Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 04, 1904, Image 3

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TVnrlllce Order Goes to Envoy from
Kliitf Kiltviml Kiiglnna Will Use
* "orco to Get Kctlrcau if Necessary
C * r Hccelvcs Ultimatum.
must make ample amends
Uu > sinking of the steamer Knight
Column mler and for the seizures of
ships In the Red Sea follow
ing thu recent agreement .that such
fcClRures would be averted by the
canr's government Such is the decis
ion arrived at by the British govern
ment Preliminary to obtaining sat
isfaction the government sent Instruc
tions to Sir Charles Hardinge , British
ambassador to Russia , to protest ener
getically against the sinking of the
Knight Commander by the Russian
"Vladivostok squadron.
The British note does not mention
the amount of Indemnity Russia must
pay the owners of the ship and Brit
ish subjects having goods on board
the vessel ; but all that is sought is
the establishment of the principle of
indemnity and an apology. A salute
of the British flag must also be conceded -
ceded and the future protection of neu
tral shipping assured.
The attitude of the British govern
ment is the result of thorough consid
eration given to tiie reports from Sir
Claude MacDonald , British minister
at Tokio , and the examination of in
ternational law authorities by legal
The dispatches from Sir Claude con
firm the reports that the Knight Com
mander had no contraband of war on
board for Japan. The government and
ill the British authorities , It is asserted -
ed , unite on the point that there was
no justification for the sinking of the
vessel. It is felt in government cir
cles that the Knight GDmmander in
cident overshadows the Red Sea seiz
ures , which practically have been adJusted -
Justed , but which have failed to settle -
-tle the question of the rights of neu
tral commerce.
That the British government re
gards the sinking of the Knight Com
mander as a breach of international
law was confirmed by Premier Bal-
lour in the House of Commons. Answering -
-swering questions as to the destruc
tion of the steamer and the seizure of
the Malacca and other vessels , the
premier said he hoped to be in a po
sition to make a brief statement re
garding the Malacca soon. As to the
sinking of the Knight Commander , he
tsaid he "regretted that information
which reached me confirmed this re
grettable occurrence. " Mr. Balfour
.added : "There is no question of loss
-of life , but I am afraid there is a
question of a breach of international
law. "
The tension in the Russo-British re
lations was said in London to have re
laxed Thursday and a rupture is not
probable. Count Benckendorff , the
Hussian ambassador to Great Britain ,
informed Lord Lausdowne that if Rus
sia had committed a wrong she was
ready and willing to make full repara
tion , but before any action could be
taken in the Knight Commander case
the Russian government must hare the
opportunity of receiving the report of
the commander of the Vladivostok
squadron. Lord Lansdosvne was not
-disposed to press the matter unduly
and promised to wait a reasonable i
In the House of Commons Premier
Balfour said that the acute stage of
the Red Sea Incidents had passed , and
that the Russian volunteer fleet vessels
would be withdrawn. He laid down
the British view that no belligerent
-war ships could issue from the Black
Sea and that the volunteer fleet ves
sels in issuing therefrom , if they took
belligerent action , either had no right
to Issue or no right to take sncb action.
This Is the time Mrs. Maybrick'g free
dom is not a gold brick.
-Chicago Daily News.
According to census figures there are
in the United States 0,180,000 persons
10 years old or more who cannot reader
or white. Of this number 3,200,000 are
whites and 2,980,000 negroes. The ma
jority of the white illiterates are foreign
born , but New York State alone has 47-
000 natives who cannot read or write.
No branch of agriculture made the
gains in the last decade that fruit grow
ing did. There were over 3,700,000 acres
in orchard fruits reported' by the last
census and at present there must be over
4,000,000 acres devoted to that purpose.
In value the fruit crop now ranks eighth.
In the year before the census the value
of the corn crop was $ S2S,2oS,32G ; hay ,
§ 484,230,840 ; cotton , including cotton
seed oil , 9370,708,740 ; wheat , ? 3G9,945-
320 ; oats , $217,098,584 ; potatoes , S11S-
203,814 ; vegetables , $113,871,842 ; fruit ,
892,301,703. The apple is the most wide
ly distributed fruit grown m the country
and is found in every Stater north and
A special report of the census bureau
shows that 1,730,178 children in the
United States are compelled to work for
their living. They form more than G
per cent of the total number of workers ,
and the boys outnumber the girls almost
three to one , the figures being 1,3G4,411
boys and 483.7G7 girls. That the Amer
ican nation is not made up entirely of
workers is shown by the total , 29,073-
233 , which is only one-half of the popu-
1-uion of 10 years of age and over and
.ibout two-fifths of the entire population.
