Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 30, 1904, Image 7

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    a Mite.
The psychological effect of snch hap-
pollings as that at Martinique Is really
impressive. In the presence of the
working of the earth's crust in that
diabolical style everything else looks
small- Even the mighty human race ,
with its ambitions and quarrels , which
take up so large an amount of one's
attention , tends to shrink to microscop
ic dimensions. The mind seems in
stinctively to see that just as there
was an earth before the race came up
on it , so there could easily be an earth
here again without a single human be
ing -existing on its surface. The ques
tion of a spring bonnet or a summer
suit , and the issues of "civilization"
generally , can't stand the comparison
with such dignity. Proud man simply
has to go back somewhere and sit
down. Springfield Republican.
A Reason for Sickness.
Ilealthy kidneys
take from the
blood every 2-1
hours 500 grains of
impure , poisonous
matter more than
enough to cause
death. Weakened
kidneys leave this
waste in the blood ,
and you are soon
sick. To get well ,
cure the kidneys
with Doan'6 Kid
ney Pills , the great
kidney specific.
Mrs. J. n. Bowles
of 118 Core St. ,
Durham , N. C. , says : "I was sick and
bedfast for over nine months , and the
doctor who attended me said unless I
submitted to an operation for gravel 1
would never be well. I would not con
sent to that and so continued to suf
fer. My back was so weak I could
not stand or walk , and tt aches con
stantly. The first day after I began
using Doan's Kidney Pills I felt relief ,
and in a short time I was up and
around the same as ever , free from
backache. "
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Mrs. Bowles
will be mailed to any part of the Unit
ed States. Address Foster-Milburn
Co. . Buffalo. N. Y. Sold by all dealers , '
price 50 cents per box.
Learn to laugh. A good laugh is bet
ter than medicine. Learn how to tell a
story. A woll-told story is as welcome
as a sunbeam in a sick room. Learn
to keep.your own troubles to yourself.
The world is too busy to care for your
ills and sorrows. Learn to stop croak
ing. If you cannot see any good in the
world , keep the bad to yourself. Learn
to hide your pains and aches under a
pleasant smile. No one cares to hear
whether you have an earache , head
ache or rheumatism. Don't cry. Tears
do well enough in novels , but they
are out of place in real life. Learn to
meet your friends with a smile. The
good-humored man or woman is always
welcome , but the dyspeptic or hypo
chondriac is not wanted anywhere , and
Is a nuisance as well.
We use Piso's Cure for Consumption in
preference to any other cough medicine.
Mrs. S. E. Borden. 442 P street , Washington -
ington , D. C. , May 25 , 1901.
An Explanation.
"You can't believe half that a man
\ says when li is in love , " said the young
-'woman , reproachfully.
"That is very easily accounted for , "
answered Willie Wishington. "When a
man is in love , half the time he doesn't
know what he is saying. " Washington
Do Tour Feet Ache and Bnrn ?
Shake Into your shoes Allen's Fo
a powder for the feet. It makes tight or
New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns , Bun
ions. Swollen. Hot nnd Sweating Feet. At
all Drupgists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample
Bent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted ,
Le Roy , N. Y.
Self-preservation is the fundamental
law of the cell.
Many women are denied the'
happiness of children through
derangement oi the generative
organs. Mrs. Beyer advises
women to use Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound.
MBS. PINKHAH : I suffered
with stomach , complaint for years. I
got so bad that I could not carry my
children but five months , then , would
have a miscarriage. The last time I
became prepnant , my husband pot mete
to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. After taking the
first bottle I was relieved of the sick
ness of stomach , and began to feel bet
ter in every way. I continued its use
and was enabled to carry my baby to
maturity. I now have a nice baby
girl , and can work better than I ever
could before. I am like a new woman. "
MBS. FBAifK BETKK , 22 S. Second Sfc , ,
Meriden , Conn. $5000 forfeit If original of
above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced.
Don't hesitate towrite to Mrs.
