The Yalentine Democrats VALENTINE , NEB. 2. M. RICE , Publisher A FIGHT TO A FINISH SYMPATHETIC STRIKE WILL BE DECLARED. ft.ll Bleat Packers' Unions Join- Teamsters Still Desire to Arbitrate No Conferences Sunday Strik- ' crs "Wait Until Monday for Action 'A Chicago special says : Determined DU a fight to a finish to enforce the de mands of the striking butchers , a sym pathetic strike of all the union workmen employed in the meat packing mdustry throughout the country , with the excep tion of the teamsters , was declared Mon- , day. day.The teamsters employed in the Chica go plants at a meeting declared in favor but their decision of a sympathetic strike , sion has not been ratified by the joint council of the teamsters' uniions. . Instead of joining in the sympathetic strike , the teamsters will make another effort to bring about an adjustment of the controversy by arbitration. This de cision was reached late Sunday night at a meeting of the joint council of the teamsters' union throughout Chicago , who met to give their indorsement to quit work with the other men. The decision of the stock yard teamsters was almost unanimously in favor of striking , but as It is nesssary , according to the rules , for the joint council to sanction any strike movement , all the teamsters in the em ploy of the packers will remain at work during the struggle , or until the joint council gives its permission to strike should the efforts to seetle the matter by ( conciliation prove nil. \ The committee appointed at Sunday flight's meeting was ordered' to get into communication early Monday morning [ with the packers. ! If the teamsters' efforts for peace will prove successful none of the packers' rep- ireentatives who were communicated with will say. The decision to make an other effort was reached at such a late liour that it is impossible for the pack ers to get together to decide what an swer would be given to the arbitration committee. ! The reason given by the teamsters' council for its action is that it never be- forex has been consulted in the present trouble , and that before it would sanc tion a strike of the stock yards team sters it wished to make an official inves tigation of the trouble before asking the international officers to order the men on strike. REGISTRATION ENDS. More Than One Hundred Thousand * Nanios Filed. A Bonestoel , S. D. , special says : The Registration at Bonosteel closed Saturday with a total of 34,034. Monroe Cornick , of Butte , Xeb. , was the last man to reg ister , coining in under the wire just as the office closed. The registration has been greatly cut flown because of the lawlessness that has existed , aud which the authorities seem ed helpless to stop. The registration period closed at Yank- ton Saturday at G p. m. The city re mained in perfect order at the close. Visitors are rapidly leaving. Yankton reg istered more than all other places com bined. The official figures showing the num ber of names filed follow : Yankton , 57- 434 ; Boncsteel , 34,034 ; Fairfax , 8,690 ; Chamberlain , 0,138 ; total , 10G.29G. QUIET AT BONESTEEL. Armed Citizens and Police Patrol the Streets. 1 A peaceful Sunday was passed at Bonc- jsteel , S. D. , no incident worthy of mon s ition occurring to disturb the quietude jthat enveloped the town. A feeling of { confidence that Bonesteel has finally Ibeen delivered from the reign of terror 'that ' he prevailed during the past week is spreading , and the citizens aud few remaining visitors are now breathing more naturally. About the same number of police and armed citizens , however , patrolled the city Sunday night as were doing like duty Saturday night , and their services likely swill be continued as a safeguard. " Nearly everybody except the residents J V V , " - of the town has left , either for home or for Chamberlain to witness the drawing. , Flies the Confederate FIa < j. The steamboat Henry Hanley has ar- 'rived at St. Louis from Nashville , Tenn. , T- * flying two flags , the stars and stripes and - . - X 'the ' confederate flag. Before leaving 'Nashville ' the confederate flag was .brought on board and Miss Nannie Han- ley , daughter of one of the steamer's owners , hoisted the flag , which is placed just below the American flag. Miss Hauley's father was a confederate offi cer. Sioux City Stock Market. Saturday's quotations on the Sioux , City stock market follow : Butcher ' steers$5.00. Hogs , $4.S5g5.00. ( Mayor Will Stop Card Parties. ' Maj'or Williams , of Memphis , Tenn. , has announced that a gambling crusade ( which he will inaugurate will include card parties for women only , at which [ handsome prizes are offered for the high est scores , and he has