Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 28, 1904, Image 7

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    Tricks of The Tonpue.
The eldest and the youngest daugh
ter of the house of May had been for
: i walk , during which they had met
with , an adventure , but the two ac
counts of it had pronounced points of
"We saw that dreadful dog of the
Osborns that snaps at everybody , " said
Miss Edith , aged 17 , "but of course I
didn't let Marjorie know I was afraid.
I just drew her attention to a doll with
a muff , in Carter's window , and took
her in there without her suspecting I
had any reason for it. "
" 'Twas funny about Sister Edith
this morning , " announced Marjorie
that night at the tea table. "We saw
that cross dog of Mr. Osborn's coming
along toward us , and I was just going
to say , 'Let's run , ' when sister said ,
'O Marjorie , here's a beautiful dog car
rying a little sable dog. See ! and a
long dog around its neck. Let's go in
and look at it ! ' and she hurried me
into Mr. Carter's store , and kept talk
ing the longest while , till I guess Mr.
Osborn's dog had time to get home ,
and I didn't have a chance to speak. " '
Health Before Wealth.
Nine out of ten ailments first show
themselves in constipation. Nature'b
warning , if left unheeded , means serious
chronic trouble later on. Medical statis
tics show that a greater number of people
suffer from constipation than from all
other diseases combined. A great talk is
made about consumption , but if the truth
were known , constipation kills more people
ple than consumption. ' Within the last
few years a medicine has been discovered
and made known to the American people ,
of such merit in curing constipation and
its consequences that now over ten mill
ion boxes of CASCARETS are sold
every year , the greatest sale ever at
tained by any one medicine in the world ,
and this is the strongest proof that it is
the best and will do all and more than
claimed. If you are a sufferer you are
not doing richt by yourself or your fam
ily if you fail to give CASCARETS : i
tiial , and right heie we want to wani
you to get the genuine , because all great
successes breed imitations. The genuine
tablet is put up in metal" boxes and ha >
the word CASCARETS with the long-
tailed "C" on the cover. Every Cascaret
tablet is stamped C. C. C.
Not Making a Good Start.
In the New Zealand Medical Journal
appears this story : On walking to the
Bcaffold in solemn procession a criminal
once called to the governor of the
prison : "Just oblige me , guv-nor , by
telling me the day o' the week. " "Mon
day , " answered the surprised goveinor.
"Monday , " exclaimed the prisoner in
disgusted tones. "Well , this 'ere's a
fine way of beginning a week , ain't
it ? " And he marched on with dissatis
faction imprinted on every line of his
Do Your Feet Ache and Burn ?
Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease ,
a powder for the feet. It makes tight or
New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns , Bun-
Ions. Swollen. Hot and Sweating Feet. At
all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample
sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted ,
Le Roy , N. Y.
Done to a Crisp.
A small boy was undressing the oth
er evening before the open fire in his
nursery , says the New York Tribune.
His mother gave him his nightshirt
and told him to hold it to the fire to
She left the room for a minute.but
returned quickly when she heard the
boy say to his father :
"Papa , is this shirt done when it's
brown ? "
I can recommend Piso's Cure for Con
sumption for Asthma. It has given me
great relief. W. L. Wood , Farmersburj.
Ind.Sept. . 8 , 1901.
Long before the Christian era umbrel
las and parasols were used by the East
ern nations. Old specimens of chinaware -
ware show pictures of ladies and man
darins shaded by parasols of patterns
Bimilar to those now in use.
Miss Nellie Holmes , treasurer
of the Young Woman's Temper
ance Association of Buffalo , N.Y. ,
strongly advises al ! suffering
women to rely , as she ( fid , up
on Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound ,
" DEAB MRS. PINKDAM : Tour med
icine is indeed an ideal woman's medi
cine , and by far the best I know to
restore lost health and strength. I
suffered misery for several years , being
troubled with menorrhagia. My back
ached , I had bearing-down pains and
frequent headaches. I would often
wake from restful sleep , and in such
pain that I suffered for hours before I
could go to sleep again. I dreaded the
long nights as much as the weary days %
I consulted two different physicians ,
hoping to get relief , but , finding that
their medicine did not seem to cure me.
