Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 18, 1904, Image 2

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    The Yalentine Democra
X. M. RIOE , Publish *
Occupants of the .Launch Rushed t
One Side ami the Boat Was Ovei
turned Only Four oi * the Occt
pants Were Saved.
Ten persons were drowned as the rcsu
of the capsizing of a naphtha launch c
the Potomac River off GeorgctOAvn in tl
western section of Washington , D. C
during the annual Potomac regatta S/n
unlay afternoon. Four others also we !
on the launch , but escaped.All but or
lived in the city.
The dead are Andrew J. Booze , aboi
35 years old , a salesman , formerly f
Asheville , N. C. ; .T. George Smith , hn
been president of the Smith-PoAvell P :
per Company , of this city ; marriet
'Charles ' Herbert Coates , of McKecspor
Pa. , tailor , about 35 years old ; Job
. " \Valdman , Jr. , 20 years old , machinb
apprentice in navy yard ; William Smitl
about 35 years old , employe of the nav
yard ; Mrs. Lulu Dreyfuss ; Bertha Se
bach , sister of Mrs. Dreyfuss ; Hele
Ilizer ; Helen Moore , daughter of a prim
er at Washington.
The saved are Dr. C. W. Wagner , Di
C. A. Stewart , J. A. Woulfe , and Wi
Jiam Leader.
Tlie accident was the worst in the his
tory of Potomac River racing. Th
names of the launch was Recreation
owned by Drs. Stewart and Wagner.
During the first race the launch got ii
the Avay of the four-oared shells and it
wash was such that the oflicials repri
mandcd its crew and ordered them out o
the Avay. There was some shoAv of re
pentment at this order , and the launcl
headed for shore , but miscalculated it :
course , and striking the strong undertov
caused by a mill race , rocked for a mo
ment and as the passengers rushed to out
side turned turtle.
Only a few of the thousands that linec
the shore witnessed the accident , but tlu
police immediately set to work to re
cover the bodies.
Residence of a Mine Superintendent
Blown up at Austen , W. Va.
Unknown persons early Sunday at
tempted to kill Superintendent F. M ,
Horchler , of the Austin Coal and Cokt
Company , and his family by blowing up
the residence at Austen , near Wheeling ,
W. Va. , Avith dynamite.N The charge was
placed on the front porch , directly under
the room in Avhich the family was sleep
The explosion tore a large hole through
the floor and drovq a hole in the ground
several feet beloAV. The family all es-
capbd serious injury.
The employes of the Austen Coal and
Coke Company haA-e been on strike since
the 1st of January , and Mrs. Horchler
believes some of the strikers are guilty cf
the outrage.
Oue Man Killed and About Forty
Other Persons Injured.
One man was killed and about forty
other persons injured in a passenger
wreck on the Tennessee Central Railroad -
, road , ten miles southeast of Xashville ,
Twin. , Sunday. Westbound passenger
train Xo. 2 , from KnoxA-ille to Xashville ,
and in charge of Conductor AV. II. Re- >
( land , was making the descent of Silver
Point hill , Avhen a flange of a Avheol on
a tmck of the rear car broke , derailing
the two last coaches ,
, One of them turned completely over ,
and both Avere badly wrecked.
A 2-year-old baby was hurled from a
window down an embankment , lodgii.g
betAveen the car wheels , and Avas un
hurt Avhen picked up.
Rioting in Kew York.
Xew York : Demonstrations against
the non-union men Avho are taking their
places in the packing plants of Schwarz-
schild & Sulzberger and the United
( Dressed Beef Company were rencAved
Friday by the striking beef butchers and
.their sympathizers. Assaults on non
union drivers became general during tha
Forest Fire in Idaho.
A forest fire is raging in the heavily
timbered district south of Pierce Lake ,
an northern Idaho. People from Priest
River are unable to get through to the
lake and fears are expressed for set- '
tiers in that region. So far but onoi
death is knoAvn , that of a small boy , fa
tally burned near Newport , Wash.
Brilliant Marine Picture.
Six score of yachts , 104 of Avhich flew
the NOAV York Yacht Club's pennant and
five United States Avarships all but chok
ed the entrance to the Thames River at'
New London , Conn. , Sunday and made
a marine picture of great brilliancy.
Sioux City Ijive Stock Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
City stock market follow : Fat steers , '
$3.30 < go.45. Hogs , $4.75(0 ( > i.90.