created a sensa tion in local society. Kills , a Farmer. ! WilIoughby Hartung , a South Albion , ( Mich. , farmer , was struck by lightning jSaturday afternoon and killed almost iu- jstantly. STRIKE RENEWED. President Donnelly Ajjain Calls Out the Butchers. The stock yards strike , renewed Fri day morning in Chicago and in all the other points where the hog packing com panies have branches , because the strik ers were dissatisfied with the manner in which the employers proposed to rein state their former employes , pending a settlement by arbitration , will continue for another day or two at least. A joint conference between represent atives of both sides to the controversy and representatives of the allied trades , in an attempt to bring about a peace able adjustment of this second strike , was unsuccessful and the meeting was adjourned Friday night at 8:30 : o'clock with the understanding that another conference would be held later. . In the following statement given out by President Donnelly , of the butchers' union , the reason why the strikers re fused to return to work Friday is given : "The packers signed an agreement that there would be no discrimination in the rehiriug of the men. This was accepted by the officers of the organization in good faith. On the return of the men Friday morning they were lined up like cattle. The foreman and superintend ents walking through the line would pick out a man and say , 'You come up , ' the 'next man would be pushed out of the line and told , that he could not be used. It was.always the active union men whom they could not use. We carried out the agreement perfectly and the strike vras only called after the packers had violated the same. This has been their system in the past and that was our main reason for insisting on the time limit in the agreement. In spite of this the packers' intention was to hire only such men as were favorites. They also hired men in ( some of the departments who had not been employed prior to the strike. "Superintendent Pension , of the Ar mour canning department , addressed the employes in the following language this morning : 'You went away like cattle and we will take you back like cattle. ' This language was used both to men and women. " TROOPS ARE READY. Uncle Sam's Fighters May be Sant to Bonesteel , S. D. Government troops are being held in readiness for a rush to Bonesteel , S. D. , and will be called at the first sign of ad ditional disturbance. Clerk McPhaul has been authorized , in case of any more disturbances , to close the government registration office and move to Fairfax. The town trustees are uncertain as to what they really want. Thursday night at 9 o'clock they asked for troops , and an hour later recalled the request ; at midnight they awoke Clerk in Charge McPhaul , holding up their hands and saying they were unable to meet the sit uation. Clerk McPhaul immediately sent a long telegram to the general government at Washington detailing the desperate con dition of affairs and submitting the re quest for troop * . lie was informed the request would have to be made through the governor of South Dakota. OHIO MURDERER PUTTODEATH Stimmell Dies in the Electric Chair at Columbus. Charles Stimmell , convicted of th > murder of Joseph W. Sheido , a book keeper at Dayton , O. , was electrocuted in the annex at the Ohio penitentiary at Columbus a few minutes past mid night Thursday night. He was taken from the death cell at 12:01 , strapped in the chair at 12:02 , and after a single shock had been administered was pro nounced dead at 12:08. His last words were : "I hope the curse of a dying man will follow the judge and prosecutor who sent me to the grave. " Stimmell was four times reprieved by the governor and the last time narrow ly escaped electrocution through failure to officially notify the warden of the penitentiary of the respite. LOOTED RICH ORE BODIES. Charges Made in Suit for Five Mil lions Against Heinze. F. Augustus Heinze and his agents are now charged at Butte , Mont , with having taken advantage of iii. < -ground workings in the Minnie Healy mine to loot the rich ore bodies in adjoining mines belonging to the Boston and Mon tana Company. The value of the alleged plunder is placed at $5,750,000 in a suit that has been begun in the district court ! ! by the Boston and Montana Company , the Montana Ore Purchasing Company and E. H. Wilson. Crew Tells of Escape. Capt. John Humphries and the rescued members of the crew of the Creedmore have arrived in New York City. The Creedmore , left New York on Wednes day with a cargo of 450,000 gallons of naphtha , gasoline and benzine for Liverpool. The vessel took fire , the crew took