to the ( jail where they
got a pair of handcuffs which held
TJ _
him safe enough , though they had
trouble in getting them on him.
Harrison is said to be a desperate - ,
ate man and is strong. He made J
several threats of violence against
different persons and it is thought
that he will be put in a place of
safe keeping for some time.
Walter Cogswell Killed by a
Walter Cogswell and Tom Say-
ers were killed by a train at Ben-
clare , S. D. , last Sunday , August
21 , 190i , while attempting to cross
the railroad track in "front of the
train. Walter and Tom were at
the latter's home , who is a relative
of his , and started to drive to a
neighbors. When -they came to
the railroad track , which was
bordered on both sides by a huge
row of trees , they did not see the
train until it was upon them. One
> f the horses was also killed and
the buggy was broken to pieces.
Walter was a son of .Mr. and
Mrs. Cogswell of Valentine , and
was born in 1882.
The body arrived here Tuesday
n'ght. The funeral services were
conducted at the Harmony school
house on the north table , Eev.
Holsclaw , assisted by Eev. Car
penter , officiating. Interment
was made at the Harmony ceme
tery. THE DEMOCRAT extends
sympathy to the bereaved family.
Excursion Rat s to San Fran
cijsro a d Los iigelt-s.
Via the North-western Line , will he
in effect from all stations August
15 to September 10 inclusive , with
favorable return limits , an account
of K. T. Conclave and meeting of I.
0. 0. F. Suverign Grand Lodge at
San Francisco. Special trains , per
sonally conducted , leave Chicago
August 18 and 26 on itineraries that
provide stop-overs and interesting
side trips. Two solid fast trains
through to California daily. "The
Overland Limited" ( electric lighted
throughout ) less than three days
enroute. Another fnst daily train
j is the "California Express" with
j drawing room and'tourist sleeping
i cars. For itineraries and full information -
' formation apply to agents Chicago
& North-western R'y. 206
x ( Successors to E , Breuklander , )
General Blacksmitliing and Wood Work.
'Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
_ ' _ f _
- - - '
i <
If you want to sell your
Farm or
List it with us.
33iBt tto Sold.
Rock Co. State Bank ,
Peoples Bank of Naper OFFICE : One Door North
and Bank of Naper. of First National Bank.
Business Notices.
Notices under tills beading 5 cents per line
each insertion. Among reading matter , 10cents
per line each insertion.
A 21 meal ticket for $5.00 at the
Chicago House.
Wanted A dining room giil
at the Chicago house.
Buj "Eldorado Castor Machine
Oil. " For sale by Red Front Merc.
Co. 29
WANTED Girl to help wait
table for board during normal and
school year.
If you are wanting a first class
shot gun , a hunting coat or ammu-
niti'pn of any kind , call on the Red
Front Merc. Co. 29
A first class Table d hote break
fast , dinner or supper for 50 cents
at the Chicago House.
. .Foundon Wencel Schromm's
place , li miles south of town , a
pocketbook containing money. In
quire of Julius Schromm , Arabia.
Pianos and Organs with .a ten
year guarantee from reliable fac
tories , sold for cash or payments.
J. 0. BEATTY ,
13 ( At Gr. H. Hornby's store. )
Let Chef Stark prepare you a
dinner at the Chicago House.
If you want to see the latest in
pictures and picture molding , call
on the Eed Front Merc. Co. They
have just received a new lot pf the
above and are now able to make
any kind of frame you wish. 29
IFor & .il < .
Some good work horses , saddle
horses and some good young mares.
Terms to suit purshaser. Inquire
at Bishop's livery barn.
, 23 W. T. Bisnop.
Half Riste * to F iir at laiicnln
Via the North-western Line. Ex -
cursion tickets will be sold at one
fare for round trip , plus oOc for ad
mission coupon to the Fair grounds.
Dates of sale , Aug. 29 to Sept. 2 in
clusive , tickets limited to return
until Sept. 3 inclusive. Apply to
agents Chicago & North-western
R'y. 313
Program for county convention
of the W. C. T. U. to be held at
Cody , Nebr. , Sept. 1 and 2 , 1904 : :
THURSDAY , EPT. 1. ( Executive Meeting. )
3:00 p. tn. Devotional Kxerci-es. subject "Faith
Hope , " Mrs. Harriet ! Morey'le.u'.er.
3:10 p. in. jreportsuml Tlans
8:00 p. m. TemppjMnce Lecture , Rev. JeuMns ,
of Merrimtiu.
0:30 a. in. Devotiqiuil Meeting , subject "Grace
to Overcome , " Mrs. Fester , leader.
10.00a.m. Lo'lCall.
Minutes oUast Convention.
Appointment of Committees.
Repirt of County < iilic-rs.
Pajer , "Purity , " Mrs. Moon.
Discussion , led by Mrs. Pettycrew.
Report of Credential Ccnimittee.
Election ol OrilcerS.
2:33 : p. m. Devotional Exercises , "Fruits of tlie
Spirit , " Mrs. Wocdrnff , leader ,
3:00 : p.m. Repot ts.
Paprr "Purity in Literature and
Art , " Mrs. Jenkins , ot Merriman
Discussion. lei hy Mrs. \ \ est.
