Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 04, 1904, Image 2

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    The Valentine Democrat
I. M. RICE , Publisher
Explode Dynamite on Safe Made a
Bad Wreck of the Car , but Found
No 3Ioney Statement of Engineer
Robbers Said to be Surrounded
A train crew which has just arrived at
El Paso , Tex. , with a light engine from
Santa Rosa reports that Rock Island
passenger train No. 4 , which left El Paso
Saturday morning at 7 o'clock , was held
up near Tucumucari , N. M. , and robbed.
The passengers were lined up and their
valuables taken from them , after which
the express and mail carsfwere uncoupled
from the train and run about two miles
up the track and there dynamited and
robbed. The robbery was reported at
Xogau , a small station some distance
from Tucumucari , by one of the passen
At the headquarters of the El Paso and
Northeastern Railroad the news of the
train robbery has received partial con
firmation , but the officers say they can
learn nothing definite , as tbe holdup oc
curred off their division. The passenger
officials in El Paso , while admitting a
knowledge of the reported robbery , pro
fess to know no particulars.
According to a dispatch dated Delhart ,
Tex. , Rock Island passenger train No.
4 , eastbound , was held up Saturday night
at Logan , a station about seventy miles
west of Delhart , by three masked men.
Engineer G. E. Walker made the fol
lowing statement concerning the holdup :
"We had made our regular stop at Lo
gan , when both myself and fireman were
covered with guns and ordered to move
up. We did as ordered and stopped the
train at the end of the switch. The rob
bers then had us uncouple the mail and
express cars and run a short distance
Tip the track , where they ordered us to
stop , when they proceeded to enter the
express car and attacked the through
safe with explosives. They exploded two
charges of dynamite on the safe , but fail
ed to effect an entrance. Having used
up all their explosives , they made off in
the darkness. The mail car and the pass
engers were not disturbed. The explo
sions badly wrecked the express car and
safe. The local safe did not contain any
money , consequently the robbers did not
secure anything. "
Officers are on the trail of the men , who
are believed to be the Evans gang.
A posse from Delhart , headed by Sher
iff ' .T. N. Webb , , was rushed to the scene
of the holdup , and at a late hour Sun
day evening it is said they had the rob
bers surrounded and expected to make a
capture. '
Suspected of Assault , He Fights a
.Deputy Sheriff.
A special from St. Joseph , Mich , says :
'An armed posse i scouring the swamps
near this city in earch of a suspect who
is thought to be lying in hiding mortally
A pitched battle occurred Sunday be
tween Deputy Sheriff Detample and two
suspects who were complained of for an
attempted assault. The deputy was
slightly wounded and nearly fifty hots
were exchanged , the two suspects leavftig
a trail of blood when they escaped. One
of them was arrested later when he ven
tured into the city to secure aid for his
companion. He refused , however , to re
veal the hiding place of the wounded
Considerable Damage Done Xorth of
A small tornado and heavy rains pre
vailed in portions of Kansas and Oklaho
ma Sunday.
Ten miles north of Norton , Kan. , a
.tornado wrecked several farm buildings
near the Nebraska line and killed a nuni-
'ber ' of head of live stock. No perspn was
Near Salina , and Wellington , Kan. ,
and at Alva , Okla. , very heavy rain ,
amounting to nearly 2 inches , fell , and
probably will benefit grain.-
"Wife Murderer Commits Suicide in
After a week of mental anguish dur
ing which he continually wept and pray
ed , Frank Benedetto , who murdered his
.wife during a fit'of jealousy at Chicago ,
committed suicide in his cell in the coun
ty jail Sunday by hanging himself. The
murderer made a rope of the sheet on the
'bed , tied one end around his neck and
the other to the highest available point
in the darkest corner of his cell. Then
he lifted his feet from the floor and slow
ly strangled to death.
Sioux City Stock Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
City stock market were as follows :
'Butcher steers , $3.50g5.50. ( Hogs , $5.00
Paintings Badly Damaged.
Charles Frank , an artist in the art de
partment at the world's fair at St. Louis ,
made the statement that three paintings
Joaned to the exposition by Miss Helen
Could and valued at $100,000 were badly
damaged by remaining packed for two
long a time after having arrived at Sf.
Fire in San Francisco.
Fire Sunday at San , - de
stroyed the establishment of the Shilbest
iMercautile Company. Loss , 125yDOO.
