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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1904)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT .1. M RICE EDITOR . Jnw IG. 1904 HIHf > 'ONtHt ) 8ubscnpUon-l.OO per year in advance ; f l.BO When not paid in advance , Single copies Be. Display advertlsiBg 1 inch single column 15o per Issue or $ c.oo a year. Ix > cal Notices Obituaries , U > dge Resolutlon- ' ind Socials for lievenueGc per line per Issue. Brands , 1H inches-$4.00 per year In advance additional space$3-90per inch peryearengraved ; blocks extra ; $1.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not per sonally known are ; requested to pay IB advance 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months In arrears. Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver tisers. More Local. t Born to Jas. Galloway and wife this city , a son , Thursday , June 9. Ed Satterlee , of Nenzel , came down this morning on business. We enjoyed a pleasant visit with him at our office. Claude Jones went to St. Louis this week to meet his sister , Miss Myrtle , who was on her way home from California , where she has been visiting with her sister , Mrs. Kalb. Mr. and Mrs. Kalb will depart for Alaska in the near fu ture. ture.A A bulletin received by Edwards , Wood & Co. states that the ex cursion boat , Slocum , burned in N. Y. harbor to the water's edge. 1000 people were aboard and be tween 200 and 300 lives were lost. One hundred bodies have been re covered by the police. On account of a wreck up at Buffalo Gap the passenger train was late this morning. There seems to be numerous accidents , wrecks and washouts of late. Shouldn't the state of Nebraska require the public transportation companies to keep their roads in better repair ? Frank Brayton wore a pleasant smile last Saturday as he handed the Editor a cigar and remarked .that he was always at the front. 3Ve supposed he meant the Red Front and took the cigar inquisit ively and Mr. Brayton explained that a bright 10 pound boy came to stay with them Saturday morn ing , June 11 , 190i. Frank says he'll name him Francis Donald. Success to him and them. Mr. and Mrs. Will Morgareidge took a drive down through the sand hills last week , stopping at Bob Gillespie's ranch and visiting Mr. Morgareidge's two sisters , Mrs. Art Tennis and Mrs. S. L. Ellis at Simeon , after which they drove to Valentine , arriving Sun day , where they spent a couple of days visiting friends. From here they go to Cody and visit Mrs. Fannie V. Moore and upon their return to Merriman will start for Moscow , Idaho , to visit with Will's father and mother. CoXNOU-TlLLsox : Orville Con nor and Miss Caroline B. Tillson were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Harris in Wood- Lake , June 7 , 1904 , by Rev. A. JT. Carpenter. SLOXECKER-MARSDEX : John Slonecker and Miss Nellie Mars- den were united in marriage by ftev , A. T. Carpenter , Wednes day evening , June 15,1904. Mr. Slonecker is clerking in the Red Front , and Miss Marsden is from Ainsworth. Both are well known to Valentine and Ainsworth pee ple. BiooLE-McCREA : Earl Riggle and Miss Pearl McCrea were join ed in marriage , Wednesday eve ning , June 15 , 1904 , at the home of the bride in the west part of town , by Rev. * Holsclaw. These young people have grown up in our midst and are bright , honor able people. Mr. Riggle is clerk ing in W. A. Pettycrew's store. We extend congratulations to all of these young couples and wisn them long and prosperous lives. . ! Feed grinder , i Slightly Used Wagon , 4 2 Two-way Pumps , 4I I A Lot of Native A & araware i i i We carry everything i" 'ho linp of J'uilding Maleriai aiHu1 .v. : v'h < , UT Lath , Siding , Shingles , Doors , Windows , Nails , Lime , Cement , which we buy in car load lots. Call and let us figure with you on Building Material. Wagons and Buggies " Always carried in stock. We quote a few of the different makes handled by us : New Moline , Mitchell , Fuller & Johnson , Ban ner , Milburn , Wide and Narrow Tired Spring Wagons and Buggies. When in need of a windmill call and ex Eclipse Windmills. amine the Eclipse. We have always on hand