I tried your Vegetable Compound
on the recommendation of a friend
from the East -who was visiting me.
" I am glad that I followed her ad
vice , for every ache and pain is gone ,
and not only this , but nay general
health is much improved. I have a
fine appetite and have gained in flesh.
Jly earnest advice to suffering women
is to put aside all other medicines and
to take I/ydiaE. Pinlrbam's Vege
table Compound. " Miss NELLIE
HOLMES , 540 No. Division St. , Buffalo" ,
i H. Y S5000 forfeit If original of about Utter pro *
\tisg gemtlntntto cannot be produced.
Facts'of History.
The Republican national platform
claims that : "A Democratic tariff has
always been followed by business ad
versity ; a Republican tariff by busi
ness prosperity. " That hoary Repub
lican falsehood has been reiterated in
every campaign since the war , but it
remained for Senator Lodge to embalm
it in a Republican platform and for it
to be approved by a Republican Presi
dent. History shows that the state
ment is literally and palpably false ,
and of course intentionally made so.
The historical facts are that the first
protective tariff law was in 1S1G and
may be classed as a tariff for revenue
with incidental protection with an av
erage ad valorem rate on dutiable
goods of about 25 per cent. Instead of
prosperity under this tariff , the price
of farm products fell , hard times pre
vailed and the panic of ISlD ensued.
In 1819-24 Henry Clay advocated
higher protection and the law of 1824
resulted. In former tariffs wool had
been on the free list , but in the law of
1824 a graduated scale of duties was
imposed on wool ranging from 13 to 30
per cent , with an average rate of about
40 per cent on other dutiable goods.
Again , instead of the prosperity prom
ised , the woolen industry was greatly
depressed. Petitions were sent to Con
gress asking increased protection and a
national convention of protectionists
was held at Harrisburg. demanding in
creased duties not only on woolens , but
also on hemp , flax , cotton , iron and
glass manufactures.
This led to the high protective tar
iff of 182S , or the "tariff of abomina
tions , " as it was called. Adversity
followed instead of the prosperity that
the shipping interests , the commercial
classes and the farmers had been de
luded into believing would result. That
tariff increased the revenues so that
it led to the accumulation of a sur
plus , but the failure of the "home
market" to provide for the consump
tion of surplus farm products led to a
strong demand for a reduction of du
Accordingly the compromise tariff
of 1833 became a law , which was in
tended as a return to a revenue basis ,
but the revenues of the government
fell behind expenditures and the
Whigs successfully made the enact
ment of a high protective tariff the
issue in 1840 and the act of 1842 re
sulted. During the period of the low
tariff from 1833 to 1842 , there was gen-1
oral prosperity with low prices and the
domestic exports increased-from $09-
950,856 in 1833 to $103,030.230 in 1841.
ruder the protective tariff of 18i2 im
ports were checked and exports de
clined and prosperity did not material
ize. The Democrats then enacted the
low revenue tariff of 184G and pros
perity resulted. Exports increased from
$130,374,844 in 1847 to $278.900,713 in
1837. The revenue exceeded the expen
ditures and it was agreed to again re
duce the tariff and the highest rate
was 30 per cent and the lowest 4 per
cent. These were the lowest tariff
duties collected since 1812 and is called
by the protectionists the "free trade"
tariff of 1857 and was in force until
1801. The fourteen years of this period
of low duties from 1847 to 1801 were
years of great prosperity in all branch
es of production , manufacture and
trade. Prosperity was not confined to
any single industry , nor to any part of
the ourtry , but was universal.
