Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 04, 1904, Image 1

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    ffistorical Society
y ' ' - *
, 7
As Harvest Time is now at hand we call your at
4 ? tention to a few things in demand at such a time.
4 ?
4 $
3 ? We carry a large line of
4 ?
4 4Y ? "Key Stone" make Hay Forks , &
4 4 ? ? e > ader Forks , Bundle Forks , etc. .
each and everyone with the above brand is made of
carefully selected material and skilled labor , which ftfr
makes it one of the best forks ft the market. Try one.
49 the best mounted grindstone made. Some of its special
49 features are ball bearing shaft and crank , select stones
49 and a well made hardwood frame.Ve have also stack
49 anchors , something new and inexpensive. Machine Oil"
49 ers , Grass Scythes , Scythe Stones , Grind Stone fixtures.
49 ftfr
49 &fr
"We also sell fcfr
v i8
49 49 Eldorado Castor Machine Oil. *
& §
43 ifr
fc § >
* -
4 ? &
4 ? i
1 Tailor' Made Suits , Ladies' Shirt Waists , Fine |
Neck Wear and Gents' Furnishing Goods. g
n. i
p Come in and replenish your wardrobe with the latest and most
| p desirable'Clothing , Boots , Shoes , Hats , Shirts and Furnishings.
a' -Ti.
gv !
SS sr S' fS - jS jaSs
. 5.SSS : SgS S i
I ,
Are the best on the market : Xeat , ornamental and.serviceable. 'j
They'll last for years and save you money in Jiuel. You canf
start them in a moment and turn out the flame when your
cooking's done. No waste of , fuel : No waste of time : Nof
heat where you don't want it. Call and see the Quick
Stove on exhibition.
i K * *
icGeneral ! Hardware , Furniture and Undertaking.
25 i k * - lw
> ?
: : ? ! i ? \ K ® S e5 ? S : '
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank
Jir.i6 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1002 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
OAPITALPAIDIN - A General Banking
, Exchange , . . _
f i
Collection Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President
1 M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier.
YOUR JL JbXJL. , 11 , ± JL Jk OFFICE *
Can Safinfv Ynti < W and TOX.
The Junior Normal closes Aug-1
ust 19th.
Mr. Hale and Mr. Pete were in
from Kennedy yesterday.
Sam Hudson was in from Sim
eon , getting supplies for haying ,
J. P. Gardiner , of Cody , was in
town the first of the week on busi
ness. He was also here last week.
Geo. D. Hnggins was up from
Norden the first of the week on
business and visiting his numerous
friends here.
Frank Grooms was in'town from
up west where he is engaged as a
mason with the railroad company
putting in bridges.
Editor Heath of the Cody Cow
Boy called on us Tuesday while * in
town on business. He admired
our engine and office arrangement.
Miss Maggie McGeer , of Mt.
Pleasant , Iowa , has been here vis-
iting her brother , TTm. R. Mc-
Geer , a couple of weeks , and last
Saturday night they went up to
Hot Springs to spend a few clays.
A large number of people who
have been expecting a homestead
over in Gregory county are head
ed this way and will take 640 acres
inetead of 1GO that they would
have to pay four dollars an acre
Jas. Goodfellow , of Ashland ,
Nebr. , was in town yesterday , re
turning from his ranch south of
Merriman. T\re made a mistake a
couple of weeks ago , speaking of
him as F. H. , who is a son. living
at Greenwood , Nebr. and formerly'
lived iii our city. - .
The Old Settlers' Ee-union at
Britt , announcedp reviously for
the 19th of August , is put off one
week and will be held Friday ,
August 26th at Britt , Nebr. Ev
erybody should prepare to go that
can go and enjoy getting together
again for a good time.
A. 0. Colernan was in town
Monday on business and called at
our office to inform us that he had
changed his postoffice address from
Cody to McCann where he now
lives on his own place , having tak
en a 640 acre homestead and has
bought the McLaughlin place to
go with it.
M. M. Allen and wife were up
last week from Norden. visiting
W. T. Bishop and wife of thiss.e | I
city. Mr. Allen is a brother t
Mrs. Bishop , fie thinks Valen
tine is making steady improvement
and was pleased with the thrifty
growth and substantial buildings in
of our city.
Geo. C. Bakewell , of TVoodlake ,
was in town Monday on business to
and claims to be enjoying better
health than he has enjoyed for sev a
eral years. He's looking well and
his neighbors say that he can pitch
hay like a working man. Mr.
Bakewell retired from ranch life
some years ago on account of fail
ing health but started to building
up a ranch four or five years ago
and now has a pretty fair ranch.
John Ormesher's CO
team took a
little run Monday coming up town . -
on x Cherry street from W.'E. Hal-1
ey's farm south of town. I. M. j ' to
Rice was on the way down the t cr
j of
street to the Lud wig Lumber Go's. J ,
office , and seeing the team , called j
to people standing near. John
Jones and blacksmith "W. B. -
Ford responded and we stoppedl
them before they reached Hammond
mend & Bullis' livery barn. Noth
ing was broken and the team en
joyed the exercise. They got w
scared at some hogs wnile. John se
was busy at work close to the ed
team but he was unable to catch b
them. ss
I Miss Jessie M. Garvin enter
tained our people at the M. E.
church last Sunday and Monday
evenings on temperance talks and
songs. Miss Garvin has a peculiar
quality of voice that is either a
deep contralto or bass , or that of
high soprano. A large appreciat
ive audience filled the church both
evenings and all who heard her ,
speak praises of her lecture.
