Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 14, 1904, Image 2

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    The Yalentine Demoa
1. M. RICE , . . . Pnblh
General Passenger Agent Cook j
mits the Blocli Signal Was Not
Regular Passenger Crashed I
Rear of Excursion Train.
Seventeen persons were killed
about fifty injured in a collision wl
( occurred at Midvalo , X . J. , just bel
noon Sunday , when a regular passer
train on the Greenwood Lake brand
the Erie Railroad ran into an excure
train that had stopped to take water
All the dead and injured lived in ;
Tjoken , Jersey City and New York.
The accident is believed to have
suited from a tower operator having I
-ercd his signal too soon , and this A
'admitted ' by D. W. Cook , general pi
ongcr agent of the Erie Railroad , \
gave out a statement in which he saie
"The operator in the tower failed to
the block signal against the train fell <
ing. "
The train which was run into wa.
special carrying members of the PI
tDeiischer Association , of Hobokcn ,
their annual outing , and 800 passenge
It consisted of twelve cars and two
gines. The first engine had taken wa
and the train had moved up and stopi
with the second engine bes-ide the is
when the regular train drew near. ' 1
flagman of the special signaled the
gineer of the oncoming train , but owi
to a curve in the road his flag was i
seen until too late. It is claimed tl
the engineer of the regular train li
slowed down to about ten miles an he
before he crashed into the special , 1 :
liis engine tore through the rear car t
greater part of its length and drove
portion of that car into the car ahead
The killed and injured were in the
two cars.
The wreckage did not catch fire , a
the work of taking out the dead a
inaimc-d wus quickly accomplished. T
residents in Midvale , many of whom h
heard the crash , assisted in the work.
The seventeen dead were soon laid 1
side the track and the injured carried
nearby houses. While physicians we
'being ' sent for , women of Midvale broug
bandages and other articles that con
, be used in caring for the injured.
train was sent from-Little Falls to tl
scene of the wreck and as rapidly ;
-possible the > most seriously hurt we
prepared for transportation by train
Little Falls and thence to Jersey Cii
or Hobokcn. The less severely hurt we :
continued under treatment in Midvale u :
til later in the day. Those hurt wei
eventually taken either to their homes <
to hospitals.
The engineer and fireman of the rcgi
lar train both disappeared from tl :
scene immedaitely after the M-reck. Bet
escaped injury by jumping. The ope :
ator in the tower would make no stat <
merit , and was relieved and left the seen
soon .af-ser the accident.
Baby's Body Found in Well an <
Mother Nearly Dead.
Upon his return home from town earl ;
Sunday William Starbuck , a farmer nea
Greensboro , Ind. , found the interior o
his home badly disarranged and his wif <
and baby gone. Attracted by screams
he ran to the woods near by and foune
his wife in a hysterical condition anc
the dead body of his child at the botton
of an abandoned well.
It is believed that a double inurdei
was attempted. Bloodhounds were giver
the scene , but without result.
Physicians have little hope for the re
covery of Mrs. Starbuck , who is still un-
John Johnson , Colored , Killed Two
Companions for S3.
John Johnson , colored , who with Frank
Ousley , also colored , will hang next
Thursday for the murder of Grocer Jas.
Donnelly , at Pittsburg , Pa. , has confess
ed to four other murders. Johnson said
he was born in Georgia and about eigh
teen years ago started out as a tramp.
Two of his victims were with him trav
eling in a box car on a Virginia railroad ,
and after murdering them for the $3 in
their possession he threw their bodies
from the car while the train was going.
His other two victims suffered a like
fate on a Georgia railroad.
Foreign Exhibitors "Kick. "
The foreign exhibitors at the St. Louis
fair have united and , backed by the
commissioners from their respective
countries , threaten to withdraw their ex
hibits if the fair management persists
in treating the exhibitors as coiicession-
Sioux City Stock Market.
The quotations on the stock market at
Sioux City for Saturday were as follows :
Cattle , $5.30 5.70 ; hogs , $5.07 > @o.2u.
Boodler Gets Two Years.
Edmund Bersch , who pleaded guilty at
St. Louis to accepting a bribe in connec
tion with the passage of the city light
ing bill , was Saturday sentenced to two
years' imprisonment in the penitentiary.
This is the minimum sentence.
i Norge Survivors in Liverpool.