to the boats , and were rescued by a passing vessel. Tension Relieved. Spencer Eddy , the American charge d'affaires at St. Petersburg , has cabled the state department at Washington that the British embassy has been officially notified the Malacca has been released , and in consequence the existing tension will be relieved. Murderer Shoots Himself. Fred E. Hokuf , who confessed to the kiPjng of Peter Johnson , at Sibley , la. , shot himself in the stomach Friday after noon. It is thought he cannot recover , He says he has had the gun ever since his arrest. Aged .Lawyer Dies. Edward T. Parish , one of the oldest members of the St. Louis , Mo. , bar , is dead at the age of 70 , from a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Farish was at one time counselor- ' city , * ASKS FOR TROOPS. Clash Between Police and Toughs at Bonesteel. The Bonesteel' , S. D. , city authorities , goaded into action by numerous com plaints of lawlessness , attempted to es cape from their position of surrender to the grafters Thursday night and for'an hour riot reigned in the streets. At 9 o'clock the city authorities again surrendered. Removing the new chief of police , O'Brien , they put in another , Pat Browns , of Pittsburg , a well known de tective. The situation is still precarious and murder and fighting may break out at any time. The government at Washington has been communicated with and some hot telegrams have been flying over the wires. Mayor Erb and Trustee Parkinson ac knowledged they were unable to cope with the situation , but later , in view of the short time remaining before the close of registration , withdrew the request and decided to go it alone. However , troops can be brought in quickly from neighboring posts and the protection of the government will follow a failure of the city authorities to keep their agreement. The trouble started Thursday night when the new Chief of Police O'Brien attempted to arrest a three shell man , named Sam Calvin. He was spirited away by the gamblers aud the trouble started again when the man was put under arrest < the second time. Shooting was freely indulged in in front of the registration office and spe cial police were sworn in. Ax helves were sawed in two for "billies. " Officers were walking up and down the street with their revolvers in their hands and many of them with bloody faces , the re sult of fights with tough characters. Grafters have secured stars and are openly wearing them in the protection of their work. Things have reached a crisis and a clash between the police and the tough element is orpectod at any moment. Two hundred volunteers have been called for and County Attorney Backus is swearing them in as soon as they can be secured. One more effort was made Thursday night by respectable people and by the more conservative gamblers who wanted to avoid trouble to secure the reinstate ment of Chief of Police Nelon , but the town trustees refused to publicly ac knowledge their mistake , even in the face of the throats. The new chief , Pat Browns , is a cool-headed officer. Chief O'Brien has been walking around Bone- steel with a gun as long as his arm , ex cited and nervous. It is expected the town will be torn loose at the close of the last day of registration. BURGL'ARS WRECK BANK. Officers of Institution Say No Money Was Secured. Two men entered the new State Bank , of East Moline , 111. , Thursday , blew up the big safe with nitroglycerin , and , al though securing no money , according to the officers of the bank , they demolished the entire bank building. Armed posses followed several clews without result. Every sheriff in Illinois and eastern Iowa has been notified and the capture of the men is expected be fore very long , as one of the robbers is thought to have been seriously injured in the demolition of the building. Firing in the direction of Hampton , 111. , by a posse Thursday morning caused consid erable excitement. HOLDS POLICE AT BAY. Illinois "Wife Murderer Taken After a Desperate Fi ; ht. Frank Pierce Thursday shot and killed his wife at his home in Canton , 111. , and then held the entire police force at bay for several hours. The sheriff's force was summoned from Lcwiston. Pierce said there would be another dead one in the house as soon as he talk ed with his brother-in-laAV , whom he had" requested to see regarding the disposition of his effects. Pierce is supposed to be insane. At the request of Pierce , Undertaker Messier consented to enter the house and prepare the woman's body for burial , when officers rushed in and captured Pierce , after a desperate fight. DdG CAUSES RIOT. One Chicago Policeman Fatallj Hurt in Fijjht. In a riot growing