f Ci. Ci.so ' 'coco - ? . i tttj S . * U z- a $ se ej ossr . * t fr. i" * S T2 J > s : : : or iJ-r-U ) 5e5o - fcp § J liGl ! "e" ? * * Cloyd Quigley returned last week from Texas. Bert JcfTers is home from the Omaha Medical college. Lauren Jones has sold the Gor don Journal to Henry llauback. I Selling out Hardware and Fur niture on account of going out of hardware business in 90 days. Call for cash bargains. GEO. H. HOUXBY. Pianos and Organs with a ten year guarantee from reliable fac tories , sold for cash or payments. J. 0. BEATTY , 13 ( At G. H. Hornby's store. ) In Wisconsin at a charivari , generally called a "shiver-ee3 the bride became so excited and shock ed at the proceedings of the un lawful marauders that brain fever set in - and she died. We have al ways been of the opinion that the average so-called "shiver-ee" is a very out-of-place transgression of .the law. Gordon Journal. JACK SULLY DEAD. Noted outlaw photos. Sully after death , only photo taken in 3 years. Sully's i liorse , saddle and bridle after the shooting. Sully's home at time of funeral. Sully's body on way to grave. Rosebud reservation where deputies shot Sully. On'.y set of photos in existence. 25c each. Set of five § 1 prepaid. F. M. Lee , 231 West 21st Street , New York. For Sale 500 bushels of corn atiO cents per bushel. At John Ormegher's place on the Schlagel. 26 "Win. .A. . IKlee , IDcacl. Word comes to us of the death of our brother Wm. A. Kice at Iconium , Mo. , on July 5 , of a congestive chill , after an illness of five days. The Workman lodge at Crooks- ton will hold their first anniversary Saturday night , July 16. The Grand Master Workman from Omaha is expected to be present , also Deputy Dillon , who will be present the screen work of the lodge. Everyone is cordially in vited. W. WERTZ , M. W. PAUL W. VIERTEL , Rec. Notice of Sale. Notice is hereby plvea thaiSaturday. . August 13 1004. at 11 o'clock si. in. , at th residence of Louis UolleUe , aix miles northwest of Snaiks Ghe.'ry county , Nebraska , 1ill offer for salt1 to tlie highest bidder for cash , one white horse supposi d to be ten years old , no brauda. said hoi > e to be sold as estray. Jated July 13,1904. A- W. 11. TOWNE , SEAL County Judge. , 26 S Commissioners * Proceed ings. Valentine , Neb. , June l-A , 190i. Board of equalization met with the following members present : L. Laufer , J. L. Eoseberry , A.E. Morris , E. C. Cole and C.S.Reece. On motion the real estate in Sharps ranch and Kenzel precincts was raised 50 per cent in order to bear just relation with valuation in other precincts. Continued in the business of equalizing from day to day to June 17 , whereupon the board adjourned .to June IS , 1904. June 18 , ' 04. Board met as per adjournment. . Members all present. The following levies were made : Gem Flnkiii diet 50 , S Whereupon the board adjourned sine.die. L. LAUFER , Chm. Attest : C. S. KEECE. Co. Clerk. m Commissioners' Office. Valentine , iNTeb. , June 20. Board of county commissioners met in regular session with the following members present : L. Laufer , Chm. , J. L. Roseberry and A. JE. Morris. The commissioners made the j following appointments. Oversc.er : Ceo Austin , -1 ; W AMtXa 1 , 5tt ; E ' ' Haniiiaii. 