Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 11, 1904, Image 1
icaA * * = * r _ . ! J V VOLUME 2IX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , AUGUST 11 , 1904 NUMBER 80 As Harvest Time is now at hand we call your at tention to a f ew things in demand at such a time. wu fcfr We carry a large line of & ' ftfr "Key Stone" make Hay Forks , Header Forks , Bundle Forks , etc. , 4 ? each and everyone * Avith the above brand is made of carefully selected material and skilled labor , which makes it one ofL.e best forks on the market. Try one. 4 ? | " " - TIie"AUTO , / O the best mounted grind' Sne matie. Some of its special feature ? are ball bearingsnaft and crank , select stones and av _ in 4e hardwood frame. We have also stack anchors , som _ Jirin < j new and inexpensive. Machine Oil- * ? - ers , Grass Scythes , Scythe Stones , Grind Stone fixtures. S3 a * j We also sell i - ; . Eldorado - Castor Machine. Oil. -i S ? * & 'C * S3SS3S2S S3 S SSSS < S2333ZESES 2 S / fl The remainder of our P S will be closed out at cost to make | room for fall stock. I TAILOB 1 AND CLOTHIER | sjissrssssssss EEJsa K MEAL STOVE ! H Are the best on the market : Neat , ornamental and serviceable , y * S They'11 last for years and save you money in fuel. You can | g H start them in a moment and turn out the flame when your Jlcooking's done. Ko waste of fuel : No waste of time : Nog § heat where you don't want it. Call and see the Quick I\Iealg Stove oii exhibition. iscg I I DEALER IN | Eg tGeneral Hardware , Furniture and Undertaking. ® * as a State Hani : Chartered as a National Bank ' June 1 , 1884. August .2. 1002 , The A Valentine , Nebraska , ( Successor to ) JAPITAIj PAZD A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business G. H. .CQPKELL , President. J. T. MAY , Yice-President. ; M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. GET AT THIS YOUR J. OFFICE * r v > v VWVWVWWV' THH T Jiit 3 11 I in nrfl rife Ed Satterlee was down from Nenzel last Friday. John Grooms and TYm. Foster from down the river , were in town yesterday , each getting lumber for building purposes. John Shaughncssy has been working at the gronnds around the Catholic church lately , making them more beautiful. Mack Cramer's five year old boy , Eldred , is suffering from blood poison on his leg. Dr. Compton was called Tuesday to attend the boy. Your attention is called to the Old Settlers'.Re-union at Britt , 12 miles northwest of Valentine , on Friday , August 20th. The pro gram will appear next week. D. J. Drebert , special agent of : he German Mutual Fire Insurance Co. , of Omaha , was visiting their > ocal agent , I. M. Rice , of Valen- ; ine last Friday and Saturday. The two coons who faked the people out of a collection Satur day night on a promise to give a performance , tried it again Mon day night but it wouldn't work. A travelling musician accom panied by his daughter slopped in our city last week a couple of days and held open air concerts eve nings and went out to the grove Friday to help entertain the Eagles. Misses Inez Petty crew and Myr tle Pettijohn started to the World's Fair yesterday morning to be gone a week or ten days. They stop at Fremont a couple of days and then go with a crowd of teachers on excursion. A cement crossing is being put in across Catherine street between the Valentine State Bank and Davenport & Thacher's. Rock and cement is used for the founda tion and Long-pine sand , and ce ment for a 3l inch face which * \vill make a splendid crossing. E. II. Batty , of Alma , ] NTcbr. , called on us last week while in town looking up some ranches in our county for friends of his. He is editor of the Alma Record and the Orleans Star and gets out an all home print paper on account of the high prices he 4has to pay for ready prints. Another grafter on the street Tuesday night had a dog show. A dozen dogs or more , trained to perform little tricks. A large number of Valentine people col lected in front of Geo. Hershey's saloon to see them perform. A collection was taken by the pro prietor. Some of the People think Valentine is moving right , to the front with these street en tertainments each night. Valentine needs new sidewalks pretty bad. Its commonly ex pressed by travelling men when they come to our town that we need better sidewalks. People whom we show around b&ig on our fine buildings , but almost invari ably remark , * 'But your sidewalks are bad , " "yes , " we say , "but we are .iroing to put in better ones soon. " We hope we have not in fringed upon the truth in answer ing thus. Mr. Ford , who with Herbert Breuklander has rented the Breuk- lander blacksmith shop , is a black smith from Fremont , having sev eral years experience , and has a good knowledge of blacksmithing. He is energetic and industrious. If you give him an idea of what you want done he can do the work. Notice their ad in this paper and take your work to them when you want courteous treatment and up to date , quick