'About seventy survivors of the wreck
ed steamer Norge have arrived at Liver
pool from Stornoway , Scotland. They
( will sail for New York on the Cuuard
[ line steampr jlurania. - %
Pettigrew Not at All Pleased
' Platform.
A St. Louis , Mo. , special says :
have prepared a treatise , rather tin
platform , and we have succeeded in
ducing a large volume without sa
anything , " was the terse way in w
ex-Senator Pcttigrew voiced his s
merits about the platform which
adopted Friday night by the Dernoc :
There were other expressions a
similar lines , Coid Myer , chairman ol
New York state committee , stating
"Parker cannot stand for such a ]
form , and , if nominated , he would
compelled to deal with the financial q
tion in his acceptance. "
So far as thousands in the conven
hall were concerned , the platform wi
closed book , for no one but the ma
of the platform knew what was on
"bill of particulars" which Senator .1
W. Daniel read in a voice that could
be heard beyond the platform.
But what of Bryan ? When aske
he would support a ti--ket on the platf
he had so largely assisted in making
said : "I will certainly support the r
form. "
This is Iowa's position : "The I
from the Hawkeye state are not infi
ated with the platform , but , as Br
says , it is the best that could be obt
ed , " said Gen. Weaver. "They will
home to its support , and , incidentally
the support of the candidates. "
At 4 o'clock Saturday morning
Democratic national convention was i
in session , and a nominating ballot :
not been reached.
Great uncertainty still exists conce
rng the vice presidential nomination.
The same candidates which have hi
tofore been mentioned are still rnenti
ed , and some are being pushed witl
great deal of earnestness. Xo one n
lias yet been singled out by the lead
and large delegations to be supported
the second place.
Prank Holtman Confesses that :
and Mrs. Myers Killed Mr. Myer
Frank Holtman , under arrest at Y/i
fl'alla , Wash. , for the murder of Cl
nice Myers in Kansas City , has e
Messed. Holtman said :
"For years Mrs. Myers and I h ?
> een friends. She loved me and I lo\
icr , and we wanted to get married. " \
) lanncd the murder three weeks or m <
sefore the crime.
"The night of the 10th of May I wee
o bed , but got up about midnight a
vent to the Myers house at 3 o'clock ,
net Mrs. Myers at the house and
cent to Myers' bedroom. He was r
mrently asleep , but just as we enter
e called out : 'Well , you're here agai
le grabbed at me and-as he did so
truck him with my club , the billia
"Then I held him" while his wife cut 1
liroat with his own razor. The body w
iid on the sheets and left there. "
housands Made Destitute in Kar
sas City , Kan.
A Kansas City special says : All >
le west bottom on the Missouri side , i
uding the Union depot and the grci
holesale district of Kansas City , ai
> vered with water , the break in tl
aw River , near Armour-dale , Kan. , lai
hursday night , sending a current of w ;
r into the bottoms.
The water rose slowly , and while
idoubtedly has done damage it is ne
tlieved the tremendous losses of la ;
ar will be duplicated.
Preparations for the feeding and sleei
g of people driven from Armourdal
id Argentine in the convention hall ar
ing on actively.
rs. Catherine Danz of Philadelphiz
Convicted of Murder.
Mrs. Catherine Danz , convicted o
irder in the first degree for poisonin ;
r husband , William G. Danz , was sen
iced at Philadelphia , Pa. , to be hang
An appeal will be taken to the su
MHO court by Mrs. Danz's counsel.
Ueorge Hossri , a negro "voodoo" doc
' , was recently convicted and sen
iced to death in connection with Danz'f
Che testimony at the trial of Hossri
1 Mrs. Danz was to the effect that the
man had procured poison from Hoss-
which she administered to her bus-
id , causing his death.
Two Killed and Fifteen Hurt.
. Short Line passenger car on a train
sthound from Colorado Springs to
pple Creek jumped the track near
neron , Colo. , eight miles from Cripple
ek , and was overturned. Dr. H. S.
ranee and T. P. Airhcart , both well
wn citizens of Cripple Creek , were
id. Fifteen passengers were injured
Polar Relief Expedition Sails.
he Champ expedition sailed Wednes
from Tromsoe , on the steamer Frith-
for the relief of the Zeigler expedi-
, on board the steamer' America at
nz Josefland.
