Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 21, 1904, Image 1

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    listorical Society
ta ,
- Are T on in' the market for some Furni-
* § v
* ture ? If yon are , or will be , we have
* Si & &
something worthy of your attention ,
S Notice the following :
Tb f C.7
Bed Eoora Suits , oak $16.00 to § 28.00
Iron Beds , in colors. . . : 4.00 to 12.50
47 Dressers , golden oak and elm 10.00 to 15.00
§ ? - Large Arm Itockcrs ' 2.50 to .50
Serving liockcrs , cane scats 2.00 to 3.50
1 Parlor Tables , oak 1.50 to 5.50
Combination Cases , i sawed golden - :
en oak/ 12.50 to 20.00
\\re \ also carry a new and up-to-date ne of
Baby Buggies and Go Carts.
Our goods are continually going out and new goods
arriving daily , therefore we have no old stock , but
always something new. Call and inspect our goods.
$ u
5 Tailor Made Suits , Ladies' Shirt Waists , Fine |
1 * &
s. Neck /ear and Gents' Furnishing Goods. 8 r
v ffi Come in and replenish your wardrobe with the latest and most t
desirable Clothing , Boots , Shoes , Hats , Shirts and Furnishings. \
[ Q the best on the market : Neat , ornamental and serviceable. ' &
T 'hey'11 ' last for years and save you money in fuel. You canp | |
start them in a moment and turn out the flame when your | |
cooking's done. No waste of fuel : Ko waste of time : Tog |
heat where you don't want it. Call and see the Quick Meal J
Stove on exhibition.
General Hardware , Furniture and Undertaking. | gj
: : s a iatito Bank Uharterod as a National Bank
1 , 1SS1. August 12 , 1002 ,
.Th 8
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
IK * * * s * A General Banking
Exchange and
Collection Business
C. H. CoBKEtL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier.
- /
Ve Can Satisfy You in Qualifv P 'e ind
Mr. and Mrs. John - Welch , of
Omaha , are visiting relatives in
this city.
' Miss Lizzie McXichols , a cousin
of Mrs. TV" . E. IJalcy , came up
from O'Neill last Friday for a
week's visit with relatives in this
A. M. Charbonncau came over
this morning and bolted the pulley
to our newspaper press and laced
the belts. When we started the
press with the engine it run fine.
Jerome Broad , of Biitt , Kcbr. ?
called on us last Friday while wp
were busy putting in a foundation
for our press and engine. He
wanted to pay up on subscription ,
so when he insisted on paying his
receipt read 'To May 1 , 1006. "
Mr. Broad said he thought the
newspaper men ought to have pay
for their work and was going to
pay his share if he could. Who'jl
be the next to pay up in advance ?
TV. II. Carter and Mr. Butcher
were down from Cody last Thurs
day on business and called at our
oifice for a visit with the editor.
Mr. Carter was ready to ship some
stock the first of the week but
couldn't get a car at that time and
later found that he didn't want to
ship as long as the packing house
laborers are on a strike , so he de
cided to wait until the strike was
settled or the packing houses are
again at work. Mr. Carter's fath
er , Henry Carter , is staying with
him at Cody and has been enjoy
ing splendid health up to the past
two weeks , since which time he
has not been so well.
Several hundred Indians came
down from the reservation Mon
day and Tuesday To be on hand
for the big show of Gollinar Bros ,
on Saturday of this week. They
dressed up in uniform Tuesday
before noon and rode up and down
the streets in full possession of the
town as far as numbers went.
Their fierce ycjjs and Indian war
whoop could be heard as in the days
of long ago when it struck terror
to the heart of the "pale face ? , "
but now meant as a demonstration
oHove and friendship1 to those
who were formerly considered
enemies. These Indians are al
ways welcome visitors at towns
along the reservations and when
they assemble to show the "pale
faces" how it used to be in time
of war they get very enthusiastic
as the "dance" progresses. The
frequent yells can be heard to ring
out sharp and clear above the din
of the huge drum that is beaten by
some of the braves in the center
of a large circle of- squaws and
bucks who keep time by an alter
nate jumping , limp and stiff leg
ged , while the warriors carry out
the scouting idea in a hop scotch
movement in which they glide
about inside the circle with the
stealthiness of a tiger. Every
movement is graceful , showing a
muscular activity that is only ac
quired by those who achieve con
siderable fame in the tribe. They
are the leaders , the braves , the
warriors strong and fearless and
they have great endurance. Their
muscular activity is due to perfect
health'good appetites and a strong
physique , capable of enduring
famine or with a steady nerve can
face death. The dance Tuesday
afternoon lasted several hours be-
fere each of the stores where they
expected treats for their perform
ance and a well dressed buck pass
ed a hat , taking up a collection.
