Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 21, 1904, Image 5

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    More Local.
A. H. Stees , of Kennedy , is in
town , r . >
B. J. Hoffacker was in town
Isist week from Cody.
Fred Brayton returneb home
yesterday and is looking well.
Col. Jordan and Mr. Curtis came
down from Rosebud yesterday.
.Oreo. H.
Hornby is back from a
trip to St. Louis and Indiaiiopolis.
F. P. Mullen has resigned his
position at Rosebud and was down
the first of the week on his way
' East on a vacation.
An ice cream social will be giv
en at Bethel hall , Friday evening ,
July 29 , by the ladies of the M.E.
church. Everybody invited.
Hon. M. P. Kinkaid was up last
Saturday conferring with C. H.
Cornell , chairman of the congress
ional committee of this district.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Sparks , Wednesday morning , a
girl. Mr. Sparks is setting up the
cigars and wears a pleasant smile.
Walter Meltendorff
informs us
that John J. Guth died at his home
at Glendale , Ore. , July 3. Mr.
Guth formerly lived here , leaving
about C years ago.
The Stockmen's telephone liiie
was completed to Kennedy Tues
day. S. L. Ellis says the phone
at Simeon was burned out by
lightning last week.
Mrs. H. Dailey entertained a
number of her friends last Friday
morning at breakfast , given in
honor of a Mrs. Rice of Colorado ,
who is here visiting her.
installed a Fairbanks-Morse two
horse power gasoline engine for
use in running the press. The
editor has been kept busy putting
in the engine and has done little
else this week. We beg of our
readers to be considerate and if
we are short on local news you
will know just how we have been
isolated by the way you are , when f
you are busy and appreciate a pa
per that will tell you what you I
failed to learn by not being around
hearing the news. THE DEMO
CRAT reaches its readers 52 times t
a year on its mission , telling of
the happenings , that busy men
look over while they rest from
their labors and keep abreast with
other people.
Tuseday evening the business
men of the town were called to
gether by a circular which was
put out during the afternoon. We
were busy and no one told us of
the meeting and we didn't see one
of the circulars until the next day.
We are told that the object of the
meeting was to work together for
the good of Valentine , C.H. Cor >
nell was chosen president , A. E.
Thacher vice pres. , W. S. Barker
secretary and Chas. Sparks treas
urer. A. E. Thacher , Frank
Brayton and W. A. Petty crew
were chosen as a committee to so
licit funds. There'll be some
thing doing ere long and we'll re
port again.
James W. George died at his
home in this city last Saturday
morning at half past twelve o'clock
at tiie age of 56 years , 7 months
and 7 da.vs , of paralysis , from
which affliction he had suffered for
about 3 years. Mr. George was
born in Illinois in 1S47. He served
3 years and 3 mouths in the civil
war and moved to Missouri in 1870 , :
was married to Miss Emeline Wat
son in 1S71 and to them was born
two children , Dave and Nina , tlie
latter since dead. After Mrs.
George's death in 1878 Mr. George
married Miss Louisa Brown , who
now-survives him , together with
A his sister Mrs. Mary Barker , and
son Dave. The funeral services
were conducted by Rev. Carpenter
of the M. E. church. As we knew
him Mr. George was a good citi
zen and had lots of friends. He
never wronged a neighbor that we
have heard of and everyone spoke
well of him. Last Saturday our
flag floated at half mast for the de ;
parted brother and all unite in
sympathy for the bereaved.
Bob Gillespie and wife and Dr.
Campbell of Cody were in town
last week.
The Valentine State Bank has
been nicely papered by Man in
ClirUfo-ii-i-n. in d ( * .
Mr. Charbonneau tells us that
last fall he put a carriage top in
the loft of his blacksmith and
wagon shop , and a few days ago
when he took it down he found :
fiice little mouse nest of fibers
grass and among other things !
match. This might account in
part for misterous fires that some
times occur.
Commissioners' Proceedings
Office of County Commissioners
Valentine , JSTeb. , July 6 , ' 04.
Board met as per adjurnment
Present : L. Laufer , chairman
and A. E. Morris.