Butchers' Strike Extends to that
Unable to arrange a conference with
representatives of the New York packer ? ,
Michael J. Donnelly , president , of the
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butch
er Workmen of America , has ordered a
strike of all the members of his organiza
tion employed in New York by Schwars-
child & Sulzberger and the United Dress
ed Beef Company. The order was tele
graphed to New York Friday night.
That the probabilities of a settlement
by the opposing interests in Chicago are
as remote as ever was plainly demon
strated Friday when Henry C. Wallace ,
of Des Moines , la. , and A. L. Ames , of
Buckingham , la. , called on the packers
with'a proposal from the strike leaders ,
offering to concede the most important
point in the controversy if the employ
ers would agree to renew peace negotia
tions. Mr. Wallace and Mr. Ames were
told by the packers that there was nd
possible chance for any further concil
iatory move , and that the packers were
now iu a position where they could ignore
the labor unions and that they purposed
to ignore the strikers. The packers' an
swer was delivered to the strike leaders ,
and the men from Iowa left for home.
From a statement made by President
Donnelly Friday night it would appear
that the men are becoming anxious to
returfj to work.
"We shall be glad to confer with the
representatives of the packers at any
time , " said Mr. Donnelly. "While I can
not say that our position is in any way
changed , we are not anxious to keep up
a running fight and shall be glad if a set
tlement can be effected. "
Following the arrest of George F.
Golden , chief of the Packing Teamsters'
union , for picketing , riots became more
frequent near the stock yards Friday af
ternoon. A mob captured a loaded meat
wagon after it had left the stock yards ,
upset the wagon and threw the meal
into the street.
Chicago Police Arrest Lreader of
the Strikers.
Peace prospects at the stock yards at
Chicago received a black eye Friday iu
the arrqst of President George Golden ,
of the teamsters' union , who was taken
from his office and locked hi a cell for is
suing instructions from his office window
to a union driver.
Not until nearly all the labor leaders
directing the strike had surrounded the
police station demanding Golden's re
lease on bail and threatening habeas cor
pus proceedings was Golden released on
The hitherto pacific attitude of the
strike leaders was suddenly changed into
sullen , bitter defiance , and it was open
ly hinted the strike would be spread as
far as possible.
May Again Attempt to Lift the
America's Cup.
Dr. Andrew S. Draper , of Albany , N.
ST. , state commissioner of education , has
received from Sir Thomas J. Lipton a
letter in which the latter speaks about
the possibility of sending another yacht
toAmerica to compete for the America's
cup. In the letter he say A :
"Whether or not I shall-make another
attempt I cannot say with any certain
ty , as this depends upon many things
outside of my control , although I may
say I have not given up hope of lifting
the f arccus old trophy , and I do not imag
ine I-coui'n rest content to leave it in its
present environments. I presume it has
by now become somewhat naturalized ,
nevertheless , I think a change of air tc
its original home might do it good. "
Jt is Supposed Poison in the Soup
Was C.iuse.
One hundred men employed at the Ar
mour Packing Company plant at St.
Louis , Mo. , in place of the striking butch
ers and meat cutters have been made violently
lently ill , the result , it is supposed , of
some unidentified poison drug in the soup
served for supper Wednesday night.
In several cases the condition of the
men is regarded serious.
Shortly after the meal had been eaten
first one and then another of the men
complained of feeling ill. Dr. J. L. Wig
ging , the company physician , was noti
fied. He hurried to the plant and pre
scribed an antidote.
Trouble is Threatened in the
Anthracite Field.
There is grave fear that the executive
board of district No. 1 , United Mine
Workers , will order a strike , involving
approximately 75,000 men , when it meets
in special session at Scranton , Pa. , to
consider the question of the refusal of
the coal companies to deduct check
weighmen's wages.
The fear of a strike is heightened by
the action of the Scranton Coal Conr-
pany in failing to make the deductions
when paying at several of its collieries.
Five Are Murdered ,
Henry R. Hodges , wife and three
dren , living near Statesboro , Ga. , were
found with their skulls broken and home
burned. Robbery is the supposed causa
of the crime.
Veterans Object to Negro.
Members of Walter C. Whittaker post ,
G. A. R. , Louisville , Ky. , will separate
from the Kentucky department. Com
mander Smith , of Kentucky , has ap
pointed W. H. Pearce , colored , junior
vice commander to lead the delegation in
the parade.
