Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 14, 1904, Image 8

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Mutual companiea pay losses in full.
No discount I. M. RICE , Agent.
Notice to Creditors.
1'HB STATK OF NEBRASKA i In the County
In the matt < r of the estate of James B. Cox ,
To the credi * rs of said estate :
Youareherci.y notified. That I will sit at the
County Court Itoom In Valentine in s-ild Couti ;
ty. on the 30th day of July 1904 at 10 o'clock
a. in to receive and examine all claims against.
s-ald estatw with a view to tllelr adjustment and
it.lowauce. The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims auainst said estate is the 30th day
of Juiy A. D. 1904.
Witness my hand and the seal of said County
Court this 5th day of July , 1904.
, 25 4 County Judge
Order of Hearing on Petition for
Appointment of Administrator.
In the County Court of Cherry County , Neb
State of Nebraska , County of Cherry , ss.
TO the heirs and to all persons interested 11
the estate of Titus J. Taylor , deceased :
On reading the petition of John Taylor
praying that the administration of said estate be
granted to Henry Taylor as administrator.
It is h-reby ordered that you. and all persons
iuterestrd in Mild matter , may , and do. appeal
at the County Court to be held In and for sau
countv. on the 23rd day of July , AD. . 1'JW
at 10 o''clock a. m. to show cause , it any there be
why the prayerof the petitioner should not l e
granted , and that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter by publish
ing a couy of this Order in the Valentine Demo
crata weekly newspaper printed in said colinty
lor three successive weeks pnur to said day or
hearing. , .
Witness my hand and the seal of salt
SEAL court this 5th day June. \ . D. 1904.
i -y" * " * AIt. . TO\Yr * K
52 3 County Judge.
Order of Hearing on Petition lor Ap
pointment of Administrator.
To the heirs and to all persons interested in
the estate of Peter \V. Pruden. deceased :
On reading the petition of George H. Pruden
praying that the administration of .said estate
he granted to himself as adminlRtrat
or. It is hereby oidered that you. and al
rersous interested in said matter , may , anc
do. appear at the County Court to be held
in and lor said county , ou the 30th da > of Julj
A.D. 1904 at 2 o'clockp in , to show cause , i
any there be , why the prayer ol the petitioner
should not be granted , and * that notice of tlit ,
pendency of said petition and that the hearing
thereof be given ro all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this order in the
Valentine Democrat , i weekly newspaper print
ed in said county , for inree successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness mv hand , and seal of said court , this
> ilth day of July A. D. 1904. .
v 20 3 County Judge.
Taken Up
at my place 2 miles east > { Valentine. Nebraska
2 red yearlings , one steer and one heifers. ro
Excursion Ratt s to Colorado
Utah and ttie Black Hill * ,
Via the North-western Line. Beginning
-ginning June 1st excursion tickets
will be sold to Denver , Colorado
Springs , Pueblo , Salt Lake City , Hot
Springs , Deadwood , Lead and Cus-
ter , S. D. , etc. , good to return until
October 81. A splendid opportun
ity is offered for an enjoyable va
cation trip. Several fine trains via
the North-western Line daily. Ap
ply to agents Chicago & North
western B'y. 20 11
JLtve Stuck Commission Itleichuuts.
TO SHIPPERS-We will be pleased to
send with our compliments our market re
port or the Journal-Stockman to all parties
who contemplate shipping stock this season.
Write to us and we will be glad to keey you
posted on the market. By good sales and
courteous treatmen our customers have be
come our best solicitors. Shipments to us
receive innat careful attention. Give us a
trial and become convinced ,
Signed ; JEAJ'MTOAl & XOXltA ,
( Incorporated. )
Only Double Track
llttllfontl I/ft ween MiHttoiit'i Atttwr
ttn ? C/ilrttyn.
IHrrrtllnvto St I'aiit-JItitnenjt-
Hut' to Ittrtf/t mil * .
to ncnrt-Ht ayent for rate *
tnul time
4ttnt Northern JLine
at Ofneill Hebr.
Goltltf Kilst , GoJm : West.
Leaves iO:10a/a. Arrives- i 0p. in
Passenger , dally Wf-frf Rnnrtay.