On motion the following ap
pointments were made :
AOColeman No. 17 Gee A Liptrap No. 29
Ellas Stihvell justice Dewey Lake.
On motion the following bonds
were approved :
llnirli r.oyerco surveyor.
G L Aust n overseer ( list 4.
TP Green " " 28.
Klias Ml-wdl justice Dewey Lake.
Anchor Bank depository , .
The following claims were al
lowed :
S KGi'ms'i ' light .IUM- : ; 15 CO
II Kobinson janitor .30 < ( J
L X Layport board and guard duty. SO 03
caring sick man 26 CO
UK " jailor fees June 4500
E D Clarke sal 2nd qr 175 00
Ira.Jolmsjii roart work 200
II KVell.s material ' ' o 7 ?
A K Morris i-oiu ft-i-s < i < ( )
. . . .
L .infer c.jin iecs 17 oU
Whereupon theJ " oard adjourned
to July 30 , 1901.
Attest : C. S. REECE , Clk. '
Churn ranch and parties , are
surveying land.
Eunice Murphy is visiting with
Lillian Fairhead.
Ed Wcede was in Valentine last
tveek on business.
John Seger purchased an eight
foot mower last week.
Elmer Probasco 4was to Cody
ast : week after lumber.
Several parties have' ' filed on
iheir land in this locality.
Joe Edwards will soon liave a
lew postoffice at his place.
Harry Heath and Lulu Sellers
von the prize for best waltz.
Chas. Sellars was drawing timers -
) ers from the river last week.
Mrs. Goodin and Lillie were
visiting at the 0 S ranch Monday.
Gus and Miss Mollie Gunderson
vere at the Sellers' ranch last
Sellers & Son purchashed some-
lorses from G. H. Seager the first
f the week.
Jack Hoffacker and C. J. An-
lerson were at the Segar ranch on
msincss last week.
The 4th was celebrated in peace
it Gillespie's grove. An enjoy-
ible time was had. In the even-
ng there was .a dance at Dan Ad-
Jas. Mono was running in his
iaddle horses the 3rd. He rode
lie oldest horse on the ranch and
ind got pitched off , skinning his
ace , so he gave up going.
Business Notices.
Notices under this heading 5 cents per lin < -
ach Insertion. Among reading matter , JO cent.-
or line nacb insertion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
vasron wood stock" at E. Breuklanders.
Good fresh , Meat and Lard at
tetters Meat Market. 26
For all kinds of fishing tackle
? o to the Eed Front Merc. Co. 21
Are you going to need any barb
ivire or field fencing ? If so call
m the Eed Front Merc. Co , for
High grade Galloway Bulls , 2
o 5 years old , for sale. Also two
rhoroughbred's. For further in
formation inquire at th ? office , 13
We have just received a com
plete line of wagon woods , such as
spokes , felloes , rims , hounds , bol
sters , axles , tongues , etc. Also
wtijron skeins , buggy stubs and
box fittings. Quality and prices
guaranteed. At lied Front Merc.
ISTor.-jes For
Some good work horses , saddle
horses and some good young mares.
Terms to suit purshaser. Inquire
at Bishop's livery barn.
.23 W. T. BISHOP.
For SaJe
500 bushels of corn at 40 cents
per bushel. At John Ormesher's
place on the Schlagel. 2G
Selling out Hardware and Fur
niture on account of going out of
hardware business in 00 days
Call for cash bargains.
Pianos and Organs with a ten
year guarantee from reliable fac
tories , sold for cash or payments.
J. 0. BE ATT v ,
lo ( At G. H. Hornby's store. )
The Red Front Mercantile Co.
carry a complete line of harness ,
saddles and strap work. Marce
them M cull before buying else
where. They can save you mon
ey. 21
\VANTED-Girl to help wait
table for board during normal and
school year.
LOST A red sweater at Thach-
er's grove on July 4th. Finder
please return to Laurentia Haley.
tnS'B og EC ; .
iTVo.a ! * - - " L"1
iiililHs ' < 5Pp3
| § tii f 1L
The Most Magnificent Beds Ever Seen
Are Part of Ihe Celestial Empire's
World's Fair Exhibit.