out of an attempt tc take a dog from a Maxwell Street tene ment house at Chicago , Thursday , Police man Lillis was fatally injured with an ice pick. Several dog catchers were knocked unconscious with stones aud three received bullet..wounds. The police quelled the disturbance by firing into the crowd which was attack ing the dog catchers. British Near Lhassa. The British mission to Tibet July IS forced the passage of the ice clad Karola , the highest pass on the road to Lhassa , The Tibetans retired early in the engage ment , sniping the advancing British sol diers from neighboring cliffs. The British are twenty-nine miles from Lhassa , Ends the Lives of Three. At Buffalo , N. Y. , Edgar G. Wash- burn , a board of trade man , shot and killed his wife and daughter Friday Jind then committed suicide. It is believed the deed was committed while Washburn was suffering from temporary insanity. V Many Miners Arrested. The military authorities at Victor , Colo. , are making many arrests at the Portland mines. It is alleged that miners in the interest of the Westeiu Federation of Miners have organized a walkout in afbody fo embarrass the operation of the mine. 9 * Senator Vest Is Very 111. Ex-Senator Vest is in a serious condi tion at his home at Sweet Springs , Mo. He appears to be growing weaker each day and his vitality is very low , - STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CONDENSED - * DENSED FORM. Knmboldt Boya Are Seen Stealing Beer Having no Money to Pay Fines the kittle Fellows Offer to "Work on Streets. An interested crowd of sp ators filled the council room at Humboldt to listen to the hearing before Justice Smith of the seven lads charged by James B. Da vis with entering the beer storage house and purloining fifteen bottles of beer. Di rect evidence could be secured against ten lads , but as two had left the city and one turned state's evidence , only seven were arraigned. All the accused , except one , pleaded guilty , and each was fined $1 and costs. The lads had no money to pay the fines , but expressed a willingness to work on the streets. This was rather amusing , as the youngsters ranged in age from 10 to 15 years. After a slight parley the parents of a few appeared and paid the fines of their sons , leaving three to be locked up for a few hours. Later all were turned loose. The boys say about sixteen were engaged in the escapade and the arrest of the others will follow. Mr. Davis has been missing the liquor for some time and estimates that in all over 200 bottles have been taken. He set a watchman the other night and the latter caught the boys in the act of put ting one of their number , Roy Allen , through a window , where a pane of glass had been broken out , and he handed the fifteen bottles to the boys on tiie outside. There was quite a scramble on the part of the youngsters to turn state's evidence , but only one boy managed to procure his freedom by this means. FATALLY HURT. Ravenna Man Fell from a Window of a Fremont Hotel. Louis Zimpfer , of Ravenna , is supposed to have fallen from a second story wind- dow of the Labell House at Fremont and will probably die from the effects of his injuries. lie was on his way to Bonesteel and while waiting between trains drank hoavilj * . Late Wednesday evening he got a room at the Labell House and went to bod. Ho was found by a policeman about 1 o'clock lying on the ground at the side of the building aud unable to move. lie was carried in and a doctor summoned , who found him paralyzed from his waist down and oth erwise injured internally. Thursday his condition was about the saint and the doctors give no hopes of his recovery. He is a baker by trade and owns some property in Ravenna. lie has a wife- and four children. SHOT HIMSELF. Love-I/orn Soldier Attempted to Take His Own Life. Sheriff Rosenberger , of Hartingtou , in . response to a teleirram from the United States military authorities , arrested Ed win Johnson at the home of his parents , fourteen miles east of Hartington , on the charge of desertion from the army. When making the arrest the sheriff discovered that the young man had been shot , and upon inquiry was informed that he had siiot himself in the left shoulder late the evening before , the evident cause of which was a love affair. The prisoner is now lodged in the jail at Hartington awaiting orders of the United States authorities. The doctors probed for the bullet , but were unable to find it. FORMER FIRE CHIEF A SUICIDE Mind Unbalanced as Result of an Accident Years Aio. Lew H. Davis , former chief of the fire department at Fairbury , committed sui cide by drinking carbolic acid. After taking the dose he walked out of the