Thus it is seen that almost the exact
reverse of the false claim of the Re
publican platform is true for the period
before the war. Since the war the
record proves that a Republican tariff
1s not followed by prosperity for the
panic of 1873 , following the second in
auguration of President Grant/and was
of course under a Republican tariff.
The panic of 1893 came on under a Re
publican tariff , the McKinley tariff ,
and was the principal cause of it That
tariff , highly protective as it was , did
not produce enough revenue and the
treasury was bankrupt when Cleve
land was inaugurated. The Demo
cratic tariff of 1894 was not passed
until late in the summer and although
the agitation of the money question
continued to depress business , the
panic subsided under that tariff and
there was a marked revival in our
manufactures and exports. Although
the protectionists persist in calling the
Democratic tariff of 1S94-S "free
trade" measure , the average protec
tion was 40 per cent and no schedule
even remotely approximated free
trade. The revenues increased xnder
it and if the income tax had not been
declared unconstitutional there would
have been a large surplus. The pres
ent business depression , the numerous
strikes , the high cosfof living under
the tariff that now oppresses us does
not show that prosperity always ac
companies a Republican tariff , al
though it is the highest protective tar
iff that has ever been imposed. If
President Roosevelt is fair with the
voters of the United States , he will re
pudiate the false adversity and pros
perity claim in the Republican plat
form for no honest candidate could de
clare his acceptance of such a gross
perversion of the truth of history.
Judicial Scandal in Alaska.
The partisan appointment of judges
for Alaska appears to have produced
the usual scandals that might be ex
pected. The Republican politicians
have .become so corrupt through a long
lease of power that the fact that their
partisans are unfit for high judicial
office has no weight with them. The
Senators or Representatives from some
States want to reward a political
striker that through the looe methods
of admitting lawyers to the bar , has
become a full-fledged attorney. The
President wants the vote of the dele
gation from that State to the National
Convention and accepts their recom
mendation without inquiry. Hence
forth the partisan is a judge let loose
upon a territory to work his will
backed by the immense powers that
office is clothed with.
Thousands of miles from civilization ,
Avith its safeguards of publicity to pre
vent usurpation of power , the judge
is tempted by all the wiles that the
smart rascals of the frontier can bring
to bear. Nine times out of ten the
rascals flourish at the expense of the
honest settler or miner , especially in
the latter case , when large interests
are involved. President Roosevelt ,
now the horse is stolen , is attempting
to shut the door by sending a commis
sioner to inquire into the charges
made against three Alaska judges. If
he had taken the ordinary precautions
of inquiring about the character of
these appointees before appointing
them , instead of taking the recommen
dations of those who , for obvious rea
sons , would say everything good -ind
nothing bad , whatever the facts were.
The appointment of judges is one of
the highest prerogatives of the Presi
dent , and is not like the selection of
a postmaster or an internal revenue
collector that can do but small harm
to person or property , and is expected
to be a partisan appointment vouched
for by the politicians.
Policy and Personality.
The Republican convention has per
formed its part which had been map
ped out for it by the oligarchy , that
runs the Republican party. The can
didates and platform were selected and
concocted in Washington and the dele
gates were about as useful in shaping
events a § the fifth Avhcel in a coach.
Not a voice was raised against the
stand-pat program. All was ominously
unanimous. The trust magnates dic
tated the program and their emisaries ,
preont in large numbers , approved
and applauded.
The voters who endorse the candi
dates and platform of the Republican
party at the polls next November will
stamp with their approval all that it
stands for. The voters that cast a
Republican ballot , declare in favor of
trust high prices and allowing' ' the
trusts and combinations to continue
to sell their products cheaper to for
eigners than to the people of the Uni
ted States. In spite of the extraordi
nary high prices .and the small , if
any , increase in wages , those who vote
the Republican ticket will , say they
are satisfied to "let well enough alone' '
and in the words of Mark Hanna vote
to "continue to let well enough alone. "
Xor is that all they will endorse.
