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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1904)
Historical Society y - . . * VOLUME xix VALENTINE. NEBBASKA , AUGUST 18 , 1904. NUMBER 31 49 49 49 49 4 ? 49 49 4 ? S ? 49 As Harvest Time is now at hand we call your at 49 tention to a few things in demand at such a time. 49 4 ? 4 ? tote 4 ? tote 49 We carry a large line of to 4 ? "Key Stone" make Hay Forks , to 4 ? 4 ? Header Forks , Bundle Forks , etc. , to each and everyone with the above brand is made of ftfc fc 4 ? carefully selected material and skilled labor , which makes A one of the best forks on the market. Try one. v & "AUTO " , & it the best mounted grindstone made. Some of its special features are ball bearing shaft and crank , select stones fcg and a well made hardwood frame. We have also stack to anchors , something new and , inexpensive. Machine Oil- 49 ers , Grass Scythes , Scythe Stones , Grind Stone fixtures , fo 89 49f. vi We also sell 49 Eldorado Castor Machine Oil. 49 49 49 tote 49 to 49 49 49 The remainder of our IT will be closed out at cost to make room for fall stock. stock.TAILOB , ANDCLOTHIEE. § 1 Are the best ; on the market : Neat , ornamental and serviceable. | S They'll last for years and save you-money in fuel. You can | Hf start them in a moment and turn out the flame when your j S cooking's done. No waste of fuel : No waste of time : No ; | H heat where you don'-t want it. Call and see the Quick Meal j Hf Stove on exhibition. j HER DEALER IN f General Hardware , Furniture and Undertaking. - Chartered cs a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank June 11884. August 12 , 1902 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID nsr A General Banking Exchange and IjiSS s , Collection Business. i C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NicnoLsoN , Cashier. GET YOUR Can Satjcfv You io O ia15fr TALK'OF THE TOWN 1 rfWUWt AAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAAAAAAAA/WA WWW 1 * * * * .A-A JUWAJWWW gt VW AAWW * WA A * .A UA < John Grange , of Oasis , was in town the first of the week. Clarence Sageser returned from Hot Springs yesterday morning. The warmest weather of the season has been during the past week. Eollin liobinson moved his shop over Davenport & Thacher's store last week. Miss Cora Thackrey is working for the county clerk making the tax lists for 1901. Born , to Lieut ? Donald and wife of Ft. Niobrana , Thursday night , August 11 , 190-1 , a son. Mac Cramer's little boy who has had blood poisoning in one of his legs is getting much better. The Slay ton jubilee singers en tertained a crowded house at the M. E. church Monday night. Had a little pony and his name was Jack. Put him in the stable and he jumped through a crack. Miss Florence Kendall , of Du- rand , 111. , is visiting her aunt , Mrs. 0.Y. . Morey a few weeks. Mrs. Ellmore , the milliner , went down to St. Joseph last week to. select fall stock for her store here. i Dave Dunn and -his brother-in- law , Mr. McCay , were in town last Saturday and called at our of fice on business. Judge "VValcott's sister , Mrs. F. E. Brown and two children , of Lewiston , Nebr. , are here visiting for a few weeks. Chas. T. Paxtori , formerly a resi dent of Valentine , after several years in other parts , has returned to Valentine to live. Miss Gertrude Jordan went to Lhe World's Fair a couple of weeks ago and will visit relatives in Dodge City in Kansas before returning. John McCay , of Sheldon , 111. , a brother of Mrs. D. D. Dunn of north table , came out last week for a few months visit.vHe may decide to stay here. Chas. W. Allen , an old time newspaper man , now living1 near Merriman , was in town Tuesday and Wednesday. He called at our office while in town. John West is clerking in the Home Bakery again. He was a popular clerk for Mr. Bohle last year and everyone is glad to see him at workjfchere. Miss Dora Pease returned from Fremont last Friday night after graduating in the commercial and the short hand course of the Fre mont normal college. Mrs. Walter Jackson returned a week ago Saturday night from a twomonths , visit with relatives in Iowa , after a month at the fair and in Illinois with Mr. Jackson. Wm. Mumford purchased a 15 horse power steam engine of Ludwig - wig Lumber Co. to run his thresh ing machine this fall. The engine will be here by the last of the week. Frank Fischer's cement side walk is completed and Walther Meltendorff had the same kind built in front of his lot. They are in use now and the best sidewalks on Main street. A dispatch from Hot Springs , S. D. , to W. A. Kimbell from John Stetter states that 4 'Ireland