Rapid Promotion.
An official bulletin issued from the Pe-
terhoff palace at St. Petersburg says he
.empress and the heir to the throne arc
.progressing favorably. The czarevitch
'has ' been gazetted as the ataman ( or
chief ) of the Cossack forces.
Three More Bodies Found.
A Pueblo , Colo. , special says : Three
imore bodies of the victims of the Eden
( disaster were discovered by the search-
jiug parties Saturday and all were idenTi-
jfied sqou after being brought in.
f * * * * tn
\ *
Mayor of Chicago "Will bo Ask <
to Take a Hand.
Mayor Carter H. Harrison , of Chi <
go , Avill be asked to do what he can i
ward settling the stock yards strike.
With all prospects of peace , or ev
peace conferences , gone , the retail me
dealers and grocers Friday night decid
in the present conflict similar to the i
to ask Mayor Harrison to take a i
:5tion taken by him in the street c
strike last fall. The street raihvay stri
was settled through his efforts.
At a meeting of the retail dealers F
day afternoon a committee of ten pt
sons Avas appointed to Avait upon t
mayor. ReprescntatiA-es of the strike
were at this meeting , and express
themselves as being satisfied AA'ith t
plan to ask Mayor Harrison's assistan
in the controversy.
Previous to the decision to reque
Mayor Harrison to intercede for peac
Cornelius Shea , president of the Into
national Brotherhood of' Teamsters , d
clared in an interview that there AVOU
be no more sympathetic strikes of tl
members of his union. He declared th
all the packing house teamsters on stril
would "stand pat , " meaning that th <
would remain on strike.
Mr. Shea's attitude is taken to me ;
that the teamsters' joint council Avill r
fuse to sanction any actual Avalkouts '
its members Avhen they meet Sunday
consider the matter.
A riot in crowded Fifth Avenue with
a square of the city hall , recalling tl
teamscers' strike tAvo years ago , win
missiles were hurled through the wi :
dews of office buildings , capped the c !
max of disorder in the stock yards stril
Friday. During the day half a doze
men Avere hurt in various encounter
and shots Avere fired dining an attack o
a trainload of strike breakers.
All told , Friday's A-iolence AA-as moi
widespread than in any previous tweh
hours of the strike , although no mob c
great size took part in any of the a ;
SeA-enty skilled butchers who 'struck r
Chicago are reported to have returned t
their former employers , Schwarzschil
& Sulzberger , to tftke the places of stril
ers in the plant at New York.'Other ' a
leged desertions of the union cause dm
ing the past tAventy-four hours are sai
to aggregate 319 men , all skilled butcl
ers , lee of Avliom are asserted to hav
been sent to strike-affected plants at 81
Joseph , Mo. , Omaha and Kansas City.
Officials of the labor union deny th
truth of the reports.
Heir to Russian Throne Arrived Fri
day Afternoon.
A St. Petersburg special says that i
son and heir to the Russian throne Ava :
born at 12:30 Friday afternoon. Th
empress and child are doing Avell. Th <
child Avill be chrir.tened Alexis.
The birth of an heir to the throne Avai
attended with all the ceremonial ordain
ed by imperial tradition. In accordant
with Russian LIAV there AVCI-C present , be
sides the emperor , Baron Fredericks
master of ceremonies , and Prince Dolgo
i-ouky , grand marshal of the court. Dr
Rott personally announced the birth 01
the heir to the aAvaiting imperial family
An imperial salute of 101 guns Avas
subsequently fired by all the forts around
St. Petersburg.
The christening of the heir AA'ill take
place in a fortnight. It Avill be a cere
mony of the most elaborate sort.
Inrkey Promises to Meet Uncle
Sam's JLJemands.
Smyrna , Asiatic Turkey , advices state
: hat the American squadron , consisting
) f the Olympia. Baltimore and ClcA-eland ,
irrived ther'e Friday morning.
Naoum Pasha , under secretary qf for-
Mgn affairs , called on Minister Lcishman
it Theapia , nine miles northeast of Con
stantinople , and reiterated the assurances
> f the government regarding a speedy
ind favorable reply to the demands touch-
ng the rights of American citizens in
turkey. '
Subsequently the secretary of the pal-
ice and minister of mines had a long
nterview Avith Lcishman for the purpose
if determining upon the text of a reply
vhich may prove acceptable to America.