'Jonnectiofls with Klhiinrn Ifaifis east and
from al1 " "ifi rttor u'j eii. )
route tn 3nttci \ ; < y rtiid beyoJid.
connections f-r Slo < falls , BlJnne-
, St. Paul ad all points itiorth nfld we t.
local U icets to O
IH'P-A'N-S Tabales
Uoctors find
x A gnnd prescription
For mankind
* * 1 Itfrent parksiw a enough lor usual ocras-
fi\un. \ The family bottle ( < tO cents ) contains H
jupply for & year. All druggists sell tUem.
tow Excursion Rates to Hot
Springs , S. ! > . ,
Via the North-western Line on S l-
urdays and Sundays. These tickein
are limited for return trip to Tuc -
day following date of sale. A V v
to agents Chicago & North-western
R'y. 19 13
Special Summer JBXCUJ.HH II
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold' to Chicago
cage and return until Sept. 30,1904 ,
via Omaho and St. Louis or via di
rect routes , limited to return until
October 81. Apply to agents Chicago
cage & Vorth-western E'y. 22 7
tow Rates to St. Panl , 3Iinn. ,
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold at one
fare plus 50c on July 14,15,16,17
and 18 , with favorable return limits
on account of Triennial Convention
L. C. B. Apply to agents Chicago
& North-western fry. 243
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left
side. Horses - |
ses left
Range north of
Cutcomb Lake
U. G. Criger.
Merriman N * b.
Brand recorded
No. 1087.
Brand same as
cut on si
AIS. . " 3
ieft hip. .
Range 10 miles
south of Merri
man on the Nio
D. Bray
Roseoud S D
left thigh or hip
same as cut
Horse brand
same on the left
Postofflce address
Hyannls , Neb
On right side
on left
also cattle
on right side
Range 18 miles (
north of Hyanni
AUen & Sons
Ft Niobrara.
Brand registered
Horses branded
on left hip
Ranee , Niobrara
river 12 miles east
of Valentine
D. A. Hancock
Marshall , Mo. or
Simeon. Nebraska
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut ;
also 16 on left , sirte
with on Mt hip of
oil riuiiiiie i '
brand , rake aud u >
on left shoulder or
hip. Z on left jaw
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Home ranch on
Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east efFort
Fort Niobrara ; all In Cherry County. Nebraska.
A. Benson
Address Arabia
Range North of
Nioorara river.
Sawyer Bros.
Poatofflce address.
Oasis , Nebr.
G. K. Sawyer lias
charge of these cat
tle Horses I > S on
i eft shoulder. Some
stocPDyi leftside
IIor.sIjfAVs same *
left thigh. Itauge oirtfiiakH river
60 YEARS *
a descrlpf Ion may
upiiiiun free whether an.
, jmtGiitnble. Communion- '
tioiisptricll.v confidential. Handbook on Fnteiita
f3iitfree < Oldest aeoncrfor.securing patera ,
PatenM taken through Munn & Co. receive
jpccial notisst vlthout cbHrge. in the
A hrifldfiomefy fllnrtrnf ed wccfclf. Lnnreat cr
dilution nl nny eclfentititf journal ; Terms , ? 5 1
enr ; four months , $ L Boidbyull
. fTl V 'ft-
One sorrel mare and colt , 10 years
old , weight 900 ; also one brown
lorse , ? yeaas old , weight 1100 <
both branded Cross bar on left
shoulder. $5 reward for informa
tion leading to recovery.
& J. S , SHAFEK ; Valentine ; Neb.
Merriman , Nebr.
Cattle and hor-
seu oranded on
lelt side or shoul
Brand register
ed 1091.
Range 12 miles
southwest of
Merriman on the
Niobrara nver.
Postofflce addre
Hyannis , Neb
Branded on lelt side
Range eighteen miles
north of Hvannis
J. W. Stetter ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Otherbrands :
XX 4--
Horses branded :
, - < err on
lelt shoulder ; Q left thiuh. Range on
Boardman , Gordon , Snake and Sand Creek.
P. II. Young.
rfimeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on lefc side
Some QV ° n I' &
" " "on left jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
Saidy Williams
Merriman. Nebr.
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
liange Lake
Creek , S. D.
Postofflce : Gregory. Nebr.