Pinkham. She will understand
your case perfectly , and \vill treat
you \vith kindness. Her advice-
is free , and the address is Lynn ,
Mass. No woman ever regretted
having written her , and site has
helped thousands.
Trusts A 11-Powerful.
The trusts and corporations control
the Republican leaders and those voters
ers who want tariff revision are read
out of the party. High trust prices
and wage reduction prove protection
does not insure prosperity.
The "Iowa idea" has been over
thrown in the state of its birth , as
far as the Republican leaders can do
so. At the state convention to elect
delegates to the national convention
the platform adopted was of the stand-
pat order , though there was a con
siderable objecting minority. The
same tactics were employed as in the
Republican state convention of Massa
chusetts , where Senator Lodge told
those delegates who were demanding
reciprocity with Canada that their
place was in the Democratic party. If
the proportion of delegates in either
of these conventions that favored tar
iff legislation are backed up by the
same per cent of voters , there are
more than enough to turn these strong
Republican states over to the Demo
crats , if they elect to do so.
The business men of Massachusetts
to the number of 30,000 are on record
against the present tariff ; some want
reciprocity the real thing that will
reduce the tariff wall between us and
other countries and allow us to trade
with them and in return trade with
us. Others want free hides and free
wool , and nearly all of them demand ,
like the Iowa farmers , that the tariff
protection that allows the trusts to
sell their products for enormous profits
here and at a much lower price in
other countries should be revised , seas
as to equalize the price here and there.
The Democrats will welcome the aid
of both the Iowa and Massachusetts
Republicans who believe that the time
lias arrived to seriously take up tariff
revision , for it is evident that the too
much boasted advantages of the pro
tective tariff are failing of their pur
pose prosperity and high wages.
Prosperity since 1002 has been ab
sent from many industries and wages
have been gradually decreasing. Nor
is that the worst of it , the cost of
living still remains abnormally high ,
so that the purchasing power of earn
ings is decreased accordingly. The
Democrats claim that revising the tar
iff , so that those articles for which
the trusts now demand too high a price
shall be admitted free of duty , or at
a decreased rate , would reduce prices
by fear of competition from similar
articles imported from abroad. The
protectionists declare that if the tariff
is reduced foreign products would be
imported and mills and workshops
would close and labor be idle. The
trusts are now competing in many
foreign markets against these foreign
products that the protectionists fear ,
and are evidently underselling the for
eigners , or the trusts would not ex
port their products there. To reduce
or abolish the tariff on these trust
products would not therefore allow the
foreign products to be imported here ,
for the freight and charges alone
would be a barrier. Of course , the
trusts under a ten per cent tariff would
have to reduce their prices SO or 40
per cent to meet these new conditions
nnd the consumer here would gain that
- There may be some industries here
which would need greater protection
for a time and the tariff on articles of
luxury would still be continued and
perhaps increased. For instance , the
tariff rate on diamonds is now 10 per
cent ; there is no reason why it should
not be 50 per cent. The tariff rate on
refined sugar is about 50 per cent ;
there is no good reason why it should
not be reduced to 10 per cent , except
that the enormous profits of the sugar
trust would be decreased. Would that
ruin the country or reduce wages ?
The platforms of the Republican
state conventions adopted this year
show that the trusts and corporations
have more influence with the leaders
than the voters of that party have , for
in every state , except Idaho , the plat
forms declare for protection and for
what has come to be known as stand-
pat. The Republican national conven
tion will make a like declaration.
Therefore those Republican voters who
believe that the tariff shelters trusts
will for their own salvation aid in the
election of the Democratic ticket.
Democratic Chances.
The Republicans have a habit of
sneeringly saying , "Oh , the Democrats
can't win anything this year , but
may be in 190S there will be some
possibility ! " Of course , we do not
blame them for whistling while walk
ing through a graveyard , but they will
tell us why there is not a good chance
for Democratic success in this year of
our Lord 1904 ?
