Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 16, 1904, Image 5

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at Valentine , Friday June 24 , ' 04
Exhibiting in monster waterproof tents. A mammoth canvas am
phitheater containing seats for 3,000 people.
40 Actors , Musicians , Singers , Dancers and Specialty Artists ,
Ponies and Donkeys. A pack of ferocious Cuban Blood Hounds.
Real Negros from the Cotton Belt.
Grand , Beautiful and Bewildering Transformation Scene ,
We guarantee to give ten times more show at no higher admission
fee than any of the little , cheap , inferior barn storming
parasites which inflict a patient public with
their distorted and ridiculous attempt.
Don't miss seeing our parade at noon. This mighty conclave of
wealth and splendor will form at our special train and
move through your principal streets. 9
Parade at 12 o'clock noon. Band Concert at 7 p.m.
Doors open at 7:30 p. m. Performance at 8 p. m.
The Red Front Mercantile Co.
carry a complete line of harness ,
saddles and strap work. Mase
them a call before buying else
where. They can save you mon
ey. 21
Excursion Bates to St. Paul ,
Minneapolis , Deliitli , and
the take Resorts in Iowa ,
Minn , and Northern Wis.
Via the North-western Line daily.
Tickets limited to retun until Oct.
81,19(4. 22 4
Wanted to Contract
For the cutting of 300 tons of hay.
F. C. & M. O. METZGER ,
222 . Merrirnan , Nebr.
Sates to St. Joseph ,
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold , with
favorable return limits , on account
of Conuention Y. P. C.U. to be held
June 29 to July 3. For dates of
sale , etc. , apply to agents Chicago &
North-western E'y- 22 2
LISTEN ! Go to Shaw's Photo
Gallery and you will see samples
of ms WORK only. And then step
across the street to other gallery
and you will see some more of
Shaw's work on the inside and in
the display on the outside south.
That shows that Shaw does good
work . 221
tow Kates to MiIwankeeWis.
Via the Northwestern Lins , will be
sold June 19 , 20 and 21 , with favor
able return limits , on account of
Annual Meeting National Grain
"Dealers' Association. Apply to ag
ents C. & N. W. E'y. 22 1
Special Summer Excursion
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold to Chicago
cage and return until Sept. 30,1904 ,
via Ornaho and St. Louis or via di
rect routes , limited to return until
October 31. Apply to agents Chicago
L cage & Vorfch-western E'y. 22 7
JLow Kates to Atlantic City ,
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold July 9 ,
10 , with favorable return limits , on V
account of Annual Meeting Nobles 11
of the Mystic Shrine. Apply to agents ai
ents C & N W E'y. 22 4
Dip Your Cattle
and don't wait to be fined. We m
Lave one of the best equipped clip hi
ping plants , including steam boiler , hiC
good yards and squeezer , everything
according to law , and will dip your
cattle at lOc per head ; oc per head
for calves and Vi
, guarantee satisfac
tion. AVe dip every Thursday , Eri01
day and Saturday from now until NJ
the end of June. he
19 4 Crookston , Neb. N
Tcrvy's JLo * - Cabin.
Terry's Log Cabin Co. played
here "Wednesday evening of this
week. It is an all around good
show , from street parade to the
last act. Uncle Tom , Eva , Eliza ,
Harris and Lawyer Marks are
second to none in their part of the
play. And the cake walk "takes
the cake. " While Uncle Tom's
Cabin has been played for more
than thirty years , yet this com
pany , composed of straight for
ward and artistic people give it a
new vitality. The big tent was
crowded here to sec the perform
ance , and the people went away
immensely satisfied. This com
pany is an exception in many ways
but chiefly in their courteous treat
ment of everybody and their un
ostentatious manner throughout ;
Examiner , Hill City , Kansas.
Market report through the court
esy of Edwards , Wood & Co. ,
Thursday , June 16.
a SO. OMAHA-Cattle receipts today 2500 , mar
ket steady , others easy.
Native steery $ - } 75 © $ c 3. > .
Cows and heifers S3 50 & § 3 23.
Gunners § 2 00 to & 53 25.
Stackers and feeders § 2 50 @ ? 4 25.
Calves 82 50 © S5 SO.
Bulls and Stays ? 2 70 © S4 50.
Hogs 13000 , market strong.
Light $4 70 to $4 90 Mixed $4 85 to 84 90
Heavy 4 00 to 5 00 Rough 4 82 to 4 90 V
Business Wotioes.
> ol ce * ' . ! ' : I T tbK he , 'MM
All kintin 01 Heavy
vragon wood stock at E. Breuklanders.
Screen doors , window screens ,
etc. , are sold by Ked Front Merc.
'Co. 21
6ietters Meal Market. 2 < j
For all kinds of fishing tackle
go to the Red Front More. Po. 21
Pianos and Organs with xa ten
year guarantee from reliable fac
tories , sold for cash or payments.