Wednesday the Indians went down
to Ft. Kiobrara where they will
dance for the soldiers and return
in time for the Gollmar Bros. ' big
show on-Saturday. It is expected
that near 3000 Indians will be here
Saturday ,
Ed Ilolsclawbuilt the founda
tion for our ne.v&paper pre.cs and
the .gasoline engine last Friday ,
and THE DEMOCRAT force carried
* ' *
the brick and mortar with the help-
of TVeS Harden. The editor and'
Mark Zarr played the pant of ine-
chanicfs , carpenters and masons the
past week and did the work of four
men in putting up the gasoline
engine and moving the press onto
a solid foundation. Bro. Barker
came over Tuesday and helped the
editor to connect the batteries and ;
start the ongine. Mr. Chapman , i
who has an engine of the same '
make , came in Tuesday to administer - '
ister the magic touch that started j :
the wheels a going and found that |
it worked to perfection. Thn editor - '
itor has missed his calling. We'd j
ought to have been a mechanic
and we'd have probably been blown !
to the skies as a mechanic ere this , j
We don't know allabontarn-ngine
yet but we can put one up and
start it. You've probably heard ,
of people starting thing ? they could
not stop havn't you ? Well , if this
eng'ne won't stop we'll keep right
on grinding out papers , and if
Valentine ever gets big enough to
need a daily paper we'll be right in
it , if the engine will run.
Si's Izmse on t:5ic
Hello : Sid Nathan Pouley , aii yer
goin' ter the show ?
I know 'tis a good one , 'cause Si
Ilibbcns tole me so ;
He said thet he hod seen 'em one j
year ago ter day ,
And it is by fer th' biggest show
l"thet iver' ' came this way ;
lie sez they've got real monster
tents thct air so long an high ;
I know 'tisth' truth fer sure 'cause
Silias wouldn't lie.
He sez they've got a steam caliope
an' music bands galore , !
An' sho\v'd folks all they adverj j ;
tis an' jist a little more ;
He sez they've got big elephants
and monkeys thet cu'd smile ,
An' th' urily hippopotamus from
Egypt's rivei ; Nile ;
He sez they've got big camels , tig
ers , lions and bears ,
An' savage beasts from ivery clime
thets captur'd in their lairs ;
He S2z they've got real frmny
clowns thet grin from morn
till night ,
A hundred supple actin' folks thet
dress in pink and white ;
He sez they've got great riders an'
noble knights uf old ,
Dressed in purty costumes thet
glitter gist like .gold ;
He sez they've got big stages and
circus ring an' whuts more ,
A racin' track around 'em all wliar
joJge puts down th' score :
He sez they'll show Ben Hur jist
like he 'peared in days ufold ,
A-dashin' 'round th' hippodrome
in a chariot made uf gold :
He seztis th' grandest show thet
iver come this way ,
An' he surely wouldn't miss the
sights if it cost him ten thet day
He sez it is an honest show , as
clean as clean cu'd be ,
Without them pesky gambler's
tricks to rope you in by-gee ;
He sez he did appreciate a strictly
moral show ,
Arid Gollmar Bros , hev got the
one where decent folks wu'd go.
Si and his family and all the sur
rounding neighbors will be in T7al-
entine to see Gollmar Bros. ' big
new railroad show , triple circus ,
mammoth menagerie and Eoman
hippodrome when they exhibit
here on Saturday , July 23 , 190A.
All members are requestecl to
attend the next regular meeting of
Valentine Aerie Xo. 599 , Wednes
day , July 27. Important business.
W , A , KIMBELX , W , P ,
'j „ ijwo 3-0a.5j o Jo
I ' ,
* &
: &
] . - . &
j -
" ! I .AYe l.avc a number of odds and ends in Men's ( J
Uncjorwear wliic ! ) we'are closing qu regard- * ' . ' fo
- : 4 ' . less of cost. ' : ? i *
] UN UE11S11 HITS. Formerly Toe , reduced price 35c fa
; M EX'S $2.50 and $3.00 HATS , in the latest shapes * $
.and colors , on sale at § 1.50. ' f
4 ? LADIES' T5c , 81.00 and § 1.25 niRT\\'A'ISTS '
are all going at 5Uc. " ' ' ' -fc >
j We have a lot of 50c and 75c S f'KAWj fHATS -I
which we arc selling at 25c. ' - . , , , t i
These are'prices which you canndfc'affort to > ] , & |
miss. Come while1 they'-last. - -K
4 ? - -
' ' ' ; * - / . . to'
_ . i >
Javenport' & ihaqher i >
Large stock'
I "amilton = !
Just arrived.
All other shoes in stock sold at greatly i _
reduced prices for next 30 days. Come f ;
and see us. We sell everything , and
at prices which are right.
S Tiie BEST for table use and at popular prices.
1 s
3 Goods , Shoes , Mittens
Hay , Grain and Feed
j vggg g ng = class line of Steaks , Roasts
jL.\i /j J r : : = r"pr rTsy * kii
K. President. CHARLES SPAKKS , Cashier.
.1. W SncTrKUricc President. OKAII L. 15uirrox , Asst. Cashier
Interest paid on ttniefl
deposits. 2
Valentine State Bank ,
Capital , S .l.G
Valentine , Nebraska.
| Surplus , SI ,
Persons seeking a. place of safety for their
OJlice Hours money , will profit by investigating the
9 A. M. to 4 P. .
1 methods employed in our business.
2S SS S3 S2I3S133S325 !
r Suited to your taste. . zfe
w 2 CT M r3 fe
p ! Canned Goods ' 'Lunch. Counter.
Are now at their best- and All you want to eat at our v
ft j we handle the best grade , ij j ' ' ' . ' . * * " . /.Lunch .Counter \ u A
\ -