18 ; Nut Klliott , 19. The following bonds were ap proved : Overseer : X Klliolt , IJTBanigan , Wl'berA ' Mc.Val ! . Rcqust of J. C. Webb , J. C. Car son , E. S. Furay , It. Quisenberry , Cornell Townsite & Land Co. , P. Danofsky , K. F. Kime , Stotts & Stetter , C. J. Treat , for refund of taxes rejected. Claim or J. It. Lee for use of house Mrs. Olsen , amount § 63.75 rejected. Refund granted J. TVr. McCloud amount § 5.30. same having been erroneously assessed. Refund gran fed C. J. Anderson amount $80.76 ; and H. E. Cham berlain , amt § 81.91 , same having been erroneously assessed. The following claims were al lowed on the General Fund : Jurors May lerni 1I04 ! : P Ivem > ic..tt 4 50 Mat ; Hlt7. $1 23 H Kaulbaber C 70 J K . . _ 2 r > o II KM. Her ' i 10 Jacob Martin 2 25 I ) L ( larnor 7 : $ o W D Clarkson 2 10 > 'uur licmiiel 5 20 .1 D Spall 4 20 M I ) n > i JUTS 2 10 EarlComstouk 1 ( > < m O L Iwy T 00 Clias Roberts 10 M J E l'ottycr 2 80 Samuel Fairhead ' . ) 9D \V A Davis cast : A Lewis tf 00 K D Clarke 3 00 C S Keece 5 7.- hd Clark sal 1st qr and exp 175 75 C S Keece al and exp 1st qr. assr books 2f,0 8t A Al Morrissey ef Bailey 50 HO W J { Tow. < fees 8 25 J F Ji'ile ' lixin" heves ! ill elks oflice 1 .M ) M K L.\j'ort jailor fues for May 40 so Valentin" . mage water 4th qr ! 03 3 17 Frani ; KIu lotsky sttte vs Jones wit 5 00 G VV Hanrox " Harris 5 10 itato .Iunml supplies 2-M 4' ) L.abolswit : Ed Vollentlae 12 00 J Kairnend 12 00V I , Jacobs 11 50 Gee o Kief 13 20 Chas Kising 13 2" State Journal supplies 114 CO r s Keece elk dist crt fees criin cases 24 73 M : Fitzgerald bailiif May tei m 4 00 Diamond ease juors : Jacob Bylstra 1 10 Ed Vollentine 10 1-rroy-iJ Tice 1 10 O 0 Alexander 10 Marcus Katoa 1 10 Henry linden 10 Witness : E H' Lemon 10 Win Lemon 1 10 Chas Luach 1(1 ( < 5e < r case : A Lewis 8 00 Fd C.arke 300 OSKe-ce" 5 47 i E Laj-port guardlnj : jail and tees 105 SO Herumaa HUD en. Ford case 2 55 A Lewis fees iuq Ira 0 Himond 2-2 PO Harry EVells spt i n-.t > tlilti iiainond cse 8 oo liainniond & rttephen- upplle * 12 00 Jodoii c ue wi : . \ ( ioctiey 1 (50 ( Henry L'ajLr 1 10 W Kiashinan 2 " 9 Al E Uoty 1 CO Juo Taylor 2 15(1 A Firth 1 (50 ( It Flrili 1 0 1 J l'a > lor 2JO K Taylor 1 tit ) K D Floshman 1 60 Jno Delhi 1 (50 ( Witness Godfrey case : b 50 A BowemiB 70 BE White Krnnk c-vl K ilio Earnest slnibert 750 M \Y VJ.IH i.rln pauper elm 563 aliwu 3P 00 U G Dunn making fi u 12 00 \V A KirdsHl sheritt lef-a 8 05 Ked Front Jlerc Uo kindling 2 00 W S Barker printing 33 Co State Journal supp ies 2-U ) 03 Lls Laj port boarding prisoners etc . 177 III ) fee Franklin cse f , 23 ' suinm .us Branhan inq 13 00 " bnln prts 51 25 . ' lees Mrs Johnson 13 23 " leea .Junes ciid Abbott 21 (55 ( jailor ete 13 ! ) SO " taKinu Shubeal to asylum 47 00 " L wih aiitt .Jones c re etc 21 (53 ( R O Easily del Brewer cltn tf 100 allowd oil 0- ) John David carmg tor W A Davis 10 0(1 ( Keese Printin < to applies J7 63 Dvvyer ins case A Lewis C IX ) E I ) Clarke C 00 0 S Kte < : e 8 75 E S Fin ay 5 00 A jNT Compton 5 UO W Jl i'ownefees : Johnson case U 30 Harris 11 30 Morgan 7 SO JOll' S 8 15 l.ibdld S 55 Godlrey 7 15 Dodsdi 8 95 Pool 11 SO Expense 25 Hastings 9 75 Lewis . 5 03 Abbott 5 03 Express 1 20 Kecording bonds 1" 73 A Lewis fees Braytou and tieadore case its uo C S Eeece 11 30 truest Lainbie wit Bravton case S F Oilman light jNov to May etc C S lf ! ect- tees criin ca esT . < T xv Kose burial of pauper L N Liiyport arrest LibOit etc b'-ard i ns " guard jait " jt-ebiiia ton case ' subpoening wit ' " cases stimmoitntr jury etc " supre wit criin cas s ariest , care Anna M-T i * . . A'Lewi- cs Branhan & Sherard cases A E Morris i-om It es. FK-S Hrstings case : D W HiNinjter i 10 Jo1 > n Sinipson J C Ixorthn.p 1 10 C E Tynuiill W A Ku-ater 1 ,10 Gee ( VroiTJ 110 ST Smith Fees Pee ens. ' : Leoda Hamptod Tlm > Hhandey 1 10 John Minpsun E s Furav 1 10 Alt Wil irtins l no A Walker 1 oj Jas LOOK JohnFees Bailey else : 1) W Hilsinger 1 io John 110 1C S Furay l 10 lif brig case : J W Aukdr 10 50 Emma Anker 10 : > 0 Fers Brewer-lfiissell cases : M V Nidiol > nn fees official bond ; 9'i ( U 1C C Cole co assessor sal ' 01 4.V 64 Dr O striich irentment Ditt'iier 12.no wcbsler case : E M Fuller 14 00 J iptrap If ) co I' Hoist 20 00 D ward 20 OC Ora Jones II 01 John M Tucker defending Gehng ro on " Dodson r > o no A boot , 50 00 case : ( rice Hoffman 4 10 Homie Hotl'inan 4 10 Lx Lajp ! 