If they are farmers , they will approve
the Republican protection policy that
does not protect them unless they
grow sugar cane or sugar beets or
some kinds of tobacco. The cereal
grower or stock raiser has no real pro
tection. If they are artisans or labor
ers they agree to stand pat on the
insacure present wages and the cer
tainty of the cdntinued high cost of
living that now prevails. The highest
Republican authority on such matters ,
Secretary Shaw , declared the Republi
can policy to be high prices and no
power on earth can keep up wages ,
even at their present rate , with fac
tories and mills shutting down , rail
roads discharging men and the power
of the people to purchase declining.
If they are clerks or others with
stated incomes , that do not fluctuate
with prices but stand pat , whether
the cost of living is high or low , they
vote to continue the Republican trust
domination that boosts prices at their
All voters should remember that
they do not vote for any candidate for
President directly , they vote for a
party with policies. The Republican
policy , if approved by a majority of
the voters , is to drift along and trust
that good crops and high prices will
continue and claim that any measure
of prosperity is of Republican manu
facture. Those voters who are enam
ored of rough riding and strenuosity ,
should understand that Mr. Roosevelt
is but a small spoke in the wiieel of
the party that has nominated him
and that he must carry out Republican
policies such as the leaders dictate
and the platform calls for.
When Mr. Roosevelt accepts the
nomination , his letter of acceptance
will show that he thoroughly endorses
all that the Republican party stands
for. He cannot object , he must ap
prove. The rule of party is stronger
than personalty and to object even not
approve , all that the Republican plat
form declares to be the policy of that
paily , would be disastrous to any can
didate. To vote understandingly and
conserve their own interests , the voters
must investigate and decide between
the policies of the two great parties.
Obstinacy and contradiction are like
p. paper kite ; they are only kept up so
long as you pull against them. Amiel.
Hostile Feeling and Intense Bitter-
nebs Evinced Ajxainbt Russia.
Great Britain has been aroused to
such a feeling of anger at the seizures
of British ships by vessels of the Rus
sian volunteer fleet in the Red Sea
that even conservative government of
ficials and conservative newspapers
are clamoring for reprisals , and it is
feared war will result unless Russia
backs down , release ? the vessels , and
disavows the seizures.
Leaders of all political partic-s are
united in decJUring these seizures an
inexcusable outrage , and in demanding
that the Czar be forced to right the
Men and newspapers that bitterly
opposed the war with the Boers are
now demanding radical action against
Russia. Government newspapers are
openly using threats of war , and de
clare the Malacca must be taken from
the Russians by British warships.
Another British steamer has been
seized in the Red Sea.
The British steamer Malacca , in
charge of a Russian prize crew , nas
arrived at Port Said with the ship's
crew under arrest
The authorities at Port Said have
detained the Mnlacca , refusing to ; .I
low it to pass through the Suez canal.
Nearly a score of British warships are
assembled in or near the canal.
The warlike tone of such papers as
the Tiroes , the Standard , the Morning
Post , and the Daily Telegraph , which
in national crises hitherto almost invariably -
variably advised caution , has had its
inevitable effect There has been
stirred up a storm of indignation
among all classes in the "United King
dom , and the strength of which the
government itself can scarcely gauge.
Those who deplored the outbreak of
the war between Japan and Russia
and insisted publicly and privately
that Great Britain , crippled financially ,
after her South African experiences ,
must not , at all costs , be drawn into
the far Eastern struggle , are now
among the most outspoken champions
of a physical force that will prevent
the repetition of the Malacca incident
in the Red Sea.
As in Sillier Cas > e , Union "Workmen De
mand Formal Recognition.
Again has the important question been
raised , Shall organized labor attempt to
force the government to recognize its
constitution and by-laws ? This question
was up not long ago at the government
printing office , where Assistant Foreman
Miller of the bindery was reinstated
upon orders from the President against
the protest of the bookbinders' union.
