Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 14, 1904, Image 1

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    historical Society
r 1
& J
-i - 9
Are 3 ou ia the market for some Furni-
49ture IcQ ? If. ' you are , or will be , we have < *
49something worthy of your attention , I *
vlj j Notice the following :
49 Bed Boom Suits , oak $16.00 to § 28.00
49 Iron Be'ds , in colors 4.00 to 12.50
49 Baby Buggies and Go Carts.
4 ?
4 ?
4 ? Our goods are continually going out and new goods
4 ? arriving daily , therefore we have no old stock , but
4 4 ? ? always something new. Call and inspect our goods.
4 ?
.49. 49 RED FRONT MERC. CO , *
Tailor Made- Suits , Ladies' Shirt Waists , Fine
Neck Wear and Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Come in and replenish your wardrobe with the latest and most %
desirable Clothing , Boots , Shoes , Hats , Shirts and Furnishings. &
1- & '
Are the best on the market ; Neat , ornamental and serviceable. jp
v | They'11 last for years and save you money in fuel. You can | * |
§ start them in a moment and turn out the flame when yourim
H cooking's done. Ko waste of fuel : Iso waste of time : ojlj |
Jiheat where you don't want it. Call and see the Quick | |
U Stove on exhibition. HI
! $8 $
Genera ! Hardware , Furniture and Undertaking , ip
Chartered us a State Bant Chartered as a National Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 ,
JI ll A * 1 * * A JLv iAiiAI JJAAlAi
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking
Exchange and
Collection Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Yice-President.
M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier.
Can Sartfftr You IP Qualitv Prfc ? and
J nr1 A T 'T * 7 I
1 A ai'T I S
Mrs. Ball and daughter , of Chicago
cage , are out to spend thesummci
with " \Voodruff. \
Born , to Rasmus Andersen anc
wife of Eosebud on July 4th , a boy.
That's a pair Rasmus.
A number of Indians were in
town Monday and Tuesday.The.y
lately got a payment of 89 or more.
Montaviile Flowers entertained
a crowded church Monday night
with Merchant of Venice well re
Serj. Rawls and wife and child
were up from Atlanta , Ga. , last
week visiting Mrs. Rawls' parents
E. L. Maloney and wife at Fort
L. L. Bivens and wife of Valen
tine. iS'ebr. , spent several days
here last week with his parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Bivens. New
comes out a day early this week
to give us time to put in a gosoline
engine , that we expect to use in
running our presses , before the
next issue.
A game of base ball was played
ast Saturday afternoon between
he 25th infantry ball team and
the Valentine nine , resulting in a
score of 11 to 5 inMavor of the 25
and last half to play.
John Ormesher had the misfort
une of losing his house and con
tents by fire two or three weeks
ago. We forgot to mention it
when , we heard of it as we also
forget many other items.
Obe Church returned from St.
Paul , Minn. , last week with an
other stallion , replacing the one
that died belonging to the Valen
tine Horse Co. , and it is claimed
this is a better horse than the other.
It rained hard last Sunday night
adding to the already wet condit-
.on of 'the ground by other recent
rains and that of an all night
rain Wednesday night of last week.
The weather is fine now for crops
and grass is fine.
Mrs. Avis Bourk and daughter
came to town from Simeon Mon
day with her brother S. L. Ellis
after a short visit with him and
with a brother at Harrison , Neb. ,
and returned from here to her
home at Eddy ville , Iowa.
J. W. McCloud came in for
some supplies Monday preparatory
to beginning haying. He
says there is plenty of water there
in the hay flats. We credit Mr.
McCloud with another year in ad
vance to THE DEMOCKAT and re
cord for him as being the second
man to talk over the telephone be
tween here and Simeon , which was
completed Monday.
Dan Roby and WillHassed drove
over from Springview on business
Monday and staid over night in
town. We enjoyed a pleasant visit - ;
it from them during their stay.
Will Hassed formerly worked in a
this oifice during a rush of work.
Mr. Roby says crops are all look
ing fine from Springview to Valentine -
entine and cattle are in good shape , e
Miss Ella Graham , a sister of
Mrs. Geo. Beamer , who came to' a
this locality from Gunn City , Mo.
last winter , in company with Ru
dolph Moscow , who came here
last winter from Idaho , were in
Gordon Tuesday enroute for Rush-
ville where they were married on
Wednesday by the county judge.