2 10 Dr Lewis 2 ! ) Dr A N roniton | 2 10 l.n < iuirl < .s 2 10 Sarah Simpson 2 10 A M Morrissey 2 10 Maitha Hoffman 2 10 II Thorn-s 4 45 G it Thompson 4 15 C i. walker 2 10 H Hilbinuer l ole & Cntcom mdse 1G 4" pcnntv Assrs : wD Armstrong ! i ! ) OJ Gee Bristol 99 50 Dan B i 112 r. ) A o Cok-nittii 123 oo Jn- > 1 3 00 H S PC ( ' 4 5) ) 0 U 135 00 R Orrn-sher 117 oo ' IP & ouco/m' mate ial 3f ) * : > H J Lowe material 1C 42 E E Crane oad work 10 50 Lar ou Uroi ro id work 2 50 Johnson Bros material 24 75 Ira Johnson road work 2" 50 rol . & Cnlcomit material 11 I'D W T Ballix ro-id work 3 40 C D Thompson road wor' < 3 00 John singleton work-claimed 1C OOaUowed 12 on l.pwis G.UIOW work 4 25 K C IJrtingan work 12 < ' ) \v Alie l.ourae work 12 i ) Matt B Irz worK : j oo \T Fil/uerild work fi 00 EII Birnes \ \ ork , claimea 10. alo\Ve ! 1 7 r.o .T iin HorniHli W'trK 13 00 LuJUig Lumber Co material 176 oo w Honey \oik Ki 00 Job i Jones work.c'aimed 20 , a'.lr v-d 15 00 v\iibnr \ Mae. Nail v.-odc 47 ! > 7 J T Ga l.nvay work ; > 3 00 A M f'harbohman work 3 eeL L Laufer viewing bridges e' 31 75 Mortraave & Duerfeiilt material 01 00 Bridge Fund CaiiTon Bridue Co bal claim Bell bridge Gia OS General Fund Deputy Assessors Clvdrt A Uosseter M no S F. Sllll-on 135 00 A T Tostcvin 100 50 A C ria inon 111 00 S M Woo i ward 105 00 l.en Winslow 75 00 G W Vvii'iiiuis ' 111 00 J V Vincent 111 00 JMOark.-on 13.0(1 ( A AI Cljaibonii > anSon nnt'i'al ' 11 75 ' Fracew'ell & Bonssr tt-am Count } corner 2 50 ! E D Clark fees Gerhinc cas 5 2S " Branham ca e it 12 ' " Butcher case 0 fiO navid Stendman mdse jioor i 53 Sand Hill com Co in is * " claim 21 55 all'd 7 15 j .lu-i'H ' ilerknmn mdse " " 03 S)2 ) " ( V2 72 Cherrv Co 'ljh"iie Co 4 'phones 1 ha-f 1004 40 00 Jacob S.jadore boarding pauper 12 00 L JS Ltiyj ort reward , Lewis 50 00 The following amounts were de C ducted from above allowed claims C and applied on delinquent taxes : c 8 75 c 7 30 2i ! f-0 2 SO 4 n4 ( 7 CO 1(5 ( 50 1 10 17 o5 s sj 12 25 ( j R D.-I 22 55 1 31 (0 17 70 L'5 yi : 5u ( Hi 5 05 ( i 20 frank torhleutner lo 2o Whereupon the Board adjourned to June 21 , 1904. . June 21 , 1901. ; Board met as per adjournment , ' , members all present. llesignation of John Bornian , overseer dist. No. 22 , accepted. Kesignation of C. M. Gallagher , justice of the peace Merriman pre 1 cinct , accepted. Semi annual statement of Etta Brown , Co. Supt. , accepted. Commissioners ordered clerk to advertise for bids to line the jail with steel plate lining , dimensions is follows : IS ft wd 36 ft Ig 9 ft 9iu high , 4 windows 5 ft 9 in by 3 ft , door 7x3 ; ceiling. The following claims were al C lowed on Eoad fund : K11 Polen 3 00 Cyrus Komani 2 25 A1 W rf Ba-ker printing 153 75 Claim of H. E. Chamberlain for refund of taxes year 1902 , paid under protest , rejected. i Depository bond of Valentine State Bank , approved. i The commissioners appointed Gr W Eose constable Merriman c precinct and approved his official bond. In the matter of the application Df A B Overman for liquor .license it Crookston in Minnechaduza precinct : The application came 3n to be heard upon the petition 3f the applicant and the remon strance of E A Sear by et