layeddown in fourth round. " Hamp Ireland , the champion of the 25th Infantry , had a bout with Tom Kinsley at Hot Springs Mon day night which was to have been a ten round contest. Ireland seems to have met his Waterloo as the decision went to Kinsley in the 4th round when Ireland xwas counted out while down , Col. Ketcham , of the Crawford Tribune , made this office a pleas ant fraternal call yesterday morn ing in company with Bro. Barker. The Colonel was a delegate to the republican senatorial convention which met at Valentine yesterday. Mrs. Swain called at our office while in town Saturday to have some bills printed for a bowery dance that takes place tonight at their grove near Sparks. Mrs. Swain left us a fine sample of some apples , that were grown on their place this year. The band concert at the M. E. church last Friday night was at tended by a large number of1 people ple and from the applause we know that their efforts were ap preciated. The concert was good and a great deal better than some of the travelling troupes give us. A good time at Britt , August 26th if you attend the Old Settler's Ee-union. See the posters for program which is also published in this paper. There are good purses offered for races and prizes < will be paid for agricultural ex hibits. It was at Britt last year hat we had our first experience umpiring a ball game which we decided a draw.- There are a nice lot of peeple who go to these re unions at Britt and Sparks and it seems like old times to be among them. It makes younger faces of old-ones and the young people are always glad to spend a day like this. > ; The republicans nominated C. P Bresee of Rushville , for state sena ? tor yesterday instead of W. C. Brown , of Keya Paha county. Mr. Bresco is a well known stockman and no one says any harm of him. We do not think he would vote against lower f rieght rates even if he had to vote with the democrats and populists and most likely he would use his influence to make the railroads of the state pay their just proportion of taxes unless he was inveigled into the contrary course by a scheme , but woulfl he vote fpr AY. J. Bryan for IT. S. senator ? I > JMV I Ihe S.'Story is working for James Ashburn at present. James Ashburn is hauling stone to build him a new house. Mr. and Mrs. James Ashburn were in Valentine Tuesday. Mrs. Zenner , of Ft. Niobrara , visited at Mr. Becker's the past week. Mr. Lee , of Sand creek , was hunting cattle in th'ese parts Thursday. Frank Ashburn spent Sunday with his parents who live near Valentine. Stacking grain and haying are the. chief occupations of this part of the community. Miss Anna Becker has been stay ing with Mrs. Taylor the last few days who has been in poor health. A crowd of young people of this community went cherry picking Sunday. A merry time was re ported aiid quite a lot of cherries were picked. Well , Porcupine , it was too bad that that young lady told her mother about the kiss she received , but you must have- had some sad experience or you would not have wished that the girl should live 100 years and never get another. YOUNGSTER. If you want to see the latest in pictures and picture molding , call un the Eed Front Merc. Co. They have just received a new lot of the above and are now able to make any Mnd of frame you wish , 29 tote to tote to tote to tote to tote to tote to tote to tote to tote to tote Chase & Sanborn Coffees tote to tote to 15,20,25 and 40c per pound tote tote * tote 0to tote to tote to tote to ftto to tote to tote to & Thacher tote tote Largre stock of Just arrived. All other shoes in , stock sold at greatly reduced pricesxfor next 30 days. Come and see us.Ye sell everything , and at prices wliich are right. MAX E. VIERTEL CKOOKST03 NEBRASKA 9) ) The BEST for table use and at popular prices. Our Stock is Always Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL W1D8E. CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP I FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of S leaks , Koasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon FKED WHITTEMORE. President. CIIAKLES SPARKS , Cashier. J. W. STKTTKR , Vice President. OKAII L. 13RiTTO > \ Asst. Cashier ! * i Interest paid on time deposits , Capital , S35.OOO Surplus , 81OOO OITlce Hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Valentine State Bank , Valentine , Nebraska. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , Tvill profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. " * ' Canned Goods Are now at their best and 3ve handle the best grade. M Lunch'Counter. All you want to eat at our Lunch Counter * ' IPios Home Bakery Read the Advertisements *