Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 28, 1904, Image 4
f r i V - -jr - x > " " " " " . * - 4ft. THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT ThurMday , July 28 , 1904. Entered at the Post-office at Valentine. Cnerry county , Nebraska , as Second-class matter. TERMS Subscription ? l.OO per year in advance ; ? l.DO When not paid in advance , Single copies Gc . Display advertising i inch single column'iDc per issue or Jr. . ' * ) a year * . - . , Kesolutlon- Local Notic - Obituaries Lodge ind Socials f 01 Uevenue 5c per liqe per issue. Brands , 1& inches S4.00 per year in advance additional space$3-00per Inch per year jengraved blocks extra ; § 1.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not per sonally known are requested to pay In advance 10 per cent additional to above rates If over 6 months In Arrears. Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver- You may not like to vote for Parker as well as you would for Hearst but strike the hardest blow you can against militarism and kts stay at home and protect our own country. It is important that the demo cratic and populist parties fuse on state officers this year. Get to gether and vote for the same set of officers and let us redeem the state from the disgrace of a know- nothing legislature. The fusion legislature of several years ago was the most honorable body that has ever graced the state house , enacted more laws favorable to the farmer and stockmen than you can expect for years from the republi cans who are under the control of the railroads and the Standard Oil interests. It is not necessary to go into details as to how the last legislature played into the hands of the railroads , and every voter knows , if he is not a hide bound republican , that the railroads have increased their demands from ship pers under republican rule and that it was made possible by our last legislature and the one pre ceding it. Why are people so blinded by party prejudices to not be able to see how the last two leg islatures have been hampered by railroad lobbyists and that all leg islation was carefully manipulated to favor the railroads' privileges in high freight rates and every bill passed was carefully passed by the lobbyists first. Xlici Gry fx > r Moire What the Great Movement of Population Means to the North-west. The astonishing demand for land in the'northwest will be more keen this season than ever. The fun damental basis for this demand is * not generally recognized. The average citizen in the west v and northwest thinks the move ment of population into his district is a "boom" that he should make the most of. He has faith in his country , but fails to grasp the whole situation. Orange Judd Farmer points out that the truth about the matter may be thus briefly summarized : 1. The choice agricultural lands of .the central Mississippi valley have reached extraordinarily high prices. Some Illinois farmers ; have sold at § 200 per acre land that they themselves "took up" as a free gift under the homestead act fanning land only , in central Illinois , which has reached this figure beqause farming pays good interest on that valuation , not be cause of proximity to cities. In Iowa , indeed all through the cen 5.V . tral valleys land values have also t risen enormously. 2. Farming in the central west is so profitable , so safe , and still c further advances in land values are tl tlP \ so constantly expected , thai , men P of large means are buying these i tc central lands and operating them ' cl on a large scale. Farming is becoming - . p coming as fashionable as it is profitla able , but in the central west agri- j T culture requires more and more'uj ' capital. - ' 3. ' Many thousands of farmers m in moderate circumstances , hired 2C men or others who would like to gr go to farming but who cannot afsp ford to paj from gpOto § 200 per flc * < \ ] 1 fcI fc j Largest Stock of Lumber in Cherry County. McCORMICK MOWERS DAIN SWEEPS All Kinds Of HAY TOOLS IMPLE E WAGONS AND BUGGIES LIME , PLASTER , HAIR , ETC SEE US BEFORE BUYING s * t LUDWIG LUMBER O. L. C. SPARKS , Mgr. acre for land , ure casting about ior good lands that can be bought at moderate prices. The great majority of these people want such lands located in the western and northwestern states or the Canad ian northwest , because they prefer the inspiring climate and the soc ial conditions of that favored region. i. But little privation is now required from settlers who move onto these newer lands in Michi gan , Wisconsin , Minnesota or the northwest of the states or Canada. Almost every part of these regions is-within convenient reach of rail road transportation. If in any section" the mails , schools , church es , etc. , are at all deficient , they are rapidly brought to perfection as population increases. In other words , Orange Judd Farmer would emphasize that it is easy to devel op homes and farms on the cheap er lands of the west and northwest compared to the privations suffer ed by the early settlers in the cen tral west. ' 5. The man who can sell out in the central west at from § 50 to § 200 per acre , and buy lands in thenew- 3r sections at from § 3 to § 25 per icre , is very much disposed to do so. He has had one taste of the jnorraous profit accruing from the latural increase in the value of and. He is hungry for another lose of such profits. He is still mngricr for more acres for him- iclf and his children. If he caft ell out at a price that will enable iim to pay for 1GO acres or more < or each member of his family , ] .nd also have a snug capital left , le is very much disposed to do so. 6. Each of the foregoing reas- < ins is enough to warrant the prost t nt activity in the real estate mark- i t throughout the west. Together bey form reasons that are incon- ( revertible , but over and above all hesc conditions , Orange Judd farmer calls attention to the un- ontrollable impulse for more land uit has got control of many peo- le's minds. They are ready to swarm" onto the newer and beaper lands.This movement of opulation promises to be even rger this season than ever before , he fever to migrate and to open p new land has occurred about o ice in every decade , but has been g est powerful at periods of about ri > to 30 years apart. It is to be st stP cater during 190i , relatively