Still , the proportion of workers has in
creased almost 3 per cent over the former
The last place to which a man would
l > e likely to go in s > e.irch of a history of
the growth of the electrical fire-alarm
system in the United States would be
to the reports of the Bureau of the Cen-
su * . Yet there is where he would find
an interesting and comprehensive discus
sion of the subject. The census reports
are not mere tables of figures. They are
a history of the progress of industry and
invention in the United States. Take
this bulletin on the fire-alarm system , for
instance. One is told how , beginning as
early as 1839 , inventors tried to apply
the principles of the electric telegraph
to the transmission of fire-alarm signals ,
but that it was not till 1850 that a suc
cessful system was found. The method
at first used was crude , and from that
time to this improvement after improve
ment has been adopted , until now it is
practically impossible for confusion to
arise in interpreting the signals sent in
from the alarm boxes in any part of the
town , and until even the most excited
and inexperienced person cnn give the
alarm successfully. AH he has to do is
to pull a lever and an automatic machine
does the rest Although one might not
think it the Census Bureau bulletins
T\ake interesting reading for snmmer af-
In spite of the constantly increasing
immigration , the proportion of foreign
born in the working population has not
increased. The extent to which the
world of business is drawing people fem
the country is given emphasis. Manu
facturing , trade and transportation and
the professions show constantly increas
ing numbers of workers of both sexes ,
while the agricultural class represents a
diminishing proportion , although 40 per
cent of the workingmen ia to be found on
the farms.
Bomb Ends Life of Russian Minister of
the Interior.
M. von Plehve , Russian Minister of
the Interior , was assassinated at 10
o'clock Thursday morning while driv
ing to the Warsaw station to visit the
Emperor at the Peterhof palace. A
bomb was thrown under the Minister's
carriage , completely shattering it. M.
von Plehve was terribly mangled. The
assassin was arrested
The coachman was killed and the
wounded and maddened horses dashed
wildly away , only the front wheels of
the carriage remaining intact. Imme
diately there ensued a scene of the
wildest confusion. Police and gen-
vo.v PLinrvE , "THE TEKRIBIJC. "
dannos hurried up from evy direc
tion and vast crowds gathered about
the spot where the mangled body of
the Minister lay in his blood. For 100
yards the roadway was strewn wtth
the wreckage of the carriage and
pieces of the red lining of the Minis
ter's official overcoat A few yards
from M. von Plehve's body lay the
body of the coachman
Guarded by police the body remained
In the street until the arrival of the
official corresponding to an American
coroner , even in the case of the most
powerful Minister of the empire the
law requiring that this formality had
to be observed before the body could
be removed. After this official had
viewed the body it was placefl in a
carriage , covered by a robe and was
driven slowly to a little chapel adjoin
ing the railroad station and then to
Plehve's magnificent town residence ,
adjoining the Ministry of the Interior.
The prefect of police notified the Em
peror of the tragedy immediately upon
its occurrence. The Emperor , who was
at the villa Alexandria , at Peterhof ,
was greatly affected by the news , com
ing , as rt did , after the bad tidings
from the seat of war , with fears of in
ternational complications and ' the
strain incident upon the hourly expec
tation of an event so close to the fath
er's heart
Recent assassinations and attempts
at assassination of officials in Russia
Include the following :
M. Bogolepoff , Minister of Educa
tion , Feb. 27 , 1901.
M. Sipiagulne , Minister of the Inte
rior , April 13 , 1902.
Prince Obolenskl , Governor of
Kharkoff ( wounded ) , Aug. 11 , 1902.
General Bobrlkoff , Governor of Fin
land , June 17 , 1904.
Vlatsheshaff Constantinovitch von
Plehve. Minister of the Interior , July
28 , 1904.
The Texas Railroad Commission is in
receipt of an application from the Galveston -
veston commercial bodies requesting that
the commission call a hearing to consider
the matter of canceling the present rates
on cotton and adopting a tariff on a
strictly mileage basis.
Plans htrve been formulated for the
Incorporation of the Atlanta and Pensa-
cola Railroad , which will build from
Andalusia , Ala. , to Pensacola , and form
a direct line from Atlanta to the latter
point , using connection with the Central
Railroad of Georgia.
Plan to Speedily Man Plants
Hundred Live Stock Handlers Thrcnv
Aside Their Allegiance to Allied
Trades and Return to AVork.