work -done at reasonable enable prices. There arc a lot of people coming liere each week who file on land and others who are looking for ranches. We hope they will tell their neighbors at home about this country and bring enough money to get a bunch of stock. Mrs. C. Whillans and daughter , Miss Anna , came down from Gor don Saturday morning and were met at Valentine by John Shel- bourn , who took them out to his place for a visit. They are from Wisconsin and lately came West for a visit with relatives. Mrs. Shelbourn is a daughter , and John Whillans of Woodlake , a son of Mrs. Whillans. A blind man stopped on our streets last Saturday to give open air concerts for what the people were willing to contribute. He played the fife and beat the snare and big drums with his feet. He was the whole show and played solos on his violin and picked the guitar while he sang a few huracr- ous-aud sentimental songs. Our j people always have been liberal with these travelling concert people ple and of late there are a great many stopping here with a turned over foot and a card and some sympathetic appeal for aid. A blind man , led by a boy , was an other of Valentine's proteges for a day last week. Beside these , there has been numerous persons calling for help for a cripple leg , hand or foot or for some institution hun dreds of miles away. It's popular to travel and beg--for this or that it seems. A couple of coons dropped into town last Saturday and with drums and speaking tubes proceeded to notify the citizens of tlie town that they would give an open air con cert on Main street in the evening. They proceeded to do so and took up a collection , but after a short silly performance they started around again with their tambour ines for another collection , stating they would play as long as their lights would burn , but gave only a short two minute performance and then the blind man with the fife and drum drew the crowd again. It might be impertinent to suggest to thetown , board that our citizens should be protected from these fakirs who come with no license and no responsibility for their be havior. There are also too many beggars of late who come as a busi ness matter to get what they can and have more money to ride on the train to the next place where picking promises to be go.od for them. The Eagle picnic was enjoyed by a large crowd of young people last Friday at Thacher's grove. There was a grand stand much the same as on the 4th of July , only larger. Allen G. Fisher , of Chad- ron , was the speaker of the day , and John Tucker was master of ceremonies. A musician , and his daughter sang a few cute songs , which made people laugh and start ed them on the right foot for a good time. Dinner and supper were eaten in the grove by many. A dance was given in the evening which was highly appreciated by those who danced. The base ball game took place before noon be tween soldiers of the white com pany at the Fort and the Valentne | nine , resulting in a score .of 13 to 2 in favor of Valentine. A doll baby rack-a , cane rack and shoot ing gallery amused some , while others chatted in the shade or loit ered around the rope swings. The Eagles had a splendid day for their picnic and all who were there .seemed to enjoy a good time. Many are already wishing for an other such time. We have a number of odds and ends in Men's Underwear which we are closing out regard less of cost. UNDERSHIRTS , Formerly 75c , reduced price 35c MEN'S § 2.50 and § 3.00 HATS , in the latest shapes and colors , on sale at § 1.50. 2 * 43 LADIES' Toe , § 1.00 and § 1.25 SHIRT WAISTS are all going at 50c. 89 We have a lot of 50c and 75c S FRAW HATS. 89K whichwe are selling at 25c. K * > These are prices which you cannot an'ort to. miss. Come while they last. Thacher Large stock of 'amilton = = Brown Shoes s Just arrived. All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. WAIT .JwiiJl. . . . < & . < & . . > E VIE' , TEL CROOKSTCXN NEBRASKA The BEST for table use and at popular prices. Our Stock is Ahvays Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed W.A. PETTYCREW GENERAL MDSE. j CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP SH FRUIT AND GAPilE IN THEIR SEASON . . . . . . . _ . * * T.if " ' ! * p1 ' * ' ' ! ! ! - " .JrilAJii'ijt ? > t-1y j .f / > ' - T-'L- < First-class line of Steaks , Eoasts IV-S Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon I ? it ED WHI-ITEMOKK , Tresident. CHAELES SPARKS , Cashier. J. W. STETTKU , Vice President. OISAII L. BniTiox , Asst. Cashier J { Interest puiil on time deposits. Capital , $2. Surplus , S1OOO Office Hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Valentine State Bank , Valentine , Nebraska. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. j ; Suited to your t ste. Canned Goods Are now at their best and we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter. All you want to eat at our Lunch Counter O tl3L.s 03x31 Home Bakery Read the Advertisements.