house and was found lying in the street dead. He has been mentally unbalanced I since an accident several years ago in which his skull was fractured. He leavesa wife and two children , and j was a member of the Odd Fellows , and 1 Ancient Order of United Workmen lodges. Rain Helps the Corn. One of the heaviest rains of the sea son fell at Shelton Wednesday night , and now the ground is thoroughly soak ed. This rain will place the corn crop in the best shape it has ever been at this time of year and corn is further ad vanced than in any former year and fully two weeks ahead of last season. Many fields are now tasseling and other crops in proportion. Choked on a Chicken Bone. John Hoyt , of Papillion , while on his way to Boncsteel , met with a painful ac cident. He was eating his lunch , when a small chicken bone lodged in his throat. He immediately returned to Papillion , but the doctor was unable to remove the bone. John then went to a hospital at Omaha , where the bone was cut out. Orjaniz3 Commercial Club. Yalentine business men have organized [ a commercial club with J. H. Cornell I president. The object of this organiza tion is to make known the many advan tages of Valentine and tributary country j and to work systematically for the advancement - j vancement and upbuilding of this already progressive and prosperous town. Cut His Throat. . Jacob Eggert , of Ashland , who cut his throat with a razor with suicidal intent Tuesday morning , died AVednesday morn ing at 5 o'clock at his home , northwest of that city. Names Goiild for -Senator. A Greeley special says : Edwin D. Gould , of Greeley County , has been , . named for senator by the Republicans of ; ! this district. j Eight Years for Connolly. The jury , after being out ten hours at Harrison , brought in a verdict finding James Connolly guilty of manslaughter for the killing of Henry H. Miller. Judge Westover sentenced him to eight years in the penitentiary. Lightning Strikes Chur vh. During an electrical storm lightning struck St. Mary's Catholic church at Dawson , tearing the shingles from ihe steeple and badly scorching the wood work. The heavy rain prevented the edi- fipe from takinir , . t INDIAN POWWOW. Annual Celebration of the Omaha Indians Now in Progress. A Homer special says : The snnual powwow of the Omaha tribe of Indians commenced Tuesday on their reservation , about two and one-half miles west of the Omaha agency , and will last for a week. Sunday is exected to be the big day , and there is likely to be a large attend ance. / Under instructions from the agent or bonded superintendent the celebration this year will be in charge of the Omaha council , which has named Career La- Flesche as secretary , and who , with the president , will have charge of the festiv ities , which bid fair to be up to the usual standard. There will be Indian dances , horse races and sports galore. An effort was made by the agent to have the annual powwow abandoned , but the Indians refused to sacrifice their cus toms and gave the agent to understand that this is their week to celebrate. WORKS LIGHTNING ROD GAME Randolph Farmer Signs Notefor $22O Under Misapprehension of Facts. A set of smooth lightning rod grafters beat a farmer east of Randolph out of $ 220 by a game that , though old , made good in this case. The farmer signed a contract by which 173 feet of rod waste to be put up free and for the balance he waste pay 75 cents per foot. This con descension was made for the purpose of using the job for advertising purposes , the grafters claiming to have an agent at Sholes who would make the territory and board with the victim at $1 a day and 75 cents a day for horse feed. After the rods were in place the grafter pre sented a bill for $240 for eight points at $30 each , deducting $3.75 for horse feed and enough more to make the bill even $220. The farmer got rattled and signed a note for this amount payable to J. H. McCaron , of Lincoln. - , THIEVES ROB STORES AT UNION Get Two Hundred in Coin Besides Many Valuable Articles. Late Friday evening robbers broke into several stores at Union and si-cured con siderable booty from two of them. The thieves entered Dean's hardware store at the rear of the building. They ransack ed the store , taking all of the revolvers , razors and bilvenvare. The money draw er was broken open and about $100 in coin akon. At Franz's general store the money drawer was broken open and over $100 in silver dollars taken , the rob bers not touching the small coin. The stock of goods was ransacked and every thing of value taken. The sheriff made an investigation , but could not find a clew to the guilty par ties. ATTACKED BY DOG. Vicious Canine Attacks