The Chicago packers at noon Thurs
day seemed to have won an important
victory in the big stock yards strike ,
the 'first emphatic gain that has been
made by either side since the general
walkout was declared in effect Eight
hundred live stock handlers threw
aside their allegiance to allied trades
and at the noon hour began to handle
cattle indiscriminately , both for the
packers in the combine and for the in
dependent companies. Most of these
800 men went to work yesterday morn
ing to handle the goods of the "inde
pendents , " and they had worked on
this basis until 12 o'clock Thursday.
This action on the part of the han
dlers is regarded as a most serious loss
to the cause of the strikers , and in
some quarters 'it is believed to be a
forerunner of a stampede and a deser
tion of the unions.
Following close on an announcement
that the packers did not care to make
further agreements with the union men
who quit work , operation of the plants
was continued with larger forces than
before , the employers formally an
nounced a system of delivery which
would do away with the drivers who
haul meat from the yards. Hereafter
the packers will do no teaming , but
will force the butchers to come with
their own wagons to take away their
Though the big stock yards strike Is
now well under way and the time is
about at band when the police expect
serious rioting to develop , turbulent
scenes failed to develop up to Thurs
day night and the outbreaks of strik
ers and sympathizers were chiefly con
fined to hanging effigies in front of the
homes of persons in disfavor.
The packers kept their plants run
ning persistently , and Thursday after
noon reported that a satisfactory day's
work had been accomplished. The re
ceipts of stock were large enough to
keep the nonunion batchers and han
dlers busy , 9,000 cattle , 13,000 hogs and
12,000 sheep being received.
While the union leaders proceeded1 to
perfect what they regard as adequate
arrangements to keep the strikers in
line , rumors were continuous through
out the day that the ranks of the mal
contents were breaking. Emphatic de
nials were made by President Donnelly
and his confreres , but close observers
of the situation declared that the nien
seemed to be losing heart , as was evi
denced , tiiey said , by the fact that
picketing was loss pronounced.
Hundred Nonunion Men in East St ,
Louis Made 111.
At East St. Louis , 111. , one hundred
men employed at the Armour plant in
plnce of the striking butchers and meat
cutters , were made violently ill , an un
identified person , having drugged the soup
served for supper.
Shortly after the meal had been eaten
first one anil then another of the men
complained of feeling ill. Soon the list
oC sick became so hirse that tho&e iu
charge of the plant became frightened
and Dr. J. L. Wiggins was notified. He
hurried to the plant aud discovered what
was the matter wiKh the men.
Representatives of the packers say
that several hundred of the men who
went on strike have been taken back , but
it is not stated in what department they
nork. It was said further that the pack
ers are getting skilled butcher help , which
at first they had trouble iu securing.
This , however , ia denied by the strikers ,
woh assert that the puckers are not get
ting any union men back.
At Kansas City many additional strik
ers , practically all o them unskilled la
borers , applied for their old places at the
plants of S\vift & Co. , Armour & Co.
and the Fowler Packing Company , and
were re-employed. With the receipts at
the yards the heaviest for more than a
month the packers asserted that the sit
uation from their standpoint was greatly
improved. Local strike leaders , however ,
appear satisfied with the situation and
say that the men who returned to work
were some of the newest members of the
union , whose action would not affect the
older men.
Interesting News Items.
William Zeler killed his fatlier-in-kiw ,
William Snrkaznp , with a crowbar and
then stabbed his wife to death with a
butcher knife in Omaha , Xeb. The kill
ing followed a quarrel between Zelcr and
his wife.
The Methodist Ministers' Association
of Denver appointed a committee to in
vestigate the labor troubles in Colorado
and fix the responsibility foe the chaotic
conditions in the Cripple Creek district
and elsewhere.
Boscoe Corrie , 23 pears oM , was
drowned while swimming in Cow creek ,
four miles north of Hutchinson , Kan.
He tried to cross the swift current but
was seized with a cramp and went down
ip twelve feet of water.
As a result of a raid by deputy sher
iffs on a gambling house in Memphis ,
Tenn. , Deputy Houston Mitchell is dead
and Deputy Thomas J. McDennott is
mortally wounded. Frequent raids have
been made in crap games i ecently.
Col. Sylvester B. Burch of Olathe ,
Kan chief clerk of the Department of
Agriculture , has been appointed by Sec
retary Wilson as the representative of
the department on the government board
of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition to
succeed the late J. H. Bingham.