Miller being an expelled member of that
Twenty-eight union bricklayers em
ployed upon improvements at the arsenal
in Washington , where the war college
is located , refused to work because a
colored non-union bricklayer appeared on
the scaffold. It was necessary to in
crease the force of workmen , and to dose
so Captain Sewell selected the names of
several at the top of the eligible list. The
white union men notified the foreman
that the colored non-union man must
quit or they would. The matter was
taken up to Captain Sewell. who discov
ered that while some objection was made
to the man because of his race , the prin
cipal objection was that he did not be
long to the bricklayers' union.
The controversy undoubtedly will be
used in the coming campaign for what
political capital it is worth , but the gov
ernment's attitude is that the laws of the
land are supreme.
The Missouri , Kansas and Texas has
completed its line into Austin from
Granger , Texas.
From $8,000,000 to $10,000,000 is the
estimated cost of the proposed freight
tunnel system for Philadelphia.
The Kansas City Council has adopted
an ordinance enjoining the scalpers from
dealing in non-transferable tickets.
The Northwestern announces its
through sleeping car line between Chicago
cage , Milwaukee and Sault Ste. Marie.
President A. J. Davidson of the 'Frisco
and the Chicago and Eastern Illinois has
been elected piesideut of the Evansville
and Terre Haute.
The work of double tracking the Texas
and Pacific between Fort Worth and
Dallas is going rapidly ahead , and the
line will soon be completed.
A certificate of consolidation of the
New York and Pennsylvania and the
Sharon and Ceres has been filed with
the Secretary of State of New York.
The first railway in China was built
in 1897 , according to Export , a German
paper , and extended from Pekiu to Tien
tsin , a distance of seventy-five miles.
Under the name of the Consolidated
Railway Company , * the New York , New
Haven and Hartford Railroad has incor
porated its electric railway interests.
The directors of th * St. Louis and
San Francisco have voted to take from
the treasury $1,000,000 of 4 per cent
refunding bonds , the proceeds of which ,
will be used to reimburse the company
for. advances made on account of im
provements to the property.
Announcement has been made that t'm
Southern has issued $15,000,000 of a
total authorized issue of $16,000,000 five-
year 5 per cent collateral trust bonds.
The report of the New York , Chicago
and St Louis Company for the year
shows gross earnings of $8,448,320 , the
largest ever reported in the history of
the company.
A committee from the Western Pas
senger Association has induced the Cen
tral Passenger Association to agree to an
equalization of rates through the Chicago
cage gateway from all eastern points to
Tans-Mississippi river nointa.
' A Beautiful Young Society
Woman's Letter.
ST. PAUL , Mnre. )
o2l \ abasha ijt S
Dr. Hartman , Columbus , o. ,
Dear fciir :
"I took Pcruna last sum
mer when I ivas all run
do-Mn and had a headache
and backache and no ambi
tion for anything. I noiv
feel as "jucllas I ever did in
all my life , and all thanks
is due to your excellent Pe
runa. " Bess F. Healy.
The symptoms of summer
catarrh are quite unlike in
different cases , but the most f
common ones are general lassitude - <
tude , played-out , tired-out , ;
used-up , run-down feelings ,
combined with more or less i
heavy , stupid , listless , mental
condition. Relish for food and
the Ability to digest food seems
to be lost.
Skin eruptions , sallow com
plexion , biliousness , ccated
tongue , fitful , irregular sleep ,
help to complete the picture
which is so common at this
Peruna so exactly meets all
these conditions that the de
mand is so great for this rem
edy at this season of the year
that it is nearly impossible to
supply it
Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics.
One reason why Peruna has
found permanent use In so mauy
homes is that It contains no nar
cotics of any kind. Peruna Is
perfectly harmless. It can be
used any length of time without
acquiring the drug habit.