A Determined Suicide.
After three attempts at suicide , Thos.
Duffy , a transient telegrapher , at Faro -
; o , X. D. , was successful. The first ef-
ort , by cutting an artery in both wrists ,
ras a failure. The second effort , by
langing , was no more successful , and
nally he tied his suspenders around his
eck , stood on a chair andtied a knot ,
round the steam pipe , kicked the chair
ut of his Avay and soon strangled to
Colorado Miner Shoots.
At Cripple Creek , Colo. , a committee
f five AA-ent to the house of George
heidt Wednesday night for the purpose
t deporting him. After the" men gained
utrauce to the house Shcidt began shoot-
ig at them. A dozen shots were ex-
lianged , but no one was Avounded. ,
Cleveland Cloakmakers to Strike.
Two thousand cloakmakers , employed
i seventeen shops throughout Cleveland ,
' . , have voted to go on strike to enforce
demand for an increase in wages and
osed shop.
No Settlement Near.
Shooting followed an attack on a LaJce
here train carrying a large number of
rike breakers from their homes to work
: the Chicago stock yards. Windows
ere broken and a number of occupants
ruck by lying missiles.
Wheat Takes Tumble.
Persistent profit taking and less dam-
jing crop advices caused wheat to fall
&c on the board of trade at Chicago
riday. September sold from $1.0 14 to
. .01 % , closing at ?
Bursting Dam Carries Death
A special to the Ralicgh , N. C. ,
and Observer from Salisbury , X. (
says :
"Information has been received he
that the Baringer Gold mine , , locat
near Gold Hill , X. C. , Rowan Count
Avas suddenly flooded with water la
Thursday afternoon , causing the dea
of eight men employed in the mine.
The dead are Will Canup , Will Sti
AAalt , Joseph Magrum , Bob Deberr
Sam Price and three others , Avhose nam
are not obtainable.
Xine men Avere in the mine shaft AVK
the dam of a large pond located nei
the entrance to the mine gave way b
cause of excessive rains , the Avaters rus
ing in upon tlie men.
Thomas Moyl , manager of the plar
was the only one to escape death.
The mine is filled Avith Avater , and noi
of the dead bodies has yet been reco
An unusual doAvnpour of rain was r
ported in theAicinity of the mine Thur
day afternoon , doing much damage
The flooded mine is the property of tl
Whitney Reduction Company , of Sali
bury , and Pittsburg , Pa. , and has bee
operated bor a number of years. "
Son ot Brooklyn Contractor is Stole
'by Kidnappers. <
Vincezo Manniuo , the Italian contrac
or , of Brooklyn , X. Y. , Avhose G-year-6 ]
son Antonio has been kidnapped , has o
fered a reward of 300 for the return c
the boy and also offers to pay liberall
for any information concerning his los
A letter mailed at Hobokeu was r <
ceived by the Mannino family , which ha
been turned over to the police. Tlie boy' '
name was signed to the letter , in Avliic
he stated that his fingers and toes woul
be cut off if the ransom was not pan
Francisco Corneglio and Avife Antoni
have been arrested on information fui
nished by Angelo Cocozza , a 10-year-ol
boy \vho says he brought the boy to th
borough of Manhattan.
British Premier Conllde-nt Itussk
Will Not Sink XeutraJ Vessels.
In the house of commons at London
Premier Balfour , speaking on the sann
lines as Lord LansdoAvne in the hoiifci
of lords , said he Avas perfectly cnnfiden
no neutral ships would again be sunk b :
the Russians. He fully agreed in tin
statement that such sinkifig Avas an in
ternational outrage. The govcrmnem
had expressed to Russia in tlie clearesi
Avay possible that view , Avith tlio forego
ing result.
The Associated Press learn Greal
Britain is distinctly dissatisfied Avitli Uit
Russian attitude in the Knight Conimau
dor case and continues to press Russia
to make a substantial modification of the
list or articles regarded as contraband.
Lincoln Police Capture the Man
Who Killed Officer Reedy.
A Lincoln , Xeb. , special says : Crazed
by grief and remorse , Jesse Golden at
tempted to kill himself with a razor in
the outskirts of the city. He was recog
nized by DetectiA-es Bentley ai Dawsou
Thursday morning as the murderer of Of
ficer Reedy , in East St. Louis , in May ,
1902 , and he confessed his identity when
iccused of the crime. He said his brotli-
3r , John Golden , committed suicide in
Denver not long ago.