You can buy potatoes now by
the bushel or the wagon load at
50 to 60 cents per bushel , and new
potatoes are as large as cocoanuts.
The price for awhile in June was
5 cents a pound. Next year every
farmer who knows of this year's
price for early spuds wll endeavor
fn have an early patch of them.
Potatoes will be shipped out from
here by the car load this fall and
next spring they'll be worth-a dol-1
lar as usual.
There has been sonsiderable re
pairing and working on the Cherry
r.y County Telephone Go's , line in
the , city the past week. Our phone
has len ringing every few min
utes , and , upon our answering the
phone , almost invariably the re
ply came , "I don't want } you , "
'there's some mistake , " etc. Now
when they want THE DEMOCRAT
office they'd better ring three or
four times and wait patiently for
we haven't time to be standing-at
the phone to see if they wanted us.
Look up your cattle and horses
after each electrical storm and
iiotice if any are missing. If yeti
haM them insured in the Farmers'
Mutual of Lincoln , or the German
Mutual of Omaha , report any loss
es o of stock immediately to the local
as , I. M. Eice , at Valentine or
to the company. Loss of stock by
lightening must be reported with
in 15 days , if you are not injured
see I. M. Eice the first time you
in town and get some insurance
in the best companies at the low
est rates.
A very heavy rain fell Tuesday
afternoon. There was not much
wind but there was considerable
hail and the lightning was hard.
After the rain people turned west
from the Valentine State Bank ,
came past Tins DEMOCRAT cifficc ,
crossing over on the west side of
Cherry street and thence back
down Catherine to Main street in
going up town. The water was
several . inches cje.cp , flowing over
kthe crossing- north of Valentine
State Bank. Large quantities of j §
hail could ba scooped up and po-i-1 |
sibly the crops are badly damaged j
places. ! * *
Capt. Laufer came down from
Gordon.last Friday and Saturday
consider the matter of raising
the Berry bridge. TVe enjoyed
pleasant visit at our office from
the Captain. He tells us that it
was quite dry up around Gordon
and on Pole creek and they needed
rain badly. Different around Valr
jentine , where it has rained fre-
jquently all summer. Around Irwin -
win the people have not been de
layed in making hay at all on ac
count of ruin and some are pretty
near through. . Considerable farm-
ing is done on P.olecreek , about 15
20 miles south of Gordon and
crops there will be short for want
, .
rain. That is 90 miles west of
here though , and farther cast there
seems to have been also an abund
ance of rain as it has been around
Catholic C2iurci Announce
On Sunday next , an early mass
will be said at T o'clock a. m. The
second holy mass will be celebrat
at 10:30 : a. m. In'the evening ,
benediction of the most blessed
sacrement at 7:30. :
We have a number of odds and ends in Men's
Underwear which we are closing out regard
less of cost.
UNDERSHlRTSj Formerly 75c , reduced price 35c
MEN'S § 2.50 and § 3.00 HATS , in the latest shapes
and colors , on sale at $1.50.
LADIES'Voc , § 1.00 and § 1.25 SHIRT WAISTS
arc all going at 50c.
We have a lot of 50c and 75c STRAW HATS
which we arc selling at 25c.
These are prices which you cannot 'aftbrt to
miss. Come while they last. &
§ < ?
4i i .yen port < & T ? *
: fc
stock of
Just arrived. ;
All other shoes in stock sold atr greatly
reduced prices for next 30 days. Come
and see us. We sell everything , and
at prices which are right.
The BEST for table use and at popular prices.
TT- , , - . - . -.r TT.- - , , - . . . ui. . . . . . . . . . . . „ ! ! t
Our Stock is Always Fresh
. , , ,
- = -J * * -j JJ BaaaBng g ! ! - MIJii Hilarujw m m ju ± AfAmmrl an * mxB 3OMf3a MMamx _ /
'Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens
.ay ' , Grain and Feed
; ? 7&oS'3'STC2rtt3r3 r5er5
ine of Steaks , Roasts
! } Salt Meats. Smoked - _
* *
j -
J. W. STJJTTKK , Vice I'r OJAII L. BIOTTOX ; A5 t. Cashier
Interest paid on timep
5 deposits.
Capital , S2.3.000 f
Surplus , ? 1COO 5
Cfflce Hours
9 A. M. to 4 P. M. 3
Valentine , Nebraska.
Persons seeking a place of safety for their
money , will profit by investigating the
methods employed in our business.
Suited to your taste.
i Canned Goods Lunch Counter. „
Are now at their best and All you want to eat'at our
weliandle the best grade. Lunch Counter
Home Bakery
' * /
Re ; the ' A d vertisements.