Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 16, 1904, Image 7

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An Ingenious Plan.
"Yes , my husbsmd has almost given
up smoking. "
"Indeed ! It must have been a hard
struggle. "
"It was. But every time the craving
grew too strong for him I let him have
on of those bargain cigars I bought for
him Christmas and he promptly swore
off again. " Cleveland Plain Dealer.
i Reflex Massage.
"Mrs. .Tones , was that trained nurse
I sent you helpful ? "
"Oh , yes , doctor ; Mr. Jones gets mad
at her so often that his circulation is
improving right along. " Detroit Free
How to Keep House.
With all the luxuries and pleasures
of this life , its big enjoyments and
its smaller comforts , there is an offset
or antithesis which we have to con
tend with in the form of aches and
pains. In some way and by some
means every one has a touch of them
in some form at some time. Trilling
as seme of them may be , the risk is
that they will grow to something great
er and rack the system with constant
torture. There is nothing , therefore ,
bf this kind that we have a right to
trifle with. Taken in time , the worst
forms of pains and aches arc easily
subdued and cured by the free use of
St. Jacobs Oil. No well regulated
household should be without a bottle
of this great remedy for pain. It is
the specific virtue of penetration in
St. Jacobs Oil that carries it right to
the pain spot and effects a prompt
cure even In the most painful cases of
Rheumatism. Neuralgia , Lumbago ,
SchUica. You want it also in the house
at all times for hurts , cuts and
wounds , and the house that always
has it keeps up a sort of insurance
against pain.
Another club .woman , Mrs.
Haute , of Edgerton , Wis. , tells
how she was cured of irregular ! *
ties and uterine trouble , terrible
pains and backache , by the use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
"DEAR Mr.s. PIKKHAM : Awhile
ago my health "began to fail because of
female troubles ! The doctor did not
help me. I remembered that my mother
had used Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound on many oc
casions for irregularities and uterine
troubles , and I felt sure that it could
i ot harm me at any rate to give it a
" I was certainly glad to find that
within a week I felt much better , the
terrible pains in the back and side
were beginning1 to cease , and at the
time of menstruation I did not have
nearly as serious a time as heretofore ,
BO I continued its use for two months ,
and at the end of that time I was like
a new -woman. I really have never
felt better in my life , have not had a
sick headache since , and weigh 20
pounds more than I ever did , so I un
hesitatingly recommend your medi
cine. " MKS. MAY HAULE , Edgerton ,
Wis..Pres. Household Economics Club.
$5000 forfeit if original of above letter proving
genuineness cannot La produced.
ftoisca that Attract Snakes.
It is a noiseless fact that there are
certain kinds of noises which attract
snakes. For instance , the whirr of the
moving machine , instead of scaring reptiles , as might be supposed ,
seems both to allure them and enrage
them,1 and they almost invariably dart
toward it , rearing themselves in front
of the machine , which , of course ,
promptly chops off their heads. In six
months so many as 320 cobras alone
have thus been slaughtered on a farm
in India.
Told In California.
Helping the
kidneys is
helping the
whole body ,
for it is the
kidneys that
remove the
poisons and
waste from
the bed y.
Learning this
simple lesson
has made
many sick
men and wo
men well.
Judge A. J.
Feltor of 318 So. E St. , San Bernardino
dine , Cal. , says : "For 18 years my kid
neys were not performing their function
tionproperly. : . There was some back
ache , and the kidney secretions were
profuse , containing also considerable
sediment. Finally the doctors said I
bad diabetes. Doan's Kidney i'ills
wrought a great change in my condi
tion and now I sleep and feel well
again. "
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Judge Fel
ler will be mailed to any part of the
United States. Address Foster-Milburn
Co. , Buffalo , X. Y. Sold by all dealers ;
price 50 cents per box.
Island of Wrecks
Newfoundland is the island of
wrecks , more than 100 having oc
curred on the Ferryland peninsula
alone during the past forty years.
Seme years as many as eleven large
ocean steamers have gone ashore.
Tin * islanders do a good business in
st-lling the old iron , copper , lead and
portions of machinery which they re-
c-Dver from the bottom of the sea.
To locate the wreck deposits a soil of
sea telescope is used a long tin fun-
nvl with a * glass bottom , which is
employed to ascertain the where
abouts of shoals of fish. With these
Instruments it is possible to exam
ine the bottom of the sea in shoal
water. The business is being ex
tended this year and the quantity of
material to be recovered is practi
cally inexhaustible.