J. 0. BEATTY ,
13 ( At G. II. Hornby's store. )
High grade Galloway Bulls , 2
to 5 years old , for sale. Also two
Thoroughbred's. For further in
formation inquire at this office. 13
For Sale or I eut
room house with cellar , in
quire at this office. 21
Wanted to Make Contracts
for putting up hay. METZGER
BROS , King , Nebr. 21 4
We have just received a com
plete line of wagon woods , such as
spokes , felloes , rims , hounds , bol
sters , axles , tongues , etc. .Also
wagon skeins , buggy stubs and
box fittings. Quality and prices
guaranteed. At Red Front Merc.
Are you going to need any barb
wire or field fencing ? If so call
on the Red Front Merc. Co. for
from the St. Francis Mission ranch
miles west of Crookston , one flee
bitten gray horse , 10 yrs old , brand
ed S F on left shoulder , carries his
head high. Liberal reward for in
formation leading to recovery.
19 Crookston , Nebr.
Excursion Kates to Hot
Springs , ! § . ! > . .
Via the North-western Line on Sat
urdays ] and Sundays. These tickets
are limited for return trip to Tues
day following date of sale. Apply
agents Chicago & North-western
R'y. 19 13
Selling out Hardware and Fur
niture on account of going out of
hardware business in 90 days.
Call ; for cash bargains.
Low Kates to Indianapolis.
Via the North-western Line. Ex-
3ursion tickets will be sold with fav
orable return limits on account of
National Prohibition Convention to
held June 28 to 30. For dates of
sale , etc. , apply to agents Chicago &
North-western < E'y. 20 4
< s R.
2S25 Keclcy St. ,
CHICAGO , ILL. , Oct. , 2 , 1902.
. I suffered -with falling and con
gestion of the womb , with severe
gains through the groins. I suf-
jred terribly at the time of men
struation , had blinding headaches
and rushing of blood to the brain.
What to try I knew not , for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed , but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui , that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that I had
the right medicine. New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven bottles I
was a well woman.
Jlrs. Bush is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders , C
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her home.
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health.
For advice in cases requiring
special directions , address , giving
symptoms , "The Ladies' Advisory
Department , " The Chattanooga
Medicine Co. , Chattanooga , Tenn.
* T MM M
, S
will be sold at auction in yards at
The stock offered at this sale will consist of broke and un-
broke stuff , draft , drivers , saddlers and brood mares with colts
by side , in car load lots or single animal , to the highest re
sponsible bidder for CASH. Fair treatment guaranteed.
Jet your Clothes
cleaned and pressed and
make them look like new.
Careful attention given to
both ladies' and gent's
. H. Robertson ,
) ne door north old Cit.y Hotel.
Meals : Lunches : Short Orders
Pirst class meals at all hours ,
day and night. Oysters in
season. Pies , cakes , doughnuts -
nuts always on hand.
E.D. Coliota , Prop.
Jontractor and Build
er in Brick or Stone
ralentine , - Nebr.
oiv Rsites to > etroit ,
a the Northwestern Line. Ex-
irsion tickets will be sold July 5 ,
and 7 , with favorable return lirn-
, on account of International con-
intion B. Y. P. U. Apply to ag-
its Chicago & Northwestern K'y.223
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
BrownJee , Nebr ,
Trince IJoabdel
131693 and Curly
Coit ; Il2ol : at head
of herd The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety ,
Lord U itton and bir
Gladstone predomi
nates in my herd.
I can till orders for hulls of all a < 'eat any
time. JJancli tour miles north-MCSt ot Brown-
lee , Nebr.
Ofiice over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Eosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904.
Does general blacksmithingathard
times prices for cash.
County Surveyor
Valentine or Woodlake
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Rights The Don
oher residence , Cherry Street.
Beige , Xelir
- Tubular wells and windmills.
Proprietor of
Valentine Dray ,
Will do all kinds of draying- , express
and freight work ; . Special attention
given to fine furniture.
A durable nietnl Kefrlccrator for One Dollar ! Bee
* oud-Safe" . .
advcrtlteuieut In this paper.-ADV.
Bran , bulk . . 75 per cwt $14.00 ton
Shorts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 ton
Screenings 70c " $13.00 "
Chop Feed 1.05 $20.00 "
Corn 95 $18.00 "
Chop corn 1.00 $19.00 "
Oats 1.20 $23.00 "
Examination Third Saturday of each
month and Friday preceding.
John Nicholson ,
Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22
and 23rd of each month. Reserve
your work for him. Office at Donoher
House ,
Miss Geneva Garrett
Trained Nurse
From Chicago. 9 yrs. experience.
3 " At Levi
Eobert G. Easley ,
over Red Front
"Valentine , j
City Deliveryman ,
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
Irom the depot and all parts of the City.
First-class Shop in Every Eespect
Euu de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Balr
Tonic , Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
1M-P-A-K-S Tabules
Doctors find
-A good prescription
For mankind '
The o-cent package s enough ipr usual occar-
stens.The family bottle ( CO cents ) contains a
supply for a year. All druggists sell tbem.