Waterspout in Oklahoma.
waterspout , accompanied by tor-
wind , passed through Clifton , Okla. ,
vicinity at midnight Wednesday
t , in which six persons were killed
several injured.
Yardmaster Killed.
ck Girardy , yardmaster for the Bur-
on at Nebraska City , Neb. , was kill-
n the yards there. Girardy was on
pilot of a switch engine and lost his
ace , falling beneath the engine.
: h was instantaneous.
Woman Killed by Husband.
s. Isaac Eagle died in a hospital at
t Ste. Marie , Mich. , from the effects
bullet in the head , shot by her hus-
last week. A coroner's jury has
the < mse.
Great Damage is Being Done by
High Water.
A Kansas City special Hays : One
of Armourdale is under water from
overflow of the Kaw River. The
is still rising at a rapid rate , and c <
tions approaching the great flood of
are feared.
The lowlands in Argentine , Rose
and othere suburbs are also flooded. I
dreds of laboring people have left 1
homes in West Kansas City.
The Kaw is doing great damag
Xorth Topeka , Lawrence and o
points , and its tributaries are rising.
Hundreds of wagons were busily
gaged all day removing household g
from the suburbs of Kansas City , E
along the Kaw River , while in the i
'bottoms near the Missouri-Kansas
thousands of dollars' worth of goods
either removed from the district or pi :
upon upper floors.
As far as known seven lives have 1
lost , one at Wichita , Kan. , and si :
Clifton , Okla.
The wife and two children of (
Woods , a policeman at Wichita , repo.
drowned , were rescued.
Railroad service east and west of I >
sas City is demoralized , numerous w ;
outs being reported , and trains on
Rock Island , Santa Fe and Union
Missouri Pacific are stalled.
The present flood , which has been
thi/d this spring in that part of
southwest , came after almost continu
rain at different points throughout E
sas during the past five days. In
past twenty-four hours from l.oO inc
of water had fallen at Kansas City t
inches in western Kansas.
Wichita , Kan. , is flooded worse tl
ever before in its history. Waco Aver
Due of the principal residence streets
! i raging torrent , waist deep. People
within seven blocks of the Little Ri
liave been forced to vacate their home !
The water in the Kaw River is ab <
: he 22-foot mark at Topeka and is ris
In North Topeka the water is runn
: hrough the principal streets knee de
ind the town is deserted.
In Topeka proper the water is th
docks up town from the river.
Trains on the "Tnion Pacific , Santa
ind Rock Island have been abandon
ifty-T\vo Killed ami Over Thr
Thousand Injured.
The Chicago Tribune says : From a
al of 25 persons killed and 1,384 injun
eportcd Tuesday , the casualty list ;
lilting from the country's celebration
lie Fourth of July has reached 52 kill
nd 3,040 hurt.
The figures for Chicago are 1 dead a :
01 injured , with G hurt by fireworks ,
y cannon , 14 by firearms , 0 by gunpo
er and 4 by toy pistols. The statist !
ere 1 killed and S2 injured.
Lockjaw in a few days will begin
> ap its harvest. It may be counted
ouble the number of fatalities. '
rusted Employe of Xew York Ban
is in Trouble.
Robert B. Taylor , who is said to hai
-en an employe of the Central Nation ;
ank , of New York , for thirty year
a prisoner of the United State's seen
rvice operatives in St. Louis , Mo. , o
e charge of passing forged nation ;
ink notes of the institution in which 1 :
as a clerk.
Taylor , it is said , has passed $3,000 c
e forged notes in St. Louis in the las
vv. days , and , when arrested , $3,550 i
e alleged forged currency was found o
3 person.
avs Make Heroic A'tternpt to Checl
Japanese Advance.
Vdvices from Taschichao state that th
panese swarmed over the mountaii
; st early Wednesday morning and ad
need on Kar Chou , compelling Gen
irakoff with the Russian vanguard t <
I back , while a brigade of Japanese
th masses of cavalry , followed and oc
) ied the village of Xantay , drivinj
; two companies of Russian rnfantrj
1 two companies of Cossacks in
nched there.
"he Japanese arrived within five miles
Kai Chou. It was then nightfall.
Robber Confesses to Mureler.
I. O. Mosier , captured by Sheriff Pot-
of Butte , Mont. , and 'a posse just
oss the Montana frontier in Wyoming ,
n jail at Red Lodge. Under a vigor-
sweating by officers , he confessed
t he was one of two robbers who held
a saloon at Billings and killed Sei"
nt Robert J. Hanna.