"Lirke Shore" Summer Tours.
Where are you going to speud this
year's vacation ? The Lake Shore Rail
way's book of "Summer Tours to
Mountains. Lakes and Seashores" will
L'elp you to decide. If will be sent
on application to C. F. Daly , Chief
Asst Pass. Agt , 'Chicago.
An Experienced Parson.
Groom How much do I owe you ?
Clergyman Um er whatever you
think your wife is worth.
Groom Oh , that's so many millions , I
would have to po on owing it to you.
Clergyman Well , call around again
in a few years. Perhaps the estimate
will then he within your reach. New
York Weekly.
I cannot praise Piso's Cure enough for
the wonders it has worked in curing me.
R. H. Seidel , 2200 Olive street , St.
Louis , Mo. , April 15 , 1901.
As Others Sec Us.
* Spacer Poor Hawkins ! It's too bad
that he is reduced to the necessity of ped
dling chestnuts for a living.
Liner Is it possible lie has come to
that ?
Spacer Yes ; I saw him going the
rounds of the newspaper offices yesterday
with a lot of alleged humor.
For Infants and Children.
.ANfcgetable Preparalionfor As
similating IlicFoodandReguIa-
ling the Stomachs andBowels of Bears the
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur-
nessandRest.Contains neither
OpiumMorpliine nor > IiueraL
PurtifJun Seed-
4lx.Senna. *
A perfect Rcraady forGonstipa-
Hon , Sour Slomachtiarrhoca )
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Pac Simile Signature oF
Kuropatkin will have to catch the
rabbit before he cooks It in Tokio.
Atlanta Constitution.
But what will remove the Guatema
lan ant after it has killed off the boll
weevil ? Detroit Free Press.
Judging from the daily attendance
at the St. Louis exposition , we are not
the only ones who haven't been there
yet Augusta Chronicle.
If the Japanese progress as rapidly
for another half century , they will be
giving lessons in civilization them
selves. Washington Star.
London has a hospital where women
are trained as nurses for dogs. This
is throwing physic to the dogs literally
as well as figuratively. Omaha Bee.
Of course Mr. Carnegie wouldn't
consider for a moment any application
from those Mormon heroes with nu
merous wives. Cleveland Plain
A long-felt vocabulary want has
been filled in the appearance of the
word "kitchenette. " Flat dwellers es
pecially will appreciate it. Cincinnati
The Republic of Panama will soon
be geographically described as a long ,
narrow body of water bounded on
each side by the Monroe doctrine.
Washington Star.
At the present writing there is not a
Ticc presidential boom that can be said
to be making sullicient noise to shake
the calcimine from the ceiling of the
cave of echo. Judge.
One objection to "The Star-Spangled
Banner" as the national air is that so
many citizens of thenatiou never see
anything "by the dawn's early light. "
Kansas City Journal.
The unfortunate Russians seem to
be losing almost everything but their
honor , and they would probably lose
that were it something that could ex
plode. Boston Transcript.
The Paris Faculty of Medicine has
a collection of 2,200 brains , the result
of thirty years' labor. Looks as U
they were trying to corner a luxury.
Philadelphia Public Ledger.
The length of Senator Peffer's whis-
xers gave Kansas a far less undesira
ble notoriety than she is getting from
the prospective shortness of Senator
Burton's hair. Boston Globe.
The decision of a Philadelphia court
that a wife does not own her hus
band's pay envelope will not disturb
the average wife. All she wants is the
contents. Kansas City Journal.
Hetty Green never tries to organize
any trust or mergers. She feels that
'she ' has done pretty well if she holds
what she considers her own against
the tax collectors. Washington Star.
"You will see me as an archangel
before I am Vice President , " said
Sprvaker Cannon to Senator Barrows.
TVLen you come to things it over , that
certainly is a strong statement. Min
neapolis Times.
The Sultan is very much pleased
with his new cruiser. He has bad oc
casion from time to time to Inspect so
many visiting war ships that he ought
to know a good one when he sees it.
Washington Star.
Makaroff was known as the "Cos
sack of the Sea , " while Skrydloff , his
successor , Is known as the "Bulldog
of the Navy. " Togo is known to the
Japs as the "Whole Works of the
Oceans. " St. Louis Republic.