Papdr-'fHelatio.n of the Mother to
the Public School. " Mis. Nicklin.
Reports of Committees.
Secretary's Report.
8tw ; p. m. Silver aftdal
& 121-2Congro3iSfc.
PORTLAND , MAI-D , Oct. 17 , 1902.
I consider Wino of Cardui superior
to andoctor's medicine I over used
and I know- whereof I speak. I euf-
iered for nine months with suppressed
menstruation which completely prostrated -
tratod me. Paina would shoot through
my back and sides and I would have
blinding headaches. My limbs would
swell up nud I would feel BO weak I
could neb stand up. I naturally felt
discouraged for I neemod to be beyond
the help ot physicians , but "Wino of
Cardui came as a God-send to me. I
felt a change for the better within a
week. After nineteen days treatment
I mcnatruatod without suffering the
ngoniea I usually did and soon became
regular and without pain. "Wine of
Cardui is simply wonderful and I wink
that all suffering vromen feiew of its
good qualities.
Treasurer , Portland Economic League
Periodical headachca tell of fe
male -weakness. Wine Cardui
cures permanently nineteen out of
every twenty cases of irregular
menses , bearing down pains or
any female weakness. If you are
discouraged and doctors have
failed , that ia the beat reason in
the v.'qrld you should try Wine of
Cardui now. Kemember that
headaches mean female weakness .
Secure a $1.00 bottle of "Wiao o
Cardui today" .
prv y
> Meals : Lunches : Short Orders i
First " class meals at all hours , }
i <
day and /night. Oysters in <
season. Pies , -cakes , doughj j
' nuts' always on hand. j
E ; D. Cohota , Prop. 1
Contractor and Build
er in Brick or Stone
Valentine , - Nebi\
World's Fair Coach1 Excurs
ions ,
Via the North-western Line. Very
low rates to St. Louis will be in ef
fect on 7 dates , August 9,11,16,18 ,
23 , 25 and 30 , for coach excursions
to St. Louis via the Chicago &
North-western R'y.
Only § 16.60 round trip from Val
entine , Nebr. , return limit 7 days.
A great 'opportunity to visit the
World's Fair at minimum of ex
pense. Other favorable round trip
rates are in effect daily , with liberal
return limits , stop-over privileges ,
etc. Full information as to tram
schedules , checking baggage and
other matters of interest to the in
tending traveler on application to
ticket agents of the Chicago &
North-western R'y. . . . J294
If you want the best , self gener \
ating gasoline stove made , buy a
' Reliable. " Sold by Eed Front
Herd. Co.
The Loup Valley IJcrefcrd Ranch.
Brownlee , Nebr ,
Prince Boabdel
131C03 and Curly
Coat 112--01 at head
of lierd. The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety.
Lord Wilion and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates ic my herd.
lean till > r lers foi hulls of all ajjes at any
time , llaiitv lour miles north-west of Brown-
lee , Nebr.
Bran , bulk 75 per cwt 114.00 ton
Shorts bulk 85 per c-wt $16.00 ton
Screenings 70c itit $13.00
Chop Feed . . . .1.05 itit $20.00
Corn 95 it * 1S.OO "
Chop corn 1.00 it $19.00 "
Oats 1.20 $23.00
Genevieve Adams Hewitt ,
Tcaeliov ol"
Scientyically correct methodtof chest
develoJKnent , deep breathing , articu
lation and tone poising , correction of
defects in singinir and speaking voice
Chicago Koune.
Kobert G. Easley ,
e over Red Froiit
Valentine ,
City Deliyeryman.
rnmks , valises and packages hauled to and
from the depot and all parts of the City.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904.
Physician and Surgeon
Office nt Qnigley & Chapman's
Drug Store % Nights The Don-
oher residence Cherry Street.
County Surveyor
Valentine or Woodlake
G. H. Hall , M. D.
Physician and. Snrjjeon.
All calls promptly attended to day
or night. Drugs and Phar
maceuticals furnished.
Wood .Lake , - Kebraxka.
ReJgo ,
Tubular wells and windmills.
M. WILSON , . '
Proprietor of
Valentine Dray , . "
Will do all kinds of draying- , express
and freight work. Special attention
given to fine furniture.
First-class Shop in Every Eespect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Balr
Tonic , Herpiclde and Cokc'3 Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
Only * i *
Double * Track
Railroad 6 > tceirtt JIi t > oiirl Itiver
nntl C/ilr.affi > . : $ ' . " . .
Itreat tine tpjtfi fiaiii-Jlinneap-
olls. . _ . * .
Direct line'to''f'ack Hills.
* l > l > lll to ncetrt'ftt ayentfor nttex
map * atifl time crrrrfs.
< * rat Sorthcrii
at O'neill , Jfebr.
Going East , Going West.
Leaves ItetO n. m. Arrives U : ro p. m
Passenger , daily except Sunday.
'Mnneptiops * \\-ith lilkhorn trains f-asr au.
ret-bound from all. points' * vvst of ;
ljot-te."t route to Sioux City and Seyotu1.
Ti.roiwh connections r-T Sioux Falis. , linr.
r "is , St , Paul and all points inortu a o wvj ; .
local U kets to O'Neill \
Faeb Roasns , G , P. A.
BWra City ,1