Is it because of the post office scan
dals that the Republicans refused to
probe ? Is it because of the Senator
Burton tangle ? ( While Burton was
prosecuted , did that prove anything in
particular ? ) Is it because Senator
Deitrich of Nebraska was vindicated
by a Jury of other Republicans who
were as deep in the mud as he was in
the 'mire ? Was it because of the fight
in Illinois -where a convention broke
the record for long-distance balloting ?
Is it because of the fight in New York
between Platt and Odell ? Is it due to
the fight in Wisconsin whereby La
Follette , a Populist parading p.s a Be-
publican , captured the nomination for
governor by force ?
If those are the reasons Republicans
wish to urge , it may be that we can
not road the signs. Aside from" that ,
it looks very much , to a man up a tree ,
to a fellow who doesn't have any axes
to grind and who has no friends to
reward nor enemies to punish , it looks
very much to him , we say , like a
good year for Democrats. Washing
ton ( Iowa ) Democrat.
Prosecuting the Trusts.
The exposure of the anthracite coal
trust methods , through the investiga
tion by the Interstate Commerce Com
mission , shows exactly what is claim
ed by the Democrats , that there is a
conspiracy in constraint of trade be
tween the railroads and the coal com
panies. This investigation has not
been carried on by the administration ,
but by a suit of law commenced by a
Democrat of national reputation , who
when rue coal trust refused to exhibit
its books carried the case to the Su
preme Court of the United States , who
decided against the trust
This victory for the people shows
what President Roosevelt and Attor
ney General Knox might have done to
curb the trusts , if they had in good
faith desired to do so. Instead of
prosecuting the trusts under the crim
inal section of the anti-trust law , a
half-hearted equity proceeding for an
injunction against the beef trust is the
cnly legal step that has been taken
against the industrial trusts to punish
or restrain them.
The beef trust barons have paid 'no
more attention to the injunction than
if it had never been issued , and stiil
control not only the principal cattle
markets , but dictate the price of meat.
The lower branch of Congress under
the whip and spur of popular indigna
tion ordered by the Department of
Commerce and Labor to investigate
the cattle and beef combines , but al
though weks ( have passed , and no
doubt Secretary Cortolyou is ardently
pressing the investigation , it does not
appear to have had any deterrent
effect upon the rapacity of the com
bine. It may be that the arduous la
bors of Mr. Cortelyou , in aiding Presi
dent Roosevelt to arrange the details
of the coming Republican convention
and campaign , have prevented either
of them from paying much attention
to curbing a trust , which even the ad
ministration admits is a bad one.
It has been suggested that the rea
son President Roosevelt has selected
Secretary Cortelyou to manage his
campaign was that the evidence he
has obtained against the trusts could
be used as a club to make them "come
down" to the great advantage of the
Republican campaign fund. That
would be no new plan , for it is charged
that Congressman Babcock threatened
the steel trust with antagonistic leg
islation unless that giant combine
made a donation to the campaign fund
of 1902 , when it was much needed.
If the coal trust , the beef trust , or
any of the other reputed bad trusts
had been persistently proceeded
against by the administration and re
sults obtained by forcing them to sell
their products at reasonable prices ,
the suggestion of their connecting with
the campaign fund in lieu of prosecu
tion would have no weight But the
fact that no trust or combine has been
exposed by the administration , and
that a private citizen has had to bear
all the .expenses of forcing .the evi
dence of the manipulations of the coal
trust into public view , certiinly al
lows a sinister construction to be put
upon the lack of energy in prosecuting
the trusts by President Roosevelt and
his Department of Justice.
Business and Diplomacy.
The "open door" into China for
which President Roosevelt , Secretary
Hay and the Republican party have
taken so much credit seems to have
something wrong with it The new
treaty provides that the door to China
shall be open , but somehow business
with that country grows less. Our
exports of cotton goods to China are
decreasing instead of increasing and
will soon be obliterated unless the
"open door" is opened wider. The loss
is alarming , for while in February ,
1903 , our exports of cotton cloths were
34,642,500 yards , this year during the
same period were only 13,800,444 yards.