They will immediately leave for
Cheyenne where Mr. Moscow will
work at his trade which is that of
a butcher. The couple have
many friends east of Gordon who ,
will join us in wishing them , sue-
cess and happiness ,
I John Sullivan , boss farmer of i
Black Pipe district on the reservation - '
vation and Chas. Reiter were in j
( own Tuesday. Their cheerful ,
countenances indicate that health j
has not a thought on their daily j
program and log may it be. |
F. A. Freeland , a surveyor of
Imperial. Nebr. , is stopping at the j
Chicago House in Valentine , Xeb. , i
and will survey homesteads and do j
private surveying. He claims to '
have had 12 years experience in
surveying and engineering. 2-il-
General Chaffee , chief of the
army stuff , now touring the army )
posts throughout the country , ex-j
pects to visit Forts Robinson ,
Crook , and Xiobrara some time
this month. He will consider pro
posed improvements for each of
these posts. World-Herald.
H. C. Sanner called an us last !
Friday whjle he and John Britt
ere in town and handed us an
other dollar for a year in advance \
to THE DEMOCRAT. This makes
all of our Britt subscriber- paid to J
1905. Who could blame the editor i
for wishing that there were more j
good democrats at Britt , Xebr ? [
Sparks Bros , have sold their j
store at Cody to Cole & Cutcomb ,
who will run the store as now sit
uated. Cole & Cutcomb sold their
; vagon and'implement business to I
Li Vermont , Barnes , Son , and
Bishop & Young bought the lum
ber business of Cole & Cutcomb and
Sparks Bros , Quite a change for j
Cody business men. i
Jas. Irwin hobbled clown town !
Tuesday on crutches and in pars
ing our office called to make an ex
planation as to his condition upon
our hailing him. Jim was driving
the Rosebud stage -for J. W. Warden
on July 1st , which happened to been
on Friday an unlucky day , and in
going down the steep hill just this
side of Rosebud his " \vagon . break
failed to work and with a heavy
load beside five passengers and
himself it was too much for
the team to hold and away they
went down the hill at breakneck
speed until they came to a turn in
the road near.the font of the hill
when the wagon upset , throwing
the occupants out in the ditch at
the side. One horse was thrown i
and thejeaders were whirled back !
by Jim's hold on the lines. Jim j
had his face skinned tip pretty
badly , his thumb and his hip was
hurt. The other occupants were
only slightly bruised.
It should be the first purpose of
the United States to free the Philippines -
ippinos as the the Cubans were
freedr Jt will cause us more troub
le than the islands are of use to us
to hold them and engage in every
quarrel that comes up between
foreign nations. We have not yet
had a taste of war and its cruelties
but we are on the highway leading
to it ,
Gordon Journal : A college that
will not expel students for hazing
does not deserve the patronage of
decent public.
A man in New York has sued a
college for § 10,000 damage for in
juries to hi ? son who was hazed.
We hope he will get it. If there
ever was an abomination it is this
hazing. It is immoral , beastly and
unlawful , What do you think of
lot of so called students breaking
into a young man's room , drag-
ding him out in his night clothes
and treating him indecently and
cruel , without any cause what
ever ? It is not much wonder we
grow up men to head mobs , to
have no respect for the law and
decent thingsv when they start the
work in their school life. *
The Red Front Mercantile Co.
carry a complete line of harness ,
saddles - and strap work. Mane
them a call - before buying else
where. ' They can save you mon
ey , 21
. .O O.-C-r-o---
i *
4 ?
41 We have a number of odds and ends in Men's
4 ? Unclerwoar which we are closing- out regard
less of cost.
rfNDERbIlIP .Tv > . Formerly Toe- , reduced price35c '
MEN'S * 2. ; > 0'and $3.00 HATS , in the latest shapes
and colors , on sale at 1.50.
49 LADIES' Toe , 81.00 and § 1.25 SHIRT WAISTS
9 are all going at oOc.
< 9
We have a lot of 50c and 75e STRAYS MATS
which we are selling at 25c.
§ 9
These are prices which you cannot aiiorfc to
miss. Come while they" last.
4 ?
4 ° avenoort & Thachei
I Large stock of ;
amilton Brown Shoes I
Just arrived.
All other shoes in stock sold at greatly
reduced prices for next 30 days. Come
and see us. "We sell everything , and
at prices which are right.
* Jl ? #
The BEST fur table use and at popular prices. .
Our Stock is Always Fresh ftg
Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens
Hay , . Grain and Feed
First-class line of Steaks , Blasts
Dry Salt Meats , Smoked
O 8
jjFuEi ) WHriTKMOUB. President. CH'ARLES SPARKS , Cashier.
J. W STK/rrEK , Vice rresiclciit. OKAII L. BitiTTO , Asst , Oasbier , ;
I jlnterest paid on tiifte
deposits. alentine btate oaiik ,
Capital , . § 25,000
Valentine , Nebraska.
Surplus , 81OOO * *
Persons seeking a place of safety 'for their i
Office Hours money , will profit by investigating the j :
. . . . to 4 P.M. methods employed ja , our -business. , j ;
/ " * PI fTVT T Hr's r " &
GllONE "to
t Suited , to your taste.
I Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
Are now at their best and All you w nt to eat at our
I we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter.
ome Bakery