Hart Helel on Murder Charge.
t Prairie du Chien , Wis. , John Hart ,
1 by the police on the charge of as-
It on James Campbell , president of
village of Steuben , was released , and
lediately rearrested on the charge of
tier. The preliminary hearing will
leld July 25. His wife has gone in-
> over the affair.
Million Dollar Tunnel.
le Chicago Great Western's immense
lei at Redden , 111. , has been com-
; d at a cost of $1,000,000. The work
under way four years.
Big Strike at Havana.
strike of harbor workers was rnau-
ted at Havana , Cuba , Thursday. The
p is complete.
? o Assist Striking Machinists.
e convention of the western division
10 International Association of Ma
sts at Denver , Colo. , voted to assess
member of the division $1 a month ,
h , will amount to $25,000 monthly ,
jsist the striking Santa Fe machin-
Rockefeller Gives $1OOOOO.
in D. Rockefeller has given to the
sou Baptist University at Newark ,
. , $100,000 , in addition to $250,000
some time ago _ . ,
Chamberlain Heard from Abscc
ing Tecumseh Banker 3Iay be
Cuba Michigan 31an Arrested
Trying to Sell Paper.
Charles M. Chamberlain is the
whom n number of Tecumseh pt
would give n good 'deal to see. SPA
years ago the Chamberlain Bank , of
cumsah , failed and the cashier Cht
M. Chamberlain , absconded with
pockets well lined with money and vi
ble papers. Sunday a mtin appeare
Teeumseh who had dealings witL Cl :
berlain less than two months ago.
The man is A. S. Cody , of Midi
Mich. , and the sheriff arrested bin
the station two minutes before his t
left. He is being held . under $2
bond , and it is hoped that Chamber-Is :
whereabouts may be ascertained thro
him. lie was held in the county d
on a bench warrant , and his papers v
taken away from him , in spite of his
forts to destroy some of them before
officers' arrival.
Among other papers taken by Ch
berlain was a mortgage note for $2 ,
on the livery barn of B. Miller , an
large amount of mill stock in the Tec
seh Milling Company. Mr. Cody trie <
soil his mortgage note to Mr. Mil
and the mill stock to one of the officer :
the milling company. Be had
shares of the mill stock , each we
$100 , and claims that he innocei
bought them , with the Miller npte , fi
Chamberlain in Alabama about i
months ago.
Among the papers taken from G
was a letter from Charles X. Clark ,
Havana ! Cuba.
It has been rumored in Tecumseh
fore that Chamberlain has been going
tier the name of Clark in Hava
Clark's letter was in regaid to land
Mexico , which it is known that Chr
berlain used to own.
Tecumseh streets and the court ho
cverc thronged with an excited crowd
citizens when the fact of Cody's an
nul his dealings with Chamberlain
? ame known.
ifounger Man Gets Off ivith Hi
that Much.
A special term of the district con
vith Judge Grimes on the bench , c (
ened at North Platte to hear the cas
'f ' William J. Belmont and Emmet
Sling , charged with an attempt to wrc
t train by placing obstructions on t
rack of the Union Pacific Ifailro :
They both -pleaded guilty to the char ;
ielmont. the leader , was sentenced to t
ears at hard labor in the penitential
rhich he accepted with a sarcastic smi
Sling , IS years old , on account of 1
outh. extenuating circumstances and ;
ormation favorable to him of which t
ourt took judicial notice , was given
entence of five years , with a promise
assistance tosecure a parole , continge
n his good conduct.
> ne Man Killed by liightning an
Another Stunned.
A Scotts Bluff dispatch says : T ]
lost severe electrical storm and ra
: onn that has visited this section fi
? ars swept qver this county , nearly tv
iches of water falling.
J. F. Draper was killed by lightnir
Irile he and A. .T. Fl-ailey were endea
ing to finish up a stock of hay befoi
le storm. Frailey was stunned , bi
> t seriously injured.
The telephone system at Scotts Bin
temporarily out of business , all tl
ises being burned out.
Heavy Rain Damages Crops.