Thd trade situation is growing from
bad to worse , for in March the ship
ments dropped to 8,052,392 yards
against 37,929,363 in 1903. The month
of April was still more disastrous to
our merchants , for exports for that
month were but 1.041,000 yards
against 34,6-10,141 yards In April , 1003.
This sudden and extraordinary loss of
trade cannot be charged to the high
price of cotton , for the advance in
price has been about equal all over the
world in consequence of the shortage
of the crop or the increased demands.
The millions in southern China must
still be using and buying cotton goods
from somewhere , for they cannot do
without such necessaries. But one
sided treaties will not make trade be
tween countries and calling the door
to China open for political effect can
not be relied on to increase our busi
ness with that country. The "match
less diplomacy" of the present admin
istration hi therefore barren of good
results as far as our trade with * China
is concerned
Russian Vladivostok Fleet Sinks Jnp
uncse Transports , "While the Mikado's
! Land Army "Wins Victories in tlie
Vicinity of Vafangovr.
When the Bogatyr , 0,750 tons , went
on the rocks a month ago the Russian
squadron in Vladivostok was reduced
to three armored cruisers , the Rossia ,
12,130 tons , 20 knots speed , with four
S-inch , sixteen G-inch , twelve 3-iuch
guns ; the Gromoboi , 12,330 tons , 20
knots speed , carrying four 8-inch , six
teen C-inch , six 4.7-inch , and twenty
3-inch guns , and the Rurik , 10,923 tons ,
1S.7 knots , with" main battery of four
8-inch , sixteen G-inch , six 4.7-inch
rifles. The three made up a formid
able aggregation of warships , combin
ing as they did speed , greater armor
ed protection than any except first-
class battleships , and large batteries
of medium size guns.
The three big ships crept out of Vla
divostok , presumably at night , when
they would be less liable to observa
tion. By dawn they were 100 miles
out to sea and heading south for the
Korean straits , which all Japanese
ships carrying stores for the armies
in the field must cross.
Wednesday morning , June 15 , at 7
a. m. , off Iki Island , the Rossia and
the Rurik came upon the transport
Hitachi , carrying 700 soldiers. The
Russians signaled the transport to
stop , which it did. At 10 o'clock , how
ever , the Japs tried to run for it , but
were fired upon by the two cruisers
and sunk. Most of its crew and hu
man freight went down with it The
survivors , numbering about 20 per
cent , by clinging to the wreckage ,
managed to reach some of the little
islands in the straits of Korea.
Later on the same clay the Russians
came upon the transport Sade , which
was also loaded with 700 men. After
some parleying this boat , too , was
shelled and torpedoed , most of its pas
sengers and crew being killed. The
hull , however , remained afloat and
finally grounded on the east coast of
Oki ( or Iki ? ) Island.
It does not appear whether the Sade
was sunk by the Gromoboi alone ,
which was not present during the at
tack on the Hitachi , or whether the
whole fleet reunited and destroyed the
Sado. Of the 1,400 Japanese soldiers
on the two transports 900 were killed.
Their raid having been successful ,
the Russians decided to return home
again , but they evidently did not wish
to risk the straight passage from Ko
rean straits to Vladivostok , choosing
instead to make an easterly detour
along the coast line of Nippon. Doubt
less the Russians hoped to fall in with
a few stray merchantmen on their
Campaign on Land.
On land there was a Considerable
battle , which began in Hie neighbor
hood of Vafangow , on the railroad ,
sixty miles north of Kinchou and
Naushan hill. On the afternoon of
Tuesday , June 14 , at 1:40 o'clock , the
fighting began and continued until
dark , the Japanese pushing the Rus
sians back for some miles. After the
cessation of firing , under cover of dark
ness , a Japanese column occupied Fu-
chau , flanking the Russian right
In the morning the fighting started
again. The 'Russian general , Baron
Stackelberg , tried to turn the Japa
nese right flank , but at the same time
the brigade which had been sent to
Fuchau during the night struck him
on his right and crumpled him up. At
the same time the main Japanese body ,
marching up the railroad , struck him
in the center , and he was forced to
retreat to the northward. The'Japa
nese captured fourteen quick firing
, guns and 300 prisoners. The total
Russian losses are about 2,000 , while
the Japs acknowledge only 1,000 casu
alties. As at the crossing of the Yalu
and Nanshan hill , the fate of the day
was largely determined by the won
derful Japanese artillery practice. In
the Vafangow engagement the num
bers engaged were about 35,000 Rus
sians and 40,000 or 45,000 Japanese.