Port Arthur Rumor.
A telegram received at Shanghai from
Wei Hai Wei confirms other telegrams
received from Che Fee to the effect that
Port Arthur has been captured.
Drawing for Rosebud Lands Begins
at Chamberlain.
Surrounded by the hills and highlai ls
that encircle Chamberlain , S. D. . iHvC
embattlements , the last chapter in tba
story of the Rosebud was concluded.
The drawing by which the disposition
of 336,000 acres of free homes was dis
posed of was conducted by W. A. Rich
ards , commissioner of the general laud
office , assisted by Judge Wakeley , f
Omaha , and P. F. Sherman , of Sioux
Falls. The drawing was conducted on a
little frame platform , which will later
be exhibited at the World's Fair. The
platform was crowded with the govern
ment clerks , officials and a host of news
paper men.
' scheme conducted
Uncle Sam's lottery was
ducted with a religious observance of the
laws of chance.
Surrounding the little frame platform
was a crowd of spectators anxious to
hear the names of the lucky winners of
the valuable first .prizes.
At 9 o'clock Thursday morning Com
missioner Richards , of the general land
office , made the preliminary dramatic an
nouncement. He announced the condi
tions of the drawing , following with the
reading of the proclamation throwing
open the Rosebud lands.
The huge box in which the numbers
were to be placed was the conspicuous
part of the furniture of the drawing
platform. Eight Chamberlain boys had
been chosen , from which four were to be
selected bychance.
The boys who drew the lucky numbers
to draw were Arthur Rogers , No. 1 ; Ln-
cian Bajier , No. 2 ; "Lucky" Somers , No.
3 ; Edgar Clute , No. 4. Somers drew the
opportunity to draw the first number.
As the numbers were drawn they were
handed to P. F. Sherman , then to Judge
Wakeley , of Omaha , and by him to Com
missioner Richards , and the clerks
stamped the envelope and took the num
When Lucky Somers placed his hand
in for the first number the silence again
became tense. "Bet he's a South Da
kota man , " yelled someone. There was
some difficulty in rea'ding the name , but
it was noised about that he had regis
tered at Chamberlain. Later Commis
sioner Richards announced the lucky
winner of the first number was William
McCormick , a Spanish-American war
veteran , aged 27 , who had been regis
tered by William Powell , as agent , s't
Chamberlain. McCormick's residence is
given as Lancaster County , Neb. , and
his birthplace was Philadelphia.
"Hurrah for Muck ! " yelled the crowd
for tae winner of the grand prix in Un
cle Sam's big lottery.
A. Long List of Casualties During
the Past Year.
According to the accident bulletin is
sued by the interstate commerce commis
sion at Washington , there were TO pass
engers and 840 employes of railroads
killed and 1,300 passengers and 10.S54
employes injured iu accidents on rail
roads iu the United States during the
quarter ended on March 31 , 1904. Tin's
is a decrease of eight killed for the cor
responding quarter last year.
The amount of damage done to rail
way property caused by accidents dur
ing the quarter was J2,2oG,447. ?
The bulletin says the increased use of
tlie air brake , diminishing the necessity
for employes on top of trains , has made
a reduction of 32 per cent in the number
of persons falling off of cars.
The Ranks of the Army of Idle Re
main Unbroken.
A Fall River , Mass. , dispatch says :
"Unless the operatives agree to come in
to the mills and work under the pro
posed 12 per cent reduction in wage * ,
it is doubtful whether any attempt will
be made by the manufacturers to run the
mills before October. " This statement
was made by a prominent mill treasurer
in reference to the cotton mills strike , in
volving 20,000 men.
In explaining this attitude the man
quoted said that the manufacturers have
found that to continue operations midei-
the old wage scale would mean a loss of
money. They prefer , therefore , to have
the nulls closed rather than to have
run at a loss.
The strikers' ranks remain unbroken.
Russian Minister of Interior is As
sassinated at St. Petersburg.
A St. Petersburg special says : Minis
ter of Interior von Plehve was assas
sinated at 10 o'clock Thursday morning
while driving to the Baltic station to vis
it the emperor at Peterhof pahice.
A bomb was thrown under the min
ister's carriage , completely shattering it ,
terribly mangling Yon Plehve and killing
the coachman , the horses running away.
The assassin was arrested , but declines
to give his name.