a stock of Pumps , Pipe and Stock Tanks. lmpl Biding and Walking Cultivators. Biding Disk Cultivators , Disk Knife listed corn Cultivators. Sole agents for DEERE Implements and Hancock Disk Plows. Repairs for farm implements. UDWIG UUMBER LO. L. C. SPARKS , Mgr. C. H. Cornell received a letter from Geo. F. Bid well , manager of the Nebraska and Wyoming di vision of the C. &N. W. R'y. , stating that trains No. 4 and 5 could not be extended to Valen tine as they had been put on as an experiment and had not been re- numerative between Norfolk and Longpine , and , that they would probably be cut off or rather cut off to a paying point soon. Junior Normal , Cherry county ranks first with the number of students in attend ance and Rock county follows. Quincy LeeMorrow gave an in teresting talk at Chapel on Wed nesday morning on the subject of "The New Woman. " The young people of Cherry county are doing themselves proud this year. Almost everyone who can possibly do so are attending this summer. * The Junior Normal started Mon day morning with an enrollment of 78. This is 6 or 8 more than was enrolled last year and more are expected to arrive. There are three states represent ed in the normal : Nebraska , Kan sas and South Dakota. This tends to show that the normal is becom ing more popular and the people * are ready , if not eager , to take advantgage of it. All persons holding season tick ets and others desiring reserved seats for the Roberson lecture on June 25th should call at the post- office between the hours of 7:30 : and 9 a. m. , and 5 and 6 p. m. on Friday or Saturday of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Morgareidge have planned a trip to Idaho and cannot attend this year , but Mr. Morgar eidge has sent several of his gradu ates from the Merriman school and through the influence of Mrs. Morgareidge we have the two Misses Weston from Rapid City , South Dakota. TJnolc Tom. Terry's Big Uncle Tom's 7Cabin played to a very large house Wed nesday evening , 1000 people being turned away. It was one of the best shows ever in our city. There were several specialties introduced between acts that were excellent and the spectators were very well pleased. Daily Tribune , Great Fall , Mont. Grand Celebration in Nen- xel the 4t7i of July. Street parade at 9 o'clock a. m. Grand dancing , the best of music. Speaking at 10 o'clock a. m. Mass will be said at the school house at 11 o'clock. Box social at 12 o'clock. In the afternoon will be foot races , sack race , potato race , catch ing a greased pig , climbing a greased pole , horse racing and dancing. To "Persons Having ; Cattle DFW Sale. The First National bank has a book for entering the number and description of cattle of Cherry county , Rosebud reservation and vicinity for sale this fall , which book will be in readiness at all times for the free inspection of cattle buyers. % Parties having cattle for sale are invited to list the same with us , giving description as to age , sex , probable weight and any other in formation that will be of value to parties making inquiry. No charge for listing cattle , but we exact that persons having listed will , upon selling their cattle , advise us at once in order that buyers do not make the trip to their premises tone no purpose. Where one has a fixed price , state the same , otherwise it will be inferred that market price is expected. Since this involves quite an amount of gratuitous work , we ask that in writing , parties de scribe their cattle in the exact manner they wish them entered in our book. Be sure and give postoffice address. address.C. C. H. CORNELL. Valentine , Neb. , June 16,190i. Catholic Church Announce ment. On Sunday next , mass will be said in Valentine at 10:30 : a. m. Catechism class for the children at 3 o'clock p. m. Very Iiow Bates to Chicago , Via the North-western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold on ac count ot National Eepublican Con vention June 1C to 20 , inclusive , ' limited to return , leaving Chicago until and including Tune 29. Apply j to agents Chicago & North-western I E'y. 22 1 ' A.TJCTIOJV SAJLK. OF TOWX AND FARM PROPERTY. We will sell at public auction