The mystery of Reedy's death has been
) ne of the most profound in tlie criminal
umals of St. Louis. A reward of $500
s offered for Golden , Avho Avent under tlie
ilias of Long.
: iio Grande Traveling Engineer Mis-
sine Since Sunday.
Frank Wilson , of Denver , Colo. , tnn-
'liug engineer of the Denver and llio
Jrande Railroad , has not been heard from
ince Sunday , and is believed to have
icon among the victims of the flood at
Sden , Colo. It is positively knoAvn thalj
ie traveled from Denver to Colorado
Springs on the train that ran into the
reek at Eden , as he rode on the engine
> art of the Avay , but Fireman David
iayfield says he" did not see Mr. Wil-
on after the train left Colorado Springs.
Chicago Society Woman Killed.
Miss Grace Gregory , a young Chicago
ociety woman and daughter of Robert
I. Gregory , a prominent business man ,
; as killed in the suburb of Lake Forest
y being IhroAvn from her horse. The
nimal shied at a passing train and Miss
Jregory was throAvn to the ground , frac-
wiring her skull.
To Relieve Kuropatkin.
It is reported in military circles at St.
'etersburg ' that Lieut. Gen. Linevitch
! marching troops from the direction of
'ladivostok to create a division in tfie
; ar of Gen. Kuroki's army Avith the ob-
ct of relieving Gen. Kuropatkiifs
> rces.
Big Steal Charged .
J. E. Reiuger , formerly president and
easuror of the Iteiuger Lumber Corn-
any at Kansas City , Mo. , was arrested
; South Haven , Mich. , rlnursday on a
arrant charging him Avith the embez-
emeut of $43,200 from the lumber com-
Gives Yacht Away.
Emperor William of Germany has giv-
i his American-built yacht Meteor to
e crown prince. It is expected the em-
iror's new yacht , to be built by the
'crreshoffs , Avill bo completed by next
Beaten in Race "With Death.
Gen. George W. Davis , governor of the
inama canal zone , who has been sum-
oned home because of the illness of his'
ife , learned upon his arrival at New
ark that Mrs. Pavfe was dead.
Thirsted for Maidens' Blood Ge
Fourcloud. Alleged to Have Kllle
Four Indian Girls .Liquor Mat
Him a Fiend.
After satisfying what officers declare
his mania for killing young women , Avi
the total cost of four lives , George Fet :
cloud , a Winnebago Indian , is in tl
hands of the law at Fender , charged \vi
killing Cora Elk , whose bruised boi
was found by the roadside. The youi
woman , who was about 20 years ol
was found near the agency Saturdi
morning lifeless , having been killed but
short time when found. Nothing wi
developed at the inquest to show caui
for the act , but Fourcloud was drun
The girl was beaten and terribly bruisi
about the body , several ribs broken , ai
showed that in a fit of rage she was li
erally beaten to death.
When intoxicated it is alleged nothii
will satisfy Fourcloud but the blood <
an Indian maiden. His first victim ,
is charged , was the IS-year- daught <
of Mrs. John Hill , who died as the resu
of knife wounds. The second victim AVJ
Mary Decora , another Winnebago gii
and the third Lucy Tebo , a half-breed.
Fourcloud was held responsible fc
each murder , but not until this time ha
sufficient evidence been secured to wa :
rant his arrest.
Conditions" the Omaha and Wiun <
bago reservations are in many respect
the best they have been in years. Tli
worst drawback at "present to the pro ;
perity and peace of the Indians , and th
white men , too , for that matter , is th
liquor business , which flourishes in spit
of every effort that has been made up t
date to eradicate it. In fact , there neve
was a time when it appeared so easy fo
the Indians to obtain liquor as now. Ai
rests for furnishing liquor to the Indian
are frequent , fully as much so as at an ;
time in the past , but in spite of this th
industry nourishes and the day is rar
when drunken Indians are not to be seei
on or about the reservation. Homer ap
pears to lie the principal seat of the boot
legging industry , thought it is by n <
means impossible for the Indians to secure
cure liquor in other towns surrouudin :
the reservation.
Damage to Crops , Roads and Bridges
r Around AVayne.