Immediately there ensued a scene of
wildest confusion. Police and gendarmes
hurried up from every direction and vast
crowds gathered about the spot where
the mangled body of the minister lay
weltering in his own blood.
Bandit Confesses.
George F. Hammond , one of the ban
dits who dynamited a Northern Pacific
passenger train near Bear Mouth , Mont. ,
on the night of June 1C , has made a full
confession to Sheriff Doust , of Spokane ,
Suffers from Freight Famine.
According to mail advices Irkusk , east
ern Siberia , is beginning to suffer acute
ly from a freight famine , owing to mon
opolization of the railway for military
purposes. Much freight sent from Eu
rope in January has not yet been re
Nordica Gets Divorce.
Justice Scott , of New York , has signed
the formal decree of divorce dissolving
the marriage of Lillian Nordica and Zpl-
tan Deomo
Tragedy at York O. V. Van Orman
of Omaha Ends .Life with Revolver
Spends Evening at Home of York
Widow and Threatens to Kill Her.
0. V. Van Ormau , of Omaha , shot
himself at York with a revolver , the
bullet striking near the heart. A few
minutes later Van Orman was found and
carried to the nearest house and Dr. O.
M. Moore was called.
After examining the wound it was
found to be of a very serious nature.
His daughter at Omaha was immediate
ly sent for. Van Orman was a carriage
trimmer and upholsterer for N. F. Til-
den , of York. The shooting occurred in
North York , between the residence of
Mrs. Carlton and the City Hotel. Van
Orman had spent the evening at her
home , and during that time he had be
come enraged.
Mrs. Carlton is a widow with five chil
dren , of whom Ralph , the oldestvis a
young man grown. She is a hardworking
ing woman and is well known at York ,
where she has lived for a number of
years. At present she is living on Lin
coln Avenue , near the City Hotel. Her
oldest son , Ralph , has rooms in the Kuns
Mrs. Carltou says that Van Orman had
been calling on her for the last six
months. The evening before the tragedy
he came to her house as he had been
doing every evening. Mrs. Gill , who
runs the City Hotel , had hurt her foot ,
and she was going over to help bathe it ,
and told Van Onuan of her intentions. -
At this he became very angry. She
told him if he did , not like it she would
not go. He then demanded his photo
graph which he had given her , and a lit
tle souvenir of his work as an upholster
er , which he took and cut to pieces be
fore her. After this fit of anger had
passed he seemed sorry for what he had
done , and wanted to make amends. Ho
remarked that this would probably be
the last time she would see him , as he
was going to Omaha in the morning and
blow out his brains , and Avould- make
a square job of it. Mrs. Carlton became
frightened at this and left the house , and
after staying in hidjng for some time
came down to her son Ralph's room. She
told him to go up to the house and care
for the children , whom Van Orman had
been terrifying by telling them that he
would shoot Mrs. Carlton and then him
At .first Van Orman said that the wo
man'had shot him. but after being in
formed that he could not live , he owned
that he had done the deed himself. He
died at 2:30 Friday afternoon. It is said
that he has a wife and one daughter at
Remains of Stolen Animals Supposed
to be in Ruin' ? of Stable.
Wednesday morning about 1 o'clock a
team of mules belonging to William
Whittaker , driver of the Standard Oil
wagon at Weeping Water , was stolen
from his barn and then hitched to a wair
on belonging to Troy L. Davis. The
mules were tracked about one mile north
to a barn belonging to E. F. Marshall ,
a grain man , who resides in town. It
is supposed the mules were put in tin *
barn and three good horses belonging to
Marshall stolen , after which the thieves
set fire to the barn. In the ruins was
found a mule's hoof. The barn was a
fair one , filled with hay. After that it
is supposed they traveled west , as at an
other house on the same farm , the rent
er heard them going past at 2 o'clock.
No trace of the mules could be found
after they reached the barn.
Men from Kansas and Nebraska Join
in Reunion.
' Tuesday was the first of the three days
of the annual old settlers' picnic of the
State Line Association. The association
includes Pawnee and Nemaha Counties ,
and the picnic is held in Scott's grove ,
six miles south of Pawnee City. Thoie
are in camp almost 100 tents , makinir a
town of almost 500 people. This is the
big event for that section of the coun
try and 10,000 people are expected to at
tend each of the last two days.