The Chinese exhibit at the World's
Fair is filled * -with pleasing surprises.
Some of the most magnificent articles
of furniture are a part of this wonder
ful display. The carving and inlaying
of ivory , bone and wood illustrate the
marvelous skill of the Chinese.
Models included in this interesting
exhibit show the homes and home life
of the Chinese , their weddings and
funerals. Chinese tea house , restau
rant and shop , Chinese weaving and
some of the beautiful silks and wear
ing apparel of the Chinese and tueir
methods of manufacturing them.
One feature of the exhibit is two
magnificent Chinese beds , each of
which has the appea'rance of being a
small ' "house of great beauty. 'One is a
summer bed , the other for winter. The
summer bed is hand carved and inlaid
with ivory and bone figures and land
scapes exquisitely carved and so
skillfully joined as to appear a part of
the -wood. The-bed and furniture are
of carved bamboo. The bed consists of
an anteroom , with tables , chairs and
tea stands , and in an inner room , which
is the sleeping apartment , there is a
couch with coverings of gauzy silks.
The winter bed is still moVe elabo
rate. It consists of three compartments.
The first contains four chairs , a tea poy
and a chest of drawers. This is the sit
ting apartment. The second is the dress
ing room , and the third is the sleep
ing apartment , or the couch itself. The
furniture is of rosewood inlaid with
ivory carving of birds , flowers and
trees. The couch is covered with silks
of the finest texture and in gaudy col
ors. The sleeping compartments are
lighted with Chinese lanterns of silk
hung at the outer entrance , while the
light enters through gauze panels , hand
painted and in forms of rosewood in
laid with ivory figures.
A table and dish made of highly pol
ished ash' with exquisitely carved ,
bamboo figures inlaid , are shown , The
work is so artistically done that each
article seems to have been made of
one piece of wood.
There is also a large display of Chi
nese lanterns made of silk , gauze and
other light material and some made' of
beads artistically arranged with glass
centers. The silk and gauze are beau
tifully hand painted.
There are models of some of the
great Chinese temples , theaters and
arches , showing elaborate carving in
wood qnd ivory and two large elephant
tusks exquisitely
" "
* i " ' *
g J -
. , . . ,
* § a
Cash to Ifion Coffee users in our Great World's Fair Contest
2139 people get checks , 2139 more will get them in the
I a , - ki k
IH I t !
H FSve Liosi - fieads cut from Lion Wiiat win be the total popular vote cast
11 * Coffee Packages and a 3 = cent for President ( votes for all can
% didates "combined ) at th3 election
sCarsp entsiEe yen ( in addition to
November 8 , 1904 ?
the regular frea premiums ) to
1000 election , 13,959,653 people voted
one vote. The 3-cent stanp covers r President. For nearest correct esti
' mates received in Wooljoa Spice Com-
ers c'jf acknowledgment 3 you
.pany's office , Toledo , O. , on or before
that yonr estimate is.recorded. . . i > f&r November.S. 1904 , we will give first I
prize for the nearest correct estimate ,
You csn send as many estimates -V-r
second prize to the next nearest , ic. ,
mates as' etc. , as follows :
1 First Prlzo S2.6OO.OO
1 Second Prino 1 .OOO.OO
2 Prizas S50O.OO eai 1OOO.OO
will bs awarded to Ihs ono v/ho 13 nearest 5 Prizes 2OO.OO .l.OOO.OO
10 Prizes IOO.OO .1,000.00
correct on both our World's Fc-r and ? res ! = 2O Prlsec 6O.OO .l.OOO.OO
CO Prises 20-OO .l.OOO.OO
der.tia ! Vote Ccntesis. 25O Frizes 1O.OO .2.50O.OO
1800 Prises 5.OO O.OOO.OO
Vv'c also oiler 55.000.00 Spscial Cssh Prizes to Grocers'
2139 PSI2S3 , TOTAIi , S20.000.00
Clcrls. ( Particulars in each case of Lion Coffee. )
Wy1 ! You ? Look on One of These Gheoiks ?
