Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 28, 1904, Image 1

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' * * *
jw Are 5 ou in the market for some Furni- & *
| jture ? If you are , or will be , we have j *
I ? something worthy of your attention , &
$ , C $
S Notice the following :
Bed Room Suits , oak § 16.00 to $28.00
Iron Beds , in colors 4.00 to 12.50
Dressers , golden oak and elm 10.00 to lp.00 fcfr
Large Arm Rockers 2.50 to 7.50
Sewing Rockers , cane seats 2.00 to 3.50
's ' ? w
Parlor Tables , oak 1.50 to 5.50 ftft
Combination Cases , i sawed gold
4 * en oak 12.50 to 20.00
1 ?
tyi We also carry a new and up-to-date line of
W Baby Buggies and Go Carts.
Our goods are continually going out and new goods
arriving daily , therefore' we have no old stock , but
4 4 * ? always something new. Call and inspect our goods.
S < *
4 ?
4 ?
49 FO F
.L riLx JL
4 ?
felSJSE y Z Jwu i ' > ]
. . . . . , , - - , -
- 1- - - n -rr m nr *
I Tailor Made Suits , Ladies' Shirt Waists , Fine |
$ Neck Wear and Gents' Furnishing Goods.
5 Come in and replenish your wardrobe with the latest and most
% desirable Clothing , Boots , Shoes , Hats , Shirts and Furnishings.
f ! Are the best on the market : Neat , ornamental and serviceable , j j
1 | They'11 last for years and save you money in fuel. You can | * |
H start them in a moment and turn out the flame when your
Hcooking's done. No waste of fuel : No waste of time : Nog
heat where you don't want it. Call and see the Quick
! § Stove on exhibition.
i A&
, ' General Hardware , Furniture and Undertaking. 1
State Bank Chartered as a National Bank
as a
? June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
CAPITAIi PAH ) IN A General Banking
$25,000. Collection Exchange Business. and
G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M , V , NICHOLSON , Cashier.
wvwwwvw vwwvwwyv
\ lALfv UJr loc
Henry Neal was in town the
first of the week.
James Hackett left for Billings ,
Montana , Saturday night.
Wm. 'Smith and Wm. Barker
were over from Rosebud to take
in the show.
Ed Richards and family , of
Oasis , were in town taking in the
circus Saturday.
Geo. Cyphers is home from Pine
Ridge agency to spend his vacation
of four weeks with his family.
Joe Marshall , from down the
river , called a few days ago and
handed us a § on subsciption.
Mrs. Irwin Stotts , of Cody , ac
companied by her son Jack , was
visiting in town the first of the.
isels Rowley , of Kennedy , spent
several days in town the past week
making arrangements to begin
At a meeting at Britt , Nebr. ,
last Sunday it was decided to hold
the Old Settlers' Picnic on August
19 , 190i.
Harry Tage , cattle salesman of
McCloud , Love & Co. , of Omaha ,
is in town this week visiting his
old friend John Bachelor.
Valentine and Rosebud base ball
teams played a game of ball last
Friday afternoon , resulting in a
score of S to 5 in favor of Valen
Born , to . J\T. JyicFarland , and
wife , July 20 , a 91 pound girl.
They have named her Ruby , from
her aunt , as she was born her
Miss Cora Thackrey is staying
with her sister Mrs. Chas. Recce.
During her stay atMahattanKan.
She took a post graduate course
at the K. S. A. C.
The Cherry County Telephone
have extended their line north to
Geo. A. Camm's and Jake Mar
tin's and expect to go farther , as
there is demand for phones.
The state convention of the
democratic and peoples- party
meets at Lincoln August 10 to
nominate state officers. There
should be a good attendance from
our county.
H. W. Logan and wife , of Nor-
den , drove over Tuesday on busi
ness and visited with Mrs. Ruth
Shore whilp here. Mr. Logan is
the banker at Nbrden and does a
good business.
P. II. Young was in from Sim
eon Tuesday getting supplies. He
bought a Dain stacker last week
from Levi and thinks it the best
thing of the kind in , use. The
wind wont effect it.
TV. H. Weeks , of Maurice , la. ,
has moved a printing plant into
the basement of the Citizens Bank
and will begin the publication of
a democratic weekly under the
name of the "Bancroft News. "
Bancroft Blade.
The Junior Normal entertain
ment for the regular course for
next Monday night , August 1st ,
has been called off. Holders of
Season tickets should watch bulle
tin boards and newspapers for
further announcements.
Charles F. Schwartz and Judge
Roscoe Pound will leave in a few
days for Valentine for a ten day5
trip in the interests of the state
botanical survey. They will drive
to Kennedy , southwest of Valen
tine and from there will walk across
the country striking the railroad
* *
again near Ainsworth. The trip
is taken for the purpose of study
ing and collecting the flora of the
region. State Journal. _
Davenport & Thacher have been
putting a new floor in their ware
house this week and built it high
enough to get their goods up above
high water mark and also conven
ient for loading and unloading salt
by the barrel.