Among the attractions is Gov. Bailey ,
of Kansas , who will speak. There is
plenty of entertainment and the "graft
er" and "fakir" are in evidence. Paw
nee City is in reality a "deserted village"
during the event.
New Stock Food Plant.
The Payne Investment Company , of
Omaha , has ordered its Grand Island rep
resentatives to proceed with the matter
of putting up the buildings necessary for
the manufacture of a new stock food
from alfalfa , meal , salt and syrup , and
it is stated that $2. > .000 worth of ma
chinery will be put in.
Small Twister Near Table Rock.
About an inch and a half of rain 1'eH
at Table Rock in twenty minutes , so that
all the streams were bank full. The
rain was accompanied by a hard wind ,
and much of the corn was blown down.
The wind assumed the shape of a cyclone
between that place and Pawnee City ,
where the barn of Mr. Finney was torn
to pieces.
Fatal Accident Near Pnpillion.
Philip Saalfield , age 10 , met with : i
fatal accident while unloading hay on
Fred Hagedorn's farm , near Papiilioii.
While driving to the barn to unload the
hay the rope holding the fork became
loosened from its pulley and the pulley
ilew up , striking young Saalfield in the
abdomen. He was removed to his home ,
where he died a few hours later.
Worry Causes Insanity.
G. B. Stroble was under examination
at Fairbury by the commissioners of in
sanity and was sent to the hospital for
insane at Lincoln. He has been work
ing in a barber shop for several month * .
His trouble appears to come from worry
ing about his young children , the young
est of which is 3 years old.
Thrashing at Harvard.
.Most of the farmers about Harvard
began threshing on Monday. Ra | # has
caused several delays , however , during
the week.
Past Week Showery , ivith Rainfall
. . Above the Normal.
Weekly bulletin of the Nebraska sec
tion of the climate and crop sen-ice of the
weather bureau for the week ending
Monday , July 25 , 1004 :
The past week has been cool nad show
ery , with an average amount of sun
shine. The daily mean temperature haa
averaged 0 degrees below normal.
The rainfall was generally above nor
mal and exceeded an inch in most of the
state , while in a few places it exceeded
two inches.
The showers of the past week have not
interfered at all seriously with harvest
ing. The oats harvest is about finished
in southern counties and is beginning in
northern. Rye and barley are about all
cut. Haying is in progress , and some
hay was damaged by rain. Rain retarded
threshing in eastern counties , but in cen
tral counties some threshing was done of
both wheat and oats , with fair to good
yields reported. Corn has grown well ,
but the low temperature has prevented
any substantial gain in condition , and it
is still a week or ten days behind normal
advancement. The crop , however , is iv
good , healthy , promising condition.
Remains of Nellie Thompson Taken
from Republican River.
Last Sunday , while fishing in the Re
publican River three miles west of Red
Cloud , a farmer discovered the remains
of Nellie Thompson , of Bloomington ,
whose tragic death by drowning was re
ported two weejcs ago. The party noti
fied the authorities of Webster County ,
and the sheriff , accompanied by a dozen
or more people , went to take charge of
the body if identified. The identification
being positive , the remains were brought
to Bloomington and were interred in the
cemetery north of town.
For two weeks the citizens of Bloom
ington and nearby towns had kept up a
ceaseless search for the body of th'e
drowned irirl , watching the river as far as
Guide Rock , forty miles below , but no
trace of the body was discovered.
Inspector Checks Him Up and De
clares Him Short.
B. Brocknerr who has been postmas
ter at Ocnnto , Custi"- County , for the
last two years , was brought before LTnit-
ed States ConimisMoner Regthal at IIoI-
drege on the charge of embezzling $442
fi-oin the money older fund. Breckner
waived examination , was placed under
$1.000 bonds , in default of which he
was committed to the Douglas County
jail to await the action of the United
States grand jury.
The surest was made by Deputy Mar-
j shal Human on complaint of PostoiBce
Inspector Swift , who cheeked Breck-
ner up juul pronounced Iiim short. Breck-
i nor 5 a mairiod man and is about 45
years oM.
Low Price of Product and Hign
Lmbnr Given the Cause.
The Argo starch factory at Nebraska
City , has closed down , throwing 330 men
and women out of employment. Th
management gave as the reason for clos
ing the plant the low price of starch and
the high price the3 * have to pay for la
bor. The shipping force is the only one
at work and they will bo discharged as
soon as the starch in the store rooms can
be packed and shipped.