The worst rain and hail storm of tlu
season occurred near midnight Mocdaj
night , lasting nearly an hour. Foui
miles northwest and northeast of Wayiu
hail fell in a strip two miles wide , doinj ;
a great deal of damage to the.crops. Har-
A'esting is nearly over and the damage
Avas not as much as it Avould have been
earlier , though corn suffered somewhat.
At the home of AV. A. Kneely , north
east of the city , twenty-eight window
glass Avere'broken by the hail.
Twenty acres of oats in the shock be
longing to William Meyers in the low
lands Avas Avashed aAvay entirely.
The rural free delivery carrier on routfe
Xo. 4 could not complete his trip , owing
to bridges being Avashed out ; and barbed
Avire fences across the roads.
In other parts of the county the dam
age is light.
One Negro Stabs Another to Death
at South Omaha.
During the progress of a row between
strike breakers Thursday night at the
Cudahy plant at Omaha Andrew Ilansen
was stabbed OA-er the heart and killed
by a man named Isaacs. Both are ne
groes and were strike breakers. Isaacs
immediately fled and has not been cap
Ilansen Avas from Jacksonville , Fla. .
find Avas a recently imported strike
breaker. Isaacs HA-CS in Omaha.
New Farmers' Elevator.
Arrangements are Avell under Avay for
irganizing a farmers' elevator and grain
mying company at Straussville , a small
station on the Missouri Pacific , three
; iiles northwest of Falls City. There are
o be thirty farmers to take one share
> ach of stock at $100 and pay a fee of $ . ' { .
V number of the farmers in that vicinity
iaA-c expressed a Avillingness to go into
he scheme.
Impaled on Pork Handle.
Frank Wylis , a young farmer , living
icar Ellis , attempted to slide to the j
ground from a hay stack and struck on I
he handle of a pichfork and AVHS im-
mled until taken down by several farm
lands Avho Avere Avorking nearby. For a
ime it Avas thought he could not recoven
nit at last accounts he Avas slowly recov-
Rob Bachelor Quarters.
When Charles Adolph returm-d to his
achelor home at Plattsmouth a few
venings ago he Avas quite surprised tend
nd that someone had broken in the
oor Avith an ax and had smashed the
runk and taken his money , a IIOAV suit
f clothes , destroyed valuable papers and
ommitted other depredations.
Hartin ton Man Drops Dond.
Ed Schager , of Harrington , Avhile sit- j
ng in W. M. Lorang's saloon , suddcnlv
ropped dead. Heart disease is supposed
) have been the cause of death. Sch.iI I
ervas about 40 years old. j
Hail Kill * Hundreds of Birds 1
Afte a hail storm at Omaha the other
: iy sparrows were found dead under one !
ee. A chicken and a kitten Avere found j
ozen in a pile of hailstones. (
Fatally Hurt by Explosion
George Bennett , of Xebraska City , em-
oycd by the Xebraska City Brick Com-
iny , Avas fatally hurt by the premature
: plosiou of a can of powder.
Switchman AVants Damag-ps.
Ed Brantner has brought suit in the
strict court at Plattsmouth against the
urlington Railroad Company for $3.1.-
10 damages for injuries alleged to haA-c
en sustained by him while employed by
e company as night watchman in the
irds at Pacific Junction on Feb. 14 last.
Good Crops in'Polk County.
A Stromburg special says : Threshing
this vicinity has progressed well and
good average crop of grain is being
rued into the bins. The prospect for
bountiful corn croo is good.
Long and Patient Wait to See TVhi
Populists ATould Do.
The meeting of the Democratic sta
convention at Lincoln , which Avas call
for'2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon , AV
delayed two hours to give the delegat
an opportunity to hear the address
Thomas E. Watson at the populast co
vention , and to permit of confereuc
Avith populist leaders concerning fusii
of the tAvo parties. It was admitt
early in the day that fusion along ti
Thomas E. Watson at the populist co
substitution of AVatson and Tibbies elc
tors for those of Parker and DaA-is ai
an equal division of the state officers
Avould never be conceded by the Dem
crats , Avho insisted on fusion alone <
the state ticket , each party supporting i
presidential nominee.