P < leaking , thaii was the great over- m . w of population into the central dc Mississippi valley years ago. These conclusions are based on an intimate personal knowledge of every section of our western states and the Canadian north west , which we have closely studied for several years. Our conclusions are also based on a ten thousand-mile jour ney through this country from which we have just returned , as well as upon knowledge of the con ditions of the people in the middle and eastern states. To a phenome nal extent , Orange Judd Farmer reaches all classes of these would- be immigrants and investors , and the above opinions are therefore worthy of the profound attention they will doubtless attract. Orange Judd Farmer. Trovible ntBonesteel , S.D. The gamblers got so wild at Bonesteel when allowed to have their own way so long that they thought they were running the town and that the whole deal was gotten up for their benefit. There was a vigilant committee organ ized to take charge of them until the state troops could be called for. The Vigilantes finally marched the gamblers to the train and loaded them into a box car and shipped them out of town. Several hold ups were reported and prepara tions were being made for a gen eral hold up and a wholesale rob bery of stores , banks and the land r > ffice. There were several shots ( ired Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week and two persons were wounded. 200 spec- al police patroled the town on Friday evening and shot one man > n suspicion as their orders were ; o fire on suspicious characters found loitering around with any ipparent view of depredation , uiet and orfler were restored witfi lonsiderable trouble without wait- c ng for state troop ? which were e ield in readiness to go if necessary 0 > y Lieut. Governor in the absence a f the Governor. One man was robbed- § 30.00 bout noon Friday and another 'as asked to play at a game and d pen replying that he had but § dto A e was asked to show his money , 5. 'hereupon he was dealt a blow bi ver the head and the money c ( rabbed. The gambler started to j ki jn when the farmer got up and ei iarted after him with a gun , comjfr ailing the gambler to return the [ ni .oney. While this was being ioi me two gamblers stood behind the farmer and struck him over the head and took his money again and his gun and escaped. Gollmar Bros , show brought people to town from out in the country 'fifty and sixty miles and Indians in large numbers from the reservation. There were near 5000 people or more in town and 3500 to 4000 people were at the show-during the afternoon. Mer chants who are conservative in their estimates , say that it was the largest crowd of people they had seen in town , and that the show was the best that had ever stopped here. There was no complaint of hold ups or short change , nor was there shell or soap games. Each member of the show seemed polite and courteous and nt ) fakirs seemed to be with the show. Our police heard no complaints during the day and all unite in saying that the management was as orderly as a theatrical troupe. TIIE VALEN TINE DEMOCRAT takes pleasure in making this comment on Gollmar Bros , show as it appeared in Val entine and also commend the press agent and orator , Dr * J. E. Fitz gerald , to the boys of the press as being courteous in his dealings and gentlemanly in conduct. One of the best features of the show was the two trained horses dancing a waltz and a cake walk. They also performed other tricks , show ing considerable intelligence and braining. The elephants were al so well trained. Little Dot , the log amused many and won hearty ipplause for her master Zella , but she clown dutchman on the trapeze ind riding the mule brought down ; he "house" with his antics and jlcver acting. The little folks urning handsprings and somer saults was splendid. One of the roung fellows turned so fast you ould hardly see his body and look- d like a wheel spinning around n an axle as he turned without dvancing. Grand JEngle Picnic. A grand picnic will be given un- er the auspices of the Valentine Lerie at Thacher's grove , August , 190i. A good program has sen arranged for the occasion , , . > nsisting of games of different inds , speaking , music , etc. Ev- c ybody invited and- everything 1t ee. Come out to the Eagle pic- t ( : c and have a good time. Good C : 'der guaranteed. I Br ORDER OF COIDIITTEE , 'C \ VALENTINE Valentine , Nebraska RATES $1.00 to $1.25. ' C. D. JORDAN , Propr. Opposite the Court House , 21 blocks north of Depot. Jas. E. Pepper W. H. McBrayer Canadian Clnb All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars of the choicest brands. Blue Eibbon Bottled Beer a specialty. : : : : : : : Oakland Hunters Bye Blue Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey JAMES B- HULL HE OWL SALOON W.A.TAYLOR. i ? Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest \7ines and Cigars , " VALENTINE zc NEBRASKA BO KBBBm QrKJIBB' i H I H H I H HMB HMHM HENKY TAYLOR. GEAXT BOYER. TAYLOR & BOYER , Contractors and Builders , Carpentering. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes \ , B3PasWork shop in Charbonneau's blacksmith shop. VALENTINE - - NEBRASKA. Livery , Feed and Sale Stable New .Rigs Good Horses Careful Drivers ' Spacious barn , conveniently located , for splendid accom modations to the public who want to drive , or have hors es to feed. i SHEPARD BROS. ( Successors to Tracewell & Bonser. ) Valentine - - Nebraska. St. Louis Service. See that your ticket reads via the Burl ington Route from Omaha to St. Louis. The Burlingron's Exposition Flyer leaves at 5:25 : p. m. arriving at St. Louis 7:10 : the next morning : . o Burlington trains carry every equip ment to make traveling comfortable , and they run over a smooth track all the way. Let me tell yon more about our ser- vice. L.'W. Wakeley , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Kebr. W. T. Bishop , LlVEl iT , The Wilber Barn Your Patronage Solicited. - < ovr Rates to Boston , ria the North-western Line. Ex- ursion tickets will be sold August 1 , 12 and 13 , limited by extension y return until September 30 , in- lusive , on account of G. A. R. Incampment. Apply to agents Jhicago & North-western RJy. 274 J. L. ASHBUBN , Contractor and Build er in Brick or Stone "Work. Valentine , , - Nebr.