The managers claim the factory will
not be closed down for good , but will be
start * d a * soon sis the conditions are pos
sible to their making starch as cheap at
Nebraska City as they can in other cities.
Four-Year-Old Child Shoots Himself
with a Revolver.
While the family was absent from the
hoiT-e. the 4-yeir-old : son of Mrs. Wilson
McClnre , of Turner Valley , secured a re-
j vohvr from a trunk sind accidentsilly dis-
tharced the weapon. The ball entered
i the left side about > wo inches below the
i heart , from the effects of which he died
i Saturday morning.
Owing to the shot being fired at such
close range , the child's clothing caught
fire , and he promptly loft the house , re
moved the burning garments in the yard
and walked sibout fifty paces to where
his mother wsis working in the garden.
I Rush f ir Harvest Fields.
The rif-h of harvest hands to the wheat
fields of the Dsikotas has begun. Through
Norfolk si score of the.-e men a dsiy. and
perhaps jiis.ny uioie. are passing. They
. are not mere tramps. They are men will-
j ing to work , but they are beating their
way oil the raihoads because it is cheap-
I < > r tlian to pay fare and ride the cushions.
j Souse of them are intelligent looking
j men. and some of them , of course , are
battered and dis ip'itod. They go to the
Dakotsis to work at the wage of $4 to § ; " >
per ( In3 * .
31 tile Kick Not Fatal.
Mt reer Ooatcs. the little son of Man-
siger J. F. Cosites. of the Koehler Hotel ,
Grand Island , who was kicked in the
head by a mule ton days ago , is slowly
r'-oovcrin ; ; from the effects of the fright
ful IdiAv. Aft' r Iving unconscious for
! neailr a v-ek lie began to call for his
i ball. p"rioiHf > alIy. though at first not rec-
J fgnizing hi. ? parents. He now recognizes
nosirlv ail wliom ho knew and complete
recovery : s expected.
i Child's Hand Lacerated.
While paying near si hay loader which
was in operation near Papillion , the 3-
j voir-ohl : daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
| Z'-el caught Hold 'of n rope attached to
j the ! ojd.-r and her hand was drawn"into
* lri ipseliiio. Th ° hand was badly bruis
ed and burnt and every particle of flesh
was torn from the middle finger. It will
j be some time before the child has the use
of its hand.
Curious Peach Tree.
Chester Weeks , a Columbus fanner ,
| living near the Merrick County Hue , has
} 1 : : curiosity on his farm in the shape of
a pesich tree. The tree is eighteen years
old sind hsis never before borne any fruit ,
nor even blossomed , but this year it is
fairly loaded down with peaches.
Object to Train Scuednle.
A change in the Union Pacific tame
card is very much disliked by residents
of Galloway. Under the present system
mail from Omaha is two days late in
reaching there.
Short Notes.
The sugar beet crop is thriving in all
sections of Nebraska.
Owing to the continuous rains the Sa
lem Chautauqua has been called off.
The business men of Cortland held a
meeting and decided to hold a street fair
ut that place. Aug. 12 and 13.
J ' S. Kline , an aged man , fell dead in ,
the'street at West Point. The deceased-
was a farmer , and heart failure was th&
cause of death.
Tiie p each crop in Gage County prom
ises to be unusually large. A large-
amount of the fruit is being marketed
at Beatrice at present.
L J. Capps , of Hastings. Jisis been
appointed deputy United States revenue-
collector to succeed J. D. Mines , in the-
Fifth congressional district.
The school census of Cuming County
shows a totsil of children of school age-
of 5,401. This is a reduction of 133-
from the census of last year.
Mrs. Helen Slattory , of Wood Riverr
was the unfortunate victim of a serious
runaway , in which she was thrown from.
the buggy sind sustsiined severe injuries ,
over a strip of country northeast of Re
atrice , doing considerable damage to oats-
and corn. The rainfall was ofdmated
at nearly 3 inches.
A carload of moat billed to London , .
England , was wrecked in the Burlington
yards at Plattsmouth. The contents-
were transferred to another car and sent
on to its destination.
A heavy wind and rain storm swept
Andrew Msingin , of Greeley , a n"inteiV
fell from the roof of a two-story build
ing while attempting to . remove some-
scaffolding. No bones were broken , but
internal injuries are feared.