. _
if" f.i
j ? * . . _ S J-
r. S ft & U
Complete DeteHed Particulars In tvery Package of
- Pf J8 fi
Ssaal S
1 SPICE CO , , ( SOFTEST DE5 > 5T8)
gggg g p fiajfes ka - y.- ' . .
J. Xj. A ! ; u
Contractor and Build
er in Brick or Stone
Valentine , .Nebr.
; : icdicino for li"er disease.
Ifccnrc-l mvfoa alter ho had spent
J1CO with doctors. It is s.11 the rr-f-cJ-
$ icinc I take. " MRS. CAFOLINS
MARTIN , Parlrersbiirg , VVa. .
If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druqgict and
secure a package of Tifeilford'a
Black-Draught and take a dose
tonight. This great family
medicine frees the constipated
bowels , stirs up the torpid iiver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thcdford's Black - Drcuplit
vrill cleanse the bowels of ira-
purities and strengthen the kid
neys. A torpid "liver invites
colds , biliousness , chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. Weak kid
neys result in Bright's disease
vrhich claims as many victims
as consumption. A 25-cent
package of Thedford'a Biack-
Drauglit should always be kept
in the house.
"I urcd Thedford's Blaci-
Draught for liver and Ir.dney coin-
plaints and found nothine to cscol
blehead , ill.
Notice of Sale.
Jsoticn is hereby Liven Hatnnl.iy , August
13.1CIMU 11 o'clock a. m. , at tlu' res'idniu-e of
Loins toilette , jix miles nortbwost of Spa'ks ,
Cherry Bounty , Nebraska. I will offer for snly t
the highest bidder lor itasli. me white horse
supposed to be ten ypars old , no brawls. Said
hor. e to be sold a& < eitray.
Jiated July 13,1904.
SEAL County Juage , ,
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch
Brownlee , Nebr ,
: ie-03 and Curly
Coat 112 i > l ar. head
of herd. The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety.
. g Gladstone predomi-
" isates m iuy herd.
I can liU orders f ji bulls of all ages at nny
time. Jlanch twur mile.northwest of iJrown-
ko , JN'eor. *
C. IT. F
Sran , balk . 75 per cwt if 14.00 ton
Aborts bulk . 85 per cwt § 10.00 too
Screenings . 70c " 113.00
Chop Feed . . . . 1 . 05 $20.00 '
Corn . . .95 " $18.00"
Chop corn . 1.00 " 19.00"
Data . 1.20 ? 2 3.00 "
Genevieve Adams Hewitt ,
xriioi * ol"
Scientifically correct method : of chebt
development , deep breathing , articu
lation and tone poising" , correction of
defects in singing and speaking voice
Bobert G. Easley ,
over lied Front
City Deliyerynian ,
Trunks , valises .and packages hauled to aa-l
from the depot and all parts of the City.
jLJ 5 /
Ofiicc over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 11904. .
Physician and Surgeon
Oiiice at Quigley < fe Chapman's
Drug Store. NigiUb The Don-
ohsr residence , Cherry Street ,
7- *
! "
Coiinty Surveyor
Val eis t i xi c 01Wo o d 1 ake
Beige , 3febr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
Proprietor of
Valentine Dray ,
Will do all kinds of drayingr , express
and freight work. Special attention
given to fine furniture-
First-class Shop in Every Respect
Eau do Quinine Hair Toolc. Golden Star hair
Tonic , llerplcid and COKO'S D ; idru F < : o .
'n ry Pompeiau Face Massage Cream
s : Lunches : Short Orders' *
> .First class meals at all hours , <
\ day and night. Oysters in
\ season. Pies , cakes , dough- _ ;
v nuts , always on hand. : ;
[ E.D. Coiiota , Propj
Get your Clothes
cleaned and pressed an l
make them look like new.
Careful attention given t
both ladies' and gent's
R. II. Robertson , Tailor.
One door north old City Kot'V
Screen doors , window s
tc. , are sold by I\ed Front Mv
Co , 21