A Syracuse special says : Four and om
ilf inches of rain fell Friday nigh
loding the country and doing muc
image to crops. The Xemaha Cm-
is left its banks and flooded the lowe
lit of town , causing residents to leav
eir homes. Wheat on the bottom fan
nd is seriously damaged and corn wi
like only a light crop. Stockmen bavin
x k on the low land have suffered som
= ses. The creek is still rising.
Woman Drowned In Creek.
Mrs. Dan Harp was drowned near Tic
on. Harp and wife , who live fiv ,
los south of Hebron , were going honv
d attempted to cross Dry Creek , swell
by recent rains. The team plunged in
a deep hole and one horse was drown
Mrs. Harp's baby was carried dowi
? stream and at this writing has no
in recovered. Mr. Harp saved himseli
hard work.
Injured in a Water Fight.
? he Beatrice fire department was in-
: cted by H. L. Harper , chief , Mavoi
mltz and the water committee of the
r council. A water fight between foui
npanies of the department occurred on
rth Fifth Street , in which Lester Lew-
a member'of one of the participating
Lipanies was injured about the head ,
erving a broken ear drum.
TVill Remove the Tower.
'or ' years there has been rnu i uneasi-
s concerning the condition olrthe Cen-
1 school building in riattsmouth. The
; e , unused fourth story and the high
vy tower serving as a wind-trap are
> e removed. John Latenser , an archi-
: from Orrfaha , has recommended the
Charged with Horse Stealing.
aniel Kohn was arraigned in county
ft at Papillion on the charge of horse
ling. He entered a plea of not guilty
his bond was placed at $2,000. Kohn
taken back to Omaha , where he will
confined in the Douglas County jail
1 his trial.
Accident at Seward.
young man by the name of Edwards.
Jlysses , was on the train leaving for
home on the evening of the Fourth
was swinging on the steps of the last
h , when he was bumped on the head
i water crane and knocked off. He
ived a slight concussion of the brain.
Special Kills Pedestrian.
i its first trip the Rosebud special ,
ng Omaha at midnight , killed John
andt , near Winnetoo. He was sleep-
3n the track. Detrandt was a farm
going home after celebrating. i
Treasurer of Sarpy County is i
County-Treasurer Morrison , of S :
is having all kinds of trouble these
at Papillion , and whichever way he
cides to settle the matter he will ge
to trouble. The cause of the ditli <
is over the payment of a $2.000 bi
warrant , issued by Sarpy C/iunty to
C. G. Sheeley Bridge Company of
coin , as the first payment on the co >
constructin : : the steel bridge which sj
the Elkhorn River in western Sa
The Columbia National Bank , of
coin , has bought the warrant and
sents it for payment. Morrison say ;
would like nothing better than to pa
at once as the law provides that
county treasurer shUl refuse to <
such a warrant he shall be liable 1
fine of 10 per cent of the a-mount of
warrant per day until it is paid.
On the other hand is County Attoi
Patrick , who declares" that if the \
rant is paid he will hold Morrison
the entire amount , claiming , it is s
that the warrant is not legal , he
should not be cashed.
Morrison will ask the advice of <
side counsel with the result , it is thou ;
that the warrant will shortly be paid
Weeps Hysterically When Inforir
of the Court's Decision.
The news of the affirmation by the
preme court of the case of the st
against Lena Margaret Lillie , char
with the crime of murdering her 1 :
band. Harvey Lillie , on the morning
Oct. 24. 1002 , was received at Da
City Friday.
Attorney Aldrich says when he
formed Mrs. Lillie of the decision of
upreme court that she wept bittei
Sheriff West says that this did not 1
long , and in a few moments she was c
versing with him and Mrs. West i" 1
icciistomed manner , but expressing i
L'omplete surprise at the derision of ;
: -ourr , and again accusing many of i
ivitnesses who testified against her
laving committed perjury.
Matt Miller , one of Mrs. Lillie's att
leys , is in St. Louis , but Mr. Aldri
says they will file a merion for a rehe
ng without delay. Mrs. Lillie is said
lave stated that if she was refused a
learing in the supreme court that *
vould appeal -the case to Hie Unit
States supreme' court , that she was wh
y innocent of this crime , and would c
laust every legal right before going
he penitentiary for life.
iorse Buyer Ueceivnel More Ca
Then Ho Purchased.