The Governor of Hawaii announces
that in future the embezzlers of pub
lic moneys will be punished. The na
tive officeholders who have surpassed
our Postoffice Department are said to
be much aggrieved. Philadelphia Pub
lic Ledger.
According to Dr. Henson , as report
ed , none but rascals become multi
millionaires. Isn't this rather ungrate
ful , coming from a Baptist , seeing
what one of the multi-millionaires has
done for the Baptists in a financial
way ? Boston Transcript.
Andrew Carnegie has , in the esti
mation of Professor Goldwin Smith ,
taken the wrong way to die poor.
There is but one Carnegie seeking to
die poor. What has the Professor to
offer in the way of suggestion to the
millions who want to die rich ?
Louisville Herald.
If Mr. Carnegie's hero fund is open
to womankind , why wouldn't the wom
an who frankly tells her age , and the
woman who makes no attempt to con
ceal the fact that she is wearing her
last year's hat , and the woman whenever
never sends word that she isn't at
home " \yhen she is all be eligibte to a
share in it ? Cleveland Plaint Dealer.
Secretary Hay says that If the press
of the world shquldadopt the high re
solve that war should Ije no"more" , the
cufngor of arms would cease. It might ,
but ihe newspaper nieri would have to
fight an indignant public demanding
suppressed dispatches , and in such a
fight gatling g ns are not available.
Washington Times.
China is demonstrating her friend
ship for Japan. There isn't anything
like a thorough licking to promote
friendly feeling. Japan is getting the
benefit of what she did to China a
few years ago. St. Louis Republic.
If a climatological cataclysm were
to sweep the last yestlges of human
ity from the face of the earth the
Weather Bureau experts would die
protesting that there was nothing un
seasonable about it. Boston Tran
Captain James L. Dempscy , Captain 2d Precinct ,
Troy Police Force , writes from 19S Ferry St. , Troy ,
X. Y. , as follows :
"From my personal experience with Peruna I
am satisfied it is a very fine remedy for catarrhal
affections , whether of the head , lungs , stomacher
or pelvic organs. It cures colds quickly , and a
few doses taken after undue exposure prevents
"Some of the patrolmen under me have also
found great relief from Peruna. It has cured
chronic cases of kidney and bladder troubles ,
restored men suffering from indigestion and rheu
matism , and I am fully persuaded that it is an
honest , reliable medicine , hence I fully endorse
and recommend it. " JAMES L. DEMPSEY. -
Officer A. O. Swauson writes from 607 Harrison'
St. , Council Bluffs. la. , as follows :
"As my duties compelled uie to he out in all kinds
of weather 1 contracted a severe cold from time to-
time , which settled in the kidneys , causing severe
pains and trouble in the pelvic organs.
"I am now like a now man. am in splendid
health and give all praise to Peruua. " & . 0 ,
Samuel R. Sprec-her , Junior Beadle Court Angelina ,
3,422 , I. O. O. F. , 2U5 Now High St. , Los Angeles , Cal. ,
writes :
"I came here a few years ago'suffering with catarrh
of the kidneys , in search of health ,
climate would cure me , but 1 found I rsas mistaken.
But what the climate could not do Peruna could and
did do. Seven weeks' trial convinced me that I had
the right medicine , and I was then avefl man. 1 know
of at least twenty friends and members of the lodge
to which I belong who have been cured of catarrh ,
bladder and kidney trouble through the use of Peruna , CAPTAIN JAMES L. DEMPSEY.
and it has a host of friends in this city. " /
Catarrh of the Kidneys a Common Dis
ease Kidney Trouble Often Fails to
Be Regarded as Catarrh by Physi
Catarrh of the kidneys is very com
mon indeed. It is a pity this fact is not
better known to the physicians as well
as the people.
People have kidney disease. They
take some diuretic , hoping to get better.
They never once think of catarrh. Kid
ney disease and catarrh are seldom
associated in the minds of the people ,
and. alas , it is not very often associated
in the minds of the physicians. Too
few physicians recognize catarrh of rhe
kidneys. They doctor for something
Advantages in Both.
Bachelor Ten dollars for this room ?
Isn't that rather high ?
Mrs. Brickrow But , sir , this is a
front room and you have a view way
up and down the street.
"Ah , yes. What is the price of that
little room at the farther end of the
hall ? "
"Twelve dollars. "
"Eh ? Outrageous ! "
"But , sir , that is a back room and the
electric lights don't drive you crazy
when you want to sleep. " New York
Do Your Feet Acbe and Burn ?
