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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1904)
VALENTINE DEMOCRAT ! tt PICE EDITOR jSnutua.1 com yarn HH nay tonne * in tuli. Nro discount I. M. RICE , Agent. Kot Ice to Crcditorw. rue s-fATBOK SEBUABKA { , , , In the County Cu Eimv-t'ou ST v , f Court. _ estate of Eli/abeth Rc- rnaly , deceased 'lo the' rs of said estate : . oti are he ret ( y notilied , That I will sit at the County Court Room in Valentine In huld Coun ty , on the 2nd day of July 1904 at 10 o'clock H. m. to receive and examine all claims against said eatattt with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presenta tion of claims against said estate is the 2nd day of Juiy A. D. 1904 , and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 8th day of August 1903. . , _ Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 8th day of June , 1904. SEAL W. R. TOWNE , v 214 County .Fudge Order of Hearing. STATE OF NEHKASKA. COUNTY OF CHEKBV. Whereas , on this 4th day of June , 1904 , came Perry W. C , Lawson and made and iiled m this office a statement under oath , duly attested , that he desired to adopt said Rozena Lauson as his own child. I have therefore appointed the 30th day of June 1904 , at 10 o'clock a. in. , at my office In Valentine , as the time and place where a hearing will be hid in said matter , at which time and place all persons interested may ap- 11 PIT * " It is ordered , that a copy of this orderbe pub lished in the Valentine Uemocrat , a newspaper published in Cherry county , for 4 successive weeks prior to the time set for hearing. W. R. TOWNE. 21 4 County Judge. In the District Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. In the matter of the application of Elmer Ev erett , guardian of Stella Everett , minor heir of Emma Everett , deceased , formerly Emma tear- son , for leave to sell real estate. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Honorable J. J. Harrington , one of the Judges of the District Court of Cherry Couu- ty , Nebraska made on the 23rd day of May , 1904 for the sale of real estate hereinafter de scribed , there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for one-third cash , balance on three years time , at seven per cent interest per annum , secured by first mortgage on said real estate , at the front door of the Court House in the Village of Valentine , in said county , on the 9th day of July , 1904 , at the hour of 10 a. m , , the followingdesBribed real estate : SlNWJ4 , NWK SWJi & SWJ4 NEH , Sec. 8 , Tp.J8 , R. 28. said county. Said sale will re. main open one hour. Dated this 10th day of June , A. D. , 1904. ELMER EVERETT , Guardian of Stella E/erett , minor heir of Emma Everett , deceased. Bjr Walcott & Morrissey his attorneys. 22 4 Order of Hearing ; and Kotlce on Petit ion for Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska. STATE OF NEBBASKB. 1 Qe Couirry OF CHEHBY j3a To the heirs and to all persons interested in the estate of John P.Stoli , deceased : Qy readingthe petition of John B. Stoll praying a final settlement and allowance of his account file" in this court on the 20th day of May 1904. It is hereby ordered thatyou , andallper sons interested in said matter , may , and do. ap pear at the county Court 10 be held In and for said county on the 9th day of July , A. D. 1904 at 10 o'clock a. m. , to show cause , if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted , and that notice of the pendency ol said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing acopy of this Order in the Valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. * W. R. TOWNE , bEAL County Judge. Y 233 Taken Up at my place 2 miles east of Valentine , Nebraska , 2 red yearlings , one steer and one heifers. No brands. 23 MICHAEL FREIBERGER. Excursion Bates to Colorado , Utah and the Black Hill ? , Via the North-western Line. Be ginning June 1st excursion tickets will be sold to Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Salt Lake City , Hot Springs , Deadwood , Lead and Cus- ter , S. D. , etc. , good to return until October 81. A splendid opportun ity is offered for an enjoyable va cation trip. Several fine trains via the North-western Line daily. Ap ply to agents Chicago & North western R'y % 20 11 World's Fair Coach Excur sions. Via the North-western Line. Very low rates to St. Louis will be in ef fect on four dates , June 6 , June 13 , June 20 and June 27 , for coach ex cursions to St. Louis via the Chicago ' & North-western R'y. Only § 16.60 for round trip from Valentine , Neb. Return limit seven [ 7 ] days. A great opportunity to visit the World's fair at a minimum of ex pense. Other favorable round trip rates are m effect daily , with liberal return limits , stop-over priileges , etc. Full information as to train schedules , checking of baggage and le other matters of interest to the in tending traveler on application to Ticket Agents of the Chicago & North-western R'y. 22 2 TIME TABLE Great Northern Line at O'neill , ffebr. Going East , Going West. Leaves 10:10 a , m. Arrives 9:50 p. ra. Passenger , dally except Sunday. Connections with Elkhorn trains east and west-bound from all points west of O'Neill. Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond. Through connections for Sioux Falls , Minne apolis , St. Paul and all points faorth and west , Boy local tr kets to O'Neill. FSED EOQKES , G , P. A. Eloui City , Towa R ta . j low Via the North-western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold July 0 , 10 , with favorable return limits , on account of Annual Meefing Nobles . of the Mystic Shrine. Apply to ag ents C & N W R'y. 22 4. Via' the North-western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold lo Chicago cage and return until Sept. 30,1904 , via Omaho and St. J ouis or via di rect routes , limited to return until October 81. Apply to agents Chicago cage & Vorth-western R'y. 22 1 Excursion Bates to St. Paul , Minneapolis , Deluth. and the Lake Kesorte * * Iowa , JIin 11. and Northern Wis. Via the North-western Line daily. Tickets limited to retun until Oct. 31,19C4. 22 4 Low Bates to St. Joseph , Via the North-western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold , with favorable return limits , on account of Conuention Y. P. C.U. to be held June 29 to July 3. For dates of sale , etc. , apply to agents Chicago & North-western R'y. 22 2 ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side. Horses ses left shoulder. Rang e north of Cutcomb Lake U. G. Criger. Merriman Neb. Brand recorded No. 1087. Brand same as cut on si AISc ieft hip , Range 10 miles south of Merri- manon the Nio brara. D. Bray RoseoudSD Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horse brand same on the left shoulder A T DAVIS Postofflce address Hyannls , Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle on right side Range 16 miles north of Hyannis ! A'len ' & Sons Ft Niobrara. Brand registered No 870 Horses branded on left hip Range. Niobrara , river 12 miles east of Valentine D. A. Hancock Marshall , Mo. or , Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also 16 on left side sc with on left hip of / some cattle ; also 816 on right side. Horse brand , rake and 16 on left shoulder or hip. Z on left jaw f Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east efFort Fort Niobrara ; all-in Cherry County. Nebraska. S3 so Benson. Address Arabia Nebraska. Range North of Niobrara river. Sawyer Bros. , Postofflce address. Oasis , Nebr. [ G. K. Sawyer has ! charge of these cat- ! tie Horses Dg enL L left shoulder. Some I stock * left side orspB es same * left t ugh. Range on Snake riverEB 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Po Ca cut md Ra TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &e. Anyone sending a sketch and description ma ; qnlckly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably pntentable. Communica tions strictly confldentlal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest nccncy for securincpatcnts. Patents takenthrouch Alunn & Co. receive tpecial notice , without charge , in the Scientific A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I-nrpest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms. $3 e pear ; four months , fL Sold by all newsdealer * . Ch Office. 625 F SU Trashing ton. D. C. lettsideor sii.mi ler. Brand register- " ' : . * . - Alt ll Una. . . ' ' / N'obrantnvei. H A BUCSL Postotlice atldre Hyannls , Nel ) Branded on lelt aide Range eighteen miles north of Hvannta J. W. Stetter , Valentine , Nebr. Otherbrands : X J-- Horses branded : X , - < orf on lelt shoulder ; Q left thigh. llange on Boardman , Gordon , Snake and Sand Creek. P. II. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on lef c side Some left side. " " on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon , Sandy Williams Merrlman , Nebr. Mostly on left aide. Some on right side. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Creek , S , D. J J A SATJLTS Postofflce : Gregory. Nebr. Cattle on hip.Horses Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former ( brand as shown beTow. St. Francis Mission Postoffice address : Crookston. Nebr. , or Rosebud , 3. D. Cattle branded as in cut , Some cattle in S D branded only on left hip , Range : North of the Minnecha- duza , 8 miles west ot Crookston , and 'on ' Bull Creek , Any information regarding cattle branded as above will be thankfullyreselved by Wm. Skelly. Crookston , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Rose bud. S. D , J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara F. W. Jersig Valentine. Nebr Cattle branded as shown [ in cut on left side , loin or hip. Range between the Gordon and Snake south of the Niobrara river J K Wallingford Kennedy , Neb. Cattle branded same as cut ; also some branded on lefthip. P S ROUSCHE Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horses branded same on left hip.Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder , PC or'JK or TV orO ' "TL orO or FZ. Also Br the-following , the first one being on side and hip QO G.H. Seager. Postofflce address Cody , Neoraska battle branded as on sutonleft side , hip shoulder ; horses lame Jange , Snake Creek on rat J. J. Peck. Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses CC on left thigh. Range Head Pass Creek , S. D. -i u ; ? . idli Horses branded left thigh. Range on Soldier creek. Garuer Brothara. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere ou catI tie. Horse1 * RanroX Eli. F. T. Brackett Rlege , Nebr. Brand Registered HO 1490 Brand right side ar hip Horses same op shoulder Range , Niobrara 6 miles south of Kilgore Seth Gary. Merriman , Nebr. On both side and hip. ' Herd mark , dewlap , Horses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Creek and Little White River. C. "W. Bennett Simeon Neb Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river FranK T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb , Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.Ieft side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Chi Psi Cattle Co. Edward Lewis , foreman. Wood Lake , Nebr. Cattle branded as in cut on right side. Range : 6 miles east of Simeon on Crouin ranch. Koan Brothers Woodlake Neb John Roan's privtae mark , slit in left ear TV. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered Noaoo Range in Sharps Ranch and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgore be Little. G Merriman , Nebr. Bi On either side 22 Horses same on Of hip. Also gRange > sa er lei Range Lake Creek SD Ra SB se WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horses branded on left shoulder. , Range 6 miles south of Irwln. JULIUS PETERSON Postofflce address Gregory , Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory F. C. & M. 0. Metzger. Merriman Nebraska. Cattle branded on leftside ; Horses branded on left left side. Range Hoi Snake 35 miles south of Merriman , Others bra angd 8 miles northwest of Merriman. left Charles Richards. Merriman , Neb Range Between thelsiobrara and Medicine Lake , Y S. ' Kennedy , Same as cut OL I , and hip , ad ot left I shoulder of Jior Is sf 3 , ALsoSfgSSj on Iff "ide jsS4l-in l 3 oti right hip and F-f on left side. Q on left hip of horses. p on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses , HI fen left hip of horses. U M Faddis& Co. Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded aoii left thigh Horses on left shoulder ! or thigh Some shou Ider oren thigh. Some on right thigh or shoulder , J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara verl2-miles south west of Cody Frank Rothleutner Postofllce address KilgoreNeb. Cuttle branded on side as on cut same on hin. i Some on left side. VA V St George Heyne Ca Cody , Neb br cu Brand registered No 1027 ea Horses branded on br left shoulder Range north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co N 3a G. W. McFarland Valentine , Nebr Cattle branded as in cut on left side. side.Old Old stock 2 Y Range : four miles east of Fort Niobrara , north and south of Berry bridge the Ne Ell C. E. Wright. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered sid No. 374. Brand anywhere Ea on right side. croE san left leftE ton C. P. Jordan. Cre ? CreA nrs Rosebud , SD fin Horses and cattle ( ng same as cut ; also CJBE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. Mdrey & Hewett. Gordon , Nebr. Brand registered 2292. ! On left hip cattle. Horses same left should- box ; also 94Q Irw leftside. u Range South of Snake 35 miles of Gordon. Posl Robert Quisenbery Postofflce address Simeon , Nebr. 3 left hip on " "ST cattle. Horses same on right shoulder. Range on Snake River. Jos. Bristol Valentin , Nebr. Range on Nio brara river four miles east of Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle branded nB connected on left hip or side as shown in cut Rang inty Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on right side Some cattle also have a - fen neck Some with A. on left shonlder and some branded with two baas .across hind qnar- Iters. .orses branded SOS on left bin. Some cattle randed : AW bar connected on both sides and bio of horses. Pat Peiper St Simeon Nebr. Cattle eft si n cut , Rat ofSpi brara 11.i.I A IT Brownleo. Ne 47 , uket-iH on " " or * convittloii ot anyoneunlawfully handling cattle In tli atsrinds. . \ Cattle bran cladtx left hip. c-il shoulder. Some branded'- on left shoulder Some .3 on Heft side. i Range o miles south\yest of Valentine on north side of Niobraru.river. PIKE BROS BROSPostofflce Postofflce address Crookston , Neb Cattle branded PE on either hip or right side. Horses PE on left shoulder. Range On Minne- chaduza 5 miles east of Crookston. / SWEENEY BROS. Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed g , ii See block Range Stever and Stephenson Lakes and South $300 re ward will be paid to any person for in. formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with thf above nr nd. FRANK MOGLE Postofflc address Cody. Nebraska On either side cattle herdmark left ear [ clipped and rlht ear split ; h9rses Dianded , same on left sh oulder ( Range on Nlo-.ara iand Medicine Canyon D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. State ! Brand reg istered i 1554. Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip. Range 2 miles east ; of Ft. Nio brara ; , Nebraska Land and Feeding"Co. 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : torses same Range betweea Gordon on the F.B , &M. V.R. R. anJ 3yannis on B , & M. R. R. in Northwestern sebraska. Address , BAETLETT RIOHABDS , allsworth. Nebraska. Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left ilde and thigh. iarmark : , square TOP right ear Horses have arae brand on thigh. Range on Qor-t and Snake ! reeks , Itetcnrd of S25O will be paid to any irson for information leading to the arrest and KmlW.11011 or Drson * 8tea- | G. W. BEAMER. Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside a u cut , 6-inch bo and 2inch circle Brand registered 876. br ed , ieft shoul-l der. inch circle , Mn . Registered 875. Range 6 miles south of rwm on Niobrara river. J L ROSEBEHRY ostofflcc address Pullman , Neb r randed on left hip ; jrses same Herd- ark-double dew-lap Range south ' % istof BniahHHl < . < A J PLUAIER PostofOce address Hyannls. Neb right side and hip Also have stock branded rieht side and hip Horses * on right hip nge-Southwestern Cherry J J. A. TARTAN Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on rightside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from asy range. J.P. Swain. Sparks , Nebr. branded on side as shown . ange-South 5parksonNIo- river ,