P. H. "VVintersteen has sold his
interest in the Chicago hotel to
Mr. Adams and son and daughter
Mrs. Hewitt. who take possession
August 1st. Mr. "Wintersteen and
family go down to Big Creek
where he has a claim and expects
to put in a stock of goods and run
a store.
Supt. Travis and wife , of the
St. Mary's school , are making
Valentine their summer resort and
think it an excellent place to spend
their vacatioL. Col. Jordan , of
Rosebud , is thinking of coming
down to Valentine to live a part
of the time. He says he feels at
home here.
Mr * and Mrs. TT. E. Ei'ner en
joyed a family re-imion the past
week by the visits of their son
Dean and wife and little girl
from Chadron , and their daughter
Mrs. Iva L. Frank from Spring
field. They arrived last Friday.
Dean and wife returned Tuesday
night and Mrs. Frank will remain
a couple of weeks.
JPavsh nil's Fim ral.
Fremont , Xcbr. , July 24 : . The
funeral of Lieut. Parshall was held
Friday at his old home in Baraboo ,
Wis. , on the first anniversary of
his wedding. The train bearing
the body passed through Fremont
the first of the week and was board
ed here by Mrs. Parshall , former
ly of Fremont and Valentine , and
by her mother , Mrs. J. C. Webb.
Following the wedding a year
ago Lieutenant Parshall left im
mediately for the Philippines , in
tending to send for his bride. Af
ter his arrival and after Mrs. Par-
shall had arranged to join him and
was on the point of starting when
a cablegram came announcing his
death , which occurred during a
skirmish in which his company
was engaged „ World-Herald.
Frank Nelson , of Kansas , was
the speaker at the M. E. church
Monday evening as a part of the
lecture .course during the Junior
Normal. "Men and Books" was
announced as his subject and he
spent some time telling us that we
ought to read good books , and af
ter telling the women that there
were too many looking glasses and
that most women could tell wheth
er a hat was the latest style that
the other woman wore and that he
had helped a newsboy and boot
black to lift his package on the
train at Wichita , Kan. , closed by
telling us that we ought to help
those who are so unfortunate as tenet
not be able to help themselves.
He impressed some of us with the
importance of having confidence
in ourselves by his frequent al
lusions to himself. Nelson , Nel
son , Frank Nelson , Mr. Nelson.
This is the message I have come
to bring you.
"Oh , why should-vain mortals ,
while toiling on earth ,
Be proud of their wealth or their
Or why should man boast of his
rank or his birth ,
Or strive to emblazon his name ? "
Nelson introduced himself to
Bishop McCabe once and thought
the Bishop was greater titan he. He
had listened to an address by the
'Bishop and wanted to meet him
and though he had about forgotten
what the Bishop had said he still
remembered meeting the Bishop
but didn't thing the Bishop would
remember meeting him.
We have a number of odds and ends in Men's
I *
' Underwear which we are closing out regard
less of cost.
4 ? 4
T7XDEB.SHIRTS. Formerly Toe , reduced price 35c
MEN'S § 2.50 and 83.00 the latest shapes
4s ? and colors , on sale at § 1.50. .
LADIES' 75c , § 1.00 and § 1.25 SHIRT WAISTS ftft
3 are all going at 50c. ft
4 * o
4 ? We have a lot of oOc and 75c STRAW HATS
4 ? which we arc selling at 25c. ftft
These are prices which you cannot affort to
miss. Come while they last. ftft
4 ? ft
Davenport & Thacher ft
Large stock of
Just arrived.
All other shoes in stock sold at greatly
reduced prices for next 30 days. Come
'and see us. "VTe sell everything , and
at prices which are right.
\ . i *
The BEST for table use and at popular prices. r *
! *
Oar Stock is Always Fresh * * '
.Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens x J
C/ * '
Hay , Grain and Feed to i9
+ / / N
TOT iTS'tfSTsroireWsirsrro !
class line of Steaks , Roads
Dry Salt Meats , Smoked - :
* f
J. W. STETTKR , Vice President. ORAII L. liKiTxox , Asst. Cashier
[ Interest paid on time
i deposits.
Capital , § 2.OOO
Valentine , Nebraska.
Surplus , S1O09
Persons seeking a place of safety for their
Office * II ours money , , will profit by' investigating the .
9 A. M. to 4 P. M. methods employed in our' business.
1 Suited to your taste.
I Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
Are now at their best and , All you want to eat at our
we handle the best Lunch Counter. . . . . . i
l JLJ-
Home ? Bakery
'ead ' the Advertisement