Becoming conscience stricken at a re
ligious meeting in Chicago , a man giving
his name as Charles F. Floethe has , ac
cording to the police , confessed to having
robbed his employers in Jersey City , St.
Louis , Cincinnati and Chicago of various
sums. His confession is being Investi
Notification Committee Breaks iht
News to Roosevelt.
President Roosevelt was notified for
mally Wednesday , of his nomination
for the presidency by the Republican
national convention. The cerernonj
took place at his country home at Sag
araore Hill , three miles from Oystei
Bay , L. I. , and in accordance with the
wish of the President it was as simple
a * possible.
On behalf of a committee represent
ing every State and Territory of the
United States , the formal notification
of the action of the convention was
made by Joseph G. Cannon , Speaker ol
the House of Representatives. On theii
arrival at Sagamore Hill the cornmit-
teemen were received by President
Roosevelt Mrs. Roosevelt and National
Chairman George B. Cortelyou.
At the conclusion of the informal re
ception the ceremony of notification be
gan. While the members of the fam
ily , the house guests and some of the
distinguished visitors were assembled
on the veranda , a majority of those
in attendance gathered on the lawn
facing the veranda.
When Speaker Cannon rose to deliv
er his speech of notification he was
greeted Avith applause. At the close of
Mr. Cannon's address the President ad
vanced to the veranda railing , and ,
standing under a great festoon of
American flags , delivered his address
in response to the notification.
Following are sentences from Presi
dent Roosevelt's speech of acceptance :
When I became President because of
the death of my lamented predecessor ,
I stated that it was my purpose -to carry
out his principles and policies. To the
best of my ability I have kept that prom
We are more fortunate than our oppo
nents , who now appeal for confidence on
the ground that , if triumphant , they may
be trusted to prove false to ever } ' prin
ciple which in the last eight years they
have laid down as vital.
There is nothing experimental about
the government we ask the people to
continue in power.
In dealing with the trusts , we do not
have to explain why the laws were not
enforced , but to point out that they ac
tually have been enforced.
Assuredly it is unwise to change pol
icies which have worked so well and
which are now working so well.
We have placed the finances of the
nation on a sound gold basis. So long
as the Republican party is in power the
gold standard is settled.
That whenever the need arises there
should be a readjustment of the tariff
jchedules is undoubted , but such changes
: an be made with safety only by those
ivhose devotion to the principle of the
protective tariff is beyond question.
We believe in reciprocity with foreign
nations on the terms outlined in Presi
dent McKinley's last speech , which urged
the extension of our foreign markets by
reciprocal agreements whenever they
x uld be made without injury to Ameri
can industry and labor.
We have already shown that our pol
icy is to do fair and equal justice to all
The construction of the isthmian canal
: .s now an assured fact , but most certain
ly it is unwise to entrust the carrying
out of so momentous a policy to th < * > e
who have endeavored to defeat the whole
In Chlcaco Ifbrtcrhouse Steaks Are
Now Only for rhc Rich.
Retail prices -lor meats are ; it high-
xvater' ' mark in Chicago. The supply is
yet diininiahing , but the stability of the
prices is not dependent upon that , but
upon the fact that the meat dealers have
a better idea of what they can get or
cannot get. The independent plants ap
pear to be meeting the situation well and
are succeeding iu supplying their own
customers liberally and the trust's cus
tomers to some extent. Stocks are run
ning short in many retail shops and es
pecially those who have depended upon
depots inside the yards , which they can
not now reach.
The ones who secure supplies from the
outlying stations get their meat with less
trouble. The wor of the famine in
lamb and mutton appears to be over and
increases in the shipments of "small
stuff" encourage meat dealers to believe
that pork and mutton will be more 'eu-
tiful. On the other hand experts det.are
the worst of the beef famine is yet to
come' . There were larger stores of beef
on hand when the strike started , but the
amount shipped in has been extremely
Live stock receipts at the Chicago
yards Tuesday were : Cattle , 2,000 ; hogs ,
2,000 ; sheep , 8,000. Compared with the
corresponding day a year ago there waa
a decrease of 3,600 cattle , 10,300 hogs
and 10,000 sheep. *
ot Minor Note.
Two men were killed by lightning
while playing baseball. Joseph Barrett
was the victim at Cumberland , Md. ,
while Charles Jeffries met death at Mc-
Keesport , Pa.
William Henry Rattigan , member ol
Parliament for Northeast Lanarkshire ,
England , was killed in a motor accident
near Biggleswade , Bedfordshire. A tire
burst and the car overturned.