The platform contains a hearty i
dorsenient of the national ticket ,
says in part :
"AATe , the Democrats of Nebraska , i
state convention assembled , hereby rea
firm tlie principles of Democracy asser
ell and defended by Jefferson , Jacksc
and Bryan , and approve the platfon
adopted by the Democratic national coi
vention at St. Louis. We pledge ov
hearty support to Alton B. Parker an
Henry G. DaA'is , the nominee of tl
coiiA-cntion. (
"We point with pride to the splendi
record made by our distinguished fello1
citizen and take this opportunity to agai
express our profound appreciation of h :
steadfast devotion to Democratic prii
ciples. "
After an all night session t"ho Denu
crats and populists completed the follov
ing state ticket :
Governor George W. Berge , Populis
Lieutenant GoA-ernor Dr. A. To * vr
send. Democrat.
Treasurer John M. Osborne , Populisi
Auditor J. S. Canaday , Populist.
Secretary of State R. E. Watzkr
Attorney General Edward Whaler
Land Commissioner A. A. Woolsej
Superintendent of Public Instruction-
Albert Soft ley , Populist.
Arrest of Albert Mullens in Dakota
After a hand to hand encounter Avitl
Sheriff H. C. Ilansen , in Avhich gun :
played a prominent part , Albert Mullens
was lodged in the county jail at Dakot : ;
City Thursday night , Avitli his face be
smeared Avich blood , the result of being
hit on the head Avith a gun in the hand *
of Sheriff Hanson to subdue him for ar
rest for disposing of mortgaged cattle.
Mullens lives with his wife and fam
ily on.a farm about five miles west of
Hubbard , is about 40 years of age , and i ?
\vell known in the county.
Mullens put up a tight and he and the
sheriff engaged in a tussle , Sheriff llan-
< en all tlie time keeping Mullen's gun
pointed from him. AVhilo engaged in thy
: ussle both men Avont down , with Hansen -
sen underneath. Others appeared upon
: he scene and Avent to the rescue of the
? : ierifF. Avho soon subdued Mullens , who ,
ivith the vilest of oaths , submitted ami
tveut to jail.
. Sheriff Ilansen received several bruises
m his face.
Jays She Saw Her Brother Strike
Cora Elk.
In the evidence before Commissioner
Sloan at Platte , Alice Fourcloud , a G-
ear-old girl and sister of George Four-
loud , stated that George did strike and
: ick Coia Elk , that after this George
arried Cora and put her into his spring
vagon and drove away. Her brother's
estimony. David Fourcloud , corroborat-
d partly that of his sister Alice. Other
fitnesses were called , but no direct evi-
ence was adduced from them furthei
han finding her dead by the roadside ,
'he case is not y > t concluded , but
nousrh evidence was adduced to indicate
Iiat Commissioner Sloan Avill turn hire
ver to the federal grand jury.
Pnpillioii Hey Injured.
Word has reached Papillion from Og-
on. Utah , of a serious accident that
upprned to Garry Beadle , a former Pa-
illion boy. and formerly of the South
inaha lire dpartinent' . He was working
; ilh a surveying party in the vicinity of
'gden. ' when he was kicked in the face
y a horse , brrakinir his nose. lacerating
is forehead and badly injuring his eye.
Burglary at Platt.smouth.
Another case of burglary has been
rought to liu'Iit at Plattsmouth by the
tiding of thirty pairs of new shoes by
lioriff McBride and Chief of Police Fitz-
rald in six now sacks , covered with
vo coats , which AVOI-O tiie property of
id bore the name of AV. AV. Coates , of
iattsmoiith. nicely secreted in a hole in
; e side of the big bluff.
Severe Electrical Storm.
A severe electrical storm passed over
yens Monday niuht. L. A. Peterson ,
farmer living southeast of Lyons , had
s barn struck by lightning , burning it
the ground , together with valuable
> i os. grain , etc. Mr. Peterson Avas
idly burned and bruised in attempting
get the horsts out of the barn.
TraJn Stuck in Cut.
A Burlington freight train. Avith 02
rs. five of which were loaded Avith
> ck , got stuck in the cut near Platts-
mth. A switch engine took out nine
ulcd cars and after sidetracking them
is able to assist the train in getn'ug out
the cut.
Good Pro ros-s on Asylum.
Work on tlie new Nebraska state hos-
: al for the insar.e at Norfolk , for which
lust legislature appropriated $100-
! ) . is moving swiftly. The three new
itatres are almost finished to the top
:1 : tlie big administration building is
11 under Avav.