Mother and Son Near Papillion. While playing with his large dog the 10-yoar-old son of Mr. Plumback , near Papillion. was attacked by the dog and severely bitten in a large number of places. Hearing the cries of her son Mrs. Plumback ran to drive away the dog and was also attacked aud thrown souseloss to the ground. The hired man then arrived and shot the doc. As Mr. Plumback resides about six miles from Papillion , medical aid could not be summoned at once. However , when the doctor did arrive he cauterized the wounds of the boy and reports him to be getting along nicely. Boy Killed by Accident. The 10-year-old son of Mrs. George Ilillor. who lives n ar Lewiston , was shot and killed by the accidental discharge of a shotgun. The boy had gone to the field with his two older brothers to see thorn start the binder. He was seated on the machine holding the gun with one hand over the muzzlo. when in some manner the gun slipped off its resting place and was discharged. The contents tore through his hand and struck him in the face near the chin , passed upward J I and found lodgment in the brain. A I pIiy.Mcian was hastily summoned , but the j i injTlry was fatal and the boy died a few j hours later , i Burglars Are Held. The preliminary trial of James Pent- ' ford and James Kdirar , two tramps , who wore caught breaking into the house of Adam O'Neal , living northwest of Pierce , last Aveok. was held before Jus tice C. F. McDonald. The evidence plainly showed the prisoner's guilt. After the evidence .was all in the attorney for | the defense asked for a postponement and this was agreed to. Jeweler Robbed. When H. S. Knapp , of Bertrand , open ed his jewelry store for business the oth er morning ho discovered that all the goods in his window and some from the show cases had disappeared. Six gold watches , a dozen lockets , a large num ber of chains , brooches and cheap specta cles Avere carried off. The goods taken represented a value of about S175. Child Dies from Burns. A lamp exploded in the home of Len Gormley at P.titto. Tiie flames enveloped Gormley's wife and their 4-yoar-oId and 2-week-old children. The children were badly burned and the oldest , Aubrey , died Wednesday afternoon. Gormley'S Avifo is in a serious condition. The house was saved , but the furniture was wreck- ed. Kaces at Tekamah. The opening meet of the Nebraska cir cuit of light harness races occurred at Tokamah Wednesday with 107 entries. The track was heavy most of the day from Tuesday night's rain , but dried out during the afternoon and three race's were pulled off in SOAV time. Two Boys Are Drowned. Two boys , aged rdospectively 13 and 10 , sons of a farnn-r named Trosp , of Fairbury , wore drowned while bathing in the Blue River. The bodies were re- covered. , Two Deaths at Omaha. Two deaths and another serious pros tration occurred at Omaha from intense heat , which carried the thermometer to 97 degrf-es at one time during Monday. Abram S. Alexander , a florist , and John Waybright , a pressman , died and George W. Enger , a laborer , may not recover from being prostrated. Dies at Breakfast Table. Mrs. Wm. Kinney fell dead while at the breakfast table at her home west of Lyons. She was 53 years old , and her husband died several years ago. Short Notes. At Fnlls City , the Episcopal congrega tion will erect a $2,000 rectory. It Will be started at once. The farmers about Goehnor are prepar ing to build a farmer's elevator. They have now raised $2,500 and will soon have the necessary sum. The wheat harvest around Sewartl is in full blast. The wheat is rusted and will be a two-thirds crop. Early oats arc also being harvested now. The executive committee of the Pie neers' and Old Settlers' Association ol Burt County will meet at Tekamah to fix a date for the annual reunion. A valuable horse belonging to a son of Peter Neis , a prominent German farmer residing about ten miles southwest of Beatrice , died as a result of a rattle , snake bite. The quarantine at the Soldiers Home at Grand Island has boon raised. No more cases of smallpox have appeared and those afflicted have all easily over , come the disease. Aug. 23 , 24 and 25 arc the dates for the fraternal order picnic to bo he in Falls City. All the fraternal ordei join in this event and it grows bigger and better each year. The Queen City Creamery Company or Beatrice has purchased" property at the corner of Court and Second Streets , on which it proposes to erect a two-story building to cost $15.000. The Nebraska City Commercial Club is considering a proposition from the Sure Hatch Incubator Company of Clay Center , which is desirous of moving its factory to Nebraska City. The intensely