The Filipino commissioners to the St
Louis fair have decided to make a study
oi the American tariff laws and indus
trial conditions a feature of the remain
der of their trip through this country.
Pour hundred and one wells were drill
ed in the Kansas and Indian Territory
oil fields during the mouth of June. Of
the number thirty-seveu were gas wells
and fifty-six dry holes ; 308 were produc
ing wells.
The corporation treaty between th
United States and Russia , negotiated by
Ambassador McCormick , was formally
promulgated Tuesday. Previous to the
promulgation of the treaty American
concerns conld be sued in Russia , bat
could not bring suit in that country.
A tornado destroyed seven farm housea
mid barns and outbuildings near Bur-
well , Neb , The buildings on Mr. Brit-
tain's farm were reduced to splinter * .
Losers wece : Farmers Lyons , Brumag * ,
Campbell , Button and others. No lives
were lost Some damage was done ia
other sections of tfre State
One Hundred Years Ago.
A reinforcement of l.00 British
troops arrived at Barbados and began
operations against Martinique.
The American squadron blockaded
the port and began the siege of Tripoli
which lasted until the following spring.
The English Baltic fleet attacked the
French squadron at Havre , doing con
siderable damage.
All the powers of Europe , except
Russia , Great Britain and Sweden , had
acknowledged Napoleon as Emperor of
Seventy-five Years Ago.
A Spanish expedition from Havana
appeared at Tampico , Mexico , and ef
fected a landing without molestation
on the part of the Mexican troops.
All departments of the governriient
at Washington were particularly busy ,
clerks and chiefs working over hours.
The United States by purchase from
the Indians obtained the title to G.GCO-
000 acres of land in the Northwest.
The terms of the Brazilian govern
ment loan were agreed on in England.
Fifty Years Ago.
Queen Christina's palace In Madrid
was sacked by the people and her maj
esty fled.
Money and food were sent to the
relief of the people of San Juan by the
people of Kingston , Jamaica.
An attempted insurrection occurred
In Parma , Italy. Many people shot by
the Austrian troops.
The Federal diet met at Frankfort ,
Germany , and decided to join the alli
ance of Austria and Prussia.
Forty Years Ago.
News that Gen. Forrest had been de
feated and wounded by Gen. Smith at
Tupelo , Miss. , confirmed. Confederate
loss was 2,500.
Detailed reports of Gen. Sherman's
operations before Atlanta showed tre
mendous Confederate losses and al
most continuous fighting.
Much apprehension was caused In
the North by a Confederate raid in the
Shenandoah valley. '
News was received at Louisville that
Major General McPherson had been
killed in operations before Atlanta , Ga.
Guerrillas 'operating along the Han
nibal and St. Joseph Railway in Mis
souri deslro3od much property and
robbed citizens.
Correspondence between Horace
Greeley and representatives of the
Confederacy looking toward peace ne
gotiations made public at Niagara
Thirty Years Ago.
Leading citizens of Chicago , roused
to action by big fire in downtown dis
trict , formed citizens' associations to
secure more perfect administration of
municipal affairs.
Ground was broken at Grand Haven ,
Mich. , with elaborate ceremonies , for
the new Michigan and Ohio Road ,
which was to be 400 miles long and
cost $30,000,000.
Report readied Madrid of the mur
der at Cueuca of twenty-four republi
cans by Carlist revolutionists.
A land slip in the province of Na
varre , Spain , destroyed the village of
Alarra and several hundred inhabit
Appointments of Baron de Chatand
as French minister of interior and M.
Mathieu Bodet minister of finance left
the Bonapartists without a member iu
the cabinet.
Charges of Theodore Tilton against
the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher involv
ing Mrs. Tilton were mads public la-
New York.
Twenty Years Ago.
A statue of Robert Burns , the poet ,
was unveiled before an immense
crowd on the Thames -embankment ,
Sixty-five deaths from cholera occur
red in Marseilles and Toulon , France.
Raid of house of "Mother" Mandel-
baum in New York disclosed thousands
of dollars' worth of stolen silks and
Several thousand workmen ta New
York City went on a strike to enforce-
demands for nine-hour day.
Een Years Ago.
Phillips , WIs. , and several smaller
towns were wiped out by forest fires ,
causing a property loss of § 3,000,000
and many deaths.
Shanghai dispatches announced the
declaration of war between China and
Rumors were in circulation In Eu
rope and Asia that China had declared
war upon Japan over the possession o