The Messrs. Gilnanks and Kithcart ,
: hefton , were in Grand Island last we
ttendhig a sale of forty cars of unbro
n the Union > tock yards. Tin
urchased a car of horses , leaving the
util the , next day. When on the ne
ay they came for the horses the car w
one. Inquiry by the stock yards of
ors developed the fact that one Gain
f Sergeant , who had purchased clevi
iirs. had shipped out twelve. The con
attorney was brought into the ca :
nd succeeded in locating the car at So
Mr. Gaiuiis immediately 'found that tl
rmses in some manner unknown to hi
iid been included in his shipment. I ]
nmediately offered to return the horsi
nd make good any losses the Sheltc
ulies might have had , and every 01
nicerned is now convinced it w :
trough some mistake that the car (
> rsos disappeared.
0 Deaths , but Thirty People Ar
Reported Injured.
No deaths or fatal injuries are reporte
: results of Fourth of July celebn
HIS in Omaha or surrounding town :
lie number of persons receiving sligli
juries is tlu'rty. Fifteen were hurt b
earms and toy pistols and eleven b
plosions of powder.
Torpedoes left their mark on five , an <
e boy tried to catch a chaser and on
.is kicked by a horse scared by fire
\t Xorth Platte two boys were hur
the explosion of a cannon cracke
iced under a can. The can flew in al
ections. Pieces were imbedded in tin
rn of one boy and the leg of another.
At Norfolk the victims were the 12
itr-old sons of John Gildea and Rev
LI. Oakes. An unexpected explosioi
a can of powder was received by botl
ys in the face. The Gildea boy wil
) bably lose both eyes.
Caught Youthful Burglar.
larry Bacon , a 17-year-old boy , Is IE
' Lincoln city jail , charged with sev-
1 burglaries. The boy was caught in
bicycle store of C. A. Lyman & Co.
a salesman Arthur B. Cameron.
n-Sously the upholstery store of W. L.
? OSP had been entered , and upon
rclmiK Bacon several articles in his
-es ion were identified as having been
en from that store.
Pastor Has Operation.
> r. G. A. Munroe , for several years
tor of the Congregational church of
umbus , submitted to an operation and
his left leg amputated above the
e. Mr. Munroe has suffered for some
yeais from tuberculosis of the knee
it. which has been very painful , and
kept him from his work very much of
Accidentally Shot.
ay Lewis , a young man who recently
e to Geriiur from Xew York , was ac-
iitally shot Tuesday by a companion
ted Frank Fisher , the ball from a 44
> er revolver passing through his le" "
not striking the bone * .
Tried to Ford a Creek.
mes Harper , with his wife and babv
tnpted to ford a swollen creek near
-ter. The buggy in which thev.were
ig was overturned and the wife and
Fear Crops Are Damaged.
lother heavy rain fell at Greenwood
the farmers report small grain dam-
by rust and blight. Grain is ready
it , but the moisture prevents work
le fields. Com is in much better
e than in the east end of the dounty
Charged with Theft.
1 Xye , of Papillion , with Elmer
: r , of the vicinity of Albright , have
arrested , charged by John Hunter
at place w.ith the theft of $18. A
ng of the case will b ? had before
ty Judge Wilson.
Short Notes.
The West Point baseball talent has or
ganized a club composed of the beat ma
terial in town.
The school at the institution for fee
ble minded j-outh at Beatrice has closed ,
for the summer.
The crop of cherries about Geneva has ;
been the heaviest ever known in that
county and is about disposed of.
A party of five Papillion people have1
departeel for Long Beach , Gal. , where
they will spend several months.
The West Point Commercial Club bar
completed it final organization. A con
stitution has been aeloptcd and by-law *
A commercial club has been formed
at Plattsmouth. and a constitution and
by-laws adopted. Meetings are to be
held once a month.
Richardson County has 570 acres of
school land. This was appraised at $1'-
005 , but the new valuation makes' it
$11,300 and increased the rent $558.
A stock company has been organized
at Wymore for the purpose of manufacturing
turing building blocks from cement. Tha
capital stock or the company is $10uuO.
A number of Fremont people who went
to Broken Bow to take up a G40-acre-
homestead have returned. Most of them
succeeded in getting what they were af
The seventh annual old settlers home
coming picnic and fair for Saline and :
adjoining counties will be held at West
ern Aug. 24. A good program is being ;
At a meeting of the Beatrice fire de
partment Fire Chief Harry L. Harper
and wife were presented with a set of
solid silver knives forks and spoons in
honor of their recent marriage.