Cattle on lef1
Horses on left
Some stock
vet bearine my
former brand as
shown be'ow. '
St. Francis Mission
Postofflce address : Crookston. Nebr , or
Rosebud , S. D.
Cattle branded
as in cut.
Some cattle in
S D branded only
on left hip.
Range : North
of the Minuecha-
dnza. Smiles west
iot Crookston , and
'on Bull Creek.
Any information regarding cattle branded as
above will be thankfully received by Wm. Skelly.
Crookston , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Rose
bud. S. D.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
eame as cut back of
right shoulder and
on rigtif hip
Range on the
F. W. Jersig
Valentine. Nebr
Cattle branded as
shown ; in cut on
left side , loin or
Range between the Gordon and Snake
of the Nlohrara river
J E Wallingfurd
Kennedy .Neb.
Cattle branded
siine as cut ; also
some branded
on lefthlp.
Postofflce /dress
Brownlee , Neb
On left side or any
\v&tt of animal. Ear
mark right ear cut
I off ; horses branded
same on left hi p. Also
has stock branded H
k 011 side or shoulder ,
lor'JKor WorO'VL '
| orO or FZ. Also
the'following , the first one being on side and hip
Postofflce address
Codv , Neoraska
Cat tie branded as on
cut on left side , hip
aud shoulder ; horses
Range , Snake Creek
J. J. Peck.
Cody , Nebr.
On both sides.
Horses CC on
left thigh.
Range Head Pass
Creek. S. D
Parmelee Cattle Co.
Rosebud , S. D ,
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
with fctripe under
Horses branded
left thigh.
Range on Soldier creek.
Garner rJrotherb
> , Nebr.
Anywhere on cat
Horses on left
Range- North
F. T. Brackett
Rlege. Nebr.
Brand Registered
0 1490
' Brand right side
3r hip
Horses same on
right shoulder
Range , Niobrara
6 miles south of
Seth Gary.
Merriman , Nebr.
On both side and
hip. Herd mark ,
dewlap ,
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Lake
Creek and Little
White River.
C. W. Benne tt
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Range between
Gordon and Snake
creeks aud ou the
Niobrara river
Franfc T. Lee.
Brownlee , Neb ,
Cattle on left
side ; horses same
on left shoulder.
Range Four
miles northeast ol
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.lef t side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder ,
Range Square
Chi Psi Cattle Co.
Edward Lewis , foreman.
Wood Lake , Nebr.
Cattle branded as
in cut on right side.
Range ; 6 miles east
of Simeon ou Cronin
Koau Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
pi ivtaf mark , silt
m left ear
W. E. Haley
Valentine Neb
Brand registered
No 200
Range in Sharps
Ranch and German
precincts 6 miles
south of Kilgore
C. H Little.
Merriman , Nebr.
On either side
Horses same on
hip. Also C
Range Lake Creek
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left side.
on left
Range K mile
gouthof Irwln.
Poatofflce address
Gregory. Neb
Branded as on cut
Knnge two miles
Qorth of Gregory
F. C. & M. 0. Metzger.
Meirltnan Nebraska.
Cattle Dranded on
leftside ; Horses
branded on left
left si le. Range
on Snake 35 miles south of Merriman , Others
raneoSmllesn rrhwestof Merriman.
Charles Kichards.
James Goodfellow.
Cody. Nebr.
Cartle branded
on left side.
Horses on
left jaw.
Range Between
the N'iobrara and
Medicine Lake ,
JST. S. .Rowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on left ,
side and hip , and on
left shoulder of her
ses. AlsoISHvJS on
left side
on right hip au4
leit side.
Q on left hip of horses.
p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses ,
on left hip of horses.
R M Faddis& Co.
Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
on left thigh
Horses on
left shoulder ?
or thigh
Some 011 lelt
shou Ider
oren thigh.
Sonif * on right thigh or shoulder ,
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On 'eft ' side of cat
tle ; O right
Range , north and
south of Niobrara
verl2-mihs south
west of Cody
Frank Kothleutner
Postofflce art dress
Cattle branded on
side as on cut same
on hip
Some on left
.side. .