The Japs engaged in this fight were
not a part of General Oku's second
army , which is concentrated around
Port Arthur , but were attached to
General Nodzu's third army , which
landed some while ago at Takushan.
When Stackelberg pushed south , men
acing Oku's rear , Nodzu moved west-
er y from Takushan and struck Stack
elberg in the flank , rolling him north-
Some elephants have been known
to live two hundred years.
A Well Known Canadian Lady Sends
tetter of Endorsement to Pe-ru-na.
Miss Mary Burns , 28 Spring Garden
Road , Halifax , N. S. , writes : "Having
used Peruna for indigestion and stomach
trouble and to build up a broken down
system with the very best results , I am
pleased to state my experience with this
excellent medicine. I had been troubled
with stomach trouble and poor digestion
for some years , and although I tried
many remedies and dieting , nothing
seemed to restore my health until I used
Peruna. In three months I had entirely
recovered my health and strength. "
Mary Burns.
Nine Brief But Good Sayings.
Cheerful people love the sunshine.
The keynote of good breeding B
The less we think the more "we talk.
A good word for a bad one is worth
much and costs little.
Let us act at home as though there
were a stranger at our fireside.
A woman should keep on her com
pany face and back hair all day long
so that she may not be taken un
Girls we love for what they are ;
young men for what they promise to
There is one thing we should always
keep , especially after we have given it
to another , and that is our word.
Good manners is the art of making
those people easy with whom we con
verse. Whoever makes the fewest people
ple uneasy is the best-bred in the com
Not a High Price.
At a recent charitable function in
Washington Senator Patterson donated
$10 to the cause. The delighted ladies
were profuse in protestations of grati
tude and never failing remembrance.
Later some one asked the price of a
"Five dollars , " said Miss Alice
Roosevelt , quickly.
"Isn't that high ? ' ' gasped the aston
ished buyer.
"No , " replied Miss Roosevelt. "Sen
ator Patterson -gave twice that for a
simple forget-me-not. " New York
Which Placed a Clergyman In an Em
barrassing : Position.
A distinguished Episcopal clergyman
was once called on to officiate at a
fashionable summer resort church ,
and , finding only a short surplice and
no cassock in the vestry , was very
much disturbed at the thought of hav
ing to appear in a vesture that to the
frivolous would look like a white shirt
and trousers. But a happy Inspira
tion came to him. Why not wear one
of his wife's black petticoats ? The
portion that would show below the
surplice would look exactly like the
regulation cassock , and no one would
ever be the wiser. So he hurriedly
Bent one of his ushers with an explana
tory note to his wife in the hotel , and
in the nick of time the petticoat ar
The makeshift turned out to be a
perfect success , and no one at a dis
tance could tell that he was not wearIng -
Ing a cassock. After the close of the
service he decided to go out to the
body of the church without taking off
his robes , in order to greet some
friends. And he was soon the center
of a group of fashionable women ,
when an Irish maid from the hotel
came up and in a loud voice said to
him : "Yer riverence , the missus sint
me after her petticoat that ye do be
wearin' , an' I wuz to wait till ye take
it off. " New York Tribune. '
In Swedish towns the average marry
ing age of males is 30 years and of fe
male * 27. % .
Suggestions by Dr. Hartman. How to
Combat the Nervous Depression
Incident to Warm Weather.
Nervousness is very common among
women. This condition is due to anaemic
nerve centers. The nerve centers arc
the reservoir for nerve vitality. These
centers become bloodless for the want of
proper nutrition.
This condition is especially noticeable
during the warm season. Every sum
mer an army of invalids are produced as
a direct result of weak nervous systems.