Judging from reports from Marysville ,
Kan. . Kilpatrick Bros. & Collins , of
Beatrice , will in all probability secure-
the contract for building the proposed
new line of railroad between Topekn and'
The Bartling Grain Company's clevntor-
at Paul , seven miles south of Nebraska
City burned to the ground. The building :
and its contents sire a total loss , which
will amount to about $4,000 ; fully cov
ered by insurstnce.
The tender of a southbound Union Pa
cific passenger train jumped the track
between Cortland and Pickrell. Ther
train was delayed several hours on ac
count of the accident , which might have-
proved more serious.
Louis Zimplor. the man who fell out era
a window of the Dabell house at Fre
mont ; was taken to his home in Raven
na. There was no improvement in his-
condition and the physicians give little-
hopes of his recovery.
The Beatrice city'council held a spe
cial meeting and fixed the estimate of ex
pense for the coming year sit $02,000.
This will make a.levy of 441Xs mills upout
the dollar , as against 7t'2l& last year and
49 mills the year before.
The Ravenna street carnival is being-
advertised , the dsites being Sept. 7 , S and
9. Horse racing , baseball , several coodr
shows and athletic sports will bo on the-
program each day. No fake shows wilK
bo allowed to participate.
Fremont is to have an unusual uumber-
of attractions during the month of Au
gust and the Commercial Club is making *
an effort to secure good attendance to-
them for the purpose of aiding the busi
ness interests of the city.
William McNuIIy and R. W. Fur were
arraigned before Police Judge Weber at
Plattsmouth on the charge of burglary. .
Each entered a. plea of not guilty. The-
prisoners are accused of having broken
into and robbed two stores in Union.
Northbound Burlington passenger tram
No. 89 struck a buggy in which two lit
tle Jjovs of Mr.
and Mrs. Epkah were-
riding , as it pulled into Dewitt Tuesday
morning , proftnbly fatally injuring both. .
The vehicle was completely demolished. .
At a special meeting of the Fremont
school board , the contract for putting in-
a stesim heating plant at the high school
was let. The old Smead plant has beeit
very unsatisfactory for some time past.
The work is to be'completed before the-
fall term.
The funeral of A. Ellis occurred at
Holdrege Monday. Mr. Elli.s , died from
an injury received Fourth of July from
si Isirge firecracker exploding in his hand. .
While it was thought the injury was not
severe at the time , blood poison set in
and ho did of lockjaw.
The Ilninboldt city council at its regu
lar meeting vitod tooxtend aid to the fire-
hoys on their trip to the state tourna
ment at Norfolk early in August. The-
ninning team made
its first
last year and made an excellent showing , ,
but is determined to bring home larger
prizes from the coming meet.
Anton Zsiboowski. a laboring man from ,
Omaha , is lying at the point of death ;
at Nebraska City from the effects of a.
blow ho received in a fight last Monday H
voning. Zsiboowski refused to say any 11
thing about the fight or where his rela
tives are living , sind it is feared he will
He before anything can be learned of .
his psist history.
The Falls City mills and elevator is a
now enterprise just completed and ready
for business at Falls City. The mill ,
building is out1"of the finest and most
complete in the state , and is nicely locat
ed on its own switch. The mill has a ca
pacity of 150 barrels of flour daily , ind ?
is fitted up with the newest and most
improved machinery.
_ The largest fish ever taken from the-
Xemsiha River at Tecumseh have beeu
-ecurc-d by the
singlers recently. Fisher
men by the score have lined the banks
of the river and taken advantage of the-
good conditions of the water. Thomas
Goodmsm caught a carp that weighed
ten pounds ; E. A. Phillips lauded a
channel cat that weighed six popuuds ;
Everett Haughton caught four fish that
weighed fifteen pounds combined
weight , ,
largest being a carp that weighed
seven and a half pounds ; Thomas Robb
caught a carp that weighed stveu
pounds , and many other good fish , were
Charley and Clarence Cain , twosbroth-
ers who were occupying quarters in the-
Gage County jail at Beatrice , made their
escape the other evening by sawing their
way out and have not yet been captured.
They were serving time for petit Jar-
The will of the late Alexander Mcln-
tyre , of Palmyra , was admitted to 'pro
bate in the county court at Nebraska
City. The estate is *
at over * 20-
000. He bequeaths to Bellevue College
Bellevue , $2,000. The remainder of the
estate is left to his wife , brother' and