While Tom Fulton , a blacksmith , was
shoeing a mule Friday in Xehawka the-
animal kicked him in the forehead , ren-
Jering him unconscious. It is fen red he
ivill not recover from the injury.
Jack Gorman , a Beatrice tough. wa
fined $10 and costs in police court for
mating his wife and destroying some-
) f the furniture in the house tie will
.vork out the fine and costs on the ?
The opening of the Merchants' Mid
summer Carnival was the f enure of the
fourth of July celebration at Grain ! Isl-
ind. The carnival continued through- I
nit the week , the Parker Amusement |
Company furnishing the attraction * .
The mayor and city council of Tecmn-
eh are preparing a Sunday closing ordi-
lance which will probably be adopted at
he next regular meeting of the Inidy.
The ollicers have had-many complaints
oncerning open places of business on the-
R. IT. Yale , of Beatrice , one of the oili
er * of the Globe Oil Company , ha * r - -
eiyed a letter from II. M. Smothers * , who-
$ in charge of the company's plant at
"ossil , Wyo. , stating that the projects-
. 'ere splendid for finding oil in profitable
The school census for Plate County kas
ist been completed , and the enumerator
nds there are 1,414 children between the-
ges of 5 and 21 years. Of this number
L found 725 girls and < 5S boy * . This is
n increase of about sixty over the ten-
is of last year. j
The condition of Mrs. Robert Harris , .
C Beatrice , who sustained a broken leg
ml arm and painful internal injuries in
cyclone , is serious , and but little hopes
> r her recovery are entertained. Mr.
'arris ' is also in a dangerous condition
om injuries received.
The following is the mortgage record
Sai-py County during the month
me. 1904 : Farm mortgages filed , Zr
nount $4,450 ; releaseel , 5. amount $ G-
! 5. Town mortgages filed. 1 , amount
i75 ; released , 1 , amount $ .v,00. Chattel
ortgages filed , 13 , amount $3,751.50 ; re-
ased , 5. amount $0.115.70.
Lieut. Roderick Dew , son of Col. J. S.
L w , of Tecumseh. who graduated from
est Point Military Academy ha
ring , has receive,1 his army assignment ,
e will join the Xineteenth regulars at
incouver barracks. Lieut. Dew was
oru into the sen-ice by his father , CoL
2w. He will report for duty in Sep-
L W. Cranmer , a clothing merchant ,
d B. F. Mershon , a groceryman , occu-
the same building at Auburn. Re-
ntly their store was robbed. The l > ur-
ir took some clothing , a quantity of
velry , ciirars , groceries , etc. The loss
estimated at about $105. ' The em
's have no clew as to who the perpe- '
itors are.
Dan Hallahan..a city fireman at Linn -
n , has received information that his
-time friend , Tom Reardon , had died
Mexico and left him $10,000 in mem-
of the old days. The two were rail-
ders together and separated several
irs ago , Reardon going to Mexico
ere _ he struck it rich.
VilHam Grimm , of South Omaha , was
latest victim of confidence men and
kpockets at the Union station at Oma-
While he was in line early the other
rning. to buy a ticket for Bonesteel , .
2re he was going to attend the open-
of the Rosebud reservation , someone
it through his pockets and collected
special election was held at Hastings
revoke the $40,000 bond proposition
the erection of the new high school
ding. The building is far along in
process of erection and will be ready
occupancy by the beginning of the-
> ol year. The bonds were voted two
rs ago , but a technical error after-
el discovered necessitates the resub-
ing of the proposition ,
urgeson. who was arrested at Stanton.
stealing a horse belonging to W. J.
ks , a farmer near Creston , had hia
iminary-examination before Judse-
rien at Columbus and was bound over
iie district court. It is believed Fur-
n is not well balanced mentally. He
its that he was in an asylum in low
years ago. He acknowledges takin .
lorse , but says he meant to return it
ic owner.
ceola is booming. There is not an
carpenter or builder in town , neither
tcklayer , and at the rate things are
ing now there will not be an idle
aefore the snow flies. Old buildings
been removed and on the west side
e square it will be brick from north. *
therine Falk , the 10-year-old daugh-
f M. M. Falk. of Beatrice , was bad-
aided about the face. She was as-
g in washing dishes ind let drop a
j of hot water , which splashed up
r face. Her hands were also " liht