Shake Into your shoes Allen's" Foot-Ease.
.1 powder for the feet. It makes tight or
New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns , Bun
ions. Swollen. Plot and Sweating Feot. At
all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample
sent FREE. Address Alleu S. Olmsted ,
Le Roy , N. Y.
Indians AVlio Ijive on Clover.
There are some Indians in Mendo-
cine that may not live "in clover , " as
we understand the phrase , but it is
certain that they live on it. Strange
to say , they make it a regular article
of food , going out into the fields and
pulling up the plant and eating it by
handf uls leaves , stems , flower-
heads and all. These same Indians
use many plants that white men find
no value in , among them seaweeds ,
fungi , lichens , ferns and conifers.
For Hot , Tired , Aching ,
Swollen Feet.
Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder. It cures
painful , smarting , nervous feet and ingrow
ing nails , and instantly takes the sting out
of corns and bunions. It's the greatest com
fort discovery of the age. Makes tight or
new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating ,
callous and hot , tired , aching feet. 30,000
testimonials. Try it to-day. SoldbyallDrug-
gists and Shoe stores , 25c. Don't accept a
substitute. Trial package FREE. Address ,
AllenS.Olmsted ,
Le Roy. N. Y. ,
Benuine bears above signature. - U. S. A.
else. They try this remedy and that
roniedy. The trouble may be catarrh
all the time. A few bottles of Peruna
would cure them.
Pe-ru = na Removes the Cause of the
Kidney Trouble.
Peruna strikes at the very center of
the difficulty , by eradicating the catarrh
from the kidneys. Catarrh is the cause
of kidney difficulty. Remove the cause
and you remove the effect. With
unerring accuracy Peruna goes right to
the spot. The kidneys are soon doing
their work with perfect regularity.
Thousands of Testimonials.
Thousands of testimonials from people
who have had kidney disease which liad
An Explanation.
Mrs. His \Vasn't Dr. Thirdly' * ser
mon tedious this morning ? I thought he
never would finish.
Mrs. Wix On the contrary , I thought
it was the shortest sermon I ever listened
Note Mrs. Hix wore her old rennet to
church , while Mrs. Wis wore a new
319.9S top piece for the first time.
We are selling the highest grade standard
binder twine made , shipping it to any ad
dress in any quantity and at a much lower
price than dealers can buy in carload lots.
For our special inside price , our guarantee
and money refund offer , for our insurance
proposition against hail or storm , for the
lowest price , the most liberal binder twine i
offer that will be made this season , cut this i
notice out and mail to us to-day and you i
will hear from us by return mail. Address i
SEARS , ROEBUCK & CO. , Chicago , 111. I
gone beyond the control of the phy
sician are received by Dr. llurtmun
every year , giving Peruna the whole
praise for marvelous cures.
Pe-ru-na Cures Kidney Disease.
Peruna cures kidney disease. The
reason it cures kidney disease is becaiiso
it cures catarrh. Catarrh of the kidneys
is the cause of most kidney disease.
Peruna cures catarrh wherever it lap-
pens to be located. It rarely fails.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Pernnar
write at once to Dr. Hartman , giving a
full statement of your case , and he wilt
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartman , President of
The Ilartman Sanitarium. Columbus. O.
Moderation is the silken string run
ning through the pearl chain of all vir
tues. Bishop Hall.
Mm. WlnaloTr'a Boonmro 3Tu for Chlldr * *
teething ; Boftent the garni , reduce * inflammation , al
tan sain , cures wind colic. 25 c nu a botUa.
sore If afflicted with Thompson's Eye Water
S. O. N. U. No. 2.T lOO-i
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
Natural Flavor
When you arc at a loss to know what to serve for
luncheon when you crave somethinff both , appe
tizing and satisfying ; try
' ( Natural
Libby's Flavor )
Food Products
Amonsr the many Libby delicacies are Boneless Chicken. Melrose
Veal Loaf , Peerless Wafer-Sliced Dried Beef. Potted Ham and Corned
Beef Hash , etc. wholesome foods that are as dainty as they are rood
as substantial as they are appetizing.
, Ask your Grocer for Libby's.
Libby , McNeill & Libby Chicago
Sale Ten Million Boxes alt ear.
lOc ,
" AH