al. The petitioner appearing in person and by attorney , and the remonstrators appearing in person and by at torney , and the commissioners liaving heard the evidence submit ted on behalf of the petitioner and , the remonstrators , the commission- a : urs find that a proper petition was duly filed and that due and legal notice of the filing thereof was giv- sn , and that the petition was sign ed by a majority of the resident freeholders of Minnechaduza pre cinct. The remonstrance is there fore overruled , the petition } ant ed and the license ordered issued upon the petitioner giv-ing boml , signed by surety company , and paying to the county .treasurer the license fee as required by la\v. the license to run for one year from June 20 , 190-1. Commissioners Koseberry and Morris voting in the affirmative and Laufer in the negative. Itcfund granted Benjamin Freeman - man , amount § 0 TJr , the same hav-i ing been erroneously assessed. Kef und granted H. J. Lowe , amount § 1(59 ( 49 , same having been erroneously assessed , whereupon' the board adjourned to June 22 , 190i. June 22 , 1904 : Board met as.j per adjournment. Present , chair man , L. LauferA. . E. Morris. Commissioners allowed 50 for institute - stitute purposes and ordered warrant - rant drawn on general fund for ; same. j The commissioners changed the voting place in Kennedy precinct i from present location to S ft Mc-j Alevy's place. j Kei'und granted A B McAlevv , j amount § 15 G-3 , same having been j erroneously assessed. , Keluncl granted \Vm Misiov : ; ; ; amount 2U 1(5 ( , same having beei erroneously assessed. . Depository bond of Bank o Cody approved. Bids of Yeast and Hornby foi furnishing coal were examinee ! and contract awarded Yeast for two cars at' Pennsylvania iumi : coal at § 9 per ton delivered in bin at court house. The following claims were al lowed on the general fund : 11 ( J HaS'-x ii'-ciiliim : JotifS SO 00 KiJii ttrowu I-XIV-IIM' 2iJO I L f'o-eUerry coiu'r-i fee 41 0 < .v ii Alor L- , " -27 t'O L I/uifer " 33 00 Whereupon the board adjourned to July 0 , 190-i. C. S. KEKCE , L. LAUPEU , Clerk. Com. The Loup Yalley Hereford IJrowulee , I > ebr , Prince Boubiiel 131693 and Curly Coit ; 1122Glat head of herd The blood of Fouler. Anxiety. Lord uiitonandSir GlidsTone : predomi nates in my herd. I can HH orders f. i bulls of all ayes 'it nny titno. Kaucti tur mile.s north-wcsl o [ JJrowu- fce , jN'ebr. C. H , FAULHABEI ; , MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Bran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton -'horts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 ton Screenings 70c " $13.00" Chop Feed . . . .1.05 " $20.00 " Cora , .95 " $18.00" Chop corn 1.00 " $19.01) ) " Oats 1.20 * 230U " Genevieve Adams Hev/itt , Tctielici * oi" 3c entjficaliy correct method : of chest Jevelopment , der p hreathinp. articu lation ; and tone poi intf , correction of icfects in tiinyinij and speaking voice Robert G. Easiey , ATTttiiXKY AT 1AW. over Red Front GENERAL LAW PRACTICE H. M. GBAMEB , City Delireryman. Crunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and all parts ot the City. Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be. in Eosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. A. N. COMPTON hysician and Surgeon \ . Dffiue at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don- oher residence , Cherry Street. JOHN POEATH Tubular wells and windmills. M. WILSON , Proprietor of Valentine Dray , - : Vill do all kinds of drayinjf , express md freight work. Special attention ' given to line furniture. All kinds of heavy hardware and vagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders , 20-tf Valentine 23 , Saturday , July A i * ' M H- - I \i ; ENOR , ; DM I DflA nAiLnUA j Three Ring Circus , Museum \ergie \ i and Royal Roman Hippordrome | j ' ' ! \ ' A show Organized to Please the i-eo-- = pie of the World. The incamparahie Equestrian , Miss Lizzie Rooney. The Pstet Family , Kuropi'im Stars Europe's famous Aerialists , tlto first appearance in America. Aslitons. Zella , The marvelous Hand Bal The Dahns , sensational high wire ancer , the only act of its artists first appearance in this kind ever seen. country & 250 other circus acts 20 Funny Laugh Making Clowns 20 Marvelous trained Horses. The only Big Kail road Show coming this year. A grand free street parade every morning at 10 o'ck will pass through the principal streets , the most magnificient , colossal pa geant ever witnessed. Seven open dens ot : wild animals. Chariots , Tableaux , Gorgeous Floats , Mounted Horses , many kinds of Music. All absolutely free. Two performances daily. Afternoon and night. Doors open 1 and 7. One ticket admits to all. REMEMBER DATE. Valentine , Saturday , July 23 - / - - * > Meals : Lunches : Short Orders < HE KANGAROO First class meals at all hours , < \ day and night. Oysters in j I season. Pies , cakes , doughnuts - \ \ nuts always on hand. E.D. Cohota. Prop. ! AAAA ! Get your Clothes cleaned and pressed and make them look like new. Careful attention given to both ladies' and gentrs clothing. R. H. Robertson , Tailor. One door north old City Hotel. J. L. ASKBUR Oontractor and Builder - i er in Brick or Stone "Work. Valentine , - Nebr. D.-M. SAGESER Barber irst-class Shop in Every Respect \-AM de Quinine Hair Tonic , GoWeu Star Bair Tonic , Herpicide and Colco's Dandruff Cure. fry Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEKOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Woodiake TVOKK PKOMPTLr ATTEXDKD TO. High grade Galloway Bulls , 2 o 5 years old , for sale. Also two rhoroiighbred's. For further in- 'orrnation inquire at this office. 13 i Screen doors.-Vwindow . < . screens , i jtc. , are sold ' : by" Red Front Merc. . | MBS. CECELIA STOWE , Orator , Entrc Nona Clnb. 176 Warren Avenue , CHICAGO , ILL. , Oct. 22,1002. For nearly four yeara I suffered from ovarian troubles- The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only -waj to get well. I , however , strongly objected to an operation. My Imaband felt disheartened as v/ell as I , for homo with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised . him to get a. bottle of "Wine of j Cardui for me totry , and he did so" j ,1 began to improye in a few daya and " my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was aaother being. Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddeneclby female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that sljk- ness and _ brings health and happi ness again. Do not go on suifer- ing. Go to your druggist today and secure a § 1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. Good fresh Meat and Lard at Stetters Meat Market. 26 For all kinds of fishing tackle go to the Red Front Merc. Co. 21 Are you going to need any barb wire or field fencing ? If so call on the Eed Front Merc. Co. for prices. "We have just , . received a com plete line of wagon woods , such as spokes , felloes , rims , hounds , bol sters , axles , tongues , etc. Also wagon skeins , buggy stubs and box fittings. Quality and prices guaranteed. At Eed Front Merc. Co. Horses For Sale. Some good work horses , saddle horses and some good young mares. Terms to suit purshaser. Inquire at Bishop's livery barn. 23 WTB