hot weather of the past week at West Point has been of incal culable benefit to growing corn. The plant is makinc a phenomenal growth and is very strong and thrifty. Burglars effected an entrance to th < residence of M. C. Cassin at Columbus , They Avore discovered before they had secured much , and are now in jail and will answer to a chariro of burglary. Rev. P. . M. Long. D. I ) . , of Lincoln , preached the dedicatory sermon of the First Presbyterian church at Allianrp The church is one of the most substan tial and handsome edifices of Avesterr Nebraska. Eighty-five dollars per acre A\-as the- price paid last week for 1(50 acres of fine farm land near Columbus. The land if six -miles from town , and two years age it sold for $05 per acre and eight years ago for $35. The contract for the erection of the neAv school building at West Point , the bonds for wlwch were lately voted by the citizens , has boon bees ? awarded to Con tractors Itamm and Darr. Work has boon already commenced. E. M. Wostorvclt. right of way man for the Burlington Company , paid Beatrice - rice a A-isit recently and gave out the information that it was the intention ol the company to IKIA-O the HOAV depot built there before cold weather. The board of supervisors at Seward ad journed Tuesday until Aug. 9. At that time , if crop prospects are good , it ia probable they Avill decide to submit a court house proposition to bo voted on at the regular election this fall. One of the most terrific thunder and rain storms that has taken place in Osce- ola and Polk County occurred on Sat- uiday night and lasted until nearly morning , during which time tAVo and one- quarter inches of AA-ater fell. Postmaster Carl Kramer , of Columbus , says that his report of business done at the postoffico for the year ended June 30 , 1004 , is some $400 in excess of the umo of business for previous years , "a jtl is the largest in the history of the oflico With his report he renews his request for carriers for free delivery for Colum bus. bus.Chester Chester Anstine , son of Douglas Au- stine , liA-ing north of Seward , was rid ing a horse when it ran into a barbed wire fence , severely cutting the left leg of the boy above the ankle. The little fel- IOAV. who is only 9 yoilrs of ago , hero ically endured the pain until he could be brought to town and have a surgeon take the necessary stitches. The Gage County board of supervisors allowed the pending claims for bridges , amounting to $9,000. and contracted for the construction of twenty-seven new bridges , which Avill cost about $15,000. One of these is a large steel bridge , to bo built OA-er the Blue River on the line botAveen Riverside and Rockford Town ships. Some fields of wheat in the vf- oinity of Beatrice have been cut the past few days , but the yield is so i > oor that it hardly pays to harvest it. The past Aveek has been very warm and dry , and corn is looking fine. A feAv more days , of dry weather and the fannersvill have most of their corn laid by for the season. Ever since the election at Osceola last spring when the electors - A-oted in a board on the question of water AA-orks , the vil lage board has boon wrestling AA'ith dif ferent wojks and propositions. They want to give the people the best that can be secured for the money and think that a proposition to the people to A-ote bonds , to the amount of $25.000 would carry. The county commissioners haAe grant ed to the village of Groeley Center the right to construct a ditch on the sec tion line north of town from a point where the surface water flows off section 1 duo Avest of Spring Creek. Much dam age has been done to property in thetowa this spring from water flowing- through the streets and alleys , and the above will bo a much needed improvement. A committee from the Commercial Club at Falls City appeared before the county board to have a talk about the- county roads and see'if something could not be done to better them. The club- wants help from the county to fixthe - bottom roads. Every spring the nu-i chants of Falls City lose hundreds & dollars worth of business on UCCCUllt ' the impassable condition of the bo on" roads leading into town. While Osy ' HutcJi-'uson was working iir the field * on his farm near Holmes ville recently he fonnd a picture of the five Herns brothers , whose home wa * destroyed m the cyclone which passed over that section a few weeks . f ago. he photograph had been blown seven mjw and Avas not damaged in the least. Alex Wallace , of Gordon , 19 years old was drowned at the race at Atkinson' After supper he , with two or three oth ers went out for a swim. The water . was. higher than heretofore and , getting fate in a few