This could easily he overcome by the
use of Perunn. Peruua strikes at the
root of the trouble by correcting the
digestion. Perfect digestion furnishes
increased nutrition for the nerve centers.
Perfectly digested food gives these reser
voirs of life a vitality which creates
strong , steady nerves , and in this man
ner fortifies and nourishes life.
Miss Blanche Grey , a prominent young
society woman of Memphis , Tenn. , in a
recent letter from 174 Alabama street ,
writes : "To a society woman whose
nervous force is often taxed to the utmost
from lack of rest and irregular meals ,
/ know of nothing which is of so much
benefit as Peruna. I took it a few
months ago when i felt my strength
giving way , and it soon made itself
manifest in giving me ne\v strength
and health , " Miss Blanche Qrey.
Pe-ru-na Contains no Narcotics.
One reason why Fertina has found
permanent use in so many homes is that
it contains no narcotic of any kind. Pe
ruua is perfectly harmless. It can be
used any length of time without acquir
ing a drug hahfcj Peruna does not pro
duce temporary results. It is perma
nent in its effect.
It has no bad effect upon the system ,
and gradun4y ! eliminates catarrh by
removing the cause of catarrh. There
are a multitude of homes where Perunn
l\as been used off and on for twenty
years. Such a thing could not be possi
ble if Peruna contained any. drugs of a
narcotic nature.
At this season of the year we are
peculiarly liable to inflammations of the
stomach and bowels. It is the part of
wisdom to learn how to cut them short
and in the easiest and quickest manner.
Peruna docs this by its peculiar power
ever nil forms of catarrhal troubles.
An Inference.
"I note , " said the editor , "that you
speak of Nero as running his hand
through his long , flowing locks. "
"Yes , " answered the author , "there is
nothing remarkable in that. "
"How do you know that Nero had
long hair ? "
Iy dear sir , aren't you aware that
Nero was one of the most celebrated
fiddlers of his day ? " Washington Star.
The Conversational Playgoer.
"I know nearly all the operas by
heart , " said Miss ITevviswell.
"I have observed that , " answered Miss
Cayenne. "I have often envied you the
familiarity which enabled you to know
what was going on on the stage without
interrupting your conversation to listen. "
Washington Star.
How' * This !
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by
Ilall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J.'CHENEY & CO. . Props. . Toledo. 0.
We the undersigned have known F : J. Cheney
for the last 15 years , and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry ou : any obligation made by
their firm.
WEST &TRUAX. Wholesale Druggists , Toledo. O.
Drugelsts. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally , actlne
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Trice 7.vper bottle. Sold by all
Drueplsts. Testlmnr'als free.
Hall's Family Pills arc the bort.
Not that Kind.
Bill I saw Gill use a $10 bill to light
his cigar.
Jill Isn't he extravagant ?
Bill Oh , no ; it was a bill some fellow
sent him for groceries. Yonkera States
We are selling the highest grade standard
binder twine made , shipping itrto any ad
dress In any quantity and at a much lower
price than dealers can buy in carload lots.
For our special Inside price , our guarantee
and money refund offer , for our Insurance
proposition against hail or storm , for the
lowest price , the most liberal binder twine
offer that will be made this season , cat this
notice out and mail to ns to-day and you
will hear from us by return mall. Address
SEARS , ROEBUCK & CO. , Chicago , 111.
Latest Method.
Farmer Gaskins What will ye charge
ter telegraph ter my son , up ter Lowell ,
Mass ?
Operator Twenty cents.
Farmer GaskinsCaa't ye do it fer less
by thet wireless Macaroni system ?
3Irs > . "WTniloiT'B SOOTXCTO 3raup for Chlldro
taathing ; softens the gnma , rsdncea Infiaannuoa , al
tars pain , cores triad collo. 25 e au a bottl * .
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature cf
If afflicted with '
sore f&wThompson'sEyeWater
S. C. N. U. No. 27 1904 :
CURES catarrh oi the stomach.