Kor e's Kick Results Fatally.
ohn Blackwell , a farmer living five
! es northwest of Osmond , Avas kicked
the abdomen by a vicious horse on
turday night , from the effects of which
died Monday. Mr. BlackAvell was 4G
irs of age and leaves a large family.
r < un T Fish lor Nebraska .Lakes.
'he United States fish commission car ,
charge of Superintendent Johnson , of
ishiugton , D. C. , arrived at Lodge
le Monday morning and stocked the
es on Oberfelder's ranch "with crap-
s. black and rock bass.
One Hundred Years Ago.
The United States squadron , under
Commodore Preble , attacked tlie ship
ping and. butteries of Tripoli. During
the action the Constitution was much f
damaged , thirteen were wounded , and
one killed , three of the enemy's boats
were captured and three sunk.
John Kinzie , of the American Fur
Company , bought Le Mai's trading ;
house and was the first permanent set
tler of Chicago.
A coach route was established be
tween Philadelphia and Pittsburg , Pa.
Considerable excitement prevailed
in Florida over an insurrection of
Americans who attempted to surprise
find capture the garrison at Baton
Seventy-five Years Ago.
The Massachusetts Eye and Ear In
firmary at Boston was founded.
The centennial of Baltimore was cel
The first locomotive regularly used in
the United States "was run on the Carbondale -
bondale and Honesdale Railroad ID
Xew York.
"Moray floods" in Scotland caused
great loss of life and damage to prop
Rosas , the leader of the Federalists , ,
attained supreme power in the Argen
tine republic.
Fifty Years Ago.
The Queen Regent of Spain attempt
ed , to leaA'e Madrid , but Avas prevented
by the populace , "who demanded her
trial by the Cortes.
A severe battle Avas fought between
the Chippewa and Sioux Indians.
The Russians on the demand of Aus
tria evacuated the Danube principality
: hen occupied by Austria.
forty Years Ago.
Residents of red light districts ia
Chicago Avere given a forty-eight hour
lotice to leave the city by the police-
> oard.
The United States treasury depart-
nent was making every effort to pay
he army up to July 1.
So many men of Chicago and 1111-
l/ois / were being recruited by agents-
or other States that Governor Yates-
ssued an order barring such agents.
Adirijral Farragut , with six iron-
lads , was reported to have passed
forts Morgan and Gaines and to be-
oinbarding the inner defenses of Mo-
The citizens of Pennsyh-ania at a ,
pecial election approved an amend-
lent to the Constitution allowing sol-
iers to vote.
Residents of Buffalo , X. Y. , were ex
ited over a report of an intended Con-
sderate raid from Canada , Avith the
bject of burning tlie city.
hirty Years Ago.
The people's , or "white man's , ' ' tick-
t Avas elected in Vicksburg , Miss. , for
ie first time since 1SG1.
An attempt Avas made in the Chicago *
"fcy Council to have the proposed city
all located on the West Side.
The gossip of London clubs was that
ie House of Commons Avould be asked
> appropriate § 200,000 to pay the-
* bts of the Prince of AVales.
Twenty-five persons , mostly women , ,
idshed in the burning of an Ohio Riv-
steamer near Aurora , Ind. Charges-
: selfish cruelty were made against
ie boat's crew.
Five thousand grangers held a mon-
er picnic at Fort Wayne , Ind.
rventy Years Ago.
A hot wave swept OA-er Southern
ranee and the plague of cholera ,
hich had raged for a month , became-
ore severe.
The Rush street bridge , Chicago , was
sted and formally opened for traffic.
Jay Gould resigned the presidency of"
e Wabash. St. Louis and Pacific Rail-
iy and plans for its reorganization
jre put into execution.
Lieut Greely and his fellow arctic
plorers , recently returned , were giv-
a grand reception at Portsmouth ,
The corner stone of the Bartholdl
itue in Xew York was laid during a
uring rain.
Henry M. Stanley , the African ex-
> rer , recently returned to England , .
is given a reception by King Leopold
Ostend. ,
n Years Ago.
Fapon protested against the delivery-
China'of 10,000,000 rifle cartridges
an American firm.
Ill companies of the Illinois militia
tich had been on strike duty in Chi-
: o and Pullman were relieved from
vice by Governor AJtjreld.