Thousands of women suffer from pelvic catarrh and catarrhal
nervousness and don't know it. If you feel fagged out , begin at
once taking Dr. Hartman's Peruna. It will relieve your catarrhal
affliction and all your organs will be restored to health. Buy a
bottle today , as It will immediately alleviate your case.
Tee Million Boxes a Year.
Effect of Moral Teaching on Youth.
Two small boys stood before Judge
Stubbs of the Juvenile Court. They
gazed fearfully into his earnest , yet
kindly face , and , not too badly fright
ened to understand , grasped the import
of the lecture.
"My boys , tell me , now , why did you
Jump off and on those cars ? You knew
that you might have a leg or an arm
cut off. didn't you ? You might have
been killed. Now , you haven't got any
more arms and legs than you need ,
have you ? Don't you see that it's very
foolish of you to put yourself in dan
ger in that manner ? "
Sitting in the little waiting room of
the court half an hour later , both boys
were silent They had evidently been
pondering over the words of the judge.
Not so much reverence as might have
been expected was heard in the voice
of the smaller boy as he suggested to
the other :
"Huh ! Bet that's how the judge lost
his own arm. " Indianapolis News.
Via Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
Less than one fare for the round
trip. Tickets on sale Aug. 12 , 13 and
14. Return limit may be extended to
Sept. 30. Tickets will be sold via New
York if desired. Full information on
application to L. F. Yosburgh , G. A.
P. D. , 180 Clark street , Chicago , or C.
F. Daly , Chief A. G. P. A. , Chicago.
Essa on the "Warr.
War is hei. You never no wet has
hapened til thr3 weeks after and then
you don't cair. There Is a warr be-
twene Jappan and Rusha. Jappan is
cald the Floury Kingdom becos of the
flours witch gro thare in great abun-
danse , including the flour of shivalry ,
witch also groes thare in great abun-
danse. The umpire of Jappan is cald
the McAdoo. His brother is mare of
new york and lives in jersy sity. The
cheaf industry of Jappan is razing
bamboo and arrays , hense the poplar
song The Man Behind the Gunz under
the Bam boo Tree. Rusha is divided
into two continence. Europ and Ashia.
Even then thare issent room , and most
of the Rushians come to America
asoon as thay grow wiskers , hense the
Now I must cloze.
Henry Spinks , B Class.
For Infants and Children.
Tiie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The Net Result.
"Did you go into that speculation
3ou were talking to me about ? "
"Yes. "
"What do you expectjto realize from
it ? "
' Just at present there's a strong
prospect that I may realize what a
fool I was. " Philadelphia Press.
Mrn. TFlnsl m' Sooraiyo STZTT * for Cblldraa
teething ; aoftous the cumi , rsdaoei iafiatacsiiioa. at
lojs paiu. cures tried colic. 2S csnia a bottl * .
The perks and gardens in Athens had
protecting deities who , it is to be pre
sumed , enforced attention to the sign ,
"Keep off the grass. "
JULY 26th to AUGUST 6th
The Best Exposition of
Agricultural and Indus
trial Resources of Canada
ever made : : : : : :
An aggregation of attractions
never before attempted at an
exhibition of this kind : : : :
Ample Accommodations for Visitors
Low railroad rates from all
United States points. Particu
lars given by CANADIAN GOVERN
MENT AGENTS or nearest ticket
Rlpans Tabules te tb * b st
dyspepsia medicine ever made.
A hundred millions of them have
been sold in the United States in
a sinple y ar. Constipation ,
heartburn , sick headache , dizzi-
_ _ cess , bad breath , sore throat and
every other illness arising from a disordered
stomach are relieved or cured bv Eipans Tabules.
One will generally give relief within twenty
minutes. The five-cent package is enougn
for ordinary occasions. All druggists sell them.
LAHD SCRIP GoTsmmeat Land. Hngo Seaberg , IUton , 3f JI
S. O. N. U. No. 31 1904
CURES catarrh of the stomach.