George Heyue
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Ranee north and
south of Cutcomb
Lake in Cherry Co
G. W. McFarland
Valentine , Ntrbr
Catle branded
as In cut on left
Old stock 2 Y
Range : ( our
miles east ot Fort
Niobrara , north
and south of
Berry bridge the
C. E. Wright.
Valentine Nebr.
Brand registered
No. 374.
Brand anywhere
on right side.
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same aa cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for informatioi :
leading to detectioi
of rustlers of stock
bearingany of these brands.
Morey & Hewett.
Gordon , Nebr.
Brand registered
2292. On loft hip
of cattle. Horses
same left should
er ; also OAn u
left side.
Range South of
Seake 35 miles
se of Gordon.
Robert Quisenbery
Postofflce address
Simeon , Nebr.
Jpft hip on
Y cattle.
Horses same on
right shoulder.
Range on Snake
Joa. Bristol
Valentin , Nebr.
. Range on Nio
brara ilvfcr four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
r B connected on
left hip or side aa
shown in cut
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
pSO on rlehtside
Some cattle also
have aJ Jon neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two baas
.across hind qnar-
_ 3ters-
- -
F-J-rrq r
Horses branded SOS on left bin. Some cattle
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
Ipft hfn of her < ii.
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr.
I'ostofflce address
Urownleo , Neb
u on either
! 'fr - doorbipatdo
Uors ° 9
left hip.
" 250.OO RE-
_ _ , . W A K D for con-
convKUon or anyone unlawfully handling cattle
In thestj brands.
John Sedlacek
Valentine , Nebr.
Cattle branded j {
on left hip.
Horses same on
eft shoulder.
Some branded *
on loft shoulder
Some o on
[ leftside-
oTiiiles soutl west of Valentine on north
side of Mobrara livtr.
fe roo-cston , Ne&
S * dBfe& & & Cattle branded PE
on either hip
right side.
Horses I'E on li\ \
shoulder. U
Range- Minne-
east of crookaton.
Postofflce address
Pullman , Neb
Cuttle branded as on
cut ; horses branded
same as cattle except
reversed S ,
See block
Range Steve r !
and Stepheneon
Lakes and South
S300 reward will be paid to any person for in.
formation leading to the arrest and conviction
of any person or persons stealing cattln with th
ahovn nrund
Postofflc address
Cody. Nebraska
On either side cattle
herdmark leftN ear
clipped and rit'ht ear
splith'jrses ; o anded
same on left sh oi.lder
Range on Nio < ars
and Mprliclne ORHVOP
D. Stlnard.
Valentine , Nebr.
State Brand reg
istered 1654.
and horses
branded same as
cut on left hip.
Rauge 2 miles
east of Ft. Nio
brara ,
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artett ! Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. F.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treaa
Cattle branded on
any part olanimal ;
also the following
brands :
loraes branded ttit ,
Range betwees
Gordon on the F.E.
&M. V.R.B. and
ayanmson B&M. R. R. in Northwestern
Nebraska. Address , BABTLJETT BIOHAKDH.
Ellsworth , Nebraska.
Metzger Bros. ,
Gregory Neb
Cherry Co
Branded on left
side and thigh.
Earmark , sfjuare
crop right ear
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Range on Gor
don aud Sual
Creeks ,
A Itewartl of Si 5O will be paid to any
nrson for Information leading to the arrest and
final conviction of any person or persons
' " " f rt-a intth ahovat
Gordon , Iebr
"Cattle branded
on leftside a.u
cut , 6-inch bo
and 24-inch circle
Brand registered
br ed j i ]
, eft slioul8'
'der. ' i
inch circle .i-i
box. Registered 87 .
Range--6 miles south of
Irwin on Niobrara river.
Postofflce address
Pullman , Neb
Branded on left hio ;
horses same Herd-
Range south
east of Brush If ill
Hyannls , NPD i , |
right bide and hip
) | <
Also have stock branded
1 II
> n right side and hip
' !
on right hip < : ' , fl
Range-Southwestern Cherry )
: ounty
FaPnwh ,
Cattle branded Jl'
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable regard
fo r any informatioti
leading to the re
covery ol cattle
strayed froni my
J.P. Swaia.
Sparks , Nebr.
Jattle branded on
; ft side as shown
i cut.
ll&ttzp South
if Hparks on Mo-
trora river ,