to the highest bidder in front of the Postoffice in Valentine , Nebraska , at two o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday , July 9 , 190i , the real estate belonging to the estate of George H. Q. Smith , deceased , described as follows : Southwest quarter of section 28 , township 35 , range 28w. Northeast quarter of section 28 , township 35 , range 28w. South half of southwest quarter and south half of southeast quarter section 21 , township 35 , range 28w. Lot 6 in block 5 in Village of Valentine with improvements thereon. F. G. BLACK AND C. H. CORNELL , For heirs of G. H. Q. Smith , deceased. Geo. Tracewell , auctioneer. FOR SALE Ten iron frame coil spring bunks , at Joplin's laundry. Just the thing for claim takers. Call at once at old City hotel. 22 World's Fair Coach Excur sions. Via the North-western Line. Very low rates to St. Louis will be in ef fect on four dates , June 6 , June 13 June 20 and June 27 , for coaoh ex ! cumons to St. Louis via the Chicago & North-western E'y. Only $16.60 for round trip from Valentine , Neb. Eeturn limit seven [ 7 ] days. A great opportunity' to visit the World's fair at a minimum of ex pense. Otner favorable round trip rates are in effect daily , with liberal return limits , stop-over priileges , etc. Full information as to train schedules , checking of baggage and other matters of interest to the in tending traveler on application to Ticket- Agents of the Chicago & North-western E'y. 22 2 > In the District Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. In the matter of the application of Elmer Ev erett , guardian of Stella Everett , minor heir of Emma Everett , deceased , formerly Emma Fear- son , for leave to sell real estate. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Honorable J. J. Harrlneton , one of the Judges of the District Court of Cherry Coun ty , Nebraska made on the 33rd day of May , 1904 for the sale of real estate hereinafter de scribed , there will he sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for one-third cash , balance on three years time , at seven per cent interest per annum , secured by lirst mortgage on said real estate , at the front door of the Court House in the Village of Valentine , in said county , on the 9th day of July , 1004. at the hour ot 10 a. m , , the following described real estate : SJSNWU.NWifSWJi&SWJi NE4 , Sec. 8 , Tp. 28 , R. 28. said county. Said sale will remain - main open one hour. Dated this ICth day of June. A. D. . 1904. ELMER EVEKETT , Guardian of Stella Everett , minor heir of Emma Everett , deceased. Bj Walcott & Morrlssey his attorneys. 2S 4 THE VALENTINE HOUSE Nebraska ' , v 'ir-i - > ' > ri \ < ' i' ' " Jas. E. Popper W. n. Me Braver Canadian t'luii . 3XT. All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars of the choicest brands. Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer a specialty. : : : : : : : Oakland Hunters Bye Blue Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey JAMES B. HULL HE OWL WA , TAYLOR- Of Cf Cf Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA HENRY TAYLOR. GEANT BOYER. TAYLOR & BOYBR , Contractors and Builders , Carpentering. All kinds of wood work clone to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes B3PWork shop in Charbonneau's blacksmith shop. VALENTINE - - NEBRASKA. Livery , Feed and Sale Stable New Rigs Good Horses Careful Drivers Spacious barn , conveniently located , for splendid accom modations to the public who want to drive , or have hors es to feed. feed.SHEPARD SHEPARD BROS. ( Successors to Tracewell & Bonser. ) Valentine - - ' Nebraska. JT HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska ring i our Next rder Flere. We print Letter Heads , Note Heads , Bill Heads , Envelopes , Notes , Cards , Wedding Stationery , Sale Bills , etc. , etc. , at prices that are right. All work guaranteed to suit. Our stock stands inspection. THE DEMOCRAT Valentine , = Nebraska. W. T. Bishop , IVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE The Wilber Barn Your Patronage Solicited. VALENTINE BOWLING ALLEY No. 1 Standard Alleys. A healthful , innocent sport. OPEN DAILY FROM I O'CLOCK TO 11 O'CLOCK P.